View Full Version : Drakewarden

2021-09-30, 11:01 AM
I just wanted to say that I really like the leaked dragon focused ranger and it, on it's own has convinced me to buy Fizban's when it's released. That is all.

2021-09-30, 11:04 AM
I just wanted to say that I really like the leaked dragon focused ranger and it, on it's own has convinced me to buy Fizban's when it's released. That is all.

Dragon on the cover was enough for me.

But yeah it seems fun and strong though I wish it was more focused on utility and exploration than just being a big sack of hp.

2021-09-30, 11:18 AM
Leaked? It was released as an official preview, like with the metallic dragonborn, genie warlock, and wild magic barbarian.

2021-09-30, 12:05 PM
Leaked? It was released as an official preview, like with the metallic dragonborn, genie warlock, and wild magic barbarian.

Where I got it from the poster specifically stated that they guessed on a file path and found it hidden there.

2021-09-30, 12:12 PM
I really like the Drakewarden as well. You get a really great damage sponge for the relatively inexpensive price of a low level spell slot. I only have two issues with it.

1: It really ought to become a flying mount sooner, especially with flight becoming even more common with player races these days.

2: While it's a good companion when fighting a single tough enemy over multiple rounds, its need for a bonus action to give it orders clashes with a Ranger's need to spend that bonus action moving Hunter's Mark from target to target in a fight with multiple enemies.

2021-09-30, 12:16 PM
I really like the Drakewarden as well. You get a really great damage sponge for the relatively inexpensive price of a low level spell slot. I only have two issues with it.

1: It really ought to become a flying mount sooner, especially with flight becoming even more common with player races these days.

2: While it's a good companion when fighting a single tough enemy over multiple rounds, its need for a bonus action to give it orders clashes with a Ranger's need to spend that bonus action moving Hunter's Mark from target to target in a fight with multiple enemies.

1. I think it's just lined up with when Draconic Sorcerer and Storm Sorcerer get their at will flight abilities.
2. Unless you're dropping an opponent every round with hunter's mark on it I don't think it'll be a big impact but I see your point.

2021-09-30, 12:22 PM
I actually didn't notice the BA requirement, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Even if it did clash with Hunter's Mark (which it shouldn't too often), it could force rangers to use other spells in their toolkits.

Frankly I think Hunter's Mark should have just been a feature.

2021-09-30, 12:37 PM
It's funny because everyone agrees the class is strong and cool but there's just very little to optimize. It's high damage, boosts your toughness, is a great damage sponge, and... That's it!

Any potential ways to push it over the top? I was thinking of trying this out as I'm currently playing a level one ranger. My current idea is to just grab a greatsword and sentinel and try and play as a roadblock, using the pets body and mine to block chokepoints and smack people. I don't know how a DM would rule the Tasha's tattoos (more specifically, what happens when the spirit dies and comes back, and also whether the beast can activate something like eldritch maul) but it seems like they're ideal for this since the drake doesn't get magical attacks.

2021-09-30, 12:44 PM
It's funny because everyone agrees the class is strong and cool but there's just very little to optimize. It's high damage, boosts your toughness, is a great damage sponge, and... That's it!

Any potential ways to push it over the top?

The Drake's bite isn't all that special, so I could see mostly having the Drake perform the Help Action to give a Ranger with Elven Accuracy advantage on their first shot, which would help with SS shots and boost the chance for a crit. And the Drake would still have its reaction free for Infused Strikes.

2021-09-30, 12:58 PM
It's funny because everyone agrees the class is strong and cool but there's just very little to optimize. It's high damage, boosts your toughness, is a great damage sponge, and... That's it!

Any potential ways to push it over the top? I was thinking of trying this out as I'm currently playing a level one ranger. My current idea is to just grab a greatsword and sentinel and try and play as a roadblock, using the pets body and mine to block chokepoints and smack people. I don't know how a DM would rule the Tasha's tattoos (more specifically, what happens when the spirit dies and comes back, and also whether the beast can activate something like eldritch maul) but it seems like they're ideal for this since the drake doesn't get magical attacks.

As it gets bigger and bigger it can be ordered to grapple and eventually grapple even giants.

2021-09-30, 02:59 PM
The Drake's bite isn't all that special, so I could see mostly having the Drake perform the Help Action to give a Ranger with Elven Accuracy advantage on their first shot, which would help with SS shots and boost the chance for a crit. And the Drake would still have its reaction free for Infused Strikes.

This probably holds true at low levels when AC is relatively high when compared with attack and the drake's bite isn't that strong. I'm somewhat skeptical about it's utility at level seven and beyond. Might work well against resistant/immune enemies still though.

Off the cuff, advantage translates to something like +30% against an AC 14 enemy for a level one gwm guy. The gwm guy is hitting for something like 28 damage so that's +9 damage from the bm. Pretty good, and better than the ~3 damage you'd get from the bite at this level, and likely more than at any level. The tradeoffs for SS are a little worse but I'd still imagine they come out in favor of "help".

Personally I don't use ss in my games so it's a moot point

As it gets bigger and bigger it can be ordered to grapple and eventually grapple even giants.

Seems like that's not going to be successful very often given the strength mod doesn't scale

2021-09-30, 03:28 PM
This probably holds true at low levels when AC is relatively high when compared with attack and the drake's bite isn't that strong. I'm somewhat skeptical about it's utility at level seven and beyond. Might work well against resistant/immune enemies still though.

Off the cuff, advantage translates to something like +30% against an AC 14 enemy for a level one gwm guy. The gwm guy is hitting for something like 28 damage so that's +9 damage from the bm. Pretty good, and better than the ~3 damage you'd get from the bite at this level, and likely more than at any level. The tradeoffs for SS are a little worse but I'd still imagine they come out in favor of "help".

Personally I don't use ss in my games so it's a moot point

Seems like that's not going to be successful very often given the strength mod doesn't scale

Well, if I'm the DM I'd let the player slap a girdle of giant strength on it.

2021-10-01, 05:47 PM
Well, if I'm the DM I'd let the player slap a girdle of giant strength on it.

Still would be pretty bad at grappling. You'd probably want enlarge or enhance ability to make this work.


So what do we have so far?

Drake help action is useful for GWM/EA/SS
Drake grapple is situationally maybe good because even though the modifier is small you can use it against targets who normally can't be grappled.
Alternately if you grapple someone, you can ride your drake for a cheesegrater strat
Eldritch Claw really improves their DPR if allowed (though they don't have skin, and some DMs might be a **** about the BA activation.)
Usual pet shenanigans like using him as a wall or casting dragon's breath on him.
Past 7th level, the second OA is actually pretty good damage even when compared against infused strikes.

2021-10-01, 06:56 PM
Still would be pretty bad at grappling. You'd probably want enlarge or enhance ability to make this work.


So what do we have so far?

Drake help action is useful for GWM/EA/SS
Drake grapple is situationally maybe good because even though the modifier is small you can use it against targets who normally can't be grappled.
Alternately if you grapple someone, you can ride your drake for a cheesegrater strat
Eldritch Claw really improves their DPR if allowed (though they don't have skin, and some DMs might be a **** about the BA activation.)
Usual pet shenanigans like using him as a wall or casting dragon's breath on him.
Past 7th level, the second OA is actually pretty good damage even when compared against infused strikes.

Or you provide it with a help action