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2021-08-15, 10:43 AM
1) - Corian Lock - Lord of the South Central Province - Half Elf, has a wife and daughter - Known for his patronage to the magical arts, Lord Locke is known to have quite an arcanium and has an intense interest in the occult. Generous to his friends, fair with those who are neutral, but utterly ruthless when it comes to his enemies, he is currently ranked 6th in the progression of lords.

2) - Sulumor Grey - Lord of the Eastern Province - Dwarf - Has a well known affliction of lycanthropy which he has passed to his son. Is known to be the most accepting of racial differences, provided they are capable of basic intellect and courtesy. Sulumor is known for kindness & generosity, while his son has supposed rumors of cruelty & violence. Lords often look down on the Grey's due to their acceptance of "less civilized" beings, however the trade associated with this acceptance has led to them being extremely wealthy.

3) - Andrea Kemont - Lady of the Central Province - Half /Drow Elf - A bardess of renowned quality, rumors abound about her affair with a powerful entity, while yet to be truly confirmed, her son is a powerful warrior capable of defeating multiple foes at once and having never lost a one on one duel. Andrea is a diplomat & schemer, she will often invite members over and lavish them with gifts, then either trick, convince or blackmail them into whatever her current goal entails.

4) - Hayes Eckhart - Lord of the Inner South Province -Elf- A champion of the people, hero to commons and nobles alike, the Eckhart family is known to be openhanded, willing to take risks, & rarely pursues vengeance, and why shouldn't they? The Eckhart's have the most fertile lands, some of the best trade routes, including the only land access to the hooked coast, and the only mithral mine on the continent. The heirs to the Eckhart line are a set of twins who have garnered a reputation for incredible tag team work.

5) - Ovroc Onotta - Ducal Lord of the Northern Province Alliance - Human - Lord Onotta is the middle aged war weary soldier, having lived and fought in the lesser provinces for his younger years, he gathered multiple lesser lords and created an alliance, while he is the temporary lord of the Northern Province, an area that has historically been a mix of lawlessness and inconsistent lords. Ovroc deals rapidly and solidly, he doesn't waste anyone's time, but neither does he cater to insufferable nobles.

6) - Zarant - Lady of the Hooked Coast - Gnome - The Hooked Coast is filled with a myriad of vicious and monstrous creatures, its also filled with a majority of the rare mineral mines and various exotic & rare plants. The coast is one of the more primitive and underdeveloped provinces, but it is one of the most sought after regions for both pillage and conquest, Only Eckhart has land access, but 4 other nations have easy ocean access. Zarant is a tricky individual who has come to expect treachery from others, though she has never broken faith first, she has always been prepared to do so.

7) - Nikalos Furlan -Lord of the Northwestern Province - Elf - Widely regarded as the undefeated duelist and master of the rapier, Furlan is a pretentious Elf who regards his honor and reputation to be of the upmost importance, he was rumored to have killed someone every moon. He has of late he has turned his dueling responsibilities and managing his realm to his children. As the Northwest province breaks the grand ocean winds, and is the primary port for off continent trade routes it is both a highly wealthy and enduring province, its people are hardy, even if they have little in the way of desirable resources.

8) - ?????- Lord of the South-Western Province - ???? - Recent internal power struggles & a xenophobic tendency, the ruler of the Southeastern province rarely travels, or engages in high level diplomacy or interactions, known for a slow moving, but ruthlessly efficient army, the province operates by slowly moving forward an acquiring territory, while never putting themselves into a compromising position.

9) - King Nilo Iguidissen - King/Lord of the Royal Province - A battle worn province that has been recovering under the careful guidance of King Nilo for almost 2 decades, while the region has prospered by not being attacked in nearly 20 years, additionally the final battle separated half of the provinces from the others, leading to a buffer between the ever shifting powers. The cost to acquire that security was hard paid, and now other provinces are closing the gap, threatening the security of the "royal realm" and putting the continent closer to all out war.

Deity #1 - Nelryn - Portrayed as a 4 armed battle maiden of surpassing beauty, her symbols a set of scales, a bow overlain with a shield and sword. and a winged lion. While just as revered and worshipped as the other 4 gods, she makes her will known the most and often intervenes or manifests, particularly during trials for both the guilty and innocent. Her paladins, knights and other servants work to determine the truth themselves, but when administering justice, they use masks with no eyes, so that should Nelryn desire it she may guide their strike. Once a case has been brought to judgement almost no one argues with the outcome, and if they do, it is privately.

She lets mortals develop their own laws and policies, but if & when she intervenes, few challenge her opinion or mandate, and laws will change to reflect her view.

Despite being the embodiment of justice & law, she takes present actions into account. If a criminal states their repentance, and desire to atone, she encourages mercy and the opportunity to do so, occasionally interfering with the will and dictates of magistrates (judges). Accordingly, she is extremely hostile to those who were afforded said opportunity and reneged or tried to escape it.

Deity #2 - Cervious - God of Life, Birth, Nature, Growth & Peace
Cervious - The god of life is also known as the Gardener & Shepherd, his appearance when he manifests in physical form is that of an aged, but still physically capable man, usually with a full but trimmed beard (salt and peppered color). He doesn't abhor death nor killing, but he does despise killing solely for trophies & not capturing enemies when you have the opportunity.

Natural phenomena like wildfires, storms & earthquakes are associated with his displeasure, while summer storms (heavy rain and rumbling thunder but not devastating weather effects) & bright breezy days are his gifts.
Symbol: Spade or Shepherds Crook - Favored Weapon - Quarter Staff, Sycthe & Handaxe.

Deity #3 - Karmina - God of Fate, Chaos, Luck & Change :
Whether her form is that of the alluring succubus, the shrill harpy or a sinuous Yuan-ti Karmina is always portrayed as exotic, seductive, & beguiling. Each form has significant variation from the typical attributes of its kind, however there are also traits that stories reveal are ever-present, Golden eyes with vertical black pupils, a voice that resonates both verbally and mentally, and a feeling of good fortune and opportunity. Called the Maiden of misfortune by those she "spurns" and Lady Luck for those who curry her favor, she intervenes nearly as often as Nelryn, though rarely as overtly or extravagantly.

She takes pleasure in aiding those down on there luck, providing they make a proper offering or tribute, for those who spur her name or unfairly blame her for their own poor luck/decisions, she relishes in making them suffer. Often appearing in dreams or to those who undergoing a crucible she will offer guidance, aid or support, her agents are rarely considered paladins, by the more "virtuous" but they serve her all the same, they despise cheaters and those who wish to alter the constraints of a competition unduly or without shared knowledge & agreement.

Karmina's most powerful and most, personally, reviled gift is the ability to see the futures or paths of certain individuals. She hates interfering with these people as she relishes the concept of being surprised and experiencing luck, however thru either the requests/prayers of worshippers or the urging & prodding of her fellow gods, she often intercedes. Dagger, crossbow, Long-spear are her weapons

Deity #4 - Hircus - God of Night, Death, Peace & the Unknown - Hircus is both the oldest deity and the youngest, having existed since the concept of death was grasped by mortals, however each century he chooses an avatar to embody his powers & prior knowledge. This odd habit is due to his desire to avoid becoming addicted to the deaths of mortals and coveting it, as the more mortals engage & experience the domains of the gods the more the gods grow in presence and power. His form is that of a skeletal satyr with cloak reminiscent of the starry skies, he often travels the lands collecting the souls of those who aren't properly buried or laid to rest.

He can often be called with a ritual involving a sacrificed creature, and a tidbit of knowledge or rare fact, while he often does favors for mortals he similarly requires compensation from them. He is known never to appear in sunlight or in areas of active conflict, but will often visit battlefields late in the night. Weapons - War axe, Longbow, Glaive/halberd.

Deity # 5 - Altwahris- God of adversity power, conflict & ambition - A brusque god who favors those who earn it, work for it and face challenges repeatedly. Usually appearing as a thickly bearded human, dwarf or orc, Altwahris is a warrior, a gladiator, explorer and champion. Those seeking his favor must first perform an act of athletic, or combative excellence, though he has a preference for martial and physical deeds, he openly acknowledges those of keen intellect or magical prowess, many a general has earned his favor through tactical brilliance in addition to their martial abilities.

Altwahris is the only god, who can routinely be found at certain places at certain times, as a result he has a significant number of worshippers since many can and do interact with him compared to some of the other gods.
Weapons - Great Axe, Maul, Trident.

Laws of the Land - Royal Decree

The following are crimes against both the land & the people, it is the at the lords discretion as to the crime's punishment

Slavery - The owning or act of controlling a creature of noteworthy intelligence against its will, without proper compensation, maintenance, & agreement.
Murder - Unauthorized killing of a citizen of the realm
Assault - Unauthorized attack or action leading to injury to a citizen of the realm
Rape - Actions taken against a citizen of the realm, usually in a sexual nature
Theft - Loss of property or belongings, usually to an agent of ill repute/intent.

Dueling is Legal & encouraged, lords may restrict or control aspects of dueling within their cities.

Spying, mercenaries, & myriads of all these occupations are/were ready to use them.

A Brief History -

Their are 8 shards of power that when combined with an ancient crown give the wearer/owner the ability to literally enforce their will across the land.
A century ago, the current monarch was killed during an invasion of monsters, upon his deathbed he declared he made a 5 declarations that swept across the continent, he expalined that his heirs were not sufficient for ruling, he took his crown and broken a point off giving 1 piece each to his advisors, while the crown was to be returned to his heirs.

The five declarations the "Last King" as he came to be called, were:
- The lands of the royal house shall not be assaulted by any citizens or powers of the realm.
- Each holder of a shard of the crown shall be considered a Lord of his domain, so long as his domain is held under his own power, or by the fealty of others.
- Each domain lord shall decree the laws of the land to his own purview, these laws shall be in accordance with the rules set forth by the crown.
- Every 5 years the bearers of the shards & crown shall meet at Coriadel Castle, the lord whose domain is the largest shall become the new Royal familly, at this time he may attempt to collect vows of fealty from the other lords.
- This process will endure until the a king has all vows of fealty from the 8 lords of the land.

The crown has switched controls 4 times over the past century, however, the original "royal" family currently retains it, until the last 20 years, the sizes and shapes of the lords domains have altered vastly, with alliances and treaty's formed & broken between at unprecedented rates. However, the last reclamation of the crown, also divided 4 regions to the east and 4 to the west, effectively reducing the amount of conflicts that could occur.

Currently - It is 2 years 4 months & 1 week from the next convergence, the group is in the territory of Corian Locke, who has just defeated a sea-based invasion by Zarant.

2021-08-19, 01:15 PM
The beach was covered with the bloated corpses, the tides had washed most of the blood either away or into the sand, coloring it a rustic brown. Gulls squawked as they picked at the corpses along with the crustaceans who skittered around them. A well trodden pathway leads up the cliffs, and the scattered military camp that was based atop them, only a tithe of the tents remain, most survivors having already packed their gear and departed.

A company of soldiers is moving from corpse to corpse, collecting gear, and throwing the corpses onto a wagon, a pile bodies awaits at one end of the beach, a collection of wood, detritus and a barrel of pitch beside it. Despite the task, the soldiers seem to be in acceptable spirits, they exchange a few jokes in bad taste, but are making quick progress

Lieutenant Benyair strode across the remnants of the camp, approaching the path he sped his pace before hopping nimbly from a few jutting rocks until he reached the bottom of the cliff, landing in the sand with a thud.

Benyair approached the group of candidates his captain had deemed worthy of either officer placements or specialty missions. Greetings, as I told you this morning, I am Lt. Korhis Benyair, I've been instructed to hire you as a specialty squad, given that you're all still here I'm assuming you're all interested.

Pay is distributed based on assignment success, recovered or scavenged materials & client discretion. You'll be fed, housed, and have access to officer resources within the domain, Sergeants (you're initial rank) receive 50 platinum per month for base pay, if you work with the quartermaster that can be stretched a bit.

" Questions??? .... "giving only a brief pause before continuing.

"Good, now then, there's a village about 20 miles from here" He points a gauntleted hand to the east, along the line of the cost, "They were having trouble with some kind of sea scorpions before Zarant tried to invade, now that we've addressed the invasion, its time to get back to serving the people.

"Get to the village, investigate and deal with the problem, in the long term, if its a nest kill it, if its a migration find a way to divert it. "

Pulling a large bag from his belt, and a silver badge from a breast pocket, holding them out,

"This should keep you out of undue trouble with any local magistrates or self righteous villagers, the bag is for anything of value you find.

Remember while you're on contract for Lord Locke or one of his representatives anything you find is theirs unless refused, you will of course receive a share of whatever you collect."

2021-08-19, 01:42 PM
With a curt nod, Winterhawk took the offered badge. It wasn't quite the follow-up job she was expecting, but then again, it wasn't her place to question.

"What do we need to know about these creatures? Will we need anti-toxin or more stronger remedies in case of injury?" With a name like "sea scorpion", the young woman anticipated something poisonous might have to be dealt with. "Will we need spells or potions to breath water?"

2021-08-19, 02:36 PM
In contrast to Winterhawk's politeness, Baz grabs the badge offered, gives it a bite and with satisfaction of its metal purity, puts it in his bag.

"Sea Scorpions? Can't say I've much experience hunting anything by that name; this isn't one of those silly wizard abominations like an owlbear is it?

Bazent looks to the others with a calm, curious expression, belittling the viscera on him from the corpses.

2021-08-19, 04:30 PM
Cormick stands silently, searching his memory for any useful scraps of information about sea scorpions in this part of the world.

If sea scorpions are Animals or something else covered by Nature: [roll0] including Collector of Stories skill trick
If they've had impact on history at some point, such as a major incursion: [roll1]

2021-08-19, 04:57 PM
Wordlessly Vodrid walks to Lieutenant Benyair. Poised his body moving without any extra movement as his hand calmly extends out and grabs a metal. With a slight nod he turns and walks over to where Cormick is standing. While in his mind it’s Need to be careful don’t stumble or trip. Focus. So many people are looking don’t turn keep walking grab it. Don’t drop it walk back don’t stumble! Internally panicking while looking calm on the outside due to his large build and armor. He pins the badge onto his cloak. Waiting for further instructions or info before heading out to the village.

2021-08-19, 05:19 PM
With a curt nod, Winterhawk took the offered badge. It wasn't quite the follow-up job she was expecting, but then again, it wasn't her place to question.

"What do we need to know about these creatures? Will we need anti-toxin or more stronger remedies in case of injury?" With a name like "sea scorpion", the young woman anticipated something poisonous might have to be dealt with. "Will we need spells or potions to breath water?"

I don't know much about them or anything to tell you the true. He paused for a moment, chin in hand before speaking again. I'd wager they're some variety of aquatic monstrous vermin, and they got stirred up by Zarant before he invaded, hells might have been apart of the invasion plan. Shrugging his tone changed from theoretical musing to indifference, "Still we haven't had reports from any of the of the other villages north or south, but received another request for aid last evening."

As for anti-toxin's or water potions, these haven't been a problem before so I don't standard supplies will have much of anything useful. The village is large enough to have an alchemist and maybe a few low magicians, so they'll probably be better equipped to help or supply you.

In contrast to Winterhawk's politeness, Baz grabs the badge offered, gives it a bite and with satisfaction of its metal purity, puts it in his bag.

"Sea Scorpions? Can't say I've much experience hunting anything by that name; this isn't one of those silly wizard abominations like an owlbear is it?
Bazent looks to the others with a calm, curious expression, belittling the viscera on him from the corpses.

You think Owl bears are silly? Well I'll give you that the name is a bit odd & they do look a bit ungainly first time you see them, but have you ever had to clear a nest of them out? Damn things would rather you kill them then leave.

Cormick stands silently, searching his memory for any useful scraps of information about sea scorpions in this part of the world.

If sea scorpions are Animals or something else covered by Nature: [roll0] including Collector of Stories skill trick
If they've had impact on history at some point, such as a major incursion: [roll1]

Cormick's Knowledge Check - They are a type of monstrous vermin that have long since adapted to living underwater, though they retain there ability to traverse land. Their "poison" sting is more of an acidic discharge to help them burrow into places underwater, most of the vermin can be found feeding near underwater thermal vents and volcanic crevices.
Will likely be resistant to fire, cold and acid, and will likely exhibit some "swarm or hive mind" traits.

2021-08-19, 05:27 PM
Bodok stands quietly, his right hands resting on the hilt and crossguard of his better blade and follows the conversation, turning his head around lazily to stare at whoever's talking at the moment, only stepping forward to receive his badge, slipping it immediately into one of the pouches on his belt without so much at looking at it. This isn't his usual line of work, but if the others are in, it'll have to do, so he nods. So long as these things die if one hit them hard enough, this should not be a huge deal.

2021-08-19, 07:54 PM
I'd wager they're some variety of aquatic monstrous vermin ...

Cormick nods. "Amphibious vermin, at home on land or under the water. They like warm spots like volcanic vents, so talking with the locals may help us pin down where the nest is. They're resistant to the elements and have an acid sting, so they're a tough enough nut to crack for your average farmer, but what will make them difficult for us to deal with is the way they seem smarter in groups." He shakes his head. "Not as canny as the soldiers we faced recently, I'd wager, but they act smarter than plain scorpions have any right to."

As for anti-toxin's or water potions, these haven't been a problem before so I don't standard supplies will have much of anything useful. The village is large enough to have an alchemist and maybe a few low magicians, so they'll probably be better equipped to help or supply you.

Speaking to the group, Cormick interjects, "And don't forget my water crystal." He pries an aquamarine-colored stone out of a setting on his nearly-black leaf-motif armor. "This will let one of you swim pretty well if your armor is magical enough to handle it. No water-breathing, but it'll help."

2021-08-20, 05:24 AM
Bodok gives Cormick a nod of acknowledgement, before turning his head leisurely towards the lieutenant. Not ideal. he says tapping the hilt of his scimitar lightly, his voice deep and firm. But nothing we can't handle, Sir.

Dusk Raven
2021-08-20, 05:30 PM
Gheară wrinkled her nose. They didn't smell bad yet, but those bodies were going to have to be burned soon, or they would become putrid in the heat. She hoped she'd be away from this place by the time the burning started - she didn't want to be around for that stench either.

Talking was never Gheară's strong suit, so she mostly remained silent while the others discussed their enemy and their tactics, thinking of what she'd heard about them previously...


"Sea Scorpions?" she muttered to herself. "Got warned about those things before a mission once. Didn't actually encounter them though." It was on the mission where she'd received the magical coral implanted in her right wrist. That was a good hunt...

At the mention of breathing underwater, Gheară shrugged. "I won't need it, I can hold my breath for two minutes at least, and I can always transform into something that can swim, anyways."

Lupesculu, meanwhile, simply sat nearby, panting in the heat, and looking towards the bodies being carted towards the future pyre. Perhaps he thought it was a waste of good meat. Still, Gheară had no intention of asking anybody if her wolf could have some of the enemy corpses. Even she knew that some things just weren't to be asked. Besides, it's wasn't like Lupesculu needed permission, at least when no one was looking...

2021-08-21, 08:07 PM
The travel to the fishing village was simple, if uneventful, the group passed several merchant caravans, a few groups of slow moving troops returning to their posts after the battle, and a few lone travelers, who gave the odd looking group a wide berth.

Having left at mid morning, the 26 miles they needed to cover took most of the remain day, the sun was low to the ground behind them as they sighted the town, their shadows elongated towards their destination, almost like pointing arrows...

The village was built right on the edge of the cliffs, the oldest and grandest buildings were positioned to survey the horizon, and break the fierce ocean wind. Behind the edge buildings were layers of new and smaller structures, each appearing to have been built at different times.

A wooden palisade ran the landside perimeter of the town, two gates located equidistant from the ends and each other, outside the palisade, dozens of tents and upturned boats were scattered about in a make shift grid. The appear to have been freshly placed, as paths just now look to be forming between various "structures",
On the far side of the town an inlet holds a large set of ramps that switch back & forth down to the water. A series of makeshift barricades manned by half a dozen men each are positioned on these ramps, each armed with a spear & a crossbow.

Near the top and what appears to be an antique ballista, a gruff man is bellowing orders to a group of men who are attempting to transport the aged weapon.

C'mon now lads, together! Lift together! Harshman don't grab the string you'll slit your fingers, Beonson I'd be careful standing there if Seamus tightens his grip on that release rod, you're gonna get whiplash even if this thing ain't loaded. Da'mmit Mikins watch that ****-wheel.

After a minute or so, the device is apparently where the man wants it, and he releases his charges.

Stepping forward the man begins examining the ballista, checking the taut string, the bolt channel etc...


2021-08-22, 10:34 AM
Winterhawk tensed up as she always did when exposed to new people. But already though, the bland smile was in place as she stepped forward. The Hat made her look relatively normal, hiding the Mask as if it was just her face, ever-untouched by pain and shadow. She drew out her new badge as she approached the man near the ballista.

"Pardon me, are you in charge of the militia in this town? We have been sent by Lieutenant Beyair to deal with the sea scorpion situation. Who should we be talking to?" Winterhawk made sure the badge was in full view as she politely spoke.

Winterhawk (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2300664)
F CN Human Rogue 5//Swash 5/Avenging Exe 2, Level 7, Init 5, HP 62/62, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 15, Fort 9, Ref 14, Will 9, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Rapier +1 +12/7 (1d6+8, 18-20/x2)
Kukri +1 +12/7 (1d4+8, 18-20/x2)
7/day mists conceal wearer for 1 minute, vision not obscured Mithralmist Shirt (+5 Armor, +5 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 17
Mask of Mental Armor: You gain a +3 resistance bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells and abilities.

2021-08-22, 11:23 AM
In contrast to the good lady, Baz did not need to put on airs or make an attempt at being sociable; this didn't mean he was good at it. He then shows this talking to one of the men hoisting the weapon.

"Oi! Lads! A fine weapon you have there, any chance you're using this to shoot at some sea scorpions? I've got a badge here that says I'm gonna help you take care of these pests!
It is at this point one would be reminded that Bazent is a half naked dwarf with unkempt hair, still dirty from the battle earlier, his eyes and smile that of a madman, and worst of all - the badge is in his bag where noone knows what he's talking about.

2021-08-22, 11:46 AM
Bodok has the common sense to hang back, close enough to hear the exchange between his comrades and the militiamen, but not too close, making sure there's a few fellow mercenaries between the locals and himself, lest he startles the former: he might very well be the first diopsid these folks ever got to encounter and the last thing he needs is to be confused for a sea scorpion. He's not here to talk anyway. He's here to slash things.
Instead of addreesing those assembled, he looks around, taking in the scenery, tapping the hilt of his sharper scimitar lazily with his upper right hand. The town is pretty. A bit barren, yes: a few more trees here and there would make a huge difference, but it's pleasing to the eye regardless.

2021-08-22, 01:39 PM
Vodrid quitely waits for additional information. Preparing for a fight in his mind. Standing quietly by the back of the group.

Dusk Raven
2021-08-22, 04:45 PM
Gheară said nothing to the militiamen, not yet. Instead, she made herself look busy attending to Lupesculu, going up to him and putting a hand on his neck. To onlookers, it'd look like she was herding him, thus showing him to be controlled and harmless. Not that he was really either of those things, but appearances mattered, and to Gheară's chagrin, being threatening didn't always help. Lupesculu snorted, but went along with the ruse, also remaining silent. They'd been through this song and dance before. Soon, both of them could be let loose...

2021-08-23, 12:35 PM
The man ceases his examination of the cross bow, turning to both Baz & Lady Winterhawk, his gaze going over the unkempt dwarf with a slightly critical eye, then a twitch to the head indicating. His eyes review Winterhawk a few times more then likely necessary. Clearing his throat he speaks to both of them, voice layered with anger, fear, irritation and annoyance.

I'm not the leader of nuttin', I'm the bloody blacksmith, and I've been ousted outta me shop, an' into "organizing an adequate defense", his voice pitches a few octaves as though he is imitating an individual of "superior" rank.

Pausing the man lets out a tired sigh, "The leader of other of the militia is Mayor Borcan. He's holed up with most of the trained militia at his estate. Hmph!"

Looking towards the ocean & down the, cluttered ramp, he shakes his head slightly, then returns his gaze to Baz & Winterhawk. Look if you folks are here to do something, ya'arent gonna have time to meet with Borcan, least not tonight, them vermin will be here within a half turn of the clock. I'll tell you all I know, and give you what aid I can, but these people ain't soldiers, we've lost over 3 dozen so far, and I'm not of a mind to lose more.

OoC: Sense Motive - You may make sense motives to gauge his information, and any other knowledge checks releveant to the info revealed at this point.

Barricade sections of the ramp, and man them with spear users, hold out as long as possible, when defense is routed escape to the next barricade, other villagers support with ranged weapons.

Sea Scorpions - Have attacked "en masse" from the water, small sized ones clamber out and directly up the cliff faces, the man sized ~(18)ones go up the ramps with the horse sized (~6)ones supporting them. The two massive ones, launch acid from their tales in a ranged support, the swarm almost always attacks as the sun is setting.

2021-08-23, 01:57 PM

Cormick, wearing his raven as usual, steps forward to address the man. "Thank you, Smith, that frames the picture well. I do have a few more questions that might help us protect you better." With a couple inane interruptions from Castle -- "Hello! Hello! Bloody blacksmith!" -- he quickly asks for clarifications that show good tactical training and hopefully will reassure the smith that the villagers are in good hands.

2021-08-26, 05:48 PM
Lord Locke's adventurers briefly discuss tactics among themselves, then Cormick casts a few spells before addressing the militia's unwilling leader again. "I want two lit lanterns sitting on each ramp. Can your people provide those, quickly? They should be placed about one third and two thirds of the way down each side."

"Hey, waddya want them for? It ain't that dark," Castle interrupts.

Cormick eyes the bird a moment before replying, "The smoke spell, silly."

"Ughh, I hate that spell. It stinks!"

"Maybe so, but it works. How about it, Smith? Is it possible?"

2021-08-26, 11:03 PM

At Cormick's urging the Kurlin, the blacksmith, sends a pair of men to grab lanterns from the town. As they dash off, the smith pats his apron pocket, "Got a couple of dancing light wands, got 'em from the mayor's spellweaver, they've given us a chance these last few nights."

As the minutes pass, and the sun sinks ever lower to the western horizon, the mood of the gather men tightens more and more, eventually a ripple scores the surface of the waves, a dozen scorpions, each the size of man charge up thde initial set of ranks. Four large (catergoy) scorpions emerge from the water, then a few moments later , four large scorpions appear and move cross the bride.

2021-08-27, 06:11 AM
Don't light up the upper ones just yet. says Bodok to Cormick, gesturing towards the lamps. He then pats the old man on the shoulder encouragingly, before turning to Vodrid, as he begins to stride down the right hand ramp, drawing his scimitars. Come on, Vod. Let's go teach 'em manners.

2021-08-27, 11:09 AM
Vodrid nods to Bodok drawing a Falchion out from his sheath the blade having a slight dark wisps ebbing out of the blade as he walks down the right ramp with Bodok.

2021-08-27, 12:32 PM
Bazent draws his weapons, loosens up, and gets ready for a fight; he grips low on the handles, swinging power for an awkward position.
Activating Punishing Stance (-2 AC, +1d6 damage)

"Show them what for! A fine day for a stand against the horde!"

Dusk Raven
2021-08-27, 01:17 PM
After taking a few moments to acquaint herself with walking on air, Gheară readies her adamantine scimitar, holding it in both hands. "All right, then..." Walking into the air, after getting some distance between herself and the defending militia, she finally lets her inner beast out. She twitches slightly as her lycanthropic side starts to take over. Only dimly visible in the dark, her nails become claws, and her face distorts into a wolflike snout with accompanying teeth. Her insides shift, making room for more powerful muscles, and she seems to grow slightly in size as her limbs bulk up. With this accomplished, she smirks, and begins casting a simple Ranger spell to enhance her teeth and jaws. Finally, with a snarl, she focuses her feral fury, swinging her blade a few times threateningly and tensing, ready to pounce...

Move Action: walk 50 feet forward off the platform through the air.
Free Action: Enter Shifting. This grants me, base, +2 DEX, +2 CON, a claw attack at d4, and a bite attack at d6. In addition, Warshaper grants an additional +4 STR, +4 CON, immunity to stunning and critical hits, and lets me increase the damage die for one of my natural weapons by 1 size. I'll apply it to my bite, bumping it up to d8.
Standard Action: Cast Magic Fang on my teeth.
Free Action: Enter Whirling Frenzy. This increases my Strength by a further 4, as well as my AC and Reflex saves by 2. It further gives me the option to make an additional attack at my highest BAB, but all attacks take a -2.
Finally, Skirmish increases my AC by a further +1.
In total, my buffs are:
+8 STR, +2 DEX, +6 CON, +3 AC (22 total), +2 Reflex (14 total), and a +1 to attacks and damage with my bite.
Shifting will last for 15 rounds, Whirling Frenzy for 12.

Lupesculu, meanwhile, growls at the approaching scorpions, taking up position at the ramp as instructed...

Double Move Action: move towards the left ramp, taking up position at its top (at the 3x3 square on the map)

2021-08-29, 01:47 AM

The sea scorpions advance up both sides of the ramps, another pair of horse sized emerge from the water and begin the ascent. Meanwhile the two massive beasts reposition themselves at the base of each ramp. In the water they previously occupied, the water churns & thrashes as as dozens of dog sized scorpions appear, and clamber towards the deck at the base of the crane.

Go ahead and post instructions/actions, I think I've got everyone's moves accounted for "prior" combat movement. If not mention at the start of your post, then post your movement/action.

2021-08-29, 06:38 AM
The diopsid stares at the approaching vermin with some annoyance. He didn't mean to let them get this close. The damn buggers are fast. Not that it will save their chitinous hides.
Lights flare up on his face and abdomen in a seemingly erratic pattern* and the beetle surges forward in a quick burst of speed, swinging his scimitars with great force, intent on tearing straight into the scorpion in front of him.

*<Redacted for extreme obscenity> you degenerate piles of bat guano!

Bodok charges the scorpion in front of him:
Attacks: [roll0] for [roll1]
and [roll2] for [roll3]
His AC is 23 until the start of his next turn.

2021-08-29, 08:52 AM
Winterhawk would also have walked 50 feet forward off the platform through the air, following with Gheară and drawing her blades.

There is a near childlike look of wonder on Winterhawk's face as she takes a few cautious steps in the air, almost as if she was thinking of better times from long ago.

Then her hands brush against the hilts of her weapons and the moment is gone, replaced now by hardness. There are enemies to kill and she will not falter in her mission. Winterhawk follows after Gheară. This was an unknown enemy and they as yet didn't know how difficult they would be in combat. This wasn't an assassination, where solitude would make more sense. In this sort of fight, you needed to have your fellow soldier's back.

"...the big ones are splitting up..." ...interesting...

Winterhawk's eyes narrowed. It led more towards the suspicion that the sea scorpions were indeed being controlled somehow.

Again, having Gheară's back in taking out the Big Guys and moving with her.

2021-08-30, 02:35 PM
Bazent springs forward with a warcry, slashing at one of the beasts with a swing of his axe!
He swings wild! Such an embarrassing display for the proud dwarf.

Move action: move up to the closest monster.
Standard action: attack closest sea scorpion in reach.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage if it hits [roll1]

2021-09-02, 11:30 AM
The largest scorpion, positioned on the left lets loose a chittering screech of commands.

All scorpions not adjacent the the combat, all raise their tails, letting a greenish glowing liquid seep into the pincer bulb.

Meanwhile, 3 scorpions attempt to sting the great white wolf , while another trio attempt to repay the intense attack Bodok had just delivered.

Dusk Raven
2021-09-03, 12:09 PM
Gheară snarls as the scorpion's claws dig into her, and she shakes off its limbs before retaliating, taking one clawed hand off her scimitar and attacking in a flurry of sword swings, accompanied by a lunge as she tries to bite down somewhere on the scorpion's carapace...

Meanwhile, mist starts to form around Lupesculu's mouth as he draws upon his innate frost magic, before letting a burst of supercooled air flow from his mouth onto the surrounding scorpions...

2021-09-03, 08:41 PM
Cormick mutters and gestures toward one of the lanterns on the left ramp, and suddenly it spews forth a tremendous gout of smoke, encompassing the two horse-sized sea scorpion on that side. Then he steps forward and up, as if walking invisible stairs, keeping an eye on the progress of the smaller beasts coming forward.

Casting pyrotechnics (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/pyrotechnics.htm) for smoke, creating a 20' radius cloud centered on the southern bend of the left ramp, between the two Large scorpions. The cloud blocks line of sight and lasts 7 rounds. The two Large left-hand scorpions need to make DC 16 Fortitude saves or take -4 Str and -4 Dex as long as they're in the cloud and [roll0] rounds after.

Then I'll airwalk north 10' and upward 10' as a move action.

2021-09-08, 12:07 PM
The venomous stingers plink harmlessly off his armoured torso; still, Bodok's antennae rise somewhat in irritation. The scorpions are as resilient as they are fast, or so it would seem. But some resistance has never stopped him before. It won't stop him today either.
The big beetle's light glands flare up again and the two scimitars come down in a storm of slashes upon the closest foes.

Bodok will try to finish off the wounded fellow arthropod and then cut into the middle one:
[roll0] for [roll1] (crits on a 15)
[roll2] for [roll3] (crits on an 18)
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]

2021-09-08, 12:12 PM
Two crits!
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

2021-09-09, 09:27 AM
After the carapace of the creature deflected his axe blow, Bazent almost is thrown off balance precariously close to the cliff. Indignation at such a fate whips him into a battle lust and his attack surges forward!

Activating Rage and Feral Trance as a free action; then making a two weapon full attack action.
(If any attacks kill, he would then move on to the next target in melee range)

Axe attack 1: [roll0] *crits on 35
Axe damage 1: [roll1]

Sword attack 1: [roll2] *crits on 34-35
Sword damage 1: [roll3]

**If both axe and sword hit the same target, I make a free trip attempt via High Sword Low Axe
Trip, if applicable: [roll4] vs touch AC
Strength Check: [roll5]
Free attack if opponent is tripped: [roll6]
Damage (axe): [roll7]

Axe attack 2: [roll8] *crits on 30
Axe damage 2: [roll9]

Sword attack 2: [roll10] *crits on 29-30
Sword damage 2: [roll11]

Trip, if applicable: [roll12] vs touch AC
Strength Check: [roll13]
Free attack if opponent is tripped: [roll14]
Damage (axe): [roll15]

2021-09-13, 10:53 AM
Response to last few IC&OOC posts, along with an enemy round. If you go before them, apply your actions accordingly. Most of them won't change based on your actions this turn.

Several of the scorpions in shriek as the icy breath of the wolf rushes across their carapace. Several of them cringe in pain with only 1 being mildly affected.

Despite taking the icy blast head on, all of the creatures aim their pulsating tails at the wolf, all in unison.

Attack 1: [roll0] (ranged touch)
Damage 1:[roll1] (acid damage)
Attack 2: [roll2] (ranged touch)
Damage 2:[roll3] (acid damage)
Attack 3: [roll4] (ranged touch)
Damage 3:[roll5] (acid damage)
Attack 4: [roll6] (ranged touch)
Damage 4:[roll7] (acid damage)
Attack 5: [roll8] (ranged touch)
Damage 5:[roll9] (acid damage)
Attack 6: [roll10] (ranged touch)
Damage 6:[roll11] (acid damage)

Meanwhile as Bodok battles against a equal sized foe, the combination of blows manages to knock the creature off balance, the with another 3 blows following the first two. As the sword withdraws from its second slash, the creature collapses blood slowly oozing from it's shell.

The other 5 creatures near Bodok direct their stingers towards him and each lets loose a squirt of acid.

@Bodok (AoO for ranged touch while adjacent)
Attack 1: [roll12] (ranged touch)
Damage 1:[roll13] (acid damage)
Attack 2: [roll14] (ranged touch)
Damage 2:[roll15] (acid damage)
Attack 3: [roll16] (ranged touch)
Damage 3:[roll17] (acid damage)
Attack 4: [roll18] (ranged touch)
Damage 4:[roll19] (acid damage)
Attack 5: [roll20] (ranged touch)
Damage 5:[roll21] (acid damage)

The four horse sized scorpions aim their tails to point towards Cormick, each tail lobs a blast of acid across the great distance between them.

Attack 1: [roll22] (ranged touch)
Damage 1:[roll23] (acid damage)
Attack 2: [roll24] (ranged touch)
Damage 2:[roll25] (acid damage)
Attack 3: [roll26] (ranged touch)
Damage 3:[roll27] (acid damage)
Attack 4: [roll28] (ranged touch)
Damage 4:[roll29] (acid damage)

Meanwhile, the two largest scorpions focus on the two air walking enemies near them, with the left drawing back it's stinger in anticipation of striking, while the right fires a massive globule of acid straight at Winterhawk.

Left (Readied Action to sting whoever comes close)
Right - Attack (ranged touch) [roll30], damage [roll31].

2021-09-13, 11:39 AM
A snarl of pain twisted across Winterhawk's face as the scorpion connected. She shifted, barely pulling herself out of the way of the acid glob heading right for her from its fellow at the right.

"I have stings too, vermin..." she spat as the slim woman lashed out with her blades towards the wounded pest. All the while, a hoarse low growl erupted from her throat as she did so and mist began to coalesce around her form.

Dunno if the scorps are able to be affected by Frightful Presence but if so, all opponents within 30ft have fewer levels or Hit Dice than you need to make a will save of DC17 or become shaken for a number of rounds: [roll0]

Swift action to activate her Mithralmist Armor (mists conceal wearer for 1 minute, wearer's vision not obscured 20% concealment)

Winterhawk (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2300664)
F CN Human Rogue 5//Swash 5/Avenging Exe 2, Level 7, Init 5, HP 62/62, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 15, Fort 9, Ref 14, Will 9, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Rapier +1 +12/7 (1d6+8, 18-20/x2)
Kukri +1 +12/7 (1d4+8, 18-20/x2)
7/day mists conceal wearer for 1 minute, vision not obscured Mithralmist Shirt (+5 Armor, +5 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 17
Mask of Mental Armor: You gain a +3 resistance bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells and abilities.

2021-09-13, 12:15 PM
Bodok makes a low, pained hissing sound as the acid poured on him by the attacking monstrosities begins to eat itself into his tough carapace, but the burning little rifts opened thereby only make him angrier. He flashes another insult at the scorpions and lashes out with his left, determined to give back what he got to the closest foe.

[roll0] for [roll1] (crits on a 15)

2021-09-15, 07:32 PM
Cormick can barely even gasp after the volley of acid leaves him drenched and burning. He casts a curative spell quickly and heads for one of the ramps, expecting more such might be needed soon.

Cure serious wounds on myself for [roll0], then move directly east 6 squares.

2021-09-22, 11:11 AM
(OOC: To keep things moving I'm just going to roll my attacks and go from there, also remembering to use Power Attack and actually add Punishing Stance)

The taste of blood in the air pushes Bazent to drive deeper into the monsters!

Power Attack for 3
Axe attack 1: [roll0]
Axe damage 1: [roll1] + [roll2]

Sword attack 1: [roll3]
Sword damage 1: [roll4] + [roll5]

**If both axe and sword hit the same target, I make a free trip attempt via High Sword Low Axe
Trip, if applicable: [roll6] vs touch AC
Strength Check: [roll7]
Free attack if opponent is tripped: [roll8]
Damage (axe): [roll9] + [roll10]

Axe attack 2: [roll11]
Axe damage 2: [roll12] + [roll13]

Sword attack 2: [roll14]
Sword damage 2: [roll15] + [roll16]

**If both axe and sword hit the same target, I make a free trip attempt via High Sword Low Axe
Trip, if applicable: [roll17] vs touch AC
Strength Check: [roll18]
Free attack if opponent is tripped: [roll19]
Damage (axe): [roll20] + [roll21]

Edit: Sword Attack 1 threatens a critical
Critical confirmation: 1d20+10
Critical damage: 1d8+7

2021-09-22, 11:15 AM
(Ok, trying again)

Sword Attack 1 threatens a critical
Critical confirmation: [roll0]
Critical damage: [roll1]