View Full Version : Paladin NPC (Villain)

2021-08-21, 10:05 AM
So I’m interested in thoughts on making a Paladin (PC class) as a villain. I am aware of the common issues of PC classes as NPCs (especially when you have divine smite involved). However there is a story reason for my inquiry. I’ll provide a little backstory if that helps.
The short of it: a PC was a vengeance Paladin that went around killing everyone. He was supposed to be CG (I won’t get into my thoughts on alignment and Paladins). However, he took an assassin contract from someone who was obviously evil on a guy who supposedly just owed the contractor some money (never Q the contractor nor the mark). Just went to his house and offed him. All to get info to from the contractor to go kill someone else that had something he wanted.
Due to this, and among other things, I gave him an option from his deity to go through a penance period with no Paladin powers to regain them again OR make a deal with some evil entity tugging at his heart and become an oath breaker. He took the latter. The entity was vecna if that matters. He then continues to murder hobo even more (got the nickname the murder hobo Paladin). In town he was questioned by a guard about something unrelated and he decided to give static back and then it escalated. Surprising to me, after killing 6 or more guards, 2 more came running up (no more left in area... not that they would have been a match) and... he surrendered. I think the player started feeling bad for derailing the session. So they decided to execute him for his murders. To make him feel better, right before he was executed, I had a hand came up from the underworld (presumably Vecna’s) and took him. The players thought that he would come back as an NPC sometime, which was the idea. It’s been like 3 levels now (they are 10-11 now). They have forgotten about it and I just reached a part between chapters in my main campaign so I was gonna have him come back seeking vengeance on his former party for letting him die.
So what are your thoughts on this. Ideas? Suggestions?
Being a Paladin he certainly can down a PC rather quickly. The player of the Paladin is now playing a level 11 halforc barb. I know he would like it but I’m sure the other players would be scared (though I think they’ll enjoy it as well). I would make sure they were at full resources or at least give them every opportunity to be.
The Paladin will have some undead mooks with him. I believe he should be at least the same level as the party maybe one or two higher? Give him some necrotic, shadowy weapon thing and 3 attacks? One shot drops on PCs would be a high possibility and maybe a possible death. But I think if they are smart, even if the Paladin got the drop on them (never had any honor to begin with), they could take him with not too much problem if they are smart. Battlefield control and AOE (work around high saves as a Paladin) and use ranged attacks.
What say y’all? Thanks!

2021-08-21, 10:16 AM
So what are your thoughts on this. Ideas? Suggestions?

I'd advise you to use the Blackguard statblock from the Volo's, adapted to fit your needs.

2021-08-21, 10:53 AM
I'd advise you to use the Blackguard statblock from the Volo's, adapted to fit your needs.

Yep. Just take a stat block or multiple and combine features/ tweak until you get close enough to embodying the main aspects of an oathbreaker paladin.

My approach would be to add the spellcasting stuff from the blackguard stat block to the warlord stat block. Drop indomitable and bake in the +4 to all saves. Sprinkle in some zombies and skeletons. If the encounter happens in a lair, I would spawn more undead at initiative 20.

2021-08-21, 11:05 AM
What you want is a death knight.

2021-08-21, 11:06 AM
Are there any NPCs they like or admire? Any locations they value? That vecna might want something from?

Time to kill them.

Use a Death Knight. Riding a Hell Hound. And a Necromancer advisor. With a pack of Ghouls (like 20, not all of them with the DK).

Lampshade the bad guy as really bad news.

A group of level 12 PCs can kill a Death Knight, but it will be a hell of a fight.

The DK is almost entirely not interested in the PCs. It has a mission from Vecna. When they threaten it, it tells them to go away, and throws the hellfire orb at them (70 damage (!)), then just ... walks away. The PCs can follow and engage, or run away; both are interesting stories.

If the PCs engage, it is plausible some PCs will die. If they reengage and then they retreat, the DK leaves some of the Ghouls to deal with them and goes about its business.

Ideally the PCs will really, really hate that DK. Which you can use later.

After whatever is supposed to be plundered is plundered, the DK and necromancer (if still alive) leave through a macabre teleportation gate crafted out of innocent flesh and books, which then collapses.

2021-08-21, 12:07 PM
I forgot to mention I have the PCs stat sheet. The player gave it to me. I was thinking about giving him a nightmare to ride but didn’t know if that would be a bit much.
I like the death night idea!! Maybe do some hybrid?

2021-08-21, 01:34 PM
The "seeking vengeance on his former party for letting him die" element seems harsh He made some poor choices, surrendered to the authorities and was executed.

The suggestion of having him pass through on a mission for his new patron, riling up the Party but not directly engaging, is a good one. If you want to put them on a collision course, then bring him back later. You could set them up as rivals - both going after the same Artifact. Only he has an army of undead.

2021-08-21, 02:18 PM
The suggestion of having him pass through on a mission for his new patron, riling up the Party but not directly engaging, is a good one. If you want to put them on a collision course, then bring him back later. You could set them up as rivals - both going after the same Artifact. Only he has an army of undead.

He did blame the party afterwards for it trying to save him. Ha. But I think putting him on a crash course for the same item would fit better for the main campaign that I’m running. Vecna sends him to retrieve the item to which he emphatically embarks on knowing that the party will be after it as well.