View Full Version : Convergence Manifesto - Bear Necessities

2021-10-12, 02:19 PM
The guildhall was busier during the midday, with people shuffling in and out, leaving requests and taking them on. Even though there wasn't a uniform or anything, it was easy to tell who was a guild member and who a client. The members were most often armed and wearing a much more colorful outfits. The clients ranged from wealthy to poor, the latter looking much more desperate. The Clifftop guild was known to occasionally accept requests for next to no compensation, though it was mostly up to the goodwill of individual guild members.

Lhara had asked Toryc to appear at the guild around midday. Indeed, when the gnoll arrived, the guild handler was already there. She'd dressed for a hunt and was currently inspecting a bow. Lhara greeted Toryc with a grin. "And the brave hunter arrives! How was it, to wake up a member of the most illustrious guild in Sharn?"

2021-10-12, 03:30 PM
Toryc prowled more than walked through the guild, clad in her chain mail and with her battle axe slung over her back. It wasn't too much difference from how she walked yesterday, truth told. If there was one attribute the Hwryi possessed, it was an abundance of confidence. However, there were subtle hints that one aware of such things might well spot. She no longer walked as though scouting or exploring, instead, she walked in the manner of one settled in where they belonged.

Lips pulled back and teeth glinted in the approximate of a grin she'd practised since coming to largely human lands. "The brave hunters. I trust you've chosen something to make our blood run and risk adding to our scars." A huff and an approving nod. "I am better with a place to belong, and I refuse to belong to somewhere unworthy. Pleasing, in short."

2021-10-13, 02:32 PM
Lhara nodded. "That's good to hear. The guild's a place where anyone can belong, if they've earned it. As for the prey, I'm afraid I couldn't procure anything too exotic on a short notice, though if you aren't careful, you might still get those scars." She grinned. "There's a small road that leads to the city. Yesterday, a bear attacked a traveler there, and we're going to hunt it. It is technically a guild a job, but there's not much pay in it."

Lhara hefted a bag over her shoulder, and started moving out. "How are you on horseback?"

2021-10-13, 02:42 PM
Toryc nodded, padding after Lhara. "Sometimes jobs are just to be savoured, and feeling earth under my paws rather then stone is welcomed. The one who lands a killing blow lays claim to the bear's pelt?" She mused over the Shifter's question, letting out a high pitched cackle of amusement. "I find horses untrustworthy and prone to betrayal, and they find me a large predator, but I will make the attempt."

2021-10-13, 03:19 PM
Lhara chuckled at Toryc's comment about horses. "I've had similar problem with some of the flightier beats. Luckily, the guild has several that are used to a variety of riders, and I guarantee they won't have any sinister plots in mind. Let's get going!" Lhara winked her remaining eye and slapped Toryc on the back as she walked out.

The pair started making their way towards a lift, pushing through a crowd. Sharn was full of people, each with a destination, but people did give Toryc room easily enough, at least in this district. "You're on about the pelt by the way! Guess I'll have to take this at least a little seriously", Lhara chuckled. "This indeed is one of those savory jobs. Can't always be about the money, or we'd just be mercenaries, not adventurers! Although..." the shifter wiggled a finger to make a point. "...never aim to be a hero. That's really just a flattering word for fools."

2021-10-13, 03:38 PM
"Good." Toryc smiled. "I'll use one of these sturdier beasts then, and if it proves itself, I'll ask you about ways to ownership." She chuckled, offering a returned clap to Lhara's shoulder and weaving through the accommodating crowd as they passed through the bridges and walkways of Sharn.

"I am used to being a mercenary. But it is far better when paired with being an adventurer, yes. I have little desire to stand on a wall for hours and yearn for a battle that may never come." Her eyes fixed on that finger as Lhara made her point, then studied the Shifter's face, eyes narrowing slightly in consideration. "You've observed this, perhaps experienced it. I don't see it as your nature to impart lessons you haven't observed directly and personally."

2021-10-14, 09:14 AM
"By Dolurrh, war... It's the most boring thing, until suddenly you have more excitement than you can deal with..." Lhara shaked her head, seeming reminiscent. "Yeah, I have experience being a hotheaded fool. Some encounters in Karrnath during the Last War helped put things into perspective. And if I start to forget..." the shifter tapped her eyepatch, "...only need to look at my reflection." She was still grinning though for a moment the expression was a tad grim.

"Ah, but I'm lecturing. I swear I wasn't so boring before I got promoted. We just get so many would-be-heroes that it just comes out."

2021-10-14, 12:18 PM
"Cubs are all hotheaded fools." Toyrc commented. "The challenge is to let them burn it out without them dying. I have duties that involve dealing with fiends and undead I find, but being overly heroic is not a means to success, no. Even if it may look that way from the Ettin encounter." She stretched, huffing in thought. "That is one reason why I may fight promotion. And perhaps why I also pressed you into a hunt." Her eyes met Lhara's own again. "You seemed restless."

2021-10-14, 03:08 PM
"You're too right!" Lhara barked. "Afraid with that attitude you just may be forced to rise in ranks. It's good to be realistic, but there's time to be foolish and bold too, as long as you're aware of it. Didn't think I'd become middle-management either, but the reason I couldn't leave for the hunt sooner, because I had a meeting about budget!" The shifter sounded like she couldn't believe it herself. "Budget! If I told that to myself five years ago, I would have asked if a changeling was going to replace me!"

Lhara sighed and laid a hand on Toryc's shoulder, meeting her eyes. "And thanks for that. Not that I regret taking on responsibility, but too easy to forget to air your head once in a while."

Lhara and Toryc had to pause their conversation for a while, the crowd growing denser. They simply needed to take a lift down this time, not wade through every level of the city. Though the trade hadn't completely recovered after the war, people flowed in and out like a massive river. The stables were located at the bottom, a horse wasn't a popular way of getting around in the city. Lhara greeted some of the stablehands.

"Here are the guild's horses. You can have Stump here, can't wish for a more even-tempered beast." The horse was black, with a white stripe on his head. He turned one eye to look at Toryc, but didn't seem startled by the gnoll, and calmly let stablehands start saddling him.

2021-10-14, 04:04 PM
Toyrc let out an amused growl. "Maybe part of why I agreed to requests to come east is to avoid risking becoming a matriarch. Now you tell me I face the same danger here? And that is a harder enemy to face then my preferred variety.

I am twenty years old, I hoped to reach twenty five before I worried about such things, but I will be wary." A sympathetic pat of Lhara's arm. "Budget. Hgn." She shook her head ruefully as they continued.

Nodding to Lhara as Stump was introduced, Toryc patted his shoulder cautiously. "Trade. Refrain from throwing and trying to trample me and I will refrain from trying to eat you."

Offer made, she waited until he was saddled before pulling herself up and getting settled with a hint of awkwardness.

2021-10-15, 01:27 PM
The horse huffed in response, which may as well have been an agreement. At least it just gently waited for Toryc to climb on the back and settle down. Like the horse's name implied, the beast was sturdy. It didn't look especially swift, but did seem sturdy and reliable.

"There you go", Lhara said, comfortably sitting atop her own mount. Hers was leaner and did seem more energetic too, but the shifter seemed to be in control. "Easier to trust your own feet, but then again, I do prefer not to uselessly tire my own feet either."

With that Lhara nudged her horse into movement, and they started making their way out of Sharn. When you were inside, it was easy to forget just how massive the city was, its shadow looming over them. Even from the bottom, you could see tiny flying figures buzzing around like flies, skycoaches and flying mounts, though the towers were the most notable. You could see every kind of architecture, older and newer spires stabbing at the sky, competing for height. Beating all of them, the Skyway floated above all of it, the nobles separating themselves from the rabble below.

Lhara, likely having witnessed the sight many times, didn't pay it much attention. She did seem to be enjoying the open air as well as the chance to relax.

2021-10-15, 01:50 PM
Nodding to Lhara, Toryc focused on the horse riding and staying put. Even with her attempting to conceal it and her mount being of a steady nature, an air of nervousness clung to her movements and posture. "Better to conserve energy, hgn, agreed. If a chase is needed at the end, or endurance. I see the sense in it."

Her eyes considered Sharn as they made their way out of the city, looking over its grand and looming nature in complementation. Droaam had fortresses and cities, but not one of this nature, so high and deep and with hidden depths.

Pausing, she looked back to Lhara, taking a breath of fresh air herself. "Tell me, what are the origins of this city? It has a feeling of age and time to it."

2021-10-15, 04:51 PM
"Hah, well I'm not so certain I'm the best person to tell about the history. But, let's see, I think I heard someone explaining that maybe some goblins originally had a city here. At least the oldest buildings apparently weren't built by humans. But at some point some rich arse wandered over and started building his own place here, and some hundreds of years later we, the noble Brelish, came, thanked the occupants for their efforts, and took the city for our own. Was the first king of Breland in fact. The crown jewel of our country, and we didn't even build, ha!" Lhara seemed amused by the grim history, then again most powerful nations had one.

"Then many centuries ago this powerful bastard with an aberrant dragonmark tried to himself capture the city, but when he couldn't pull it off, decided to wreck it instead. Guess the city wasn't much to look at for a long time, until king of Galifar restored it again." Lhara was looking back at the city over her shoulder. "Probably some day another disaster's going to strike, but I bet the city will endure. The war did do a number on trade and all that, but suppose it could have been worse."

"You come from Droaam, right? Think you'll ever return?"

2021-10-16, 01:29 AM
"Ruins of the Goblin empire lie everywhere." Toryc answered in agreement. "Echoes of what they once had, along with other relics of fallen powers. They are passed from one to the next. This city is likely older then my people's freedom, maybe even our existence." A clawed hand waved. "Though some of us would see our freedom and existence as the same. Hgn, philosophy and politics. But I see why this city is held and has been held by many throughout time. It is a symbol, a central point, a place that endures and can state 'we are here, we are strong', know us and remember us'."

She leaned back in the saddle at the question of Droaam, ears twitching. "It was not entirely my choice to leave. But the world is changing, powers are falling and powers are rising. And Droaam is younger then I am. So yes, I intend to return. Perhaps to raise family, perhaps to hunt more fiends in the waste. I am undecided." Lhara is tossed a toothy grin. "Though so far I've savoured events here more then I thought I would. Sharn is just as wild, in its own way."

2021-10-18, 10:35 AM
Lhara nodded at Toryc's description of Sharn, and turned back to give the towers another look. "Looking down does make people feel powerful. Kinda glad the guild hasn't tried to move to an upper district or something."

"Now that's an odd though, have to admit. Wasn't born in Sharn myself, but Breland's still an old place. Well, the last year's have been eventful for everyone, I think we're going to be changing too." She laughed at Toryc's comment about the city being wild. "That's true enough! Of course everyone likes to pretend the law matters, but even in the places the watch cares to patrol, you may find the rules are very flexible. Some places are as wild as any frontier I've been, where only the law of club and fang is respected. Still works somehow."

"I respect you have your calling, though I hope you'll remain with us for a while yet. Reckon you can gain some good experience to bring back, and I'm not talking just about fighting. Not to mention heavy purse full of galifars!" Lhara cackled and prompted her horse to start moving faster. "Who knows, maybe you'll find a family in the city."

It took them a couple of hours to get to the site of the bear attack. It was on a forest path, not overgrown, but clearly not as much used as the other roads to the city. Soon enough they came across a small clearing next to the road. Strips of torn leather and canvas were scattered around, and the ground was trampled.

"So, apparently the merchant had stopped to make a break, when a bear just appeared. He hopped on his horse and rode like The Devourer was on his heels." Lhara nodded at a saddle, flipped upside and down, containing some claw and toothmarks. "Seems like he left his merchandise behind too, though don't look like there's much left of it. Shame, might have gotten a bonus if we'd recovered it."

2021-10-18, 10:51 AM
"So am I." Toryc agreed with the assessment of the guild not moving higher up. "It is much harder to see when you are removed from so much of the world." A laugh. "You don't need to worry about me leaving yet. If I do, not for several years. And, I agree.. this city is likely to both experience and wealth."

She fell silent as Lhara quickened their pace, focusing on keeping steady in her saddle. When they were there she resisted the urge to dismount and stretch, instead surveying the area and nodding as Lhara spoke. "Foodstuffs? It looks like the bear took an interest in it." She looked around again, huffing. "I wonder if he disturbed it at all or if it was simply hungry. Given how bold it seems, tracking shouldn't be too much of a challenge."

2021-10-19, 12:58 PM
"Yeah, don't think this one will be so shy. I don't actually know much about the merchant, but it sounds like he had something in the backpack the bear liked. Lhara was picking through the remains of a saddlebag. "Maybe a hunter or a trapper? Would certainly have something tasty hidden..."

Please make an Intelligence (Investigation) check. If you want to try to start looking for a trail, that's Wisdom (Survival)

2021-10-19, 02:57 PM
With a nod Toryc finally dismounted, stretching with a faint wince after the ride. "Any traces?" She asked Lhara, gesturing at the bag the Shifter was searching through.

Crouching to the ground she began a more in-depth study of the area, ears carefully pricked. This wasn't a hunt she considered deeply challenging, not with the ones she'd been trained and prepared for, but anticipation still surged. In the end, that yearning for the hunt and the thrill of battle never went away.

Investigation: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]

2021-10-20, 06:38 AM
Neither Toryc or Lhara spot anything unusual about the attack site. Toryc did find something that seemed like a trail, though on closer examination the tracks were too old. Luckily Lhara found tracks that seemed to have been left by a bear not too long ago, leading into smaller trail that went deeper into the forest. They had to move slowly and walk their horses, but were still be able to keep them.

"Of course these tracks are old, but I reckon if we follow this we should still have a chance to run into our bear friend. Going by how aggressive it seems to be, it might just run into us first." Lhara mused as they walked. The trail became more obvious as they walked. There were claw marks on several trees, the undergrowth was stomped, and even got an answer to an age-old rhetorical question. There were in fact so many marks, it seemed the bear may have been agitated or angry.

2021-10-20, 07:08 AM
Toryc brushed fingers over one set of claw marks that had been gouged into a tree. "It seems angry enough that anyone offering a possible target might lure it in. Right now that's us." She glanced back at the axe slung over her back with a faint grin, sniffing the air.

"I have two thoughts on what could give a bear enduring anger. A painful wound, or a mother who lost her cubs. If it's the latter, there's a higher chance one or both of us will get new scars." She fell into a quieter wariness as they continued, keeping her senses sharp.

2021-10-21, 12:55 PM
"Can't say I'm really afraid of a bear, but it's never fun fighting a reckless opponent. When theyt don't care about getting dying, chances are you'll get hurt as well", Lhara muttered, keeping her voice low and soft. "Think I'd prefer the first option if I got to choose. At least we might have a bit of an advantage."

Please make a DC 11 Wisdom(Perception) check.

2021-10-21, 01:23 PM
"Then we safeguard one another. The bear fights alone, we do not." Like Lhara, Toryc pitched her voice low, or at least as low as she can. "I'll look after you." A sly note entered her voice at that statement as she continued to watch and listen.


2021-10-22, 01:51 PM
"Watch over me, huh? No respect at all" Lhara chuckled, shaking her head. They couldn't move completely silently with the horses, but at least the beasts themselves were quiet. It didn't seem the bear would just try to silently ambush them though, going by the marks it had left behind.

There was something that didn't seem like it could have been left by a bear. A few feet from the path Toryc could spot a patch of scorched earth, like there had been a small explosion. Not that that wasn't already unusual, a few paces ahead on the other side of the road, it seemed like the surface of a boulder had somehow melted a little, like something corrosive had been poured on it.

2021-10-22, 02:00 PM
About to quip back at Lhara, Toryc stopped as she observed the burned earth and then the corroded boulder. "Lhara." She stated in warning, gesturing carefully at the traces she'd found. "If the boulder was damaged by whatever exploded here.." An exhale and she began to circle around the patch of burned earth, looking for other signs of corroded objects or anything else out of place.

2021-10-24, 12:16 PM
Only the one boulder was corroded, and if there had been an explosion, it had been limited. Toryc couldn't spot any shrapnel.

Lhara became tense as Toryc pointed out the oddities. "I can certainly say a bear doesn't leave tracks like this... Think someone else might be hunting it?" the shifter said in a low voice. Her nose was twitching lightly, and her one eye darted around, trying to spot any more oddities.

"Of course might be we're not hunting a bear at all... But don't worry, I'll look after you", Lhara added with a wry grin. "If it's more dangerous, I think we'll at least need to find out what it is."

2021-10-24, 02:40 PM
"It would be a bear I've never heard of." Toryc agreed, carefully tracing fingers over the burned grass. "I don't know, hgn. If they are hunting, their approach is noisy." She glanced around again before padding back to Lhara's side. "We've seen too much evidence, there is a bear here somewhere, but there's more to it then that. If it is a trap..." A thoughtful growl.

"Which of us is the bait to spring it, and which of us is the snake in the grass?"

2021-10-26, 12:10 PM
Lhara handed the reins of her horse to Toryc. "I'll go ahead and scout, and spring any possible traps. Reckon that's my responsibility as your senior, huh? Besides, I think I can move quite a bit more silently too." She didn't wait for a protest, instead turning around. "I'll signal you if I spot something, or get spotted I suppose." With that, Lhara disappeared into the forest, moving next to the road.

Nothing seemed to happen, not immediately at least. Suddenly there was loud rustling, coming from the forest, and getting closer. In fact so close, that Toryc already should have spotted what was making it. So close, she only had a moment to react...

2021-10-26, 03:17 PM
Toryc half opened her mouth to try and counter that, but Lhara both pulled rank and acted with a decisiveness that she respected. And so she nodded, drawing her axe with her free hand and pricking her ears. Which is when events caused her to come to the conclusion her wilderness skills needed work.

Not that she had time to chastise herself. Instead she spun towards the sound, releasing the horse's reins and drawing her shield to form a defensive stance. She avoided making a strike at the apparent source, just in case it happened to be Lhara.

2021-10-27, 01:06 PM
Just as Toryc got her shield up, something seemed to appear in front of her. It was a large brown bear, teeth and claws flashing as it attacked the gnoll. It seemed blind with fury, mouth frothing, and even at a glance, the beast was haggard. The fur was ruffled and matted, and the bear was frothing.

Combat time!

Claw attack: [roll0]
Disadvantage, as Toryc is defending: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Bite attack: [roll3]
Disadvantage: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Toryc can act now.

2021-10-28, 01:27 AM
Alright, so at least it wasn't a mother protecting her cubs. Not that entirely saved Toryc's hide in the situation. She managed to bat the claw aside, but the bear sank teeth into her side with enough force to crumple armour and pierce skin. With a snarl she pulled free, blood scattering over the undergrowth and took a swing with her axe at its head as she channelled energy into the blow, her eyes taking on a red sheen.


Using divine smite if it hits.


Radiant damage: [roll2]

2021-10-28, 02:11 PM
Though the bear raged, it still managed to avoid Toryc's swing. It stood up to swipe at her, but then shook its head, irritated by something. The bear growled and then made a sound that was between a growl and a burp. Suddenly green liquid splashed from between the bear's jaws and on Toryc. It smelled rancid and burned on contact. Somehow the bear had spat acid on Toryc, much stronger than it should have in its stomach. Though it was hard to tell, the bear seemed confused about it too.

Toryc must make a DC 13 Dex save or take [roll0] damage, half on success.

2021-10-28, 02:29 PM
Toryc snarled and rolled to the side, avoiding the worst of the acid spray but hissing as some of it caught the side of her muzzle, sinking into fur and flesh. Reacting on instinct to try and keep the bear at bay she swung at its side, managing to sink her axe into its shoulder and letting innate energy strike at it.

"What has been done to you.. perhaps this is a worthy hunt." She bared fangs, holding a defensive position.

2021-10-29, 05:59 PM
The bear roared as Toryc's axe left a deep, bloody wound on its shoulder. Perhaps it would have been enough to drive away a hungry predator, but the bear was mad, and the gnarly wound didn't bother the creature as much as it should have.

Just as the bear seemed to be winding up for another attack, the bushes rustled. Lhara darted out, snarling and holding two axes in her hands. Her hair seemed even more like a mane, and her features were more bestial than usual, her fangs and nails grown and her face oddly elongated. The shifter slashed at the bear with her axes, each strike accompanied by a growl.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

The bear shook its head again, drooling purple saliva. It snapped at Toryc with its sharp fangs, spilling the purple ooze around, though this time it wasn't acidic. Then it swiped a large claw at the shifter.

The bear swiped a now enormous paw at Toryc, pushing her away, and snapped at Lhara, trying to bite the shifter.

Bite on Toryc: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Claws against Lhara: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

The bear shook its head head and sniffed and growled. It reared up on two legs, towering over the adventurers. Then it towered, more and more, the bear growing up in front of Toryc's eyes. "Dolurrh, what kinda freaky bear did you find?" Lhara growled, eyes wide.

2021-10-30, 02:12 AM
A high pitched cackle sounded as Lhara returned in dramatic fashion, Toryc's eyes gleaming with savage delight as the fight escalated and the bear changed and grew.

"Thank me later, after I earn its pelt!"

Still laughing she moved to try and press the other side of the seemingly corrupted creature from Lhara, tossing her shield aside and recklessly gripping her axe in both hands to add more strength to her own blows.

Attack: 1d20+3
Damage: [roll0]

2021-10-30, 02:15 PM
"Ha! I'm not nice enough to let a whelp hog all the glory!" Lhara laughed. She'd managed to dodge the claws, and was judging how to attack the humongous bear. She attacked fiercely, but the bear swiped her strikes away, the shifter growling in frustration.

Attack 1: [roll0]

Offhand attack: [roll2]

Will post the bear's turn in a moment.

2021-10-30, 02:43 PM
Though Lhara's attacks didn't do much, she at least got the bears attention. The bear growled, the sound even more menacing now that the bear was the size of a small house. Toryc could feel the sound reverberating deep in her chest and there was a lot of rustling and panicked sounds as nearby animals were startled. The beast wasn't happy with just being intimidating and ferociously attacked Lhara.

Claws: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Bite: [roll3]
Damge: [roll4] +1

The bear's attacks left the shifter bleeding and gasping, looking like she was barely standing. Though the bear was viciously wounded as well, blood from its wound staining the soil. "D-damn, let's finish this!"

2021-10-30, 03:30 PM
Toyrc growled and moved behind Lhara, gripping her shoulders and focusing everything she had into the Shifter's grievous wounds. "You're not done yet." A throaty growl. "Chance for you to get your glory."

Using all ten points of Lay on Hands to heal Lhara.

2021-10-30, 04:45 PM
Lhara grunted her thanks. "Hngh, thanks, didn't plan on retiring yet!" She gripped her axes tighter, snarling her challenge to the bear, metal flashing as she attacked.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Offhand attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2021-10-30, 04:50 PM
With renewed vigor, Lhara's attacks struck true. First blow cut deep into the bear's leg, making it stumble, and with furious roar, Lhara buried her other axe deep into the overgrown beast's skull. The bear whined, staggered back and fell to the ground with a ground-shaking thud. After moment, it returned to a normal size, and didn't move again.

Combat is over.

2021-10-31, 02:28 AM
Toryc walked over to retrieve her shield, wiping her axe blade clean and sheathing it before looking back to Lhara, a clawed foot reaching out to nudge the fallen bear. "Glorious!" A huge grin split her toothy maw. "An actual challenge!" She laughed, padding back over to the Shifter and considering her. "Enough that I'm not overly troubled by losing the pelt to you." Another grin as she clapped Lhara on the shoulder. "A shame it shrunk again!" With a breath she settled herself somewhat.

"There is paperwork now? That was not a normal bear." To state the obvious.

2021-10-31, 04:00 PM
"Glad the job wasn't boring. It is a shame, a gigantic bear pelt would really have been something.", Lhara snorted, relaxing and letting her features become more human. She went to retrieve one of her axes, pulling out of the bear with a grunt. The beast didn't react to either that or to Toryc's nudge, proving that it was quite dead. "This really was a challenge... Though I feel I've gotten a bit too out of practice", she grimaced. "Too many meetings."

"Well the bear's dead, so I guess the job's done... Dunno if I can promise any extra reward, even if this was much more dangerous than I thought." Lhara pulled a wand out of her belt, and tapped the carcass. It started to float gently. "You ended becoming the bait too, sorry about that by the way. How did this thing even get here? I was sure I didn't spot anything lurking nearby, I just rushed back when I heard the roars and growls."

2021-11-01, 02:06 AM
"I am as you see me." Toryc told Lhara, chuckling. "This is where I feel most alive, and it was exhilarating. Consider that the payment if you want one." A huff. "And seeing your true self when you attacked.. that was enjoyed." She winked at Lhara. "I also take relief in the fact that I won't need to attend the meeting or do the paperwork." A slightly worried pause. "I think?" A hand gestured at the bear. "You owe me no apologies for granting my desires. And it's intriguing, I am willing to play my part in finding its origins."

2021-11-02, 04:12 AM
Lhara secured a rope around the bear, and started dragging it after, the carcass just floating behind her. "Haa... Gotta say it's nice to just cut loose, to put your life on the line... Think I get your point." Lhara was grinning, seeming rather happy despite bloody stains soaking her clothes. "And no, I'll take care of the paperwork, least I can do for you helping me hold my guts inside... Think I can get someone from the guild to look into the body too. I was looking forward to eating some bear, but think I'll have to pass on this one."

They got to the horses. They had escaped when the bear attacked, but hadn't gone too far, probably already had some experience about fights considering they were owned by Clifftop. Lhara tied the rope to the saddle so that the bear corpse was pulled behind like a macabre cart. "That was some good fighting. Almost feel sorry for those fiends you've hunted", she chuckled. "We had our bet, but I reckon you've earned the pelt, if you want it."

2021-11-02, 11:17 AM
A nod from Toryc. "It is usually our way to eat part of the enemies we kill, to honour them and prevent them seeking revenge in Dolurrh. But for this one I will take my chances. Also, I did not strike the killing blow." A chuckle. "And a good fight, yes."

She huffed in thought. "If I ever learn of fiends nearby, I'll be sure to invite you, along with the others. But they're slippery creatures and good at hiding." As they regained the horses and set out she glanced back at the bear floating behind them, considering. "A pity we can't both gain a trophy from this hunt."

2021-11-04, 03:41 PM
A nod from Toryc. "It is usually our way to eat part of the enemies we kill, to honour them and prevent them seeking revenge in Dolurrh. But for this one I will take my chances. Also, I did not strike the killing blow." A chuckle. "And a good fight, yes."

"Seems like a safe policy, though I would have guessed you'd relish a chance for a round two!" Lhara said with a wink.

She huffed in thought. "If I ever learn of fiends nearby, I'll be sure to invite you, along with the others. But they're slippery creatures and good at hiding." As they regained the horses and set out she glanced back at the bear floating behind them, considering. "A pity we can't both gain a trophy from this hunt."

"Ahh... Well, when you do I wish I'll have the time. Hunting creatures like those sounds exciting." She seemed to consider the last part a bit, glancing over her shoulder. "We got a lot of bear, I reckon there's enough for an extra memento."

"Got any theories how our deceased bear friend ended up this way?" Lhara nodded back at the bear, floating behind them. "Or can bears just... Do magic? Never heard of one learning it, but I suppose it ain't impossible."

2021-11-05, 02:01 AM
"Seems like a safe policy, though I would have guessed you'd relish a chance for a round two!" Lhara said with a wink.

Toryc canted her head at that thoughtfully, nodding. "...I would savour that, I think. You're very much right." A sly grin.

"Ahh... Well, when you do I wish I'll have the time. Hunting creatures like those sounds exciting." She seemed to consider the last part a bit, glancing over her shoulder. "We got a lot of bear, I reckon there's enough for an extra memento."

"Got any theories how our deceased bear friend ended up this way?" Lhara nodded back at the bear, floating behind them. "Or can bears just... Do magic? Never heard of one learning it, but I suppose it ain't impossible."

"Exciting. Deadly. Your life will rest on a knife edge and a single slip will end it." None of that seemed to trouble Toryc, her tone a wistful one. "You should come when you can." She agreed. "If you die, you wouldn't need to worry about the paperwork." A wink before she thought over the case of the bear behind them, casting her mind back to her experiences and lessons taught around campfires.

"Not a druid, hgn, I think...A fiend could have corrupted it, but I don't smell that taint. It is most likely it came into contact with something magical. Either something out here, or perhaps something of the merchant's it ate it shouldn't have."

2021-11-07, 03:31 PM
"Oh, didn't even think about the druid... Though shapeshifters tend to revert when killed." Seemed like Lhara would know, being a sort of shapeshifter herself. "Since I expected this to be a simple hunting trip, I really didn't bother looking into more closely. No idea what sort of stuff the merchant was carrying, but could be plausible he was carrying something magical. That or the bear's been eating magical rabbits. You were snooping around the attack site earlier, did you find anything there?"

2021-11-08, 03:07 AM
"Nothing apart from the traces I already showed you." Toryc mused. "Likely the bear melted the boulder, but that patch of scorched earth.. A magical effect or a spell? It isn't where my knowledge rests."

2021-11-08, 04:51 PM
"The bear didn't happen to breathe fire? Guess it could be something else. Better watch out for those bunnies" Lhara chuckled. "Well, this is an interesting case, so I figure someone at the guild might take a look at the bear's eaten, and I'll be sure to let you know if they find anything. Not sure I'll have time to investigate much more than though. Might be just a single freak occurrence of a magic bear. Not the strangest thing you can even run in the city, mind you. Though if you decide to investigate, I'm eager to hear if you find out anything odd."

As they didn't have to skulk anymore, Lhara and Toryc arrived at the site of the attack soon enough, able to ride now that they were on the more even path.

2021-11-09, 08:17 AM
"Ah, yes. You didn't see." Toryc grimaced. "It spat acid rather then breathed fire. I'm not sure which would have been worse." She fell mostly quiet as they made their way on the trail, partly lost in her own thoughts, though she gave Lhara a nod to confirm a sharing of information, glancing back at the bear as they moved. "I want a drink." She decided after a few moments. "And a warm fire. I will look forward to that when we're back."

2021-11-10, 03:45 PM
"Ah, a drink sounds excellent! I need to do something about the blood as well, but a drink first!" Lhara exclaimed. "I take it you haven't had a chance to spend much time at the Drunken Dragon yet? Fine establishment, drinks are good and the meals are filling. And since people from Clifftop guild frequent it, the owners don't mind if you get a little rowdy either!"

2021-11-10, 04:10 PM
"Hgn, agreed. I prefer to keep my fur clean." Toryc glanced at her battered and stained clothing with an annoyed grunt. "I'll take care of it soon too." Her eyes went back to Lhara as she watched the Shifter with amusement, ears twitching slightly. "Are you intending for things to become rowdy, hm? And no I haven't. I'll savour the experience."

2021-11-11, 06:41 AM
"Hah, I don't start trouble, but I certainly don't shy away from teaching lessons to loud fools!" Lhara slammed her fist into an open palm. "And you know, a friendly little bout never hurt anyone. Too much."

2021-11-11, 11:17 AM
A satisfied gleam played in Toryc's eyes at the thought. "Back to back if it comes to it? I would consider that a good way to round off a more lethal hunt. I certainly wouldn't leave you to have all the fun if I'm also there." She glanced back at the bear again. "What sort of food? I'm more carnivore then most in this city."

2021-11-15, 02:45 PM
"Back to back", Lhara confirmed with a nod. "Well, not like fights are scheduled or anything, but ain't like there's shortage of drunk fools either."

"Oh, meat? Plenty available, though I'd pay a few extra crowns. Unless you're willing to risk 'mystery meat' of course..." Lhara said, sounding almost ominous, and shrugging. "If you go to the gates or the market early, you can might get a fresh kill from a hunter. Fresh meat does sell fast though."

"Oh, but there's this sausage salesman hanging around the Drunken Dragon every night, you should try them. Most famous sausages in all of Dura, if not Sharn!"

2021-11-15, 03:05 PM
"And I'd possibly add one more on my arrival." Toryc chuckled. "But I will try to reserve it until after we've eaten and rested some." A quiet nod. "I think I will avoid your 'mystery meat', but I will take your advice on the sausages, and the fresh kills if any can be found."

2021-11-16, 01:43 PM
"Oh, I think the sausages are going to be unforgettable!" Lhara chuckled. "Not much to hunt inside the city though, unless you've fond of rats or pigeons. I've eaten both, guess they'll manage in a pinch, but I just can't help thinking about what they eat."

Lhara kept chatting, boasting about old adventures until they made their way to the city. By the time, the sun was setting and the towers of Sharn were sprinkled with pinpricks of light. An airship was docking high above, and the stream of people into the city was smaller than before. They left the horses, though still dragged the bear carcass behind them. It had fortunately stopped dripping blood, but did nonetheless draw quite a bit of attention. Lhara left it at the guild, in the care of a tired-looking half-elf. She offered to buy Toryc a round at the Drunken Dragon. The evening went pleasantly, there were other guild members who congratulated Toryc and her fresh comrades on their performance against Deathsgate. Fortunately or unfortunately, a fight didn't happen to break out that night.

Lhara said that she unfortunately couldn't stay too late, but did buy Toryc one of those famous sausages to cap the night. The salesman was a human man with somewhat slimy mannerisms, and promised the sausages were made with such quality meat and sold so cheap that they might as well "Throw me off a tower!" as the merchant put it. Despite his assurances, he vanished quickly, almost magically after receiving the money from Lhara. The shifter just grinned expectantly looking at Toryc's reaction. It unfortunately seemed like the sausage might be filled with that mystery meat Lhara had warned her about. It was hard to say if it contained meat at all though, or if it did, which creatures it may have come from. It wasn't tasty, but some distance away Toryc could see other people leaving the bar and groggily making their way towards the sausage salesman, perhaps their inebriated state making them forget the quality of the meat. Lhara laughed off any protest, and wished Toryc a good night, hoping they'd have a chance to hunt again soon.

A couple of days later, Toryc got an envelope delivered by a courier. Inside was a short letter, and a single bear fang hanging from a leather band.

Got the bear checked by artificer. Couldn't say much, but the bear was certainly magically infused. Squeezed the remaining juice out and put it into this. Should prove useful. See you soon hunter.

Different handwriting also briefly detailed how to use the magic item.

The item has 2 charges. You can use 1 charge to cast Absorb Elements. Charges are regained at dawn.

This was more or less prologue for this particular adventure, though feel free to add Toryc's thoughts if you'd like.

2021-11-17, 02:00 AM
Toryc had delved into the swapping of stories with a number of her, including a few amusing and somewhat embarrassing moments from her younger, wilder years of adventures in Droaam. The time at the Drunken Dragon helped her relax and bask in the congralutions offered as well as the general camaraderie.

The sausages however, they were already viewed dubiously before she even took a bite, Lhara's amused face eyed a touch sceptically, but never one to back down from a challenge Toryc devoured it, nose and tongue sampling the various textures involved as she concluded she'd come across a foodstuff she was utterly unable to identify. A number of curse words in Gnollish might have been involved and a certain amount of laughing as Lhara made her escape.

When the letter and bear fang arrived she considered it, a single claw tapping the paper where the word hunter was written before she slipped the leather band over her head.