View Full Version : Qrr-Sath's Journey

2021-09-26, 11:16 AM
You thank Slivux for the advice, and tap a rune to start finding your way to the Gardens. The halls of the Halls gradually give way to more open fields, covered in grass and flowers. There are small posts, with the servants' runes etched on them, scattered about. You'll never be far from help.

In the distance are massive redwood trees, shifting in the higher breeze. The servant vanishes, their job complete, but you continue on into the Gardens. And, at the base of one of the redwood trees, you see a slender human man, cross-legged. He's scribbling furiously into a notebook, and you hear a sonorous hum coming from the tree. "Fascinating..." he mutters, not appearing to notice you.

2021-09-26, 12:44 PM
Qrr shifts awkardly from foot to foot for a few moments, before coughing awkwardly and waving a hand to get the professors attention.

"Umm, hello? Sorry to bother you, but professor Slivux sent me? He seemed to think you might be able to help me with my, ah, my problems?"

Goodness that was horrible, the large bugbear thinks. But what was he to do? social scenarios were not his forte.

2021-09-26, 01:20 PM
"Hm?" the man says. "Give me a moment," he adds, not paying too much attention. Listening close, you can tell the sonorous hum you've heard is coming from the tree, and it sounds like language-too low to be heard properly where you are, but clearly words.

The man finishes his writing, and pats the tree. "Thank you, friend. Now," he says, standing and turning to face you. "Good morning to you. You say Slivux sent you? But you said there was a problem... This isn't about the security breach, is it?"

2021-09-26, 01:42 PM
Qrr shakes his head.

"I was unaware there was a security breach, to be frank I'm unaware of what security even exists on campus. In my haste I fogrot to introduce myself, My name is Qrr-sath True-Bear, I am one of the students who was admitted just yesterday. SLivux has sent me too you because I am what one might call a kind of "Druid", I believe the term is? And I struggle with magical control and indeed any spellwork that is too complex. As you might be abkle to tell, my physical strength is great, but I find that in to my shame, my magical strength is lacking."

A security breach? Surely such a place as this had nearly impenetrable wards? Although to be fair, Qrr only has a vague undertanding of what a ward even is, but he knows that everything about this place should be on a whole other level.

2021-09-26, 10:22 PM
"Oh. Forget I said that, then," Birch tells you. "I am Doctor Birch. It's nice to see new students-especially those who are so willing to learn and improve. If you want my help, perhaps you can do a demonstration of some spells you can work? Start simple, and work from there."

You demonstrate a few cantrips you've mastered, but before you move on to the weakest of spells you can't pump out all day, Birch stops you. "Alright-I already see some problems. Your movements are too exaggerated, too long. It might fit with how your body is, but actually using the spells requires far less-and in fact, the excessive movements make it harder to control the magic. Here-allow me to demonstrate."

Birch makes a small hand movement, and you see a patch of dirt, partially hidden by the grass, turn blue. "That's all that's really needed, combined with the intent and force of will. I wouldn't expect you to work at that level immediately-but that should show you what can be worked towards."

The security breach isn't something that's worrying Birch.

It's on his mind, but not at the forefront.

You don't know how good Birch is at hiding his emotions.

You get the hunch it's related to his work. And that he's only pretending it's not serious.

2021-09-26, 10:46 PM
Qrr nods slowly

"I-I see. And this rule of simple motions applies to more advanced spells as well?"

2021-09-27, 10:54 AM
"Yes-their motions will be more complex, of course, and a rare few spells do require a larger range of motion," Birch tells you. "But generally speaking, mages have a tendency for drama. I don't fault anyone of the modern day, or even of the past-the first being to discover magic would hardly be expected to discover it perfectly, and traditions are hard to break. But do... Hold a moment."

Sharp eyes, Birch, you hear faintly in your head. And here I thought I had figured out how to sneak by.

Birch sighs. "I'd rather not deal with this now, Ka-We."

A large orange cat appears, perched on apparently thin air next to the redwood. And yet I rather would. The lanky one is curious, to my eyes.

"Qrr-Sath, please meet Ka-We. He's-"

That is Lord and Master Ka-We, rightful ruler of-

"-overly full of himself. As you might be able to tell," Birch says, undeterred by the cat.

Ka-We frowns, and leaps down, landing next to you. I will take over from here-you just write your notes there.

I feel that Qrr probably would't've said much, given his limited social nature. But I'll end here to allow you to interject, if you wish.

2021-09-27, 12:38 PM
Birch seems prepared to argue, but decides against it. "Be safe, and be well, Qrr-Sath. It was nice to meet you."

Ka-We pays the leaving doctor no mind, save a small flick of the tail in dismissal. Now-you seem an interesting sort there. You smell of animals and plants-the stink of civilization has not washed it off yet. Tell me a story, he demands.

2021-09-27, 01:00 PM
Others might be put off by a strange talking felin e, and even more so by it's demand for a story. They would at leats question why it wanted a story, and perhaps what kind they should tell. Qrr however was used to the head monks asking strange things of him that often turned out to be of vital importance, and sometimes turned out to just be trivial tricks they ahd decided to play. But the easiest path had always been to respond to each request seriously and promptly, and so he did now.

"A story? I don't have many worth telling, but there are a few. Perhaps the tale of how I got my name? True-Bear is indeed not something common to my home. Especially when bears themselves are not common. Would that story suffice, strange one?"

2021-09-27, 01:10 PM
It may, Ka-We answers. We shall see.

2021-09-27, 01:51 PM
Qrr-Sath nods, and takes a deep breath in and then lets it out as he collect his thoughts. Then, he begins.

"It was years ago, when I was only a few years into my physical training. We had all long since become passable at hand to hand combat in our natural forms, and we're now preparing to take the shape of beasts to master the true purpose of our Martial Art: Strikes that flow as easily when beast as they do when man."

He shakes his head with a small, sharpened tooth filled smile of nostalgia.

"Back then, I was not connected to nature as I am now, and I felt out of place at the monastery, the vague memories of my former home in the thick woods to the north still pervaded my mind, and I lacked the trust and familiarity of the animals all around us. The form of the quick lizard evaded my grasp, the roaring lions strength rested control of the shape from me, and the Zebras stubborn will was more than my own. Back then, I sought to overpower these vast natural forms, not udnerstand them. And such was my undoing for so long. I was last in my class, all others had achieved some form or other, if not multiple.

Perhaps that was why, one night when it was late and I had forced myself to foolishly forget the dangers of the desert at it's darkest, I left. I am to this day unsure why I ran from the only home I had ever known, only that I felt alone and useless, and that such feelings often over take our reason. It was, in this way that I found myself irrevocably lost in the dark, silent stalking predators closing in on my young form. Luckily for me, a brother of about my age had seen me run, and had pursued me. So when the lion did pounce, she was met with the horns of a gazelle.

But as lucky as sucha thingw as for me, it was also horribly unlucky for us both. For he was a single prey animal against the three lionesses stalking us, and was only slightly ahead of me in our training. And yet, despite being fast enough to outrun the beasts in his current form, the Brother held his ground between myself and the lions, even as they hit him from 3 sides and tore gaps in his flesh."

Qrr's eyes are far away as he remembers that night.

"The lions ripped him from that form, and then advanced on him first, for all the while he had protected me and stood between myself and their hungry jaws. And then that moment I saw the selfless Brother who had risked his life to rescue me about to meet his death, and an old memory stirred in my gut. A seen from when I was so young that I could not even walk or speak, but seared so perfectly that I could not forget it. A memory of a bear, on both legs, defending her cubs from the wolves that had come for an easy meal. I can't tell you how I remember it, or indeed if I ever really saw such a thing. But in that moment, that bears righteous fury of protection was my own, and I felt my arms shorten and grow heavy, and my maw grow thick with teeth, and I struck as swift as lightning."

The smile on his face is wide as he continues, his eyes still clearly in the past, one hand demonstrating the swipe of a bears paw.

"I moved more fluidly than I ever had in my own skin, my claws and jaw ripping and tearing as I stood on my hind legs, raining perfectly executed blows on those lions. Moves that had long vexed me in Bugbear form now flowed like a river during flood season, swift and strong and smooth as silk. And then when they were gone, I did haul my friend and protector back to the monastery, resting on my back. And it would be some hours before I realised that I had even shifted, such was how natural I felt, and indeed still feel, as a bear. And so it was that when I did pass to the next rank, I was told that I was a Bugbear no longer, but a True-Bear wearing the Coat of one, and so the name stuck in stone. Now, many years later, I can assume any form of any natural creature I have seen, same as any disciple of my path, but the Bear always has and always will feel more like my true form than this one, or indeed any other."

The lanky bugbear gives a mock dramatic bow with both arms extended, and then rises and looks at the strange feline creature.

"Was that story satisfactory?" he asks, seemingly unconcered whatever the answer may be.

2021-09-27, 07:06 PM
Ka-We claps his paws together a few times. Excellent! A noble tale of bravery, a touching homage to those who would help you, an admission of your own flaws... A fine politician you might make, he chuckles out. I like you, tall one.

In exchange for that tale, I will tell you a secret-listen closely, he tells you, and gestures with a paw to lean in. Closer... "Closer..." his odd, meowing voice says quietly as you lean in near.

"This school is on the precipice. Birch is on the edge of something big-but others know this. Not all are who they seem-and you, my lanky friend, might be the savior this place needs."

You cannot get a read on Ka-We.

No read.

No read.

He seems sincere. You think.

2021-09-28, 07:24 AM
Qrr is used tod mysterious and vague prophecy from his time in the monastery, but this is strange even by his experience.

He raises one large eyebrow at Ka-We.

"Pardon my incredulity, sir, but if there is truly a danger to his work and indeed as it sounds the school as a whole, why not tell another member of the staff? Or the headmaster? Or anyone other than the barely trained brand new student whose standing in front of you? Forgive my response but, that was truly out of nowhere.


2021-09-28, 11:53 AM
Where would the fun in that be? Ka-We chuckles. "And besides... I don't know who to trust here. Who knows who's gone over to the other side?"

He stalks off, vanishing into the air without another word.

I think we've about wrapped up your personal journey, for the moment. If you feel otherwise, lemme know.