View Full Version : Undeath In The World [IC]

2021-09-03, 09:01 PM
Map of the Keep (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OjHlwpfqoGMrb7lWCh89ohMEs_BaVbQN2qlVl8wrKc8/edit?usp=sharing)

You've been toiling away at the research for days-but you think you know what to do.

And none too soon. The Doomking himself is approaching, and you know you've less than a day to ready yourselves for the fight.

It is currently nine o' clock in the morning. What will you do?

OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?635701-Undeath-In-The-World-OOC)

2021-09-03, 09:29 PM
Not truly expecting the dread enemy to appear before nightfall, Bentham the Enfield nevertheless walks a beat around the southwestern of the Keep's two caps. His plain eyesight is no better than the next hero's, but every eye gives another chance of spying the foe's approach while some good may be made of the distance.

I'll aid Fargor's Perception rolls, I guess? Assuming Fargor is also up top.

2021-09-03, 10:17 PM
Fargor is flying a circuit around the top of the fortress, keeping an eye out for their vile foe.

Perception, yeah. With adv, it seems!


2021-09-04, 01:48 PM
Myev will find a moment for a quick meeting with everyone to go over what they know of the Doomking. Her quiet words and calm demeanor steadies the spirit and bolsters resolve.

After that, she will walk Gertrude the pegasus around the main hall of the keep, gazing up at its old, worn walls. If anyone needs her to lend a hand, she will gladly provide aid.

Everyone should now have 25 temporary hit points from Inspiring Leader, including Gertrude.

Myev will Help anyone who wants to make any sort of check.

Lord of Gifts
2021-09-06, 05:37 PM
Duchess Miryam Sylvestre (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2510087)
AC: 27 | HP: 208 | Current: 208 | Hit Dice: 2d10; 18d6
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 17
Level 1: 4/4 | Level 2: 3/3 | Level 3: 3/3 | Level 4: 3/3 | Level 5: 3/3 | Level 6: 1/1 | Level 7: 1/1 | Level 8: 1/1 | Level 9: 1/1
Darkness: 1/1 | Hellish Rebuke: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1 | Second Wind: 1/1
Favoured by the Gods: 1/1 | Sorcery Points: 18/18 | Unearthly Recovery: 1/1
Staff of Power: 20/20
Active Effects: None
Conditions: None

Heavily armoured, and borne aloft by mighty eagle wings, Miryam traces her own circuit around the fortress, focused on the north-eastern tower.

Casting Guidance to boost Fargor’s roll.

2021-09-06, 07:57 PM
Hours pass. The sun rises, and begins to set. You trade off watches, and during the afternoon, one of you sets off to hunt some nearby game and prepare a meal.

You do not see your foe approach during the day.

Evening comes, as the sun sets. It is now ten o' clock.


2021-09-06, 11:56 PM
Myev looks to Bentham.

"I've never been much of a fan of negotiations beginning with one side making the other play the waiting game. It always colors the conversation after.

She sighs and shakes her head.

"But the Doomking seems content to leave us in the dark. Would you mind shedding some Light on the situation?"

I expect night has fallen at this point and while we all have darkvision, I'd prefer we not have disadvantage on checks to see our foes sneaking up on us.

I'm hoping Bentham can cast Light in a few places throughout the Keep. Myev will try to use flaming brands from the campfire to light everywhere else.

2021-09-09, 09:52 PM
Bentham smiles and replies, "I won't make light of your request." He goes to light the fires and lanterns, gathering in Fargor and the Duchess as he goes. With a few weighty words he blesses his allies with vivacity, then adds an enchantment to protect his gaze against invisibility.

7th-level Aid for Fargor/Miryam/Bentham, See Invis for Bentham.

2021-09-09, 10:04 PM
Ominous clouds roll in.

An hour passes, not quite in silence, but not far off from it. A few of your spells wear off-none of the especially powerful ones, but a few of the weaker ones.

Mis-timed. Any one hour buffs will need to be recast, but that was, what, a second level slot?

Declare whether or not you'll be doing so in your next post, here or in the OOC, though.

Another ten minutes go by. A thin sheet of rain drips down-some open flames are doused, but the lanterns are shielded from the drizzle. And then... You hear the voice.

"To thee who would challenge me-me, who is the master of death and undeath-you will find no respite! Only death, and then life of eternal servitude!"

It comes from above, booming and echoing. You see a vague figure through the rainclouds, descending rapidly.

The Doomking is the only visible one at this moment. He is about 60' out from the keep towards the north side, and some 1,000' straight up from there.

He can fall at 600' per round, and catch himself with flight, so don't expect a long dilly-dally period.

2021-09-11, 09:39 PM
"Your quarrel has been heard and acknowledged, Balerdroch," Meyv calls, her voice booming in turn. "As I intend to mediate this dispute, I would seek to clarify your position. Please correct me if I have any of these points wrong. First, you intend to kill anyone who opposes your reign. Second, you desire to raise as undead those who opposed you, and third, you wish for dominion over the resulting undead."

She looks to Bentham, Miryam, and Fargor. "I would now hear from the other side of the dispute and seek to establish their position."

Myev will cast thaumaturgy to make her voice boom three times as loud as normal for the next minute. Hopefully I get this in before we get into initiative.

2021-09-12, 09:51 AM
Bentham growls, "And I intend to halt that honorless reign at any cost!" He readies his favorite spell for when the Doomking falls into range.

Prepping an eldritch blast, which reaches 240' with Spell Sniper feat.

[roll0] ([roll1] if dis/advantage) for [roll2] force damage
[roll3] ([roll4] if dis/advantage) for [roll5] force damage
[roll6] ([roll7] if dis/advantage) for [roll8] force damage
[roll9] ([roll10] if dis/advantage) for [roll11] force damage

2021-09-12, 10:00 AM
"Your words mean nothing to me," Balerdroch replies. "This keep will be your grave."

He drops fast, and you can see, clinging to him, a half-dozen other minor undead.

Drops 600', leaving him approximately 400' up.

2021-09-15, 10:05 PM
Myev watches with a cool gaze as Balerdroch continues to drop down from above, waiting to see how the meeting develops.

As stated in the OOC thread, Myev and Gertrude will both take the Dodge action

2021-09-16, 04:26 PM
Fargor is gonna start laying into the Doomking with his Oathbow. 400 ft is nothing!

"Swift death to you who have wronged me"

Action Surge.

Sharpshooter tradeoff.

Attack 1: [roll0] or [roll1] (whichever is higher, crit 18-20)
Damage 1: [roll2] + [roll3] (+ [roll4] + [roll5] if crit)

Attack 2: [roll6] or [roll7] (whichever is higher, crit 18-20)
Damage 2: [roll8] + [roll9] (+ [roll10] + [roll11] if crit)

Attack 3: [roll12] or [roll13] (whichever is higher, crit 18-20)
Damage 3: [roll14] + [roll15] (+ [roll16] + [roll17] if crit)

Attack 4: [roll18] or [roll19] (whichever is higher, crit 18-20)
Damage 4: [roll20] + [roll21] (+ [roll22] + [roll23] if crit)

Attack 5: [roll24] or [roll25] (whichever is higher, crit 18-20)
Damage 5: [roll26] + [roll27] (+ [roll28] + [roll29] if crit)

Attack 6: [roll30] or [roll31] (whichever is higher, crit 18-20)
Damage 6: [roll32] + [roll33] (+ [roll34] + [roll35] if crit)

Attack 7: [roll36] or [roll37] (whichever is higher, crit 18-20)
Damage 7: [roll38] + [roll39] (+ [roll40] + [roll41] if crit)

Attack 8: [roll42] or [roll43] (whichever is higher, crit 18-20)
Damage 8: [roll44] + [roll45] (+ [roll46] + [roll47] if crit)

Move to take me 50 ft away horizontally

Lord of Gifts
2021-09-16, 08:02 PM
Duchess Miryam Sylvestre (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2510087)
AC: 27 | HP: 208 | Current: 208 | Hit Dice: 2d10; 18d6
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 17
Level 1: 4/4 | Level 2: 3/3 | Level 3: 2/3 | Level 4: 3/3 | Level 5: 3/3 | Level 6: 1/1 | Level 7: 1/1 | Level 8: 1/1 | Level 9: 1/1
Darkness: 1/1 | Hellish Rebuke: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1 | Second Wind: 1/1
Favoured by the Gods: 1/1 | Sorcery Points: 15/18 | Unearthly Recovery: 1/1
Staff of Power: 20/20
Active Effects: Haste
Conditions: None

Miryam stared up at the undead monstrosity, and began weaving a spell to bolster her allies.

Casting twinned haste, targeting Bentham and Fargor.

2021-09-23, 06:12 PM
Balerdroch drops further, catching himself with his wings of blue flame as one of the minions, now visible on his back, belts out a powerful melody.

[roll0] Maximum of 9


With Fargor being the only visible enemy of the Doomking, he focuses his wrath on the elf. He begins with his tail lashing out, then his scythe reaps forward. The aura of souls swirling around him focuses on Fargor as well, trying to draw the elf's soul out and into them.

Many attacks

Tail Bite
[roll2] magical piercing
[roll3] necrotic
If hit, get grappled.

[roll5] magical slashing
[roll6] necrotic

[roll8] magical slashing
[roll9] necrotic

[roll11] magical slashing
[roll12] necrotic

[roll14] magical slashing
[roll15] necrotic

DC 23 Con save to completely avoid [roll16] necrotic damage

Add to each of these damage rolls the result of that d20 roll, to a maximum of 9 added to each damage roll.

And before I even let the forum roll these... Ouch.

As Fargor's body is ripped of flesh and bone, the very soul rent by Balerdroch's potent necrotic energies, anyone watching can see the Doomking's wounded vital spots knitting themselves back together, drawing the life-force from Fargor to heal himself.

2021-09-23, 06:24 PM
The attacks take me straight to 0 HP.

Consumption Save to avoid two failed death saves: [roll0]

Death Save at the end of my turn: [roll1]

Fargor is unconscious an inch from death. Ironically, being in the King's clutches is perhaps keeping him alive a few seconds longer - were he not gripped so, he would plummet and splatter on the ground far below.

2021-09-23, 06:48 PM
As Fargor hangs limply in the Doomking's tail, what appears to be an undead seahorse floats along Balerdroch's body. Reaching her unconscious form, it leans its neck forward for a vicious bite.

[roll1] Advantage
[roll2] Piercing Damage

2021-09-24, 12:17 AM
Bentham focuses his enmity according to the Tenets of Vengeance and unleashes a series of blasts at the Doomking.

Bonus action: Channel Divinity for advantage against Balerdroch for 1 minute.
Eldritch blast as an action:
[roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2] force damage
[roll3] or [roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] or [roll7] for [roll8]
[roll9] or [roll10] for [roll11]

If attacked by Balerdroch, I'll use shield as a reaction. If attacked by anyone else and not Balerdroch, I'll use twinned hellish rebuke instead.

2021-09-24, 05:08 PM
Myev grumbles some curses in Orc before belatedly realizing her voice is still amplified by thaumaturgy. Then, with the slightest of nudges from her heels, Gertrude leaps into flight and spirals up towards the Doomking.

Leaning over the pommel of her saddle, Myev makes a grab for Fargor's limp form, while Gertrude snatches his bow up in her teeth.

Gertrude will move and Dash to fly 180 feet, making a run past the Doomking and ending over the second tower. Myev will use her action to try to pick up Fargor. Myev and Gertrude (and hopefully Fargor's body) should be about 150 feet in the air. I've moved on the map.

I didn't see an explicit grapple from the Doomking, so I think picking up Fargor is as simple as taking an action from Myev to do so. If not, feel free to roll whatever you need for Myev, JNA. If that means opposed Athletics checks, Myev should have two opportunities to do so with Extra Attack.

My only goal at this point is to grab Fargor and get out. If that entails provoking opportunity attacks, so be it. Any attacks against Gertrude will be redirected to Myev because of Mounted Combatant

2021-09-24, 08:34 PM
As they fly in, Myev's strong hands fail to wrest Fargor from the fangs of Balerdroch's tail. With a flick of his wrist, though, the Doomking banishes Myev to some hellish dimension, leaving his mount unburdened.

Myev is incapacitated and temporarily in another plane of existence. The plane, while not comfortable, is ultimately harmless.

Lord of Gifts
2021-09-28, 05:32 PM
Duchess Miryam Sylvestre (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2510087)
AC: 27 | HP: 208 | Current: 208 | Hit Dice: 2d10; 18d6
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 17
Level 1: 4/4 | Level 2: 3/3 | Level 3: 2/3 | Level 4: 3/3 | Level 5: 3/3 | Level 6: 1/1 | Level 7: 1/1 | Level 8: 1/1 | Level 9: 1/1
Darkness: 1/1 | Hellish Rebuke: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1 | Second Wind: 1/1
Favoured by the Gods: 1/1 | Sorcery Points: 15/18 | Unearthly Recovery: 1/1
Staff of Power: 15/20
Active Effects: Haste
Conditions: None

Caught off guard by the ferocity of the assault, Miryam responded with a powerful blasting spell.

Casting fireball from the staff of power, hitting Balerdroch and minions.

[roll0] fire damage, DC 19 Dex save for half.

2021-09-28, 10:44 PM
The fire blossoms out. Balerdroch shifts, his fiery wings taking the brunt and leaving him mostly unscathed. The minions on his back, for the most part, take the fire on the chin-though the seahorse undead that killed Fargor seems to blink out instead of staying to face the wrath.

2021-10-02, 06:14 PM
"Hail to the king!" Balerdroch shouts, seemingly gleeful at the havoc he is causing, as he descends further. Targeting the other person still on the tower he's at, he goes full force.

Many attacks. All Scythes this time.

[roll1] Magical Slashing
[roll2] Necrotic

[roll4] Magical Slashing
[roll5] Necrotic

[roll7] Magical Slashing
[roll8] Necrotic

[roll10] Magical Slashing
[roll11] Necrotic

[roll13] Magical Slashing
[roll14] Necrotic

And one DC 23 Con save please. [roll15] Necrotic on a failure.

2021-10-05, 05:42 PM
Bentham staggers under the death-infused blows but refuses to fall, pride buoying him for the moment.

2021-10-06, 11:32 AM
The first of the Tatsunecros floats about 20' from the Doomking.
The second Tatsunecro, reappearing from the aether, does the same, in the opposite direction, providing what would be a humorous image of two undead seahorses flanking the monstrous form of Balerdroch, if the situation was not so grim.

The Uni-Zombie begins a harsher melody, and all the living above the keep feel a harsh weight upon their spirits.

DC 14 Wisdom save for those on the keep's roof. On a failure, deal half damage until the start of the Uni-Zombie's next turn.

The two Plaguespreaders reach into their bodies, pulling out chunks of rotting, disgusting flesh as they lean off each side of Balerdroch. They hurl the chunks of flesh at Bentham, where they explode in a shower of disgusting gore.

[roll1] Disadvantage for Range
[roll2] Bludgeoning damage
[roll3] Poison damage
All creatures within 5' of Bentham, including himself, make a DC 13 Con save to avoid [roll4] Poison damage

[roll6] Disadvantage for Range
[roll7] Bludgeoning damage
[roll8] Poison damage
All creatures within 5' of Bentham, including himself, make a DC 13 Con save to avoid [roll9] Poison damage

Edit: Yeah, those look like misses. But the Con saves must still be made.

2021-10-06, 10:54 PM
Current Hit points: 192 (hurray for Inspiring Leader temporary hit points!)

The last thing Myev knew, she had been trying to yank Fargor's body from the Doomking's grip and had found herself tossed into another dimension. As she tries to get her bearings, her footing vanishes and she finds herself back in the Material Plane, high above the keep and falling fast.

Metal smashes into stone as she crashes into the roof of the keep, her armor doing nothing to cushion the crushing fall.

Slowly, she gets back to her feet and limps over to the Doomking, attempting to get some sort of grip on Fargor's body. The Doomking's tail nearly whips him out of her way, but she gets a hold of him by her fingertips. Light flashes from a ring on her finger and suddenly she and Fargor are gone.

Gertrude neighs in welcome as Myev reappears atop her saddle, Fargor in her grasp.

First, fall 100 feet. Half movement to get back up. Use remaining movement to walk back to get adjacent to Fargor's body - let me know if Myev doesn't have the movement to get there.

Athletics check as part of an action to attempt to get a hold on Fargor's body. I'm not really sure what is intended to happen if Myev fails this. If it wastes the action and spell she wants to cast, this is going to hurt. If it doesn't, Myev will take the Dodge action instead.

Athletics: [roll0]

If that succeeds, use the Ring of Three Wishes to cast Wish and use it to duplicate Dimension Door, taking Fargor's body with her as she teleports into the saddle on Gertrude's back. I think his body counts as an object right now, which means Myev should be able to take it with her.

2021-10-18, 07:24 AM
Miryam unleashes another vicious blast of cleansing flame from her staff. As Balerdroch and most of his retinue suffer the fire, Bentham tries to use the chaos as a distraction to move away from the Doomking's vicious scythe. Bentham's quick frozen armor spell doesn't protect him from the Doomking's even quicker banishing touch, but the gods smile upon the beleaguered warrior and he remains in this world, hurling eldritch bolts as he backs away from the beasts.