View Full Version : Convergence Manifesto - IC

2021-09-04, 04:47 PM
Episode 1 - Fired & Forgotten

Our story begins in the city of Sharn, whose towers reach heavenwards as if to touch the moons scattered about the daytime sky. A network of bridges, walkways, and elevators present a maze in every direction, each bustling with cosmopolitan citizens. Above the city, the shining Skyway district eclipses the sun. Below, the poor and needy pace the slums for their next meal. In the district of Upper Dura, toward the reaches of Sharn’s mile-high towers, a crowd of would-be heroes has gathered…


"Welcome to a tradition as old as Sharn itself." The elf man waves his cloak with practiced flair.

"... a competition of guts and skill to test the mettle of the heroes of the Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild and the cowards from Deathsgate."
The rival crowd returns the insult with theatrical boos and hisses. The announcer bows and then picks up a bucket brimming with tokens. He moves down the line of assembled would-be adventurers, handing them out one by one.

The announcer bows and then picks up a bucket brimming with tokens. He moves down the line of assembled would-be adventurers, handing them out one by one. The item is a Feather Fall Talisman, older version of the more popular Feather Token. The big difference being, instead of automatically triggering, the owner has to manually activate it to slow their fall. Though most people prefer the newer ones due to the added safety, these older tokens are still in use, especially by individuals to whom safety isn't the main concern.

"Challengers! Introduce yourselves!" The elf's voice is booming, magically enhanced to reach everyone in the gathered crowd. When playing Sharn Chicken, the results do tend to be interesting, however well the competitors manage.

2021-09-04, 06:47 PM
"Challengers! Introduce yourselves!" The elf's voice is booming, magically enhanced to reach everyone in the gathered crowd. When playing Sharn Chicken, the results do tend to be interesting, however well the competitors manage.

The half-elf steps forward, her slight smile becoming a more serious tight expression as she senses more eyes on her. She knew her chain armor covered her Mark, and that if they'd noticed it the Deathsgate bunch, tough though they might look, would show a bit more worry and less smirking. Bonvica speaks with confidence:

"You may not know me, but you will after today. I am Bonvica Siannodel, of Valenar, of a line from Xen'drik, here to bring honor to my family and my Guild."

Her tall frame is strong, and she carries a double-bladed sword that looks old but sturdy and well cared for. It looks like it is older than she is. She has dark hair and piercing green eyes. On her sleeve is an emblem of a red dragon on a cloud, and you may recognize it as Dol Arrah. She doesn't seem like much of a churchgoing sort, though. She looks willful and ready to throw caution to the wind. And herself, too, apparently.

2021-09-04, 10:41 PM
Arkthos gulped, standing next to the half elf he felt that the expectation was that he go next. ’bloody eager impatient elves.’ he thought to himself with a grumble as he cautiously shuffled forwards. His pale blue eyes flickered back to Bonvica, a faint glower glowing in them.

”I am Arkthos Ironfist of clan Heavybelly.” the small dwarf says loudly. His deep voice solid and proud, making up for his stature. The wind rustled through his messy blonde hair and tugged on his solid full beard. The sunlight reflecting hues of red in it.

He wore well kept chainmail and carried two throwing axes on his side. The fine hilt of a broad short sword protruded over his right shoulder, disappearing down between his back and bag. His gauntlets appeared as the focus of his armour. Being of quality craftsmanship they were well used but even more well looked after.

All too eagerly one of those gauntlets wrapped around the token as Arkthos snatched it and clung to it tightly. While most dwarves were not fond of heights, Arkthos really didn’t like them.

2021-09-05, 02:17 AM
To follow is Toyrc, the Gnoll stepping forward in chain mail armour and sweeping their rivals with a grunt of dismissal. The armour and the axe and shield she carries are well made but dented and worn from regular use and combat. Twisting tattoos cover her bare arms and her face and are likely elsewhere on her body too, runes that both signify her duties and allow her to channel her training and the flicker of demonic in her soul.

She folds her arms, giving another huff as she takes one of the offered tokens and showing rather less eagerness then Bonvica. "Toryc Vult, Znir. Here to be foolish with the rest of you."

2021-09-05, 05:46 PM
Compared to Toryc the next figure to step forward is much shorter, the gnoll towering over Prit's more slight form. "Prit is the name, remember it well! Before too long you'll be able to recognize my grand creations by sight!" Not lacking in confidence, and no stranger to foolishness, Prit is quick to snatch up one of the talisman's, taking a moment to examine it's construction before turning his attention back to the world around him, eager to get started. "Now, let's show that lot from Deathsgate what it means to be a Clifftop Guild member!"

2021-09-06, 02:40 PM
The man after Prit is only slightly taller than the goblin, and certainly Dirtier. He catches his token with finesse you wouldn't expect from a man who looks so old and decrepit, and then bites it like one would silver or gold you were testing for value.

"Magic Hands Jimmy's my name, and this aint 'bout to be the stupidest worm soil I've ever done. Let's quit yappin and start risking our necks!" He says, taking a swig from the dubiously stained flask from his hip and then giving a grin of suprisingly well cared for shining white teeth.

2021-09-06, 03:36 PM
Bonvica's confident introduction was received with cheers from the gathered crowd, especially from the other guild members, although there are some jeers mixed in. Clearly each guild has their supporters, and they were proclaiming their allegiance. Rivalry between Deathsgate and Clifftop has been going on for a quite a while, and it hasn't always taken such an amicable form as this one. But today at least there'd be no fighting, merely a competition.

Arkthos was met with similar reaction, with one humorous audience member clapping a hand on his belly and laughing. One guild member seemed to notice his hesitation, and gave an assuring nod and a wink. Many had faced a similar trial when they joined, and knew that it took a lot of nerves to jump, even if you did have a magic item that should shave you from being flattened.

Toyrc got some hesitant looks as she stepped forward. Gnolls weren't an uncommon sight, but they did have a fierce reputation, and perhaps some people didn't know how to react to one joining a famous guild. Her comment seemed to release some tension, people bursting into laughter and cheers.

The guild's members were especially appreciative of Prit's boasting, and their whooping drowned out the sneers from Deathsgate. "Go Prit!" could even be heard from the crowd.

Jimmy got even more dubious looks than Toyrc, at least from the crowd. He certainly looked more like a beggar than an aspiring adventurer, but since nobody had tried to remove him, people did accept him as a competitor. His quip provoked good-natured laughs that turned into excited cheers. "Don't die on the way down, old man!" Someone joked. "Show the kids how it's done!" another shouted. "Seems... Foolish..." The last words were whisper, sounding like they came from next to him, but if Jimmy turned around, there was no one there.

The announcer clapped along with everyone else, then turned to the other competitors, seeming to reluctantly shrug before continuing. It was abundantly clear which guild he supported. "And their challengers, representing the Deathsgate Guild..."

A halfling dressed in a patterned poncho, with dinosaur feathers woven into her hair, stepped forward to snatch the token. "Ferrin!" she shouted, then pointed at the Clifftop initiates. "I will show why Deathsgate is the top guild in Sharn!" Her tone was angry, almost accusing.

Next, a figure clad in gold and black robes pulled the hood down, showing herself to be an elf with a stylized skull painted on her face. "Aena Thennas.", she simply said, taking the token and then looking down into the sprawling city.

The last Deathsgate initiate, a tall half-orc in a well-used mail stepped forward. He calmly collected his token, then hoisted his fist up in the sky. "Gor'aashta! I shall bring honor to my new comrades!" he bellowed, the Deathsgate supporters roaring with him.

As the introductions complete, the elf announcer walks to the edge, then spins around to face the crowd. "Now that we know our valiant competitors, we can proceed! The rules are simple: the last one to activate their token, that falls the farthest, wins! No flying under your own power either! The prize? Honor and glory!" The crowd roared, excited for the spectacle. The elf grinned, then spun around again, pointing down to the sight of weaving bridges, towers and sky coaches moving around. The fall wasn't a short one, and the drop wasn't clear either. It'd take more than just guts to win this race. "Let's play Sharn Chicken. JUMP!"

At the end of each round of falling, every character must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, their nerve breaks and they activate the token, dropping out of the race. No need to roll initiative, just post in whatever order.

As the competitors jump and start falling, they notice that in Sharn not only the streets are busy. A flock of dirty pigeons were startled by the commotion, and it seems they're about to collide with the falling humanoids!

To avoid the collision with the pigeons, you must make Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Wisdom (Animal Handling) check, to either avoid or scare off the pigeons from your path. You can also offer an alternative solution.

2021-09-06, 04:55 PM
Arkthos knew if he didn’t move now, he might not be able to move at all. If he stopped to think, his thoughts would betray him. That might explain why he did what he did next.

Without a though, with an empty head, in a surge of action, he did what he knew best, what he was familiar to him. Arkthos let out a sudden deep powerful battle cry and charged the tall half-orc.
He barreled into the opposing guild member. Hopefully catching him by surprise.

Intimidation [roll0]

Arkthos would go tumbling off the bridge after that, with or without the half orc. If he took Gor'aashta with him, the small dwarf would hold him before him like a shield as they both plummeted through the doves, otherwise commanding the birds to clear as his roar from before carried on till he had no breath left.

[spolier=further roll]
Animal handling [roll2]
Action surge to pin/restrain
Will [roll4]

2021-09-06, 05:01 PM
Bonvica excitedly leaps but then her eyes widen on seeing the pigeons and she attempts to quickly twist out of their way.

Acrobatics: [roll0] and Wisdom save: [roll1].

Edited to add: siiiigh. But shouldn't a low Wisdom save make you WANT to keep falling? :smallwink:

2021-09-06, 07:57 PM
Magic Hands Jimmy Leaps from the edge cackling madly, casting light on himself so that the others can see the crazy old man and his ridiculous dirty beared falling spread eagle at the flock of pidgeons below. Unbeknownst to the young whippersnappers, Jimmy's eyes are already calculating angles and trajectories for his time practiced

Acrobatics Check: [roll0]
Wisdom Save: [roll1]

2021-09-06, 08:43 PM
No stranger to throwing himself into danger (admittedly in this case the throwing is a bit more literal than usual), Prit leaps off the edge with an ancient Goblin battle cry. "BANZAAAIII!" He calls out, an unnervingly wide grin on his face as he begins to descend...


Seeing the incoming vermin, Prit licks his lips for a moment before attempting to wave them out of the way with flailing arms, his sharp teeth still bared in a downward direction...

2021-09-07, 12:56 AM
As the others ran and jumped before her, Toryc snarled at Ferrin, rising to the challenge the Halfling had thrown down. She ran forward after them, leaping from the edge and starting to plummet. The encroaching pigeons received no mercy from her and had another warning growl directed at them as she fell, fingers holding tight to the token.

Wisdom save: [roll0]
Animal Handling: [roll1]

2021-09-07, 02:07 AM
The birds prove to be a tough obstacle. They seem too dumb to dodge the incoming humanoids, even when snarled at viciously. Most jumpers collide with them, gaining the unfortunate knowledge what a Sharn pigeon tastes like uncooked. In Jimmy's case it might be harder to say who was dirtier though...

Only Bonvica, Arkthos and the elf from Deathsgate avoided them. Unfortunately in Bonvica's case, perhaps the surprise caused her to activate the talisman too early, and she starts to gently float down. Arkthos was doing well with his improvised shield. Gor'aashta bellowed in fury, but the dwarf had gotten a good grip on him. Unable to concentrate on dodging, Gor'aashta gets pelted by pigeons, feathers flying about. Arkthos could suddenly feel his "shield" jerk up, the orc having activated his talisman, falling out of the race as well.

"..Aaand two are out! Looks like Deatshgaters do have their uses after all!" the announcer bellows, laughing uproariously with the crowd. The sight of the new guild members getting tangled up with the birds seemed amusing to them at least. And as they fall, more people seem to take notice of the plummeting adventurers. Some cheer, some look a little horrified, and some don't even take notice. People falling in Sharn isn't that uncommon sight after all, and for some it was just a way of getting around.

After the pigeons, the path seems clearer, though of course everyone still needs to be mindful of the architecture, and to be ready to activate their talisman at a moment's notice. Suddenly prospective Clifftop members could notice a piece of paper fluttering among them, bearing of Kundarak, the banking house. It was a lottery ticket!

Everyone except Arkthos will suffer disadvantage on their next Constitution save in the race.

To catch the lottery ticket, make Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to catch, the DC is 12. The PC with a highest result catches it! Again, you may try alternative method.

And again, please make another Wisdom saving throw to keep falling.

2021-09-07, 02:50 AM
Food was food. Toryc spat out a mouthful of feathers after devouring the pigeon that had unwisely chosen to fly at her face. One down and three to go including herself, though she kept an eye out for their competition in case they tried any tricks.

The fluttering piece of paper drew her eye and she made a swipe at it, partly out of instinct as she continued to plummet.

Sleight of hand: [roll0]
Wisdom save: [roll1]

2021-09-07, 07:52 AM
Jimmy swallows the bird bones and all with a whoop and a grin, he's had worse in the Marches, that there pidgeon was like a proper homecooked Meal!

As he shakes the effects of the impact off, his eyes alight on a piece of paper, and then continue to completely disregard it. Why should Jimmy care about floating number paper? Figures the city slickers would get their pants in a yank over something stupid when there's glory to be won.

Wisdom Save:1d20+3

Jimmy cackles and angles downward, aiming to accelerate his free fall, turn this game of chicken into a race! All the while his borderlane manic laughter fills the streets of Sharn as they plummet.

2021-09-07, 08:23 AM
The rushing wind stretched the skin on his face and pulled his beard in all directions. Arkthos saw the half-elf before him suddenly slow at the same time he noticed the fluttering paper. Maybe it was because sympathy, or perhaps he just thought it the best odds and better his team than the enemy. Without thought or the time to contemplate the reason why, he plummeted into the back of Bonvica and pushed her towards the ticket.

He had little chance of grabbing it anyway. At her slower speed and with his aid it should be an easy task.

He continued to fall. Fighting the wind he pulled up his shield to, well shield him from the onrushing wind. He focused on that.
“Holddddddd” he told himself with a growl lost to the wind, eyes fixed on the solid metal before him.

His plan was a simple one albeit a bit late. Don’t be first.
The laughing maniac that slowly over took him made this possible. When he had seen Jimmy activate his token then Arkthos would activate his a split second later.
Simple in theory.

Will [roll1]

2021-09-07, 09:40 AM
Prit cackles gleefully as he descends on the pigeons, catching one in his mouth and regretting it after a few bites make his stomach turn. Oh well, if he was the sort of goblin to regret then he probably wouldn't be free-falling through Sharn!

He does attempt to make a grab for the ticket as he goes past it, never one to give up a chance to fill his pocket with coin if he can help it...


2021-09-07, 10:47 AM
The sounds from the crowd on the starting platform fade away as the city rushes by the plummeting adventurers. The pigeons seemed to be the most unlucky here, several of them ending up as snacks for the opportunistic initiates. And speaking of opportunity, Prit manages to deftly catch the flickering ticket. It's not going to make the goblin rich, but it'll still earn him a nice [roll0] gp if he goes to cash it out at a Kundarak bank.

The adventurers have made quite a way through the Sharn, and the street seems to be coming closer, fast! They've made their way from Upper Dura, leaving behind the colorful, and if not rich, at least very comfortably wealthy district behind. Right now they're falling through Middle Dura, worksmen coming and going. Lower Dura was just ahead, and the difference was clear. The buildings were much older and in poorer condition, people hurrying by faster. This really was like a snap tour of Dura, although it would be hard to focus on the sights while in free fall. A crowd of people had gathered to watch you, and seemed to be cheering, though it was hard to make out any words.

The adventurers weren't in the clear just yet. A pair of magewrights had chosen just this moment to be levitate a large glass pane between two towers. The method saved time, but in Sharn, even the sky was full of hazards, in this case falling people. The magewrights seem to be completely oblivious to you as well! Well, heroes in the stories always crashed through windows, so the adventurers could just think of this as practice for their future career.

To dodge the glass, make either Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to dodge the glass, or Constitution (Athletics) to endure the impact, or suggest your own solution.
Remember that if you collided with the pigeons, you have a disadvantage on a Con check.

And then also make a final Wis saving throw.

The elf from Deathsgate seems to have had enough of falling, and activates her talisman before she'd have a chance to collide with the glass. The halfling continues to plummet though, shouting "Deathsgateeee!" She might have been to too excited however, and missed a skycoach also crossing the gap. She managed to mostly dodge it, but collided with a pallet, sending vegetables flying down. "My cabbages!" the unfortunate merchant shouted.

2021-09-07, 11:23 AM
"Ya-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooey!" Prit shouts as his mad descent continues, before he sees the pane of glass and does his best to maneuver, or float, or even swim, out of the way...

Wis Save: [roll0]
Dex (Acrobatics): [roll1]

2021-09-07, 11:30 AM
Jimmy quickly attempts an air roll to the side while reaching for a falling cabbage, lining up his shot at the last remaining Deathsgate competitor, eyes squinted in concentration.

Wisdom save:[roll0]
Acrobatics check: [roll1]
Sleight of hand:[roll2]
Cabbage attack:[roll3]

2021-09-07, 11:57 AM
The Gnoll's eyes focus on the plummeting Halfing and the last of their rivals still with a chance in this challenge. She might not have been the most keen at the start, but she was in this now and she didn't intend to lose without a fight.

And no one ever called Gnolls overly kind.

Propelling herself towards Ferrin, Toryc snaked out a hand and seized the Halfing. Pulling her closer she offered a feral grin to her captive before hurling her towards the very centre of the glass, a clawed foot impacting her to push her that way with even more speed.

Tucking her arms and legs in to lessen her mass, she pushed to the side, attempting to avoid the pane and any ensuring shards of glass from a Halfing sized impact.

Acrobatics Advantage [roll0] [roll1]
Wisdom save: [roll2]

2021-09-07, 03:39 PM
Arkthos felt a pang of nostalgia and a strange distant familiarity as he heard the mans cry and plummeted past his lost vegetables. No time to think.
There was glass before him. ‘By Urgoth’s beard’ he mumbled to himself. Unable to manoeuvre in the air he simply lined his body up behind his shield and trusted in his armour. Bracing for impact.

Wis [roll1]

At the last moment he decides against it and activates his token. It was just too much.

2021-09-07, 04:12 PM
Ferrin was too distracted by the cabbages, especially since one was flying back at her from an unexpected angle, to put up a proper resistance against the gnoll. "Let go!" the halfling screamed furiously, trying to furiously claw at Toyrc. Before she could reach anything, Ferrin was tossed at the quickly approaching glass. The pane shattered, the crackling sound accompanied by the distraught cries of the magewrights. Both guilds might have some compensations to take care of after... Even if it technically was Ferrin who shattered the glass. The haflling didn't seem too badly hurt, managing to continue cursing in her own tongue and activating her talisman right after going through the glass. Rest of the Clifftop group passed through the falling shards without trouble though, the anguished cries of the two magewrights soon behind them.

The race was over though, with Jimmy and Prit landing practically simultaneously. Toyrc may have activated her talisman too hastily after her victory over the halfling, but wasn't too far behind. They were soon joined by Arkthos and Ferrin, the dwarf clutching his shield and the halfling still cursing. Aena, the Deathsgate elf landed gracefully, followed by Bonvica and Gor'aashta, who'd both had plenty of time to prepare for a landing.

The newest members of Clifftop Adventurers Guild were quickly surrounded by their new colleagues, who congratulated them, patted them on backs and promised to buy them drinks at the Drunken Dragon. Deathsgaters gave unflattering looks to the group, especially to Arkthos and Toyrc, who'd dealt a blow to guild's pride. Still, even the other guildmembers praised their new comrades, promising they'd have a chance to get back at 'those cheaters in Clifftop'. Just taking the reckless challenge was considered proof of courage. Some threw pieces of cabbage at the other guild, but senior members from both were making sure things didn't get too rowdy.

Ferrin didn't pay much heed to her guildmates, her furious eyes fixed on the new Clifftop members. She was covered in glass shards, her exotic feathers crumpled and snapped, and there were some shallow cuts on her, though she seemed to ignore them. "You... cheated! I'll get you for that, gnoll! I'll cut you up and feed you to my Clawfoot!" she snarled and hissed, her hand going to her to the hilt of her sword, but the half-orc put a calming hand on her shoulder. "Peace, Ferrin. The competition's over. We'll have a chance to prove our worth another day." He nodded at Arkthos, some feathers still clinging to him. "Another day." It sounded somewhat ominous.

You had been told to stay where you landed, but it seemed you had at least a moment to bask in the glory of victory... Or taunt the losers.

2021-09-07, 04:20 PM
Magic Hands Jimmy takes out his hip flask, and take a long draw of the noxious smelling brew inside, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and then offers the flask to Pritt, who had landed near him.

"I think we both deserve some fine swamp hootch after an ordeal like that. Care for a Swig in victory?"

2021-09-07, 04:40 PM
The moment Prit's foot hit the ground he let out a whoop, accepting the coming adulation from his fellow guild members. If nothing else this victory would be great for his work as a tinker...His thoughts were interrupted by Magic's offer of hooch. "Yes, thank you," and with that he took a good swig, only coughing a little as it went down his throat like fire, especially after that pigeon.

Spotting the angry halfling out of the corner of his eye, Prit decided that he was magnanimous enough to be the bigger man...Even if he was the smallest person there technically. "Want those cuts looked at?" He asked, holding up one of the salves of healing magic he'd prepared earlier. Technically it had been meant for if any of his fellow guild members had ended this competition worse for the wear, but since it looked like none of them had so much as a bruise he could afford to let Deathsgate have this small mercy.

2021-09-07, 04:50 PM
There is a small hail of cabbages that weren’t in the weather forecast and then a moment later, Bonvica alights gracefully. “Nobody told me there’d be birds,” she shudders, “Why does it always have to be birds?” she asks, rhetorically, in a jovial tone.

She isn’t wounded but for her pride, and if anything she's relieved that her training as a young scion of the House Lyrandar was so ingrained that she basically activated Feather Fall as a reflex - she’s pretty sure she could do it in her sleep.

2021-09-07, 04:55 PM
"I don't need help from Clifftop!" Ferrin hisses and spits on the ground. The Gor'ashtaa sighs and Aena just shrugs.

2021-09-07, 05:10 PM
Prit shrugs at the vitriolic response. "Well, I tried," he replies before turning back to his celebrating companions.

"Yes, who would have ever expected there to be birds in the sky of all places!" The goblin jokes to Bonvica before ducking out of the way of a falling cabbage.

2021-09-07, 05:14 PM
Arkthos gladly reacquaints himself with the ground and whispers his appreciation of it before taking to mending the wind damage done to his beard.
”Well let’s not do that again!” he says with a gruff grumble.
”Now, time for a drink! Where’s that damn pig o’ mine got to.”
He looks around, no one is sure if he’s looking for a pig or a tavern.

2021-09-08, 12:31 AM
Toryc shifted her attention to Ferrin, considering the angry Halfling and giving a shake of her head after the Deathgate members calm her down. At least enough that weapons aren't drawn.

"There are no rules in a conflict. It's an important lesson to learn."

So saying she returned her attention to her own guildmates, letting out a whoop of a cry in congratulation and clapping Jimmy and Prit on their backs. "How do we celebrate our success in this foolishness?" She asked, glancing Bonvica's way as the Half Elf landed.

2021-09-08, 08:06 AM
Ferrin merely hissed as a reply, then stalked away. The half-orc followed her, and the rest of the Deathsgate went with them.

"Newbloods! Not bad, not bad at all!" A woman approached you, clapping slowly. Her hair was white with black stripes, her skin unusually pale. Her features clearly identified her as a shifter, tufts of fur sprouting from the tips of her pointed ears. An eyepatch covered one of her eyes, the remaining one sizing up every one of you. She also wore Clifftop Guild's mantle of command on her shoulders, identifying her as your superior, likely belonging to guild's middle-management. She also had Arkthos' boar in a leash. "Can't remember last time I laughed so hard watching initiation! Better be careful for a while though, that Halfling looked like she was ready kill!"


The shifter woman moved to shake each of your hands in turn, introducing herself (and she handed the boar's reins back to Arkthos). "Name's Lhara, I work as a Guild Handler. And I do have a suggestion about how to celebrate your victory... Work! Don't think just because you had your moment of glory you can take it easy on your first day, ha!" She gave you a wide grin, her sharp canines showing.

Lhara then presented you with a a sealed envelope, a Kundarak Banking house symbol stamped on it. "There's a shop in Cogs, specifically in Blackbones district, called Drummond Independents. A client has ordered an item from an artificer called Tresca Teesbeak. You're to go the shop, hand her this envelope, and ask for Burning Idol. Bring it to my office in the guild, and you've officially completed your first mission! It should have been done by today, but I suppose you might have to stick around for a while if she hasn't had time to finish it. She's trustworthy though, so that's a worst case scenario."

"Now, if this sounds like busywork, well, s'pose it more or less is. But you gotta get started with something, and you can also think of this as an introduction to a prospective client. Besides, the Cogs ain't all that friendly... If someone thinks you're hauling something valuable, they might just decide to appropriate it for themselves. So stay focused, and look dangerous."

"Questions?" Lhara leaned back and crossed her arms. Clifftop members were allowed to pick their missions, but she clearly expected you to accept this one.

2021-09-08, 08:35 AM
"I got one."
Jimmy says as he looks the shifter in the eyes
"why in all the Dank Marches does a single package need 5 couriers? I'm not saying I don't want the work, I rightly do. Jus' wonderin why you'd send 5 if you wasn't expecting trouble. And if you are, then the darn things important, why trust it to newbies? Even if the areas dangerous and the folks are tough. Feels a tad over or under kill depending on what angle your looking at."
Jimmy's whole demeanor has shifted just a tad, his posture is still wacked out, but he looks more confident. More put together. For a brief moment it's hard to imagine that the eyes and voice belong to this smelly hobo. And then as soon as he's done he ruins the effect by spitting and taking a swig of hootch.

2021-09-08, 09:56 AM
Lhara shrugged. She didn't seem to mind Jimmy's tone. "Honestly, I expect it to be simple, though Cogs is an unpredictable place. The thing's valuable enough that I don't wanna send a lone courier to get it, but it ain't worth a whole regiment either. If some thugs try to steal the package, I expect ya'll can handle yourself in a fight well enough to stop 'em. Though with the lot of ya, I expect most thieves will be smart enough to stay out of your way."

"And the thing's not that valuable by itself, not to most people at least. But the client's pretty rich, and I think you've got potential. I wanna bring you and him together, so you can hopefully get more lucrative work. If you deliver this thing in a timely manner, I can prove to 'im you've at least got basic competency, and more importantly, you can be trusted not to run away with his things."

"I dunno if that's a satisfying answer... Just think of it as an orientation mission. An overkill, but should make you look good at least."

2021-09-08, 10:00 AM
Jimmy nods. Makes sense. The disheveled old man seems to have no more to say.

2021-09-08, 11:18 AM
Toryc tilted her head, studying Lhara curiously and listening to the job offer and her exchange with Jimmy. The latter got a huff. "I am new to the guild, not to battle, and I have faced worse then desperate thieves. I hope the same is true for all of you."

Her eyes went to Bonvica. "You know Sharn better then me I think. I say you are best to lead."

2021-09-08, 11:39 AM
"You shouldn't have too much trouble finding it. Go to that fountain, Pool of Onatar's Tears, the place has crossed iron staves above the door. If you ask for directions though, try not to follow anyone into shady alleys, alright?" Lhara said with a smirk.

2021-09-08, 12:51 PM
Her eyes went to Bonvica. "You know Sharn better then me I think. I say you are best to lead."

Bonvica nods. “Last in the race, first to the fountain. Can do.” She makes a mental map to that section of the city and seems ready to just head off. “All together, then - and the pig too, this time.”

2021-09-08, 03:54 PM
‘Pig’ the inventive name of Arkthos’s boar, happily trotted up to its master and nuzzled his leg. Arkthos thanked Lhara with a nod and gave Pig a welcomed greeting. "Thought I might never see you ‘gan for a moment.” he confesses quietly, embracing and rubbing the creatures snout as its tusks press into his chain armour.

Pig however did not share in its masters sentiments and as soon as it realised there were no snacks in Arkthos’s pockets, it pulled its rope tight as it began snorting and sniffing at the other party members in search of food.

”Aye, Ye stupid pig. You wouldn’t even care if I was a splat on this ere road now as long as yer got ya next meal hey.”
He didn’t seem annoyed by this revelation he just pulled his boar back, patted its flank and softly shook his head with a smile.

”Right, let’s get this over with than shall we.Arkthos mutters, none too happy about the errand mission but accepting of it. The sooner they get it done the sooner they could go relax. He really needed an ale after all this.

2021-09-09, 02:38 AM
Lhara chuckled at the boar. "Well, they do say those beasts are smart, so guess he's just got his priorities in order. Don't think you could convince a pig to take the plunge!"


From the lower wards of the City of Towers, Bonvica finds you an elevator to carry you deeper still. The human attendant double-checks the condition of the lift’s ropes and pulleys, and having satisfied himself, he calls out your destination.

"Welcome aboard for Blackbones. Please keep your arms inside the cabin, and for your own safety and sanity, try not to stare too deeply into the darkness." He pulls a lever at his control point, and the cage begins to descend.

Soon the throngs of people thin out, and the light of everbright lanterns becomes increasingly rare. Within minutes, the lantern aboard the elevator is your only sanctuary against the darkness. Beyond the cabin, the lowest Depths of the towers of Sharn are stacked with broken floors, collapsed bridges and abandoned streets—a ghost of an ancient city, now merely a foundation. It is silent save for the labored breathing of the attendant.

Then, even the ruins are swallowed by natural rock, and the silence gives way to the rumbles of industry: rhythmic hammering, the hiss of steam, and the roar of forge fire.
The lift attendant opens the cage to reveal the cavernous expanse of the Blackbones central square, lit in the deep orange glow of molten metal and everburning torches. At its focus is an oasis of sparkling water surrounded by a pool of blazing lava. At its fringes, shadowed, smoke-filled tunnels promise an endless network of foundries and mines.
Untroubled by the smoke and sulfur, warforged are common— hauling machinery, pushing carts of ore, and pumping the bellows. As in much of Sharn’s underbelly, goblinoids share the space, making their living as best they can from the shadows.


You arrive at the Drummond Independent workshop to find a barrier of steel and stone blocking the entrance to the grounds - not a wall, but a crew of warforged standing sentinel. Their chanting is accompanied with the thumping of their hammers against the ground. Many of the crew are carrying protest boards made from offcuts of soot-covered wood: “Thronehold means Freedom,” “Sovereigns not Slaves,” and “Our war is not over!”

A hulking warforged paces in front of the picket, rousing the chanting crowd. His adamantine frame shines with the reflected orange glow of the forges, though his hands and forearms are charred and blackened.

"For too long the charlatan Drummond has taken us for granted. We work until our joints weaken and our armor is shot—but we are cast as servants and slaves, not partners or comrades."

He stops down the line, and places a hand on one of his crew mate's shoulders, then he takes the hand of another. His touch is tender despite his strength.
"They cast us as weapons, as slaves of war. Today we show them how we build our future without shedding blood. It is time we earned what we are worth. It is time for Drummond to listen."

His crew muster all the enthusiasm they can, but it’s clear that some of them are nervous about the display, or struggling to keep up the furor. Warforged were made for war, but it seems fighting for their own rights is a battlefield they're not familiar with.

Besides the warforged, you can also spot a young gnome nearby, scribbling notes on her book, while a floating globe of snow floats around her. She's dressed in a prim, buttoned blouse, as well as a heavy artificer's toolbelt, a rather incongruous mix. A little farther away, a middle-aged human man is leaning against wall, looking at the protest with a sour expression.

2021-09-09, 03:06 AM
Arkthos eyes the scene suspiciously, trying to make sense of it all. He didn’t consider himself dull but he wasn’t the quickest either. He was about to comment on the commotion when Pig suddenly pulled on his rope and yanked it free from Arkthos’s grip, trotting over to the young gnome.
Arkthos quickly chased after the boar, grabbing at the evasive rope snaking across the ground in front of him. It wasn’t until pig stopped at the gnomes feet, dropping to her side and rolling over to expose her belly expectantly, did Arkthos finally catch up.

”Sorry ‘bout that, stupid animal thinks all gnomes are the same. She expects you’ll give her belly a rub.
Say Lass, what you about anyway?
What’s your business ‘ere? This ain’t exactly a park.”

2021-09-09, 03:18 AM
The gnome seemed rather delighted by the affectionate boar, and leaned over to pet her belly. "Oh, don't worry about that! She's just adorable!" Though the place was as hot as the rest of the cogs, the gnome seemed to be doing well, probably thanks to the globe swirling around her.

"Me? I'm Tresca, I work here, as an artificer..." She tapped her toolbelt. Well, I work here normally, as you can see, today's not really a day for labor." She gestured at the striking warforged.

Tresca suddenly furrowed her brow, looking at the group. Then she flips a page on her notebook, looking at something. "Oh, you don't happen to be from Clifftop? Yeah, your order may be delayed a bit..."

2021-09-09, 07:50 AM
"You don't say." Jimmy says as he waddles over to the gnome
"one Heck'o a protest, if a little clumsy. Bet there's a story behind that?"
He says gesturing at the group of warforged.
"I mean beyond the obvious one. In my experience most folks like working unless they decide somethin' real bad has happened."

2021-09-09, 08:37 AM
"Yeaah, I get what you mean", Tresca said, continuing to pet Pig. It seemed like the protest barely held together, many of the warforged seeming rather timid.

Tresca fished something from his belt, a piece of dried fruit, and fed it to Pig. "Oh, they're all hard workers. This has just been brewing up for a while, but I think Stoke heard recently what Cannith's paying their warforged workers here in the Cogs, and he went to have some words with Drummond." She gestured first at the warforged leader, then at the man leaning on the doorframe. "Drummond didn't want to negotiate at all, and Stoke organized this. I mean, he and his crew's the only reason why this place hasn't closed already, so I think their demands are more than fair!"

"I think Drummond's going to crack. He doesn't want to miss out on a big commission, but, well..." Tresca didn't want to say it, but many of the warforged half-heartedly hefting their signs seemed on the verge of cracking as well. "In any case, I'd love to finish the work, but that's not really possible at the moment..."


2021-09-09, 10:11 AM
Toryc considered the Warforged and their protest as a few of the others split off to talk to Tresca. She'd come across them at times, but usually not for long periods of time and this was a sight she hadn't seen before.

A moment of thought before she padded forward, making a beeline for the Warforged leading the protest and stepping in front of him. "Toyrc Vult, Znir." She offered simply. "Tell me more about your protest."

2021-09-09, 10:35 AM

Though the warforged's expression couldn't change, his bodylanguage seemed very enthusiastic as Toyrch came to talk to him. "Greetings! I am called Stoke." He offered a soot-stained metallic hand to shake. "To put it simply, we are here fighting for our rights. The Treaty of Thronehold gave us equal rights on paper, but it won't matter if we do not fight for them! I am glad that I and my friends have been given a chance to do honest work, but we still deserve to be compensated and treated fairly. Our employer didn't want to listen to reason though, so we were forced to resort to unreasonable methods."

"Have you by any chance come to join our protest?" Stoke sounded hopeful. He alone seemed to be keeping the spirits up, and while it seems the other warforged would stay for now, some were giving nervous glances to Drummond. One warforged in particular was particularly, anxious, fidgeting in place and glancing at a nearby clockface, their mind clearly elsewhere.

2021-09-09, 11:24 AM
Toryc's gaze swept the Warforged past Stoke and took in their general uneasiness and the glances being sent towards Drummond. A huff before she answered him again, returning attention to the protest's leader. "You do not know how to be free." She told him, as blunt as ever. "You understand it better, but the others." An arm gestured at them. "When you are created to obey, and know nothing else, it is frightening to find freedom, to be responsible for your actions and your existence.

We have been free for thousands of years, but we remember. It is taught." A clawed, furred hand grasped Stoke's metallic one. "I will not join your protest, but I will assist in teaching your clan a lesson in freedom, and Drummond a lesson in knowing when to yield. If I am successful, you will owe me a favour. It is agreed?"

2021-09-09, 12:36 PM
Stoke listened Toyrc speak, becoming more somber. "You are... Correct. We are young as a people, and it's not simple... being people. I have my doubts too, but watching them gives me strength." He gestured at the warforged around them. "They deserve better, even if they have trouble believing it. They deserve to have a chance to learn what it is to truly be free."

"My gratitude and favor is all I could give anyway. If you can help our cause, I'll owe you one." He hesitated a little before continuing. "...I used to be a fellow warrior, so I feel should clarify, that I do not wish to solve this with violence. I mean no offence, I truly appreciate your help, and your compassion."

2021-09-09, 03:46 PM
Arkthos had had enough of this, he knew a little about the treaty and had served with lost warforged trying to find their way in this new world.
The warforged didn’t often need or ask for much so people took advantage of that. He hated the business types that exploited this.
”Would any human even consider working for what they are currently getting paid?” he asked Tresca. Teeth grinding and fists balling as he did.
This mission could be damned if he found out that Drummond didn’t value the warforged or the treaty.

2021-09-09, 04:01 PM
Toryc nodded once. "I will avoid physical violence, but not conflict. Come with me if you wish." She glanced at Bonvica before heading towards Drummond, attempting to gauge her own thoughts. "I am going to remind Drummond that not resolving this would anger those he has obligations to. The Warforged have power over him and would benefit from seeing this."

2021-09-09, 04:15 PM
Tresca scoffed. "Nothing sentient on two legs would, I reckon. Don't think Drummond considers them sentient though..." She sighed. "Appreciates the work they do though. Never had a better partner than Stoke to be honest. That's what I tried to tell him, but Drummond doesn't really listen to me. Warforged are supposed to be equal, but they still have trouble finding work that isn't fighting, and Drummond knows it... Man's got a bag of galifars where his heart's supposed to be." Tresca shakes her head again.

Stoke nodded at Toyrch. "Very well. In the end, he just needs to pressured into accepting our demands. I'd rather have him respect our rights, but if he at least respects our demands, I'll consider that a start. I'll continue speaking with compatriots however. I don't think me accompanying you would help convincing the man."

Drummond is still just leaning against the wall. He hasn't paid much attention to you, instead just occasionally jeering at the nearby warforged. Didn't seem anyone was really happy with the situation.

2021-09-09, 04:46 PM
"mind some company, Toryc?"
Jimmy asks, having left the gnome artificer and their dwarf companion and wandered over to the war forged protesters.
"Beats waiting aroun' here. Plus I wouldn't mind lendin' a hand to folks wantin fait pay for their work. Who knows, you might need an extra pair of hands. Might as well have it be Magic Hands."

2021-09-09, 08:45 PM
Arkthos was no diplomat and after Tresca’s reply he was angry. A vein bulged in his forehead as he stormed over to Drummond.
A stumpy finger prodded the businessman heavily in the chest as Arkthos unleashed his thoughts upon him. He understood greed but didn’t accept it when it came at the abuse of others.

Intimidation. [roll0]/[roll1] using inspiration.

Arkthos unleashed his rage upon the man. It was probably many of the things Drummond had heard before, about the rights of the warforged and them being sentient and all that. Although this time it came from a furious little dwarf following it up with threats and promises of How he would force Drummond to do unimaginably inventive de-humanising tasks should he not improve their conditions and consider them as any other.

2021-09-10, 12:41 AM
Toryc nodded to Jimmy. "Drummond is failing in his obligations to the Guild, and likely others. A group is better to make that clear to him. I will take your hands." So saying she crossed the rest of the way to Drummond, listening as Arkthos as he beat her to it and confronted Drummond.

A twitch of a toothy grin showed as she listened, nodding once in approval. She spoke up once the angry Dwarf had vented, eyes focusing on Drummond's face. "And in addition to that, you are failing in your contracts. We are here from the Adventurer's Guild to collect a package, as promised. If you are unable to provide that package, it means you cannot be trusted for contracts and the Guild and others are likely to turn elsewhere.

Resolve the situation Drummond. My companion has explained how you should do this."

2021-09-10, 05:02 AM

At first Drummond is mostly just surprised, not noticing Arkthos had walked up to him. Then he sputtered, trying get a word in. "I don't... I... I don't pay my hammers either!" Drummond said, trying to gather his wits. His face started to get red, and it seems like his own anger was building up, his fists clenching.

Then he turned to Toyrc, and actually flinched seeing the gnoll. He covered the reaction quickly, though his face just became a deeper shade of red as she mentioned his business. "Clifftop... Yes, of course you're from there! I... I want to fulfill the orders! Those ungrateful wretches just suddenly decided they're too good for honest work!" Previously his insults had seemed have an effect on the workers' morale, but seeing their uncaring employer wilt when faced with Arkthos' verbal assault seemed to have bolstered their morale too. This time they just booed him, and shouted their slogans at the man with extra vigor.

"Bah, enough! Fine, fine I'll think about, so don't go spreading any rumors about me!" Drummond shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. He turned around and stalked inside his office, slamming the door close hard. Sounds of muffled swearing and a lock being worked came from inside. The warforged watching the scene laughed and cheered, both each other and the adventurers. Drummond had been an oppressive pressure on the strike, but now it seemed he'd rather just pout inside his office.

Stoke walked to Arkthos and Toyrc. "Excellent work. Though I don't find much positive to say about his character, Drummond's spirit is not easy to break. I'm afraid this might be just one battle won in this war..." Some warforged around them seemed ready to celebrate their victory, some talking about leaving already. "I'm not sure he's given up just yet. He's hardheaded, and may try to come up with some excuse yet... Until I see the money and written word, I can't end the strike."

Drummond's pride was dealt a big blow, but perhaps some of the warforged are overestimating just how big. They're not too many, and some are looking a little exhausted by the protest, and it loks like Stoke alone is still keeping them here.

2021-09-10, 07:56 AM
And Ya shouldn't till you do! Says with a cackle and a slap on the warforged's solid back Keep your spine stiff and your will hard, son! Man like you with grit and nerve is always gonna beat a sissy rich boy so long as you can wait him out. I got faith in ya'!

He pauses and looks at the others.

"We might just wait around for his response, don' you think? Not like we can do our job till this is all said and buried anyhow. Might as well make sure the the deeping gold whacker holds up his end of this stick, you read me?"

2021-09-10, 07:51 PM
Arkthos is not a patient dwarf and isn’t too keen on playing the waiting game. He goes over to Tresca and asks the artificer more about what exactly it is they were here to pick up, what was left to complete it and if it had already been paid for.

2021-09-11, 02:46 AM
"Thank you, friend. I appreciate the compassion. I am certain Drummond will give in, if we just hold out a little longer", Stoke said to Jimmy. "Perhaps outside help is really what we needed. Drummond is concerned about his reputation after all. Though right now I think I need to stay here, if I leave for recruitment I'm afraid some might lose their spirit..."

Tresca was a little intimidated about Arkthos, but when she told him about the project, the gnome seemed rather excited. "Oh yes, the Burning Idol. It really is quite an interesting project! To put it simply, it is something that serves as a conduit to Fernia, the plane of fire. Really quite something... This is a project very well suited for Cogs, and our forge here is very well suited for the purpose too! In any case, it's not ready, but I did have everything prepared, and once the strike is over, I think we could get it done in a few hours! You were given the banking slip right, covering the rest of the work?" She shuffled a little awkwardly before continuing. "Umm, I know it's not really probably covered in your mission, but would you consider helping them a bit more? I really can promise that if... when Drummond cracks, we'll get to your project right away!"

2021-09-11, 03:13 AM
Can we bypass this Drummond, I mean just pay you and the warforged to do it somewhere else?

2021-09-11, 03:21 AM
"I'm afraid Drummond still owns the necessary materials. And I don't want to go breaking my contract anyway." Tresca sighed. "And even if he's not the most personable, we at least manage to have a working relationship most of the days. And as unfortunate as it is, his attitude is not that unique. People just treat warforged poorly in general, because they can get away with it. I think Stoke just wanted to push back for once, be an example... Maybe show other people in the Cogs too that warforged have spirit."

2021-09-11, 05:36 AM
Toryc nodded at Stoke, focusing on him as Arkthos headed over to speak to Tresca. "I could offer words to your clan, but they look to you to lead, the words are better from you. And you persuaded them to make this stand." Her head canted. "They look tired. You lose nothing by giving them time to rest, Drummond still lacks the workers he needs. And he does need you, even if he might try to act otherwise."

2021-09-11, 09:18 AM
"You could try going to one of them fancy pants newspapers then." Jimmy says scratching his beard.
"If you got it written about by some darned muck raker he'd be in the public eye in a way the scum wouldn't like. Or better yet, don't even go to the papers. Just tell the rich penny yanker that you will. He's a coward but I reckon he's smart enough to know what public opinion can do to his sorry butt."

2021-09-11, 06:56 PM
"I'm not truly certain I deserve to lead them. And that I should. I'm not in the army anymore, not a commander. They look up to me, and I've tried to use that respect to inspire them... But the success has been... mixed. Perhaps they don't truly believe me when I tell them their worth, because I'm too close. Drummond and others like him try to tell them they're mere tools, but you and your group have reminded them that they're people. Your friend got so angry I was afraid he might attack the man. I can't say I fault him..." Stoke's hand clenched to a fist, and you could faintly hear metal creak. "But that would only prove that we are indeed mere weapons. I want to prove to Drummond and to my crew they're more than that. I think your actions helped in that regard. You are outsiders, yet you were horrified when you heard about our treatment. I think they value your words more than you may realize."

"And you're probably right about the resting part. Just that back in the army it was all about staying in motion, and some lessons are certainly hard to forget."

Tresca meanwhile seemed rather excited about Jimmy's newspaper idea. "Ooh, that's great! Something like that could definitely spook him up. Well, if I could convince Drummond I could get a story like this run... I can't really bluff, honestly. Do... You think you could convince him? Like, you must have guild connections and stuff?"

2021-09-11, 08:07 PM
"I am afraid that I'm not what you would call persuasive. And I'm not exactly the fella most fancy guild folks want to be connected to. All O' us are initiates in Clifftop. But I reckon a few of my compatriots might have some means to achieve that end."

2021-09-11, 08:33 PM
Prit watches the striking warforged with some interest, having never seen such a large massing of the mechanical beings before. Oh he'd met a handful during his travels, even performing a bit of maintenance once or twice, but this was something else entirely!

"There are men like Drummond everywhere," Prit says dismissively, kicking a bit of dirt as he recalled a time not too long ago when he'd been working for a merciless overseer. "And in my travels I've come to this conclusion about such men; *******s to the lot of them! Your lot seem to be great in my books, if I ever get my own workshop off the ground I'd be willing to give your lot a fair shake."

"Unfortunately I'm not much good at the whole 'talking' thing either, and most people aren't going to listen to one goblin much more than a bunch of warforged either...But I'll still help however I can."

2021-09-11, 08:59 PM
Arkthos sighs, sentimentality wasn’t his thing but he decided to go over and have a conversation with the striking warforged anyway. Remind them of their worth. Give them a little pep talk.
He is of course slow to the point and gets lost on multiple tangents along the way.
He just wants them to know they should be treated like any other citizen and need to lead the change for all warforged.

Persuasion [roll0]

2021-09-12, 09:49 AM
Even if Arkthos didn't fancy himself a public speaker, the warforged quieted to listen to him. His earnest words seemed to work, and they nodded along, muttering agreements under their breath. "The dwarf's correct... Maybe not working would be better than dealing with that ass..." "Screw you drummond!" "Sovereigns not slaves!" The chanting picks up with increased vigor, and Stoke looks rather pleased.

"Yeah I'll come work for you!" some warforged shouted to Prit, and others seemed to agree. "Yeah, yeah!" If Prit did indeed get his workshop started, he might have plenty of enthusiastic employees lining up for work.

You could see Drummond moving in his office, and finally he bursts out, huffing indignantly. "So you people really aren't going to stop bothering me and disrupting my workplace?" he asked the adventurers. "And what was that about newspapers? I'm sure they wouldn't be interested in some stupid tantrum like this!" His voice did waver, and he didn't sound so sure of himself. He continued shouting before anyone had the chance to interrupt. "I'm tired of this! Warforged, Teesbeak, in my office!"

Though Drummond was still acting like he was in control, Tresca smiled, and even Stoke seemed more relaxed as he walked into the office. There was some talking, and before long Stoke walked out with Tresca, carrying a heavy bag and a piece of paper. Drummond stayed in the doorway, looking even more sour than before. "You clankers better be worth it! Get back to work!" Then he slammed the door shut.

"Great work, Clifftop!" Tresca said, grinning widely. Stoke distributed the wages, while she was collecting tools. "I am most grateful. Every warforged in the Cogs will hear about your compassion", Stoke added. "And I'll not the forget the favor I owe either."
"Alright, your order's been delayed long enough, let's go!" Tresca and Stoke start walking down a tunnel that radiated heat. The globe hovering around Tresca grew in size, and she didn't seem bothered by the hot air. The way led to a great big forge, the heat nigh unbearable near it. Stoke was fitting a wrench to a valve, and inspecting the forge. Tresca was standing in the middle of a circle of arcane glyphs, scribbling something in her notebook.

2021-09-12, 10:02 AM
Toryc dipped her head to Stoke in acknowledgement, before following him and Tresca towards the forge to thoughtfully observe. "One last thing." She noted to him. "Leaders don't always choose to be leaders. Sometimes they simply become them."

She glanced towards Prit. "What would you need to begin your forge?" She queried curiously.

2021-09-12, 08:45 PM
Arkthos congratulated and further encouraged the warforged on their victory.

With a dissatisfied grunt, Pig snorted and lay down by the entry way, nuzzling the dirt as others began entering past her. Feeling the heat radiating out she stubbornly decided it was nicer outside and refused to enter, despite Arkthos trying to encourage her with the toe of his boot.

”Daft lazy pig. Too used to luxury you are.” Arkthos muttered as his ushering failed. He only got a careless snort in reply as he entered without her.

Shortly after entering Arkthos decided he didn’t much like the heat either, his heavy heat-attracting armour making things even more uncomfortable than they would already otherwise be. But he was determined to see the forges and ask a question before the heat cooked him in his metal suit and he had to flee.

”Mah pigs a tough beast, stubborn, disloyal, lazy.. but tough. And for some unknown reason I find me self wanting to keep her safe. I’ve only 10gp to my name but if I leave that with you can we consider it a deposit. Will pay the rest upon pickup. With the guild now so should have plenty more next time I’m back. Need a sturdy armour for her, something fierce with a comfy saddle too.”

2021-09-12, 08:52 PM
Prit looked to Toryc with a contemplating expression. "Most of the ideas are all up in here," he tapped his head meaningfully, "So that means I need stuff that's harder to get my hands on. Capital and a location, those'd be the big things as far as I can tell, then just need customers!"

2021-09-12, 09:29 PM
Bonvica can appreciate good metalworking, of course, and nods supportively at the idea of Prit having his own shop. She looks at Tresca and adds just, "You would've gotten there without us - the Guild just gave Drummond a little kick to get him moving."

2021-09-13, 02:24 AM
Stoke did seem affected by Toyrc's words, and as he and Tresca started to work, he seemed rather contemplative.
"A good kick can be very valuable, it seems!" Tresca replied with a chuckle. "If you want some artificing experience, you can work here! We hire freelancers to help with projects now and then." She said to Prit.

"I can understand the sentiment. Keeping your companions safe is important ", Stoke replied to Arkthos. It was a little hard to tell if he was amused by the dwarf's relationship with his mount, but at least his voice was respectful. "We don't regularly produce produce armor, except special orders... But I think we have some barding meant for a moment laying somewhere. Could probably repurpose that for your boar."
"And you'll get a discount because she's so cute!" Tresca piped in.

As Tresca kept studying, she started to seem somewhat concerned. The gnome pulled a two-pronged metal rod from her belt, and tapped it on the ground. It vibrated, even louder than normal metal should. "Yes, it looks like Fernia is manifesting particularly strong. That's good for us in a way, but it could also get dangerous if we don't handle the planar instability. The forge needs to be stabilized or things could get... fiery. Can I count on your help? I just need someone with either a keen eye or arcane knowledge to pour some molten orichalcum on the binding runes in at the right moment. Normally we'd vent the energies slowly, but it could take time, and I'd really like to get you on your way with the idol today."

"Also, something might come out of the fire once we get started... Nothing too big, probably, but I'd really appreciate if you could stay nearby just in case. Also, the heat will get even stronger, so armor might get hot... Then again, might be nice to keep it on, depending on what comes out."

Either a Wis (Perception) or Int (Arcana) check to help Tresca.

If you stay within 30 feet of the forge when it's opened, you'll have to do some constitution checks or gain exhaustion (though these will be removed with just short rests), disadvantage with heavy armor.

2021-09-13, 06:38 AM
Arkthos groaned loudly as he hefted his shield up, drew one of his throwing axes and turned to face the apparatus, not sure what he might possibly be facing. “Alright, let’s get this over with.” He had decided to stay and see this out but already knew he was going to regret it. Beads of sweat ran profusely down his face, making their way into and stinging his eyes. His clothes were drenched and sticky, his armour unpleasant to the touch. It was just generally not nice...
He really just wanted to go get an ale. It had turned into such a long day.

”Some solid sturdy chain will do pig fine.” he says flatly on laboured breaths searching for air.
”Someone hurry up then.”

2021-09-13, 07:38 AM
Jimmy steps up to the orichalcum, ready.

"I'll cover the bucket"


2021-09-13, 10:22 AM
"Money will come from our work." Toryc answered Priit with a nod. "Location, we will look and find. And act when you are ready to act." She gestured toward the forge. "I will help fight off anything that emerges from the fire."

So saying she drew her battleaxe and stepped up next to Arkthos, panting a little in the growing heat and adjusting her armour with a grunt. "Your pig is wise enough to stay where it's cooler." She observed to the Dwarf, watching the fires and waiting.

2021-09-13, 11:28 AM
"Alrighty then, I'll say when you have to get ready. Stoke will fill the crucible with metal, and you'll be in charge of pouring it. The runes will start glowing brighter and brighter, and when they start to fade, decant the contents over them. Timing's more important than precision here, just watch out for splashes. I can tell from experience that molten metal hurts!" She pointed at several arcane runes on the forge that for now were still dim. "If you miss the window don't worry, we've got plenty of metal!"

Tresca waited until the characters were ready, keeping or doffing their heavier gear. The gnome had procured a metal rod, pointing it at the ground. As she began to work, sigils carved across it started to glow, a faint shimmer spreading to the circle of runes on the ground around her. Tresca nodded to Stoke, and he started working the forge's controls. As it opened up, a wave of searing heat washed over everyone, a little glimpse of Fernia. The fire roared and twisted inside, looking almost alive. Then suddenly something jumped out of the forge, a lump of molten rock and blazing fire, slowly taking a vaguely humanoid, winged form. It made an angry sound that was vaguely like fire crackling flame. It flew towards the adventurers, claws outstretched.


Mepthit's initiative: [roll0]

Prit: [roll1]
Toyrc: [roll2]
Jimmy: [roll3]
Arkthos: [roll4]
Bonvica: [roll5]

Tesca will inform Jimmy the round before he needs to pour the metal. Filling the crucible can be done as part of movement.

None of you are yet in melee with the mephit, but can get to melee in one round.

At the end of your turn, make a Constitution save, DC 5, or take one level of exhaustion (not as severe as normal, can be removed with short rests). If you move 30 feet away from the forge, you don't need to make the check. If your character is wearing medium or heavy armor, they have disadvantage on the check.

Prit, Jimmy, Arkthos and Bonvica can go in whichever order. Then the mephit and then Toyrc.

2021-09-13, 12:28 PM
Jimmy is going to rush the mephit with his superior movement speed. He hacks overhand with his Shortsword.

To Hit: 1d20+5
Damage if hit [roll0]

Then, barely after his first swing is completed, his small spindly knee shoots up twice in rapid succession into the mephits chest.

To hit 1d20+5
Damage if hit: [roll1]

To hit 1d20+5
Damage if hit: [roll2]

1 ki point spent

2021-09-13, 03:43 PM
Arkthos quickly unleashed his axe at the flying creature before involuntarily staggering back and away from the overwhelming heat.
Tormented by the sweat and heat, his aim was off and efforts wasted. Breathing deeply he gathered himself and focused.

[roll0] [roll1]
Retreat out of con-save distance

2021-09-13, 06:45 PM
Bonvica thinks fast and summons some frost magic. She knocks her fists together twice, muttering a simple incantation, and when she lets out her breath it fogs in the air briefly. A similar cold spell forms around the fire creature.

She unsheathes her sword, which casts a double gleam in the red forgelight, and Bonvica moves toward the creature, trying to protect Mr. Jimmy and the sensitive work going on.

The mephit should make a Con save DC12 or take [roll0] cold damage and have disadvantage on its next weapon attack.

Bonvica's Con save for moving closer to the forge: [roll1]

2021-09-14, 09:20 AM
Though Jimmy's sword attack seems to hurt the mephit, it seems to shrug off the rest of the blows. The kicks just makes the magma splash, while the axe glances off. It reacts to the frost attack from Bonvica, but manages to resist the effect.

Some of you remember a fiery piece of trivia about magma mephits: when they die, they go out with a small explosion.

Prit is next.

2021-09-14, 01:57 PM
"Not the weirdest thing I've ever seen jump out of a forge," Prit shouts as he readies his crossbow, backing up to avoid the sheer heat it was giving off, "But up there! That's a mephit! You'll want to keep away if you can; when they go down they do so with a boom!"

Following his own advice, he fires off a shot at the angry looking magma monster...

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage If Hit: [roll1]

The bolt finding purchase! "Ha! I told them that my auto-reloading feature wouldn't affect the aim more than one standard deviation!"

2021-09-14, 02:30 PM
The crossbow bolt seems to hurt the mephit and it hissed in fury, but it still wasn't about to go down. The hiss continued, and it was like the creature was drawing in a breath, hateful eyes focused on Jimmy. Then it opened its maw, a stream of fire shooting at the monk.

Jimmy must make a DC 11 Dex save or take [roll0] fire damage, half on a success.

Recharge: [roll1]

It's Toyrc's turn!

2021-09-14, 02:41 PM
Toryc had been about to charge in as was her habit, but Prit's warning caused her to pause mid lunge and readjust. Her lips peeled back to reveal her fangs in an angry snarl for its attack on Jimmy and she rose a clawed hand, a sheen of red filling her eyes as she bought forth the chaotic energies residing in her soul. A sharp gesture and the Mephit was covered in twisting energies.

Casting Sacred Flame. The Mephit needs to make a DC 12 Dex save or take 1d8 radiant damage.

Damage: [roll0]

2021-09-14, 03:06 PM
Round two

The mephit managed to dodge the divine flame, just hissing at the gnoll in response to the taunts.

"Alright old man, start getting ready for your part!" Tresca shouted. She was concentrating on her own work, hardly paying any attention to the battle. The glow of the runes around her were glowing brighter, and the binding runes were starting to shimmer too, the energy starting to build up. The heat coming from the forge is becoming noticeably more intensive as well!

This round, the save DC against exhaustion is 6.

As said by Tresca, next round Jimmy needs to decant the metal. This round he's still free to act.

Prit, Jimmy, Arkthos and Bonvica can go in whichever order. Then the mephit and then Toyrc.

2021-09-14, 03:07 PM
Jimmy attempts to dodge out of the way, twisting his body so that the flame might splash over him.


jimmy takes half damage, so either 4 or 5, are we rounding up or down?

2021-09-14, 03:29 PM
Bonvica decides that glory is better than running away. She strikes with a quick one-two at the mephit. It needs to die and if Jimmy has to stick around, so will Bonvica.

Attacking with the scimitar and its other end: [roll0] to hit for [roll1] and [roll2] for [roll3] slashing damage. Ones and 2s on the damage dice can get rerolled from her fighting style.

Con save: [roll4]

Edited to add: the die roller hates me lol.

2021-09-14, 03:43 PM
Jimmy swings his short sword at the creature again, and then delivers a roundhouse in the same motion, before sprinting out of range of both the Heat and the Mephit, staying within movement range of the forge so he can pour the metal next turn.



Con Save:


2021-09-14, 03:43 PM
Bonvica's scimitar slashed the mephit. It shrieked and stumbled... But didn't fall yet. It did seem to be on its last legs though, something like glowing cracks spreading on its skin.

Jimmy's attacks finished it off, his sword plunging right in where the creature's heart might be. Its skin started to bubble, the cracks spreading... And then suddenly, it exploded!

2021-09-14, 03:57 PM
Though the mephit is dead, a pile of smouldering rocks on the floor, you can still almost sense a menacing presence coming from the furnace...

"Don't relax just yet!" Tresca piped.

We'll still continue with the initiative. Those haven't gone already, describe your actions.

2021-09-14, 04:53 PM
Arkthos clung to his last axe, better hit something this time he thought to himself, really not wanting to get close to this thing. It was then, just before his throw, the creature erupted into flames.
Fearing it is not yet over, Arkthos remains ready. Axe just waiting for a new creature to appear.

2021-09-14, 05:10 PM
Prit simply points his crossbow towards the mouth of the furnace, ready to fire should anything pop out of there again.

Readying an action, should an enemy come out of the furnace I will fire on it with my crossbow.

2021-09-15, 12:47 AM
Toryc moveed up to the furnace, hefting her axe and glancing at Bonvica after she'd taken the brunt of the explosion. A hand dropped onto the Elf's shoulder and energy flickered once again to flow through and restore the worst of the burns received.

"Let's see what's foolish enough to face us next." A pleased rumble.

Using Lay on Hands to heal 5 HP for Bonvica.

2021-09-15, 01:37 AM
Round 3

Stoke had filled the crucible, and the binding runes were glowing. "Ready!" the warforged shouted.

Fernia wouldn't stop bothering the party however. Just as they'd finished the first mephit, another plopped out of furnace, as if sensing its resting was about to be disturbed.

This round, Jimmy must succeed at a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check to pour the metal at the right moment.

The save DC for resisting the is now 7

If you had an action readied, remember to perform it first as well.

Prit, Jimmy, Arkthos and Bonvica can go in whichever order. Then the mephit and then Toyrc.

2021-09-15, 03:28 AM
Arkthos does not hesitate, wanting to end this and be out of here as soon as possible. The instant the fiery enemy takes form the small dwarf launches his axe at it and then charges with a roar. He throws a heavy fist at it as he tries to grapple it.

[roll0][roll1] Slashing
[roll2][roll3] bludgeoning
If hit [roll4] athletics for grapple.
[roll5]con save

2021-09-15, 07:56 AM
Jimmy rushes over to the forge and prepares to pour out the metal, eyes waiting for the right moment

"Don't Screw This up, Magic Hands" He mutters.
(spend Inspiration point



Con Save:


2021-09-15, 08:07 AM
Jimmy indeed proved he was worthy of his name. He seemed to have picked just the perfect moment, and as soon as the molten metal touched the runes, it moved to take their shape and then to sink into the forge. The runes blazed brightly, and Stoke gave Jimmy an approving nod.

"Good! Now take care of that creature, then I can stabilize the planar energies!" Tresca shouted over the sounds of battle. She was holding the rod in the air, eyes fixed on the runes at her feet.

The mephite that had climbed out of the furnace got heavy punch as a greeting from Arkthos. It didn't go down, these things were somewhat sturdy, but it didn't seem happy either.

Bonvica and Prit are next.

2021-09-15, 01:48 PM
When another mephit leapt from the furnace Prit immediately fired a shot at the planar being. "We'll have this thing handled in two shakes, just you wait!" The goblin called out, before firing off another for good measure!

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage If Hit: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage If Hit: [roll3]

2021-09-15, 02:23 PM
Bonvica thanks Toryc for the healing magic. "Ah, much better."

She then has the tough choice of wailing on another explosive mephit, or withdrawing. But with Toryc there, she feels better about things. There must be some third option. Bonvica rolls her shoulders, sizes up this new opponent, and calls on the winds to help.

Readying an action to cast Gust on the mephit if it dies, so as to push it away from the rest of us. Whether it's a creature or object at that point, hopefully the spell will knock it back into the forge. (DC11 Str save if it gets one.) Hopefully not a waste of a turn.

2021-09-15, 03:02 PM
Prit's bolt hit the mephit on what was more or less its shoulder. It hissed at the goblin before focusing it attention back on the dwarf who'd tried to grab it. Its eyes seemed to burn with hatred as the elemental tried to rake Arkthos with its burning claws.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] fire damage.

Toryc is next.

2021-09-15, 03:11 PM
Hefting her battleaxe, Toryc snarled at the Mephit and took a swing, uncaring of the heat and the risk incurred of destroying the creature.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage (If successful) [roll1]
Con save [roll2]

2021-09-15, 03:23 PM
Round 4

The mephit staggers from the vicious blow, but doesn't quite fall apart just yet. At least it seems that at least no more creatures emerged from the fires of the forge this time around.

The con save DC this round is 8

Prit, Jimmy, Arkthos and Bonvica can go in whichever order. Then the mephit and then Toyrc.

2021-09-15, 03:46 PM
Ignoring its blow Arkthos continues attacking, swinging another steel clad meaty fist at the mephit.
Con save

2021-09-15, 04:15 PM
The mephit's slash couldn't compete with Arkthos' heavy fist. The mighty blow almost seemed to take part of the creature's head off. Immediately it started bubbling, but before it could explode, Bonvica's wind spell pushed its remains into the furnace. There it exploded harmlessly, without further singing the adventurers.

Immediately Tresca slammed the rod into the focus of the circle. "Oeri!" she shouted, and every single rune on the circle was well as the forge glowed brightly. Ethereal tendrils erupted at the forge, wrapping around it. Though they seemed to fade quickly, it seems the heat was now more contained. The air was merely uncomfortably warm instead of unbearably hot.

Though Tresca had had her globe of snow keeping her cool, even she had to wipe off her forehead. "Whew! Great work, everyone! The forge is stable, and I think we can finish your client's order now. It'll still take us a couple of hours, but I don't think there will be any more obstacles. She retrieved a mold, while Stoke was cleaning himself. He was even more sooty than before.

"You can rest in my office, I think you've deserved a break. There should be some snacks and cool drinks in the cabinet." She showed them to a messy room with scattered books and tools, but also comfortable chairs and carpets. And indeed, there were snacks as well.

Combat is over! You gain the benefits of a short rest. If you gained any exhaustion during the battle, you can remove 1 level of it.

2021-09-15, 04:17 PM
Jimmy is quite happy to have finished the job, and sinks gratefully into a chair, wiping sweat off his brow and taking a swig from his seemingly never empty hip flask, which has absolutely got to be baking hot from being in the forge

2021-09-16, 09:04 AM
Arkthos found pig along the way to the room, although he paid her little mind as he was busily rushing to remove his armour.
”I do hope one of those cold drinks your talking about is an ale!” He muttered to Tresca, his focus still on removing the boiling metal from his body. ”Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’d even go a cold water right now.
Ugh, that heat must’ve really cooked me. No wonder no one else works down here.”

His chains continued to jangle as even in the office he continued to wrestle with straps and buckles, caught in the sticky leathers beneath.
In the end it was pig who helped him free himself of his armour, clearly a feat the hog was familiar with. Arkthos managed to hook it over her tusks and then very un-elegantly crawl out backwards while his pet just sat and stared at him snorting judgingly.

With hair slick to his face he stared back at Pig as he breathed in deep breaths of cool refreshing air. ”Wot you looking at?” he scowled at the animal. With his torso now naked all could see that the dwarf lived up to his clan name. ‘Heavy belly.’ He was surprisingly more rotund than originally thought, his tight armour clearly reshaping his form. One large continuous tattoo lined his body and ran down his chest and across his arms. The lines only broken by the myriad of scars that littered his flesh. Old battle wounds.

”Keep looking at me like that and you’ll end up in ‘ere.” Arkthos warned the hog as he jovially patted his belly with both hands. Pig just snorted at him in reply as if understanding and then went to pester any who stood near the snacks.

Arkthos laughed and then found space to sit down.

2021-09-16, 11:30 AM
Toryc wastes little time in stripping out of most of her armour and taking a few breaths in the much cooler office. If there's any water to hand she liberally pours it over her head, uncaring of the result. "If you do decide to eat the pig, it's expected that you share." She offered Arkthos, sounding serious about the statement.

"It's a good result. We enjoyed some fighting, taught valuable lessons and completed our task. We also have a debt owed that might be of value."

2021-09-16, 11:36 AM
Yep, I'd classify today as one big ol' success. And I gotta say, It's been nice gettin to know you young whippersnappers. Ya' seem like good folks.

Jimmy says with a burp as he scratches his greasy scalp.

2021-09-16, 11:58 AM
There indeed is both ale and water to drink, as well as dried fruit to snack on. Tresca had installed a smaller version of her icy globe in the cabinet to keep the drinks cool. Probably mostly for her, and perhaps some clients, as it looked like most of the workers couldn't really appreciate a drink.

2021-09-16, 12:19 PM
Bonvica is very appreciative of the refreshments. First things first, though: she lovingly wipes the soot residue off her scimitar and re-sheathes it. Perfect. Now for some iced tea - oh, and yeah, she is a bit burned herself. She shrugs in resignation, as if to say, Ah well, I can deal with that later. She snags an extra ice-ball from Tresca’s box and applies it to her arm.

She nods in agreement about the job well-done but asks Tresca, “Get a lot of mephits down here? That was a nasty pair. I greatly prefer air elementals.”

2021-09-16, 02:24 PM
"Oh, sometimes. That's the price you pay for working with Fernia's energy. Lets you craft nifty thingamajigs like your project here though!" Tresca was scribbling in her notebook, while Stoke still kept working with the forge. "Thankfully they just stay in the fire, though it means we can't really use it then. Usually we just hire some people to get rid of them though. Kinda like dealing with explosive vermin!"

"Ohh, air elementals are fun! That does usually mean working with airships and the like, and I do not have head for heights." Tresca chuckled to herself, shaking her head.

2021-09-16, 03:25 PM
"Ohh, air elementals are fun! That does usually mean working with airships and the like, and I do not have head for heights." Tresca chuckled to herself, shaking her head.

Bonvica fakes surprise, saying, “You mean you haven’t jumped off a building yet today? All of us did this morning - I thought it was just the custom here.”

2021-09-16, 03:46 PM
Tresca seemed to shudder at the notion. "Oh, oh no... I don't even get out of bed without at least three feather tokens on me. Don't get me wrong, I know they work, but I don't personally intend to test how well!" She shook her head. "Jumping off buildings... Well, seems like you lot fit in Sharn better than me. Some test of courage type of thing I guess? Or were you... Chasing a villain across rooftops?"

2021-09-16, 04:06 PM
Arkthos’s eyes dart to Toryc and rest suspiciously upon her. A stern expression on his face, one of uncertainty, disbelief and defensiveness all strewn together across his features along with a little of something else. He shakes his head and stops staring and joins his hog, patting the beast as he takes some dried fruit and shares it equally between them. He groans when reminded of their earlier express trip to the ground level. The thought slightly nauseating him still.

A loud satisfied sigh escapes his lips as the half-naked sweaty dwarf finally sets down his near empty mug of ale, he had not stopped nor breathed since picking it up.

”Not bad.” he says loudly to Tresca with a nod and a gesture of his cup.
”Ain’t the best but after dat heat, goes down really well.” he looks around the room frowning at some of the mess. ”Seems like a good place to work, been here long? Who normally deals with your fiery rodent friends?” he asks, admiring a random contraption he found.

2021-09-17, 01:40 AM
"The temperature really is the most important part about drinks when you work down here! Oh, it's a fine enough place. I like the work and my coworkers, and even Drummond isn't so bad on most days. I've worked here for... Oh, I think about five years. Ever since I came to Sharn."

"Plenty of people here for that kind of extermination work, we may even have hired some people from Clifftop at some point. Sometimes someone will even come clean them up for free, I guess mephit's can be used for some sort of experiments too. They're not really good for powering up anything, much too volatile in my opinion." Tresca glanced at the contraption Arkthos was holding. "Neat, right? Just don't bring it too close to your beard."

2021-09-17, 05:05 PM
"It's a combination of a test of courage and show for the crowds," Prit said after swallowing a bite of fruit, "Plus a competition between our glorious Clifftop and their cowardly Deathsgate. Of course, it was Clifftop who won the day this time, thanks to me and Magic over here!" He raised his hand in a way he had some humans do in the past as a show of comradery.

"That reminds me..." Prit continued after a moment, digging into his many pockets to retrieve the ticket he'd obtained during their dramatic descent, "Think we can stop at a banking house before we head back to the Guild? I want to get this cashed in before it burns a hole in my pocket. Got too many of those already!"

2021-09-18, 04:05 AM
"It was extremely foolish and reckless." Toryc commented, before baring teeth in a grin. "Though also a fun challenge. Albeit one that made me an apparent enemy. Still, she isn't the first."

2021-09-18, 01:24 PM
"It's a combination of a test of courage and show for the crowds," Prit said after swallowing a bite of fruit, "Plus a competition between our glorious Clifftop and their cowardly Deathsgate. Of course, it was Clifftop who won the day this time, thanks to me and Magic over here!" He raised his hand in a way he had some humans do in the past as a show of comradery.

"Truth to be told, I haven't really gotten into the guilds like a lot of people here... But I think I might become a Clifftop fan today!" Tresca said with a bright smile, even if her eyes were still focused on the book. "Congratulations on your victory in any case! And you know, not getting flattened on the ground."

"It was extremely foolish and reckless." Toryc commented, before baring teeth in a grin. "Though also a fun challenge. Albeit one that made me an apparent enemy. Still, she isn't the first."

"Oh, now that I can agree with! About the foolish and reckless at least... Getting good at falling is not really one of those skills I want to get good at..." Even with the heat, she still managed to look a little pale. "

2021-09-19, 11:53 AM
The break went smoothly, and the party didn't have to defeat snack elementals to enjoy themselves. Tresca and Stoke focused on their work, the gnome working her magic while the warforged worked with the metals.

"Now for the finale! Brace yourselves!" Tresca retrieved a blue crystal sliver from her belt pouch, set into a crucible and gently slid it into the stabilized fire with a pair of tongs. It rest atop a glowing stone mold. A moment later a wave of heat washed over you. It's infused with malevolent intent and insatiable hunger to burn.

With one practiced motion, Tresca pulled out the mold with her tongs, and Stoke smashed it with an oversized iron maul. All that remained was a shimmering, metallic statue, cast in brass-colored orichalcum. The figure sits in meditation, the blue crystal set atop its crown.

"It's gonna be be warm, but you won't get burned." Tresca handed the idol over to you, exchanging it for the bank slip you got from the guild handler Lhara. "Oh, and absolutely do not remove the stopper. It's kinda containing the endless fires of Fernia. It's sturdy, so don't worry about breaking, but don't drop or shake it too much. Might release some fire too. So if you really must go jumping from more ledges, just set this thing down first."

"And one more thing. There was some excess energy from Fernia, so I quickly competed a little sideproject. Consider it my thanks for helping us..." Tresca handed you a Potion of Firebreathing. "Umm, well you can't really share it, but I only had ingredients for one..."


Decide which one carries the idol, and who gets the potion.

You all gain the benefits of a short rest.

2021-09-19, 03:37 PM
Arkthos caresses his beard protectively, shaking his head as he eyes the potion and idle. He wouldn’t be taking it.
His eyes were still heavy from the short broken nap he had just had. Pig who fell asleep beside him once all the snacks were definitely gone, interrupted the dwarfs rest by rolling and squirming about next to him whenever his snoring grew too loud.
With a stretch he started the painful process of donning his armour again. It was a bit easier now that things were cooler but needed a definite wash and clean.

”Right, back to the guild then.” Arkthos says, leading the way. Still doing his straps up as he walks.
He farewells his new friends on the way out offering thanks and firm handshakes as he passes.

2021-09-19, 03:57 PM
I can hold on to the Idle, if y'alld like. These Magic Hands rarely let anything slip.

Jimmy says as he rises from his chair and cricks his back with an almnost machine gun like series of cracks as his back bends so far that his head touches the floor before he comes back up.

But our dwarf friend is right, back to our home away from home for now."

2021-09-20, 01:07 PM
Some of the warforged had already departed by the time the work was finished. Drummond hadn't decided to show up, perhaps already gone home himself, or just locked up in his office stew on his defeat. "Thank you again for your help, friends. I won't forget this. And..." Stoke looked at Toryc. "I will think on your words. Perhaps I should act more like a leader, even if I'm not sure I deserve the role."


The party started making their way back to the guild, with the Idol. They didn't make their way too far, before they ran into a large ettin blocking their way. The eyes in both heads squinted suspiciously as they focused on the party. The ettin was large, built like a lightning rail car and covered in scars. Notably, she was missing her left hands, but the remaining one wielded a large club without too much effort. She let the heavy weapon fall on the ground with a resounding "thud!"

"We are Yadha-Ro." The ettin said, the left head, finishing the sentence. "You work for Drummond? The worm owes Daask", The right head said. "Paid in blood or paid in money", the left grunted.

You've all heard of Daask, at least in passing. It's a large criminal organization, many of its monstrous members coming from the land of Droaam, likely working for their rulers as well. They were not nice people to owe money to, but it seemed Drummond may not be the wisest decision maker.

2021-09-20, 01:14 PM
Jimmy drops into a fighting stance near the back of the group, hoping the others might diffuse the situation before it goes to far, but ready to step in if it does.

2021-09-20, 01:39 PM
Toryc had nodded at Stoke with a faint grunt that served as her acknowledgement, before walking with the others back to their destination.

Yadha-Ro's arrival caused her to bare her teeth at the challenge and lean forward slightly, poised to charge. "Drummond has no hold on us Ettin. I am Toryc Vult, Znir. We owe you no blood or coin, but if you wish, we will spill your blood as the payment you seek."

2021-09-20, 02:26 PM
Both heads let out roars of laughter in response. "<Gnoll> Blood it is, Znir daughter!" the right head barked in the gnoll tongue, bringing the heavy club down again, stone splintering under it. "<Gnoll> Blood!" the left echoed. Yadha-Ro didn't seem angry, but rather delighted, and even if the others couldn't understand what the ettin was saying, it was clear what was about to happen.

It's time to fight!

Party initiative:

Prit: [roll0]
Toryc: [roll1]
Jimmy: [roll2]
Arkthos: [roll3]
Bonvica: [roll4]

Yadha-Ro: [roll5]

Jimmy can go first, then Yadha-Ro, then Prit, Toryc, Arkthos and Bonvica in whatever order.


2021-09-20, 03:46 PM
Jimmy is going to go in swinging, his short sword whirls around his tiny body, followed by his ever dexterous leathery and infamous Magic Hands. Or at least his left one, swinging right behind the sword.

Shortsword attack


Unarmed Strike


2021-09-20, 04:08 PM
Arkthos let out a deep sigh at his new friends bloodlust as he finished with his last straps. When it came to giants he was all for fisty-cuffs and bringing the large creatures down a peg but he wasn’t too keen on fighting on Drummond’s behalf.
Although better this lot than Tresca and Stoke he thought to himself as he ordered Pig to bugger off to safety. The boar took two steps than dropped down and lay in a puddle, not phased by the impending combat.
Arkthos sighed again, rolling his eyes this time.
He tried to recall any information he could about this particular giant, the name ring a bell, he was sure he heard something during a drunken tavern tale. [roll0]

”Ro!” he roared as he finally charged in to battle, deliberately choosing the left head to converse with. He threw a heavy fist towards the large creatures knee.
”Why does Yadha even bring you? To count Drummond’s money on your fingers?” he taughts. Smiling from behind his shield as he fights.
”Bet you don’t even know how much he owes.”

2021-09-21, 02:09 AM
Jimmy's sword left a nasty cut on the ettin, but she seemed to just ignore the blow. "Little man! Crush!" Ro bellowed, trying to shove the monk with her shoulder, but failing. Instead, Yadha swung the club pretty much Jimmy's size at him.

Note that this attack happened before Arkthos' turn.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

"Shut up vermin! Well will eat you and your little piggy after this!" the left head snarled. She seemed to sway a bit from Arkthos' punch, but her knee didn't buckle. It was almost like punching an oak, even if the blow did leave a bruise.

Rest of the party can go now

2021-09-21, 06:30 AM
"They say that the bigger they are the harder they fall," Prit comments as he grabs a compound he'd spent the previous night preparing and tossing it between the ettin's legs, coating the ground beneath her with a slick, greasy substance that he knew from experience was quite difficult to walk on, "It looks like I'll be able to test that empirically today!"

Casting Grease directly beneath Yadha-Ro, coating the 10x10 square she's standing on with grease. She needs to make a DC 13 DEX Save or fall prone.

2021-09-21, 06:33 AM
Yadha-Ro's Dex save: [roll0] (actually should be -1, so the result is 14, but she still succeeds)

The ettin seems to slip a little, but manages to steady herself despite the slick grease covering the ground.

2021-09-21, 10:13 AM
Toryc charged in with a whoop of a battlecry, flowing forward from her readied pose. The Mephit had been a quiet distraction and talking to Stoke a thoughtful diversion. But this, this was where her heart lived.

Her axe gleamed with a reddish gold energy as she swung it at the Ettin's chest.

Attack: [roll0]

If successful on the attack I'll spend a spell slot for using smite.

Damage: [roll1] Slashing Damage. [roll2] Radiant damage

2021-09-21, 01:17 PM
Bonvica makes like Toryc, deciding this ettin is not worth getting in long debates with. Quick as a flash, her double scimitar is out and swinging. This guy should have brought like five friends with him if he wanted to pick a fight, not just one extra head.

[roll0] for [roll1]+2 and as a bonus action [roll2] for [roll3]

2021-09-21, 04:00 PM
Round 2

Bonvica's scimitars hit their target, and though the Ettin had been confiden, she seemed to start hesitate a little. "Get over here! Fight!" Yadha roared. Suddenly three goblins climb out of a window of a nearby building. It's rather clear whose side they're on, especially as one takes aim at Prit, releasing an arrow from his bow. Perhaps Yadha-Ro hadn't really come prepared for a fight, not expecting Drummond would have had anyone defending him, but she had brought some friends, or at least goons.

Attack with shortbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The order is:
Goblin 1
Arkthos, Prit and Toryc in any order
Goblin 2 and 3

Jimmy can go next


2021-09-21, 04:18 PM
Jimmy uses the force of the clubs blow to send himself flying backwards out of range of the angry ettin. He's not heavily enough armored to deal with this thing, but the goblins, well, somebody needed to handle those before they got flanked.

Jimmy directs his flung body and hits the ground at a dead sprint for the goblins, sword slicing at one in a matter of seconds.

1 ki point disengage as a bonus action.

Shortsword attack:



2021-09-21, 04:31 PM
The ettin seemed a little confused how the old man seemed to just bounce away, but she didn't ponder it for long. "You talk lot, dwarf. Now get crushed!" she roared at Arkthos, swinging her heavy club. She couldn't really move away from the grease puddle with the party surrounding her, and her feet kept slipping.

Attack against Arkthos: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 7 crit damage, total 19.

Dex save: [roll2]

Despite the slippery ground, the ettin managed to keep her footing, and land a crushing blow on the dwarf. "Ha! Who can't count now!" Ro jeered, though the insult didn't really make sense.

Arkthos, Prit and Toryc can go in any order

2021-09-22, 03:17 AM
Arkthos let out a deep unhealthy groan as he was nearly hammered into the earth. Darkness threatening to encroach upon his blurry vision. The ettin’s words barely registering amongst the washing droning sound running through his head.
After a few spluttering breaths, from down on one knee while bracing himself with his shield, he looks up to the head designated as Yadha.
”Ya fight all Ro’s battles? Bet ya even ave’ta feed er too.” he chuckles and spits some blood. But I get why you don’t want Drummond to make her a new hand, she is the pretty one after all, can’t be the strong one too.”

As Arkthos engages with the beast verbally he is actually more ready than he appears, forgoing an attack to focus on defence.
While taunting the creature he gets a second wind [roll0] hp recovery

2021-09-23, 02:33 AM
"Focus on the Goblins! I'll deal with this one!" Toryc snapped to the others, moving forward to draw the Ettin's attention.

"You and me! We will see who is stronger!"

Again her axe swung at the looming target.

Casting Compelled duel on Yadha. She has to make a wisdom save of DC 12 to ignore it.

Also making a melee attack.


2021-09-23, 02:01 PM
"Believe me, you don't have to tell me twice," Prit calls out as he turns to face the trio of goblins that are now approaching him and Jimmy, "It's been a while since I've been able to test my creations on a fellow goblin. Good timing on your part, I've got plenty of tools and even more time!"

Lifting his crossbow, the non-gang affiliated Goblinoid aims it at the foe on the right!

Attacking Goblin 1

Attack: [roll0]
Damage If Hit: [roll1]

2021-09-23, 03:28 PM
Prit's arrow grazed the goblin, giving him a nasty cut. "Ow! Hey, that's not fair, your weapon's nicer than mine!"

The goblin Jimmy attacked had seemed a little surprised. "You move pretty fast for an old man! But are you fast enough to dodge my blade?!" The goblin Jimmy attacked dropped his bow, and instead drew a jagged short sword. He swung it at Jimmy, sharp teeth gleaming.

Goblin 1 was hit!

Goblin 2 attacks Jimmy with scimitar: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2021-09-23, 03:32 PM
The other goblin also wielded a bow, and moved closer to Prit. "I'll test how well you'll work as a pincushion!" He shouted and show another arrow at Prit, eager to avenge his comrades fleshwound.

Goblin 3 attacks Prit with shortbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Bonvica can go next.

2021-09-23, 08:07 PM
Bonvica takes what Toryc is saying with a grain of salt. She nods towards the ettin - "Wouldn't this goon be the first to tell us that two heads are better? You can challenge that one, I'll handle this one." With a quick flourish her blades are back at the ol' one-two, swiping high then down at the ettin's knees.

Just gonna try to focus Yadha-Ro down. Attack and bonus-action with the other end as usual: [roll0] for [roll1]+2, and [roll2] for [roll3] slashing.

2021-09-24, 05:03 AM
Round 3

Bonvica's attack hit the ettin, leaving yet another bleeding cut. There were several, as well as a couple of nasty looking bruises left by Jimmy and Arkthos. Yadha-Ro was clearly heavily wounded, yet still going strong for the moment.

The goblin prit shot continues to shoot him with his cruder bow, grimacing as his shoulder wound bled. "I'll show you experiment!" The arrow leaves his bow with a loud "Twang", flying fast... And hits the wall, not even close to hurting Prit. "Damn it!"

Goblin 1 shoots Prit with shortbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


The order is:
Goblin 1
Arkthos, Prit and Toryc in any order
Goblin 2 and 3

Jimmy can go next

2021-09-24, 07:33 AM
Jimmy cracks his knuckles and smiles at the goblins.

"I'll show you old, ya young whipper snapper!"

Jimmy pummels the goblin in front of him with a jab to the ribs from his left hand, while his sword slices into into him from above.



Unarmed Strike:


2021-09-24, 07:50 AM
There was a moment of silence as Jimmy's sword swept past the goblin's head. Then a deep cut opened on the thug's face, and he went down with a scream, clutching the bleeding wound, before going silent.

Meanwhile, Yadha turned her eyes to Toryc. "You think you're stronger than me, gnoll?" The left foot was twitching a bit, as Ro glared at both Bonvica and Arkthos, but staring was only thing she could do. "Graah!" the right head roared as she swung the enormous club at the gnoll, who dared to challenge her.

Yadha-Ro attacks Toryc: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Perhaps due to both heads concentrating on different opponents, their feet weren't as coordinated. Though she did land her blow, the ettin didn't get to celebrate it grafecully, slipping on the grease on the ground and falling down.


Yadha-Ro is Prone.
Goblin 2 is dead.
Goblin 1 is wounded.

Arkthos, Prit and Toryc can go next.

2021-09-24, 07:41 PM
As the giant Falls Arkthos roars and surges into action.
He throws an angry fist at each head.
”Ya working for da wrong people!” he manages to spit out.

Action surge for two attacks. At advantage because ettin is prone.
[roll0]/[roll1] for [roll2]
[roll3]/[roll4] for [roll5]

2021-09-25, 04:09 PM
In a burst of speed, Bonvica takes advantage of the ettin being down and strikes hard, hoping to keep her down. "If you know what's good for you, call off your friends."

Sure, we'll stick with attacking for the moment, though she'll encourage the ettin to give up, and if Bonvica does enough damage, she'll opt to knock her out rather than kill her. We could see if she knows more about the gang or what they want with Drummond.

Attacks with advantage:
[roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]+2 = 10
and offhand [roll3] or [roll4] for [roll5].

2021-09-26, 01:51 AM
Toryc has no sense of mercy when an enemy is exposed in this fashion. With a snarl she brings her axe down on the prone Ettin.

Attack with advantage

Damage if hit.


2021-09-26, 08:16 AM
Toryc's and Bonvica's strikes hit the downed ettin hard. Yadha tried to swipe at the elf and the gnoll, but only made her club rolled away. She couldn't get up, and just collapsed, resting on one knee, looking defeated.

"Stop..." she called to the goblins, who did obeyed and lowered, their weapons, but kept an eye on their opponents. "You are strong. Not know Drummond had powerful friends..." Yadha muttered, almost sounding drunk as Ro spat out a teeth.

"Daask leaves him alone, for now. Blood's been paid." Ro said. "Paid in blood", Yadha echoed. The two remaining goblins nodded nervously, and now looked just eager to get away.

"You're stronger than us... Kill us or let us go?" Yadha asked the party, mostly looking at Toryc.

The combat is over.

2021-09-26, 08:54 AM
Jimmy wipes his blood stained sword in his long beard, then sheathes it. He takes a hit from his ever present flask and wipes the sweat from his brow.

He looks completely unbothered by the fact that he's just left a man dead in the street.

2021-09-26, 12:13 PM
Toryc regarded the Ettin, then wiped her axe clean before strapping it back to her back. "I am content with the blood paid." Her eyes went to the rest of the group. "Are the rest of you? Though I shall also ask what Drummond did to incur a blood debt from Daask." A hand reached out to the Ettin, offering them support to stand.

2021-09-26, 12:24 PM
The ettin grunted and grasped Toryc's hand, hefting herself back up to to lean against the wall. The wounds were rather gruesome, but it seemed Yadha-Ro would live. She didn't seem angry anymore either, apparently content with the results of the battle.

"Uh, yeah, we're good!" One of the goblins quickly piped. They stayed far away from Jimmy, dragging their comrade with them.

"Daask keeps peace here. Peace costs money", Ro explained. "Drummond didn't pay. Drummond didn't deserve peace", Yadha added. "But Blood has been paid. Drummond can have peace, for now."

2021-09-26, 12:49 PM
"But Blood has been paid. Drummond can have peace, for now."

Bonvica's scimitar slows and stops in a resting pose at her side. She wipes the faintest glow of sweat from her brow.

"Drummond made some peace with his workers, too. He doesn't need any more hassling."

"And as to this Daask, do they have a House? Drummond's shop does jobs for the Guild, and if the Guilds hear that he or Tresca have been messed with, they won't be happy. You make sure Daask knows that. We're with Clifftop - make sure Daask knows that, too."

2021-09-26, 12:54 PM
"make sure he knows we won't be so nice next time, too. If in we gotta teach a lesson twice, we tend to get a bit rougher, ya read me?"

Jimmy says with a good natured chuckle and another swig of the booze.

2021-09-26, 12:56 PM
"Hmm, you lot new in Sharn? Daask is not person. Daask is many people. Guild. Cogs belong to Daask." Yadha said. "Clifftop is strong. We're stronger", Ro said, nodding.

"If Clifftop want to fight more, you can find us here."

2021-09-26, 01:56 PM
Toryc was silent a moment as she considered Bonvica and her statement, ears twitching before she gestured, speaking up again. "And conflict costs both Clifftop and Daask energy. What is better, to lose a little money from Drummond, or a lot of energy in conflict with Clifftop? Your claims elsewhere aren't contested, but we claim Drummond as ours.

Perhaps deeper agreements can be found, but it is beyond our group to decide this, and likely beyond you to decide for Daask."

2021-09-26, 02:25 PM
The ettin shrugged one shoulder. "Sounds smart. Will tell boss Callestan." Yadha said. "Drummond is small fry. Won't care about him. Boss likes easy business too." "Fighting with Clifftop is not easy." Yadha-Ro seemed to pretty much agree with you.

2021-09-28, 01:42 PM
Yadha-Ro proved surprisingly cordial after the battle, but as both heads agreed, blood was paid. The Daask thugs gathered their fallen comrade, and trailing blood, left the forge. Though the ettin seemed somewhat more clever than on average, she didn't seem like she'd try to deceive anyone. Yet it wasn't likely she was very high on the leadership either, but at least it seemed like the danger to the forge, and more importantly to Tresca and to Stoke and his crew, was averted.

The bank was still open, and Prit could cash his lottery ticket without any questions. And finally, they made it to the guild house, completing the simple delivery job they'd been given. The Clifftop Adventurers' Guild's building was large and well-maintained, with people coming and going, even though the sun was starting to set. Though that wasn't odd, adventurers weren't known to keep regular hours.

You quickly found Lhara, the shifter who'd given you this job, inside. She was leaning back on a chair, chewing on a toothpick and reading something. When she saw you come in, she flicked the toothpick away and rose to greet you. "Finally! I was afraid you'd been stabbed in a dark alleyway, or decided to run off with the package. Either way, I'd have had to hunt someone down!" Lhara laughed, then quieted as she took a second look at the party, especially Jimmy and Arkthos. "...did someone try to mug you?"

2021-09-28, 03:23 PM
"Not successfully!" Jimmy says with a snort, once again drinking from the foul smelling flask that has got to be empty by now.

"Here's your statue by the way, kept it nice and safe." he says as he pulls the statue from where he had stashed it in his belt and hands it to her

He has a massive puch sewn into the belt of his oants, it's over half a foot long

2021-09-29, 01:51 PM
Toryc's mouth stretched in a toothy, fanged grin.

"Are you missing the chance to savour a hunt?" She queried Lhara curiously before nodding Jimmy's way. "The one with magic hands is right. They tried and failed. And have been warned away from troubling Drummond, for now."

2021-09-30, 02:43 PM
"Not successfully!" Jimmy says with a snort, once again drinking from the foul smelling flask that has got to be empty by now.

"Here's your statue by the way, kept it nice and safe." he says as he pulls the statue from where he had stashed it in his belt and hands it to her

He has a massive puch sewn into the belt of his oants, it's over half a foot long

"I can see that. Good work then", Lhara said as she took the statue, briefly examining it and seeming satisfied. "Didn't honestly expect anyone to try though. Cogs are wild, but I figure most would be muggers would have more sense than to try robbing people like you. Seemed like it was prudent to send a group after all, eh?"

Toryc's mouth stretched in a toothy, fanged grin.

"Are you missing the chance to savour a hunt?" She queried Lhara curiously before nodding Jimmy's way. "The one with magic hands is right. They tried and failed. And have been warned away from troubling Drummond, for now."

"Ha!" Lhara barked a laugh, and gave her own fierce grin back. Her teeth weren't quite as intimidating as the gnoll's but the smile did still come off as lightly inhuman. "The curse of advancing your career, you don't get to do as much hands on work. Though don't think I'm just a lazy old dog either."

"And like I said, good work. If you managed to teach your attackers a lesson, all the better. Now, I think it's time to introduce you to the client, and to deliver this idol to him. Follow me." Lhara beckoned you to follow her, and led you deeper into the guild building, through a maze of stone corridors. The walkways were flanked by statues of previous guild heroes, like Shekkal Korranor, the guild's founder, and the likes of Kallon ir'Harwent, Rayla of Farcove, Mira Dread and many more. "Bet you're imagining your likeness here, too, huh?" Lhara asked with a laugh.

Before long you were led to a well-appointed sitting room decorated with oak. In there you spot a middle-aged human man sitting in one of the comfy-looking chairs, scribbling furiously into a notebook. He was dressed in fine robes, his silver hair and beard well-groomed. He was so focused on his work that he didn't even seem to notice when you'd stopped next to him, Lhara needing to cough before he raised his eyes from whatever he was writing. "This is provost Nigel Faurious, our client. Provost, these are the hopefuls I mentioned." Lhara quickly introduces each of you. "They fetched your idol, going through some trouble I might add."

"Mmh, excellent!" Faurious said, eagerly grabbing the idol from Lhara, and examining it. "One down..."

2021-10-01, 08:11 PM
Prit would have been lying if he'd denied Lhara's question, he certainly had been imagining himself as a figure of importance to the Guild's history. Certainly he wasn't opposed to fame, but perhaps more importantly if he ever did find his image here it would likely mean that he had proved his craft once and for all!

In the next room the goblin nods to the human who had, apparently, hired them. "Greetings," he told the provost, "Yes, some trouble, but not enough to keep us from the sweet taste of success!" He tilts his head at the man's last few words, wondering if the statue was part of a set if this was his reaction, though he didn't think it important enough to call attention to.

2021-10-02, 11:16 AM
"Words." Toryc told Lhara wryly, her ears twitching. "I challenge you to prove it to me when you can, so we can both enjoy ourselves." Leaving it at that for now she followed the Shifter as she and the others were led through the building. She canted her head as they passed the statues, musing the thought but keeping her words to herself.

She regarded the Provost intently, studying him. "As Pritt said, it was well within our ability. And the experience was savoured."

2021-10-02, 07:39 PM
Bonvica takes the stroll down the statue corridor at an unhurried pace, looking at the iconic faces and armaments. "A statue here sounds about right. But one in front of the Council Hall would be nice, too. And one in Xen'drik, maybe Aerenal? One day, perhaps." She is either really good at deadpan delivery or seems to seriously think these are possibilities.

On meeting the Provost, Bonvica's reaction is one of interest. "What do you mean, 'one down'? Is this the first of a set? If this is a no-questions-asked sort of job, my apologies, but I'm curious what you're working on, it must be fascinating. And our friend here - " (she nods towards Arkthos) " - almost died in getting it. Did Daask know about this?"

2021-10-03, 06:12 AM
Lhara barked a laugh at Toryc's comment. "Ha! You are certainly spirited. You should learn some respect for your guild seniors though!" She didn't seem too serious about it though, just chuckling to herself as they walked.

"Ah, yes, good good..." Faurious said, though it didn't seem like he paid too much attention to the party's troubles, more focused on the idol. He'd taken out a wand, and was running it down the small statue, and it glowed faintly. "Well, the craftmanship is excellent, and you will be compensated for your trouble."

A soft smile spread on the provost lips as Bonvica asked her question. "Oh, as an academic I encourage questions." Faurious put his hand on his notebook as looked down on it. "I'm working on a grand thesis, and one part concerns Fernia. This idol will be most useful in finalizing that part of my research... I'm thinking of calling it 'The Convergence Manifesto'."

The provost had already moved the notebook away when you approached, and now he carefully closed it, murmuring a word. Something like a rune flashed on it. He tried to hide it, but you could see he didn't want any of you to see the contents. "...my work is still incomplete however. When it's finished you may of course acquire a copy and read it, I encourage it in fact. But academical world is rife with plagiarism and... undue criticism, so I find it best to keep the details to myself."

"And Daask? Those criminals? I don't have any reason to think they'd be involved in this. I don't associate with such characters."

Faurious had a very neat appearance, his clothes were well-tailored and he was immaculately groomed. He mostly spoke in a calm, thoughtful manner, but this project clearly was a matter of passion for him. And he seemed to have a somewhat bitter tone when he mentioned "criticism".

If you wanted to see what was written on the notebook, you can make a Wisdom (Perception) check.

2021-10-03, 03:22 PM
Bonvica at least managed to catch a little glimpse as Faurious closed his notebook.

The Provost wasn't scribing at the moment. Mostly it seemed like he was putting his thoughts on the paper, or at least in the parts you saw. No magical diagrams.

For too long, my theories have been dismissed…
There are no barriers. No limits!
I will prove my thesis, once and for all…
The Hungry Giant tavern supposedly has the best meat pies in Sharn. Investigate...
The Sea of Fire can be channeled for the betterment of all nations…

2021-10-06, 03:35 AM
Arkthos was experiencing a terrible headache, his skull throbbing intensely beneath the dented helm upon his head. Since the battle he had experienced sporadic bouts of dizziness and leaned heavily on Pig during the trip back to the guild. He offered little in conversation except for a half hearted wry smile, a few gruff grunts and the occasional nod. It wasn’t a surprise when he excused himself early.

While the reward for the job was nice, it wasn’t enough to pay for the armour he ordered, even with the generous discount. So Arkthos got to doing what he knew best. Hitting things and getting hit in return.
He would take punishment for others pleasure. Selling pain for a profit, either his or another’s. One way or another.
Between the beatings he checked in on his new friends at the forge and made sure all was still well there and that the armour was coming along nicely. Pig had grown fond of the gnome artificer and enjoyed the visits.

Downtime pit fighting.
Playing with Pig
Checking in on Pigs armour and talking to the crew at the forge.

2021-10-06, 08:10 AM
"There you have it", Lhara said. "And the good provost's work is already benefiting you! Let's leave master Faurious with his prize for a moment, we have payment to discuss."

Lhara beckoned you to move a bit farther away, leaving Faurious to admire the Burning Idol. "Now this was supposed to be a simple delivery job, but sounds like you even managed to get Daask involved! If you don't know much about them, I'd advise caution if you decide to get involved. Not sayin' to play nice either, they aren't very nice, but they're also powerful. Law in Sharn is... flexible. Not that they're as influential as Boromar, but they've got enough to keep the watch at bay, and operate in many places where the watchmen don't care to watch in the first place. Just an advice from your handler."

"Now, since you did work extra hard for this, guess the reward's gotta match the labor." The put a leather satchel on the table, and pulled several pieces of paper from it. She wrote something on each of them, and handed you the slips. They were all marked with the same Kundarak symbol as Prit's lottery ticket earlier, and seemed to indicate each were worth a hundred golden galifars. "More or less a standard guild fee for potentially dangerous work, 'least for someone of your renown. Hopefully this will encourage you to accept more missions, eh?"

"And besides the reward and the renown, since you're all now Clifftop members, you get a nice little discount if you go shop at the Dragon's Hoard armory, here in Clifftop district."

Boromar is pretty much another influential criminal organization in Sharn, pretty much a halfling mafia. They are an old power, and are opposed by Daask, who have come to the city much more recently."

You get a 5% discount from Dragon's Hoard on all equipment (not magic items).

2021-10-06, 12:45 PM
Toryc nodded at Lhara as the payment and advice were provided, tucking her own note away. "They are moving in Drummond's area. This attack was about him, not this item." A pause. "Or so the Ettin they sent believed. Hgn, perhaps they're trying to lay false trails to hide their tracks

We will watch for them then, they know of us now." Another nod at mention of the armoury. "I will visit if needed for my equipment, and yes, watch for more jobs. I dislike being idle."

2021-10-11, 02:44 PM
Lhara shrugged. "No idea. Though as far as I understood, Faurious isn't planning to do anymore business with the forge. I do know Daask has pretty much established Cogs as their territory, so them gathering 'protection' money from a business like this isn't surprising." The shifter shrugged. "Feel free to do as you will. Though I have to warn you, if you get too mixed up, I can't promise the guild will pull your rears out of the fire."

"Well, if you want my suggestion now, try to be available in a week or so. Otherwise, you're free to go. If you go the tavern, I reckon there are some that might be eager buy you some drinks for besting Deathsgate earlier. I have some other business to attend to right now though." Lhara started to leave, but then turned to look at Toryc. "Oh, Toryc, if you still wanted to hunt, be here at the guild hall by noon." Then Lhara strode away with a wave of her hand.

2021-11-16, 02:36 PM
Episode 2 - Live Another Day


A week later after your initiation and first short adventure, you all got called to gather at Drunken Dragon, a bar near the guild. You have a table reserved (though the midday crowd doesn't exactly fill the place), with food and (reasonable amount of) drink paid, with cups of Lhazaar brought to you as soon as you sit on the table. The place seems decent, with everbright lanterns keeping the room nicely lit. A table next you had a couple days old newspaper open (https://i.ibb.co/QJ85XP0/Sharn-Inquisitive-Template.png).

The guild handler, white-haired shifter named Lhara had invited you there, though it wasn't a social call. Letters you received told you to prepare for several days of travel if you decided to accept, and for cold weather. And to not get too drunk before she arrived. Lhara seemed to be running late though, which gave you each a chance to catch up, as well as eat and drink, all paid by the guild.

2021-11-17, 02:06 AM
Toryc padded into view before too long, dressed in her usual hunting/fighting attire but with a fur lined cloak bundled under her arm and a bear fang hanging around her neck on a leather band. The newspaper got a glance and a claw speared it to bring it to the table with her where she spread it open so anyone else could see the various headlines.

She took a good swig of her drink, risking ignoring the note to not get too drink and leaned back in her chair, observing the room and taking stock as she waited.

2021-11-18, 08:35 AM
"hehhehe!" Jimmy laughed as he wobbled into the seat and took a swig of his, now much larger, hip flask.

"We're on the front page! Menaces! Ha! And Little old me wasn't even trying. Looks like I haven't lost it in my old age."

2021-11-18, 08:00 PM
Bonvica nurses her tea, not in any rush. She's got a pack with her for the travel, and has stocked up on some rations. Her eyes look a little bleary, like maybe she was out at a bar the previous evening as well, but she seems content.

She chuckles at the newspaper, saying, "Look, Arkthos - they got your good side." She leans back and sits cross-legged in her chair.

2021-11-19, 10:18 PM
Prit snickers at the so-called 'air purifier', making a mental note to look into approaching the Cannith at some point. If that was the sort that they were churning out, he had a feeling that there might be an opening within soon enough...

2021-11-20, 03:35 AM
"Twice." Toryc noted with a gesture at the front page and the air of satisfaction. "The Warforged too. We seem to be making a name, even if it comes with us being cursed at." This clearly amused her too. "How did you all spend your days?" She glanced at the slightly hungover looking Bonvica with a chuckle.

2021-11-20, 10:18 AM
Jimmy takes a swig from the remarkably larger flask he now carries, and grins.

"Spent me down time gettin' some more of my Swamp Juice brewed. Didn't think anyone up here was cultured enough to handle the delicate process, but I found a dwarf almost as crazy as me who handled it!" Jimmys says with a laugh and a slap to his bowlegged knee "I got a couple barrels of the stuff in my apartment now, whole rooms filled up with 'em. Should last me a good while."

2021-11-24, 04:00 PM
Your chatter was interrupted, as Lhara loudly entered the tavern. "Greetings, hatchlings! Toryc!" the shifter said, winking at Toryc with her one eye. She sauntered over to your table, and started to uncork the tube. "I hope you've all been doing well, but before you add more to the guild's tab, I have work talk." Lhara spread a map of Khorvaire on the table. "As you might have guessed, I have another assignment for you, and this one comes from provost Faurious as well! Less fire involved this time though." She traced a path from Sharn to a mountain range to the north. "A place called Shining Valley is supposed to be located here, and it's your job to find it, and bring a certain relic there. It's not easy, nobody has an exact map of the region, it's cold and the inhabitants might not be too hospitable. You lot up for it?"


2021-11-24, 04:46 PM
Bonvica responds with youthful exuberance. "Definitely! Do we get to ride pterodactyls there? I know it's not quite Talenta but it WOULD make the journey easier. What is that, like a hundred miles? And it looks like the train doesn't head that way."

2021-11-25, 02:17 AM
"Lhara." Teeth flash as Toryc grinned, returning the wink. She listened to the briefing, then tapped a single claw on the region they were tasked with travelling to. "You already know my answer to your question, so no need to give it. Hgn, and this is very close to home. We might meet denizens from Droaam in these mountains."

A nod at Bonvica and a laugh. "Faster then foot! We know a Talenta Halfing, but she would rather stab me then help us find mounts. If we do ask her, it'd need to be someone other than me." A rumble. "We would need equipment for climbing, and a lot of supplies. And yes, the method of travel needs deciding."

2021-11-25, 02:52 AM
"I appreciate the enthusiasm!" barked Lhara. "The guild, by which I of course mean myself, has in fact arranged transportation. Better than train or a horse, and certainly faster than a pterodactyl, though which one is better is a subjective judgement. Captain Darien d'Lyrandar will take you there on his airship. Or close enough at least, don't think there are many places for airship to dock there. He's a fine enough fellow, has done a lot of business with the guild. There's still going to be climbing and trekking involved, and like Toryc mentioned, denizens of Droaam. Who may or may not be amicable towards you. Let's just hope you run into old friends!" She grinned and nodded at Toryc.

Lhara had also brought a backpack with her, and hefted it on the table. "Now while I said nobody has an exact region of the map, I do have a map for you. Can't vouch for accuracy, but hopefully it'll guide you to the right direction." She then pulled a beautifully crafted sapphire amulet out of the bag, the gemstone hanging from a silver chain. "Previously, you dealth with Fernia. This one should be much nicer. Within the Shining Valley, there should be a large Irian manifest zone, a plane of light and positive energy. According to Faurious, it ought to be pretty easy to notice when you're inside the zone. You just need to keep the gem there for 24 hours to charge it, and it should have a pretty bright glow once it's done." Lhara said. She put the amulet in the pack and pushed it towards you. "Sounds easy enough, right?"

2021-11-26, 02:46 AM
The Gnoll's head canted as she digested this information, taking another drink from her cup. "What is the purpose of this relic Lhara? Airships cost a great deal, even if I trust you can have the price lowered, so it must be valuable." She eyed the amulet, leaning forward to study it before she carefully picked up the pack Lhara had placed it in. "Might we have enemies trying to take it from us en route?" Her teeth flashed in a hopeful grin at the prospect. "It is simple, yes. That does not mean easy, as we all know. But failure is not sought and won't be found."

A sly look. "I do hope you've given us something to come with a challenge, but we will see."

2021-11-26, 03:38 AM
"Far as I can tell, the same as that statue you delivered. Faurious is researching the planes, and needs these relics for his work. Can't really speak for specifics though." Lhara shrugged. "It's true that he's prepared to pay a great deal, though the ship's just making a slightest detour to drop you off, so it's not like we reserved a whole ship just for you. Your names ain't that big just yet" she finished with a grin.

"Better prepare for anything. The mountains aren't deserted, and any fool with eyes can tell the amulet is valuable, even if they don't know what it's for. Since there are many unkowns, you get half of the pay in advance." Lhara tapped the bag. "50 galifars each. I also packed two healing potions for each of you as well as letters of acceptance, confirming you belong to the guild. You have to figure out the way back yourselves, but you should be able to use the letters in case you need credit. The guild will cover the travel expenses back to Sharn."

Lhara chuckled at Toryc's last comment. "Well, you lot managed to somehow involve Daask with the quick delivery job I gave you, so I imagine there will be plenty of challenges with this trip." Her tone made it clear she wasn't really blaming them for it though, just joking.

So to recap, everyone receives

50 gp
2 Potions of Healing
Letter of acceptance (Identification about being a guild member)

2021-11-27, 08:31 PM
Prit idly strokes his chin as he considers the job description. "It sounds simple enough..." he muses, "Though that last job also seemed simple on the face of it." He gives it a moments more thought before shrugging. "Well, it's been too long since I've left Sharn, it'll be good to stretch my legs a bit."

2021-11-28, 01:06 AM
"The guild, by which I of course mean myself, has in fact arranged transportation. Better than train or a horse, and certainly faster than a pterodactyl, though which one is better is a subjective judgement. Captain Darien d'Lyrandar will take you there on his airship. Or close enough at least, don't think there are many places for airship to dock there. He's a fine enough fellow, has done a lot of business with the guild." Lhara had also brought a backpack with her, and hefted it on the table. She put the amulet in the pack and pushed it towards you. "Sounds easy enough, right?"

Bonvica perks up at the mention of a Lyrandar, but her face falls again as she doesn't recognize the name. Airships are still cool though. "Close enough is okay, I have some practice Feather-falling and can get us all down safe."

Bonvica also studies the map and examines the amulet for a bit, too, while Lhara is still talking. "I can hold onto the pack this time, if that's all right. I just hope it's as obvious as you say when we're at the right spot. And thanks for the potions, though I hope we won't need them." She raps her knuckles twice on the table for luck.

2021-11-28, 10:33 AM
Toryc nodded, making a thoughtful huffing sound. "I will see about sending a letter before we leave. It's possible I can arrange for our transport back, though it's likely to be slower then an airship."

Dipping her head to Bonvica she passed the pack over to her. "Do any of you have ways to disguise the amulet and its value?"

2021-11-29, 03:42 AM
Prit idly strokes his chin as he considers the job description. "It sounds simple enough..." he muses, "Though that last job also seemed simple on the face of it." He gives it a moments more thought before shrugging. "Well, it's been too long since I've left Sharn, it'll be good to stretch my legs a bit."

"That's the attitude!" Lhara chuckled. "Never know where 'simple enough' tasks will lead you, but I reckon you lot didn't choose this profession because you wanted certainty."

Bonvica perks up at the mention of a Lyrandar, but her face falls again as she doesn't recognize the name. Airships are still cool though. "Close enough is okay, I have some practice Feather-falling and can get us all down safe."

Bonvica also studies the map and examines the amulet for a bit, too, while Lhara is still talking. "I can hold onto the pack this time, if that's all right. I just hope it's as obvious as you say when we're at the right spot. And thanks for the potions, though I hope we won't need them." She raps her knuckles twice on the table for luck.

"Hah, falling well is certainly a good skill to have, especially when the situation calls for it", Lhara responded to Bonvica. "And better be too prepared than not prepared enough!"

Lhara turned to leave, but then stopped, seeming to remember something. "One more thing. It's not necessary, but if you can draw some sort of map of the Shining Valley once you get there, I can add in a little bonus to your pay. Charting the uncharted is part of exploring and adventuring after all! Otherwise it sounds like you know what you're doing. The ship, Clear Blue Sky, leaves from Dragon Towers this evening. You should have time to get some shopping done if you need to. Good luck on your mission!" With that, Lhara turned to leave, going to chat with some other folks in the tavern, leaving you to discuss among yourselves.

2021-12-02, 02:46 PM
Once the party got their preparations done, it was easy enough to find the dock of the airship. A young-looking half-elf with refined features and fine clothes is waiting for you by the ship. He was wearing vest and bearing his arms, likely to show off a dragonmark slithering down his forearm and hand. "Welcome!" he exclaimed. "To my magnificent vessel! I am captain Darien, and I have the honor of escorting you to your destination!" He gave you a flourishing bow. "Make yourselves at home, though not too much. As much as I'd like to entertain you for longer, your destination isn't far away."

Feel free to mention if you did any shopping or other preparations.

2021-12-02, 06:34 PM
"Nice to meet ya Captain! Names Magic Hands Jimmy, we here we'll be flying on your great big floating log."

2021-12-02, 08:11 PM
Bonvica smiles warmly to her dragonmark-brother, rolling up her sleeve to show her own. "Mellon! A fine ship you have here. A pleasure to meet you both. Bonvica Siannodel, of the Valenar Siannodels. You're making me jealous I don't have one of these of my own, now." She stomps the deck approvingly. "I'm sure she'll get us where we need to go in no time at all. It'll be a shame to jump off such a perfectly good cair."

Mark of Storm buddies yay! I'd already kinda played it like Bonvica doesn't know this guy personally but she hopes to make a good connection. She stays in Common except for the Elvish "friend" and "ship" stuck in there pidgin-style.

2021-12-03, 02:33 AM
Having sent out a short message to clan near the mountain range, Toryc had kept it somewhat to the point, requesting a cart and horses (or the equivalent) be bought there in a few days and that she'd pay for the cost when she and the others arrived. She kept the details of what they were doing out of it. Her clan was trusted to the utmost, but messages could be lost or stumble into the wrong hands and she preferred caution.

Now she strode up with the others, ears flicking in mild amusement at Jimmy's greeting to the Captain and eyes considering Bonvica's with a curious edge. "Captain." She offered simply. "Thank you for the passage."

2021-12-03, 03:49 PM
"Nice to meet ya Captain! Names Magic Hands Jimmy, we here we'll be flying on your great big floating log."

"That's a... description..." Darien said. He seemed to actually be a little surprised Jimmy was coming with them, and wasn't actually a vagrant but one of his passengers. The captain shrugged off his surprise quickly, and gave Jimmy welcoming, polite bow. Though notably he didn't offer to shake the old man's hand, unlike those of the other party members. "You're all most welcome, and most honored of course!"

Bonvica smiles warmly to her dragonmark-brother, rolling up her sleeve to show her own. "Mellon! A fine ship you have here. A pleasure to meet you both. Bonvica Siannodel, of the Valenar Siannodels. You're making me jealous I don't have one of these of my own, now." She stomps the deck approvingly. "I'm sure she'll get us where we need to go in no time at all. It'll be a shame to jump off such a perfectly good cair."

"<Elvish> Ah, Valenar!" Darien exclaimed. He didn't seem to mind switching over to the elven tongue, even if it may have been somewhat rude. "<Elvish> It's unfortunate we haven't had a run-in before, but I do tend to spend more time in the air than on the ground, hah! Siannodel, Siannodel... I must know one of your relatives, I'm sure."

The captain was clearly pleased by the comment about the ship, and finally switched back to Common. "You have a good eye! I consider her the finest ship the house has! Though of course it is mostly because she me in command, hah!" Darien said with a boisterous chuckle. More people were running around on the deck, preparing for the departure. "Ah, we should get out of the way. But you must join me for drinks! Come!" And with that, the captain stormed away, as if propelled by winds. Servants appeared, offering to take your luggage and allowing you to follow the captain if you wished.

Captain Lyrandar was already busing pouring himself a drink in his quarters. The room was lavishly decorated, teetering between good taste and pretentiousness. There was a shelf stocked with expensive spirits, and there were light snacks on the table, some fruits and cheese. "Help yourself!" Darien gestured at the collection of bottles, and then sat down on the fanciest chair at the head of the long table. There was portrait of the half-elf behind the chair on the wall. The artist had somewhat exaggerated his dashing looks, though it seemed to capture his rather loud personality well, portraying him waving a sword, stormy sky behind him. "Sit, please! Regale me with some stories of your adventures!"

2021-12-05, 12:46 PM
Toryc considered the room and their host before sitting, carefully resting hands on the table and speaking up after a moment. "There are several options. Do you prefer Warforged protests, Ettin ambushes or unnaturally large bears?"

2021-12-05, 04:11 PM
The captain quirked an eyebrow. "How big was that bear?"

2021-12-05, 04:36 PM
The Gnoll stood again, stretching out her arms to either side to indicate something of great size. "Bigger than me. Or this room. When it grew it was the size of a small house and it was just me and Lhara to stand against it. Strong as it was, we had to keep moving, or it would have crushed us. It was a dance, needing us to avoid a single misstep." Teeth glint as she holds up the fang hung around her neck. "In the end, it fell to our blades, and showed me that even in such a 'tame' land, there are challenges to be found."

2021-12-07, 02:33 AM
Captain Darien listened with a widening grin, sipping on his drink. At the end, he pounded the table with his palm. "Hah, excellent! A bear the size of a room, now that'd make for a mighty fine pelt! And just two to take it down? I see Clifftop still knows how to recruit." He took another sip. "...is there a room sized pelt for sale?"

The captain also glanced at Bonvica. "Is Alana Siannodel a relative of yours by any chance? I've met her once or twice, and think I do see a resemblance." he asked. "Tell me, have you also manifested a mark?" He was still lounging in a relaxed manner, but his seemed more intent.

If Bonvica's mark can be seen, disregard the last question.

2021-12-18, 11:54 AM
sorry, I hadn't seen the direct question and it's been a busy couple weeks wrapping up the year here for me. Didn't mean to hold things up.

"Ah, cousin Alanna! I'm not surprised you've heard of her, she's only the best airship captain in Valenar. I'm making my own path rather than trying to follow in her footsteps."

Bonvica showed her mark to Captain Darien as well. "House life, you know, it's not really for me, though. The Guild's my ticket to travel."

2021-12-18, 04:15 PM
"Oh, I can certainly understand the draw of an adventuring life... I was somewhat wilder when I was younger too." Darien cast a longing look at a sword hanging on the wall, then took a sip of his wine. "With such ambitions, I might guess you have manifested your mark then? I could always use someone with a mark, but if you're set on doing things your way, I shall be a gracious host and not pester you about such things too much."

2021-12-18, 04:38 PM
[B][COLOR="#000080"]"With such ambitions, I might guess you have manifested your mark then? I could always use someone with a mark, but if you're set on doing things your way, I shall be a gracious host and not pester you about such things too much."

"Yes, at the test when I was twelve. Maybe someday I'll pilot an airship like yourself... but I think I'd like to do it on my own terms. Maybe start up a Xen'drik branch of the House, you know." Bonvica smiles mischievously.

2021-12-21, 06:13 AM
"Hah, Xen'drik? You do have lofty ambitions, I like that. I have some experience about the continent myself... Strange places, filled equally with dangers and opportunities." Darien made a mysterious gesture with his freehand. "Perhaps in the future when you make it, I'll be your business partner instead of an employer!"

2021-12-21, 11:02 AM
Saved from having to admit the bear shrunk after it was bought down by the ensuring conversation between the Captain and Bonvica, Toryc settled into her seat to sample some of the food before her. Her ears twitched in indication that she was listening, despite her bout of relative quietness. She rumbled after a moment, finding a strange hint of.. she was unsure how to place it. Discomfort, with the idea of one of the group she'd wound up in being lured away from the guild.

Foolishness. Contracts changed and people moved on to different things.

"I only know about Xen'drik from rumours." Her eyes set on the Captain as she finally spoke up. "You should share one of your stories."

2021-12-21, 01:06 PM
"Hah, Xen'drik? You do have lofty ambitions, I like that. I have some experience about the continent myself... Strange places, filled equally with dangers and opportunities." Darien made a mysterious gesture with his freehand. "Perhaps in the future when you make it, I'll be your business partner instead of an employer!"

"Do tell! And it's a deal, haha. No risk, no reward, eh?" Bonvica has taken a liking to Darien despite their different career paths. She listens intently to his story and makes mental note of some of the places involved. "Someday, yes."

2021-12-22, 04:40 PM
Ha, I'm not the one to back down from boasting about past glories!" Darien said, a little color on his cheeks from the wine. "Well, one thing you should know about Xen'drik, that you can't really know it. You can't trust any maps, not even your own memory. It's like... everything is in flux. The roads shift, and what may have taken once a day's travel, may instead take a week, or the other way around. Almost as if the whole continent is alive! And it knows you are an invader..." Darien trailed off, his tone ominous.

"Needless to say, it never stopped me, of course! Recounting even one of my expeditions would take longer than your trip, and I don't like cutting one of my stories short, so I'll just recount one memorable event." He cleared his throat, taking a more comfortable position on his chair. "It was my first time in the continent, and I was part of an expedition looking for a certain relic. We had managed to hire some locals as guides, there's a tribe of elves there. Quite peculiar folk, worship a scorpion, but I found them quite charming, one of our guides in particular..." he seemed wistful, thinking back to past adventures and people. "Not that they were especially fond of us either, but we did pay well."

"Naturally I wanted to make good impression, so I was bold. Took too many risks, but somehow managed to survive. I bet the rest of the company I could make it to the designated spot. I started marching, but somehow I fell into a nest of giant scorpions! I managed to defeat many and flee, with some stings. Then I ran into a giant! Now that was a fierce battle, but luckily I managed to lure the beast bear a cliff, and push it over. When I made it to the meeting point, a day later than the rest, I told my story to the guides. They do not like giants, and were impressed with my exploits. I gained some favor with them, I'm happy to say..." He gestured to one of the walls. Several weapons hung there, and the one he was pointing at was an exotic looking whip. "It felt after that ordeal, navigating my way through the continent was easier. I like to think I was tested, and not found wanting."