View Full Version : Convergence Manifesto - Squared Circle

2021-10-12, 02:20 PM
The warforged and Tresca appreciated Arkthos and Pig's company at the forge. Drummond clearly didn't, but had seemingly decided that the best course was to ignore him. He stayed mostly in his office, and on the occasions he showed up, he pretended Arkthos didn't exist. Cold indifference was seemingly the most thanks they could expect for defending the forge and Drummond against Daask. Yadha-Ro had seemingly kept her word, at least nobody had appeared again yet. Of course Drummond might have just paid Daask as well.

One day one of the warforged by the name of Auger approached Arkthos and Bonvica when they were at the forge. While she was as stone-faced as any warforged, she still managed to seem awkward. "Uhh, hey... I heard you wanted to earn some money by fighting, right?" Auger glanced away, towards where Stoke was having a conversation. Though the warforged boss didn't try to control what his crew did on their free time, he had certainly picked a profession away from fighting, and nobody wanted to lose his respect. "Might have a tip..." she muttered quietly.

2021-10-12, 10:34 PM
One day one of the warforged by the name of Auger approached Arkthos and Bonvica when they were at the forge. While she was as stone-faced as any warforged, she still managed to seem awkward. "Uhh, hey... I heard you wanted to earn some money by fighting, right?"

Bonvica nods sagely, though she is still quite young. She answers Auger in a similarly soft tone. "It's what we do, yeah. The Guild is great and all but it's just a little more respectable way to win some glory. I tend to split my time between reading about Xen'drik and keeping in shape... if you have a tip on a way to practice that second part, spill." She smiles reassuringly at the Warforged, and adds, "You probably know what it's like, having the thing your brain enjoys, but also having the thing you were built for."

2021-10-13, 02:48 PM
Auger nodded, still seeming embarrassed. "We are all pretty good at fighting... Not that any here really want to go back to the army or anything, but well... Honest work just doesn't pay that well, though the pay raise certainly helps." She sighed and shook her head. "There's a tavern in the Cogs called Troll's Nose. There's an underground fighting ring, illegal of course, but that doesn't matter much here... Anyway, they run it pretty well, as far as these things go. More about entertainment than bloodshed. The pay can be nice too, if you do well. Just tell the guard I sent you, and I think they'll let you participate."

"Just... Don't mention this to Stoke." Auger scratched her head. "Probably should have asked you to promise that first."

2021-10-13, 08:42 PM
Arkthos who was all keen and eager groans with hesitation at the mention of illegal.

”While I’m always keen for a good scrap and definitely short on coin, earth know I don’t wanna get on the wrong side of the law.”

2021-10-13, 09:03 PM
Auger nodded, still seeming embarrassed. "We are all pretty good at fighting... Not that any here really want to go back to the army or anything, but well... Honest work just doesn't pay that well, though the pay raise certainly helps." She sighed and shook her head. "There's a tavern in the Cogs called Troll's Nose. There's an underground fighting ring, illegal of course, but that doesn't matter much here... Anyway, they run it pretty well, as far as these things go. More about entertainment than bloodshed. The pay can be nice too, if you do well. Just tell the guard I sent you, and I think they'll let you participate."

"Just... Don't mention this to Stoke." Auger scratched her head. "Probably should have asked you to promise that first."

Bonvica nods again. "Here in Sharn I'm always getting pestered by people wanting to see my Valenar blades... I'm happy to give the people what they want, especially if the blades get a little of what they want, too. And fighting in a ring is far better than drawing in anger. Though of course my dwarven friend here always has his weapons out."

Edited to add:
"But how illegal is illegal? Do people die sometimes, or is it just the betting that's illegal?"

2021-10-14, 08:47 AM
"Hah, well you won't get on the wrong side of law... There's just some places here where the watch doesn't care to go, at least on official business. Guess it's kinda less illegal and more... not officially sanctioned." Auger shrugged. "It's the Cogs. They try to make sure people don't get killed though, they don't want that kind of attention. You fight for real more or less, but what they really care about is making it look entertaining for the audience. I know there are more bloodthirsty places, but those are too dark for me..."

Auger then held up one of her metallic fists up. "You also need to be barehanded, so I'm afraid you'll have to keep those blades hidden. But I think some people also use spells alongside their punches... As long as you don't need wands or something like that."

2021-10-14, 11:30 PM
Arkthos grinned widely, an excitement glowing in his eyes. He cracked his knuckles.

”alright then, let’s get this show in the road! There are skulls to crack, people to entertain and gold to be made.

His eagerness was bordering on maniacal. He was far too enthusiastic about this.

2021-10-15, 01:50 PM
Auger gave the two some directions, and then excused herself. The Troll's Nose was supposedly easy to spot, though it was in another part of Cogs. The forge was near the lift, and in the industry sector, which seemed at least a little tame, but the tavern seemed to be in a somewhat seedier place. The place had more goblinoids and inhabitants from Droaam such as gnolls moving about, and though Bonvica and Arkthos got some glances, nobody tried to stop them. Warforged were a common sight as well.

Auger had promised the place would be easy to find, and soon enough they spotted a place that fit the description. On top of tavern door, where a sign would normally be, was a very large nose nailed on it, and from the context, it was easy to enough which species it used to belong to. The place itself was best described as seedy, but it did seem popular enough, sounds of merriment and occasional violence leaking out.

Auger had instructed them to go through a side door, and the two could a spot a tall hobgoblin leaning on a doorframe, suspiciously eyeing everyone who passed by.

2021-10-21, 04:30 AM
Arkthos, still on Pig’s back, try to nonchalantly enter just like everybody else.

2021-10-21, 06:19 PM
Bonvica pokes Arkthos and motions around to the side door. "I think it was this way."

She gives a head-bob towards the hobgoblin. "Hey. Auger said we might find you here."

2021-10-22, 01:30 PM
The hobgoblin guarding the door was tall and built like an ox, plenty of scars across his skin and a nose that seemed to have been broken several times. He gave a suspicious look to Bonvica, sniffing the air like he was trying to smell a lie. Though to be fair, it seemed likely he'd treat everyone the same way. "Auger, hm?" he finally grunted, almost growling. He tapped the door with a meaty fist. "Competitors!"

The door was opened in a moment, by a much slimmer hobgoblin with a slicked back dark hair. He looked the trio over, then gestured them to come inside. "Newcomers, huh?" the slimmer hobgoblin asked. "Got your names picked out?"

2021-10-22, 07:02 PM
The door was opened in a moment, by a much slimmer hobgoblin with a slicked back dark hair. He looked the trio over, then gestured them to come inside. "Newcomers, huh?" the slimmer hobgoblin asked. "Got your names picked out?"

Bonvica hesitates for the briefest of moments, smiles and says, "Hlal."

2021-10-24, 01:45 AM
Arkthos frowned as he tried to hide the puzzlement from his face. ”Wha..gh” he began to ask ‘what’ before Pig had had enough of carrying him and dropped to the ground underneath him, causing him to grunt instead of finishing the question.

Once he was off Pig, the beast got back up and happily followed along, snuffling at the array of smells on the floor. Arkthos who tried to hold his composure simply nodded at the hobgoblin.

2021-10-24, 12:14 PM
Bonvica hesitates for the briefest of moments, smiles and says, "Hlal."

"Hlal? That like, elvish or something?" the hobgoblin asked, leading them inside. "Not the flashiest, but I suppose it's your choice. You can call me Bolar."

Arkthos frowned as he tried to hide the puzzlement from his face. ”Wha..gh” he began to ask ‘what’ before Pig had had enough of carrying him and dropped to the ground underneath him, causing him to grunt instead of finishing the question.

Once he was off Pig, the beast got back up and happily followed along, snuffling at the array of smells on the floor. Arkthos who tried to hold his composure simply nodded at the hobgoblin.

Bolaar chuckled at Pig and Arkthos' antics. "You fighting with the boar? We don't do animal fights here, but I guess dwarf on a pig might be fun to see. And what name are you going to use?"

"Oh, and since you know about this, guess you know about the rules? Bare hands only, though if you got spells you can use with a punch, that's fine. You win when you've pinned your opponent, but don't try to end a fight too quickly. People here don't want to see blood, well not just blood, but a good show. We like returning fighters, so if you kill your opponent, you're out", Bolaar explained, emphasizing the killing part especially. "You two wanna fight together, or separetely?"

2021-10-24, 01:19 PM
Bonvica throws a glance towards Arkthos to see if the dwarf has a preference. She asks Bolaar, "Together like tag-team? or together like against?"

"I guess we haven't had much chance to spar together. Is there a way to let Pig know it's not for real? I'm ok with punching the dwarf but wouldn't want to hurt the cute fuzzball." She keeps the tone light for the question to Arkthos, giving him an easy out if he'd rather fight a stranger than risk future trust issues between Pig and a teammate.

2021-10-24, 01:25 PM
"Tag-team", Bolaar clarified. "Don't mind if you wanna punch each other later, but the audience gets more excited if they know at least one of the fighters. Gonna bet more too." The hobgoblin rubbed two fingers together and grinned.

"Speaking about the audience, don't get surprised if they participate a little. We encourage it in fact, as long as it doesn't get too disruptive."

2021-10-24, 04:06 PM
”Whagh and Charger.” Arkthos replied.
”We’ll fight together as a team, jus’ chuck some opponents in front of us and we’ll put on a show.”
He cracks his knuckles to emphasise the point.

2021-10-24, 05:15 PM
”Whagh and Charger.” Arkthos replied.
”We’ll fight together as a team, jus’ chuck some opponents in front of us and we’ll put on a show.”
He cracks his knuckles to emphasise the point.

Bonvica agrees, smiling. "Lead on."

2021-10-25, 02:55 AM
"I like the enthusiasm", Bolaar chuckled. He lead them to what seemed like a dressing room, with some panels and various assortment of mostly worn down costumes and masks. Bolaar had opened up a large sack, holding it up to Bonvica and Arkthos. "Alright, put your weapons here. You can have 'em back after the match. You can borrow stuff from here, in case you feel like dressing up. Wait here until you're called."

If they don't protest, Bolaar simply collects their weapons, and leaves them in the room.

2021-10-25, 04:54 AM
There was no protest from Arkthos who handed his weapons over without hesitation. His interest and curiosity dragging his eyes around the room and before Bolaar had even left, his body was following. His stumpy Dwarven fingers were touching everything as he amused himself with the contents of the room. Pausing here and there to scoff or laugh at an outfit or to share it to Bonvica and Pig.
As he rummaged through the costumes he found some cork. It was in the heel of a shoe but who needed heals that big anyway. With some gentle persuasion he removed it and after a short wrestle with his faithful sidekick, he had stoppered pig’s tusks.
Some fabric and straps were bound around it for extra assurance and some time later Pig was ready for non leather battle. Now he just needed a costume that would fit around ‘Charger’s’ waist.

”So Bon, should we dress up?” he asks solemnly as he pulls out a scandalous sheer maidens outfit, complete with an attached wig. Arkthos struggled to hold a serious face and slowly it cracked into a smile.

2021-10-25, 09:10 AM
”So Bon, should we dress up?” he asks solemnly as he pulls out a scandalous sheer maidens outfit, complete with an attached wig. Arkthos struggled to hold a serious face and slowly it cracked into a smile.

“It’d seem a shame not to, especially if my name is going to be Hlal, the dragon known for jokes.” Bonvica also rummages around, looking for the biggest, most colorful and impractical sun hat, and a short dress she can throw on like a tabard over the chain armor she wears. She finds a fun yellow polka-dot number big enough that it had probably been for a drag night. Perfect.

2021-10-25, 04:41 PM
Arkthos laughs, discards the sultry dress (since Bon has decided to go with something else) and then dives into the rack of clothes before him.
He comes out with a mismatch of costuming looking like a tattered homeless wraith with a confusing background. Arkthos kept adding accessories until they were on the bounds of hindering him.

A gypsies shall, a pirates stuffed shoulder bird, a philosophers scroll case, a dungeoneers fake whip, a mages robe, a overly large gemmed belt, a white curly wig, some scale-like shin guards and matching woollen gloves. The main piece though was his skull mask that fit snuggly over his face, not really matching his beard however.

Finding a mirror he frowned.
Nay, this won’t do... I look like a dolt.” he grimaced.

2021-10-29, 04:46 PM
Arkthos unfortunately ran out of time for more wardrobe changes. A middle-aged goblin woman opened the door. She took out an unlit pipe from between her teeth and looked the two over, giving a raised eyebrow to the boar. "Alright you lot, it's your turn. Follow me."

She led them downstairs, and it seemed the underground fighting ring was literally underground. "Alright, Bolaar told you what to do, right? No killing, be showy... In fact, if you have some flashy move, just shout it. The people love that stuff..." She explained them the rules, emphasizing they were here to entertain.

Just try to knock out your opponent. You also win if you manage to hold your opponent in a grapple until the end of the opponents turn.

You can also spend your turn to do a Charisma(Performance) check. DC is 10, if you succeed, you can get help from the audience.

Underground, there was an area separated with a rope, a rowdy crowd around it shouting. Two people were standing in the ring. One was a tall hobgoblin, wearing some sort of long loincloth and a cape, his torso uncovered. He had an amulet, a blue gem shining gently. There were some bruises, but he wasn't nearly as scarred as the bouncer, nor did he look as dangerous. He was grinning widely, waving at the audience.

The other figure stood more somberly, wearing a dark cape and armor, though on closer examination the armor clearly wasn't a real one. They were still covered from head to toe, their face covered with a silvery crucible.

Bonvica and Arkthos were ushered into the ring, their opponents waiting for them. "Please, welcome our new challengers Hlal!" Bolaar pointed at Bonvica, the audience cheering. "And Whagh and Charger!" he gestured at Arkthos and his mount, both also eagerly greeted.

The hobgoblin, Daring Dar, chuckled. "Ha! You may have fashion sense, but Daring Dar sees you are no match for him!" he boasted, prodding his chest with a thumb. "Daring Dar is the strongest, bravest and fiercest! Yeah!" His shouts made the audience cheer, clearly he had a few fans. The silver-masked warrior just shrugged, clenching her fists.


The fight begins! Arkthos and Bonvica can go in any order.

2021-10-29, 06:10 PM
Bonvica gives a little mock curtsey, not taking her eyes off the opponents. Rising, she goes for a quick spell, splashing snowflakes at the hobgoblin in a quick motion. "Hlal says you need to chill!"

He should make a Con save DC 12 or elsewise take [roll0] cold damage and have disadvantage on the next attack.

Bonvica's motion looks a bit like:


2021-10-29, 06:13 PM
Dar's con save: [roll0]

The crowd chuckles at the joke and cheered at the start of the battle. Betting started, coins exchanging hands, while Dar's smile freezes along with the frost gathering on his bare skin. "Urgh! That Joke hurt more than the spell..." Dar grunted, trying to protect his face. "Hlal, Hlal!" Some shouted. "Nice moves!"

2021-10-29, 09:08 PM
Before it began, Arkthos grunted as he dismounted and removed his shield. Dropping it to the floor with a heavy thud. His eyes quickly scanned the crowd.

”Waaaaaaghh!” Arkthos roared as he broke into a heavy charge towards his foes.
Pig ran excitedly beside him.
Athletics [roll0] With all his force he leapt into the air towards the opponent covered and in fake armour.
Pig veered off and began rolling and scratching her covered tusks in the dirt.
Arkthos had his fist raised and pulled back but it never came down, instead he bulleted himself head first at his opponent.

Unarmed Attack[roll1] 1d8+3

2021-10-30, 01:50 PM
Arkthos surprised his opponent with his tackle. "Uhh..." she managed to say, before the dwarf collided with the masked fighter, making her stagger back. "Ooh! That's gotta hurt someone! The Flying Dwarf everyone!" The crowd chuckled and cheered, and someone on the edge of the ring threw a friend to pig.

Though the armor was clearly fake (and had crumpled from the blow), and seemed to hinder Silver Kiss more than help, to Arkthos it sure felt like he had hit something metallic. She gave the dwarf a quick jab, backing away a step. Then the masked fighter brought a hand close to the mask and made a motion to blow a kiss at Arkthos. "Ah, and our new challenger is about to get the Silver Kiss!" Bolaar announced, just as Arkthos' opponent wound her head back, then aimed a swift headbutt right at the dwarf, the silvered crucible coming at him fast. The attack probably worked better on opponents with less height difference though.

Attack 1:
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Dar shivered, shaking the frost off. "Daring Dar is not afraid of a little chill", the hobgoblin said, taking a pose and flexing. "Daring Dar is too hot to be chilled!" With that, the hobgoblin rushed Bonvica. He was still stiff from the spell, but made up for the lack of finesse with recklessness, swinging a wild and showy haymaker at Bonvica. "Reckless Punch!" Someone in the audience screamed in excitement.

Attack: [roll]d204+
Disadvantage: d204+
Damage: [roll4]
Dar misses.

Someone from the audience wanted in on the fun too. A drunk half-elf waved a waved a a wand, and suddenly the arena was filled with colorful birds, flying around. "Bird attack!"

Everyone must make a DC 12 Intelligence save, or get disadvantage on attacks on their next turn.

Silver Kiss: [roll5]
Dar: [roll6]

2021-10-30, 04:21 PM
Bonvica ducks and weaves, getting out of the way of the hobgoblin's fists. She calls out, "Bird attack? This calls for an Electric Weasel Counterattack!" Bonvica's familiar, the white weasel named Benji, pops its head up from behind her hat. Despite all the confusion, Bonvica confidently waves her hands to cast another spell, and the weasel leaps over towards Dar, its body sparkling with lightning as it flies towards the hobgoblin.

It jumps down to the floor and back up Bonvica's cape.

Benji's using his reaction to deliver the Shocking Grasp (should be pretty easy since Dar moved to melee range in order to punch Bonvica). [roll0] for [roll1] lightning damage.

Theoretically the familiar has its own initiative roll and whatnot but given the way we're doing combat, let me know if it's ok to just say it "delayed" last round and is jumping into the order just after Bonvica's turn. It will Disengage from Dar and run back to Bonvica.

2021-10-31, 04:39 PM
Arkthos copped the head butting but remained focused on his opponent, ignoring the distractions around him as he stayed close and with a growl initiated a grapple.


Second wind of the first failed.

2021-11-01, 01:55 PM
Arkthos' opponent was no stranger when it came to wrestling, as was to be expected. She skillfully blocked both attempts, cape flashing as she pushed his arms away. "You're good..." she muttered quietly, not as much for showing off as his partner. She suddenly crouched, and swept a leg at Arkthos. She came up from her spin, and aimed a kick right at the dwarf's (admittedly sturdy) head. Her movements seemed unsure, as the butterflies distracted.

Athletics to Shove Arkthos prone: [roll0] Contested by Arkthos also rolling Athletics.

2nd attack: [roll1]
Disadvantage (unless Arkthos is prone): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

"Gah, vermin!" Dar cried out, trying to swat Benji away, though the weasel was already gone. The illusory birds distracted him as well, and he let out an annoyed huff. "You have a lot of animal friends, elf. But Daring Dar has friends too! Daring Dar's fans are always there for him!" the hobgoblin boasted, flexing and shouting, trying to rile up the audience.

Dar tries to get the audience's favor with a performance check: [roll4]

The audience doesn't seem to warm up to him though, not after Bonvica's easily kept him at bay. Only thing he accomplished was someone throwing their half-empty mug into the ring.

The illusory birds faded, leaving the arena clear.

2021-11-01, 08:18 PM
The audience doesn't seem to warm up to him though, not after Bonvica's easily kept him at bay. Only thing he accomplished was someone throwing their half-empty mug into the ring.

The illusory birds faded, leaving the arena clear.

"Ha! I think they like the animals better than you! Let's hear it for Benji the Magic Ermine!" Bonvica uses a mage hand spell to lift up Benji on its open palm, giving the audience a better look.

Bonvica's not great at this, but sure, she'll respond in kind: [roll0] for a Charisma check.

She returns the weasel to her hat and resumes a fighting stance, announcing: "Okay! Less talk, more punching!"

2021-11-02, 02:23 AM
[roll1]Attack roll
[roll3]Second wind (used action surge last turn not second wind)

Arkthos held his feet, stepping beyond the sweep and retaliating with his own attack, however this ‘Silver Kiss’ proved too quick and intercepted him with their own. The kick to the head staggered Arkthos causing his heavy fist to clumsily sail through empty air.
Arkthos had to momentarily step back and shake off the attack. With a wide grin he cracked his neck, spat blood and pressed on back in.

Pig who had stopped rolling about, stared to her injured master as he took a kick to the head. The sound a loud slap calling for attention. Quickly the boar began trotting towards Arkthos, and then right past him, stopping only to sit at the stages edge. She grunted and her snout twitched excitedly as she plonked down before a man eating food.

10hp remaining

2021-11-02, 03:21 PM
"It seems P-your boar is carefree..." Silver Kiss said to Arkthos, though she kept her voice low, barely audible, sounding a little amused. His opponent tried to woo the audience as well, blowing kisses at the crowd, though the masked fighter seemed much more awkward about it than her partner. Meanwhile, someone giggling drunkenly was feeding Pig his meal.

Silver Kiss performance: [roll0]

Meanwhile, it didn't seem like Bonvica could get much help from audience either. Though Benji got some cheers, the most help she got was a few nuts thrown into the ring, which likely would only help Pig.

"Daring Dar is an excellent multitasker!" Dar bellowed, again striking a pose for emphasis. Though this time he didn't spend time trying to goad the audience, but rushed at Bonvica, delivering a heavy blow towards the elf. Dar seemed to be enjoying himself, even if he wasn't doing so well.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2021-11-02, 03:54 PM
[roll0] Performance
Pig, or charger, was enjoying the food and attention from the crowd. They had managed to get her riled up and she was now running back and forth before them, demonstrating her charging tusk ability.

Meanwhile Arkthos was focused on his fight. Still he threw his wild heavy punches. Grunting with exertion, hoping one would land.

2021-11-05, 12:32 AM
Bonvica makes a show of tumbling out of the way of Dar's awkward punch. She and Benji spring up in different directions, in a circle around the hobgoblin. Bonvica gives Dar the ol' one-two, hoping to catch him off-guard while he's looking at the weasel.

Can my familiar do a "Help" action for Bonvica's attack? It'd give her advantage. [roll0] unarmed attack for 3 bludgeoning damage. [roll1] if needed/allowed if Benji can help.

The weasel and Bonvica meet back up on the other side of Dar, edging closer to Silver Kiss and Arkthos. Bonvica says in a quiet voice to Arkthos, "Get ready, I'll dive for her knees, give her a shove over me." She's thinking he might do better if he gets a chance to do some wrestling moves.

I'll see about having me or Benji "Help" Arkthos next turn, maybe to start grappling? Let me know.

2021-11-05, 06:26 PM
The animal sidekicks were proving popular, as Pig was unfortunately enjoying more success than Arkthos. Some people were throwing food in the ring just to see her run around, cheering drunkenly.

Arkthos' tactic didn't unfortunately seem to work on Silver Kiss, the masked fighter clearly had some experience under her belt. She was able to evade the blows, and as it seemed there was no help coming from the audience. She was still concentrated on the dwarf, and didn't notice Bonvica moving into position, just raining quick blows on her opponent.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + 3 crit damage

"Dolurrh take your weasel! It is too adorable for Daring Dar to fully concentrate. Graah!" The hobgoblin's heavy fist lurches forward as he's trying to grab hold of his opponent. Not Bonvica though, but Benji the weasel.

Yeah, familiar can be used to give advantage, to Bonvica or another ally. Bonvica's attack hit.

Dar's Athletics, resisted by Benji's Acrobatics: [roll4]

2021-11-06, 03:41 AM
Arkthos was bloody and bruised, his grin faltering as he sway.C’mon! he roared in dwarven, charging in once again. Bull-headed and stubborn.
[roll0] [roll1]

Arkthos was not the only one charging at silver kiss. Responding to the dwarven words Pig finally joined the fight. Suddenly veering away from the crowd the boar charged at silver kiss, it’s tusks still bound in cork and leather.
[roll2][roll3] DC 11str check if hits.

2021-11-06, 05:15 AM
The Silver Kiss managed to dodge the charging boar, but it was enough distraction that she couldn't avoid Arkthos. This time, a heavy fist connected with a loud, almost metallic thud. The masked fighter reeled and staggered. It almost looked like she was going to go down, but she was barely able to regain her balance. It was still clear she was on her last legs.

2021-11-06, 11:39 AM
Benji attempts to escape his predicament, and Bonvica attempts to shock Silver Kiss. "Hold on, little buddy!"

[roll0] vs Dar's grappling - Benji's using his action to try to escape.

Bonvica attack: [roll1] vs Silver Kiss, and Shocking Grasp gets advantage if it's metal armor, so [roll2] if applicable.
That'd be for [roll3] lightning damage and she can't take reactions.

2021-11-07, 03:56 PM
Silver Kiss recoiled from the spell, the lightning eagerly jumping on the masked opponent. She fell on the ground, twitching, and didn't try to get up. "Ooh, and the challengers have brought down their first opponent!" Bolaar's voice boomed.

Meanwhile, Benji managed to wriggle out of Dar's grasp, and the hobgoblin didn't seem like he was going to try grabbing the weasel again. In fact, the daring fighter looked a little worried now that he had to fight alone. The expression quickly vanished though, replaced by a cocky grin. "Hah, Daring Dar never backs out from a fight, even if he'd have to fight a horde of demons. Come on!" Dar bellowed out the challenge, thumping a heavy fist on his broad chest and putting his hands up.

Silver Kiss is down. Dar Readies an action.

2021-11-07, 11:24 PM
Instead of charging into an awaiting opponent Arkthos decides to try rile up the crowed. He throws his arms up and roars, he pats pig.


2021-11-08, 01:02 AM
Instead of charging into an awaiting opponent Arkthos decides to try rile up the crowed. He throws his arms up and roars, he pats pig.

Bonvica echoes his shout. She reaches down to pick up Benji, who does a tiny squeak. Bonvica waves her arms back at Dar, with a pushing motion, and the combined noise of the Guildmates' shout makes a strong wind that heads towards Dar.

Sure, why not give this a try. Putting on a show is what we're here for, eh? Dar should make a DC11 Strength saving throw or be pushed back 5'.

2021-11-08, 08:42 AM
When the spell hit Dar, the hobgoblin flew back, tumbling down on the floor, several feet away from Bonvica. "C-curse your martial arts... Never seen a technique like that... Daring Dar will have... his revenge... yet..." he groaned, like he was on his last breath, though still managing to do it loud enough the audience could hear. Daring Dar shook his fist at the pair, then seemed to slump into unconsciousness.

There was a moment of silence, and then the audience burst into cheers. Bolaar entered the ring along with several goblins who dragged the losers out while the hobgoblin came to stand next to Bonvica and Arkthos, grabbing their hands and holding them up. "And we have our winners! Hlal and Whagh, along with their sidekicks Benji and Charger!" Bolaar's magically enhanced voice was almost deafening up close. "Anything the winners have to say to the audience?"

2021-11-09, 01:41 AM
Bonvica laughs, then cheers, and betrays some youthful exuberance by high-fiving Arkthos.

"Get up, Dar, you faker you, I barely touched you," she teases the hobgoblin. She's very relieved to have come through relatively unscathed, Arkthos seeming to have taken the brunt of things as usual.

She adds to the crowd, "Tip your servers! We'll see you next time!"

2021-11-09, 11:23 PM
Arkthos who had used few words so far decided to continue to do so and simply let out a wild victory howl and then jumped on Pig. Thankfully the boar obeyed him and the two roared around the arena on a victory lap before exiting.

2021-11-10, 03:22 PM
Dar didn't respond to Bonvica, but the corner of his mouth twitched as if he was holding back a grin. Bolaar didn't keep the pair in the ring for long. Money changed hands, and people wandered away to mourn their loss or spend their winnings. Bonvica and Arkthos were escorted away. The next entertainers were already waiting their turn, though this pair seemed to be jugglers rather than fighters. "Good job there", Bolaar said. "That was some good fighting! And you didn't forget to keep the audience entertained either! Remember this place whenever you're in need of cash! Although you should return the costumes before you leave! We ain't a charity here! Speaking of which, here's your pay." Bolaar handed both of them two pouch jingling with coins. "The pay ain't negotiable, but I can say I put in a little extra for good performance."

"Now, go meet your opponents, and have a drink. Better to clear off any possible bad blood right now, fighting outside the ring doesn't benefit anyone!"

Inside the room was Dar, relaxing on a chair and holding a tankard of ale. He lifted it as Bonvica and Arkthos entered, a grin on his face. "The champions! Congratulations on your victory!" Silver Kiss was sitting more stiffly, and had taken her mask off, revealing the head belonging to a warforged. She was looking down at the silver crucible she used as a mask, and was fiddling nervously with her fingers. Though many warforged looked alike, having been mass produced, this one was no doubt the warforged who'd tipped Bonvica and Arkthos about the place, Auger. "...hello."

Arkthos and Bonvica both receive 70 gp each.

2021-11-18, 08:28 PM
Inside the room was Dar, relaxing on a chair and holding a tankard of ale. He lifted it as Bonvica and Arkthos entered, a grin on his face. "The champions! Congratulations on your victory!" Silver Kiss was sitting more stiffly, and had taken her mask off, revealing the head belonging to a warforged. She was looking down at the silver crucible she used as a mask, and was fiddling nervously with her fingers. Though many warforged looked alike, having been mass produced, this one was no doubt the warforged who'd tipped Bonvica and Arkthos about the place, Auger. "...hello."

Arkthos and Bonvica both receive 70 gp each.

Bonvica is surprised to see the warforged. "I didn't know it'd be you! Good to see you - I guess some of this purse should be yours, as a bit of a Finders Fee, eh?" she adds with a wink. "Sorry about the shock to your system. Doing ok?" Bonvica doesn't have a healing potion or anything like that but she takes 20gp and slides it across the table to Auger.

She goes and shakes Dar's hand as well. "Next time I'm guessing you'll be more prepared for a weasel to the face, ha. I'll have to think of something even weirder."

2021-11-19, 12:23 PM
Auger seemed a little embarrassed, looking down at her mask. "I didn't know I'd be fighting you, honestly. I had a bout scheduled for later, but it got canceled, so..." she shrugged helplessly. "Couldn't really throw the fight either..."

The warforged hesitated, but took the money. "...thank you. I'm not badly hurt, but the money will be useful." She stood up, hesitated, and finally took Auger's hand to shake it, rather awkwardly. She then turned to Artkhos, offering her hand to him as well. "...you fought well. Almost knocked me out on that last punch. And I'm... sorry for hitting you?"

Dar laughed. "Ha! You caught me off-guard, but I'll be ready for your tricks next time!" the hobgoblin boasted with a wide grin. He was rather less ruffled than Auger, having had the wits to give up when the odds turned against him.