View Full Version : How to find a find a creature that has the ability to shape change or polymorph

2021-10-03, 10:18 PM
I have a creature that that can plane hop, shape change, and polymorph. I need to a spell or power or ability to have a non GOD to track them down and find them... Again this is a Non God way to find this creature. So any Mage, Cleric, or Psionic way to find and kill this creature.
Wish is obvious but are there any other spells or powers to get the job done.

2021-10-03, 11:40 PM
...Divination spells or Clairsentience powers? You can use those without being a god. The grand daddies would be Discern Location or Metafaculty. Depending on how powerful your target is, Legend Lore and Vision should work too. You can even Contact Other Plane and ask a non-deity about them.

2021-10-04, 09:50 AM
Well, a slam dunk for viewing a creatures true form would be True Sight. You could get a hold of that spell, or there are some items that grant it... a gem you look through in core, the Hathran Mask of True Seeing from Unapproachable East, and The Chalice of True Seeing from Dragon 189. Another would be looking at the creature in the reflection of a Mirror of Truth from Dragon 305.

You could also scry for the creature, or find it using the Mirror of Mental Prowess, then keep track of it, or at least observe it's other forms. The mirror would even let you portal right to it.

You could also try to find it and track it using scent, if it changes its form but keeps some of the same clothes or other items in the other form.

If it's a lycanthrope of some kind, there is a druid spell 'moonbeam', and a magic dagger whose name I can't recall, which would force the creature back to its true form.

The creature would return to its true form in an antimagic field. You could use the spell, or a magic item like the Antimagic Torc.

When it comes to tracking across planes, all the good non-portal specific stuff is in Dragon 306, which has the Planar Tracking feat and the Planar Tracking Net item.

2021-10-04, 07:48 PM
Yeah those are some good ideas...Tnx