View Full Version : 3rd Ed Incorporeal Movement (Haures vestige) + Run action? Foresight?

2021-09-03, 08:27 AM
Two questions:

1: I have a character with the Haures vestige, and I want to know if it's possible to constantly stay incorporeal (immune to non-magical damage, able to travel through the floor, etc). If I take a Full-Round movement action like Run, do I stay incorporeal when it's not my turn?

2: I have constant Foresight from Mark of Stars, and I'm an undead so I don't sleep. Unfortunately I don't have Celerity. How can I turn Foresight + Haures into immunity from nonmagical attacks? The focus is on massive explosives, sudden building collapses, or even nukes (although you'd need a way to stay constantly incorporeal for a good while to survive a nuke, and dropping back into corporeality between your immediate action and your turn's move actions would probably be enough to kill you). Getting some sort of immediate action movement seems useful here, but any sort of Celerity-equivalent would be appreciated. Presumably Foresight doesn't let me just go incorporeal unless I have a way to take a move action as a reaction.
The resources I have to achieve this are significant, but odd: this is on a gimmicky Bloodline cheese build with a bunch of arbitrary setting and RP restrictions I won't bother to explain. Here's the tl;dr: It casts as a 7th-level cleric of Tenebrous, it has Craft Wondrous Item, it manifests as a first-level Psion, it dipped all three Initiator classes at high levels for boosts and counters (and to improve the attack rolls of Zceryll summons).

My first thought was to use Divine Magician to get Celerity on the Cleric casting, but Divine Magician can't select transmutation spells.
There must be some sort of item allowing for Immediate Action movement that I could craft. Is there a 3.5 equivalent to the Staggerpoof boots in Pathfinder?
Quicksilver Motion would be perfect if it were an immediate action, but it's a swift action. Is there a way to take swift actions as immediate actions?
Could I let myself fall prone as a free action? I wouldn't normally allow that as a GM, but is it RAW? And does falling prone count as movement?
Stance of Alacrity allows for a counter-type maneuver without spending an immediate action. Unfortunately, counters that allow movement are all very restricted in terms of activation conditions, and I couldn't find one that would work if the attack was a big explosion and not something like an arrow being fired at you by a nearby enemy.
The 8th-level Swordsage maneuver One With Shadow allows for incorporeality as a reaction, and said incorporeality lasts until my next turn. That's amazing (and could be enough to survive a nuke, maybe?). However this sort of misses out on the goal of using Haures, but it does work... Getting One With Shadow is difficult, but not quite impossible in this build. Nonetheless, any better solution would be much appreciated!

2021-09-03, 11:03 AM
Huh, that is a very vaguely worded ability. "While moving, you become nearly incorporeal". The nearly bit there is probably where you're going to have trouble, though, because as written, this is technically not incorporeality. It specifically does not allow you to go through solid walls at all, for one thing. Also, it doesn't make you immune to nonmagical attacks. Rather, it gives you a 50% miss chance against attacks of opportunity, whether they're magical or not.

D&D is pretty clear about sequential turns being an abstraction, and everyone is supposed to be doing stuff more or less simultaneously, so I think you have a decent argument that as long as you're moving fully every turn the effect should stick around. But unfortunately, that still won't protect you against anything except attacks of opportunity.

I like the idea, but I think you'd need to houserule Haures's ability to work differently if you want to make this work, because the way it's written, it doesn't seem like it wants to cooperate with you.

2021-09-03, 12:07 PM
Huh, that is a very vaguely worded ability. "While moving, you become nearly incorporeal". The nearly bit there is probably where you're going to have trouble, though, because as written, this is technically not incorporeality. It specifically does not allow you to go through solid walls at all, for one thing. Also, it doesn't make you immune to nonmagical attacks. Rather, it gives you a 50% miss chance against attacks of opportunity, whether they're magical or not.

D&D is pretty clear about sequential turns being an abstraction, and everyone is supposed to be doing stuff more or less simultaneously, so I think you have a decent argument that as long as you're moving fully every turn the effect should stick around. But unfortunately, that still won't protect you against anything except attacks of opportunity.

I like the idea, but I think you'd need to houserule Haures's ability to work differently if you want to make this work, because the way it's written, it doesn't seem like it wants to cooperate with you.
Well, that will teach me to reread ability descriptions before brainstorming a build. There I was trying to work out Incorporeal movement combos...

You're right that the wording is weird though. It's like incorporeality but you can't bypass "solid barriers" (with no definition of solid barrier given - I presume it's like line of effect, working through holes in a wall and such), and yet it says nothing about moving straight up and "flying" like other incorporeal creatures.
And while it functions like incorporeality it also lets nonmagical opportunity attacks hit you 50% of the time, with absolutely no mention of anything that isn't an opportunity attack. By RAW that looks a lot like full immunity to all nonmagical weapons that aren't doing opportunity attacks... With that reading, my first question stays relevant. Although as a GM I wouldn't accept that reading and I'd make the 50% miss chance apply to all attacks if you try to stay constantly incorporeal, so take this with a grain of salt :wink:

I guess I'll go looking for other sources of Incorporeality. The big advantage of Haures was that it was at-will though... Still, while Haures isn't real incorporeality it still has the 50% miss chance and the "ignore terrain" part, which is solid. And at that level most attacks are somehow magical anyway, so 50% miss chance is really all you want outside of "the goal is being immune to nonmagical damage" edge cases.

2021-09-03, 12:33 PM
Being incorporeal actually makes you immune to almost all of the creatures in the MM. Even natural attacks by creatures with DR/Magic can't hit incorporeal creatures, so basically you're only vulnerable to magical weapons. While high level monsters do tend to have more magic weapons, it's not a guarantee; there's a lot of high level threats without magical weapon attacks.

That said, the Haures vestige only does the things it says it does in the ability. Ignore difficult terrain, move through enemies, and 50% miss chance against aoos.

2021-09-03, 03:02 PM
What about the Phase Cloak soulmeld? If you bind it to your shoulders, you get the following ability:

When you use a move action to move at least 5 feet, you can become ethereal during the movement. Among other effects, this means that you can cross difficult terrain without penalty and even pass through walls. While moving, you are not subject to attacks of opportunity except from creatures that can see into the Ethereal Plane and affect ethereal creatures. However, you become material after each move. Thus, if you perform a double move, you must end your first move in a space where you can return to the Material Plane before becoming ethereal again for the second part of your move. If you are within a solid object when your etherealness ends, you are immediately shunted to the nearest open space, taking 1d6 points of damage per 5 feet that you so travel. While using this ability, you are subject to possible attack by creatures on the Ethereal Plane.

How does this interact with full-round action movement? Could I use full-round action movement to stay Etheral for a long time? My first instinct is to say "yes!", but the charge action is also a full-round action and yet you clearly aren't moving when it isn't your turn.

2021-09-10, 02:22 PM
What about the Phase Cloak soulmeld? If you bind it to your shoulders, you get the following ability:

How does this interact with full-round action movement? Could I use full-round action movement to stay Etheral for a long time? My first instinct is to say "yes!", but the charge action is also a full-round action and yet you clearly aren't moving when it isn't your turn.

It specifically only works when using a move action to move, and even if you double-move you "solidify" after each one. So full-round movement like charging and running won't work with this.