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2007-11-15, 11:02 AM
One of my players is planning on playing a Half-Orc Paladin if things go south with his Rogue / Swashbucker and he proposed a question to me that I had no answer for.

Does a feat exist that would allow him to wield a Greataxe in one hand?

I thought Monkey Grip but I don't know if that makes sense...

Please help.

brian c
2007-11-15, 11:06 AM
Um... if he's Medium-sized then no. If he gets enlarged (and the weapon doesn't) then there's a weapon size equivalency table somewhere (Medium greataxe would be equiv to a large 1H axe maybe). You could always houserule a penalty to carrying a 2H weapon with one hand, I would think about -4 to attack (and of course you only get 1x STR, and power attack is at the 1H rate). Seeing those things though... why wouldn't he just use both hands?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-11-15, 11:09 AM
Monkey Grip will not allow him to wield a greataxe one-handed, but he could wield a large-sized battle axe one-handed (albeit with a -2 penalty), which is about the size of a medium greataxe (2d6 damage vs. 1d12).

2007-11-15, 11:17 AM
No feat, but a magic item. The Strongarm Bracers from the MIC.

2007-11-15, 11:27 AM
Does it break rules if someone tells me what the The Strongarm Bracers do? and the aprox. cost?

What if I was to do something similar to the The Strongarm Bracers but make it only able to affect Greataxes.

2007-11-15, 11:39 AM
One of my players is planning on playing a Half-Orc Paladin if things go south with his Rogue / Swashbucker and he proposed a question to me that I had no answer for.

Does a feat exist that would allow him to wield a Greataxe in one hand?

I thought Monkey Grip but I don't know if that makes sense...

Please help.

Monkey Grip won't work, and is a horrible feat anyway. Never, ever use it.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Dwarven Waraxe is a little bit closer to what he wants to do. 1d10 damage instead of 1d12. Pick up Enlarge Person from somewhere and it becomes almost identical to a greataxe with a size increase. However, he'd be wasting a feat to do +1 more damage than a battle-axe, which isn't all that optimal.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Warmace (CompWar p. 154) has the same damage as a greataxe (1d12) but you take a -1 AC penalty when wielding it.

Hmmm... why do I now have this urge to build a Thri-Kreen with EWP: Warmace, Oversize TWF, and Multi-Attack?

2007-11-15, 11:53 AM
Don't be afraid to Home Brew this if you really want it to be possible.

Prerequisites: Strength 20+, Base Attack Bonus +1,
Benefits: Truly you are mighty. You can use any Two Handed Weapon as a One Handed Weapon without penalty.
Special: A fighter may this as one of his fighter bonus feats.

It won't break the game, that is so long as you don't allow a 2:1 Power Attack exchange!

Alternatively, just use a House Rule. Any Character with sufficient Strength may use a Two Handed Weapon in One Hand, but suffers a -4 AB penalty.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-11-15, 11:56 AM
Does it break rules if someone tells me what the The Strongarm Bracers do? and the aprox. cost?

What if I was to do something similar to the The Strongarm Bracers but make it only able to affect Greataxes.

Strongarm Bracers basically does what Monkey Grip does, but without imposing a -2 penalty.

They cost somewhere between 4 and 8 thousand gp.

With proficiency to wield a dwarven waraxe one-handed you could use the strongarm bracers to wield a large-sized one at no penalty for 2d8 damage.

Mr. Friendly
2007-11-15, 12:04 PM
Don't be afraid to Home Brew this if you really want it to be possible.

It won't break the game, that is so long as you don't allow a 2:1 Power Attack exchange!

Alternatively, just use a House Rule. Any Character with sufficient Strength may use a Two Handed Weapon in One Hand, but suffers a -4 AB penalty.

I think that feat is mildly broken on it's own. It should have the following changes:

Choose one type of Two-Handed weapon with which you are proficient.
Prerequisites: Strength 20+, Base Attack Bonus +1, Proficiency with selected weapon.
Benefits: Truly you are mighty. You can use the selected Two-Handed Weapon as a One-Handed Weapon without penalty.
Special: You can gain Strong as Hell multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.

A fighter may select Strong as Hell as one of his fighter bonus feats.



Fax Celestis
2007-11-15, 12:15 PM
Monkey Grip won't work, and is a horrible feat anyway. Never, ever use it.

Never say never.

2007-11-15, 12:30 PM
I think that feat is mildly broken on it's own. It should have the following changes:



Yeah, I initially wrote it like that, but decided for 3.5 it should be more permissive, as with Weapon Finesse. If it was for 3.0, it would have been that way.

2007-11-15, 01:51 PM
Why would a Paladin want to wield a weapon one greataxe one handed? The difference between a battleaxe (1d8) and a greataxe (1d12) is an average of 2 points of damage per hit. If he wants a few more points of AC without buying an animated shield, he can just use a battleaxe and pick up Power Attack, or invest in a magic weapon. Or you could just let him take Weapon Specialization, without the Weapon Focus or Fighter level requirements. Its a nerfed feat anyway.

Also, if he's a Half-Orc, he should probably look at Headlong Rush (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20030301a), and consider using a two handed reach weapon, like a lance from the back of his mount, or a guisarme.