View Full Version : Minsc & Boo's Journal of Villainy

2021-10-06, 07:52 PM
Wizards stealthily dropped this gem of a book on the DM's Guild the other day. It's the latest in their line of quasi-official supplements that support the Extra Life charity (which includes earlier titles like the Tortle Package). And I gotta say, this is a super cool book. It has statblocks for Mephistopheles, Baalzebul, Pazuzu, Baal, Cryonax, and Ssendam (the Slaad Lord of Madness), plus statblocks for two to three henchmen for each of those villains (many of which are iconic characters from the Baldur's Gate video games), plus detailed writeups for ten organizations (such as Candlekeep, the Emerald Enclave, the Shadow Thieves...) as group patrons—and each group patron gets two fully statted NPC contacts! It also has write-ups of four different cities, with places of interest and even a cool take on magic item shops. Like, one of the cities is a drow city in the Underdark, which has a shop run by aboleths. They're only willing to sell their most powerful magic items to high-level characters... but the higher the level you are, the more likely they are to decide you'd make a good pawn and try to Enslave you instead of selling to you. Finally, it has a handful of iconic generic monsters from earlier editions, including phaerimm and demodands (the inhabitants of Carceri)!

It's also worth noting that this might well be the very last of the "original style" 5e books, with monsters that have the Spellcasting trait and spell slots proper as opposed to the new x/day model seen in Wild Beyond the Witchlight.

I think it's a great product, definitely worth a buy (especially since it's for charity).

2021-10-06, 08:54 PM
Wizards stealthily dropped this gem of a book on the DM's Guild the other day. It's the latest in their line of quasi-official supplements that support the Extra Life charity (which includes earlier titles like the Tortle Package). And I gotta say, this is a super cool book. It has statblocks for Mephistopheles, Baalzebul, Pazuzu, Baal, Cryonax, and Ssendam (the Slaad Lord of Madness), plus statblocks for two to three henchmen for each of those villains (many of which are iconic characters from the Baldur's Gate video games), plus detailed writeups for ten organizations (such as Candlekeep, the Emerald Enclave, the Shadow Thieves...) as group patrons—and each group patron gets two fully statted NPC contacts! It also has write-ups of four different cities, with places of interest and even a cool take on magic item shops. Like, one of the cities is a drow city in the Underdark, which has a shop run by aboleths. They're only willing to sell their most powerful magic items to high-level characters... but the higher the level you are, the more likely they are to decide you'd make a good pawn and try to Enslave you instead of selling to you. Finally, it has a handful of iconic generic monsters from earlier editions, including phaerimm and demodands (the inhabitants of Carceri)!

It's also worth noting that this might well be the very last of the "original style" 5e books, with monsters that have the Spellcasting trait and spell slots proper as opposed to the new x/day model seen in Wild Beyond the Witchlight.

I think it's a great product, definitely worth a buy (especially since it's for charity).

WotC needs to advertise that kind of stuff a lot more. Thanks for all those infos!

Does the book have illustrations, and are they nice?

2021-10-06, 09:19 PM
WotC needs to advertise that kind of stuff a lot more. Thanks for all those infos!

Does the book have illustrations, and are they nice?

It sure does! Beautiful full page spreads for just about every single NPC and monster introduced.

2021-10-07, 05:27 AM
I've noticed a few problems with the statblocks - Bhaal's Ravager references a 'fear aura' which doesn't seem to be detailed anywhere, and Imoen's Spider Climb just calls her a vampire (which she isn't) - but after skimming over it it seems pretty solid. I like the approaches to magic items in the cities and the group patrons+contacts. A solid DM tool to steal from even if you're not using it for the exact same things they are.

2021-10-07, 10:50 AM
I've noticed a few problems with the statblocks - Bhaal's Ravager references a 'fear aura' which doesn't seem to be detailed anywhere, and Imoen's Spider Climb just calls her a vampire (which she isn't) - but after skimming over it it seems pretty solid. I like the approaches to magic items in the cities and the group patrons+contacts. A solid DM tool to steal from even if you're not using it for the exact same things they are.

That's... disappointing, it feels like they did a sloppy copy/paste job and if the supplement saw an editor it was a bad one. I know it's for charity but still.

2021-10-07, 07:13 PM
Looks like the primary author has worked on several of the Baldur's Gate games, as well as multiple others and the Odyssey of the Dragonlords book.

I ordered it today, haven't had much time to browse through the PDF yet. I like what I see - more actual suggestions and useful tools, rather than vague suggestions that the DM consider homebrewing more details. At least, that's what I picked up from the first few pages.

2021-10-07, 09:11 PM
Is Pazuzu the first named Obyrith in official 5e?

2021-10-07, 09:19 PM
Is Pazuzu the first named Obyrith in official 5e?

Is he called an Obyrith in the book?

If yes, then it would be the first mention of Obyriths in 5e, period.

2021-10-07, 09:28 PM
I am mildly annoyed that they brought the katana to 5e, only for it to be an objectively better longsword. That's a myth that I had hoped died out by now.

But other than that truly minuscule peeve, it's pretty interesting.

Thunderous Mojo
2021-10-07, 10:00 PM
Is Pazuzu the first named Obyrith in official 5e?

Pazuzu is the possessing demon from the Exorcist.

Pazuzu is also the name of Professor Farnsworth's Gargoyle from Futurama:
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. 4WB8JujsKxXnoKOENnrSYwHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1

2021-10-07, 10:16 PM
Pazuzu is the possessing demon from the Exorcist.

Pazuzu is also the name of Professor Farnsworth's Gargoyle from Futurama:
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. 4WB8JujsKxXnoKOENnrSYwHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1

Pazuzu (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Pazuzu) has a separate history in DND, and is among the eldest of the proto-demons (Obyrith) who had until now not been mentioned in 5e.

Thunderous Mojo
2021-10-07, 10:26 PM
Pazuzu (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Pazuzu) has a separate history in DND, and is among the eldest of the proto-demons (Obyrith) who had until now not been mentioned in 5e.

I'm aware. I could not pass up an Exorcist reference during the month of October. I also love that episode of Futurama.

D&D's Pazuzu always felt very similar to the Demon Lord Fraz-Urb'luu, in my mind. Pazuzu is much easier to say, though.

My players always mock the name Fraz-Urb'luu....they call it Franz Ferdinand. Then again my players are a savage pack of @$$h##es.✌️

2021-10-08, 12:36 AM
It appears that it is no longer on DMs Guild or Drive Thru RPG. It pops up in the search bar, but when clicked on it states that the title is not available.

Very sad. It sounded like a really great book.

2021-10-08, 12:51 AM
I can only assume an intern posted their homebrew on WotC's official account and has since been fired and threatened with lawsuits. There was too much content (and good content at that) for WotC to have had even the slightest hand in it.

2021-10-08, 02:27 AM
I can only assume an intern posted their homebrew on WotC's official account and has since been fired and threatened with lawsuits. There was too much content (and good content at that) for WotC to have had even the slightest hand in it.

2021-10-08, 02:33 AM
It’s still there for me, Mithral Seller and everything.


2021-10-08, 03:12 AM
Not for me, the page briefly lists options (pdf) + button to place it in my basket, but then reloads and shows 'not available'. Pity, would have loved getting this :/

2021-10-08, 03:26 AM
I am mildly annoyed that they brought the katana to 5e, only for it to be an objectively better longsword.

Had to double check - my only beef is it's still got a 1d10 2h option. 1d8 slashing finesse is fine otherwise. Ah well.

2021-10-08, 03:30 AM
Regarding the PDF: it's likely someone noticed the editing issues (notably the chapter title that said something like "please correct the Volo's text") and it'll show up again once corrected.

I am mildly annoyed that they brought the katana to 5e, only for it to be an objectively better longsword. That's a myth that I had hoped died out by now.

But other than that truly minuscule peeve, it's pretty interesting.

Pretty sure the core books already mentions the katana as just being a longsword.

Pazuzu (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Pazuzu) has a separate history in DND, and is among the eldest of the proto-demons (Obyrith) who had until now not been mentioned in 5e.

I might be wrong, but from what I've been able to see, at no point Pazuzu is said to be an Obyrith in the Minsc's & Boo's, so Obyriths continue to not be mentioned, and likely not exist as a concept, in 5e.

2021-10-08, 08:50 AM
Regarding the PDF: it's likely someone noticed the editing issues (notably the chapter title that said something like "please correct the Volo's text") and it'll show up again once corrected.

Pretty sure the core books already mentions the katana as just being a longsword.

I might be wrong, but from what I've been able to see, at no point Pazuzu is said to be an Obyrith in the Minsc's & Boo's, so Obyriths continue to not be mentioned, and likely not exist as a concept, in 5e.

I might have some insight.

Apparently, this interferes with their own guidelines regarding artwork and stat block reprinting. I haven't read the book, but apparently it copies a stat block directly from something called Odyssey of the Dragon Lords, which is in direct contrary to a guideline of DMs Guild?

And something or other about artwork, specifically the Inuus and Sirenes?

2021-10-08, 09:03 AM
I might have some insight.

Apparently, this interferes with their own guidelines regarding artwork and stat block reprinting. I haven't read the book, but apparently it copies a stat block directly from something called Odyssey of the Dragon Lords, which is in direct contrary to a guideline of DMs Guild?

And something or other about artwork, specifically the Inuus and Sirenes?

That makes sense, WotC doesn't own the Odyssey of the Dragon Lords adventure, and I suppose they also don't own those artworks.

Seems like someone assembled the Minsc's & Boo's from disparate sources without doing all of their due diligence.

2021-10-08, 09:05 AM
That makes sense, WotC doesn't own the Odyssey of the Dragon Lords adventure, and I suppose they also don't own those artworks.

Seems like someone assembled the Minsc's & Boo's from disparate sources without doing all of their due diligence.

Also, this is pure conjecture on my part

But it could be some artwork for Odyssey was done by a frequent WOTC artist, and it turns out that the artist doesn't actually own the piece(s) which were utilized in M&B.

Again, pure conjecture.

Though I do believe this could easily have something to do with it.

I'd be shocked if M&B wasn't available again by the end of the weekend.

2021-10-08, 09:34 AM
For whatever it's worth, reddit is saying that the reused artwork (some of which also came from Heroes of Baldur's Gate) is owned by the writer (James Ohlen), though whether there's still some legal Q's about its use is another matter.

Not that I really mind if it's getting another editing pass to clear up the typos/statblock issues. It is a bit sloppy for a charity book to have such errors and doesn't look terribly professional. It's not a dealbreaker for me, easy enough to adjust/work around, but still.

2021-10-08, 10:54 AM
I am absolutely over the moon about this book! Hope they rerelease it soon so I can snap it up immediately.

I am mildly annoyed that they brought the katana to 5e, only for it to be an objectively better longsword. That's a myth that I had hoped died out by now.

But other than that truly minuscule peeve, it's pretty interesting.

If this is a love letter to Baldur's Gate, is anyone really surprised that katanas receive such glowing praise?

From the in-game BG1 description of katanas:

The katana is the finest example of the swordsmith's craft...as skill develops, the wielder and the blade become a single being...

From the in-game BG2 description of katanas:

The katana is perhaps one of the finest swords ever made, the steps to its creation a long and secret process that is more art form than anything else.

I mean, it was 1999. I'm willing to cut our dear ancestral weebs a bit of slack :smalltongue:

2021-10-08, 10:58 AM
It appears that it is no longer on DMs Guild or Drive Thru RPG. It pops up in the search bar, but when clicked on it states that the title is not available.

Very sad. It sounded like a really great book.

It's back, last updated 2021-07-21 15:32:16.

Same page count (158) and file size (61.2mb) as the one I originally downloaded before it went down.

2021-10-08, 11:07 AM
I am absolutely over the moon about this book! Hope they rerelease it soon so I can snap it up immediately.

If this is a love letter to Baldur's Gate, is anyone really surprised that katanas receive such glowing praise?

From the in-game BG1 description of katanas:

From the in-game BG2 description of katanas:

I mean, it was 1999. I'm willing to cut our dear ancestral weebs a bit of slack :smalltongue:

Can someone detail the katana’s stats?

2021-10-08, 11:16 AM
I could copy the screenshot of the weapon, but I'm not certain that's allowed. Instead I'll recreate the relevant information.

Katana. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit. 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two hands.

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.

I am told that the character in question does not have a +4 mod to Strength.

Longswords have been usable with Dexterity already, provided the character is a monk. However, I understand that it loses its Dexterity synergy when used with two hands. This katana ignores that rule and makes it always usable with Dexterity.

On the other hand, I'd treat this as a specific weapon, which means it'd only be obtainable through defeating and looting a specific enemy. This is clearly not just a reflavored longsword as other katanas are in 5e.

2021-10-08, 11:22 AM
I can tell you nothing in the book was vetted by the design team.

2021-10-08, 11:23 AM
Valygar did have a special personal katana (https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Corthala_Family_Blade) back in Baldur's Gate 2. Making his one finesse instead of a magic item isn't exactly an egregious step out of line.

2021-10-08, 11:23 AM
I am mildly annoyed that they brought the katana to 5e, only for it to be an objectively better longsword. That's a myth that I had hoped died out by now.

But other than that truly minuscule peeve, it's pretty interesting.

I could copy the screenshot of the weapon, but I'm not certain that's allowed. Instead I'll recreate the relevant information.

I am told that the character in question does not have a +4 mod to Strength.

Longswords have been usable with Dexterity already, provided the character is a monk. However, I understand that it loses its Dexterity synergy when used with two hands. This katana ignores that rule and makes it always usable with Dexterity.

On the other hand, I'd treat this as a specific weapon, which means it'd only be obtainable through defeating and looting a specific enemy. This is clearly not just a reflavored longsword as other katanas are in 5e.

So it's a NPC statblock weapon, if I understand it correctly?

A NPC not following the usual rules for weapons isn't always a question of weapon properties, it's often more implicit NPC abilities. The Nagpa's staff attack uses DEX, for example.

Sounds to me like it is in fact just a longsword in the hand of a NPC who can use DEX with longswords.

I can tell you nothing in the book was vetted by the design team.

That's pretty worrying to me. Was it vetted by anyone?

P. G. Macer
2021-10-08, 11:29 AM
I can tell you nothing in the book was vetted by the design team.

Considering that much of the content from what I’ve seen is being lauded to the Seven Heavens, that doesn’t speak highly to the design team’s capabilities…

2021-10-08, 11:41 AM
I can tell you nothing in the book was vetted by the design team.

I feel like you've stated in a thread like, half a year ago, the validity of your claims, but is it just understood on these boards that statements like this are true? Or is it more that in reading the front matter of the book, you don't see any of the standard names?

2021-10-08, 11:48 AM
I can tell you nothing in the book was vetted by the design team.

I don't think that I fully grasp what you were trying to say with this statement. Could you please elaborate a bit?

In other news: Minsc's skinny head on the cover looks quite wrong (and deranged, but that's fitting) to me.

2021-10-08, 11:56 AM
I don't think that I fully grasp what you were trying to say with this statement. Could you please elaborate a bit?

They weren't included on anything. The book was made without input from them.

@Wildstag: If people choose to believe me, that's fine. And people can choose not to do so. I like to think I have a pretty decent track record when it comes to statements I have made. When I say something is a very informed opinion, I like to think it can be considered as such. And when I say something is purely speculative, or my own conjecture, that is exactly that. You may read into that what you will.

2021-10-08, 12:03 PM
I can tell you nothing in the book was vetted by the design team.
Thank Heavens for that!

2021-10-09, 02:12 AM
{Scrub the post, scrub the quote}

dude, at this point every development the world over finds some way to let me down. {Scrubbed}

I can tell you nothing in the book was vetted by the design team.

And look, I was right. Like everything else in life WotC has a bad habit of showing just enough promise to get your hopes up only to yank the rug out from under you. This is not a new direction wotc is going in with content. This isn't even content they had a hand in, and the minute they saw it making them look bad they stamped it out.

Mark my words, that spelljammer UA that just released? Every race except the astral elf and giff are going to be cut, nerfed into oblivion, or made so mechanically boring that nobody's interested in playing them anymore, and that's assuming the entire spelljammer supplement they're teasing doesn't get thrown in the trash altogether

2021-10-09, 05:50 AM
This isn't even content they had a hand in, and the minute they saw it making them look bad they stamped it out.

I am not a fan of WotC in the slightest but they've returned "Minsc & Boo's Journal" on DM's Guild already.

Thunderous Mojo
2021-10-09, 09:35 AM
{Scrub the post, scrub the quote}


Sparky McDibben
2021-10-09, 10:58 AM
{Scrub the post, scrub the quote}


2021-10-09, 11:50 AM
What CR do the enemy statblocks go up to? Is Irenicus actually set up as a "lasts more than 3 rounds" caster, and Bodhi as similar for a vampire? Or are they squishy?

Did they fix Imoen being a vampire?

2021-10-09, 12:18 PM
Is Irenicus actually set up as a "lasts more than 3 rounds" caster, and Bodhi as similar for a vampire? Or are they squishy?

Irenicus is CR22, 135 health, though chances are his first legendary action is going to be giving himself another 50 temp HP. He's got 9th level spells (including Time Stop) and hits hard, enough, but I wouldn't expect him to last long. Also his legendary action attacks seem to require both an attack roll and then provoke a save, which ain't that great.

Bodhi's CR15, 144 health, and regens 20HP at the start of each turn unless hit by radiant. She's also got a vampire bite that heals her, so likely a little less squishy.

Otherwise the highest CR creature is Mephistopheles at CR27 and realistically it looks like he probably deserves it. 460HP, 21AC, a bunch of at-will spells, 1/day meteor storm, symbol (any) and Wish, legendary actions+resistances, all mental saves over +15, magic resistance, regeneration 20 (again countered by radiant), and his abilities (but not spells) that deal fire damage bypass resistance/immunity to fire. With 100' fly speed and at-will teleports of both a spell and a short range ability...he's not one to take on lightly by any stretch.

2021-10-09, 12:37 PM
CR15 with only 144 health? So she's an appropriate challenge for about a 7th-level party that's had a few fights. Meh. I think when I threw Elizabeth Bathory at them in Castle Dracula, she had max hp (204?) and the only reason she was really tough was because they let her charm several of them at the start.

Mephistopheles sounds like he has an appropriate offensive CR, but AC 21 and 400hp means he'd survive about 2 rounds against my current party (level 16). Whatever I pull together for a 20th-level final boss (deity avatar) is going to have a substantially higher AC and HP.

2021-10-09, 12:48 PM
She's CR15 according to a calculator without factoring in her 1/turn sneak attack (because she doesn't have an easy way to get advantage or allies into the fight) or her vampire charm.

If she does have a way of proccing sneak attack regularly she's actually under CR'd, because her damage average skyrockets from ~55/round to ~167/round, assuming everything hits, and the calculator kicks out a CR of 22. Sneak Attack being 1/turn but having 3x Legendary Action attacks will do that to you.

Mephistopheles sounds like he has an appropriate offensive CR, but AC 21 and 400hp means he'd survive about 2 rounds against my current party (level 16). Whatever I pull together for a 20th-level final boss (deity avatar) is going to have a substantially higher AC and HP.

He can also cast Shield, if that helps (not at will, but he's got at least 4 1st level spell slots), immune to fire/poison, resistant to acid, cold and non-magical/non-silvered BPS. As a legendary action he can teleport up to 120' as well, so I'd expect staying in melee with him is a problematic venture.

Edit: Oh, and it doesn't really factor into his CR but he's got Lair actions too. One of which is a persistent 6d8 fire damage in a square of his choice (no save, just hits whoever starts their turn there, lasts forever). The other is casting any spell on his spell list - when cast as a lair action it doesn't require concentration and lasts for its full duration. He has forcecage on his spell list. He does have to alternate between the two actions, at least.

2021-10-09, 01:56 PM
That sounds better, and Forcecage can be devilishly hard to deal with.
ha ha see what I did there

2021-10-09, 05:35 PM
They weren't included on anything. The book was made without input from them.

@Wildstag: If people choose to believe me, that's fine. And people can choose not to do so. I like to think I have a pretty decent track record when it comes to statements I have made. When I say something is a very informed opinion, I like to think it can be considered as such. And when I say something is purely speculative, or my own conjecture, that is exactly that. You may read into that what you will.

The Author was hired by WotC and is part of their gaming division right now. This is a semi official product, and appears to have been designed before the Witchlight changes. He does not seem to be the best proof reader, but mistakes happen, and are pretty easily fixed in these cases.

Book is still good.

2021-10-09, 08:50 PM
The Author was hired by WotC and is part of their gaming division right now. This is a semi official product, and appears to have been designed before the Witchlight changes. He does not seem to be the best proof reader, but mistakes happen, and are pretty easily fixed in these cases.

Book is still good.

Oh I'm not saying it's a bad book or it's contents should be dismissed.

I'm just telling the forum what I know.

For the record, I have plenty of my own disagreements about certain decisions the designers have made. I certainly don't consider the design team to be the end-all, be-all regarding what's best for D&D.

Just telling the forum what I know.

2021-10-09, 08:58 PM
Oh I'm not saying it's a bad book or it's contents should be dismissed.

I'm just telling the forum what I know.

For the record, I have plenty of my own disagreements about certain decisions the designers have made. I certainly don't consider the design team to be the end-all, be-all regarding what's best for D&D.

Just telling the forum what I know.

What you know, is obtained by looking at the preview of the book.

2021-10-09, 09:00 PM
What you know, is obtained by looking at the preview of the book.

I am very much going to vehemently disagree with you.

And you've every right to disagree with me. But I know what I know.

2021-10-09, 10:25 PM
Is the lore for Demodands the same as it was in the past?

2021-10-09, 11:49 PM
I am very much going to vehemently disagree with you.

And you've every right to disagree with me. But I know what I know.
This is what you know.

I can tell you nothing in the book was vetted by the design team.
Which is clear from the fact that none of the Design Team is not on the staff credits which anyone can see from the preview.

Is the lore for Demodands the same as it was in the past?

Pretty much.

2021-10-10, 12:03 AM
This is what you know.

Which is clear from the fact that none of the Design Team is not on the staff credits which anyone can see from the preview.

It may behoove you to check jaapleton's post history.

2021-10-10, 09:14 AM
It may behoove you to check jaapleton's post history.

Thank you.

There is a very large difference between 'the design team didn't explicitly create anything in the book, as shown in the credits'


It was never even shown to the design team, even just as an attempt to possibly overlook it for checks and balances.

Credits can show one thing.

The insider knowledge I have reveals a lot more.

I had the Ranger rework in the Class Feature Variant UA over a week before it was unveiled. I knew about the Feywild book, code named Hourglass, months before it was announced to the public as Witchlight. I had Mearls being moved off the design team and working with Larian Studios on BG3. I have the code names for numerous upcoming products. And a lot of other examples, check through my post history if you want more.

I know what I know, Envyus. And I happily bring what I know to the forum. Believe me or don't, that is entirely up to you. However, my track record speaks for itself.

2021-10-10, 03:44 PM
Thank you.

There is a very large difference between 'the design team didn't explicitly create anything in the book, as shown in the credits'


It was never even shown to the design team, even just as an attempt to possibly overlook it for checks and balances.

I misunderstood what you were talking about. But I was never under the impression the D&D Design team had anything to do with the book.

2021-10-11, 01:37 PM
Bought it, read most of it, really liking what I see :) If I end up dmming a oneshot or campaign in the future, this'll come in more than handy.

Archpaladin Zousha
2021-10-19, 12:21 PM
I've kinda got mixed feelings after reading through it. While I'm glad a lot of our favorite characters didn't explode in the Spellplague or simply die of old age in the intervening century, it also feels like the majority of the Bhaalspawn's achievements from the two games were effectively undone.

Sarevok is evil again, and the text explicitly states his redemption did happen, but didn't stick. Jon Irenicus is back as a Lich in his own personal Ravenloft and Bodhi's back too. Viconia is still evil, so her redemption arc never happened. And Edwina is Edwin again, and in fact the way the text is written makes it seem like that whole escapade never happened in the first place.

And perhaps most painfully, at least to me, Aribeth de Tylmarande's redemption in Hordes of the Underdark didn't happen, and now she's working for Mephistopheles as some kind of mashup of Ghost Rider, Elric of Melniboné, and Two-Face!