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View Full Version : DM Help Seeking ideas for adventure hooks

BBQ Pork
2021-09-23, 07:07 AM
Okay, so my players and I want to return to a previous campaign. (Their characters are ~Level 8 5e D&D characters.)
I am looking for ideas for adventure hooks.

The campaign takes places on the Isle of Dread map, except:
The NE is ruled by essentially Stone Age, Feywild-connected Wild Elves.
The SE plains and the coastlines are ruled by the Aaracokra, who worship a thing called The Great Thunderbird. Also, roughly Stone Age. They have a few mithril weapons, but no obvious source other than "The Great Thunderbird gave them to us."
The humans have 2 colonies on the SW and SE coastlines, both ruled by the same dude, who installed one of the PCs as unelected mayor of 1.
All 3 nations are at peace, thanks to the PCs in campaign 1.

The small central mesa is ruled by the Great Thunderbird. (It's the feathered equivalent of an Ancient Bronze Dagon, but the PCs don't know that.)
The NE is ruled by some very much buffed Lizardfolk, who attack anyone who enters their swamps.

There are a few mines, now controlled by the humans, and a few very large freshwater lakes.
There are entrances to the Underdark, which had Derro, but the PCs think they destroyed the Derro's leader, a lich.

Here's what I got so far:
Death of a major NPC (The Great Thunderbird), which alters the power balance.
The Derro's lich returns, or something else from the Underdark pushes the Derro out (probably Drow?)
False Hydra scenario in one of the towns.
Fish-god cult in a town.
The plains start getting swampier. (The lizardfolk are led by a reskinned black dragon that corrupts land around them.)
An opposing nation, that the PCs repelled once before, might return.
The "A child is abducted into the Feywild!" is a possibility, but I already did that. The PCs didn't go after her, and she came back aged and changed.
Anything involving North American cryptids, although they already fought the Jersey Devil.

Any ideas?