View Full Version : The Dying Twilight [IC]

2021-09-15, 01:35 AM
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The stone door creaked open, an old grating sound that seemed to echo through the hollow passage behind you, it rattled your bones, and you instinctively held your breath, hoping, praying that your prey was not disturbed. It was a huge door, some 20 feet across and 40 ft high, the door handles, massive cast iron rings that knocked against the stone with a clatter, the metal was pock marked, and rusted, but they still worked, such was the craftsmanship.

The floor was smooth, as if the stone doors had eroded it down to a glassy smooth sheen, polished by countless footsteps long gone to the eaons of the past.

The flames of your torch, or light spell, flickered with hunger, spitting embers into the air as they tried in earnest to light up the forthcoming chamber, they tried, but were not quite enough, it was a massive cave, with enormous pillars that reached into the darkness above where your lights could not penetrate, the angular stonework the hallmark of the dwarven lords that built this place in a time before now. The pillars were larger than a house wide, and some had stairs that cross crossed up them, mostly broken and leading to nowhere, their hosts long gone.

This was the nexus of the rot, a rot you were tasked with cleansing, and you had, up to this point, you had dealt with Bodaks, wights, and vampires, skeleton hordes, and shambling zombies, most orc and goblinoids, but a few of the former vainglorious tenants creaked around in their fullplate, beards still stuck to their skulls.

It had been a rough go, but you had made it to what you think is the lair of whatever evil spawned these abominations, and now, you entered into the once magnificent, but now ancient throne room, beyond this precipice, is your greatest challenge to date.

Peering in, nothing stirs from the movement and cacophony you errantly made, just the flickering lights that seemed to hunger for more.

2021-09-15, 08:47 AM
Merakliz, the "Jade Huntress", uses her shoulder against the colossal stone door. She was on the tall side for a woman but still shorter than most male warriors. Her highly toned body applied force through her shoulder as the group combined to gain entry. Her heightened senses instinctively take in the newly exposed hall. Short of detecting immediate danger she raises her hand as usual to signal the others to wait so that they would not disturb any tracks that may lay ahead. She quietly steps to the edge of the area the door swept through. Merakliz takes a knee and studies the ground for signs of passage and signs of what created them. Her elven crafted magical composite bow rested in her left hand while her arrow quiver hung from her right hip.

Blindsight 60', blindsense 90'
Listen [roll0] (FE: add Arcane +6, Undead +4, Evil Outsider +2)
Spot [roll1] (FE: add Arcane +6, Undead +4, Evil Outsider +2)
Track [roll2] (+2 underground, FE: add Arcane +6, Undead +4, Evil Outsider +2)
Move Silently [roll3]

2021-09-15, 01:33 PM
Vessel Dismas' eyes pierce the darkness before them without the aid of light. He stands there on cloven hoof and draped in shadow even when he stands under the halo of an ally's light, signs of what passengers he has taken aboard this morning. Having forsworn material wealth, Dismas stands simply clothed with only his weapon, and walking stick, the guisarme visible as his sole possessions, though you know his pockets to be filled with chalk for drawing the sigils and circles necessary to call forth vestiges.

Speaking softly in the quiet after the door's opening, Dismas says, "Be wary. Who knows what evil festers in this tainted place."

Seeing Merakliz attempt to track their quarry, Dismas attempts to offer what aid the Grandmother Huntress can provide.

See in Darkness (Tenebrous): See perfectly in darkness of any kind.

Attempt to Aid Another on Merakliz's track check: [1d20+3

2021-09-15, 02:08 PM
Zephyr winces at the sound of the door as they all shoulder it open, moreso at the horrible sound than at the potential alert of their presence. She's never been too keen on discretion, anyway. Open just enough to allow them through single file, the seven-foot-some woman slips through the doorway after the others, her slender height unmatched by her regular waistline... Though the massive Greathammer on her shoulder does barely work it's way through.

As the humans search for tracks, Zephyr stays by the doorway to keep a wary eye over and above them. Leaning against the wall, she takes in everything she can through eyes, ears, and nose in the old, musty cave. She rests all 60' of Greathammer propped upside-down on the floor in front of her, hands tented on it's long haft. Her black velvet wings twitch lightly at her back, itching for the newfound aerial freedom of the cavern, after the more claustrophobic journey leading up to this point.

Lowlight Vision, Blindsense 30', Scent 30' - 60'

[roll0] (FE: +2 vs Undead, Arcanist)
[roll1] (FE: +2 vs Undead, Arcanist)

Stances: Thicket of Blades(Always-On), while alternating Hearing the Air/Hunter's Sense to pick up on any extra information.

2021-09-16, 01:13 AM
There may be some evil here. The others seem cautious, that’s never good. Panton absently pats his dire lion’s head, scratching him behind his ear. The beast purrs, an unnerving sound from so large a chest. Panton places his hand on the cat’s muzzle to quiet him. “The time will come little one, soon I feel.”

Dusk Raven
2021-09-16, 08:03 PM
Even in a dungeon, Zanria still has a faint smile on her dusky-colored face, visible in the light of her scimitar, augmented as it is with a light crystal. She doesn't say anything as she follows behind. Relying on light as she does, she knows she's not the best advance scout in this situation - not if she wants to remain hidden. Dousing her light would do little good, as the undead frequently don't need light to see, so instead, she simply hangs back. The Celestial armor she wears fits neatly under her loose desert clothes, letting her move quickly and quietly as she attempts to track their foe. She's far less skilled a tracker than Merakliz, but she still does her best to help...

Listen [roll0] (FE: Undead +4)
Spot [roll1] (FE: Undead +4)
Track [roll2] (FE: Undead +4)
Move Silently [roll3]

2021-09-16, 09:35 PM
The Bone Knight moved with the rest of the group. The large two-handed bladed mace she carried glowed with a cool blue light to provide some measure of vision as they entered through the darkened doors.

The necrocarnum bound to her head provided a measure of warning for the group around blind corners and doors. Since their gathering together, Aerilaya had focused on keeping the others in top condition through her specific training in the Devoted Spirit. Thus far, there hadn't been any need to call up the energy of her faith.

Necrocarnum Circlet - detect undead (30ft)
Current Stance(s) - martial spirit / iron guard glare

2021-09-21, 05:29 PM
As you enter the room after the loudness of the door, and in between the reality that you are not alone, your beating heart pounds in your ears, making it feel as if time was standing still.

Almost all of you see the eery eyes turn and regard you in the dark silence, their anger was palpable, and you could sense the hunger in the air as they eyed new prey.


Roll initiative!


Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Hes2uC7rNyughDjrDrAYyyQzW36LM3WImW6AwoEYBrw/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-09-25, 10:30 PM
"There's at least three of them. Focus on killing one before we move on to the next one. There's a pillar to the right that will hinder them more than us. Or we can draw them out of the room and only deal with one at a time." Merakliz starts to reach for arrows.

Don't forget to place yourselves on the map.
Probably better for us to draw them into the 10' corridor we came from.

2021-09-27, 05:20 PM
Combat Round 1

Monsters 18
Merakliz 15
Zanria 15
Dismas 11
Aerilaya 5
Panton 2

Zephyr is up, then the monsters, then everyone.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Hes2uC7rNyughDjrDrAYyyQzW36LM3WImW6AwoEYBrw/edit?usp=sharing)

DC 22
These 3 large undead creatures are known as 'Devourer's'. Devourers lurk on the Ethereal Plane and the Astral Plane, stalking both natives and travelers with equal sadistic glee.

DC 27
A devourer is about 9 feet tall and weighs 500 pounds

DC 32
The devourer is named for its ability to consume an enemy’s life essence. This fuels their spell like abilities

DC 37
A devourer can drain your energy with their natural attacks.

2021-09-27, 06:03 PM
https://i.vgy.me/iMkIzS.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2508573)

As usual, Zephyr had already left before Merakliz could dole out orders, darting into the dark silence towards the glowing eyes. While the Ioun Torch lazily circling her head provided just enough low-light for her to find the unnatural creatures, her fast approach spotlights them clearly for the humans behind her. That always manages to keep her archer happy, at least!

Zephyr looses her hammer in an arc ending in the center monster's right leg, using the ricochet momentum to spin herself and her hammer 270 degrees back around into another sound blow to it's spine. The pair of blows unbalances the creature, sending it stumbling forward towards the others to finish off.

Having served up the first, Zephyr backflips to the left-side horror feet-first for a dual cartwheel kick to it's ugly head. Blitzed, she brings her hammer around for one final slice to the back of it's knees to send it sprawling forward in a pincer movement. Landing on both feet once more, she turns her focus ahead looking around for the rest of the incoming undead, placing full faith in the others to finish what she started.
With LLV she can see 80', charge 90', and reach 10', just barely enough!

Full-Round: Tide of Chaos

Charge, moving 90' (Double 45') to T14 (10' from Center Flesh Golem)

+8 Att, +4d6 Dmg (vs Lawful, Assumed Ignored)
+2 Att, -2 AC (Charge)
+3 Att, +3 Dmg (Insight)
+1d6 Dmg (Skirmish)
+1 AC (Dodge, All after 10')
+4 Dmg (vs Flat-Footed)
+6 Att, +5 Dmg (Maneuver)
-4 Att, +2 Kicks (Two-Weapon Fighting, Snap Kick)

Total: +7 Att, +12+1d6 Dmg, -1 AC

Hammer 1 vs. Center Flesh Golem

[roll0] for [roll1] Magic Bludg, plus [roll2] Skirmish(?)
On 19+, Crit: [roll3] for [roll4] Dmg (Unlikely, Undead or Construct)
On Hit, Trip: [roll5]
On Trip: [roll6] Magic B/P Dmg, target moved to (U16 through V17) Prone, Entangled

Hammer 2 vs. Center Flesh Golem

(If Prone, -4 AC, Entangled, and ignore Trips!)

[roll7] for [roll8] Magic Bludg, plus [roll9] Skirmish(?)
On 19+, Crit: [roll10] for [roll11] Dmg (Unlikely, Undead or Construct)
On Hit, Trip: [roll12] (Unless Tripped already!)
On Trip: [roll13] Magic B/P Dmg, target moved to (U16 through V17) Prone, Entangled

Swift: Sudden Leap to Q14
[roll14] vs DC 15

Kick 1 vs. Left Flesh Golem

[roll15] for [roll16] Magic B/P, plus [roll17] Skirmish(?)
On 20+, Crit: [roll18] for [roll19] Dmg (Unlikely, Undead or Construct)
On Hit, Trip: [roll20]
On Trip: [roll21] Magic B/P Dmg, target moved to (Q16 through R17) Prone, Entangled

Kick 2 vs. Left Flesh Golem

(If Prone, -4 AC, Entangled, and ignore Trips!)

[roll22] for [roll23] Magic B/P, plus [roll24] Skirmish(?)
On 20+, Crit: [roll25] for [roll26] Dmg (Unlikely, Undead or Construct)
On Hit, Trip: [roll27] (Unless Tripped already!)
On Trip: [roll28] Magic B/P Dmg, target moved to (Q16 through R17) Prone, Entangled

Hammer 3 vs. Left Flesh Golem

(If Prone, -4 AC, Entangled, and ignore Trips!)

[roll29] for [roll30] Magic Bludg, plus [roll31] Skirmish(?)
On 19+, Crit: [roll32] for [roll33] Dmg (Unlikely, Undead or Construct)
On Hit, Trip: [roll34] (Unless Tripped already!)
On Trip: [roll35] Magic B/P Dmg, target moved to (Q16 through R17) Prone, Entangled

These Targets are now well-lit (No more 20% Miss), Prone, Entangled, and (hopefully) in range for everyone!
I'm assuming there's even more outside of our vision, so Zephyr should still be between them and us for some AoO protection.
Sink your teeth in! :)

Current Stats
HP 95/95, DR 5/Cold Iron, Speed 45', Fly 90' (Good)
AC 28, Touch 20, Flat 28 (+1 from Dodging)
Fort 9, Ref 17, Will 13, CMB +5 (+5 vs Rush/Run, +8 Trip)
Conditions Thicket of Blades, Hearing the Air
Immune to Mind, Enchant, Aging, Disease, Blind, Dazzled, Neg.Energy, Drain, Death effects
Dex to AC while Balancing / Flat / Invisible
Ignore all PA bonus damage
First attack redirects to Flanker
+5 AC (vs Ranged, Incorporeal)

2021-09-29, 10:24 AM
The monstrous undead turn their eyes towards the lot of you, lumbering towards you, they point a gnarled hand, with flesh dripping off the bones towards you all, sending beams of dark energy spiraling outwards to engulf you all.

Ripptors character is pending change, so we'll move on for the time being.

(k.religion is in the above post)

Everyone make 3 will saves DC 17 or be confused (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/confusion.htm) for 18 rounds like the spell.
SR applies:

Spellcraft DC 24 check (assuming you save or can act normally) Identifies the effect as a Confusion as spell like ability

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Hes2uC7rNyughDjrDrAYyyQzW36LM3WImW6AwoEYBrw/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-10-01, 10:13 PM
Merakliz's highly focused mind easily put aside the mental assault from the undead beasts. She didn't look to see if her allies withstood the magic as she did. Her eyes stayed focus on aiming. Her ears and 6th sense would tell her if they turn on her.

She stepped forward out of the doorway then began rapid firing arrow after arrow. Two shots to the left target. The third arrow, blessed by Ehlonna herself, loosed at the middle beast to keep it distracted for her allies. The fourth went to her main target on the left. Each arrow glowed with flames as it left the exquisite composite longbow.

5' step north
Swift: Activate Burning Blade
Full Attack with Rapid Shot
Distracting Attack: For any that get hit, the next PC to attack the target counts as flanking for the first attack.

Base 12/7/2
Rapid: 10/10/7/2
Dex +6
Focus +1
Bow +1
Martial Discipline +3 using DM stance
Point Blank Shot +1 w/n 90'
3rd arrow: Raptor Arrow Bane: +2
Total: 22/22/19/12

Base 1d8
Weapon +1
STR +2
DEX +6 (if w/n point blank range of 90')
INT +4
Raptor Arrow Bane: +2d6
Point Blank Shot +1 w/n 90'
FE Undead: +7 (Imp FE)
Burning Blade 1d6+12 Fire
Normal: 1d8 + 21 + (1d6 +12 Fire)
Raptor: 1d8 + 2d6 + 21 (1d6 +12 Fire)

Attack 1 Left: [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + ( [roll2] Fire )

Attack 2 Left: [roll3]
Damage [roll4] + ( [roll5] Fire )

Attack 3 Middle: [roll6]
Damage [roll7] + [roll8] + ( [roll9] Fire )

Attack 4 Left: [roll10]
Damage [roll11] + ( [roll12] Fire )

I don't know if I can declare show will go to Middle if Left is already down.

2021-10-02, 12:26 AM

Shaking off the foul tainted magic of the undead before him, Dismas calls out, "Ware these beasts' spells! They weave an enchantment to cloud your thoughts!"

Filled with righteous wrath, Dismas storms towards the foe his ally Merakliz attacked most attacked, leading the charge for his allies.

SwA: Leading the Charge Stance: All allies in 60ft get +12 damage on charge attacks.
Full Round Action: Radiant Charge vs Left side monster moving into reach at N21 on map.
Power attack for -5 to hit +10 to damage

Attack: [roll0] If Left was hit by Merakliz add +2 for flanking.
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3] VS evil and if the attack hits and it is in fact evil Dismas gains DR 10/- until his turn.

Vicious damage: [roll4] Into Steely Resolve Pool.

Granted Maneuver: [roll5]
1. Rallying Strike
2. White Raven Tactics
HP 134/134
Steely Resolve 3/20

Current Stance: Leading the Charge
Granted Maneuvers:
Radiant Charge (X)
Divine Surge
Revitalizing Strike
Elder Mountain Hammer

Dusk Raven
2021-10-03, 04:49 PM
Unfortunately, the triple barrage of magic is too much for Zanria to bear, and in a daze, she rounds on a random ally and attacks, swinging her scimitars wildly...

Rolling a d3 to determine who she attacks. 1: Kali. 2: Panton. 3: Brie. [roll0]

For simplicity, I assume she'll just make a full attack. Thus:

Main Hand: [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]
Off Hand: [roll4] [roll5]
Damage (good thing I'm not Skirmishing or Sneak Attacking):
Main Hand: [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
Off Hand: [roll9] [roll10]

2021-10-04, 08:54 PM
https://i.vgy.me/esCdL2.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2529033)

Briech feels the malevolent magics wash over them, holding firm in case she's needed. When nothing apparent occurs at first, she watches as Mera rains arrows into the void and Dismas rushes left field. Brie instinctively matches their pace to cover their right flank, catching too-late out of the corner of her eye Zanria turning her blades towards Kali...

Leaving Panton to deal with Zanria's mental state, Brie flashes forward with a flying kick into the center monstrosity's gut, uncoiling her hammer as she spins off the abomination to swing the spiked sphere into it's side, sending it towards their far-right target.

Fair's fair... Let's see how well you like being used against one another!

Moving to Disable the other two!

Move: Teleporting 75' to W19, 5' Hover (Bottom-Right-Caddy-Corner to Center Devourer)
Standard: Comet Throw + Snap Kick
Swift: Invoke Fire, for 5d6+5 Fire on Trip

-2 Att (Snap)
+2 Att (Larger)
+5 Att (Maneuver)

+5d6+5 Fire (Invoke Desert Wind)
+3d6 Dmg (Skirmish)
+4 Dmg (Larger)
+5 Dmg (Maneuver)

+5 AC, 20% Miss (After 10')

Total: +5 Att, 3d6+9 Dmg, 5d6+5 Fire, +5 AC, Concealment

Flying Kick vs. Center Devourer
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2] Magic Bludg/Pierce, plus [roll3] Fire

Meteor Trip vs. Center Devourer
Touch: [roll4]
Trip: [roll5]

On Trip,

Prone, Staggered, [roll6] Dmg, [roll7] Fire
Lands 10' away in (Y18-Z19), +5' East per +5 opposed Trip roll (above)

If he collides with Right Devourer (20' to AA18-AB19):

Prone, Staggered, [roll8] Dmg, [roll9] Fire
(DC 19 Reflex Half, not Prone)

Otherwise, followup attack on Center with Hammer:

Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]+[roll12] Adamantine Magic Bludg/Pierce, [roll13] Fire

Hopefully that bowls those two together, and stops them from firing off more of those devastating spells!

Center should be well-lit even thrown all the way to AA18-AB19!
Should still help Merakliz past her 60' Blindsight, so no miss chance for her while Brie has it lit up.

Current Stats
Init 24, HP 82/82, DR 5/ColdIron, R20(Fire), Speed 75' (Air Walk)
AC 31, Touch 24, Flat-footed 31 (+5 Dodging)
Fort 10, Ref 13, Will 14, CMB +15 (+4 Trip)
Condition Lowlight Vision, Blindsense 30'
Immune to Mind-Affecting, Age, Sleep, Blind, Dazzled, Negative, Drain, Death effects
Keep Dex to AC while balancing / flat-footed / Invisible
Continuous: Endure Elements, Air Walk
Instinct: Child of Shadow, Flame's Blessing, Absolute Steel, Giant Killing Style
Stance: Shifting Defense (Free 5' Move whenever attacked)
Concealment (20% Miss)
0/5 AoO (AoO on any Spellcasting)