View Full Version : Gushing about KJ Parker

2021-08-21, 12:42 PM
I absolutely love this man. I just discovered him about a month and a half ago when I picked a random book off the shelf at the library (it was Savages, for the record), but I've since read about half his work.

Two of Swords in particular really captured me - I'm fascinated by the interplay between religion and politics throughout history, and seeing that play out in a constructed world whose history I'm becoming familiat with was exciting (and gave me ideas for my RPG world).

I wish more people wrote stuff like this. ASoIaF is close, but is increasingly magical - no complaints there, that's kind of the point of the series, but it reduces my interest in the day-to-day fare that was what really hooked me into it.

Is there a term for this subgenre - "historical fiction" set in constructed worlds? Either way, I'd love some similar recommendations, since I'm really chewing through Parker's work.