View Full Version : Looking for build For character idea (PF 1E)

2021-09-16, 01:32 PM
Ok I got the the idea of doing an Wielding Type juggernaut style Character who is Known as Wilhelm the Storm Fang.

I want him to do one of the following .
Wield A great Axe
Wield a Dwarfish warxe and go sword and board with a heavy shield

I'd like them to be real though and hard to damage via weapons so some type of DR would be nice.

I do want them to also be more than just a tank and be water offensive

I'm thinking of going either human or dwarf
And have been toying with the idea of fighter vmc barbarian

2021-09-16, 02:55 PM
I'd like them to be real though and hard to damage via weapons so some type of DR would be nice.

Invulnerable Rager Barbarian is probably your best bet. I personally wouldn't do Fighter unless some of their later toys like Advanced Weapon Training and Combat Stamina are allowed - rage powers are better than most feats.

Go with Dwarf - that gets you access to stuff like Spellshatter, and it will make your dwarven weapons count as Martial saving you a feat.

Kurald Galain
2021-09-16, 03:22 PM
Since you mentioned being a juggernaut, I recommend a few levels in Fighter with the Siegebreaker archetype, and the Charge Through and Spiked Destroyer feats. They combo nicely at bashing through enemies.

Also, consider one level of anything that can take the Plant domain (cleric, druid, inquisitor, ...) so you can enlarge yourself as a swift.

And if you're a dwarf, take the Steel Soul feat.

2021-09-19, 12:11 PM
PERSONALLY, I hate dwarves, so I am not going to suggest to you a dwarf build:smallbiggrin:

If you must, choose human with the adoptive parentage racial sub feature so that you can still get dwarven weapon familiarity.

Go BLOODRAGER. Now personally I love gestalt and wouldn't even play these games without it, especially with a mostly martial character, but it is what it is, and I don't know your group composition or houserules...

So instead, take the Magus VMC. Magus arcana are fantastic and having the ability to advance them is mostly worth the trade. Plus you will be able to eventually use spellstrike so that's badass. And you can grab a feat to be able to use some of the ones you need. Broad study namely if you DM is a lemming.

As far as bloodrager goes, grab the Id rager, and the steelblood archetypes.
Now you can actually excel in armor rather than being held back by it. And you are a psychic spellcaster at level 4, which thematically and functionally works out for the better.

Once you make enough money, grab whichever heavy armor you want. a dwarven war axe and you are done.
Personally I'd go for buckler so that you can still two hand your axe for power shots.

The small amount of spells the bloodrager gets however are extremely helpful and make the class one of the better decent martial types.

2021-09-19, 12:26 PM
What resources are allowed? Any third party stuff?

Use a butchering axe as a barbarian/bloodrager instead of a great axe.

Maat Mons
2021-09-19, 04:03 PM
Clearly, Wilhelm should be known for his terrifying battle-scream.

The requirements you've listed are to be very resilient, still decent at offense, wield an axe, and be either a human or a dwarf. That leaves lots of options, partly because those last two don't impose any significant restrictions.

As is the grand tradition of the Playground, we must, of course, try to convince you to play a full-caster. Divine casters can be decently resilient. The can get good Fort and Will saves, they aren't hindered by armor, and they can get an okay number of hit points.

One of the more tempting non-full-caster options for being resilient is Paladin. Divine Grace is pretty nice. But it is possible to take just two levels of Paladin, then move onto something else. Oracle seems like the most obvious choice, what with being a full caster, being Charisma-based, and not needing any work-arounds to take advantage of armor proficiency.

I'm not familiar enough with Pathfinder combat feats to know if it's worth the trade, but the Warsighted archetype for Oracle gives you floating combat feats that you can change around from one battle to the next.

I was briefly very excited to find that the Elder Mythos Cultist archetype for Cleric changes your casting stat to Charisma. Sadly, on further inspection, I realized that Pathfinder not only did away with Paladin of Tyranny, but also with Blackguard.

2021-09-19, 04:37 PM
If Savage Species is allowed (forgive me but not up to date on PF) there's a feat called Roll With It. Prereqs are Con 20 and the Toughness feat, but it adds DR2/-, so it stacks with other sources like the Barbarian class feature, and can be taken multiple times.

2021-09-19, 05:52 PM
As is the grand tradition of the Playground, we must, of course, try to convince you to play a full-caster.


Heck, the only reason I didn't do the same is because people these days are so funny about playing casters. In FREAKING d20. It's like paying for a buffet and only eating bread rolls. Definitely agree with Oracle though.
Warsighted with metal mystery is a STRICT upgrade to fighter.

You can spend all your feats just getting more revelations and more rounds of martial flexibility.

2021-09-21, 05:41 PM
Ok I got the the idea of doing an Wielding Type juggernaut style Character who is Known as Wilhelm the Storm Fang.

I want him to do one of the following .
Wield A great Axe
Wield a Dwarfish warxe and go sword and board with a heavy shield

I'd like them to be real though and hard to damage via weapons so some type of DR would be nice.

I do want them to also be more than just a tank and be water offensive

I'm thinking of going either human or dwarf
And have been toying with the idea of fighter vmc barbarian

Stonelord archetype for Paladin (Dwarf option) (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/core-races/dwarf/stonelord-paladin-dwarf/).

The Smite Evil replacement isn't all that amazing but can be more useful (also ignores Hardness). However, instead of Divine Grace you get Natural Armor and Damage Reduction/Adamantine. You also gain Fortification, become immune to Bleed, Petrification, and Blood Drain.

You give up spellcasting, but get the Stalwart Defender's Defensive Stance, can summon an Earth Elemental buddy. Captstone is to no longer need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and become immune to paralysis, poison, and stunning. And complete immunity to critical hits and precision damage.

The Stalwart feat (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/stalwart/) (including the Improved Stalwart (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/improved-stalwart/) feat) can stack with the DR from your class.