View Full Version : Pathfinder Needing advice for a Halfling Unchained Rogue (Poisoner)

2021-08-20, 08:15 AM
Using a 20 Point Buy, I gave myself 8 Str, 18 Dex, 10 Con, 13 Int, 12 Wis, 16 Cha (After applying racials).
My starting feat is Improved Initiative, and I've taken the Intrepid Volunteer and Ambush Training traits.
I'm using Rogue as a favored class in order to grant myself extra skill points.
I intend to round out the intelligence, and put the rest of my ability boosts into Dexterity.

At level 2, I'll take Unlock Ki as my rogue talent- which gives me a Ki Pool and grants access to Ninja Tricks. Since Charisma is my highest mental ability, that's where my Ki Points come from.

What I would like to accomplish:
I'd like to be a really good assassin, without multiclassing.
For combat, I'm an ambusher. I'm going with two weapon fighting and dual wielding daggers.
Our DM is making use of these feat changes:

2021-08-20, 11:47 AM
You'll want Dampen Presence so you can sneak up on (or past) creatures with preternatural senses.

You'll also want a means to reliably enable sneak attack. This Unchained Rogue handbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zLDFgiwZt_vPVlOcgR7QDAvskcH34uG1FuKPXTnpuEg/view) has several - my personal favorites are flanking with yourself and blinding the opponent, but there are multiple approaches in here, pick the one(s) that best suit your character.

2021-08-20, 01:57 PM
Ambush as in sniping or ambush as in "I jump from the trees and eat your face?"

2021-08-20, 03:30 PM
Ambush as in sniping or ambush as in "I jump from the trees and eat your face?"

Mostly the latter. Since this is in Numeria, i ended up trading poisoner for numerian scavenger. We're going up against mostly things that are either highly resistant or immune to poison.
On the rare occasion i get to use poison, I'll be using a blowgun, and eating the 10% chance of poisoning myself, lol.
So poison stuff, probably gonna set to the side for now.

2021-08-20, 10:09 PM
You can get Poison Use as a rogue talent - no more risk of poisoning yourself.

The Scout archetype lets you sneak attack things just by charging them, however I still recommend investing in one of the other methods I linked to guarantee sneak attacks.