View Full Version : Bravo Crew [IC]

The Big Bear
2021-08-25, 10:26 AM
OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?635575-Bravo-Crew-OOC&p=25171352#post25171352)

Gentle waves rocked the Rocinante back and forth as it made its way south on a steady breeze. Captain Grennel exhaled a sigh of relief; that blockade should be the last they had to sail through on the way to Reln’s port capital of Badon and the empire would bother them no more. A light rain began to fall on the sun-bleached deck as the crew worked lazily to trim the sails.

You find yourselves crammed into a small makeshift room inside a dingy ship, a wall of crates blocking your vision to the remainder of the ship’s hold. While you have spent several hours together, you were warned to keep quiet until the ship had cleared the last of the empire’s checkpoints.

The sound of crashing waves and the squabbling of a table of sailors gambling were all that you could hear for most of the journey thus far. The most recent boarding party asked many of the same questions as those before, with the sailors silent and Captain Grennel politely answering. They didn’t bother moving any of the boxes and barrels to find the hidden compartment with its two stowaways, whether out of laziness or the slip of gold from the captain you couldn’t be sure.

Shortly after hearing the last stomping of heavy metal boots above you, the makeshift wall of crates is moved one by one, slowly revealing a table of sailors playing dice on the other side. “Cap’n says ye’re free te move about the ‘old o’ the ship till we reach Badon. If we ‘it any more blockades ye’ll need te ‘urry back ‘ere so we can box ye back in” a gruff-looking sailor says to you in a thick accent.

Looking out from behind the crates you can see the remainder of the hold. The dim flicker of candlelight and sunlight pouring through a steel grate above reveal numerous boxes and barrels throughout. Hammocks hang loosely on the walls, some occupied and others empty. A table immediately in front of you seats several sailors, drinking and enjoying dice games. Some of them cast cursory glances your way but quickly turn their attention back to their game.

2021-08-28, 07:48 PM
I smoothly stand and slide out from our hidey-hole, stretching my legs to the even rolling of the ship. I eyeball the dice games, my fingers twitching to the worn leather of the dice bag strapped to my belt, but don't move to take out the whale bone dice. Instead I turn to my tiefling companion and offer my hand to help steady her on the rocking floor.

2021-08-28, 10:43 PM
I gratefully take the help; rising unsteadily to my feet. Needing anything to take my mind off my rolling stomach, I attempt small talk. Noting her sure footedness I say, "You don't look out of place at all. Spending time at sea isn't anything new to you then?"

2021-08-29, 01:23 AM
Rythe shrugs her shoulders and replies "I was born at sea, and I've spent most of my life sailing on the water." She squints in the dim light, noting the queasy look on the Tiefling's face. "Here, follow me. We should probably avoid going above deck until we're a little further out at sea, but we can get a semblance of fresh air nearer the stairs."

The Big Bear
2021-08-29, 01:48 AM
The unmistakable scent of fresh sea air hit your noses as you approach the stairs, a good change from the stilted air that occupied the storage area you were previously in.

A burly half-orc sits on a crate near the stairs, wearing a dirty white bandana and sleeveless leather armor. His face turns toward the party as you approach. A deep gash crosses from the top of his forehead, under an eyepatch, and through his thick beard down to nearly the tip of his chin. He bites off a chuck of jerky he holds in one hand and follows it with a sip of something from a cup. With the hand holding the jerky he motions toward two open barrels next to him. "Got plenty of food if ye're hungry and grog to wash it down" he states dryly. After a brief pause he asks "so what're ye heading to Badon fer? Take it yer not registered as sailors with the empire or it wouldn't be worth the trouble te hide ye..."

2021-08-29, 02:22 AM
Misri states, "I'm wanting to do research on something I read about in a book", but doesn't seem inclined to go into more detail than that.

2021-08-29, 02:36 AM
Rythe leans over to peer inside the barrel, and picks a small piece of jerky to nibble on. "I'm hopping to meet with old business contacts in Badon. Maybe make some new ones."

The Big Bear
2021-08-29, 03:27 AM
Misri states, "I'm wanting to do research on something I read about in a book", but doesn't seem inclined to go into more detail than that.

"Research, eh? Take it yer headed to library in Wealdstone. Dunno much about it, just that the guy that runs it can be a bit...strange..." the half-orc trails off. "But I guess thats how the wizard-folk can be. Either crazy smart or just crazy..."

Rythe leans over to peer inside the barrel, and picks a small piece of jerky to nibble on. "I'm hopping to meet with old business contacts in Badon. Maybe make some new ones."

The half-orc sizes Rythe up before replying "Ye seem like ye can handle yerself. If ye're inclined te make some money guarding merchants around Reln then ye can make a decent livin. In fact, some o' the goods on board are bound to be makin' way out o' the city. Sure we can put in a good word for ye if ye need."

The ship continues to rock steadily as it sails towards its destination. On the deck above you can hear the distant yell of "Land, ho!" and a sudden burst of commotion among sailors. "Sounds like we're almost at Badon" says the half-orc. "Always surprises me just how short the journey is from Bainmar Island. Much longer journey to the empire but somehow they're the ones with all their ships around the island."

2021-08-29, 03:48 AM
Misri grabs a piece of jerky to save for when her stomach can handle food and makes her way up to the deck. As they approach the docks she pulls her hood up to protect herself from the biting mist that sprays up from the waves. She shape of the hood is slightly distorted from the two horns that protrude from her head and gently curve back.

2021-08-29, 04:12 AM
Rythe stands and nods at the orc, replying "I may take your advice if my plans fall through, but I don't plan on staying long. Thanks." She stands and stuffs the last of the jerky in her mouth, slipping the orc 5 copper coins as she passes by. She buttons up her long coat and flips up the collar too keep her clothes dry, but closes her solid black eyes and relishes the feel of water on her face. Even as the mist soaks her short blue hair, it starts to float and undulate as if underwater, revealing a barely healed scar marring right side of her head and cutting the tip of her webbed ear off.

2021-08-29, 04:27 AM
Misri turns to Rythe; "So you've been here before? Is there somewhere you would suggest for lodging?"

The Big Bear
2021-08-29, 04:32 AM
The helf-orc nods as he takes the copper from Rythe. "Any time" he replies.

Standing on the deck you see the massive city of Badon. Tall towers reach up to the sky, connected by wide terraces at varying heights as if forming a dense labyrinth of web. As many of the towers reach up from the water as from the land, waves crashing against their unmoving presence.

2021-08-29, 05:00 AM
"I've been through this port a few times in my life, yeah. But, it depends on what your definition of lodging is. Want somewhere cushy a nice with room service and meals, you'll be on your own. But if you want somewhere quiet and secluded, without nosey guards and other unwanted eyes, I know a few places. As long as you don't mind the rats," Rythe tosses over her shoulder with a smirk as she leans disturbingly far over to the rails to watch the water froth and mist around the hull.

2021-08-29, 05:16 AM
"The quiet suits me just fine," Misri replies with a soft smile. She hangs significantly further back from the edge of the deck than her counterpart. After a short pause, "If you don't mind the company and if you're headed there now, I can just follow you to wherever you plan on staying. Perhaps we can have a small legion of rats tamed to do our bidding by nights end", she jests.

2021-08-29, 05:45 AM
Bursting out in laughter and flashing her sharp teeth, Rythe steps back from the rail. She pats Misri on the shoulder, still chuckling. "Now that would be a sight to see! I knew a guy with a pet rat once. Could have it jump through a hoop and dance for a morsel of cheese or bread."

Rythe eyeballs the sun peaking through the skies, and sighs as her laugher ends. "It'll be too late to conduct legitimate business by the time we dock, so we may as well go straight to our 'lodgings'. Just be sure to tuck away your coin purse and valuables now and keep a keen eye out for sticky fingers. Though I think they would hesitate to steal from a tiefling." She tugs her bag higher onto her shoulders and adjusts the straps.

The Big Bear
2021-08-29, 08:22 PM
The Rocinante reaches port shortly before the sun begins to set. Wooden docks reach out from the bases of several of the larger towers like spokes on a wheel, with additional docking built out from the sheer cliff faces on top of which the other half of the city is built. As you leave the ship, Captain Grennel, a sturdier-than-normal elf with a shaved head, bids you farewell. "Safely delivered, as promised" he says with a smooth natural charm. "If ever you need passage back to Bainmar or somewhere in the empire be sure to seek me out."

As the sun sets, numerous lanterns hanging within the towers and along the arching terraces spring to life, dousing the bustling city in a soft orange-yellow glow. As you make your way to the safehouse you pass numerous shops and residences, many with their lanterns extinguished to show closure of business or desire to not be disturbed. You make your way through several spires, moving up and down as necessary to navigate the strange layout of the city.

Eventually, you make your way to one of the inner towers and begin your descent several floors to the lowest reaches. You hear the movement of water when near the walls and can see through the windows along the tower's perimeter that you have gone below the surface of the harbor. The hustle and bustle of the busy city above becomes distant and is replaced by an eerie silence. Each level is strewn with crates filled with water-logged, discarded goods that form makeshift alleyways.

Before you stands the door to the safehouse. Rythe taps on the door with a well-practiced knock signaling the presence of a friend and, after a moment, a slide on the door opens and reveals a pair of eyes. The eyes study you for just a moment before going wide, followed by the quick slamming of the slide and the opening of several locks before the door swings open to reveal a blue dragonborn with a large smile on his face. "Rythe?! We heard you was dead?!" he exclaims wildly.

2021-08-29, 08:38 PM
Rythe steps inside, casually running one hand through her messy curls to conceal the scar, while waving at her companion with the other. "She's with me. And obviously, I'm not dead. Who made that claim, anyway?"

The Big Bear
2021-08-29, 09:49 PM
Rythe steps inside, casually running one hand through her messy curls to conceal the scar, while waving at her companion with the other. "She's with me. And obviously, I'm not dead. Who made that claim, anyway?"

"Well, I, erm...People been saying they ain't seen you in a while, after, uh, they said you was tossed off your ship..." he stammers as his gaze falls to the floor. He perks up and says "But I'm glad its not true! Where are my manners, you're always welcome at Dezzel's place!" as he opens the door wider and invites you in. The room is a large globe with a flat floor, with several other doorways leading to rooms and stacks of well-kept boxes laying about. "Er, dont mind the mess. Been busy as always, of course."

Perhaps the most notable feature of this room is the wall of water on the far end, held at bay by a dim but glimmering white light. Rythe recognizes this as the means by which goods are smuggled on to the ships in the harbor above without being noticed by the dock wardens.

2021-08-29, 10:38 PM
Rythe hums and nods her thanks, stepping further into the room. "Good to know that the Business is still thriving here. Heard anything about how things are running in the North? Anything from Korinth, or his contacts?" She stares hard at the dragonborn while she says this, and ticks her head subtly at her companion before shaking her head slowly.

2021-08-29, 10:54 PM
Misri, catching the small gesture, wanders over to the wall of water and makes a show of examining the magic used there in order to give the other two privacy. While she never had cause to partake in activities not quite aligned with the law, she wasn't unaware of their occurrence. Her mother Selene, while no longer needing to pilfer people's pockets, had made sure not to lose practice in the art and would practice whenever they went to town....or when a client of her husband's slighted her in some way. Besides that, Misri really didn't care what people did on their own time so long is it never negatively impacted her.

The Big Bear
2021-08-29, 11:17 PM
Rythe hums and nods her thanks, stepping further into the room. "Good to know that the Business is still thriving here. Heard anything about how things are running in the North? Anything from Korinth, or his contacts?" She stares hard at the dragonborn while she says this, and ticks her head subtly at her companion before shaking her head slowly.

"K-Korinth?" Dezzel nervously stammers. "N-No, haven't heard anything about him...His contacts in Reln and Sen'hara pretty much cut him off after, well, after everything happened between you..."

Dezzel seems eager to change the subject. "Hey, if, uh, if you and your friend want to make some money Aluaris was looking for someone to clean up down a few floors. Somethings been destroying some of the stores down there and she wants it gone. She gave me some gold to take care of it, but, well, I'm pretty busy here..."

2021-08-29, 11:25 PM
"Relax, Dezzel. Just putting out feelers, making sure he's not looking to dip his toes back in the Business," she says wryly. Turning to Misri, she calls, "Hey, want to make some money before burying yourself in research?"

2021-08-29, 11:59 PM
Misri, having become fully engrossed in interacting with a small fish that was suspended just within the wall of water, slightly started at her name being called. She considered the proposition for a second, not sure if she would be agreeing to illegal activities having not heard the details. After realizing she didn't care and had nothing else going on, she shrugged and called back "Sure! I believe you promised me rats, anyway!"

The Big Bear
2021-08-30, 12:56 AM
"Haha, yeah...rats..." Dezzel says, nervously. "Some of the sacks down there look like they've been gnawed at and some of the food taken. But the crates...they were pried open. Strange, since nothing has really come by recently and the tunnels farther down are supposed to be closed off..." After clearing his throat he adds "whatever it is, be careful down there. The store room is another two floors down, you can use this key to get into the room."

2021-08-30, 01:20 AM
Rythe picks the key from his fingers and tucks it away in her coat pocket. "We'll be careful, Dezzel. Strange creatures slither out of the dark waters here, despite the hunters guild's best efforts."

Grabbing her bag of the stack of crates, she strides back out of the safehouse. In the hallway she pauses and bunches her long coat behind her back and ties it back with a leather cord. Finished, she grins at Misri and bounces her eyebrows playfully. "Ready for this?"

2021-08-30, 01:33 AM
Misri gives a half shrug as her tail slowly weaves back and forth behind her. "Let's do this. I'm assuming you have some manner of pointy stick? I'm more a 'keep my distance and blast from afar' type of person. I'll do my best not to aim too close to you," she adds with a wink.

2021-08-30, 01:49 AM
Rythe pats the hilts of her pair of scimitars on her hips and says, "Yep. I've got these two short pointy sticks." She adjusts her coat again, pushing the spear further up her back into arms reach.. "And I've got this long pointy stick, too."

The Big Bear
2021-08-30, 03:47 AM
The party makes their way to the lowest levels of the tower, eventually coming to a set of stairs curving down into darkness. You can barely make out an iron-bound wooden door at the bottom of the stairs, a large padlock hanging from its latch. It appears that the magical lanterns that hang around much of the city go no further down.

2021-09-13, 08:16 PM
Rythe squints into the darkness and turns to Misri. "Well, your not going to have any issue seeing from here on out, being a Tiefling and all, but I'm gonna need a light. I have a torch in by backpack, unless you got another idea. You think we could try removing one of these magic lights and take it with us?"

2021-09-14, 12:18 AM
Misri slightly squints while examining the lights. "We might as well take the magic ones to save supplies. I don't think we can pull the lanterns off the wall, so we'll just have to carry the orbs." After having to work the rusty door to the lantern back and forth a few times, it finally gives. She reaches in and scoops up the little bright light. "I'll bring one, too, so you can see where I am and what's around me".

The Big Bear
2021-09-14, 12:48 AM
As Misri takes the flame she notices that while giving off light similar to a torch, it gives off no heat.

2021-09-14, 04:11 AM
Nodding in agreement, Rythe moved to another lamp and removes the flames. "Hopefully these last long enough for us to finish the job. If they go out, we'll still have the torch at least."

The Big Bear
2021-09-14, 09:05 PM
The door sits at the bottom of the staircase. Condensed droplets of water glisten faintly on its surface, reflecting the magical lights you now hold in your hands.

2021-09-15, 01:04 AM
Cradling the flame close to her chest, Rythe reaches into a pocket and pulls out the key. As she fumbles one handed with the padlock, slippery from the wet, she remarks "I've never understood the point of locking these doors. If people want in, a decent set of lock-picks will get them through. And if things really want out, I don't think a wooden door will put up much of a fight, locked or not. Besides, are a hundred and one different ways in and out city though it's bowels without a locked door. I've used plenty of them myself."

The Big Bear
2021-09-15, 02:15 AM
Despite using only one hand, Rythe is easily able to open the padlock and open the door. As the door is pushed open you see that a few feet in front of the door stands a wall of crates towering about halfway up to the twenty foot ceiling. The crates here appear to be in much better condition than those encountered on the previous floors, not having been here long enough for the damp, salty air to begin degrading them. The crates are stacked in such a way that there is a path to both the left and to the right upon entering the room. The left leads to a dead end, but to the right there is a gap between the crates that appears to form some sort of hallway forward.

Somewhere around the corner you hear someone muttering to themselves, somewhat angrily. "Gretnak fir bree theklak! Bree tempre gon ralyak!" Aside from the muttering, you can hear the clank of metal banging every now and then and a soft squeaking sound. Whatever this person is doing, they do not appear to have noticed the soft light of the lantern you have brought with you bouncing off the ceiling or to have heard the door opening.

2021-09-15, 02:28 AM
Misri covers her light in her hands while crouching and quietly proceeding forward toward the gap in the crates. Carefully avoiding any puddles on the damp floors. She puts her left shoulder next to the stack while slowly peaking around them so as to try and get a view of what was happening.

The Big Bear
2021-09-15, 02:55 AM
Misri slowly peeks around the corner formed by the stacks of crates. In the center of the room, in the dim light of a candle burning nearby, you see a goblin rifling through an open crate. He pulls out a metal can from the crate, sniffs it briefly, and tosses it over his shoulder where it loudly clacks against the stone floor. As he does so, he continues to mutter to himself.

Next, the goblin pulls a wax wheel out of the crate and jumps in joy celebrating this discovery. He bites into the wax eagerly and begins chewing on a combination of wax and cheese. After breaking a chunk away, he tosses it to a pile of cheese wheels off to the side. Nibbling happily on the pile of cheese is a giant rat, squeaking every now and then as it digs into the new cheese wheel. The goblin takes a swig from a nearby cup, burps loudly, and begins digging through the crate and muttering to himself once more.

2021-09-15, 03:08 AM
Misri quietly pulls back from the crates, still aware of the small puddles on the floor. She waves at Rythe to follow her back to the dead end so she could whisper to her companion what she saw and they might formulate a plan.

2021-09-15, 03:11 AM
Rythe quietly follows after Misri, hiding her light behind her back with one hand and gripping a scimitar with the other. She leans in close to Misri, whispering as quietly as she can, "What is it? What do you see?"

2021-09-15, 03:43 AM
"A goblin. And a giant rat." Misri gestures with her hands to display the size of the rat, being sure to keep her magic orb fisted in her hand so she didn't send light dancing along the walls and ceiling. "They're raiding through some crates and don't seem too alert to their surroundings."

2021-09-15, 04:56 AM
Rythe nods and rubs her hands together thoughtfully. After a moment of thinking, she murmurs, "I think we should try solving this peacefully first. Why waste our energy in a fight when we could just talk our way through this, y'know? So, you go try to talk to the goblin, and hopefully it'll have enough intelligence to understand. I'll climb on top of the crates, and if something goes wrong, I'll jump into the fray. Sound good to you?"

2021-09-15, 05:14 AM
Misri nods. "If we get them both to leave then we can truly say we got a rat to do our bidding at least once tonight. Not the legion we were hoping for, but perhaps this ones size makes up for it." With a wry smile she goes back near the crates, waiting to draw the pilfering duos attention until Rythe gets into position.

The Big Bear
2021-09-15, 05:27 AM
Nimbly grabbing onto the handholds of the wall of crates, Rythe is able to climb atop and gaze at room below. The goblin continues to rummage through the open crate, unaware of the party's presence.

2021-09-15, 05:33 AM
Misri steps into the gap between the crates. Clearing her throat, she slightly raises her voice and says, "Excuse me. I was wondering if I could have a word with you and your furry companion?"

The Big Bear
2021-09-15, 08:26 PM
Upon hearing Misri's voice behind him, the goblin quickly turns around surprised. As he turns, his foot slips in a puddle on the stone floor, sending him tumbling down to the floor. Now on his back looking up at you, he pulls a dagger from his belt and points it toward you. "Back! Back, or Skrik hurt you!" he says, pieces of cheese and wax flying from his mouth with each word. The giant rat looks up from the pile of cheese but, seemingly unconcerned, quickly goes back to eating.

2021-09-15, 08:40 PM
Misri puts both her hands up to show Skrik she is holding no weapons, only the light. "Easy. I was sent to determine what's been getting into all these crates and exterminate whatever vermin it was. But since I'm finding you here and I'm assuming that rat is with you, I'll just ask you to move on. I'm afraid if you do not the next person sent might be more stab first, ask no questions later." She finishes with a small smile, hoping the goblin sees that she meant that last part with no ill intentions, but as good advice worth heeding.

The Big Bear
2021-09-15, 08:52 PM
Skrik seems perplexed for a moment as he considers Misri's words, perhaps not understanding all of what she had said. He slowly gets to his feet, still pointing his dagger at Misri, before saying "yes, yes Skrik and Gratz will leave...but bringing cheese with us!" He points to the pile of cheese with his dagger and to a burlap sack next to the pile.

2021-09-15, 09:00 PM
Misri, not considering cheese that had already been feasted on by the rat a loss, gave a small bow at her waist and a gesture for the goblin to go ahead. Smiling, she said, "As far as I'm concerned the cheese was already gone." She then entered into a relaxed position to wait and ensure the duo actually left. She also wanted to see where the goblin entered from so her and Rythe might close it off if possible.

The Big Bear
2021-09-15, 09:31 PM
"Ha! Yes, cheese gone with Skrik and Gratz!" the goblin pronounces happily. He finishes gathering the cheese into the burlap sack, and slings it over his shoulder. Still holding a piece of cheese, he entices his rat friend to follow him, all while keeping an eye on Misri. "Gratz, come Gratz" he says as he moves to an open crate near the far wall of the room, his rat companion following along.

At the open crate, he throws the bag inside and begins to climb over the wall of the crate, using his rat friend as a boost. A few seconds after tossing the bag inside, you hear a dull thud. He clambers over the edge of the crate opening and looks back to you. "We not come back, have cheese now..." he says to you with what can only be described as an unconvincing smile. After the rat climbs into the crate, the goblin takes ahold of the lid of the crate and slides it into place as you see his head descend into the interior of the crate and disappear from view.

2021-09-15, 09:52 PM
Misri releases a long, annoyed sigh and rolls her eyes. She looked up to Rythe, who was still on the boxes, with a look that said "can you believe this ****?"

2021-09-15, 10:03 PM
Rythe smirks back and Misri and shrugs a shoulder, "At least its over with for now. Let's see if we can figure out how to close off this area so Aluaris doesn't have a conniption about more missing stuff. Dezzel's nerves are shot to hell already as it is." She climbs down from the tower of crates and brushes herself off.

2021-09-15, 10:15 PM
Misri glances back at the crate. With her voice soft, "Is it just positive wishing that there's a hole in the bottom or side of that crate that he left through, or is he just stupid enough to think him going in a crate is enough to make us think he left?"

2021-09-15, 10:24 PM
Rythe runs a hand through her hair and whispers back "I'm gonna assume that there's a hole under the crate, because I don't see another way in. But we should check, just in case. I don't want to open it up and have that knife come at my face, so let's just try and stick another crate on top, and then I'll stab at it with my blade."

2021-09-15, 10:31 PM
"I'll try to move a crate, while you cover me. That way if he pops out, we don't both have our hands full." Misri then set out looking for a crate that was heavy enough to keep the goblin and rat in, but not too heavy for her to lift.

The Big Bear
2021-09-16, 12:33 AM
Misri sees the many crates strewn about the area. While most are quite large, and likely heavy, there are smaller boxes and barrels around that would serve to weigh down the lid, in case of a goblin jack-in-the-box situation were to occur.

2021-09-16, 12:59 AM
Misri picks up one of the smaller crates and carries it to the crate the goblin disappeared into. Making sure to keep herself far enough away from the crate should the goblin try and stab through the slats with his dagger, she extends the crate out over the goblin's crate. When it's about 6 inches overhead of the crate, she quick drops it on top.

The Big Bear
2021-09-16, 01:19 AM
The smaller crate drops on top of the larger crate with a thud. If the goblin is still in the crate somewhere, the dropping of the crate on the lid did nothing to startle him.

2021-09-16, 01:49 AM
Misri pulls back from the crates and, while brushing the dust off the front of her cloak, says "Seems empty."

2021-09-16, 01:56 AM
Rythe draws one of her scimitars and creeps closer to the crate, hunching down and squinting at the sides like if she looks hard enough she might be able to see the creatures inside. "Let's not take any chances, shall we?" She says as she lines up her blade.

The Big Bear
2021-09-17, 01:08 AM
The carefully lined-up stab pierces between the boards of the side of the crate, slipping through the opening until the blade's hilt touches the side of the crate. There is a slight squeak as the boards rub against the hardened metal sides of the blade and the dull thud as the hilt pounds into the wood, but no other sound is made.

2021-09-22, 04:12 PM
Misri's shoulders relax and she releases a small huff. "Well that was a bit of build up for nothing. I guess the rat tunneled them both in."

2021-09-24, 06:58 PM
Sighing in relief, Rythe carefully withdraws her sword and re-sheaths it. Crossing her arms, she states "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually glad nothing was in there. So, what now? Do we call the job complete, or do we follow them down? All we've done is just chase them off temporarily. They're just gonna dig a new tunnel once the coast is clear."

2021-09-25, 12:41 AM
Misri pinches the bridge of her nose in contemplation. "It seems kind of rude to chase them down before they've broken their word not to come back. Even if that now seems likely. Perhaps just let Dezzel know we've scared them off and if they come back we'll finish them off free of charge? Unless you happen to have a very large mouse trap we can put in the tunnel? If Gratz dies then Skrik won't be able to make a tunnel by himself and they'll be checking to see if their first tunnel is clear before going through the work of making another."

2021-09-25, 02:54 AM
Rythe stares blankly at the crate concealing the hole in the ground, tapping her foot almost nervously. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather not go crawling through a hole in the lower levels that leads to who knows where. Confined spaces aren't really my thing. Let's see if we can seal this a little more securely and head back for now. We'll tell Dezzel that they need to secure the floor and walls in the future. If a half-wit goblin and oversized rat can get in here this easily, it's not a good place to store... uh, merchandise."

2021-09-25, 04:10 AM
Misri shrugs, "Works for me. I also have no desire to do any crawling or spelunking right now.....or anytime really." She starts looking around for rumble or something else that would work to better block the already existing tunnel.

The Big Bear
2021-09-25, 04:16 AM
As Misri looks around she sees the various boxes and barrels about, each likely full of various goods.

2021-09-26, 03:36 AM
Misri pinches her chin between her thumb and forefinger, thinking. "I'm not sure anything here will really block the passage. I'm regretting taking pity on them and letting them go."

2021-09-27, 12:12 AM
Sighing in frustration, Rythe hooks her thumbs in her belt and replies "Let's just move the crate with a hole in it and see what we're working with. Maybe we can stuff a barrel in the entrance and stack some heavier crates on top. Then tell Dezzel he'll need to fix the hole and maybe reinforce the floor."

2021-09-27, 12:42 AM
"Ok, that sounds good". Misri looks at Rythe contemplatively for a second while trying to gauge the loyalty between Rythe and Dezzel. She then gives a small shrug, as if throwing caution to the wind. "We could also just tell Dezzel that we killed a them, and should another goblin and rat show up later then, well, I guess he has an infestation problem."

2021-10-11, 09:29 PM
Rythes eyes pop wide in suprise for a moment, before a sly smile spreads across her face. Chuckling softly, she replies "Here I was thinkin' those fancy magic schools polished away dubious morals. I knew there was I reason I liked you."

The Big Bear
2021-10-11, 11:48 PM
The party heads back the way they came, up the damp stairs and winding staircases of the tower. Getting back to Dezzel's apartment, he opens the door for them and ushers them in. Waiting inside is an elven woman with purple skin, sitting atop one of the barrels of goods strewn about the room.

"That was quick!" Dezzel says to you hastily. "I take it the problem has been taken care of? Oh, but where are my manners? This is Aluaris." he says, pointing to the drow.

2021-10-12, 12:12 AM
Misri turns to Aluaris and says, "A pleasure to meet you. I am Misri." Turning back to Dezzel, she says "Yes, all taken care of. However, they were getting in through a tunnel that leads to the room. You'll want to seal it before anything else wanders in."

2021-10-12, 06:27 PM
Rythe nods her head at Aluaris, then adds "There's a crate over the tunnel with a hole in the bottom, so we stacked other crates on top to seal it temporarily. You should consider shoring up the whole floor, honestly. Something dug this tunnel, it could dig another."

The Big Bear
2021-10-12, 09:59 PM
"Dug into the room? Ugh, I hate rats." says Aluaris with obvious disgust in her mouth. Her demeanor instantly changes, a smile creeping onto her face. "Although, probably not as much as Dezzel here...seeing as how you passed off the task to these two." Dezzel stammers nervously for a minute as he tries to find the right words. "T-there was work to do here! I had to start moving the crates tonight, I-I-I couldn't possibly take care of everything myself!"

The drow laughs and places her hand on Dezzel's shoulder. "You know I'm just kidding Dezzel. I know you hate rats and I figured you'd find a way to handle the problem. At the very least, its been dealt with and we dont have to worry about the cheese shipments being destroyed. I'll have the hole filled in by tomorrow and hopefully that's the last we see of the rats."

It takes a moment but Dezzel calms down. He reaches into a satchel and pulls forth a small coin purse. "This is for you...thanks for dealing with the rats for me..." he says sheepishly as he hands you the pouch containing 30 gold pieces.

Aluaris turns her attention to Rythe, seemingly sizing her up. "You must be Rythe...Dezzel told me about you, how you ran smuggling for the Sen'Haran resistance. Before the Kingdom fell, of course."

2021-10-12, 10:53 PM
All previous pleasantness leaves Rythe's features in an instant. She straightens her back from a languid slouch and uncrosses her arms. While her body continues to face Aluaris, she turns head to look at Dezzel, her inky shark eyes narrowing in a dark glare. "Just airin' out all my dirty laundry in front of anyone listenin', huh? Loose lips sink ships, Dezzel."

The Big Bear
2021-10-13, 12:15 AM
"W-w-what?! Nothing could be farther from the t-t-truth!" Dezzel frantically says. "I told her that when everyone thought you were dead!"

"Calm down, Dezzel" Aluaris says, before shifting her gaze to Rythe. "Understand, Dezzel was only doing his job. He kept me informed on his dealings with the resistance; it's just part of his line of work...besides, I'd say we're on the same side here." She flashes a friendly grin at you. "You do know the resistance is still alive and well, don't you? Sure, the kingdom fell, but that doesn't mean the empire's had an easy time holding the region. They're working out of a camp they setup south of the Ama'Saen Forest. The empire doesn't dare move through the forest, so I guess that's been working out for them. They're supposedly petitioning the Archmagus of Wealdstone for help..."

2021-10-13, 02:26 AM
Rythe sucks in a deep breathe and slowly lets it out while she settles back into her slouch. She glances at Misri for a moment, before shrugging and turning back to Aluaris. "I'd heard rumors that the resistance was still alive and kickin', but nothing solid." Unconsciously, her hand moves to the left side of her head, smoothing over the unruly curls floating around her head. "After I'd... recovered... most of my contacts had either gone to ground or been killed. I came here hoping to reconnect with some old business partners, maybe look into commissioning a shipwright. Rebuilding."

The Big Bear
2021-10-13, 06:31 PM
"A shipwright? And you have gold for that?" Aluaris says, quizzically. "Even if you did, what would you do with the months it would take to commission a new ship?" she asks, letting the question hang there for just a moment. "Now, if you really want to get back in with the resistance, I have a supply train heading to Wealdstone tomorrow...and wouldn't you know, we just happen to need some guards for its journey."

2021-10-22, 10:15 PM
After thinking for a few moments, Rythe asks "When exactly would the supply train be leaving? I still want to meet up with some folks, and Misri probably has her own business to attend to. If she even wants to take the job in the first place."

The Big Bear
2021-10-22, 11:32 PM
"Oh, I suppose sometime tomorrow afternoon. Torinnin, our merchant friend, tends to take his time checking and rechecking the goods before setting off and doesn't like to leave too early so he can spend the first night with one of his friends a few miles outside of town. Should either of you have any questions about Badon or, really, anything in general that's been happening recently, do let me know." Aluaris says to you with a slight bow and a happy smile.

2021-10-23, 04:01 AM
Misri gives a small shrug. "I'm honestly just looking for some information with no leads. Figured the more area I cover, the more likely I am to find something. Perhaps a voyage that I fall into rather than dictate will give better results."

2021-10-23, 11:27 PM
"Fine, then. We'll take the job," Rythe sighs. She fiddles absently with her ring for a moment before asking Aluaris, "What makes the resistance think the Archmagus of Wealdstone would help them, anyway? I thought Wealdstone neutral on the matter. They never kicked up a fuss about helping, also but never stopped empire soldiers from hunting us either."

The Big Bear
2021-10-24, 01:20 AM
Aluaris raises an eyebrow at the question, then looks down as if in deep thought before she says "True, Wealdstone does tend to remain neutral in most matters outside their city and has shown little interest in the empire's expansion...perhaps things have changed? If a member of the resistance would know where the royal seal was hidden before kingdom fell they could use that information to garner help. Getting their hands on such rare item would probably rouse the interest of the Archmagus; I doubt he would help otherwise..." She finally looks up, the expression on her face now one of relief. "Anyway, I appreciate that you're willing to travel to Wealdstone with Torinnin. That should at least get you into the city so you can start finding some of your contacts with the resistance."

2021-11-09, 04:18 AM
Clapping her hands together, Rythe untied her coat and picked up her backpack. "How long will this trip take, do you know? And how will we be paid?"

The Big Bear
2021-11-09, 06:00 AM
"The whole trip will be about seven days. I'll let Torinnin know to pay you upfront."

Describe anything you'd like to do before setting off. For shopping just let me know what you'd like to buy. If you're meeting with a contact in the city then let me know what your general goal in doing so is and we'll work from there.

2021-11-09, 06:12 AM
Misri looks contemplative. "Huh, I never thought I'd ever be involved with anything as fancy as freedom fighters. I would have thought it would be harder to join their ranks." Then, after a pause and with a bit of trepidation, "when you say travel, is that by boat again?"

The Big Bear
2021-11-09, 07:53 PM
Aluaris looks to Misri and replies "Actually you'll be travelling to Wealdstone by foot. Torinnin will have a wagon but I doubt there will be enough room for everyone with the way he fills it up."

Describe anything you'd like to do before setting off. For shopping just let me know what you'd like to buy. If you're meeting with a contact in the city then let me know what your general goal in doing so is and we'll work from there.

2021-11-12, 03:14 AM
Misri looks instantly relieved. "Fantastic! I'll take the rest of my day to get some errands done then." With a nod to Rythe, she departs and first finds a library to research Tiefling lineages. After that, she finds a shop and purchases charcoal, incense, and herbs for 10 gp. Upon returning to Dezzel's, where she uses his brass brazier to cast her Find Familiar spell to summon rat, whom she dubs Rasputin.

The Big Bear
2021-11-15, 08:09 AM
Misri looks instantly relieved. "Fantastic! I'll take the rest of my day to get some errands done then." With a nod to Rythe, she departs and first finds a library to research Tiefling lineages. After that, she finds a shop and purchases charcoal, incense, and herbs for 10 gp. Upon returning to Dezzel's, where she uses his brass brazier to cast her Find Familiar spell to summon rat, whom she dubs Rasputin.

After spending hours at the local library, Misri unfortunately comes away with little information pertaining to her own infernal heritage. While she is able to parse several books that cover the topic in general, she is unable to find any that describe specific lineages in detail.

Misri largely confirms what she had already known - that tieflings are the product of pacts with Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells, whom sought to spread his corrupting essence to the material plane. Despite these efforts, tieflings are rarely inherently affected by their demonic lineage, more often turning to lives of crime due to their how they are perceived and treated and less due to a natural inclination. Several tiefling lineages have come to an end over the previous centuries, for various reasons, but of those that have survived many have retained records of their family ties and revel in a bloodline that they consider superior. On the inner sleeve of one of the books she comes across, Misri finds a lead. The sleeve contains a short biography of the author of Inclinations of Our Kind, A Guide for the Wayward Tiefling, one Mavel Armus, a self-described expert on tieflings who practices her studies at Wealdstone.

The Big Bear
2021-11-16, 08:39 AM
Rythe contacts her leads in the city for information on Korinth, but is unable to find out much more than she already knows. He now captains a ship for the empire, dubbed The Gonroga, and spends most of his time patrolling the waters near the former Kingdom of Sen'Hara. The home port of The Gonroga appears to be the Amons'Port. Korinth appears to keep a low profile, as information on his movements and motivations seems difficult to come by.

After turning up little regarding her old friend, Rythe heads to the nearby library to research information on the Royal Seal of Sen'Hara. Scouring the bookshelves she eventually finds The History of the Royal Seal, a seemingly ancient tome featuring just the information she was looking for. The Royal Seal of Sen'Hara is theorized to be one of a dozen spherical gemstones that have existed for longer than documented history. The Seal of Sen'Hara is a deep blue hue, with two jagged lines stacked one atop the other visible inside of the gem. While the gem emits a faint magical energy to those who hold it, it seemingly has no actual use outside of being passed through the generations of royalty as a symbol of stature. It is typically worn on a necklace by the current lord, or otherwise resides in the royal vault. Seeing as how the word is that the empire has been unable to claim the seal, Rythe deduces that the seal was likely hidden before the fall of Sen'Hara.

The Big Bear
2021-11-17, 07:38 AM
Before heading back to Dezzel's, Rythe searches out some of her old contacts to procure some poisons and lockpicks.

The two companions meet back up at Dezzel's place, sleeping on the spare cots usually reserved for smugglers passing through. The sound of the steady flow of water around the structure brings a calming presence to this hidden abode, with the distant crashing of the waves against the tower several stories above providing a stilted white noise akin to a broken metronome.

Rythe and Misri wake up in the morning to the quiet sound of sizzling coming from one of the adjoining rooms, accompanied by the slight smell of cooking grease. Shortly after waking, Dezzel appears in the doorway holding several plates. "Good morning! I figured you could use a proper breakfast before heading off. Quality supplies are one of the benefits of this business, anyway."

2021-11-20, 02:30 AM
Yawning widely, Rythe rubs the sleep from her eyes before dragging her nails through her wild hair. She attempts to tame her messy locks for a few moments before giving up. "Mmm. 'Preciate it, Dezzel. This'll probably be our last decent meal until we get to Wealdstone."

Rythe stands, pausing for a moment to stretch, then moves to take the plates from Dezzel.

2021-11-20, 05:25 AM
Misri groggily stretches before sitting up, careful to keep her horns from getting caught in the bedding. "Why thank you, sir, it smells divine. I'll be missing your excellent service by this time tomorrow no doubt."

The Big Bear
2021-11-20, 11:06 PM
Dezzel looks absolutely pleased at hearing praise for making breakfast. You get the notion that, despite being somewhat of a shut-in that enjoys his privacy, he genuinely appreciates it when he has some company. "Oh, well, anything I could do to help!" he says enthusiastically. "Aluaris instructed me to, uh, let you know that Torrinin will meet you near the gate to the Southeast. He's a little halfling chap with messy brown hair. His cart will be packed quite heavily...it'll be hard to miss."

2021-12-17, 10:31 PM
Nodding in acknowledgement, Rythe gets dressed and sorts through her belongings, taking breaks to eat her meal. She takes large, but neat, bites of food, and hums her pleasure at the greasy meal.

2021-12-17, 11:51 PM
Misri scarfs the food down and then carefully packs her bag. Taking some items out a few times and replacing them before finally settling on an arrangement that seems to be satisfactory. When her and Rythe both seemed ready, she nodded to her companion and both headed toward the Southeast gate.

The Big Bear
2021-12-18, 03:37 AM
Dezzel wishes the companions a happy farewell. "If ever you find yourself back in Badon, do be sure to stop by!" he says cheerily as the party departs for the Southeast gate.

The city is bustling during the day. Each street seems to be as packed as the last, as merchants shout their deals and crowds make their way across the suspended terraces. About an hour and a half after leaving, the party has navigated their way to the Southeast gate. While the towers near the docks and the center of the city reach out of the sea below, the towers along the southern reaches are constructed on dry land. Cobblestone streets connect the skyward reaching towers while green gardens fill the remaining area. Similar to the rest of the city, suspended walkways connect the towers stories above ground level and subterranean tunnels likely do the same below.

Upon approaching the southeast gate, the party sees ahead a large carriage, packed to the brim with boxes, pulled to the side of the road. Nets hanging along the sides hold various tins and other containers, while ropes are pulled taught over the stacked cargo to hold everything in place. A halfling with bushy brown hair holds a clipboard and quill in hand as he inspect the carriage. He quickly rifles through some pages, jots down some notes, before running over to another bundle on the caravan and repeating the process. He seems intensely focused on what he is doing.

2021-12-18, 04:03 AM
Approaching the carriage, but careful to stay out of the way, Misri asks "excuse me, are you Torrinin?" While giving a small wave to him.

The Big Bear
2021-12-18, 07:24 PM
Despite Misri's attempt to avoid startling the halfling, Torrinin nearly jumps out of his boots at the question. "AH!" he lets out, while quickly turning to spot the duo. After a moment to compose himself, the man flips through his notes while examining the two strangers and mumbling to himself. "Yes, Torrinin, yes, yes, yes. You must be Misri and you must be Rythe. Yes, yes, yes, it all adds up here. Arrived just like Aluaris said you would, ready to help on the way to Wealdstone. Pleasure to meet you. It'll be just a minute to finish up here and we can be on our way." He talks quickly, as if in a hurry. You get the feeling he's already double and triple checked his list, but continues anyway.

2021-12-19, 03:23 AM
Rythe tips her head to the sky to sigh, then leans towards Misri to whisper, "This is gonna be a long trip."

She steps forward and waves her hand at Torrinin, asking "Anything we can do to help? Maybe another set of eyes can set your mind at ease. The sooner we get on our way, the sooner we'll get to our destination."

The Big Bear
2021-12-19, 03:43 AM
"Yes, yes, yes" the energetic little halfling replies, if half seems as if he wasn't paying attention to the question. After a moment he stops, flips through his notes, and scribbles something down. "Apologies for the wait, I'm ready to go whenever you are. You are ready, yes?"

2021-12-23, 03:59 PM
"Where would you like us?" Misri asks the halfling. She seems to have deduced that short questions with direct answers will be easiest for Torrinin to process.

The Big Bear
2021-12-24, 07:05 AM
"Anywhere to the side or back, just watch out for the horses. And let me handle the guards." Torrinin replies quickly, pointing to two large horses tied to the front of the carriage.

As the caravan nears the gate, two guards with lances leaning against their shoulders approach. Above the gate, two others with crossbows turn their attention to the large overpacked wagon. "Halt! Have yer manifest with ye, halfman?" says the shorter and stockier guard holding his lance lazily with the point still toward the sky. Torrinin fishes through his pack quickly and produces a small pouch that jingles with the sound of coin, then hands the man both his clipboard and the pouch. "Yes, yes, yes, you'll find everything is in order, I'm sure" he says with the confidence that shows he's been through this many times before.

The guard weighs the pouch in his hand briefly before looking at his partner. They shrug to each other, and pass the notes back to the halfling. "On ye go, then" says the guard before they both turn to walk back to their posts.

After clearing fifty yards from the gate, the halfling looks down at his two escorts. "Easy as always. Well, not always. Sometimes they ask for some cheese, too" he says to you, quickly and shamelessly. "We'll be to Wendle's before nightfall. Have one nice place to stay before starting to Wealdstone in earnest."

2021-12-24, 02:50 PM
After a few moments of travelling down the road, Misri catches Rythe's attention with a humorous glint in her eye. "What's a better guard look for me? Solemn and mysterious?", she asks while lowering her head, the hood over her head shadowing her face, but still not hiding the marks of her Tiefling heritage. "Or cocky and belligerent?" Now she lowers her hood, puffs up her chest, squares her shoulders, and haughtily sneers at Rythe.

2021-12-25, 05:18 PM
Rythe throws her head back belts out an guffaw, showing off her sharp teeth. She attempts to compose herself, trying to hide her smile behind her hand and coughing to smother her laugh. Still giggling slightly, she replies, "As... ah, impressive as your strut is, I have to say that dark and mysterious suits you better."

The Big Bear
2022-01-05, 01:20 AM
The group moves through the countryside at Torrinin's leisurely pace. The sprawling city gives way to dense farmlands past the gate, which eventually opens to distant farmsteads off of the cobblestone road. Several hours pass as Torrinin makes small talk and lazily steers the horse-drawn carriage.

The sun begins to dip low, steadily working its way toward the horizon, and the roads begin to show shallow puddles reminiscent of the recent rain in the area as dark clouds loom overhead. "Lucky Wendle has a barn we can pull the carriage and horses in to to keep everything dry" Torrinin says with a sigh. "Her place is just off the road up over the hill here."

As he gestures over the hill ahead, the darkness of the storm clouds and night loom overhead. Rythe sees a billowing smoke over the hill to the eastern side of the road, nearly imperceptible against the dark sky. It looks like there is a large fire somewhere past the hill, in the direction the halfling was pointing.

2022-01-14, 08:59 PM
"That way, you said?" Rythe asks as she squints at the horizon. "Where the smoke is rising?" She moves closer to Misri, pressing up against her side and pointing and the pillar of smoke. "Misri, can you see it too?"

2022-01-14, 10:32 PM
Misri shades her eyes and squints where Rythe is pointing. "Oh, yes, I do. Think it means trouble?"

The Big Bear
2022-01-14, 11:04 PM
Having the smoke pointed out, Torrinin gasps and jumps up in his seat on the wagon. "By Tymora! That looks like its coming from Wendle's place! We have to hurry!" He pulls the reins up and urges the horses into a gallop, the bundle of goods securely fastened to the wagon creaking slightly under the strain.

Cresting the hill, the party sees a farmstead nearly a mile out, consisting of fields with a house and a barn situated closely together in the middle. A well maintained fence surrounds the farm; the road splits, with one leg leading to the farm's gate, the other continuing along to Wealdstone. The barn is in the process of being consumed in a fiery blaze and the faint sounds of horses and cows can be heard within. Approaching the open gate of the farm, something seems a little off. A few hundred feet away from the farmhouse, you can see that the door is hanging loosely on broken hinges and several windows are broken.

"Wha-what could have done this?" Torrinin says in disbelief.

2022-02-17, 05:22 PM
Misri turns to Rythe, half shouting due to the sudden burst of adrenaline, "I'll go check out the cottage and make sure whoever caused this isn't still in there if you want to help with the barn. I'll come right back to help if it's clear!"