View Full Version : The cerebrum shall fall [IC]

2021-09-20, 06:42 AM
The wind sighs between the autumn leaves, whispering like an elderly women at the town's pub. It carries with it the dust of the road, playfully moving through the hair and ruffling the clothes of the travellers who all walk towards the same destination - the estate of your new operator, a man only known to you as Gareth.
He waits for you, in his garden. You can see past the the tall gate of decorated bronze that hasn'y been polished in ages. He sits near a small table that was set for his four guests, sipping on a small porcelain teacup and looking at you expectantly as you walk through the gate, ushered by a silent servant in clothes that were very fashionable for his position a couple of decades ago.
The middle aged noble gestures for the four of you to sit around the table, and is eyeing each and every one of you silently. His blues eyes burning underneath thick furrowed eyebrows, like they are trying to dig a hole into your mind.

"Welcome, friends and allies. I have already been introduced to all of you, and some of you met each other on different occasions. I'll leave the rest of the introductions for after I leave, I cannot stay here for very long. All of you know why you are here, what are the skills and abilities that pushed me to find you." He stops to sip from his tea and continues "All of you are aware of your special mystical gift, dubbed "the resolve' among the circles that are aware of its existence. I believe, and I am not alone in that, that the resolve holds the key to create some major reformations in our empire, starting with our beloved cerebrum...who are, unfortunately, aware of its existence as well."

His eyes move towards an envelope that was placed on the table "Using my sources, I was able to glean the fact that I am not the only who have been collecting those with resolve. And while I recruited the four of you, the empire's methods are slightly more...brutal, and they have been covering them with the arrival of new slaves from the recently won war. In fact, they have managed to collect quite a big group of those who were blessed with the gift, and they intend to move them under cover of night, into one of the arcane research towers - I can only Imagine for what purpose. However, they are going to be holding the group in a warehouse inside the city, not far from the walls themselves - and that warehouse happens to belong to yours truly, which means you'll have free access to it until they will come to settle in and wait for the prisoners to gather."

He takes the envelope and hands it to Jacob "You know your way around the library. This envelope holds the location of a secret compartment in one of the shelves, in which there will be information regarding the specific details of the operation - Learning the information myself will put me in a lot of risk with the Imperial mind readers which I meet with regularly."

He sighs "for the same reason, I cannot tell you exactly what is the nature of the operation, nor what is the desired outcome - for I do not know them. I give you the information, and I trust you will use it to make the right choices. Any questions?"

2021-09-20, 11:10 AM
Jacob takes the envelope with a nod and smile, "I am Jacob Sojourner, I am a librarian and scribe with Celestria University. I am also a priest of the Lord of Lore. Whatever our collective needs, be it book, blade, or blessing. We are happy to serve such a holy cause."
He is a handsome, if anonymous seeming, human male. He's dressed in a blue tunic with black leather pants, with a thick hunter green cloak. At his feet a hound sized reptilian beast rests, not sleeping just reclined in what seems to be boredom. Oddly, it seems to be sucking a taloned thumb on a forepaw.

2021-09-20, 10:00 PM
A tall man with heavy brows and a strong jaw, wearing an exquisitely tailored clothes and boots of the softest leather stand's in the back of the group. He smiles at everyone and steps forward after Jacob accepts the letter.

"I'm Max Asgari" he says, emphasizing the last name like everyone should know what that name means. Turning a magnanimous gaze on everyone he continues after a slight pause, "I'm a late bloomer, only recently discovered my special talents and the group that pursues them. I happen to have rather intimate knowledge with how they treat dissident's. Is there any fear of our actions coming back on you, Gareth, given that this is your warehouse we are breaking into?"

2021-09-21, 11:36 AM
Gareth considers Asgari's question for a moment. "No, I do not believe so. Of course, there might alway be extrem cases. However, since they are only using the space, and the cerebrum soldiers-slaves will be responsible for the security, as long as you don't make it too obvious, it'd be fine. It is a good point, though, which only strengthens the need for relatively silent action - to prevent the empire's ability to take public retributive action."

Dusk Raven
2021-09-21, 08:52 PM
"Alessa Gordinus, last survivor of the Gordinus family." In reality, the formidably-dressed dusky-skinned woman has a different surname, but she wasn't about to go into that story in front of a bunch of strangers. She straightens her coat before continuing. "If I understand you correctly, we'll have the run of the place before the cerebrum actually commandeers it. That means we can scout the area out in advance, familiarize ourselves with it beforehand?" This wouldn't be the first time she'd broken into noble property, though never before had she done so on the request of its owner...

2021-09-21, 09:16 PM
"Athanasius" says the tabaxi, bowing slightly as he brings his arm over his chest "I am but only a humble counselor for those approaching their last moments of life. However there are many roles a cat can take, nyan.

Looking over the rest of the group for a moment, before deciding to help try to usher the others out, having taken note of the secrecy Gareth had put into place even from himself. "Nya nyan, we mustn't disturb the man further. There is books to read in the library, the less said here, the better."

2021-09-22, 06:18 AM
"Yes, and there will be plenty of secluded spots in the library to discuss, ease drop others discussions, and plan for further actions. One would be surprised how many rumours a librarian overheard."

2021-09-22, 08:19 AM
Listening to Garett, Max nods gravely and responds ”Secrecy and stealth, as you say then. ”

Raising an eyebrow at the other’s already intent on leaving, the tall man acquiesces after a moments hesitation, moving to follow them out. Just before exiting he turns to Gareth and gives him a quick salute farewell.

2021-09-26, 04:03 AM
The group leaves silently, just as they came, and begin the short journey towards the city. In less than an hour of walling, you pass the gates and find yourself at the doors of the library.

The note in Jacob's hand leads him towards a specific section of the underground archives that reside beneath the public section of the library. As the group reaches the staircase, they see a commotion in the corridor leading to the archives. Guards, Cerebral investigators, and librarians rush here and there with worried looks.

You may roll perception or investigation, with results as following

There is a faint smell of dried blood in the room, and you can spot a body lying on the floor, partially covered by a hurridely thrown blanket

The body has the signature bracelet of the cerebral investigators, and you are noticing an object bulging from the victim's throat, hidden under the blanket - probably the implement of murder

It seems from the noise that the body was discovered very recently, but visual evidence suggests it has been dead for quite a while

The body has been dragged into the room, from the archives below

2021-09-26, 11:34 AM
Perception roll

Jacob kneels at the body and lowers his head for a moment.
"Must there be pain everywhere in this empire?" He stands away so his companions can look around.

2021-09-26, 03:42 PM
Following close behind the scholar Max tread's softly through the halls of the library. He looked around fascinated as they wound through bookcases and exhibits. He had only been here twice before, as a boy some time ago. When they reached the knot of people his face took on a hard look as his training came into play. Scanning the room he paused to peered into the corners before examining the body. As quickly as he had surveyed the area he left, following Jacob once more, not remarking anything near strangers.

2021-09-28, 08:02 PM
The tabaxi saw the body, but figured it would best as with others to continue onwardly, lest they be accused of it. Not to mention it was a bit of a distraction from whatever they were doing. Unless...

Dusk Raven
2021-09-29, 01:15 PM
Alessa was no stranger to bodies, but this one wasn't her concern. Still, curiosity got the better of her, and she tried her best to take a look. She frowned, trying to think of what to say. Finally, she asks one of the nearby bystanders, someone who looks less busy, ideally: "Who was this?"

2021-10-01, 09:28 AM
Another onlooker, a middle class women who looks like a scholar of some sort, shrugs "From the looks of it, a Cerebral investigator. It is kind of disquieting, though, I hope they catch whoever did this soon...doesn't add a lot to the feeling of safety and comfort if this sort of thing can happen to the empire's own, yknow?"

As the group tries to make their way forward, a young investigator stands in their way. He is short and lean, and obviously more of a clerk then a hunter, but he still clutches his small notebook firmly and looks straight into your eyes "no passage right now, we are conducting an investigation in the name of the empire. There is no need to worry, everything will be fixed shortly. Please refrain from approaching too closely for the time being. Thank you."

2021-10-03, 10:16 PM
Max gives the young investigator a wide smile as he spread's his hands, palms facing forward, in front of him. "I beg your pardon sir, we will be on our way".

Concentrating, he feels the rush of the resolve fill him as he examines the mind of the man barring their way before turning away and retreating back down the hall out of earshot.

Resolve 1 - you can use a bonus action to see the auras of enchantment magic around you for one round. (as if you were casting detect magic, but it only showed enchantment spells). An appropriate skill check (Perception, investigation, or arcana) Can give you more info about the strength and type of enchantment.
Investigate Skill Check

Glancing back at the doorway they had been heading to Max shifts to face and address the group. "I can cast a spell to see what lies ahead of us before we find a way around that guard. Then I can cloak one of us in invisibility to retrieve the information we need once we've scouted the way. I don't think forcing our way past him is wise."

2021-10-04, 08:09 AM
Following Max, "I'd agree, nya, apparently the dead is not a distraction for us." he hummed, "Which means something else is afoot. "

Dusk Raven
2021-10-06, 11:21 AM
Alessa, after catching up with the others, can't help smirking and raising an eyebrow playfully. "One? I can cloak two of us. Not for long, though." She puts a hand to her chin. "But who should be the one to sneak around? I could probably do the job, especially if I've got information on what's ahead."

2021-10-08, 01:50 AM
Max looks around, and the world blurs, shifts, changes for a moment, and then settles back. Th auras of magic gleaming all around hi, giving him some pieces of useful information...

Max looks around, and the main thing he sees are the aura of low level enchantments on some passerbys' already half faded - originating from minor spells the investigators probably cast when clearing the area and creating their space to investigate. However, he does see the faint outline of a stronger, more long-lived enchantment magic, seeping from behind the closed doors of the archives, in the far side of the corridor.

2021-10-09, 04:41 PM
Grinning impishly Max replies to Alessa "Why use twice the spell power when one would suffice?"

Eyeing the tabaxi appreciatively he continues "I was thinking Athanasius might want to take this one. I'm sure either of us could make it in with the aid of magic but if it fails he could remain nearly as undetectable. We could also send Jacob, he has the best excuse for being here if caught."

Turning to the librarian he asks "How much further do we need to go before we reach the right section? Clairvoyance only has limited range and without having already visited where we need to be, I can't place a sensor much past that door without directions."

2021-10-11, 12:55 AM
"A cat has his ways." replied the tabaxi, crossing an arm over his chest and bowing slightly. "Perhaps a show, a demonstration?"

Dusk Raven
2021-10-11, 08:38 PM
"Well, I'm certainly not opposed to that." Alessa smirks. "Perhaps I can be of more help out here, anyways." She glances back towards the other, inhabited rooms, thinking of how she might do a little social investigating...

2021-10-16, 11:11 PM
Jacob shows everyone the note, and ylu are able to see that it is two stories below you - pretty close horizontaly, but you'd need to go through a long flight of stairs to get to it (or through the librarian only elevators), so farther than the range of clairvoyance.

2021-10-18, 03:16 PM
Athanasius hummed slightly. "Well I can easily bring one person with me straight downwards, nya." he shifts slightly, glancing down the hall as his eyes narrowed slightly. "Or remove an obstacle in our way quietly."

2021-10-20, 07:56 PM
Nodding thoughtfully as he examines the note, he breaks off his reflection with a snap of his fingers. "That's too great a distance for my spell, we'll have to do this the fun way. Athanasius, will you clear our way and scout the distance left to cover? My many talent's don't include sneaking but I'll accompany you invisibly if you'd like."

2021-11-01, 03:47 AM
Taking a small bow, he nods. "It shall be done." moving back towards the guard, the catfolk went about skulking around in the dark to get the drop the on the guard when there was no one looking.

Stealth with advantage


Shot from the Dark with Advantage


Though only going to knock him out with the bolt and pyshic damge

2021-11-03, 04:47 PM
The shot is made, and the guard is dropped, making no verbal cue of his current predicament - rhe psychic energy overwhlmes him before he makes a single sound.

2021-11-03, 09:04 PM
"Purrfect" Athanasius quickly moves up, using a disguise self spell to take on the man's appearance after blowing a Horn of Silent Alarm for the others to follow him, while not allowing enemies to hear it. He goes to hide the man in a closet or other location.

2021-11-05, 11:14 PM
Waiting silently with the others, Max begins moving once he hears the scout's signal. "That's our cue people, time to get moving. We've wasted enough time already"

Not waiting for a response, the tall man is already striding towards the door leading to the next floor. He approaches carefuly and quickly, nodding in approval when he sees the empty passage.

At the sight of Athanasius he asks "Is there anyone between us and our goal?"

Dusk Raven
2021-11-07, 01:55 PM
Alessa doesn't even bat an eye at the efficient takedown. She advances along with Max, careful not to make too much noise, and saying nothing.

2021-11-08, 02:24 AM
"No there isn't that I know of." the catfolk in disguise said in the voice of the man he replaced. If it wasn't for him letting them know, it would be rather difficult to tell the catfolk apart from the man.

2021-11-09, 02:34 PM
The group makes their way quietly towards the archives, and they start descending. Uneven stairs made of stone help them make their way down, as they breath in the dusty air of the stacks filled with tomes and scrolls.

They look at the place where the mission was left for them - and see an envelope, half opened, with a note sticking out of it - there is some smudged blood on the note, and the note itself contains what looks like a list of technical details.

Another thing you hear is the noise of the door opening, a level and a half above you, as someone else walks into the archives. You have about 30 seconds before he will see you

2021-11-22, 07:32 AM
Looking to the others for a moment to see if any of them wanted to try and findangle something, the catfolk shrugged and moved to snipe the next person as well with a knockout blow.

Dusk Raven
2021-11-27, 03:10 PM
For a moment, the facade of a noblewoman vanishes, and Alessa's stealthier instincts take over. She looks around for a place to hide, preferably one that will allow her to go for a knockout strike of her own should the tabaxi fail...

2021-11-29, 12:52 PM
"I know you are in there!" A voice echoes from the stairs, a s a small orb of lifht approaches forward, lighting the way for the human officer
"I knew the moment you took down Herman, you bastards. You wont get away with this" the man mutters, and the broke shadow elongating on the wall reveals him drawing a club that buzzes with magical lightning "the cerebrum is not forgiving towards murderers. Now come out, and youll be executed quickly."

2021-12-01, 10:36 PM
Seeing his companion's skulk into the shadow's, Max quickly draw's himself up and presents an obvious target. Trusting in his allies to deal with the new threat once he has distracted it, he channels the dark magic of his patron and adopts the face of his old handler in the guard. "I have every right to be here, Herman was guarding me while I worked. I operate on direct orders of the Cerebrum." he bluffs.

Using an action to use Mask of Many Faces - disguise self as a cerebrum handler Max used to work for.

Trying to buy some time for his allies to knock the enemy out from stealth

Deception roll to convince the agent that he is supposed to be here.


2021-12-02, 05:22 PM
The man stops for a moment, and then quickly makes his way downstairs. A short balding man, a bit on the thinner sidez who is no oorder than 30, gives a ssuspicious stare and then relaxes a bit "very well. Have you heard or seen anything? I know the killers went down here. We blocked all other entrances.qq

2021-12-03, 10:44 AM
Athanasius thought to himself for the moment, still ready to take the shot the moment seemed to go arry from the shadows. However it wasn't the man he knocked out earlier that they were talking about, but the corpse previously. Of that he was fairly certain now. Still this man seemed to be someone who might be slightly tougher than the earlier guard was and they might be able to get information from him.

2021-12-05, 02:27 PM
Narrowing his eyes slightly as the shorter man comes into view, Max stays in full view of the man. "I've only been here a short time and you're the first to descend since I arrived. I believe they left the way you came down. Perhaps they're on the upper levels now?" he answers.

Returning his gaze to the dusty shelves nearby he says "I need to complete my search of this area to determine why they were here. Unless you have more information for me, please guard the stairway while I work."

Max is speaking honestly now. Any thing he says that you think deserves a deception roll, feel free to roll for him.
Max is trying to divert him without lying for now.

Here's a persuasion roll to convince him to accept his authority.

2021-12-11, 10:43 AM
"I dont know wht you are trying to pull, man, but fat chance you will push me away from investigating the death of a squad member. If its one of your hire-ups games of fame over investigations, take it somewhere else. I have actual work to do here."