View Full Version : 5e level 20 “1 Shot” (DM redemption)

2021-08-22, 09:53 AM
My players had a “bad time” with my last one shot. I want to redeem myself so I’m going full speed.

They’re taking existing level 10 PCs and leveling them to 20. They’ll get 180000 gp and 1 year of down time to spend it as they see fit. (I’m giving them 3 weeks of real world time to do all this.)

They’ll also get 1 artifact or 2 legendary items, 1 very rare, 1 rare, and 3 Uncommon ones (down trading is 1:1). They can exchange any item for 5 consumables of equivalent rarity. (No custom items but permanent versions of Artificer infusions are open).

Scene 1:
We open on the climax of the Thoon War. Heroes from across the multiverse are fighting against a seemingly endless wave of cult like Mindflayers touched by something wholly outside existence, feared even by the Elder Brains.

The heroes have received a summons from the gods of Faerun themselves to depart the field at once, just as 5 Nautiloids drag an Asteroid onto the engagement area. The mightiest Spelljammers and countless slips and shuttles continue to fight as one by one, Ulitharids descend to the asteroid with their servants, climb onto these tuning fork shaped racks and let themselves be flayed alive to produce psychic screams of such intensity they crack the asteroid in two to reveal a very angry Tarrasque. The titanic creature, complete with crystalline growths that radiate psychic rage that propel it through space, starts demolishing ships.

The party can stop to fight the Tarrasque first or immediately flee to answer the summons of the gods. (This just determines when they fight the Tarrasque).

In either case the edge of reality is where all planes overlap (allowing for hazards they have to navigate in combat but that can also be used against the space tarrasque). But this prevents planeshifting and teleport from being used. They need to Spelljam for a year to get someplace the planes differentiate and their escort can gate them to the gods.

Scene 2:
The gods explain the Winter Empress, an Arch Fey, has disappeared and the whole of her domain in the Feywild has been swallowed by a Shadowfell manifest zone. The gods maintain cosmic order by insuring the lesser powers are pitted against each other in a balanced fashion. The disappearance of the Winter Empress will lead to chaos on a cosmic scale. Orcus already moves on her domain through the merging of the Shadowfell, he must be stopped immediately.

Scene 3:
Cut to the party being gated directly into the Demon Prince’s path. This “Persian armies from 300” battle is waves of undead. The party has several days to prep (summoning creatures and binding them, building traps and recruiting units of locals (werecreatures, some of the eviler fae, and some monsters).

I have a quick resolution system for mass combat where units are dice, quality is determined by die size, History is used for Initiative (winning initiative means terrain can be used for a bonus). PCs can lead units or operate as irregulars. Expending resources gives bonuses to the die rolls or may eliminate the need to fight at all. Example: PC leads a d4 group of peasants vs a d8 horde of ghouls. If he casts Meteorswarm the fight is just over and the ghoul unit is obliterated. If he instead casts Divination for intel on their movements, that would be a +4 for the spell level turning the opposed roll from D8 vs d4 to d8 vs d4+4.

Losing the opposed check reduces die size, losing by more than half the die max value is a rout and 2 size steps are lost. Below D4 is defunct but the unit is left in the area and can be rallied with a persuasion check to improve another unit.

Success in this army battle divides the forces, Orcus’ lich and mummy lord generals are left with just a few wights and a stone golem. Defeating them allows for a short rest as Orcus races ahead to deal with the threat himself like Megatron, wanting to gloat at the incompetence of his right hand lich(a weakened Vecna).

Losing the mass battle forces the PCs to face Orcus and the Lich and a small army of ghouls and zombies. However, if Orcus is weakened before the Lich is defeated, it turns on him, revealing itself to be Vecna, rendered “mortal” by the return of his hand and eye.

Provided they defeat Orcus they receive orders to find out what happened to the Winter Empress. Her palace is devastated and sleeping in its remains is a grotesque “artificial Tiamat.” Five Ancient Dragons stitched together in an alchemical abomination of suffering and power. The Dragons reveal they were kidnapped as wyrmlings, transformed into this, and dragged through mad realms where time flowed differently. They explain the madness is triggered by fear or pain and they were used to destroy this palace and weaken the one that ruled here. If the players have a Wish or Divine Intervention they want to use, they can unravel the abomination and gain 5 “summons” they can call upon. Otherwise the creature begs for death and forces a fight.

After the resolution to Faker-mat the party discovers a clue in the wreckage of the Palace, a vault, almost like a fallout shelter. In addition to a bunch of treasures it contains the contracts for all the Winter Empress’ warlocks, all but one of which has a silver cage containing a bird of various varieties.
The birds are souls. Sensing the Thoon war was the end of Reality the Empress stopped allowing her warlocks to be resurrected and claimed their souls, like a harvest, hoping to carry her through to the next iteration of Reality. The missing soul belongs to a Warlock whose friends decided they’d do -anything- to get her back.

Tracking the cage and the bird leads them to Stygia in the 9 Hells where they find another adventuring party. These 5 heroes have just traded the Winter Empress to a Pit Fiend staging a coup. Her fairy stuff will be forged into a suit of armor rendering him immune to the command of greater devils. She’s the payment in exchange for unlocking the cage and resurrecting their Warlock friend.

Now they have to fight the Pit Fiend, a couple Ice Devil Lts, and the level 16 party knowing if they win they’ll have to return the Warlock’s soul to the Winter Empress and return her to power.

If they didn’t already kill the Tarrasque, it shows up on Toril having decimated both the defenses and the Thoon that awakened it. It’s only upgrade from default is a fly speed during its turn.

2021-08-22, 12:24 PM
Do you want to use the Tarasque for specific reasons, or would any D&D kaiju work for this?

2021-08-22, 01:29 PM
Well, I'm glad to see that running a dud of a one-shot (it happens to everyone) hasn't dented your confidence, because this looks very ambitious for a campaign, let alone a one-shot. Big, dramatic, high-stakes story, lots of combat, new subsystems for players to engage with, and the complexity of DMing for high-level characters without having a campaign's worth of sessions to ease into the high levels.

Whenever I have the occasional bad session and the ensuing "am I really any good at this?" personal crisis, my response is to usually scale back my ambitions and go back to simple fundamentals. This looks cool, no doubt, but I question how well-suited this particular plan is for an attempt to get back in your groove.

2021-08-22, 03:51 PM
Wow... I've never ran anything for such high tier players and like.. if you can pull it off, you can have my virtual hat. It's ambitious and I love it.

2021-08-22, 04:03 PM
Do you want to use the Tarasque for specific reasons, or would any D&D kaiju work for this?

It’s painted as a classic “and you all die now” campaign ender but mechanically it’s just claws and bites and so kind of easy to deal with. I think throwing it at the party while they’re completely fresh in encounter 1 is going to set a tone that we’re going big.

It will also be focused on attacking ships so its unlikely to just burn a PC down and they have the option of just abandoning the fight if they want.

2021-08-22, 04:18 PM
Well, I'm glad to see that running a dud of a one-shot (it happens to everyone) hasn't dented your confidence, because this looks very ambitious for a campaign, let alone a one-shot. Big, dramatic, high-stakes story, lots of combat, new subsystems for players to engage with, and the complexity of DMing for high-level characters without having a campaign's worth of sessions to ease into the high levels.

Whenever I have the occasional bad session and the ensuing "am I really any good at this?" personal crisis, my response is to usually scale back my ambitions and go back to simple fundamentals. This looks cool, no doubt, but I question how well-suited this particular plan is for an attempt to get back in your groove.

Since the bad session was me scaling back and presenting challenges that had no brute force solutions, I honestly think this will work way better. It’s a series of fights, mostly divinely mandated and a whodunnit with no twist (other than maybe the motivation of the perpetrators).

I’ve used the “vanguard” mass combat rules in the past. The week before the actual session I’ll be doing a mini game so they know the gist of move, engage, roll off for battles or stay, Fortify, Conscript for their turns.

With one of the players a full cleric 20 and a Wizard taxi NPC i can just spoon feed what comes next with contact other plane and divination.

I expect the whole session to take ~6 hours. If I can’t do it in 6, I’ll cliffhanger at 5 and it will be a 2 shot.

2021-09-12, 11:11 PM
Redemption achieved.

Tarrasque killed first when it breathed in the gaseous formed Dhampir. Run it as you will, I decided it was an unexpectedly clever solution only certain kinds of PC could accomplish.
Nightwalker Banished.
Dracolich Smited and roughed up until destruction (though its spirit lingers and is now free).
Orcus beaten by Paladin, Gated Zariel, and a turncoat Lich, freed when the Eldritch Knight cut off his hand.

Monty Haul magic items (no one took an Artifact, wtf) though honestly none of the crazy stuff even came into play, I’m not even sure the Paladin took any Legendary items.

Narratively this was within reason since the PCs had been the tip of the spear in a war for the multiverse for the last 5 years. Having lesser gods and powerful wizards forge some equipment for them, and claiming similar stuff from fallen comrades, makes sense given the stakes.

4th man- Wizard buddy. Since we were down a player I had a Wizard ally provide some assistance here and there. It cost him 80k in rd 2 of the TQ fight, but that probably saved the Fighter’s life. Even though each PC had a Clone, TQ digests the soul too, so it was worth it.
I ruled elementals can assume whatever shape you want, so if you want horses, you get horses. The stats stay the same. So the players each had an Air Elemental mount, planar bound, good for a year.

Called Shots- 1st get advantage, then give up advantage, now something else might give you disadvantage instead of it being a push but otherwise roll the attack normally. On a hit, you hit the thing. If a creature has a trick this can be used on, I tell you (Space Tarrasque’s back crystals can be damaged to take away its fly speed for some time), or they can try and legend lore it etc. in this case the Lich used telepathy to offer to turn if he was rid of the hand, and deliberately flew his Wyvern mount into the EK’s Warding Wind causing it to be unsteady and granting the EK Advantage. The Lich knew the fight was swinging against them as soon as his cloud dispersed and he saw Zariel.

Heroic and Technical Crits- PCs and named NPCs only: if you crit, max base damage and roll additional dice (no weenie critting for 2+stat, it’s not fun) . If you beat an AC by 5, you deal max base damage. At this level it greatly speeds up combat, diminishes the value/necessity of GWM/Sharpshooter, and helps balance Martials (likely to often be over by 5) since save based spells cannot benefit from it. Also makes Shield/Defensive dueling valuable even if they hit anyway since you’re likely to tone down their damage.

Combat 1- PCs vs Space Tarrasque.
After Tarrasque destroys some ships, the PCs agree to have a ship lure or to a planetoid where they can engage it before it destroys the fleet.

Rd 1 TQ almost kills the Paladin.
Rd 2-4 no one is clear what to do, they fly out of its reach and since its “fly speed” is limited to its actions, it just gets enraged and starts digging to the core of the planetoid where it will destroy it and escape back into the space/aether. This would have taken several minutes at least.
Rd 5- the dhampir Eldritch knight gaseous forms and tries to get inhaled by the Tarrasque, which I allow.
Rd 6-7 the players outside the Tarrasque faff about while the EK goes Drax the Destroyer inside the Tarrasque, whose lungs are not nearly as inhospitable as its stomach. I did have a “hold breath” timer in mind, but the Dhampir doesn’t breathe, so it didn’t matter. I call the fight with the Tarrasque fleeing through an enemy blockade to try and bury itself again but the Dhampir induced blade-flu took it out. They leave the car as for the military to claim which provides a magic deflecting polish for the spell hammer fleet making them far more resilient and functionally winning the Thoon war.

The Player joked about repeating the process on a dragon, dragon lungs specifically are “breath weapon each round” bad, but I haven’t told him that.

They report to mount festival a year later. Cleric writes a lot of scrolls. They are briefed about Orcus and the gods pitting lesser evils against each other for cosmic balance. They are sent to the Feywild where they get some info about what happened to the Winter City (a 5 headed dragon crushed it). They see the Summer City is under siege. They recruit from the Fall City (NBC Halloween town) where they landed and travel straight to the Summer city, using their forces and burning money to bind elementals that can be used as disposable troops.

They break the siege of the Summer City. This was done with a hyper and ridged version of a tactics game I made.

Encounter 2, cleric and thugs vs Nightwalker and undead.
The Cleric’s unit encounters a Nightwalker, Wights, and Zombies. I had the other players take over some Thugs in the squad. Rd 1- Cleric Banishes Nightwalker. Rd 2- Turn Undead. No losses, the other Players barely acted. They return and evacuate to the Spring City. Staying behind with the Summer Queen (who can’t abandon her realm). She retires to her throne to recharge, they set up an Ambush for a Dracolich(whose unit they decimated with air elementals so it was alone).

Dracolich was finally a more standard fight with the EK and Paladin getting in its face while the cleric hung back. Banish didn’t work here bc this particular Dracolich was native to the Shadowfell which presently overlapped with with the Feywild in this space.

The Summer Queen offers 1 hour and a look at her vault (where they would have gotten some random rolls for magic items) or 1 day of “Eternal Summer” functionally a long rest and opportunity to war council. They knew Orcus was coming but hadn’t seen him, she warned a darkness was fast approaching but didn’t know it’s nature.

While talking in her throne room, after the rest (and heroes feast) but still during the “frozen time”, a green mist poured in from under the doors.

The players suddenly take necrotic damage from 2 invisible bodaks. Whoopsie, everyone is resistant to necrotic damage because in the campaign these PCs came from they got a wish and which player recommended that, you ask? Why the DM of this one... Okay. Looks at Orcus’ statblock. All necrotic. Needs to set up his legendary vulnerability field (which I rule strips resistance and immunity for the duration). Altogether, between Paladin auras, wished resistance, etc, Orcus did maybe 100 damage total, across 3 PCs, ~30-35.

How did they chew up that 405 HP so fast? Glad you asked.

Rds 1-3 Orcus and his lich hide in the cloudkill, shooting AOEs and legendary chill touches out. Even with disadvantage they only need ~5+ to hit. Damage was medium to bad. Bodak auras were nerfed by resistances. My clever plan to have them remain invis worked well enough, they dealt almost as much damage as Orcus (who finger of death’d the EK for 15... before he realized the resistance).

Rd 4 Orcus says “i tire of this Lich” and steps out to start wrecking stuff.
Rd 4, Cleric’s turn- Gate, Avernus, Zariel. She does not mess around.
Rd 4, Lich turn “whoopsie, hiding in this cloud kept me from being able to see the Gate being cast. Better try to banish Zariel” EK counters.
Rd 5, before Orcus can dispel the gate Zariel charges out calling for her LTs to follow, they do not. But she LAYS TF IN to Orcus. 1/4 health gone.

Rd 6 Paladin Smites for almost 90. Orcus tries to set up his vulnerability schtick, is about to summon a Nightwalker and Dracolich, gets wrecked instead. Also Rd 6, EK called shots Lich’s hand, frees Lich from Orcus’ control, Lich tears out eye, Gates Orcus back to Abyss as Zariel strikes the killing blow, ending the Demon Prince mostly permanently.

Lich, now understood to be Vecna thanks the players for their aid, promises he’ll help the gods restore the order they so love to the universe, disappears taking Zariel with him, she seems surprised she doesn’t have a choice (but Vecna’s a god again).

Zariel had attempted to claim the throne of the summer court, but the Queen had imprisoned herself in amber on the throne to preserve the seasons. She said she would only be freed when the Ring of Winter had melted. Something for lesser heroes to do.

So now 3 of the powers the gods used to prevent an ever rising tide of evil had fallen. They thanked the PCs with true immortality (the non aging kind) and said that when they felt their time among mortals was done they would be allowed to reign over some new branch of the multiverse as gods of that plane. The next homebrew world I make with include their PCs as gods.

But before that, the fate of the Winter Queen must be known and for that they must travel back to the Winter Court where feywild and shadowfell meet, discover the secret of the 5 headed dragon that laid waste to the city of the most powerful Archfey and possibly assist Vecna in supplanting Orcus to insure the tenuous balance of good, evil, order, and chaos is maintained.

The players had fun, I had an absolute blast running it and look forward to finishing it up.

2021-09-13, 04:21 PM
Wow.. that sounds like an absolute blast!! like.. so many epic moments, really liked the idea of summoning zariel!