View Full Version : Seeking for unusual bowstrings.

2021-08-24, 08:44 PM
I had encountered somewhere special bowstring which require no maintenance. It is never get wet and could be tighten for long periods without losing combat qualities. But I forget the book. Could you remind me of it?

Is there any other special or magical bowstring? Like being purely energetic or imparting magical properties to the shot.

2021-08-24, 08:49 PM
Was the book The Fellowship of the Ring? Because that sounds exactly like the bowstring that Galadriel gifted to Legolas.

2021-08-24, 10:10 PM
Not aware of any official 3E special bowstrings, but there may be PF or 3rd party options?

In regards to bowstrings not requiring maintenance: that's the default for any bow in the system. That kind of special bowstring would only be useful if the game was using some kind of optional wear and tear or equipment damage rules.

2021-08-24, 10:39 PM
I would assume the string on any magical bow is also magical in a similar fashion, although D&D in general kind of ignores equipment maintenance - you'll notice there are also no rules regarding armor rusting out or swords needed to be regularly cleaned, sharpened, and oiled for storage. Either this is just something magical items don't need, or characters are assumed to be regularly maintaining their equipment as part of background activity (in the same way you don't have to specifically declare that your characters remember to eat or use the bathroom when needed.)

If you want magical strings, take a look at the augment crystals in Magic Item Compendium - a string with a separate enchantment on it that transfers to the bow would be a good example of what an 'augment crystal' for a bow might appear as.

2021-08-26, 10:29 AM
I just assume that proficiency with a weapon includes maintenance type activities like sharpening, checking fletchings or protecting a bowstring. The non-proficiency penalty meanwhile covers not doing those things well.

2021-08-26, 11:39 AM
Is there any other special or magical bowstring? Like being purely energetic or imparting magical properties to the shot.

Not sure if this counts for what you are asking, (since it technically doesn't have a string at all,) but there is the Energy Bow from the Animated Series Handbook that fires arrows of "pure magical force."

2021-08-26, 05:22 PM
Not sure if this counts for what you are asking, (since it technically doesn't have a string at all,) but there is the Energy Bow from the Animated Series Handbook that fires arrows of "pure magical force."

Stats can be found here: http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20061227a