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View Full Version : Spell to create an air bubble

2021-09-18, 09:59 PM
I've been searching through spells and spells and spells, but I can't find any spells that allow an area of air to be created when in the ocean, or a similar environment. My DM won't allow us to use scrolls underwater, unless we can create a dry area, and I know there is one, but I can't, for the life of me, remember what it's called.

2021-09-18, 10:24 PM
The necklace of adaptation uses Alter Self as the component for creation.

2021-09-18, 11:24 PM
The name escapes me but double check Stormwrack. 90% sure that it's in there. I remember the picture.

2021-09-18, 11:43 PM
The name escapes me but double check Stormwrack. 90% sure that it's in there. I remember the picture.

I think I know the pic you are thinking of - is it Mialee in a bubble of air with a Sahuagin trying to get at her? Just checked Stormwrack, couldn't find it there.

There is Airy Water in Stormwrack, that makes water a frothy substance that is breathable, but not exactly a bubble of air, as such.

2021-09-19, 08:03 AM
There is no 1st party air bubble spell that I've ever heard of. There is the Rod of Escape in MiC which will get you 10 min 1/day for 3,500gp, plus other benefits, in addition to the aforementioned Neckalce of Adaptation (which is far more powerful in its wording than a mere "water breathing" item and has had its price slashed). You could also make yourself a watertight compartment via Stone Shape or Wall of Stone, or Resilient Sphere, then use 'Control' Water to "lower" the water level (the spell doesn't seem to actually care where the water goes or comes from, and is used in both the aforementioned rod and the Decanter of Endless Water)- the resulting space should be quite dry, though also rather lacking in air.

Anyone who crafts a scroll using base materials that can't stand up to plain water is a fool, cheat, or both, and the buyer would be wise to shop elsewhere.

2021-09-19, 08:08 AM
Resilient Sphere?

2021-09-19, 08:38 AM
I think I know the pic you are thinking of - is it Mialee in a bubble of air with a Sahuagin trying to get at her? Just checked Stormwrack, couldn't find it there.

There is Airy Water in Stormwrack, that makes water a frothy substance that is breathable, but not exactly a bubble of air, as such.

Ah, dammit, that's the one that I'm thinking of. Lets you use your land speed and has no combat penalties.

Still might be able to make the argument, though - it explicitly turns murky water into dust or smoke - both things that cannot exist in conjunction with water.

Maat Mons
2021-09-19, 12:08 PM
Planar Handbook has rules for making waterproof spellbooks, so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to make waterproof scrolls. Complete Arcane suggests the possibility of scroll-equivalent items based on gemstones.

2021-09-19, 07:05 PM
Dragon #314 has the 1st-level Airbubble spell - but it creates a bubble only around your head. Dunno if it helps...

2021-09-19, 08:13 PM
Hopefully your DM is only doing this for, uh, atmospheric reasons. Dusty, crumbling scrolls with ancient ink and all that, or maybe whatever methods you're using to breathe underwater won't let you speak clearly. You might be able to play along with the DM's logic and find some underwater denizens that have their own style of scrolls, get some from them, and use a legit water breathing spell so you can talk freely. Maybe coat the scrolls in wax?

If that's not the case, I suppose you could try using a 'leomund's tiny hut' spell, or a 'rope trick' spell along with the transdimensional spell feat. I don't suppose you have any levels in Planar Shepard so you could use a planar bubble attuned to the Plane of Air or Limbo or something?

There's a second level 'acorn of far travel' spell that'll let you be treated as being in 'forested terrain' for the duration of the spell. You'll need to find an oak tree with an acorn on it, although that's the sort of thing that's always available until your DM starts getting huffy, then it's all 'Oh, you can only find maple trees,' 'Weren't we just talking to a dryad?' '... and it's not acorn season,' 'You just said it was autumn!', 'Have you ever proven your character knows what an acorn is? Make a knowledge nature check DC50'... Sorry, that got too real there for a bit, I hope you aren't in that situation.

You could also start trying unusual stuff, like summoning an air elemental and sticking the scrolls inside to read them in there. If you have a familiar, there's a spell that lets you turn them into air elemental creatures, so you could do that and cast planar bubble spell spell on it, creating an area of air around you, although that's a level 7 spell.

You'd think you could just grab a necklace of adaptation and use that... it creates a force shell around you filled with air.

Really though, you should just ask your DM what hoops they want you to jump through to use scrolls, if any, and if they really just don't want you to use scrolls, ask why they've made an unenjoyable ruling instead of just telling you up front.

2021-09-19, 08:16 PM
Pathfinder has Air Bubble (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/air-bubble/), maybe see if your GM will let you use that?

2021-09-19, 09:42 PM
The Planar Bubble spell might work, especially if the target is from the Elemental Plane of Air.

Desiccating Bubble might also work, but can cause damage while you are inside it.

2021-09-20, 04:36 AM
Planar Handbook has rules for making waterproof spellbooks, so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to make waterproof scrolls. Complete Arcane suggests the possibility of scroll-equivalent items based on gemstones.

It doesn't just suggest it, it outright states it as possible, along with using incendiary powder and paper, or knotted rope. The powder and paper wouldn't work underwater, but the rope and gemstones should work fine, so if you're making them yourself, just use one of those alternate scroll forms.

2021-09-20, 12:25 PM
I think I know the pic you are thinking of - is it Mialee in a bubble of air with a Sahuagin trying to get at her? Just checked Stormwrack, couldn't find it there.

There is Airy Water in Stormwrack, that makes water a frothy substance that is breathable, but not exactly a bubble of air, as such.

Wasn't the AD&D 2E version of "Airy Water" an air bubble?

My gut feeling tells me "Tome of Magic".

I can't double check, all my d&d books were lost when hurricane sandy wiped out my basement.

Can someone who still has the book check?

2021-09-20, 04:41 PM
Wasn't the AD&D 2E version of "Airy Water" an air bubble?

My gut feeling tells me "Tome of Magic".

I'm almost 100% sure you are right, because that is the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread topic. I was surprised it worked so differently in 3.5.

Just checked the 2E PHB & Wizard Spell Compendium Vol1, and while Airy Water does create a globe, it is composed of bubbling water, not just air.

2021-09-20, 09:07 PM
With so many things in Stormwrack being about giving the PCs swim speeds, a spell that lets them breathe underwater but also negates those swim speeds and forces them to walk on the ground in tiny group, while their foes effectively fly around them with impunity, would be a little counter-empowering. And if too wide, also be an effectively impassible barrier for many aquatic foes which are supposed to be dangerous specifically because you're on their home turf, as well as automatically invoking the into/out of water rules making it much harder to attack in both directions. So I can see why they changed the spell.

2021-09-30, 01:12 PM
For what it's worth at this point, I checked and found that picture of Mialee being dragged off by the Sahuagin: Spell Compendium pg 61*, for the Deep Breath spell. Sadly it does not give you an air pocket, or even a bubble around your head. Instead it continually fills your lungs with air for the duration (1R/L), so not useful in the OP's situation...

*May be somewhere else, but this is where I found it.

2021-09-30, 02:54 PM
How about some riverine parchment protector sleeves? Riverine would be transparent, waterproof, and can be fabricated into whatever shape you want. And since walls of force have infinite tensile strength (as no amount of physical force can break them), you can make it just this side of 2-dimensional, allowing you to buy 1/1,000,000 of an ounce for a fraction of a copper piece that you can then fabricate the tiniest of slivers into a nigh-infinitely-thin coating for your scrolls. Just make the covers flexible, like one of those woven metal chains they use for jewelry. The links would be small enough to prevent water molecules from passing through them, and voila.

2021-09-30, 04:25 PM
For what it's worth at this point, I checked and found that picture of Mialee being dragged off by the Sahuagin: Spell Compendium pg 61*, for the Deep Breath spell. Sadly it does not give you an air pocket, or even a bubble around your head. Instead it continually fills your lungs with air for the duration (1R/L), so not useful in the OP's situation...

*May be somewhere else, but this is where I found it.

I found that one too, but I don't think it's the one I was thinking of. There was definitely a pic somewhere of a caster sitting reading a spellbook in a pocket or bubble of air underwater, with some kind of critters swimming around the bubble.

It's entirely possible it's from an older edition, and it's also possible I was getting aspects of that pic, and the one from SC, mixed up together.

2021-09-30, 04:50 PM
For what it's worth at this point, I checked and found that picture of Mialee being dragged off by the Sahuagin: Spell Compendium pg 61*, for the Deep Breath spell. Sadly it does not give you an air pocket, or even a bubble around your head. Instead it continually fills your lungs with air for the duration (1R/L), so not useful in the OP's situation...

*May be somewhere else, but this is where I found it.

Cast it on some Colossal++ creature and go in its lungs.

2021-09-30, 05:30 PM
Found it! It was from the 2E Complete Wizards Handbook:


Pretty sure it's just a "fluff" piece, not related to any spell or anything else in particular.

I was definitely getting that and the pic from Spell Compendium conflated.


2021-09-30, 05:44 PM
I've been searching through spells and spells and spells, but I can't find any spells that allow an area of air to be created when in the ocean, or a similar environment. My DM won't allow us to use scrolls underwater, unless we can create a dry area, and I know there is one, but I can't, for the life of me, remember what it's called.

Ask your GM if he would like to use Insightful Scroll Case (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/h-l/insightful-scroll-case/) for storing spell scrolls.