View Full Version : [Crusader Kings 2 + EU4 + Vic2] Blackadder -- The land flowing with milk & honey

2021-08-22, 07:58 PM
"Baldrick, we have just used your new time machine. Where are we?"

"We should have gone to London, so you can see about whether there was an Edmund Blackadder as king."

"Yes, but why is there all this sand everywhere?"

"I don't know. Maybe we landed on a beach."

"You, there! Where are we and what year is it?"

"It is the 15th of September in the year of our Lord 1099, my liege."

"Liege? Where are we?"

"Why, it is the church of the holy sepulchre where you were proclaimed king of Jerusalem."


So, we are going to be following the life of one Edmund Blackadder, a: Flamboyant schemer who is) a legitimized bastard; has a lisp; is left-handed; is frail; is lustful; is greedy; is envious; is deceitful; is ambitious; is stubborn. He is 25, unmarried, has 3 children: son - Aethelfrith, daughter - Sigrid, daughter - Leofrun, Anglo-saxon, and has: Diplomacy 2, martial 6, stewardship 8, intrigue 18, learning 9, personal combat skill 25. (Edmund replaced Godfrey of Boulogne and he has a claim on that county)

Edmund's Coat of Arms is in three parts (a triangle) with a crown on gold and red in the top left and an adder (the snake symbol in ruler designer) on a green background in the top right and the rest being a black background with a blue tower.

used the rules to make it so that there are more epidimics of a minor nature and i think tweaked it for the aztecs to show up whenevers, from the start. And turned off defensive pacts.

Let's see how well it goes or not, shall we?

Also I am open to advice for making this the most entertaining it could be.

2021-08-23, 07:27 PM
Interesting... I look forward to seeing how this progresses.

2021-08-23, 11:54 PM
(I played some, Got a Decade in)

This is the Chronicle of House Blackadder, in which is contained the record of its yearly fortunes, glories and difficulties.

AD 1099 // CE 1099
"Baldrick, who are this three children following me around?"

"Well, the boy must be a representative of your love and appreciation
for me, the older girl is your skill with poetry, and the younger girl must be your feelings of boyhood wishes to became a star at singing musicals."

"Shut up, Baldrick."

"My lord, your requested a physician. She is here."
"Well, show her in then."
[Spooky dressed woman comes in]
"I can be your physician, but I will need a vial of your blood."
"Sounds great! Will one vial be enough?"
{Yeah, I found a witch for a physician, who wanted some blood. Nothing could go wrong with that. After the second kid died and some other health issues happened, I let the witch physician go, and replaced her with a jew or a priest. Would anything fun have happened if I went with the witch for a physician? I can try finding another one if so}

"I need some shinies!"
{I arranged to get an axe, a suit of armor, and some fancy jewels through the years}

"Did I get a Pigeon from aboard?"
"From who, Sire?"
"I sent a letter about arranging a betrothal with Princess Eagnhild of Denmark for my son."
"Yes, it came; I haven't opened the letters yet."

"Baldrick, where is that list of possible wives?"

"Here, my lord."

"Why did you include all these older women?"

"Hopeful thinking my lord."

"Don't forget that I am a King, Baldrick."

"Yes, King."

"Hmmm, Yes, this Jeanne of Savoy sounds good. She is Lustful. Quite nice in a bride. Baldrick, get some paper."

"My Lord, my king. Here is a letter for you."
[Reads the letter]
"Ah, Baldrick, I am to be married."

"Would you like something to drink my King?"

"Yes, what was your name?"

"I am Anne, my King."

"Have you heard about Pluto?"

"No, my King. {Suggestively} I would love to hear about it."

"Well, now..."

"Ah, Baldrick!!! You woke me up!"

"Your wife is here."

"So, my bride to be has arrived? Very good."

[Wedding Ceremony]
"So, Jeanne. How do you think this place?"

"It has a lot of sand."

"Hmm, Baldrick forgot to clean again."

"Who is that woman giving you looks?"

"Oh, just my courtier, Anne. Pay her no mind. Now, let's finish talking with everything and do that wedding dance."
{King Edmund of Jerusalem married Jeanne, daughter of Duke Amédée II of Savoy.}

"Baldrick, that was disgusting. [Throws a cup away] Where can a person get a decent couple of tea?"

"I hear that they have tea leaves in Safed, my lord."

"Hmmm. Isn't that supposed to be part of my Kingdom?"

"Yes, according to that colored picture thing with lands and cities and rivers on it."

"That is a map, Baldrick. But send word. I would kill for a cup of Earl Gray."
{King Edmund of Jerusalem went to war against Beylerbey Duqaq of Damascus.}

"What's this? News from those directionally challenged pigeons of yours, Baldrick?"

"According to Pigeon News, the Prince of Antioch has some tea and he might be willing to share. Trouble is, he is at war, sire."
"Hmmm. I am still hunting for some good tea."
{Asked to Join the Prince of Antioch in his war}


{King Edmund of Jerusalem supported Prince Bohemond of Antioch in war against his enemies.}

"I think that I am getting the hang of this "stabby" thing."

"More tea, my King?"

"Oh? Yes, Anne. Say, when did that happen?"

"We discussed Pluto, amongst other things."

"Of course."


"Don't deny it! You slept with that tea floozy!"

"A good cup of tea is really hard to find, my dear. Tea is very dear to my heart."

"I can't forgive you. Tea is just slimy leaves in water."

"O, you...how dare you speak of tea that way!"
[Wife storms out in a huff]

"Ah, to be back. What happened will I was gone, Baldrick?"

"Well, my lord....your wife died."

"What? How?"

{Queen Jeanne, the wife of King Edmund of Jerusalem, died of Great Pox on 15 February, 1101.}

"I need a new wife, Baldrick."

{King Edmund of Jerusalem married Nest, daughter of Duke Rhys II of Deheubarth.}

"My lord, the Pope has called for a meeting."

"Oh? What is that smelly git up to?"

"He wants to discuss taking a vacation in Egypt."

"The Holy Father calls for War!"
{Pope Paschalis II declared a Crusade, wherein all faithful Catholics were called to help conquer the Fatimid Sultanate from the Shias.}

"Get your axe, Baldrick; looks like we have some fighting to do."
{The army of King Edmund of Jerusalem, commanded by Aubry, was victorious in the battle of Negev against the armies of Damascus.
Jerusalem was attacked by the French realm of Hebron, ruled by Earl Galdemar.
King Edmund of Jerusalem tried but failed to imprison Earl Galdemar of Hebron, causing him to come out in open rebellion.
The army of King Edmund of Jerusalem, commanded by Aubry, was victorious in the battle of Beersheb against the armies of Hebron.}


"Oh, Anne, how beautiful."
{Edmund has a kid with Anne}

"Arrgh! I hate Sand. Oh, the Beach."
{The army of King Edmund of Jerusalem, commanded by Aubry, was victorious in the battle of Hebron against the armies of Hebron.
The army of King Edmund of Jerusalem, commanded by Aubry, was victorious in the battle of Jaffa against the armies of Hebron.
The army of King Edmund of Jerusalem, commanded by Aubry, was victorious in the battle of Hebron against the armies of Hebron.}

"You remember what you said about my son, Baldrick?"
"Yeah? I thought he was a representation of your love for and appreciation for me."
"I guess it didn't last."
{Prince Æthelfrith, the heir of King Edmund of Jerusalem, died of Camp Fever on 20 September, 1102}

"Ah, No more sand."
{King Edmund of Jerusalem successfully led his armies, taking Hebron from the enemy.}


"Now, what was this that I heard about Tea, eh, Earl?"
{Earl Galdemar of Hebron lost the war against King Edmund of Jerusalem.}

"We have gotten a Pigeon, my lord. There has been success in Egypt."
{The Crusade declared by Paschalis ended with the successful conquest of the Fatimid Sultanate from the Shias.}

"Baldrick, did I own Safed, yet?"
"No, Sire."

"Baldrick, were have you been getting that money to pay for all those things I keep building?"
{Been building on all castles, and building forts/Hospitals/TradePosts}
"Found it in the sofa, in the cushions."
"Ah, sounds good." [Leaves the room]
[Queen Nest enters.]
"Baldrick, I am missing more of my shoes."
"I don't what happened to them."
"Okay, I will ask around then." [Leaves]

{King Edmund of Jerusalem successfully led his armies, taking Madaba from the enemy.
King Edmund of Jerusalem successfully led his armies, taking Umm ar-Rasas from the enemy.
King Edmund of Jerusalem successfully led his armies, taking Sahab from the enemy.}
{King Edmund of Jerusalem won the war against Beylerbey Duqaq of Damascus.}
"Baldrick, these tea leaves aren't any good."


"More kids?"
{Anne and Queen Nest have some kids}

"Ah, for some nice onions."
{King Edmund of Jerusalem went to war against Emir Iftikhar of the ad-Daula Emirate.
The army of King Edmund of Jerusalem, commanded by Aubry, was victorious in the battle of Asqalan against the armies of the ad-Daula Emirate.}

"My onions." {King Edmund of Jerusalem won the war against Emir Iftikhar of the ad-Daula Emirate.
Edmund Blackadder usurped the County of Ascalon from Iftikhar ad-Daula.}


"Some of the land belonging to my kingdom is missing, isn't it?"
"Yes, my lord."
"Then, let us fix that Baldrick."
{King Edmund of Jerusalem was victorious in the battle of Irbid against the army of Sur, commanded by Sheikh Murad of Sur.
King Edmund of Jerusalem won the war against Sheikh Murad of Sur.
Edmund Blackadder created the title of Duchy of Ascalon, confirming his growing power with much ceremony and celebration.

"The TEA MUST FLOW!!!!! That means war, Baldrick!!!"
{Declared Holy War for Transjordan/Oultrejordan}
{King Edmund of Jerusalem went to war against Beylerbey Duqaq of Damascus.}

{The Zikri heresy spread its woeful presence in the county of Jerusalem.}

"The Tea shall flow..."
{King Edmund of Jerusalem won the war against Beylerbey Duqaq of Damascus.}

{Edmund Blackadder usurped the Duchy of Oultrejourdain from Duqaq Seljuk.}

"So, what next, Baldrick?"
"Well, there is still that bit of your land owned by those Egypt folks, and then there Syria and that Silk Road with that Chinese Tea. Then you don't have anyone to continue on with the name, Edmund, Sire."
"Yes, the TEA MUST FLOW, and there should always be an Edmund lurking about."
"So, what will you do next?"

"Oh, and Baldrick? What did you hear about that rumor of one or both of my wives having an affair with the Grandmaster of the Knights Templars? or was it the Knights of St. John Grandmaster?"
"I don't recall if it was Queen Jeanne or Queen Nest, my lord."
"Neither do I, or perhaps it was both."
{Yeah, this actually happened. Jeanne or Nest, had an affair with the Grandmaster of one of those two orders and totally had a kid too. It might have been Nest, because Edmund totally covered it up (I selected that option for him) and then it could have been Jeanne. I got a number of pop-ups about being worried about Edmund's wife(s) stepping out on him. It was pretty funny, and Edmund always acknowledged his bastards...}

{I also had to make some new vassals because I ended up over the limit of 5, so that happened}

What indeed, Playgrounders? Your advice and suggestions, and also pointers to what to do next, would be good.

{Some Game Screenshots; Taken with my phone, since I have not figured out yet how to do steam screenshots, so sorry for the condition/quality}

Edmund Blackadder:

Queen Jeanne:

Queen Nest:

Anne, Edmund's Lover, who is also married to a Muslim that may or may not know she is lovers with Edmund:

Edmund's Kids)
1) Aethelfrith

2) Sigrid

3) Leofrun - Who I forgot to get, oops

4) Helie, First Kid with Anne

5) Helvis, Second Kid with Anne

6) Echive, Third Kid with Anne

7) Judith, First Kid with Queen Nest

8) Aelfwine, Second Kid with Queen Nest

9) Eadsige, Third Kid with Queen Nest

Commander Aubry -- Who I actually agreed to plot to have killed...Oops

Our Realm

Land controlled by Egypt

2021-09-29, 01:28 PM
So I have played some more.

Edmund had a bishop that had him end up joining on with Iblis, and followed some of that line. Took Darum over, and have added lands to the east and south.

Edmund died later, and now Aelfwine is King. Took over parts of Arabia. Finished a holy war for more land in Arabia, now own Mecca and Medina.

So, after Edmund died, Nest married Helie, the older half-brother of Aelfwine. Go figure. Then another of Edmund's kids has died.

So, France has control of parts of Syria, so have to wait on attacking those.

Aelfwine is married to a lady from France.

I will put up more from the Chronicle, once I get to doing that later today.

2021-09-30, 05:16 PM
Is there is any reason for photographies of your screen instead of cropped screenshots?
Because normally all that is needed is using the os screenshot system, tabulating, opening a picture file, copying in the screenshot made through the os(it is stored in the pastefile) then cropping.

2021-10-02, 01:21 AM
I forgot how to take them some, and I used my phone to take them. I will be doing differently for later. Also, have some work to do on this. Play some, screenshots, write summery...

2021-11-16, 11:42 PM
I will try to get something together for later this week. I promise

2022-01-22, 06:25 PM
Been a little bit busy. I will get to this when I can.