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Easy e
2021-09-30, 10:17 AM
The title is self-explanatory really. We have all sorts of dice in our RPG hobby, what is your favorite one to be asked to roll?

The weirdness of the d4 is intriguing to me. It is both hard to read, and potentially dangerous in an unguarded moment at the same time. Plus, the probability is 25% per result!

For actual dice mechanics, I prefer to roll..... 2d6 because the probability curve is interesting to me, with 7 being the most common result with other decreasing in probability at a slope away from this high point.

How about you, what are your favorite dice to be asked to roll in a game?

2021-09-30, 10:25 AM
Compared to many other options the d6 dicepool feels like wholesome statistical pornography. It’s smooth to the touch and has its widest part just below the midsection. Add more dice and it just grows, no awkward stilting out of reach. Degrees of success are easily measured, the value of additional dice for opposed rolls smoothly diminishes beyond a point.

And then there’s the fun in having a big fistful of D6 to drop on some sorry orc.

2021-09-30, 10:31 AM
My desire to roll d4s increased exponentially once I got some 12-sided d4s. Changed my life.

2021-09-30, 07:03 PM
absolutely the d8. No particular reason why, it's just my favourite die. Honourable mention to the d10 coz you can spin it.
least favorite is the d12, coz of the amount of times I've rolled it mistaking it for a d20.

2021-09-30, 07:42 PM
d12 - it hits the perfect point between easy to roll roundness and not-going-off-the-table sharpness. More aesthetically pleasing than the d8 or d10, and it cleanly divides into 2/3/4/6/12. Sadly an underused die in most systems.

d20 is the best for spinning though, and also a good die for rolling, it can just be too round sometimes.
Rounded d6s roll quite nicely as well, and can even spin reasonably well.

2021-10-01, 12:29 AM
The d6 is just superior. Bow down to the iconic d6! Seriously though the d6 is just so iconic. How can one not love it!

2021-10-01, 06:25 AM
I like a d30 just for the novelty. Very few games call for one.
I got a few of Q_Workshop's weird d4's that are technically two-sided. They're a lot less dangerous.
I guess a couple of d6's is what I cut my teeth on, so I'll rank them high for nostalgic reasons.
But I think that for the simple fact that in most rpg's that I've played, calling on a d20 means that something is happening, and for getting a good result for forward progress I'd have to say that's my favorite.

2021-10-01, 06:56 AM
d12 - it hits the perfect point between easy to roll roundness and not-going-off-the-table sharpness. More aesthetically pleasing than the d8 or d10, and it cleanly divides into 2/3/4/6/12. Sadly an underused die in most systems.

d20 is the best for spinning though, and also a good die for rolling, it can just be too round sometimes.
Rounded d6s roll quite nicely as well, and can even spin reasonably well.

I completely agree, especially about the d12.

I also have kind of a love/hate relationship with the d4. I like how weird they look but I dislike how they don't really feel like they're rolling as much as just falling down compared to other dice.

2021-10-01, 07:27 AM
The d100. Something about how the die is actually two dice pleases me.

An honourable mention to any dice bigger than my fist.

2021-10-01, 07:34 AM
The d100. Something about how the die is actually two dice pleases me.

That's funny, I'm actually somewhat annoyed by the same thing. I imagine I would like rolling one of those "real" d100s though (even if it might be a little cumbersome).

2021-10-01, 07:49 AM
A small number of dice. Both in the sense I like rolling 2-3 dice, but also in the sense, the die dice. The one I grew up with before getting into weird gaming systems. I don't mind branching out to other types of dice, but I don't even add numbers in the 1-6 range anymore, I just look at them and know.

And if we go weirder than the d20, my favourite is the fudge die, or as they are used in game (Fudge or Fate): 4dF.

On d100: I have one (or had one?) Not very satisfying to roll actually, but looks nice in the collection.

2021-10-01, 07:50 AM
My desire to roll d4s increased exponentially once I got some 12-sided d4s. Changed my life. Likewise, best "new idea" in dice in a long time.

The d100. Something about how the die is actually two dice pleases me. The rattle rattle of percentile dice shaking before one rolls them is a satisfying sound.

I imagine I would like rolling one of those "real" d100s though (even if it might be a little cumbersome). I have one from about 40 years ago. We used it maybe five times before we decided that it wasn't the better idea.

Rolling a big old handful of d6 when a fireball goes off is its own special kind of wonderful.

False God
2021-10-01, 09:33 AM
D12. It rolls well like a d20, but has a more limited range of results compared to the often +/-1 to 5/6 systems I play in.

Jay R
2021-10-02, 05:38 PM
3d6. That's how I started -- 3d6 for each stat, in order.

Not long after I started playing D&D, I plotted out the probability distribution, and noticed that it was starting to simulate a bell curve. At the time, I wondered why. When I learned why later, that helped it make sense to me.

D&D, and specifically rolling 3d6 for characteristics, helped me to understand the Central Limit Theorem.

It therefore helped me to become a Ph. D., a statistical consultant, and a telecom engineer.

2021-10-10, 07:20 AM
Handfuls of d6. I have no idea why but this is my favourite way to roll dice.

As for the actual mechanic, I’m not so keen on World of Darkness, Burning Wheel etc method where you count successes. It’s rolling them that’s fun, not sitting there counting them. I love the Blades in the Dark way where you roll, look at only the highest result and that tells you how well it goes.

I think Spire and Heart do the same thing with d10s, which allows for more granularity and more possible results… but for some reason that is completely unknown to me, I prefer the d6s.

2021-10-10, 07:39 AM
Handfuls of d6. I have no idea why but this is my favourite way to roll dice.

As for the actual mechanic, I’m not so keen on World of Darkness, Burning Wheel etc method where you count successes. It’s rolling them that’s fun, not sitting there counting them. I love the Blades in the Dark way where you roll, look at only the highest result and that tells you how well it goes.

I'm quite interested in the Mistborn RPG method, although I've never had a chance to try out out. You roll a pool of d6s, separate the 6s, and pick the highest pair. If your paor is above the difficulty you succeed, 6s either improve your success or mitigate the consequences of failure.

2021-10-10, 08:46 AM
I'm quite interested in the Mistborn RPG method, although I've never had a chance to try out out. You roll a pool of d6s, separate the 6s, and pick the highest pair. If your paor is above the difficulty you succeed, 6s either improve your success or mitigate the consequences of failure.

Ooh that sounds good. Maybe a bit fiddly but I do appreciate just how clever people can be with dice mechanics.

2021-10-10, 10:12 AM
The 150 D10 damage dice we once had to roll in a game of Scion. It was quite fun to see and we had to roll them in 3 batches as we didn't have enough of them.