View Full Version : 3rd Ed What is the Manifester level of a War Mind?

2021-09-13, 10:00 AM
Right so reading through War Mind (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/warMind.htm) I noticed that nowhere does it state what its manifester level should be. I believe it should be 1+ War Mind class level assuming you don't have another manifester class but I am not completely certain that is correct so figured I would check.

2021-09-13, 10:02 AM
It would be equal to their War Mind level. Not sure where you're getting the 1+ from (they don't need a ML to enter the PrC if that's what you're counting, and it wouldn't stack anyway.)

2021-09-13, 10:23 AM
It would be equal to their War Mind level. Not sure where you're getting the 1+ from (they don't need a ML to enter the PrC if that's what you're counting, and it wouldn't stack anyway.)

Yeah our group has a house rule that hidden talent and wild talent adds 1 to your manifester level if that is less than your HD I hadn't realized that was a house rule...

2021-09-13, 10:43 AM
That would indeed be a houserule. Wild Talent adds no ML at all, while Hidden Talent gives you a conditional ML of 1 only used for manifesting the power you got through the feat and no other purpose, and doesn't stack with any other ML you get.

You can also qualify for War Mind by being a psionic race that starts with a power point pool if you don't want to spend the feat.

2021-09-13, 10:44 AM
I read through it, and I couldn't find the ML stated anywhere, either. I also note that war mind explicitly prevents multiple manifesting classes from gaining bonus pp from high ability scores, even though multiclass manifesters explicitly gain them.

Multiclass Psionic Characters
If you have levels in more than one psionic class, you combine your power points from each class to make up your reserve. You can use these power points to manifest powers from any psionic class you have. For example, a 5th-level psion/5th-level psychic warrior has 20 power points from her psion levels (plus any bonus points for a high Intelligence score) and 7 power points from her psychic warrior levels (plus any bonus points for a high Wisdom score), for a total of 27 power points (plus any bonus points).

Meanwhile, the war mind has this:

Bonus power points from having a high ability score can be gained only for the character’s highest psionic class.So if you're a manifester, don't PrC into war mind (or vice versa), because it screws you out of bonus pp from at least half your manifesting classes.

[edit] Fist of Zuoken is the same way on both counts, unfortunately.