View Full Version : Gods of Misrule [IC]

An Aardvark
2021-09-09, 05:19 PM
Two weeks ago

You wake up gasping for breath. The stars dance in your vision as the dream fades. You try to hold on to the fragments but they're gone before you can grasp them. A gunshot. Lightning. Death and screaming.

You shake your head slowly and swing your feet over the edge of the bed, anticipating the pain as your twisted ankle touches the bare earth. It never comes. You frown and put more weight on it. Nothing! You jump out of bed and inspect your bruises, the cuts on your hands, the scraped knees. They're all healed! You frown. You've never been able to do something like this before...

That's when you feel the power surge in your veins, flowing with a new divinity you'd hardly felt before. You flex your fingers with glee. You've been trying to develop your powers ever since your spark ignited but you haven't been having much success. Maybe all that hard work has been paying off! You're one step closer to becoming the God of Fools. With a wide grin you look up at the starry sky. Time to try these powers out!

Present day

The rain falls hard in endless streams of water. Efficient salarymen walk home through the bustling streets carrying their standard black umbrellas. In the twilight and the rain, the only colour visible in the grey and gloom is the streaks of garish neon, and you. Heads turn as you walk past, then turn away just as quickly, unwilling to get involved in whatever it is that you represent. You don't mind. You focus on the one figure scurrying about ten yards ahead of you. He also carries the same black umbrella as every other person on the streets right now. But there's no losing him. Not dressed as he is, in a bright red lucha libre style outfit.

I'm going to say it's been about five days since you started searching for your friend. What is she called? Describe what you're wearing and also what progress you've made in the search. How did you discover she had gone missing?

2021-09-09, 11:14 PM
Alex was wondering what the hell happened to her friend. Dispite her worries she had to recall the facts. Dressed in a a Mexican rock band branded t shirt and jeans she was pondering said facts.

Her friend was Osaki Shika. She was a rising star in the Japanese female wrestling world. Also known as joshi wrestlers they take many bumps that hurt their bodies in a non pretend way. Many wrestlers die young. Tho that never seemed to bother Shika tho. As long as she lived out her passions she was happy. And Alex was happy for her.

So when Shika called screaming "They are coming to get me!" Alex knew she had to find her friend with no hesitation whatsoever.

Alex found out recently that this red costumed luchador had some connection to the yakuza since he was a kid. That's all alex managed to to find out so far.

Alex bluntly walked up to the man and asked "would you know where osaki shika is?" Followers of the fool have no place for subtlety afterall.