View Full Version : Simulacrum question

2021-10-10, 02:02 AM
The RAW isn't actually clear in this but it's understood that created simulacra come with their spell slots depleted if the target did also, notably meaning that a simulacrum you create of yourself can never have the spell slot you used to do so.

Does this extend to other things? Current HP? Class resources? It seems like logically they must. But what about more ephemeral things like spell effects and conditions? Most of these likely won't matter in a normal casting (but definitely could) but may be relevant in an impromptu casting via wish.

2021-10-10, 11:53 AM
A close read of the spell description says:

...it has half the creature’s hit point maximum and is formed without any equipment. Otherwise, the illusion uses all the statistics of the creature it duplicates...


Temp HPs don't impact the simulcrum. That's based on the originals max HP.

Class resources? Yes, per "otherwise it uses all the stats of the original"

Magical effects? No. You're duplicating the creature, not the magic its currently affected by.

Conditions? Probably. Certainly physical things would presumably be duplicated. If the original is blind because thier eyes are damaged then it makes sense that the copy would have the same condition.

YMMV but thats how I'm reading it.