View Full Version : The breakfast thread

Swedish chef
2007-11-15, 04:35 PM
So they all say that eating breakfast is very important and I have to agree. I have about a year ago finished loosing 25kilos (50pounds aprox) and an important part of that was eating a steady breakfast. So I want to to know what do you people eat. Lets exchange breakfast menues and tips.

A typical breakfast for me is
a mug of tea (raspberry/lemon my own special blend) with 1 teaspoon of sugar
2 sandwiches with either smoked cognac wurst or smoked ham and butter bread should be the darker kind. more healthy and more taste.
1 bowl of youghurt or "sour milk" (best translation i can come up with a VERY Swedish occurance that is similar to yoghurt) with some bran cereal OR 2 boiled eggs.
1 LARGE glass of coffee.

Thats me. How about you?

2007-11-15, 04:41 PM
bit of toast maybe, maybe cereal if there is no toast and what ever is in the fridge to drink :smallsmile:

2007-11-15, 04:43 PM
Well, in the great rush to catch the college bus, I usually have a breakfast of...

Pint of blackcurrent
Either a bowl of Shredded Wheat, toast, or scotch pancakes for when I'm lazy :smallsmile:

2007-11-15, 04:43 PM
Typical Breakfast:
- Peanut Butter on a toasted Bagel
- Glass of Milk
- Several cups of coffee

Today's Breakfast:
- 2 cupcakes
- Several cups of coffee

2007-11-15, 04:47 PM
When I have the time to have breakfast, it is a cup of coffee and toast or croissants. That's only on weekends though, I don't have the time during the week.

2007-11-15, 04:50 PM
Well, I don't usually eat breakfast when I'm at college (or if I do, it's a granola bar or muffin and some milk/juice), but if I'm at home and my family cooks (and it's a special occasion), we like to have a real southern breakfast with at least some of the following:

-Some type of meat (bacon, country ham, or sausage)
-An egg dish (either scrambled or fried)
-Grits (the traditional southern breakfast food)
-Hash browns or home fries or some potato product
-Home-made biscuits (or biscuits and gravy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biscuits_and_gravy)!)
-Home-made pancakes (sometimes)
-Coffee or juice to drink

As you may notice, it's not the healthiest menu (and we're definitely not skinny folks!), but it's probably my favorite meal to have (in the mornings, at lunch-time, or even for dinner).

EDIT: Added a link about "biscuits and gravy," because some people don't really know what that is.

2007-11-15, 04:58 PM
Usually just a bowl of cereal (not the sugar-laden variety, though). Occasionally, I'll have waffles or oatmeal, but usually only if I've run out of milk or cereal.

Every once in a while I'll take the walk down to the gas station and pick up a few donuts with a newspaper. Though whenever I'm at my parents' on a Sunday, this gets done for me (as it's the normal routine round there).

2007-11-15, 05:02 PM

mrmmmmm waffles :smalltongue:

2007-11-15, 05:05 PM
mrmmmmm waffles :smalltongue:


I only have time for a slice of toast yet on Saturday I get a Cheese Burger with Onions with chips and a hash brown :smallbiggrin:.

Oh, it's me favoourite.

The biscuits and gravy looks like baby vomit. It's an insult to real biscuits and gravy which is where you make some gravy with an oxo cube and then dip cookies into it.

2007-11-15, 05:14 PM
My breakfast is the same every day:

* If there is any leftover from last night's dinner that needs to be eaten, I reheat it.

* Otherwise, two slices of wholemeal toast, thick sliced, with margarine and Marmite.

2007-11-15, 05:14 PM
Varies for me. Depends on what time i get up and whether i need to be active during the day.

Active days: two or three rounds of toast, normally with peanut butter, a bowl of low sugar, low salt cereal with loads of milk and a lot of coffee.

Lazy days (not many of these, but my recent trips away made me put on many lbs): Bacon, sausage, egg (boiled), beans, black pudding, haggis if its available and hash browns, followed by toast (with marmalade) a pot of tea, a long read of the news-paper and a nap... which takes us up to first lunch...

2007-11-15, 05:29 PM
1 bowl of youghurt or "sour milk" (best translation i can come up with a VERY Swedish occurance that is similar to yoghurt) with some bran cereal OR 2 boiled eggs.

Kärnmjölk? That's buttermilk.

My breakfast varies a lot. Today I had 3 full grain sandwiches with chicken. On other days I take cranberry flavored cereal with yoghurt. On the best days I take a baguette with filet americain (my favorite breakfast). Another favorite is kaiserbread with cream cheese and ham. But I barely take it cause it is a little bit too greasy even for me.

Oh and nearly a liter of water. I don't drink anything but water and I drink alot of it.

2007-11-15, 05:55 PM
i usually kill two slices of toast and a tomato for breakfast

^^ sir norbert, is marmite good? i've been looking for a something spreadable that is vegan and not jam, jelly, marmalade, salsa, or peanut butter.

2007-11-15, 06:01 PM
My staple breakfast is oatmeal. When I'm feeling special I make it on the stove, but most days I microwave, which involves:

1/4 C quick oats
1/4 C milk
dash of water
1/2 tsp jam

Throw it in the 'nuke for a minute thirty.
Days when I don't feel like oatmeal, I have an apple and a glass of milk...and then some days I'll munch on handfuls of cereal (not sugary cereal, I hate that), if I'm feeling like something a little more substantial

2007-11-16, 02:42 AM
A cup of coffee (black, 1 sugar).
Some pineapple.

Occasionally I replace the pineapple with other things - yoghurt, cereal, toast, or leftover takeaway food.

At weekends I tend to roll out of bed so late that breakfast is also lunch, in which case it could be anything.

2007-11-16, 02:46 AM
Define 'Breakfast'.

If you mean 'Meal you eat upon waking', it varies with my sleep schedule. Today I had stuffed chicken breast. Mmm.

If you mean 'Meal eaten around 6-10AM'

When I do eat around this time it's usually eggs or a sandwhich.. or just leftovers, we don't get any cereal I like, though sometimes I'll eat oatmeal.

Occasionally I'll make pancakes.

Really though the concept of 'breakfast' foods elude me.

Pancakes make excellent dinner, as do eggs.

Also, Pizza makes a great breakfast, as does beef stew.

Swedish chef
2007-11-16, 04:33 AM
Kärnmjölk? That's buttermilk.

Thanks but no cigarr. It's "Filmjölk" I'm looking for and since I have not heard of any country except possibly Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden (and I'm not sure about all of those) who has it I dont think there is a proper English name for it. If anyone knows. Let me know :D Until then I'll stick with Sour milk even though it sounds more gross than it is.

Lady Tialait
2007-11-16, 05:42 AM
My breatfast tends to be whatever i didn't finish from dinner. I'm used to cooking for ten peaple and always make left overs. sadly..my left overs usally taste better then my cooking...but oh well..tommorow..or..well..right now's breakfast is..duh duh duh...meatloaf!

Don Julio Anejo
2007-11-16, 05:50 AM
Leftovers from last night, a big mug of tea and once in a while sandwiches with strawberry jam, gouda or swiss cheese. If there's no leftovers and no bread, then whatever instant stuff I have. Well, that or beans. Although I usually have leftovers since I cook enough for about 2.5 meals and only eat about 2 of them after.

2007-11-16, 06:37 AM
a cup of pepsi or tea. (or coffee if i'm lucky)

2007-11-16, 11:49 AM
Two slices of toast, with varying stuff on them oh and usually a coupld of glasses of orange juice.

Jack Squat
2007-11-16, 11:56 AM
two chocolate glazed doughnuts and a glass of chocolate milk...then I snack on some chocolate muffins on the way over to class.

Hi, my name is Jack Squat, and I'm a chocoholic*...

*yes, I know there's no such thing as chocohol, don't think you're smart to try and point out the wrongness of the statement, it sounds better than cacaoic.

Don Julio Anejo
2007-11-16, 12:10 PM
Hi, my name is Jack Squat, and I'm a chocoholic*...

Or you could say it like:

"Hi, my name is Jack Squat and I have a cocoa bean dependency!" :biggrin:

2007-11-16, 12:16 PM
I haven't figured out a translation for filmjölk either, and not terribly interested since I can't stand the stuff. Nodding, smiling, and saying "yogurt" works well enough. Buttermilk is an unrelated product.

Ideally, my breakfasts would be pancakes (American, thick, fluffy. Not any flat European variety) or cereal. In practice, it's tea and leftovers. However, the local store has started importing and stocking Polarbröd products, which makes this household VERY happy! In those cases, it's two pieces of product-of-the-day (it varies) with some prawn-flavored squeezy cheese or with squeezy roe. . .stuff. (Yes, the translation is "caviar" but that has the wrong association in English. Think of those fine orange fish eggs that show up in sushi. Those, in a salty spreadable mix.)

[EDIT: It's not a dependency, I can quit any time I want!]

2007-11-16, 12:40 PM

Weekday: Little bit of toast with margarine (or with honey, if we're being daring), or small bowl of wholewheat cereal, with glass of juice or lactaded milk. :smallredface:

Weekend: More of the same. Or pear and banana fritters awash with honey. Or pancakes (any variety). Or sausages with toasted soldiers. Or fruit. Or honey! I like honey. :smallsmile:

Don Julio Anejo
2007-11-16, 12:45 PM
Okay. Apparently I'm out of leftovers because I ate them at night (I blame my messed up sleep pattern thanks to a week of photographing and/or drinking in clubs). I'm also out of instant stuff. And milk.

Off to the caf I go :frown:

2007-11-16, 12:46 PM
Today's Breakfast:

Nutrition, thy name is Trog

2007-11-16, 01:02 PM



2007-11-16, 01:03 PM
I used to eat whole-grain toast. But the stuff started tasting like wood after 2 months. Now, I eat rye-bread with a slice of cheese and butter on it. And a bowl of yogurt with muesli/cereal. I drink some juice or milk. Maybe munch on an apple as I walk to school.

2007-11-16, 01:17 PM
I never ate breakfast because I'm one of those people who has to be awake for several hours before my stomach actually feels hungry enough to eat. If I try before it's ready.. well.. I feel like I ate a block of lead for the rest of the day.

Now, however, with a 14 month old, she gets a couple pieces of toast with margarine at about 11am. She's like me apparently and only wants something liquid when she first gets up, so we're still doing a bottle of milk then. But, since she's having toast, the smell makes my stomach go, "hey! I've been awake since 8am... I think I'm hungry now." So I end up having peanut butter toast at the same time. So that is my breakfast. Since I don't get to eat lunch until she falls asleep for her nap.. usually 1:30ish... this works out very well.

The Bushranger
2007-11-16, 01:22 PM
Usual breakfast:
Bacon, egg and cheese McGriddle and two hash browns. Large sweet tea.
Steak, egg and cheese breakfast burrito. Large sweet tea.

Ideal breakfast:
Bowl of Publix frosted mini-wheats with milk. Large sweet tea. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-16, 01:25 PM
None, I can't stand to eat in the morning.
For some reason I get moody from it :smallconfused:

2007-11-16, 01:34 PM
mrmmmmm waffles :smalltongue:

Mmmmmmmm, waffles indeed.

Tempest Fennac
2007-11-16, 01:52 PM
In the week, I have 2 rounds of bacon sandwiches with ketchup on either white or brown bread (it's usually white), with a glass of Innocent Smoothie or orange juice and a Quest multi-vitamin tablet. At the weekend, I have 2 rounds of melted cheese on toast instead of the bacon sandwiches. My ideal breakfast (which I'd have if I had more time in the morning then at lunch time) involves 2 rashers of grilled bacon, 2 rounds of wholegrain toast, 1 portion of grilled mushrooms, a portion of baked beans, a glass of smoothie and a vitamin tablet.

2007-11-16, 01:53 PM
One bowl of the most unhealthy breakfast cereal available on the market (proven by science!) plus milk, is what I sometimes eat for breakfast. Like, once every three days.

Little bit of suicide in every morning!

2007-11-16, 02:07 PM
My breakfast consists of a cigarette on my walk to work... if it's my day off, it's a cigarette on my porch so I still take in the morning chill. Cold; it's waaaay better than coffee for waking up fully!

2007-11-16, 02:47 PM
Cold pizza and beer, breakfast of champions.

2007-11-17, 10:48 AM
I usualy eat some bread and/or toast, but the breakfast of gods are scrambled eggs on bacon.

Occasional Sage
2007-11-17, 11:07 AM
Typically, a cup or two of coffee as I get ready for work and on the trip in. Followed by another two or three through the morning as I work.

I'm getting better about real food in the mornings, though. For quick and tasty I've become a fan of oatmeal (not the instant Quaker stuff) with some variety of fresh organic fruit. It takes five minutes to make, tastes great, and lets me feel like I'm doing something good for myself.

Once or twice a month, on weekends, I make the classic eggs-bacon-pancakes-etc breakfast.

I usualy eat some bread and/or toast, but the breakfast of gods are scrambled eggs on bacon.

Mort, have you ever tried greasy bread? Since 1)bacon is tasty, 2)you have lots of bacon grease in the pan after cooking a few slices, and 3)it's a shame to waste it, I'll sometimes fry a couple of slices of bread in it. It's (IMHO) incredibly good, but very bad for me and gets me some pointed and disapproving looks from my (much more health-conscious) girlfriend, so it's a rare indulgence.

2007-11-17, 12:07 PM
Hot Blackcurrant Drink.
Nutri-Grain Bar.
Cereal with milk and sugar.

2007-11-17, 12:11 PM
If I'm up before 08:00, I usually have toast and coffee. If I wake up later, I wait until lunch to eat, but I still have the coffee. Coffee is good... coffee is mana...

* drinks coffee *

2007-11-17, 01:09 PM
Mort, have you ever tried greasy bread? Since 1)bacon is tasty, 2)you have lots of bacon grease in the pan after cooking a few slices, and 3)it's a shame to waste it, I'll sometimes fry a couple of slices of bread in it. It's (IMHO) incredibly good, but very bad for me and gets me some pointed and disapproving looks from my (much more health-conscious) girlfriend, so it's a rare indulgence.

Hmm. So you mean frying a bread on what's left after eggs and bacon? Sounds good.

2007-11-17, 01:17 PM
Most mornings, coffee and cigarettes.

Today, I'm eating a Czech bread-pastry my girlfriend made along with those two things.

Occasional Sage
2007-11-17, 03:14 PM
Hmm. So you mean frying a bread on what's left after eggs and bacon? Sounds good.

Specifically the bacon fat. It's death on the arteries, but meh, every now and then you need the decadence, right..?

Em Blackleaf
2007-11-17, 03:25 PM
My usual breakfast is a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk. Sometimes, I don't have time for breakfast, though.
If I feel like cooking, I'll make eggs or something.

Today, for breakfast, I had a frozen dinner thing. :smalltongue:
It was... *looks at box* Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken and broccoli.

2007-11-17, 08:00 PM
For all those worrying about their health over the bacon fat, I should note that when I said cigarettes, I meant an entire pack. Mentholated.
Comparatively, your bodies will be temples however much grease you eat.

The Bushranger
2007-11-17, 09:31 PM
Specifically the bacon fat. It's death on the arteries, but meh, every now and then you need the decadence, right..?

"Take a pill, and cook the vegetables." - Mark Lowry :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-17, 09:43 PM
My favorite is tuna (spicy), scrambled eggs (mixed with some milk and cheese), and toast. I sometimes have to take a Sausage McMuffin on the way to work if breakfast at home left me wanting (like when we forget to go to the grocery).

As much as I avoid McDonald's, their breakfast is pretty good.

Ego Slayer
2007-11-17, 09:47 PM
@Amotis - Ooh... that's just terrible. =P

Breakfast... what is this you speak of? >_>
Erm... a cup of tea counts? I try to make sure I eat something substantial, but it doesn't often work out that way. It's really bad (especially for me), I know, but...:smallsigh:

2007-11-17, 10:56 PM
I'll just say that if you live with me, you likely will get tired of hash browns and eggs.

*makes Ego hash browns and sunny-side up eggs*

@V: :smalltongue:

2007-11-19, 06:32 AM
You eating hash browns for breakfast had me really confused for a second there. But I looked it up on wikipedia and it's actually normal food. Not something I'd want for my breakfast probably but a lot better than what I thought you were referring to haha. :smallamused: