View Full Version : Star Wars [IC]

2021-08-17, 07:58 PM
OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?635347-Star-Wars-OOC&p=25165159#post25165159)

You find yourself on Xeres Prime. A temperate world, though wracked by intense storms, it's a reasonably popular destination for thrillseekers and daredevils.

Ghix is here quite possibly for that reason. Hover-diving during a Xeres storm is supposed to be an adrenaline-pumping experience, and one everyone should try at least once.
Lily is here with Ylenic, delivering cargo. The Republic has sent a small shipment of food and supplies through Ylenic on a humanitarian effort, and while the job isn't the best paying, it's for a good cause.
Fino is here on her own. Not on a mission for once, or looking to collect a bounty, she's instead found a cold trail from what was supposed to be a promising lead.

The first to arrive is Ghix, followed not long after by Lily, into a dive bar in the capital. Ylenic is not present, as he told Lily he had to see an old friend on his own. The bar is crowded and brightly lit, with music pumping just loud enough to make it hard to hear. Fino is the last to enter, and does so just as the music enters a soft section, leaving her metal limbs clanking on the floor quite noticeable. Ghix didn't get any looks. Lily got a few-a droid on their own being a touch odd. Fino gets the whole bar staring.

What will you do?

2021-08-17, 09:40 PM
Fino tries to hiss, a noise usually made by passing air through her spiracles.
But she doesn't have spiracles. So instead she simply states, in a somewhat robotic voice: "any eyes I see in five are my lunch." And she then moved up to the bar, her legs stabbing into the floor as she went.
"Meat," she said simply. "I require meat."

2021-08-18, 07:26 AM
Ghix was alone at his table, enjoying the anonymity provided by his travels far from the core worlds, where he would have been certain to garner more looks from the locals. Out here, people still knew his name. But his face?
The man could kick back and relax. The last few days at home had been particularly awful, what with the new Senator Palpatine at the head of the Senate. His parents had been strong proponents of the man and they had spent the last days celebrating 'their' victory. Which doesn't sound inherently awful, but when the wealthy of Alderaan 'celebrate' it means that they attend formal dinners where they have empty conversation full of flattery and niceties. 'Tedious' couldn't even begin to describe it.
He had accepted to attend a few - because he needed his dad's money for his next venture - but had finally gotten away from all that bantha crap.
He sighed in relief: 'this was the life,' he thought. Surrounded by thieves and thrill seekers, weirdoes, twilek entertainers and... Wow... Killer robots?
His eyes stopped (as everyone else's) on the metallic creature that entered the bar. He could only raise a brow when it spoke to demand meat. He felt a familiar pang in his stomach, the one he usually felt right before something good was about to happen. Was it a bounty hunter sent after him? He had made a few enemies during his travels and it wouldn't be the first time someone tried to off him. But in this place? He doubted it.
He had an urge to stand and greet the thing, but he decided to simply keep an eye on it for now - he had a feeling things would get interesting and he wanted to wait for the perfect moment to jump in.

2021-08-18, 10:09 AM
Fino tries to hiss, a noise usually made by passing air through her spiracles.
But she doesn't have spiracles. So instead she simply states, in a somewhat robotic voice: "any eyes I see in five are my lunch." And she then moved up to the bar, her legs stabbing into the floor as she went.
"Meat," she said simply. "I require meat."

The crowd hurries to look anywhere but at Fino. She can still tell some people are trying to look without being noticed, but they're at least being subtle about it.

The woman behind the bar, looking quite nervous, says "Erm... I can have the chef get some meat ready, but it will cost a few credits... Do you want it cooked at all?"

2021-08-18, 10:16 AM
"No," Fino said, and her one robotic eye opened up to her trade code. She transferred the credits needed and with a quick glance realized two things:
One, there were no free tables.
Two, that guy (Ghix) was looking right at her.
Fino spiked up to the table and locked her mechanical legs into place at a crouch in lieu of taking a seat.
"Is it polite to stare where you are from, stranger?"

2021-08-18, 11:43 AM
The man sighs: 'Oh... It's absolutely impolite. But where I'm from, every darn thing is and I just can't right now. That's why I'm here, actually - to get away from it for a while and just be myself.' he hesitates for an instant, then extends a hand: 'Ghix. And you are?'
Ghix sounds very dramatic when he speaks and he gesticulates a lot.

2021-08-18, 03:06 PM
When Lily entered the bar, she found a nice wall to stand by and parked her silver plate colored body there. She would have sat at a booth, but the place seemed rather busy with sounds and people. She kept herself company by talking to herself in her own head. The noisy cyborg Yam'rii's entrance caught her attention and seemingly the rest of the bar's attention. She tried not to stare, though that is sometimes hard without eyelids. After the cyborg walked off, Lily walks up to the bar and asks in a female voice, "Would you like my assistance? I am programmed to assistant in etiquette, customs, and languages." She offers the nervous women, "I could bring the tall one's order to her." She was trying to help the women avoid a potentially difficult situation, and she was curious about the Yam'rii, an usual sight.

2021-08-18, 03:13 PM
Fino looked at the hand and twitched her long, toothy claws. "I am Fino Lessio Siathra. A Yam’rii warrior." A spark lit up in her beck and she swore, doubling over for a second before regaining her composure.

2021-08-18, 04:09 PM
Ghix half-smiles and retracts his hand, all the while thinking this creature had spotted and approached him far too easily and quickly for his taste: 'Well, I say, 'tis a pleasure to meet you. Having problems with your tech? I have a great droid back at my ship - cutting edge, truly, state of the art. It can probably take a look at that for you, if need be. Now, if I may be so bold - what brings you here, to Xeres, Fino Lessio Siathra? Are you a, uh, bounty hunter, by any chance?'
As he finishes his sentence his hand instinctively moves towards the hilt of his vibrorapier and the muscles in his legs tense slightly, ready to pounce at the creature if he detects hostile intent. But his face and demeanor remain perfectly calm - indeed, only an expertly trained eye could detect his slight nervousness right now.

2021-08-18, 04:39 PM
"My tech was designed by chitinless incompetents hiding in a lab instead of fighting their wars like an arthropod would. There is much that is poorly done."
Also, they never actually finished.
"I am a bounty hunter, Ghix. Why do you ask?" If Fino noticed Ghix’s nervousness, she didn’t show it as she looked back to the bar. "How long does it take to not cook meat!?"

2021-08-18, 07:12 PM
"Right away!" the woman says, and practically runs back to the kitchen. You can see, through the doorway, an irate-looking chef, who takes one look at Fino, grabs a slab of uncooked rib meat, and sends it her way while ducking into the safety of the back.

Lord Raziere
2021-08-19, 02:57 AM
Zerra walks into the bar, The Force having guided her here. Sometimes the Force was like a hound, tracking down scents that even she couldn't see. It did nothing to diminish her academic view of it. Let mysticism and wonder be a thing for the monks. She dealt in matters more practical. The Luka Sene didn't exactly know how the Force knew when someplace would be important or why certain people would turn out to be important, but it was always right in some form or manner, but not always in the ways one expected. The Jedi just said it was "destiny", but for her it was more interesting to speculate on other possibilities. But the How is not important right now, what matters is that she is here, the place that was important for her to be here. She cast her gaze around: to her the bar was mostly black and white, shades of grey. Most of the people were those shades of white and grey that were just normal people, not bad not good, just decent. The ones who catch her gaze are Ghix and Fino, they had that important look about them Ghix being more clearly blue and therefore of the light Fino.....more of a darker grey but not bad, and that droid, Lily....well it looks like a moving object to her: black with white lining. No Force. But still important. It had been strange to get used to see the presence of droids, these mechanical moving voids where previously the closest thing to them she knew of were repulsorlifts.

Yes, she had found the individuals that were important. For what she did not know. But that was what she was here to find out. The white haired woman with a blindfold over nonexistent eyes will walk over at the same table as Ghix and Fino.
"Hello, mind if I sit here? You three seem like interesting individuals. Hello, I'm Zerra Nil. What are your names?"
She will order some local ale and sit idly, relaxed. She has a lightsaber on her belt, but she isn't advertising it or anything.

2021-08-19, 05:15 PM
Ghix had to shake his head in disbelief... First he is approached by a metallic warrior, then the 3PO unit that brings raw meat to the creature decides to stick around and lastly a... Jedi?! just decides to sit down at their table and have a casual chat. He couldn't believe all this was happening here, on Xeres Prime. What were the odds?
Then again, odds were always in his favor - or at least most of the time - but in this case he didn't know if he should applaud or simply run away. In any case, judging by her response, he didn't suspect Fino of being after him anymore and having a Jedi around meant he was well protected anyways. He felt a bit more at ease; by default, she would probably defend him against any enemies attacking in plain sight... speaking of sight: was the Jedi blind? Out of curiosity, while he answers, Ghix waves his hand before the woman's eyes, just to see how she would react.
'The name's Ghix. Pleased to meet you, Zerra. This is Fino - we just met - and our metallic friend is... Come on, don't be shy. You're sticking around, so you might as well introduce yourself. Take a seat.' After the droid responds he turns his attention back to Zerra: 'Neat weapon you have there. You know, only the Jedi wear those - or someone who could kill one. Which one are you, tell me? And what brings you out here?'
He slicks his mustache as he ends his sentence.

2021-08-19, 05:24 PM
As soon as the conversation begins properly, it's cut short by four black-clothed men. They rush into the bar, blasters ready, and shout "Everyone on the ground!"

One has his blaster aimed at Ghix, while the others keep their's level against the crowd. The one who's been focusing on Ghix seems to take notice of Fino, but keeps his blaster steady, not cowed by the mere sight of the cyborg.

2021-08-19, 05:29 PM
At the mention of "someone who could kill a jedi," Fino nearly winced. It was a painful process, but so were most movements.
Fino decided to pay more mind to the 3PO unit. Those were rare, and she might even be able to have a private talk if it spoke...
With a hiss more metallic than Fino would have liked, she greeted the 3PO unit in Yam'rii.
<I am happy to meet you, if only so that I can say my true name,> Fino said before letting out another low, long hiss that, were it not for her mechanical pieces, would have blended into the rustling of tall blades of grass, a peaceful sound... a sound that comes before massive claws close around you.

I have just decided that Grievous (Qymaen jai Sheelal) with only one lightsaber at this point (whichever color of blue or green Zerra happens to have unless she wants a different one) is the one who actually defeated Fino and brought her to the scientists.

Lord Raziere
2021-08-19, 05:38 PM
Zerra opens her mouth
"Hey now, I know you don't know any better but-"
Then the guys in the black burst in
She wonders to herself. The Force had better not brought her here just to deal with these guys. She reacts supernaturally fast, her lightsaber flying to her hand and deflecting the blaster shots that comes flying towards with its yellow blade as she rushes like a ninja towards the assailant closest to her to cut them down, to kill if they are red/darkside, to merely cut their blaster the knock them out with a chop to their neck if white/neutral to her vision.

2021-08-19, 05:43 PM
Fino does not get on the ground, but makes no move to fight the newcomers. She was in no rush to leap into the path of a laser sword.

2021-08-19, 05:45 PM
The shots are, unbeknownst to Zerra's sightlessness, a mottled blue instead of the normal color of a blaster. But they deflect all the same, two going straight up and punching a light out, and the other zapping back at an angle and knocking the hinge off a door.

Zerra's senses show these hostiles as a dim grey, with shades of red. Certainly not good people, but perhaps not as sinister as their actions might make them out to be.

While this is freeform, I would like to mediate with dice rolls to some extent. I'd like to use a d100, though if you feel like rolling something else, totally fine. High good, low bad.

In this case, while these aren't total schmucks, they're not elite assassins either. So I'll roll a die to see how well they defend against Zerra, with each full 20 points of the roll leaving one of them conscious.


The first assailant has his blaster sliced in two by Zerra's lightsaber, and is swiftly knocked prone by her. The other three, though, bring their blasters around and she is forced to focus solely on defense while a withering stream of blue bolts comes her way.

2021-08-19, 07:08 PM
Fino took a bite of meat. "You're doing very well!" She told the jedi, shredding the food outside of her head to swallow it.

Lord Raziere
2021-08-19, 07:22 PM
Zerra doesn't look at Finno. She is too busy defending herself. She just says in response.
"Surely you wouldn't mind handling one then."
While she blocks the blaster fire with one hand, she uses her left hand to telekinetically throw the leftmost gunner at Finno's general direction so she can focus on blocking the other two blasters.

2021-08-19, 08:28 PM
As the action breaks out, Ghix kicks over his table and ducks behind it. He draws his DC-17 hand blaster and takes careful aim. As soon as Zerra knocks the first opponent prone, he immediately shoots to stun, taking them out of the fight.
As she pushes a second one aside with the force, Ghix hesitates, but noticing Fino doesn't react, he quickly takes down the second one, too.
'Bah! Too easy, when a jedi is involved...' he thinks to himself.
Wanting in on the fun, Ghix hops over the table and draws his vibrorapier, which activates with a characteristic electrical hum.
The noble feels like he's seen these specific blasters before. He can't exactly remember where they are from, but he knows they don't spell anything good.
He spreads his arms as he walks towards the two remaining assaillants, more trying to distract them and create an opening with his taunt than anything else:
'You must be here for me, yes? Who did I piss off this time?'

2021-08-19, 08:33 PM
One of the remaining goons snarls out "You'll find out soon!" as he tries to land some shots on Ghix.

The other one turns tail and starts to run.

2021-08-19, 08:38 PM
Fino snaps into attention hearing Ghix talk about all his enemies. If he was worth a bounty, she would need to wait for the Jedi to leave. And that wouldn’t happen until...
She raked her massive claw, shutting it on the arm of the one aiming at Ghix.
"Tell us now before I become hungry for a left hand, as well."
We got our first hand-chopping done.

2021-08-19, 08:56 PM
Sorry! I didn't realize the meat was given to Lilly! I thought the bartender was delivering it.
Before Fight:
Lily halfway turns around toward the pc's table when Fino shouts for meat. She turns back to the bartender as she answers in turn. Her sensors make mechanical noises as she focuses her eyes on the irate chef in the back. Her head follows the bartender as she leaves the kitchen, and Lily reaches to accept the plate. She says to the bartender, "I will deliver this food," and says a casual, "Thank you." She holds the plate with two hands and turns to walk to the pc's table.

Lily brings the plate with raw meat to the table and serves Fino. Her vocabulator hisses back in Yam'rii, "Hello. I lack the biology for a traditional greeting, but I offer my sincere greetings to you," and she adds Fino's real name to the exchange. She switches back to basic, "I am lll3. I go by Lilly." She takes a step back and sticks around. She eyes Zerra's lightsaber. In fact, she will eye all their belongings as she stands there.

Lily startles and recoils in response to the men pulling blasters on everyone. She panics as a fight immediately breaks out and makes a frightened noise in droid binary. She sees Zerra ragdoll a person towards the table, and Ghix stun them. She swears she sees him still moving, probably the stun still taking hold, but in a panic she will pick up the nearest drinking glass and join in on ganging up on the man to try to smash the glass on the guy's back.

Lord Raziere
2021-08-19, 09:03 PM
Zerra will reach out to telekinetically grab the fleeing goon with her left hand, pulls the goon to her then knocks him out with a kick snapping straight to the head then turns to hold her lightsaber at the ready to defend from the final one.
"Looks like you four walked into the wrong bar...I'd recommend giving up."
She comments wryly.

2021-08-20, 08:05 AM
One of the remaining goons snarls out "You'll find out soon!" as he tries to land some shots on Ghix.

Ghix nimbly tries to avoid the blaster shot, rolling to the side to take cover.

2021-08-20, 08:56 AM
The goons are all thoroughly incapacitated or ready to surrender. The ones that are still conscious drop their blasters.

The one missing his hand howls in pain, and you see the hand on the ground shift from a tanned Human appendage to a Clawdite's hand.

Meanwhile, the patrons of the bar are staring at the incident. Given the display of violence that just went down, they're still on the ground, a few standing with great hesitation, but still quite worried.

2021-08-20, 09:06 AM
Fino, noticing that her interrogation wasn't getting any answers besides "ow, my arm," impaled one of the blasters on her claws to lift it up into view of her camera to scan its origins.

I assume the higher the better? [roll0]

2021-08-20, 09:28 AM

Her examination is thorough, and Fino learns a few details.

First off, the blaster is illegally modified for stunning with pain, as Ghix knew from the color of the bolts.
Second off, it appears to have been modified with materials from the Xeres system-not the Prime world itself, but Torsion, a much harsher world that is the source of a large amount of the drugs the Xeres Conglomerate deals with.
And finally, it's been illegally modified in a second way. In the Xeres system, all blasters are required to be hardcoded to a user, usually using fingerprint or genetic match. These ones have been jailbroken, and can be used by anyone-if one were to search through the mechanism for hardcoding it, though, you could likely find the original user.

2021-08-20, 01:44 PM
Ghix rises and dusts off his expensive looking white robes. He holsters his blaster and sheathes his blade. With a dramatic 'A-hem' he tries to grab everyone's attention and shouts: 'Sorry about that everyone. Not sure what those ruffians wanted but, uh, have a drink on me - the lot of you!'
Then, he steps towards Fino and addresses her with his indoor voice: 'I've seen such blasters before - the blasts stun, but also cause excruciating pain. Nasty affair, truly. Have you learned anything in particular from your inspection?'
Having heard her answer, he simply says, with a serious expression: 'How quaint! Let's do that. But first I need some answers here.'
He grabs one of the unconscious thugs by the collar, pulls him towards the closest table with a bench, painstakingly sits him on it and orders two drinks. Once the drinks arrive, but after the person who brought it leaves, he pulls out his blaster and presses it against the unconscious beings stomach. With his free hand, he takes a long sip from one of the glasses and then proceeds to throw the second ordered beverage into the unconscious thug's face, with the hopes of waking them up.

I realize this posts is happening over the course of a few minutes, so feel free to add any actions your characters might do during all of this. I can even modify some details of the sequence if your own actions interact with mine

2021-08-20, 01:58 PM
Fino eyes Ghix with an expression that few vertebrates could read.
"I think we may be able to track down who they stole this from," was all she said. She nodded to one of the blasters that weren't impaled. <And flower-droid, you may wish to use one of their blasters. A glass is not a weapon.>

Lord Raziere
2021-08-20, 02:40 PM
When he drops the gun, she will turn off her lightsaber and put it back on her belt.
"Now, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by these....gentlemen....here." She said, using the 'gentlemen' loosely here, turning to Ghix "I am not a Jedi. As in, there are more organizations that are out there that wield the Force than just those monks from Coruscant. Just not as well known or big. I'm a member of the Luka Sene. My entire race is force-sensitive so we had to make something to organize it all and its mostly an academic thing, educating people on my world and such. So don't call me one of those proverb spouting mystics, I don't even work with them. Yes I realize that constantly correcting people will probably never stop. The distinction matters to me personally even if it doesn't mean much to most."
She will then turn to the Clawdite
"As for you....What were you hoping to accomplish with this sloppy work here, exactly? I mean there is defying the shapeshifter stereotype and then there is just causing a mess."

2021-08-20, 06:28 PM
When he drops the gun, she will turn off her lightsaber and put it back on her belt.
"Now, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by these....gentlemen....here." She said, using the 'gentlemen' loosely here, turning to Ghix "I am not a Jedi. As in, there are more organizations that are out there that wield the Force than just those monks from Coruscant. Just not as well known or big. I'm a member of the Luka Sene. My entire race is force-sensitive so we had to make something to organize it all and its mostly an academic thing, educating people on my world and such. So don't call me one of those proverb spouting mystics, I don't even work with them. Yes I realize that constantly correcting people will probably never stop. The distinction matters to me personally even if it doesn't mean much to most."
She will then turn to the Clawdite
"As for you....What were you hoping to accomplish with this sloppy work here, exactly? I mean there is defying the shapeshifter stereotype and then there is just causing a mess."

'Excuse me. I meant no harm. I understand all too well how it feels to be judged without even a second thought. And you are right about the Jedi being little more than proverb spouting mystics. They parade around as champions of Justice, but they are nothing more than the lapdogs of the Senate - a glorified police force... If anything, I'm glad to discover you are not one of them.' a pause, then: And thank you for rising so quickly to protect me. I mean, obviously, you were only defending yourself but, still... Could've gone quite differently without you being there. Now. Let's hope our friend here can provide us with some answers.

He turns his attention back to the unconscious thug, still waiting for his drinks.

2021-08-20, 08:23 PM
By the time Lily returns her arms to her side, she realizes the fight is over. She steps forward to help the man who had his hand caught off and try to stop the bleeding with a tourniquet using whatever supplies she can find on him (his clothes if needed). Zerra was quick on her feet and swift to defend the bar. Ghix was kind enough to set his weapon to stun. Fino is still very scary.

She hisses back, politely, at Fino, "My name is Lily, or lll3 for those that prefer a more robust name." She looks down at the nodded at weapon. She looks back to Fino, "I am not programmed to use a blaster," she swiftly interjects, "but I might be of assistance in examining the blaster. I may need several minutes to perform an examination, however." She pats the tool kit on her hip. "I should have the necessary tools." She looks around the bar to see what the other patrons are doing.

She agrees with Ghix and says to Zerra, "Yes, thank you." She says to the others, "And, both of you as well. Thanks to the three of you for stopping those ruffians."

Lily might be able to spice the blaster to find the original owner? If there is time, she will pick up the blaster and splice it.

2021-08-20, 08:41 PM
His hand was cut off with a long metal mantis claw.

<There is no word for this in Yam'rii,> Fino hissed.<It is a type of flower, yes?>

2021-08-20, 08:57 PM
Did a quick edited to my last post to fix my mistake! Thanks for letting me know!

She hisses, "A flower with many meanings. I have many names." She tries her best to translate them to Yam'rii, "lll3. lluna. Ion. I recognize them all." Though this conversation could quickly take a turn, there is something quaint about discussing her name. She doesn't always get the chance, and she is used to be being called all types of names that weren't her own.

2021-08-20, 10:33 PM
The thug appears to be thinking about being defiant. This thought does not last long. "We're desperate," he tells Zerra. "We thought that Ghix would be an easy target, and get us enough credits to escape."

Lord Raziere
2021-08-20, 10:39 PM
'Excuse me. I meant no harm. I understand all too well how it feels to be judged without even a second thought. And you are right about the Jedi being little more than proverb spouting mystics. They parade around as champions of Justice, but they are nothing more than the lapdogs of the Senate - a glorified police force... If anything, I'm glad to discover you are not one of them.' a pause, then: And thank you for rising so quickly to protect me. I mean, obviously, you were only defending yourself but, still... Could've gone quite differently without you being there. Now. Let's hope our friend here can provide us with some answers.

He turns his attention back to the unconscious thug, still waiting for his drinks.

"The best way to protect everyone in the bar was be to end the fight quickly. Negotiation would've been useless, as they were already pulling out their guns and intending to act from a position of strength. Trying to deal with them with words would in all likelihood only prolong the inevitable."
She jumps a little and turns to Lily as she speaks
"Oh. right. Lily. Sorry. Have to keep reminding myself your there, my senses aren't well attuned to droids. Nice to meet you. By all means examine away Lily, your probably better than me at that, all I can see is what the Force lets me."
She turns to the thug
"An opportunistic strike to get credits to what, leave the planet? Somehow I doubt that. Four people in black clothing just seeing another guy walk into a bar and deciding to rob him all with stun blasters? I dunno this seems a little too planned."
She looks at Ghix, does his clothes look particularly fancy or anything that would make people think he is loaded to her greyscale force vision?

2021-08-20, 11:12 PM
Lily will keep tourniqueting the thug's arm until she is done. She half-jokingly half-sadly says to Zerra, "While I am used to such treatment I have never heard such a strange reason. Nor, have I ever met one such as yourself." After she is done applying first aid to the thug's arm, she will move to pick up a blaster. It looks like she may have time now to look at the blaster. T3 will focus her tools on slicing into the blaster's ware. She opens the blaster and looks around inside, poking it with picks and tools. "A pleasure to meet you as well. I appreciate your confidence in me. I would be most interested in adjustments I could make to better facilitate communication with your senses. My database lacks such information."

2021-08-21, 04:37 AM
<Ion, then,> Fino hissed simply, for of course they had a word for that. She scanned this... not!jedi up and down with her cybernetic eye, looking for any records of someone not affiliated with the Council running around with a laser sword and force connection.

Higher the better! [roll0]

2021-08-21, 08:21 AM
<Ion, then,> Fino hissed simply, for of course they had a word for that. She scanned this... not!jedi up and down with her cybernetic eye, looking for any records of someone not affiliated with the Council running around with a laser sword and force connection.

Higher the better! [roll0]

I'll let Raziere answer that 99.

"He's a nobleman-pissed off a few people, with more credits than good sense. And we've pissed some people off too-here," he says. "If we stay in this system, we're dead."

2021-08-21, 01:29 PM
Ghix was paying attention while the others were interrogating the still conscious Clawdite. When his own Clawdite awoke, covered in ale and with Ghix's blaster pointed at him, the noble knew exactly what to say: 'Good morning, sweety. Your friend over there just spilled the beans - so no use in trying to lie. You're in trouble. And now you need credits to get away from here. I don't buy it. That's a ridiculous story. So maybe you can be more forthcoming: tell me who sent you..'
He presses the blaster harder against the Clawdite's stomach and switches it from stun to kill, slowly, obviously.

Lord Raziere
2021-08-21, 01:44 PM
<Ion, then,> Fino hissed simply, for of course they had a word for that. She scanned this... not!jedi up and down with her cybernetic eye, looking for any records of someone not affiliated with the Council running around with a laser sword and force connection.

Higher the better! [roll0]

You come up with a relatively recent but minor Holonet news article from a couple months ago about a Force User named Zerra Nil who killed a slave-dealing and extortion racket on the planet of Teldaline, a place full of mega-cities, not quite coruscant level but getting up there. The article says a Jedi was called in to investigate and interrogate her but no punishment was dealt and she was considered a local hero by the city. Zerra Nil was quoted thus "I simply saw what was happening and needed to help. I thought it was obvious." clearly demonstrating that she had no experience with wider galactic society.

Any other traces don't mention Zerra directly and consist of mysterious deaths of uncaught criminals by wounds consistent with lightsabers whose crimes seemed to inflict a clear amount of suffering and/or indiscriminate death, like these are people who if they were doing crimes on the rim or other lawless areas, would probably be shot on sight by a sheriff or a bounty hunter anyways. It seems she got better about hiding herself afterwards.

She says to Lily
"I'm....not sure I'm still getting used to droids at all. My planet didn't have them. I'll have to get back to you on that"
She turns to the goon.
"Hm. I see. Quite a conundrum for you, now that you failed." she comments to the goon "because an assault on an unsuspecting bar is ticking off the local law enforcement as well, another person angered. But we have a bunch of witnesses here who can corroborate that we were merciful and that you were using stun blasts which y'know, nonlethal force could land you a lighter sentence. You'll probably have to go into debt to somebody for a new hand after that, but you'll live-well assuming you can tell us who you ticked off, we might be able to help with that, keep you from dying. If only we knew who they were. If only."
She says, seeing an opportunity to take down some really bad people here.

2021-08-21, 02:12 PM
"It's the Xeres Conglomerate," the Clawdite says quietly. "We were part of an industrial espionage team, but were found out. We ran before they could catch us."

The newly-awake Clawdite in Ghix's hold looks to his companion, spilling the beans. He nods, slowly, corroborating the answer without making any sudden movements.

While you don't know the average response time for the police or other forces on Xeres Prime, you'd suspect that SOMEONE with authority will be showing up soon.

2021-08-21, 03:21 PM
Fino had broken no laws... probably. She had helped pacify a violent incident through better violence. "Should we remain?" She asked. She would not stay if the protocol droid would not remain as a witness to their "innocence."

2021-08-21, 05:28 PM
Ghix replies to Fino: 'I just need to know one last thing before we go.

He turns his attention back to the goon:

'Tell me now: your friend said that I would know soon enough who I pissed off. Which means there is still a hole in your story. You were targeting me specifically... Why? If the blaster pointed at your stomach doesn't loosen your lips, maybe my friend over there (he points to Fino with his chin) could cut off one of your appendages instead, hmm? Speak up.'

One of the remaining goons snarls out "You'll find out soon!" as he tries to land some shots on Ghix.

2021-08-21, 06:01 PM
"Rogal," your captive says.

Ghix searches his memory, and finds... Something about a dinner party? No, that was Roger. Maybe a family vacation? The name rings a bell, but it's nothing that immediately comes to mind with anything besides simply knowing you've met someone with that name.

The hostage sees the confusion on Ghix's face, and hurriedly adds "You humiliated him in a fencing match-the referees barred his more usual tactics, and you showed him up. He wants you, for vengeance."

2021-08-22, 10:18 AM
Ghix bursts into laughter. 'Rogal! Right... I sort of remember. I've bested more than a few pompous noblemen in my day, and they tend to hold a grudge. But that is beside the point. And Miss Zerra actually makes an even better point: law officials will be arriving soon. So we should move if we wanna stick together (He says this to Lily, Zerra and Fino). And no worries: you're hired (now addressing the thug again). Yes - even you, one arm. Too bad for your unconscious friends though - they'll be caught. But hopefully given a fair trial. Now, whatever you were being paid to capture me, I'll double the fee. Not a problem.' He turns to Lily: 'Droid - or, rather, Lily, was it? - how is the splicing coming along? Could you find any useful information about the blaster?'

Can Ghix think of any possible link between Rogal and the Xeres Conglomerate? [roll0]

2021-08-22, 10:30 AM
Links between Rogal and the Xeres? None to your knowledge. Rogal may have purchased something from them, as their drugs are widespread, but serious links are not something you're at all aware of.

The two captured but conscious ones look at their unconscious comrades. "Please, take them with. We've already lost too many," the one Ghix has asks.

Zerra, Ghix, and Lily can all tell they're being sincere. The concern is genuine, and selfless. They care for one another. Fino, though, lacks the proper social skills to really assess their honesty-she can tell that they're no longer planning to attack, at least.

2021-08-22, 10:55 AM
Fino, figuring that if this discussion continued law enforcement would arrive, looked up what that Law Enforcement was here to decide if she wanted to just split off on her own.

2021-08-22, 11:40 AM
Ghix nods, touched by the Clawdite's feelings for his comrades: 'Agreed. But you'll split the pay for two between the four of you. Otherwise, you're free to fend off the law enforcement by yourself. So, shall we go?' He asks to Zerra, Fino and Lily.
He holsters his blaster, downs his drink and stands, waiting for the others to answer.

Lord Raziere
2021-08-22, 02:02 PM
"Yes we SHOULD go actually. The Force has told me there is danger for us if we wait for the authorities. I will carry one of them at least. We must move at once."
She will begin by picking up one the unconscious goons and moving out of the bar, though she notably will take the blaster he had from his person as well. No sense if allowing them to be armed when they come to.

2021-08-22, 02:06 PM
With what might have been a Yam'rii shrug, Fino knelt a bit with her legs. "Load the other on my back," she instructed Ghix and Lily. And with the unconscious body on her back, she scuttled after the not Jedi on legs that impaled into the ground with each step.

2021-08-22, 03:03 PM
Lily looks up from the blaster as she hears her name. She says to Ghix, "Mhm, Lily. The blaster is a real mess. The modifications are extensive. I will need time to process the data."

At the call to leave, Lily will begin picking up the yet unclaimed blasters, even the broken one. She says to Fino, "Pardon me, if you do not mind." She will go along with the idea to load up the unconscious attackers onto the insectoids back. The thinks the less parts they leave behind the better for them. She tells the group, "I will stay with all of you for now." She'll toss the severed hand onto Fino's back as well and will leave with the group.

2021-08-22, 03:09 PM
The severed hand fell right off as Fino followed, as her back was not made of glue. But she went with the others.
"I have a ship," she said. "It can fit me and perhaps one other. Do any of you have transport?"

2021-08-22, 03:35 PM
Lily looks back at the hand as it falls off Fino.
She asks, "Does anyone have first aid supplies? The one without a hand needs medical attention."

Lord Raziere
2021-08-22, 06:13 PM
Zerra will quickly put her thug back down and pick up the hand, then put it on the guys arm stump, making sure its lined up correctly she will say
"I can heal using the Force. Trained in this first aid kind of thing."
She will use Force healing to reattach the hand to his arm. By accelerating the natural process of healing and keep the hand firmly placed with the stump.

2021-08-22, 07:13 PM
Lily rushes to bend down near Zerra. "I can assi-," she stops mid-sentence as Zerra appears to be re-attaching his hand. "...hold his body." She will hold the thug so Zerra can move her hands more freely. What in the galaxy is happening!? Is this the force? She stays silent though for Zerra can focus on healing. Lily intensely stares at the wound.

2021-08-22, 08:00 PM
'Cute! As long as you're around, Zerra, I don't need to worry about being maimed by Fino. (He laughs) Pretty good deal. Now, if you don't mind, ask the Force to get it done quickly and let's move... My ship, the Joker, can fit us all. It'll be a tight squeeze, but still. Unless, Fino, you still prefer to head out to your ship? I'll send you the coordinates to meet up with my own. Now, if any of you are interested in these kind of details, Joker is a J-Type Star Skiff from Naboo gifted to my family by the Theed Palace Space Engineering Corp. It's a royal carriage, but this particular model is also equiped with top mounted laser canons and can be quite nimble in a fight thanks to it's sleek design. Obviously, the chromium plating of the reinforced hull was dulled since those are the royal colors and, also.. oh! I'm rambling, aren't I? A thousand pardons - that tends to happen. In any case, we can regroup there for now and figure out our next step...'

2021-08-22, 08:41 PM
"I am not leaving my ship behind. I will take this one." And Fino ran off with the healed person on her back. She climbed into the entrance into her ship with speed and fired it up, shooting up toward the sky.
Part of her wasn't sure she wanted to meet up with the others. They were trouble...
But that... not Jedi was something worth finding out more about.

Lord Raziere
2021-08-22, 08:51 PM
She tilts her head as Fino runs off. She was going to have to be watchful about that one.
"Hm. Well I fixed it up, but Ghix I'm no replacement for an actual doctor. Again I was trained as a field medic. I forgot that using the Force to heal people isn't normal to you. Also I don't think it'll work on droids? Might be a concern. Will speak more when we get to the ship."
She picks up the other thug and gets going to Ghix's ship.

2021-08-23, 01:38 AM
Lily steps back once Zerra is finished and Fino is running away. "Wow, a J-Type Star Skiff!" Lily says excited. "Those are rare. I have never seen one in person. I have heard they have an engineered .5 hyperdrive, not even aftermarket modifications, but pre-built for installation. The aftermarket modifications are illegal in the core worlds and cause mishaps all the time. A properly built .5 is an amazing sight. if you don't mind, I could come with the both of you. I am not sure Fino will actually meet up with us, but I will go if you give me the time to stop by another hanger door. I need to pick up a package."

She says to Zerra, "Droids are my specialty. I will be able to repair myself with my package, so you need not need worry about repairing me. I have never seen the Force. I was not aware it could be used to provide medical care. Your skill? Power? Ability? I am not sure what you would call such skill, but his hand looked like it had been in a bacta tank for several weeks. Such a feat is beyond my comprehension."

2021-08-23, 09:32 AM
Fino can see, as she takes off, the authorities closing in on the bar.

Where are you planning on meeting up? Ghix seems to be spearheading the location, so just lemme know. :)

2021-08-23, 09:33 AM
Fino waited in the sky to watch for a J-type skiff, then she'd just follow it.

2021-08-23, 01:32 PM
Ghix is overjoyed at Lily's enthusiasm about his vessel. After following her to her own vessel so she can pick up her stuff, he leads the group to a small tourist town not far from the city, where Joker is waiting in a hangar, he has a lengthy discussion with the 3PO about the specs of his ship, and about different models of ships in general. When they finally arrive at the craft, they step inside and are immediately greeted by the happy chirps and whistles of Ghix's black and silver R2 unit, affectionately nicknamed Sylvie.

2021-08-23, 01:40 PM
You make your way, not far-not even leaving the atmosphere-to Gimble, a small tourist town some hundred miles from the city you were just in. Your vessels are only some of many coming down.

The Clawdites, returning to their natural forms, are quiet unless asked anything directly. They're definitely on edge.

Upon landing, Ghix makes a short call to a hotel, renting a large suite for now that should have enough space for everyone.

2021-08-23, 02:12 PM
Fino landed next to everyone, her... friend? Captive? Now walking under their own power.
"Do not get your blood on my ship again," she warned them.

2021-08-23, 04:37 PM
Lily has Ghix and Zerra wait outside the hanger doors while she goes inside. She will leave a note for Yienic explaining that she was invited aboard a J-Type Star Skiff and wants to take advantage of the offer. She will also tell him about the run in at the bar, but tell him not to worry about her. If she does not return before their business concludes, he can lift off without her and she will contact him over the holonet to arrange a randevu. She gives him a warm 'later.' She will also expand her toolbelt with a few more pouches, and uninstall her T3 droid brain from the ship to bring with her. She is safely tucked into a pouch. She leaves the hang bay to find Ghix and Zerra again. She tells them, "I am ready."

She is happy to talk about the ships. "I always wanted to build my own ship. I lack the engineering programs, but I am familiar enough around transports to modify them. Pushing the ship past its original design, without being re-designed, is risky. Yienic never saw the risk as worth it."

She whistles when she sees the spacecraft. "Even with the chrome toned down, that is beautiful." The 3PO walks besides Ghix towards the ship. She will follow Ghix aboard. She whistles back at the droid in binary and greets them. She tells them she is traveling with Ghix.

Lord Raziere
2021-08-24, 12:54 AM
Zerra just listens and nods to their enthusiasm about the Skiff.
"Great. I've seen a few ships after I've been off planet and its certainly the sleekest design I've ever seen. Mostly I just got passage on trader vessels as a passenger by doing some work on a planet before moving on. I've not much experience with starships myself so their very existence is amazing to me: the fact that with a machine you can just go anywhere in the galaxy and touch down on entirely new worlds...wondrous. Simply wondrous. Why look at Xeres Prime itself: a place wracked by intense storms! A place where people go hover diving in just to feel the rush of it. Beautiful in its own way. I'd never find that if I stayed, that is for sure! You are amazed at my medical powers but honestly starships are a far greater wonder in my opinion: I can heal a single person, but a fleet of ships could transport medical supplies across the galaxy to treat billions." She replies.
Once she gets inside the suite she will sit down, lounging around a little
"Now that we're out of that situation, I believe we can all talk more freely without the constraint of time. If you have any questions you'd like to ask me, I'd be happy to answer honestly as long as you do the same for me."

2021-08-24, 09:19 AM
Sylvie whistles back to Lily in a greeting. After performing the pre-flight checks, she moves over to Ghix, and makes sure to stay between her man and Lily.

In the suite, the conscious Clawdites are checking their companions and their own injuries. Once they're satisfied that they're all okay, one takes a seat. The other seems too nervous to sit down, but tries to avoid pacing.

"What do you want to know?" the seated one asks. "If you can get us out of the system safely, we'll help with whatever you need."

2021-08-24, 03:29 PM
Ghix seems a little impatient ever since they walked into the suite. He is standing, arms crossed, tapping his foot. When the Clawdite speaks, the nobleman bursts out: ' I want to know why you bumbling buffoons ruined my hover diving trip?! I want to know why you idiots made such terrible life choices that ended with you being hostages in this.. well, admittedly quite well decorated room - but that's beside the point! The point is you're our hostages here, because of your own decisions and poor planning. Oh! But wait... we already know all that, don't we? You got yourselves in trouble and needed a way out. You're ridiculous and should all be ashamed of yourselves... And on top of all that, you have the gall to ask us a favor in return for - for what? Your 'cooperation'? You're in no position to bargain. Look at yourselves. We've already saved your friends, reattached a severed hand.. what more do you ask of us?! Really...'
He pauses to take a deep breathe and sigh heavily. 'Alright, alright. I understand this will get us nowhere, so, rather, let's start with these two questions: First, what is the link between Rogal and the Xeres Conglomerate? How are they related? And, second, tell me more about this corporate espionnage you were caught doing. In detail - and don't be shy about said details. My Force user friend can tell if you're hiding something!

2021-08-24, 04:39 PM
Lily says to Zerra, "You should see the original chrome design. The sleek design will reflect the light back into your eyes from a hundred yards. I have not ridden or flown a lot of transports myself, but I have a lot of experience as crew." She nods along with Zerra speaking about their different expectations. The conversation felt so natural it was strange. She rarely was able to speak to anyone like this except with Yienic. "A medical fleet would be a sight to behold, but I wonder what a fleet of those with your talents would look. Talents... What would you call someone with your abilities?"

Lily stays close to Ghix for now, not too close because of Sylvie. She stands and begins tinkering with the blaster again. She will also see what she can do about removing the modification to return the stun function to the standard. She sees no reason why the stun should be purposefully painful.

Lord Raziere
2021-08-24, 06:04 PM
"Force Adepts." she says "The general term is Force Adept, if your trained in the Force. Though a fleet of Force Adepts for healing is unfortunately...well I'm not sure if its possible. Force Sensitives are generally rare in the galaxy, and even the Miraluka, the race I am apart of which are all force sensitive....well they're not all EQUALLY Force Sensitive, y'know what I mean? Most Miraluka they learn enough to control it use it a bit for a couple tricks in their life then go do their own thing. Some are more experts in using in specific fields, there are Miralukan doctors who can do far better than me, and there are some Miralukans who predict the weather for the best crops, sometimes even manipulate probability a little to make the season go better if necessary, things like that. Me? I'm a rare talent that earned the right to go off planet with abilities similar to a Jedi Knight, passed tests to be trusted to go forth and handle the dangers of the universe alone. Most Miralukans with my talents usually become Sene Seekers rather than an Agent like me, who stay on planet and prepare to seek dark side miralukans, capture and heal, rehabilitate and redeem them, often because those miralukans are teenagers with some serious problem of one sort or another and fell to the dark side out of desperation. Considering my desire to explore other worlds and how bored I was of the culture around me, I'm lucky I didn't become one of those teenagers.

And even if we could increase the number of Force-Sensitives in the galaxy, it'd probably be a good idea. There are just some things you lose out on by doing so. Jedi and Sith aside, the price of my species being able to use the Force is a lack of color in our eyesight, and my senses in particular have sharpened much like some miralukan gamblers who can only play against each other because they know how to shield their mind against one another and predict what card is drawn or what dice will come up, so the game becomes less about actual chance and more about who can better predict the outcome...or control it depending on your point of view. Against others? ruins the game as they get cleared out because they can't play on the same level as them, its just boring. Though you ARE a droid, I can't read you so maybe you'd be an actual challenge at Sabacc...Point is, the Force doesn't solve everything. The Force didn't make these starships after all."
She says pointing this out to Lily as they travel

She will nod at Ghix
"Yes I can tell if your hiding something. I'm spooky like that. The Force sees all, tells some."

2021-08-24, 06:07 PM
Fino sees no particular reason Ghix’s problems should be hers. She hunkers down in a corner of the room and pulls out her robotic eye, working the wires clumsily with her mouth to try to handle the sparking problem.

2021-08-25, 12:03 AM
She says to Zerra, "A fitting name, descriptive in its connotation." She will now follow Zerra (if she goes anywhere). "What is Force Sensitive, and why is it rare? If your species are all force sensitive, does that mean there is a biological component?" She adds, "I am not sure I understand what you mean, but I will take your word for there being varying degrees to Force Sensitive." She listens about the Miralukas' talents. "I think I see: Force Adepts have to be trained to use the force. Doctors. Meteorologists." She doesn't ask like she suspects lying, but she asks for Zerra to repeat herself. "Did you say manipulate probability? I imagine: you mean through the force?" She thinks before she asks, "What are the abilities of a Jedi Knight? What is the Dark Side?" She asks after a Sene Seeker is detailed. "What is an Agent?" She says, "I have more questions..." " She tweaks a small screwdriver on the blaster.

Lord Raziere
2021-08-25, 03:55 PM
She patiently explain the terms used
"To be more precise...
Force Sensitive: Is anyone who has the potential to use the Force. Generally used to refer to anyone who is untrained though.

Force Adept: Is anyone who is trained in the use of the Force, such as a Jedi, Sith, Jensaarai, Luka Sene like me, Baran Do Sages, Witches of Dathomir, Zeishon Sha, organizations like that.

Dark Side: a term for a part of the Force that is...for the lack of better terms, evil, or corrupt or polluted, its generally bad, and draws upon hatred, passion, anger, greed bad stuff like that. Its what a lot of Force training is about avoiding. The Jedi are not wrong when they say the Force requires discipline and calmness to wield, they are just overbearing and overreactive about it in my view. Some scholars of the Force on my planet of course debate the Dark Side's true nature and whether it is a leftover psychic archetype from earlier in the galaxies history when life was more controlled by instinct, survival and impulse before we ever had starships, others contend that using the dark side is going against the will of the Force or something, I was taught to treat it as psychic pollution to block out and clean it where needed. It is in some ways just as mysterious as the rest of the Force.

I have no ideas about the EXACT abilities of Jedi Knight, but I know I'm roughly on the same level as a newly minted one."
She will answer the next question
"Yes I meant manipulate probability through the Force. The Force seems to have this ability to predict things, to guide events to a certain extent that we aren't entirely certain how much. Though it might just be telekinesis. There are lot of things that are mysterious about it, and not even I could give you definite answers on some things."
At the next question she kind of waves her hand in "kinda sorta" motion.
"As for whether there is a biological component....uh yes, but we're not exactly sure what it is? Some claim its midichlorians but we haven't actually confirmed that, there are some problems with that reasoning, like we know they are symbiotic life forms but that doesn't mean they allow us to wield the Force, they could just be gathering in people to feed on Force energy or something, and how does such a cell bond with every single kind of life sapient form in the galaxy anyways with all its diverse biology? it could be correlative, it clearly isn't a matter of bloodlines because if it was all the nobles in the galaxy would be able to wield the Force, we'd be ruled by Force-using kings and queens, but we aren't and sometimes Force Sensitivity just shows up in random people from humble backgrounds out of nowhere. Like its clear that droids can't, but we're not sure why organic beings can. Its weird."
Then answers
"As for Agent, well I'm basically a cross between a force adept, secret agent, explorer, and privateer for the Luka Sene. It basically means I can travel the universe of planet and wield the Force in a similar capacity to a Jedi, but any consequences of my actions I have to deal with myself. Requires a lot of qualifications and training to become one."
She explains as she sits on the ship on the way there.

2021-08-25, 06:35 PM
The Clawdite who's standing shrinks back while Ghix berates them, but a hand from his companion steadies him.

The sitting one, when Ghix makes clear what to answer first, says "Rogal is not linked to the Xeres Conglomerate-not to our knowledge. He's simple someone with a vendetta against you, and was willing to pay us and help us escape if we could capture you. As for the espionage... We were hired by a group of Kaminoans. They're seeking to make more than just clones-and they think the drugs that the Xeres trade in would help. They, as far as we know, went to the Xeres and offered a large sum to buy some of the plants and creatures that the Xeres use to make their wares, but were turned down and blacklisted by them. So... They hired us to get the information by force."

2021-08-25, 08:14 PM
Kamino? Fino thought, then swore in Yam'rii as a wire in her back jolted her. It was becoming increasingly evident that however much she wanted to blame the people who had cyborg'd her, she had not done very well at maintaining her robotic parts.

2021-08-26, 10:01 PM
Lily will stay close to Zerra as she hounds her with questions, "Fascinating. There are many organizations I have never heard of, yet so few I am not surprised I have never of their subject." She points at Zerra's lightsaber. "That seems familiar to me, but I do not recall were my sense of familiarity originates."

There is a long pause when Zerra talks about the dark side, but Lily gives no response.

"You speak as if the force had a will of its own. That it guides. Is that intended? Do you consider the force conscious? I mean no offense. Personification is a common literary device."

"Fascinating. Droids are unable to use the Force. I have certainly never re-attached a man's hand, with or without the aid of bacta. If the Force does lack a strong biological component, I wonder why droids are unable to use the Force. The force seems exceedingly complex. Almost, too complex for a single organization to study. Is there any formal communication or exchange of knowledge between these organizations?"

"That is an impressive job title. Given how you have preformed, I believe you are accurately representing an Agent." She asks something not about the force, "Did the attempted kidnapping you witnessed at the bar invoke your duty as an Agent?"

2021-08-27, 07:37 PM
Eventually Fino got her parts in order and robotically chittered "what is Kamino?"

2021-08-27, 09:11 PM
"Kamino is a watery planet. About-" the seated Clawdite starts, but is cut off by his companion.

"The people. Tell them about the people," he instructs.

A touch sheepish, the first continues. "Ah. Right. They're biologists-masters of cloning and other such technical things. When they were approached by the Republic to make their armies, it caused a schism, of sorts-or at least, that's what the ones we worked with told us. There was a faction that wished to keep the normal forms intact-not tinker or modify anything. And those who wished to stay true to their roots, improving upon what nature did with a guiding hand."

2021-08-27, 09:12 PM
"The Republic has no army," Fino said. "Unless you’re counting their jedi attack dogs."

2021-08-27, 09:19 PM
"The Republic has no army," Fino said. "Unless you’re counting their jedi attack dogs."

"They don't yet," the now-pacing one says. "But they will... Soon."

2021-08-27, 09:34 PM
"Why? There is no need for one," Fino said. "It has been a quiet galaxy ever since the Federation left Naboo." She should know, she hunted down three higher-ranking Federation goons they had paid top dollar just to get out of Republic Custody.
"The Republic has never cared for such small-scale conflicts before."

Lord Raziere
2021-08-28, 03:13 AM
Answering Lilly:
She continue patiently answer Lilly:
"1. That is a Lightsaber. Do not attempt to wield it, it is a weapon that only force adepts can take advantage of, due it being a blade of plasma powered by a crystal that cut through probably anything. It is incredibly light, requiring incredible dexterity and skill to wield effectively without harming that which you don't want. It is also, technically, a limitation and prevents me from being even more destructive. You don't want to see what happens when a Force Adept figures out what they can do with other weapons.

2. The Force is an energy field created by all life in the galaxy. It connects all living organic things. It is alive in a sense, and sometimes does things without anyone manipulating it. The Jedi believe it has a will and that they carry out that will. What I was taught, is that the Force is intelligent but not in the same way as you or I: as small individuals with opinions and personalities. It is an entity that is more like a galaxy spanning ecology, combined with something like radiation or gravity. Its ability to see the future or at least predict it makes the Luka Sene believe that it doesn't perceive time as we do, that its perspective is wide, if not all encompassing, some even speculate that it might not even perceive time linearly. Whatever it thinks, it is in all likelihood a vast foreign mind unlike other in the galaxy we will never be able to understand fully, much like say, the Holonet.

Though there is an alternate theory, that the Force is simply a psychic binding force that is simply reacting to the minds it connects to, and the more a mind draws upon it, the more the mind is affected by The Force and the Force is affected by the mind. That the will of the force the Jedi believe is simply The Force reacting to the Jedi's own selfless values and thus remaking itself to match what they believe and in turn the Jedi hear that "will" guiding them because they themselves brought into existence a long time ago. There is some evidence for how this may be true, but the Force is complex, and the full truth of what it may be like that old tale about wise blind men feeling different parts of an elephant.

3. Yes it is complicated like that. Though there is probably a strong biological component, we're just still debating whether its midichlorians or not. The Luka Sene has had some communications with the Jedi Order in the past at least, some Miralukans have even left to join the Jedi Order in some cases. We're not that sure about others. With the Holonet it SHOULD be possible for the organizations to communicate with each other easily, but The Force tends to cause a bit of a tendency towards asceticism, agrarianism and so on. Bunch of old sages wanting to live in the wilderness so they can hear the Force at its most peaceful and quiet deciding where to live. Heh, the Jedi Council on Coruscant must be driven crazy by all the noise of the city. Hey Ghix imagine one of those stodgy monks having to meditate while they're sensing a night club crank up the music and start up one of the wildest parties of their lives and having to focus through that while maintaining their stoicism. The thought of it is amusing to me.

4. In the sense that innocent life is precious and therefore must be protected and these men were possibly threatening lives? Yes, my duty was invoked."
It wasn't technically her purpose of her journeying out here, but it was her duty nonetheless.

She frowns at this information.
"Quiet Galaxy is a relative term. Just because there hasn't been a galactic war since the Ruusan Reformation doesn't mean wars don't happen on a smaller scale. It is my opinion that the Jedi being the closest thing the Republic has to a military as a major problem. Originally that Reformation was supposed to make sure Jedi didn't become leaders of an all-conquering army of the Republic, prevent them from being seen as warlords. However it is my opinion that the Reformation didn't go far enough in one direction while going too far in another: They didn't decouple the Jedi from Republic authority entirely, and they abandoned the Republic having a military to defend itself. When historically speaking Sith have a tendency to disappear for long periods of time like a hundreds or even thousands of years then suddenly spring up out of nowhere with an army and an empire to cause a lot of death and destruction. I won't go into the specifics because they are all confusingly named some variation of "Sith War" and some of the conflicts have more than one name for them.

My opinion is that Jedi shouldn't be the Republic's enforcement of peace, the Jedi Order shouldn't have the authority they have now. The Republic should be able to enforce its laws and defend itself separate from the Jedi, while the Jedi's concerns should be separate from the Republic and its concerns with the entire galaxy's health not just one political entity. How many outer rim worlds suffer because they are lawless places no one in the Republic cares about? How much does the Jedi's reputation suffer because they get sent by politicians to do what the Republic should be doing itself? By making the Jedi tied to a political entity they forget that The Force is more than one government and its concerns, and people see them as nothing but the Republic's goons. It fuels anti-Republic sentiment to be directed against the Jedi, when the Force should not be tied to such matters."
She considers the information before her.
"However this Kamino, cloning, biology....this strikes me as strange. The Republic is the most powerful political entity in the galaxy. If it wanted to make a new military, it could simply announce that its doing so, start a recruitment drive and by sheer statistical inevitability you'd get volunteers willing to fight for it due to its incredible size. Add in some propaganda to advertise it and some deals with corporations for a new star fleet and you'd be in business. A bio-engineered army of clones on the other hand....implies something else. Implies that they don't have time to deal with more than one species. Odd move for an entity that has stood for a thousand years on its diplomacy and civil rights for all sapient life within it."

2021-08-28, 08:18 PM
The Clawdites' faces dim from their already sullen expressions. The seated one says "Perhaps we shouldn't've taken the job."

It's around now that the ones that were knocked out are starting to stir more. "May we look after our companions?" one asks.

I feel this scene is nearing its end. If y'all have more you want to accomplish, lemme know. But also, figure a plan for where to go from here. If you want some IC nudging, lemme know that too.

2021-08-28, 08:54 PM
"Kamino," Fino repeated. "Kamino. If the Republic is building an army, I want to know what of. And why of clones, yes... there are many planets hungry for war, many young military persons promised glory only to be told to stay home and not fire a blaster. Yes, I will go with this... Luka Sene to Kamino."

2021-08-29, 03:11 AM
Talking with Zerra

"I am familiar with the danger plasma poses but as a tool. Your omnidirectional sword seems more dangerous than a plasma torch." She explains, "I worked on transport ships for a time. I mentioned that I lack the programming to use a blaster. It is also true that I lack the programming to use any weapon, especially such a unique weapon. A blaster in my hand is much less likely to damage me, though with my aim I doubt I could hit something outside the same room." She nods in agreement that a lightsaber has limited destructive qualities.

"The Force comparison to the Holonet makes it easier to understand. The force acts like a main terminal, or perhaps, a vast network connecting life. None are truly alone. Everyone is linked by cause and effect. I find the idea of the force... comforting. From what I understand, you have a stronger connection than most. If it is not too personal: does the force make you less lonely, like you have a friend with you at all times? Do you feel more connected with force sensitive people, and when you met non-miraluka do you feel less connected? Do you remember those that are force sensitive more strongly?"

"I see: the life of a forest must feel very different than a city-world." She laughs over the jedi council joke. "A city is filled with life, just mostly people. I am sure the feel must be different. It is strange imagining a fringer on a core world."

She nods at Zerra confirming their defense was part of her duty. "I am glad you went easy on those kindnappers, and used your sword to disarm them without the loss of life. Such kindness is not always shown. Thank you for helping me. I will pay you back if I can."


Lily looks to Ghix and asks, "Ghix, are you going to run away? Rogal may still be trying to kidnap you. I will not fault you for avoiding trouble, but running may not solve this feud if he was willing to go so far as to send these men after you."

2021-08-30, 11:23 AM
Ghix scoffs. 'Run away? From Rogal's hired thugs?! Come on. I shall do no such thing. His petty feud concerns me very little. Compared to this... revelation! An army of the Republic... Now that I think about it, I've heard rumors of dissent in the ranks of the Senate. Organa has mentioned a few times his concern about separatist sentiment... Could it be related?'
He ponders what he just said:
'It's hard to believe the Republic would secretly train an army of clones just to silence so called dissenting voices... Aren't we a democracy? This mystery only thickens as I try to ponder it. So that's where I'd want to put my energy right now - Let Rogal come after me. I'm not afraid. Especially since Fino and Zerra both seem committed to investigating this further. Am I correct in thinking this? If so, let me tag along. I can fend for myself - not half bad with a vibroblade and a decent shot, too.'
Lastly, to the Clawdites he adds:
'You need to get off world? Come with us to Kamino. A few extra pair of arms won't hurt in manning the Joker, if I'm being completely honest. Once we get to the bottom of this, you will be free to go. I'll pay you. Meanwhile, we'll take care of your injured, of course.'

That's it for me - we can skip ahead if no one objects.

Lord Raziere
2021-09-10, 11:16 PM
Talking with Zerra:
She thinks about these question
".....I've....hm never thought it like those ways before. Its hard to describe the Force to someone who doesn't feel or see it....I guess it kind of like a friend most of the time. A strange, mysterious one, that I can't really figure out. But sometimes its polluted and it needs cleaning. While force sensitives....not particularly. I didn't feel connected to the Jedi I argued with after my first stint on a foreign planet, while non-miraluka well, I wouldn't say...less connected more like we both have senses that we can't really describe well to one another. People just don't really understand how I just see and act on what they feel is insufficient information about who someone is, when to me the information is clear as day. These....ruffians we brought with us, I spared because they are technically just a dark shade of grey or neutral rather than real dark side. Now I'm supposed to try and save all I can but if not.....I am not supposed to hesitate to end a life if it preserves more at the same time. I guess I kind of remember force sensitive more strongly though."

She will nod
"Yes, we should go to Kamino. I think we will find some answers there."

2021-09-11, 10:06 AM
This may have slipped my mind. Thanks to Raz for posting and popping this back up in my subscriptions!

You do what you need to prepare. Looking at the hyperspace charts and maps of the galaxy, you see no sign of Kamino-but the Clawdites are able to provide extra info, enough to chart a course. It'll be a decently long trip, and the Clawdites do ask to be dropped off partway through, on a backwater planet. They promise you that they'll stay out of trouble.

Our force-sensitive may roll 2d100 and take the better result, owing to her connection with the force.

They mean what they say.

They truly intend to keep their heads low, at least for the immediate future.

They've been spooked pretty bad by this. They might not reform, but they're certainly going to try for a bit, at least.

2021-09-11, 10:31 AM
Fino requests that Lily comes in her ship with her.
<I require some maintenance,> Fino hissed. <Are you programmed for piloting so that I can plug myself in?>

Lord Raziere
2021-09-11, 07:26 PM
Zerra will sense how long the clawdites will try and say
"I know that reforming is hard and take a while, and your situation might not be the best- your probably economically in a position that you can't get out of- but I encourage you to try and make a more honest living regardless. A quieter world without much going on might be just the fresh start you need. There is a chance for you, if you just stay with it long enough, and remember: there is no try, just do it."
Then she will say no more of it. They will either do it or they won't. Hopefully it was the advice they needed. She considers the location they gave.
"The Rishi Maze....is near a dwarf satellite galaxy orbiting our own, 12 parsecs away from Kamino in fact. No wonder no one has heard of the planet. This is the edge of the frontier, almost Wild Space. Odd place to get an army from."

2021-09-12, 10:09 AM
Lilly will help chart the hyperspace route if the astro droid will accept her help but will leave the droid to work if it prefers to work alone. She says about the extra stop, "If we route through the Manda Merchant Run, we could stop by the planet Ukio. It's an agrarian planet that helps feed the core worlds. The place should allow all of you to avoid trouble and keep low for as long as you need."

She answers Fino, "I am programed to pilot transport-class starships as well as to chart astrogation routes. I can assist with technical medical aspects as well if you are in need of assistance. Though, cybernetics are not my specialty I am familiar with mechanical constructions and droid engineering." She looks to the group to see if they support her going with Fino. She will go with the other ship if nothing deviates Fino's intentions.

Talking with Zerra:
"I think I understand a little better. I would have thought you would feel more connected. I think... I would feel more secure in knowing that I am connected with another being through some force. If I had a friend," she says in reference to the force, "that ways always traveling with me and close to me in my struggles.

2021-09-12, 11:06 AM
The Clawdites talk amongst themselves for a bit. "Ukio would work," one of them says. "I don't think we know anyone near... But that's probably for the best."

They talk to Ghix, hashing out how much they're really owed. Zerra's words seem to have touched them-they don't haggle too hard, and are more focused on what finances they'll need to live comfortably.

While the haggling goes on, the astropath is plotted, and soon, you're launched into hyperspace. It will take a while to reach your destination, but for the early legs, it shouldn't be dangerous.

2021-09-12, 11:15 AM
<I am not in need of> Fino’s refusal of help was interrupted when sparks shot from her neck and she spasmed to the ground.
<On second thought perhaps you would be of help.>

The design of her cybernetic system was experimental in the sense of breaking into a new technology. The maintenance was experimental in the sense of "I think I remember this wire going here?"
Fino tried to remain still while Lilly worked.

Lord Raziere
2021-09-12, 01:26 PM
Talking with Zerra:
"I think I understand a little better. I would have thought you would feel more connected. I think... I would feel more secure in knowing that I am connected with another being through some force. If I had a friend," she says in reference to the force, "that ways always traveling with me and close to me in my struggles.

"......Hm. Well perhaps I'm not the best person to talk to about that aspect of it? the Jedi are the ones who like to think of it in more spiritual terms. the Luka Sene....well they taught me its more of an ecology. People like to think the Force is the same everywhere, but its not, not exactly, and at times I can feel the desperation, the hunger, the raw basic instincts of life as much the more beautiful parts through the Force. There is connection sure, I just....don't focus on it I guess? I was taught to see it from a scholarly perspective, and the aspect you think of was more prominent on my homeworld where other Miraluka lived, where we all understood each other and all helped and cooperated to live together well. The truth of it is, that no matter what your beliefs about the Force, you need some level of discipline and control when wielding it, as a certain excess of emotion leads to.....bad things happening. Thus even if your not a jedi and don't have any restrictions on your personal life like I do, a certain level of detachment has a tendency to happen as a side effect of the training but I was never much of an emotional person in the first place, though whether that is my own personality or the fact that my entire species has a tendency towards being thoughtful, cautious and deliberate I cannot tell you, and I can only speculate whether that tendency is cultural or biological. I might actually qualify as a bit reckless by Miralukan standards for gallivanting about the galaxy as I do."
She thinks for a second.
"Hm, but perhaps your viewpoint is valuable specifically because it allows me to consider it from that perspective. I should meditate on this, maybe this aspect of the Force will be revealed to me in time."
She will sit cross-legged and meditate and await for the next question or until her meditation time is done.

On the journey there when not meditating she will play cards, watch or read what entertainment Ghix has on his ship- its all black and white to her, but she can still see the holo-movies play out just fine- and just generally be unobtrusive and sometimes be still for long periods of time.

2021-09-15, 09:28 AM

Lily will leave the Joker, saying she will see everyone aboard the Joker upon arrival, to board Fino's Kamacuras. She curiosity looks around as she enters the ship. Any droid around will be greeted by her. She asks, <Where do you plug in for your maintenance?> With Fino's approval, Lily will lift off planet and enter hyperspace with the Joker before beginning any long-term cyberware care. She will gather at whatever makeshift hospital is aboard the ship and begin familiarizing herself with the tools. She'll plug diagnostic gear into Fino. <Is your neck causing you any pain? Have you had any issues with any other cyberware?> She will examine Fino's sparking neck. Then, check the past logs to get something a medical history.

2021-09-15, 10:40 AM
You take flight. The Clawdites keep to themselves, at first, discussing their plans for the future openly. But, as they realize that they may be unprepared for a life of peace, they start to ask you all for advice and assistance.

In time, you set down on the starport of Magul III. A peaceful, agricultural planet-where the biggest scandal is which of your neighbors is perhaps not being the most faithful to their partner. The Clawdites take the credits promised, and thank you.

"We'll... We'll do our best," one of them says. "If you need any more help, we'll do what we can. But, uh... Try not to need our help, okay?"

You wish them well, and take off again for Kamino. As you reach further into Wild Space, you make sure to stay in contact whenever you drop out of hyperspace, in case something should go wrong.

In the second-to-last jump before you reach your destination, Zerra gets the feeling something is wrong. The jump requires you to go through a mostly dead solar system at sublight, a journey of a few hours to reach the departure point, and supposedly perfectly safe. Supposedly.

2021-09-15, 10:58 AM
Fino had no other droids onboard, and the ship AI seemed very simple and barebones.
<I plug in here,> Fino said, bringing Lily to a standard droid charging point. <And perform necessary maintenance myself.>
She was not good at it.

With the repairs started, Fino stayed as still as she could despite having many bad memories start like this.
<Everything hurts... all the time,> Fino confessed. <My neck is just another point.>
Fino’s wiring was terrible with incompetent maintenance. In the ship’s stores, Lily found a file marked Project Grievous, Prototype 2.0.4 that detailed the technology being used and the process of installing it and hooking it up to Fino’s nerves, though she was only "the subject" or "the prototype" in the logs, written in Kaleesh.

Lord Raziere
2021-09-16, 07:43 AM
"....I sense danger. Be wary on this final stretch. It won't be as easy as its supposed to be."
She will warn Ghix then speak to Fino using a communicator to say the same. Then prepared herself for hostiles coming.

2021-09-18, 03:46 AM

Lily will greet the basic AI nonetheless if she finds out it exists.

She will plug Fino into the droid charging port. <Very well.> She jokes, <I have seen one of these before.>

<How long have you been in pain?> A manual was a lot more useful than past maintenance logs. She will inspect the file and open it to read. She pauses as she looks-up the cyberware in Fino's neck. She is horrified by what she reads, but she restrains her reaction for Fino's benefit. <You need to see a skilled doctor as soon as possible. I will do what I can, but I can not do more than maintenance with my current programing.> Lily will grab her tools and start performing maintenance using the prototype files to aid her. She will look for a way to disable the feedback in the cyberware while she works on it, but if no such mechanism exists she stops to ask Fino if she should stop, apply some anti-pain drug (if the ship has any), or proceed through the pain. The last option clearly the least desired.


Lily interjects, "I was not judging your experience, rather my own expectations in the way that I understand your unique circumstances. I appreciate your thoughts on the subject and helping me better understand the force. I did not mean any offense. I find your insights into a subject I was not even aware existed fascinating. I see I still have much to learn. I will leave you to your meditation." She leaves but turns to catch a glimpse of Zerra's meditation.

2021-09-18, 09:11 AM
<Push through the pain... giving up hurts worse,> Fino said. <I have gone thirty years without addling my brain. It is all I have left that is fully me and it will remain as-is.>
It was, however, simple to disable the feedback.
<So... you saw who built me. Who built you?>
Fino spoke into the communicator to Zerra.
"Difficult maintenance under way, neither of us currently capable of precision piloting. I suggest we dock so you can come to the Kamacuras and fly it."

2021-09-18, 01:36 PM
<Thirty years is a long time to push through the pain. I can empathize with your reason. I do not like restraints myself.>

Lily will disable feedback as she works and forgos the need for drugs.

<I did see the intent in the file. I believe it is rude for me to comment on your history.>
<Your question is not so simple. The answer depends more on the person asking the question than my history. I could answer the company who produced my basic models. Every person that installed hardware into my body. Everyone that installed software into my body. Those that I remember, and who affected my personality matrix. Since you asked me though, I will answer: I built myself. I am responsible for who I am, my mind, and my body. I built myself with the help of others, but I am ultimately responsible for myself.> She hmms, <Is that an answer to you?>

2021-09-18, 05:17 PM
<Only about ten of those years were... like this,> Fino clarified. <I believe I understand. Thank you for your help.>

2021-09-19, 06:04 AM
<I understand. If you would like to talk later, I will listen.>

<I am happy to help. This is not how I imagined my travels would go, but I consider them worthwhile since I helped another. I am unsure what awaits at this facility. This trip is already more dangerous than I imagined.>

Lily will continue on maintenance and doing what little she can do. She makes notes of any components that may need replaced.

2021-09-20, 10:03 AM

Zerra's warning seems, while sincere, ultimately pointless. The sensors show absolutely nothing besides barren rocks.

And then the mine goes off, sending the ship tumbling until someone gets it recovered.