View Full Version : 3rd Ed Apprentice feat from Dungeon Masters Guide II

2021-08-30, 01:26 PM
The Apprentice feat, listed on page 176 of the DMG2, is unclear.

According to the feat (I will mercifully not reproduce the anguishing text of the feat here for the purpose of brevity), the character gains two skill points to be spent on the two new class skills. The feat does not specify if those skill points are multiplied by four (by definition the feat can only be taken by a 1st level character), nor does it specify if the character continues to receive those skill points at subsequent levels.

My inclination is that the skill points should be multipled by four at first level (since taking the feats I believe technically precedes the selection of character class, which precedes the receipt of skill points that are then multiplied for a 1st level character) but that the skill points do not recur at subsequent levels.

(Furthermore, I would personally rule that the skill points must be spent on the two class skills gained by the feat. The wording here is also vague.)

However, the feat as worded is vague and there seems to be no errata document for the DMG2. If anyone has guidance here, preferably official, I would appreciate it.

2021-08-30, 01:43 PM
I'm afb right now, but I do remember that the feat says you have to spend these 2 points on those extra class skills. Can't help you with the x4, but I don't think they are multiplied

2021-08-30, 01:47 PM
For comparison, the Open Minded feat doesn't seem to mention muliplying the bonus skill points for being 1st level. Maybe that is only for class-granted skills?


2021-08-30, 01:50 PM
now that I think about it, selecting feats is after spending skill points, so they woulnd't be multiplied by the 1st level x4 thing

2021-08-30, 02:00 PM
The phb has an order of operations page for level ups. Bonus skill points multiplied at first level say they are multiplied, so bonus skill ranks from feats are not multiplied

2021-08-30, 02:09 PM
The other thing about Apprentice is that it's one of those "1st level only" feats. So if it doesn't say to multiply them, I'd say that you wouldn't multiply them.

But ciopo's point is also valid - feats are after skill points, so that's your RAW right there.