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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Hyena Totem 2.0

2021-08-30, 09:18 PM
So, I was digging around and stumbled across this (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?396536-Hyena-Totem) by this talented individual (https://forums.giantitp.com/member.php?90632-Ralanr) from a long time ago and I wanted to comment on it, but i felt that it'd be better to not resurrect a long-dead post and instead just give credit where credit is due with a new post. (If this is bad, let me know and I'll res the old post instead!) So, anyway, go read his original for context on what I based this on and let me know what you think of this newer rendition!

Hyena Totem

Level 3: Maddening Laughter: When you rage you begin to laugh maddeningly, causing all enemies within 30 feet that can hear you to make a Charisma save or be frightened until the end of your next turn. The DC is 8+your proficiency modifier+your Charisma mod. On a success, they become immune to your cackling laughter until the end of your rage. As a bonus action on your turn you can continue your insane laughter, repeating the above effect. If you bring a creature to 0 hit points, the next Maddening Laughter before the end of your next turn can affect enemies that would normally be immune to it due to passing their saving throw previously.

(Nuptup Notes: I figured this could be modernized to better reflect the bonus action interaction Wizard of the coast likes to add to these things now. Also gave it a way to affect previously immune enemies.)

Level 6: Scavenger's Nose: You gain the power of the hyena's nose. You have advantage on perception and survival checks that can benefit from enhanced scent such as tracking, looking for a particularly strong scent or other similar instances.

(Nuptup Notes: Cleaned up the wording here, that's all.)

Level 14: The Pack Gathers: When you enter a rage, a Spectral Hyena answers the call of your Maddening Laughter and forms in an unoccupied space within 15 feet of you. Once on each of your turns as a free action, you can command the Spectral Hyena, allowing it to move up to it's speed and make a single bite attack. The Spectral Hyena has the following stat block and counts as a creature and ally:

Spectral Hyena
Medium Fey, [Your Alignment]

Armor Class: 10+your proficiency bonus
Hit Points: 1/4th your total hit points
Speed: 50 ft.

Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned, Exhaustion
Resistances: Nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing

STR: 16 / DEX: 14 / CON: 14 / INT: 8 / WIS: 12 / CHA: 7

Rampage: If you or the Spectral Hyena reduces a creature to 0 hit points on your turn, the Spectral Hyena can move up to half its speed and make a bite attack. This is in addition to any normal actions you would command it to take.

Endless Laughter: If the Spectral Hyena is killed, another comes to replace it when you next use Maddening Laughter, appearing in an unoccupied space within 15 feet of you.

Bite: To-Hit = Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Charisma Modifier. Damage = 2d6 + Your Charisma Modifier + Rage Bonus Magical Piercing Damage.

(Nuptup Notes: I really liked the idea behind this, but felt that it was too complicated and busy with summoning 3 and modifying the existing statblock so I just made it grow based on your prof bonus, charisma bonus, and your own max hp. Also made it function similar to the echo knight where you can just resummon it if it dies, but i made it a creature so that it can't have any of the nonsense that the echo knight has. Overall I really like this, and with the changes made to the fear generation at level 3, and the "resurrecting" function given to laughing with this, it keep you having a reason to cackle all fight long, even against fear-immune enemies.)

2021-08-31, 09:53 PM
When you rage you begin to laugh maddeningly, Should say "When you enter your rage."

Level 6: Scavenger's Nose: You gain the power of the hyena's nose. You have advantage on perception and survival checks that can benefit from enhanced scent such as tracking, looking for a particularly strong scent or other similar instances. I think this is a bit weak, actually. Maybe add advantage on saving throws against Stench and other strong smells?

Endless Laughter: If the Spectral Hyena is killed, another comes to replace it when you next use Maddening Laughter, appearing in an unoccupied space within 15 feet of you.
(Nuptup Notes: I really liked the idea behind this, but felt that it was too complicated and busy with summoning 3 and modifying the existing statblock so I just made it grow based on your prof bonus, charisma bonus, and your own max hp. Also made it function similar to the echo knight where you can just resummon it if it dies, but i made it a creature so that it can't have any of the nonsense that the echo knight has. Overall I really like this, and with the changes made to the fear generation at level 3, and the "resurrecting" function given to laughing with this, it keep you having a reason to cackle all fight long, even against fear-immune enemies.) Perhaps (instead of having hit points) the spectral hyena is summoned when you use Maddening Laughter and lasts until the start of your next turn or takes damage? It would still be able to reach creatures within 65 feet for a regular attack, but wouldn't be able to attack enemies too far away.

I mainly worry the barbarian would be able to expend their rage to have the spectral hyena trigger a bunch of traps for the party. Like this (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0840.html), but with a class feature that comes back at the end of along rest.

2021-08-31, 10:42 PM
Should say "When you enter your rage."

I think this is a bit weak, actually. Maybe add advantage on saving throws against Stench and other strong smells?

I genuinely forgot Stench was a thing, so yeah, could work. However, I feel you'd actually be worse at ignoring powerful smells, not better. So, I dunno. I was aiming to maintain it on the weaker side as, let's be honest, non-combat is not a barbarian's strong suit.

Perhaps (instead of having hit points) the spectral hyena is summoned when you use Maddening Laughter and lasts until the start of your next turn or takes damage? It would still be able to reach creatures within 65 feet for a regular attack, but wouldn't be able to attack enemies too far away.

So, I was considering making it have a singular hitpoint, just like the echo knight echo, but i don't really want the barbarian to be forced into activating their rage laughter every turn as a bonus. So, I figured it would be fine if it were a more stable summon with a bit of oomph. I guess I could give it a movement limit saying it must stay within 50 feet of the barbarian at all times.

I mainly worry the barbarian would be able to expend their rage to have the spectral hyena trigger a bunch of traps for the party. Like this (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0840.html), but with a class feature that comes back at the end of along rest.

So, while I can see that, it would only allow the think to tank 50 feet worth of traps up to it's hp because, at the end of the barbarian's turn, since it hasn't taken damage, their rage will end. And, yeah, sure they can rage again to resummon it.., but now they're down 2 of their daily rages.

I had considered moving this effect earlier up in the subclass and giving the barbarian like a spirit companion based on the new ranger beast master, but decided the laughter was a much more iconic option, so sadly this comes online kind of late and most players will never see it, but by the time you get this I don't think it being able to nuke a trap hallway is too strong.

2021-09-01, 11:26 AM
I genuinely forgot Stench was a thing, so yeah, could work. However, I feel you'd actually be worse at ignoring powerful smells, not better. So, I dunno. I was aiming to maintain it on the weaker side as, let's be honest, non-combat is not a barbarian's strong suit. I mean, it is a scavenger's ability to smell. I figure scavengers would have some resistance to the smell of rotting flesh (or other awful things) even if they are also better at noticing it in the first place.

So, while I can see that, it would only allow the think to tank 50 feet worth of traps up to it's hp because, at the end of the barbarian's turn, since it hasn't taken damage, their rage will end. Until they take one more barbarian level, at which point they get the Persistent Rage feature and their rage will no longer end early from failing to attack/take damage. Still, the one limit is probably fine.

2021-09-01, 02:10 PM
Here is a stab at an edit pass.

Hyena Totem

Maddening Laughter: Starting at level 3, when you enter your rage, or as a bonus action while raging, you can laught maddeningly. All enemies within 30 feet that can hear you must make a Charisma saving throw or be frightened until the end of your next turn. The save DC is 8 + your proficiency modifier + your charisma modifier. Creatures who pass this save are immune to your maddening laughter until 24 hours have passed, or until you reduce a creature they can see to 0 HP.

Scavenger's Maw: Starting at level 6, you gain the power of the hyena's maw. Your ability to smell is enhanced, allowing you to track by scent, and have advantage on wisdom(perception) and wisdom(survival) checks involving scent. In addition, you are immune to poison and the poisoned condition, and disease from eating food. Finally, you can make a bite as an unarmed attack, dealing 1d4+strength modifier damage; if you hit a creature no more than 1 size larger than you with such a bite, you may also grab the target with your maw.

The Pack Gathers: Starting at level 14, when you use Maddening Laughter, instead of causing fear you can summon a Spectral Hyena that appears in an unoccupied space within 15' of you. The Spectral Hyena lasts until reduced to 0 HP, you leave rage, or you summon another Spectral Hyena.

At the end of your turn, the Spectral Hyena moves its speed and makes an attack on the closest creature to it you have attacked or who has attacked either you or the Spectral Hyena. The Spectral Hyena has the following stat block and counts as a creature and ally:

Spectral Hyena
Medium Fey, Neutral

Armor Class: 10+your proficiency bonus
Hit Points: 3 hit points per barbarian class level.
Speed: 50 ft.

Proficiency Bonus: Your proficiency bonus.
Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Disease, Poison damage, Poisoned, Exhaustion
Resistances: Bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage

STR: 16 / DEX: 14 / CON: 14 / INT: 2 / WIS: 12 / CHA: 7

Skills: Dexterity(Stealth) +2+Proficiency Bonus, Wisdom(Survival) +1+Proficiency Bonus, Wisdom(Perception) +1+Proficiency Bonus
Keen Scent: Has advantage on scent based Wisdom(Perception) and Wisdom(Survival) checks.

Rampage: If you or the Spectral Hyena reduces a creature to 0 hit points on your turn, the Spectral Hyena can move up to half its speed and make a bite attack. This is in addition to any normal actions you would command it to take.

Bite: To-Hit = 3 + Proficiency Bonus. Damage = 2d6 + 3 + proficiency bonus piercing damage. This damage counts as coming from a magical weapon. If the creature is no more than one size larger than the Spectral Hyena, the targets is grabbed (Escape DC 11+Proficiency Bonus). This attack automatically hits a creature the Hyena has already grabbed with its Bite.


I made the Laughter have the usual 24 hour immunity clause. I also regularized the language a bit.

I upgraded Maw to be an entire Scavenger package, plus the legendary bite of the Hyena. It is a cute way to grapple someone.

For the pet, I gave it a cost; you lose the fear effect to summon it. So losing one has a cost.

I made the HP 3 / level instead of 1/4 of yours, gave it a proficiency bonus, made its stats internal not tied to your charisma. I also made it resist all BPS, added poison damage immunity, and immunity to diseases.

I dropped its int to 2, it is a spirit of hunger and scavenging, and that also renders it immune to some effects. I made it neutral; it it being lawful good or whatever doesn't make much sense to me. I also granted it reasonable skills.

2021-09-01, 05:25 PM
Here is a stab at an edit pass.

Hyena Totem

Maddening Laughter: Starting at level 3, when you enter your rage, or as a bonus action while raging, you can laugh maddeningly. All enemies within 30 feet that can hear you must make a Charisma saving throw or be frightened until the end of your next turn. The save DC is 8 + your proficiency modifier + your charisma modifier. Creatures who pass this save are immune to your maddening laughter until 24 hours have passed, or until you reduce a creature they can see to 0 HP.

Scavenger's Maw: Starting at level 6, you gain the power of the hyena's maw. Your ability to smell is enhanced, allowing you to track by scent, and have advantage on wisdom(perception) and wisdom(survival) checks involving scent. In addition, you are immune to poison and the poisoned condition, and disease from eating food. Finally, you can make a bite as an unarmed attack, dealing 1d4+strength modifier damage; if you hit a creature no more than 1 size larger than you with such a bite, you may also grab the target with your maw.

The Pack Gathers: Starting at level 14, when you use Maddening Laughter, instead of causing fear you can summon a Spectral Hyena that appears in an unoccupied space within 15' of you. The Spectral Hyena lasts until reduced to 0 HP, you leave rage, or you summon another Spectral Hyena.

At the end of your turn, the Spectral Hyena moves its speed and makes an attack on the closest creature to it you have attacked or who has attacked either you or the Spectral Hyena. The Spectral Hyena has the following stat block and counts as a creature and ally:

Spectral Hyena
Medium Fey, Neutral

Armor Class: 10+your proficiency bonus
Hit Points: 3 hit points per barbarian class level.
Speed: 50 ft.

Proficiency Bonus: Your proficiency bonus.
Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Disease, Poison damage, Poisoned, Exhaustion
Resistances: Bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage

STR: 16 / DEX: 14 / CON: 14 / INT: 2 / WIS: 12 / CHA: 7

Skills: Dexterity(Stealth) +2+Proficiency Bonus, Wisdom(Survival) +1+Proficiency Bonus, Wisdom(Perception) +1+Proficiency Bonus
Keen Scent: Has advantage on scent based Wisdom(Perception) and Wisdom(Survival) checks.

Rampage: If you or the Spectral Hyena reduces a creature to 0 hit points on your turn, the Spectral Hyena can move up to half its speed and make a bite attack. This is in addition to any normal actions you would command it to take.

Bite: To-Hit = 3 + Proficiency Bonus. Damage = 2d6 + 3 + proficiency bonus piercing damage. This damage counts as coming from a magical weapon. If the creature is no more than one size larger than the Spectral Hyena, the targets is grabbed (Escape DC 11+Proficiency Bonus). This attack automatically hits a creature the Hyena has already grabbed with its Bite.


I made the Laughter have the usual 24 hour immunity clause. I also regularized the language a bit.

I upgraded Maw to be an entire Scavenger package, plus the legendary bite of the Hyena. It is a cute way to grapple someone.

For the pet, I gave it a cost; you lose the fear effect to summon it. So losing one has a cost.

I made the HP 3 / level instead of 1/4 of yours, gave it a proficiency bonus, made its stats internal not tied to your charisma. I also made it resist all BPS, added poison damage immunity, and immunity to diseases.

I dropped its int to 2, it is a spirit of hunger and scavenging, and that also renders it immune to some effects. I made it neutral; it it being lawful good or whatever doesn't make much sense to me. I also granted it reasonable skills.

I like everything about this! It's a fantastic write-up! I can't really think of anything to really change except maybe hit points for it since 3/level is considerably less than 1/4th your hit points since they don't gain con mod, so maybe just auto-calc that as 5/level (plus 5 is a much faster "fast-math" number). I love the grabs. The wording for Rampage would need changed to reflect the fact you no longer command it, and on that topic I kind of think having the hyena act at the same time as you would be better than always acting at the end of your turn. That seems kind of restricting. Other than that, the Maw idea is excellent and I like it all a lot!

2021-09-02, 02:21 PM
Oh hey, my original idea.

For what it's worth, you're in the right to create a new idea since the original idea hasn't been updated in years and I haven't thought much on it. As for your changes, I do like them. Though the only thing I myself have an issue with is the concept of 'free action' with the Hyena spirit, namely because there is no real thing as a free action in the PHB when discussing actions. Since you already have the bonus action covered, I'd recommend having the spirit just take its turn immediately after the barbarian (sharing the same initiative, like the steel defender) and just allow the player to gain access to it's actions without requiring an action or bonus action to command it to do something. Yeah that makes it stronger that Steel Defender, but it's a capstone ability, so I can see it being a bit better than how the steel defender works.

Alternatively, you can just say you can command it as part of your movement action.

Edit: It occurs to me that Yak has also made a good stab at the idea in this thread and I missed it because I wanted to say thanks for the interest. Their idea is way better than mine imo.

2021-09-02, 04:17 PM
Oh hey, my original idea.

For what it's worth, you're in the right to create a new idea since the original idea hasn't been updated in years and I haven't thought much on it. As for your changes, I do like them. Though the only thing I myself have an issue with is the concept of 'free action' with the Hyena spirit, namely because there is no real thing as a free action in the PHB when discussing actions. Since you already have the bonus action covered, I'd recommend having the spirit just take its turn immediately after the barbarian (sharing the same initiative, like the steel defender) and just allow the player to gain access to it's actions without requiring an action or bonus action to command it to do something. Yeah that makes it stronger that Steel Defender, but it's a capstone ability, so I can see it being a bit better than how the steel defender works.

Alternatively, you can just say you can command it as part of your movement action.

Edit: It occurs to me that Yak has also made a good stab at the idea in this thread and I missed it because I wanted to say thanks for the interest. Their idea is way better than mine imo.

Hea, it's alright, their idea was better than both of ours! But, it was still your original idea, so take some credit with that. Without you, this wouldn't be a thing at all! But, either way, I think this is pretty much done if I'm honest. Just the small changes I mentioned in reply to Yakk's post and I'mma call it good.

2021-09-03, 04:29 PM
Here's the "final" version. Hopefully it looks nice and is easy to follow. I am happy with it! I also went back on my numbers about hit points before. 3/level is adequate as a level 14 barb would have on average 7+con(3)/level, so 10, so 140 HP and 3/level is 42 for hyena. My suggested 5/level would give them 1/2 the barbarian's hit points.


2021-09-10, 01:12 AM
Is this for the Totem Warrior? If so, remember that they can choose any animal totem at each level, so it is not guaranteed that somebody going for The Pack Gathers will have taken Maddening Laughter.

2021-09-10, 04:01 PM
Is this for the Totem Warrior? If so, remember that they can choose any animal totem at each level, so it is not guaranteed that somebody going for The Pack Gathers will have taken Maddening Laughter.

It's also homebrew, so if someone is going out of their way to use a homebrew option, that probably want to use the whole thing or at least the most important parts which I would say are the level 3 and the level 14 features. So, I'm gonna say it's fine. And, if for some reason someone wants to go bear or wolf or elk and then doesn't have Maddening Laughter to use The Pack Gathers.., I guess just suffer? Why would you use a homebrew and deliberately try to avoid parts of it and then put yourself into a corner?

I understand that, yes, this is technically a problem, but I personally don't care. People can use it as intended, or suffer I guess. Shrug

2021-09-11, 02:07 PM
Ah, my rewrite assumed it was a Path of the Hyena, not a bunch of Totem Warrior picks.

2021-09-13, 03:56 PM
Ah, my rewrite assumed it was a Path of the Hyena, not a bunch of Totem Warrior picks.

I mean, it was titled as "Hyena Totem 2.0" but, honestly I don't think anything needs to be changed. My reply above still holds true honestly. If they want to use the homebrew, then they can plan to use the major parts of it. And if they don't, it's no different than someone playing a certain build and not taking a major component of it (I.E. polearm master with a polearm sentinel build).

2021-09-13, 03:59 PM
I mean, it was titled as "Hyena Totem 2.0" but, honestly I don't think anything needs to be changed. My reply above still holds true honestly. If they want to use the homebrew, then they can plan to use the major parts of it. And if they don't, it's no different than someone playing a certain build and not taking a major component of it (I.E. polearm master with a polearm sentinel build).

It does break from the existing design of Totems, and I don’t feel it breaks from it for any good reason.

I would rewrite the 14th level feature to be independent of the 3rd level one.