View Full Version : 3rd Ed Character Concept Help Needed: Magical Construction Foreman! Or: Building a City v2.0

2021-10-01, 02:50 PM
Character Concept Help Needed: Magical Construction Foreman

So I am playing in a non-combat play by post game, and I need some help with an odd character idea I have. A recent, kind of disastrous previous thread helped me figure out how to better ask the forum for help with this.

First, some constraints! The character will be 3.5e only (No Pathfinder), All 3.5 WotC material allowed, un-updated 3.0e material allowed, licensed/authorized/'official product'-stamped 3rd party allowed, dragon magazine allowed, LA buyoff allowed, 32 point buy, 78k xp to spend, 110k gp to spend, Leadership and various methods of obtaining cohorts and followers allowed, but I have to stat them out and name them and all that.

So, here's my idea: I want to maximize, within some pretty extreme constraints, the versatility of a one-characters'-resources-derived magical construction/landscaping/architecture company. Of note, we will not actually be using the mundane Crafting or Profession rules as written. Having high checks in this stuff is still useful and necessary, but we won't be pushing for checks in the dozens/hundreds/thousands to get this done. Of more use would be access to a wide variety of relevant skills in the +15-+25 skill range, to deal with issues as necessary. Of more use is weird abilities that would be relevant to this sort of work!

Another thing of note is item reliance. The setting will be intrigue heavy, so using a lot of items to do the work that are very likely to get stolen is a bad idea. A Lyre of Building, maybe a Decanter of Endless Water is fine, but making a bunch of weird items that do the crafting for the people is asking for trouble and for them to get stolen!

Another thing, all the characters in the firm should generally be Large size or under, to fit in odd cramped locations and job sites. That said, having access to Heavy Airlift capabilities would be relevant. The character and familiar and mount and cohort and followers and planar ally and such are allowed to have odd species and templates, that's not a problem… within reason.

I'd like the primary character to be Good aligned, which means she's caring for her non-sapient worker's needs and stabling them appropriately and paying her sapient ones a reasonable wage and not requiring the ones that don't Have to sleep to work for a few days straight unless she's also doing so, as a temporary thing. It also means she'll tend to want to use Planar Ally over Planar Binding. I also don't want to actually break the local mercantilist guild economy, so she'll be part of whatever guild handles this stuff and following their pricing rules for labor and this sort of work -- the desired benefit is to have wider sort of things her crew can make, and to make them so significantly faster, with fewer supplies needed to be bought to the site, and of higher quality work, and less local disruption of nearby areas, and more types of wondrous architecture and fanciful landscaping and so on available, or even technological designs available.

So, a few thing on numbers. I'd like to limit this to 5 characters (main character + any cohorts, familiars, called help, etc that have int of 3+), and no more than 20 int 2, 1, or - workers at a time. This is a soft limit, let's call it guild rules on individual craftsman shop sizes. This includes long duration astral constructs, anything that acts like visible unseen servants, golems, hand-raised magical beasts, etc. Also of note, if a critter has a weird, crazy diet, she's going to have to provide that, at her own expense, so the critter better be worth it!

Theres a few sorts of abilities that I think would be extremely relevant for this concept. For one, let's just say Craft Wondrous Item for magical architecture. Also, the things that make construction materials -- wall of stone and wall of iron and plant growth and True Creation as a spell like ability are useful, as are the various shaping and transmutation spells for any of those things -- stone shape, greater stone shape, fabricate, transmute metal to wood, wood shape, ironwood, stone metamorphosis, greater stone metamorphosis, move earth, soften earth and stone, excavate, disintegrate, nature's rampart, shape metal, metal melt. Now, getting a few of these at will would be good, but getting access to a variety of them -- or the psionic equivalents -- would be more important, I think. Taking a few days for a big project and having the right spell for any project is a bigger deal than having, say, stone shape at will. Note: I want to stay away from things with a 'permanent' duration and focus on 'instantaneous' duration matter creation and changing instead. That said, making temporary matter via minor creation, major creation, shadow-matter-infused illusions, or similar is very useful for temporary scaffolding or tweaking the look and design of a build via mockups. That said, I'd need to know the illusion spells that don't require so much concentration, or would work best for this sort of task!

Other abilities that I think would be relevant would be stuff like at will Telekinesis or Greater Mage Hand, giving everyone Spider Climb or the ability to shape change into forms that are useful for construction work (like Girallon -- strong and extra hands! Or Roper or Darktentacles for similar), or having access to a creature with the ability to burrow -- not earthglide -- through dirt and stone and which leaves a useful tunnel, having access to a form of long duration flight which doesn't send wind everywhere and allows precision hovering, having the ability to fill out the roster with unseen servants, unseen crafters, wood wose, mount, and similar summoned long duration entities, having access to telepathic bond between everyone, access to Magecraft so anyone can be an assistant to whichever of the team is the expert in a given mundane craft, reverse gravity to move very heavy things to particular altitudes, etc. etc. Again, I don't know psionics very well, so any psionic equivalents to this stuff would be great!

Another thing I think might be useful is plant growth and permanent blessing (hallow or unhallow?) or making lair wards (or similar), and anything involved in making magical structures beyond just normal 'wondrous architecture'. I'm not sure if there are any spells or effects that create or conjure living soil or make normal grass (maybe researching the grass effect of the rod of wonder? Is that Instantaneous? Would they rot, and provide nutrients to plants? Could you grow plants via wall of iron -> transmute metal to wood -> wood rot -> (place seeds) -> plant growth? Could you use the grass trick to make hydroponics or mistponics along with Create Spring?) outside of Dark Sun, if anyone has suggestions for that, I'd appreciate it! What if you definitely wanted to kill some sort of problematic plant infesting a site, would you want access to Charnel Touch, in particular? What else might work if its one of those that burning and cutting doesnt kill?

I do have a lot of questions about things, though. Is a Phasm capable of holding up a lot due to being able to take mobile forms with lots of inherent compressive strength? Is there a feat that would let one use a lot of limbs at once? Those guys have lots of skill! Also, is a Constructor's Utility Construct actually have utility in Construction? What constructs are good at this sort of work in general? What are some good ways to get these mentioned spells as At Will, or the expensive or troublesome ones as Spell Like Abilities? What are the gating feats and spells for access to various types of magical architecture? What classes offer the most nonmagical or technological crafting options relevant to this? I was thinking of Archivist going into Runecrafter into Techsmith, would that work or is there something more ideal? What craft cost reduction feats would be most relevant to this sort of management-heavy work? What profession skill most closely matches what this sort of concept would actually do? How well would making someone a Ghost help with TK access, and is there anything that requires less investment for similar?

I'd really appreciate some help, and thanks!

2021-10-01, 03:47 PM
It's times like these I wish the "High Handcrafter" prestige class from Shackled City wasn't so terrible. Fits the theme perfectly, but ugh, the power level is awful.

2021-10-01, 05:56 PM
To answer one of your questions, the feat "Multitasking" (3.0, but never updated) has somewhat steep prerequisites but allows you to take a different action simultaneously with each pair of arms you have. "Multivoice" lets you cast one spell with each head you have as a single full round action.

Maat Mons
2021-10-01, 06:27 PM
My computer crashed and I lost everything I wrote. Here’s a very abbreviated recreation of what I remember writing.

Telekinesis may not be as useful as you think. It maxes out at 375 pounds. A granite block 16 inches on each side weighs more than that.

Wall of Iron costs 50 gp per casting, so if your source of wood is casting that, followed by Transmute Metal to Wood, that’s going to be some expensive wood.

Archivist is a great class. But if the campaign is such that relying on an item is an unacceptable weakness… well Archivists rely on a prayerbook.

Clerics have an easy time boosting Craft. The Artifice domain gives a +4 competence bonus on all Craft checks. And the Domain Focus ACF doubles that, to a +8 competence bonus.

2021-10-01, 07:52 PM
Archivist is a great class. But if the campaign is such that relying on an item is an unacceptable weakness… well Archivists rely on a prayerbook.

The issue is relying on items most anyone can use!

How well would a Dread Necromancer do in a cohort role? What's some of the more useful undead for this sort of thing?

How do you cast wall of iron without paying 50gp?

2021-10-01, 10:33 PM
A variety of ways, but note that it's inherently leaning toward the TO side of things because if you can have free Walls of Iron then you can have free Wishes too. So you'd have to determine with the GM where the lines for that are, because infinite everything makes construction kind of obsolete.

Off the top of my head:
* Astral Projection to reuse one set of components repeatedly
* Dweomerkeeper for Supernatural Spell
* Archmage + Supernatural Transformation (costs XP otherwise)
* Spellstitched undead (max 6th level, only certain schools)
* Emulation via Efreet Wishes (too far into TO IMO, but YMMV)

2021-10-01, 11:02 PM
* Astral Projection to reuse one set of components repeatedly

How does this one work, precisely? It seems like the go-to method.

2021-10-02, 04:31 AM
The simplest way, which only lets you do a single loop per use of Astral Projection (but that's often all that you need):
1) Astral Projection, holding the valuable components
2) Plane Shift or Gate to where-ever you want to cast the spell
3) Cast the spell with the projected components. The real ones are still on your real body.

With a partner and a scroll of Astral Projection, you can turn one casting into as many loops as you want. We'll call the two people A and B, and their projections A' and B'. It's simplest if you have a small demiplane for this purpose, as makes Plane Shift's lack of accuracy moot. Or use Gate instead, since you only need the one scroll of it.
0) A has a scroll of Astral Projection.
1) A casts Astral Projection.
2) A' casts whatever expensive spells are desired, then Plane Shifts back and hands the projected scroll to B.
3) B takes the real scroll from A, and uses the projected scroll to cast Astral Projection.
4) A' ends Astral Projection.
5) B' casts spells (or not), then Plane Shifts back and hands the projected scroll to A.
6) A takes the real scroll from B, uses the projected scroll, and GOTO 2

B only needs to be able to use scrolls, not cast anything themself. If returning to the same plane as your body is ruled to end the effect (it doesn't, IMO, but it's not an absurd reading) then you just need a second non-Astral plane and a second assistant. The real scroll never leaves your home base, nor does anything else valuable, so even if some Githyanki mug you on the Astral during the process, you don't lose anything besides the initial casting.

It's a fun trick (reminds me of loops in MtG), but it does have the problem that there's no logical stopping point between "a few free things for flavor" and "NI everything" unless the GM creates one.

Another Handle
2021-10-02, 05:54 AM
Echoing Spell (Secrets of Xendrik) is a +3 Metamagic that allows you to recast a spell an hour later, but your CL drops by 4. This reoccurs until your CL drops to low. Prepared caster only.
Hathran (Players Guide to Faerun) gives you circle magic which can get your CL to 40. Works for arcane and divine.
Residual Magic (Complete Mage) is a tactical feat that allows you copy the metamagic from one casting of a spell onto another casting of the same spell.
Mix in Metamagic reducers (or rod) to taste.
Bonus- Wall of Stone is a 3rd level Trapsmith (Dungeonscape) spell if you are cherry picking.

So, circle up your CL to 40, memorize an Echoing Wall of Stone and fill every spell slot you can with more Walls of Stone. Spam cast Wall of Stone. Recast the whole pile once an hour for 8 hours. Works for casting a bunch of whatever spell you want, just do only one a day for maximum efficiency. Or be boring and Planar Binding a Dao.

2021-10-03, 11:20 AM
So, again, I'm less interested in at will stuff than access to the odd stuff. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding the issues or questions I asked?

2021-10-03, 12:35 PM
Well, here's something you might find interesting: the metamorphosis psionic power, although similar to polymorph, has a few big differences. One of them is this:

"You can also use this power to assume the form of an inanimate object. You gain the object’s hardness and retain your own hit points. You can take the shape of almost any simple object you can think of. If you attempt to take the form of a complex object, you must make an appropriate skill check. If you fail the check, your manifestation of the power does not succeed. Likewise, you cannot take the form of a complex mechanical mechanism unless you have some sort of skill associated with the object. You cannot use this power to assume the form of a psionic item or a magic item, or any object with a hardness of 15 or higher. You also cannot take the form of a psionically animated mechanism or any object formed of ectoplasm."

The limitations here are interesting because of what they imply. You can't take the form of a complex mechanical mechanism unless you have some sort of skill associated with the object. So, if you do have the appropriate skill, you can turn into large and complex machinery? Arbitrarily large, in fact, because metamorphosis won't let you go smaller than Fine but will let you go bigger. I've seen a player successfully argue that his psion could turn into a galleon. Transforming also doesn't stop you from manifesting more powers, so go ahead and manifest expansion, control object (on yourself), or whatever other powers you want.

Metamorphosis is personal range, but if you have a psicrystal, you can use personal range powers on it.

What I'm getting at here is that you can pull an entire mining drill, factory, or cargo ship out of your pocket whenever you need one.

Maat Mons
2021-10-03, 03:52 PM
You mentioned heavy airlift capability. An Eberron airship can lift 30 tons, so that might be nice to have. I know you’re leery about relying on items. But it would be difficult to run a construction firm without any large vehicles. And it’s not like some is going to stick the airship in his pocket and sneak off.

Properly controlling an airship kind of requires that someone on your crew be a Dragonmarked member of house Lyrandar. And you either need that guy to have 2 levels in the Windwright Captain PrC, or you need to spend 92,000 gp. The Landlord feat would give you 100,000 gp to spend on a stronghold, and I see no reason a ship can’t be a stronghold.

2021-10-03, 08:42 PM
You mentioned heavy airlift capability. An Eberron airship can lift 30 tons, so that might be nice to have. I know you’re leery about relying on items. But it would be difficult to run a construction firm without any large vehicles. And it’s not like some is going to stick the airship in his pocket and sneak off.

I was thinking more some construct or easy to make undead, something a LOT cheaper, and easier to manage. Like, what's a cheap to make, strong creature that can fly while still a Skeleton (ie, wingless, magical flight)? Something that doesn't break the bank. Not sure about Landlord, maybe, I suppose!

2021-10-07, 10:04 AM
Just wanted to give some odd character concept ideas:

1) Davati Wu-Jen 5 /Incantrix 8
Persist Body outside Body (+ Share with your twin) and increase your productivity with the your craft skills.

2) Warforged race could be a nice cohort maybe. They can work all day and night without rest. Go for a tattooed monk and get the chameleon (?) tattoo. This will give the warforged the abilty (like Alter Self with h/lvl duration) to turn into an Animated Object. Now you have a flexible construction machine.

3) If you can wait till lvl 14 to get your full powerup, I would recommend a craftlock. warlock 12/chameleon 2. They are very flexible to use:
- Build up undead servents for labor work.
- Shatter at-will to get rid of stuff on the constrution area.
- spiderclimb/fly all day.
- access to all spells via crafting (which ignores/fakes spell material components since the entire cast is being faked by RAW).
- access to (almost) all crafting feats
- there are invocations to detach your hand or your eye. Could become handy while constructing stuff.

Fouredged Sword
2021-10-07, 11:45 AM
The Dwarven Goatherd build

Dwarven Cleric with the cold and craft domains.

Craft domain is mostly flavor, but the cold domain gets you the ability to rebuke a pair of Rejkar to serve you.

Yes, they are lawful evil devil goats, but hear me out.

You can convert them to good via the conversion rules in the book of exalted deeds so their alignment isn't a problem.

What they can do is use fabricate as a SLA at will.

And you get two of them rebuked at level 10.

Train them to be fiends of possession and let them posse a pair of gauntlets.

In addition to being a cleric with cleric casting you also have 2 castings of fabricate to make useful things happening automatically each round. Due to being SLAs the castings ignore material components, even costly ones, so the fabricate SLA just produces the output without need for input.

You can produce any item that is non-magic and less than 10 cubic feet in size twice per turn every turn. You can use this to modify 20 cubic feet of your environment each turn.