View Full Version : anyone knows this movie: dead people wake up on a beach from neanderthal to 2009

2021-09-12, 03:15 PM
i saw this movie on tv once, i'm trying to find the title. This is what I remember: it begins with an astronaut in 2009 on the space shuttle or space shuttle like spacecraft going through some kind of asteroids field /debis storm. Next scene he wakes up on a beach with a lot of other people, the people are all young and fit say stuff like "yesterday I was 93 years old" some say they were fighting in WWII, there is also an ape-like humonoid described as neanderthal. after a while some "knights" or like thugs on horses appear and start doing violence on them and probably capture them.

anyone knows this movie ?

Manga Shoggoth
2021-09-12, 04:21 PM
Sounds very vaguely like To Your Scattered Bodies Go/Riverworld (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/Riverworld?from=Literature.ToYourScatteredBodiesGo ), which apparanty got made into something on SyFi (twice).

2021-09-12, 04:21 PM
Sounds like the movie Riverworld (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riverworld_(2003_film)).

2021-09-13, 07:43 AM
Thank you guys

2021-10-18, 12:59 PM
I immediately thought of Riverworld just from the title, but I never knew it had been made into a movie.