View Full Version : 3rd Ed Help...trying to find spell/item/ritual

2021-10-04, 09:15 AM
With our party looking into enchanting items, my character has finally got options to progress towards his endgoal. Marriage to his childhood sweetheart...in 50 years time. They're dwarves, you can't expect them to rush it...but we also wouldn't want to risk her forgetting him either...

To do that he needs to be able to acquire a spell/item/ritual that allows two lovers to be aware of the health, emotions and general location of each other.
I know something like it exists, but cannot recall it, and my google-fu is weak. It was probably 3.x, and possibly Faerun associated, given how long ago I recall it from and what I was playing at the time.

2021-10-04, 09:30 AM
The basics of that would be the Status spell (2nd level cleric spell). Some kind of magic item based on that might do it. I don't know of any book item that does what you are looking for.

2021-10-04, 11:47 AM
There was the True Love Lockets in Giantslayer.

Not quite everything you're looking for but similar - Sanctified Rings

2021-10-04, 04:11 PM
I mean, it's not an item, but there is the Lifemate NPC trait (DMG2 p.159): gives a constant Status type effect, Sending 1/week and Shield Other 1/month. Not worth LA +1 though.

I have looked for an item like what OP is seeking in the past, and was also unable to find it. Pretty sure there were options in earlier editions, but just not sure about 3E.

2021-10-04, 04:20 PM
Is it possible that you are actually thinking about the feats karmic twin/thunder twin?

They are both mechanically similar to what you're searching for; thunder twin is faerunian and even dwarf-only - but works on characters that are actually twins. The other one assumes that you have a (very far) ancestor in common, so it would be ok, assuming you waive the OA-fluff.

2021-10-04, 04:26 PM
Rod of Tracking (Arms and Equipment Guide):

These two identical copper rods are a foot long and topped with a smooth clear crystal. Taking a full action and doing nothing else, the wielder can determine the exact distance and direction of the other rod. By spending another full action, the wielder can determine if the rod is being held by a creature and what that creature's current physical status is (alive and healthy, injured, dying, or unconscious). It does not determine the mental status (dazed, stunned, and the like) or any magical effects (such as charmed or dominated).
37800 gp

Rings of Status (Dungeon #105):

Rings of status come in pairs. The wearer of a ring of status can mentally monitor the relative position and general condition of the person who wears the matching ring, as the status spell.
24000 gp (for a pair)

2021-10-07, 05:02 PM
If you wanted to go real high end and give it a real faustian bargain vibe, could do two castings of Demonic Blood Infusion and Extract Gift on the promised lovers.

Demonic Blood infusion lets one count as a Demon temporarily, whilst Extract Gift allows you to grant a recipient certain bonuses with the option of also giving the Demon donor certain powers over the recipient, namely:

+1 Increase: The donor demon can track the recipient's location and condition, effectively gaining the effect of a constant status spell on it.
+3 Increase: The demon can see through the recipient's eyes and hear through its ears.
+5 Increase: The demon can telepathically communicate with the recipient as if by Rary's telepathic bond.
+7 Increase: The demon can use demand on the recipient once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equals your caster level at the time you cast extract gift).

I believe it works across planes as well, unlike the base ones, although that might technically be debateable.

2021-10-08, 04:50 AM
As far as location goes, Dragoneye Rune is basically an enhanced Arcane Mark that allows the caster to divine the direction and distance of the marked item 3/day. Get a couple of single-use magic items so that each of them to cast the spell on a ring or amulet worn by the other.
As a single casting of a 2nd level spell with a permanent effect, it's going to end up being much cheaper than a continuous magic item to get this particular effect.