View Full Version : Convergence Manifesto - A drink, a drink, a drink

2021-10-12, 02:22 PM
Jimmy's bottle of swamp hooch was big, but not bottomless. While you could buy almost anything in Sharn if you had the money, Jimmy's drink was very... non-standard. Luckily he'd just become friends with people who knew where to buy non-standard things. Jimmy was told to go to Middle Dura, to Bazaar of Dura. There was an old apothecary, fittingly called "Old Apothecary", and the owner was said to be willing and able to brew pretty much whatever, likely even Jimmy's dubious drink.

Since Clifftop Adventurers Guild was in Upper Dura, it wasn't a very long trip. The Middle was a poorer district, seeming a home to the toiling working class, but still clearly much better off than the Cogs or Lower City in general. It was also filled with merchants, various little shops and stalls filling the streets, while the merchants shouted, advertising their wares. Jimmy was somewhat out of place, but at least he probably wouldn't attract too many cutpurses.

The particular shop wasn't too hard to find. The apothecary was small, and what Jimmy could see through the dirty windows, it was cramped inside. The sign had been painted with colorful letters, though they had long since faded. It didn't look much, but then again, it might just be a place where you could get a bottle of dubious mushroom drink.

2021-10-12, 08:48 PM
Jimmy enters and looks around for the propriator

2021-10-13, 02:38 PM
There's hardly room to move around. The shop was small and cramped, the shelves filled with bottles and dried plants. Smell of incense permeated the store, and a bell jingled as Jimmy walked. A dwarf, likely the store's owner, came entered from the backroom, greeting Jimmy with a wide grin. His clothes were colorful and, for a lack of better word, random, like a wardrobe had exploded on him. His beard consisted of several braids, each dyed a color of the rainbow. His hair was wild, pointing in every which direction, his left eye covered.

"Welcome, welcome!" the dwarf exclaimed, clapping his hands together. He tilted his head as he peered at Jimmy, his visible eye narrowing for a moment. Then his grin widened even more. "Golden Man! What'll it be? Want to reclaim the vigor of your youth? Gain more hair? Less hair? Problems with rodents?"

2021-10-13, 03:13 PM
"Not today!" Jimmy cackles "I need a man to brew a special spirit. I heard you were the man for the job."

2021-10-13, 03:25 PM
"A special brew, eh? Well you've come to the right dwarf, Golden Man." The shopkeep chuckled. He walked up a stepladder set up behind his counter, to face Jimmy at eye level. The tangled hair covered the other part of his face rather well, but Jimmy could catch a glimpse of something purplish behind the locks, like very thick scar tissue. "I'd say everythin' I make is special, but I suppose we can go... specialerer... Ach, well, any more hints about what I should be making then?"

2021-10-13, 03:33 PM
Jimmy pulls out his his flask and a single shot glass. He pours a single finger into the glass.

"It's my own brew. But I don't got the equipment, and only the rarer ingredients on me. And-" he trails off for a moment and then grins "And I've always wanted to see if one of you professionals could make it better."

2021-10-14, 12:26 PM
"Lessee what we're working with then, lad!" The dwarf's eyes were fixed on the glass. He grasped it with both hands, bringing it to his nose and taking a sniff. He grunted, then took a small sip, just wetting the tip of his tongue. "Mmh!" he exclaimed, his eye going wide. He gently swilled the drink in the glass, intensely looking at the trail. Then he took another sniff, then another tiny sip. Finally he poured what few drops remained on his hands, rubbing them together and smelling them. "Hhmhmhm..."

Then the apothecary burst into laughter, shaking his head and whooping. "Ha, Golden Man! If that ain't somethin' peculiar! Foul and strong, yet tasty! I can just taste the swamp! Aye, could say I have a few ideas..." He cackled, holding out the shot glass to Jimmy, hopeful for another taste. Though as he'd shook his head, the hair covering the other side of his face had moved. Now Jimmy could see there was no scar tissue, but something draped over the dwarf's left eye. It wasn't an eyepatch, but something else, like a purple squid latched onto the dwarf's head, tendrils disappearing into the messy hair. On top of where the dwarf's eye would have been, the thing also had a yellow eye, with a slit pupil like a reptile's.

2021-10-14, 04:07 PM
"Glad to here it!" Jimmy cackles, not commenting on the strange thing in his eye. After all, Jimmy himself had done a stranger thing or two than have a-whatever-that-thing-was.

2021-10-15, 12:54 PM
The dwarf did move as if he saw through the creature's eye, though it didn't seem to move exactly in sync with the dwarf's own eye. The apothecary didn't comment on it either, nor did he try to cover it up. "Not sure if I'll be selling this, not at least fer drinking, but I'll gladly help you. Free of charge in fact, but I'll keep half of what we cook up."

The apothecary pointed at Jimmy's sword. "Tell me Golden Man, ye know how to fight? There are certain mushrooms that'd go just great with your drink, but they also tend to fight back..."

2021-10-15, 01:37 PM
Jimmy pats his sword and nods

"Reckon There're a few folks who wish I couldn't out there, but Yeah, I can deal it out!"

2021-10-15, 05:12 PM
"Excellent! I am a master of brews and potions, but I struggle with the noble art of violence!" The dwarf gathered some supplies into back, and despite his words grabbed also a sturdy cudgel. "Follow me lad!" The apothecary looked rather excited as he left his shop, locking the door and expecting Jimmy to follow him. He had again moved his hair to cover his left eye, though the disguise was rather flimsy.

"Good, good, yes! These ingredients are excellent, but last time I also became food myself!" the dwarf cackled, as if this was a happy memory. The dwarf had moved nimbly, weaving through narrow alleys, and soon they were standing in front of what looked like a tunnel entrance. "Here it is! A veritable treasure trove!" Not that the smell betrayed that secret.

The apothecary took out a corked vial and shook it. The contents started to glow, and he tossed it to Jimmy. "Can't keep the Golden Man in darkness!"

2021-10-15, 05:17 PM
"Right, what am I lookin for?"

2021-10-18, 10:45 AM
"Mushrooms, lad, mushrooms! Though these are big and mean, 'round the size of a fat cat, and have a meaner bite. Now let's get moving, and keep your eyes open!" The dwarf shoved Jimmy on his back, pushing the old man into the tunnel. It was damp, and smelled of rot and mold. They were still in Dura, so not exactly underground, maybe going through an old sewer system.

"...dark..." a voice whispered in Jimmy's head, though not much help. The glowing vial worked about as well as a torch, though it provided a steady glow instead. The light was red, and while the dwarf explained that it worked better than normal light, it made the tunnel seem somewhat ominous.

Please make a perception check for Jimmy.

2021-10-18, 10:59 AM
Jimmy peers into the dark, wondering if his natural gift of light might be better than this, but tossing it aside. The Asthetic was to pleasing for him to ruin the mood.


2021-10-19, 12:56 PM
They weren't completely alone, that was much was clear. At least rats kept them company, staying at the edge of light and squeaking. There were some people too, though they had long since passed, homeless by the look of it, their corpses emancipated and rotting. One in particular was so old that there was actually growing something inside it... And as Jimmy passed it, it suddenly came alive!

The corpse that had just been laying down, suddenly came alive, and swung a rotting fist at Jimmy, trying to claw at his face. It only had a few strips of damp, moldy cloth on it, and there were several small mushrooms growing on several places of the corpse. Most notably, inside the mouth and through one eye and ear. The dwarf behind Jimmy just cried out in surprise.

Damage: [roll1]

Jimmy can then attack.

2021-10-19, 09:13 PM
Jimmy whirls and strikes with his shortsword, following that up with a heelpalm to the mosnters temple.


Magic Hands:


2021-10-20, 06:12 AM
The sword cut deep into the creature, and while it didn't seem to feel pain, it at least staggered a little. The creature's movements were slow, but just as Jimmy's fist was about to connect, the moving corpse happened to stumble out of the way. It responded with a swipe of its own, the movements jerky and unnatural.

Sword strike connects, the fist doesn't.

The creature attacks: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

"Get 'im lad!" the dwarf cried from the sidelines.

2021-10-21, 02:00 PM
Jimmy lashes out again, different oattern and tempo, same strikes.





2021-10-22, 01:15 PM
This time both of Jimmy's strikes hit, the body jerking each time. The creature didn't show pain this time either, but with the last punch, there was a wet squelch, and Jimmy's fist sank into the temple a little. Suddenly his opponent went limp, collapsing on the ground and almost dragging Jimmy with it. The head was twisted and broken, and there wasn't so much blood as slime.

"Great job, Golden Man!" the dwarf exclaimed, patting Jimmy's back. "Glad you didn't lie when you said you could fight! Napkin?" The apothecary's loaned eye gleamed a little in the red light, fixed intently on Jimmy. He was also offering a ragged piece of cloth, stained with various colors.

2021-10-25, 08:13 AM
Jimmy nods and accepts the napkin with a wry grin.
"Where to next, ya crazy brewer?"

2021-10-26, 12:21 PM
"Deeper, of course! Ain't gonna be using that stuff coming out this poor fella!" The dwarf poked the corpse hard, its head nudging to another side. The lack of reaction at least seemed to confirm it was dead. "That reminds, do not try to eat the shroom things once we find them. Reckon our corpsey friend here did, what I know they tend to have a bit of a side effect."

The dwarf led Jimmy deeper into the tunnel, seeming calm now that the danger had passed. After some time, he suddenly waved Jimmy to stop. "Look!" the dwarf said in a hushed tone, pointing at something ahead of them. It was hard to make it out in the dark, even for Jimmy, but there was something. A big mushroom, but it seemed to be moving a little, on stubby legs. "Here, here! Sneak up and put this bag over its head." The dwarf was pulling something out of the pouch on his, that turned out to be a bag, oddly enough bigger than the pouch it had come from. "Don't think it can see the light, but try to be quiet."

If Jimmy agrees to bag the mushroom, roll a Dexterity (Stealth) check.

2021-10-27, 07:51 AM
Jimmy nods and takes the bag, creeping up on the shroom.


2021-10-27, 01:43 PM
Jimmy managed to creep behind the mushroom thing, but just before he got the sack over its head, the creature turned around. It didn't have eyes, but some sort of stalks that wiggled at Jimmy's direction. After an awkward second, it released a cloud of spores that spread quickly. Jimmy could for a moment feel a sort of distress, though it faded quickly. But more importantly, he could see movement in the tunnel, the shapes similar to the small mushroom creature.

"Lad, don't kill all of 'em, just try knocking 'em out!" the dwarf shouted from behind. He'd conjured up a crossbow, fumbling a bolt into place. The brewer didn't seem very confident with the weapon though.

Combat time!

It's Jimmy's turn. He can still try to put the mushroom into a bag by succeeding in a grapple.


2021-10-29, 07:51 AM
Jimmy struggles harder and tries to pull the bag over the mushrooms head.


2021-10-29, 05:09 PM
The mushroom squirms free from Jimmy, and instead slashes at him with a stumpy hand, a tiny claw at the end. More of its friend waddle towards him as well, trying to claw at the monk.

Three mushroom creatures attack Jimmy.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] poison damage

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + [roll5] poison damage

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + [roll8] poison damage


Jimmy can still try with the sack, or fight

2021-10-31, 07:57 AM
Jimmy struggles with sack still, holding on for dear life. A sane man would have let go, but Jimmy's booze is on the line. He would risk his life for swamp water.


1 ki point dodge. The Shrooms have disadvantage.

2021-10-31, 03:38 PM
This time Jimmy manages to get the squirming mushroom into the bag. "Great work lad!" the dwarf shouted.

M2 attack: [roll0]
Disadvantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]

M3 attack: [roll4]
Disadvantage: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] + [roll7]

M4 attack: [roll8]
Disadvantage: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + [roll11]

M5 attack: [roll12]
Disadvantage: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] + [roll15]

M6 attack: [roll16]
Disadvantage: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18] + [roll19]

Dwarf attacks with a crossbow: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21]


Jimmy takes 5 damage. His turn

2021-11-01, 02:35 PM
As Jimmy started getting away with the squirming bounty in the sack, one of the mushrooms managed to scratch him, though the wound wasn't too deep. "Wait up!" the dwarf shouted, running after him. Though he wasn't especially fast, the mushrooms moved at a waddle speed, and it wasn't hard to leave them behind.

When they couldn't see the mushrooms anymore, the dwarf gestured at Jimmy. "Whh-wait up lad! Think we left 'em behind... Ye still have one?" The apothecary was sweating from the run. "Golden Man... You run too fast for an old man!"

2021-11-02, 08:42 PM
"I do yoga, keeps me spry" he says with a grin

"is this all we need ya crazy brewer?"

2021-11-04, 03:17 PM
"Eh, I eat the stuff every mornin', but I can't run like that. Should brew a potion... Ye think I'd be faster on four legs? Ah, never mind, don't want to buy that many shoes." The dwarf waved his hand dismissively.

"Well, I'd hoped to get a few more, but I think this one little bugger should get us started", the apothecary said and poked the sack, making the contents squirm slightly. "Reckon I can brew a big darn cask for you, though it'll take a while. Don't worry though, I'll get a little sample for you quickly enough. Let's keep going then, don't want to let them catch us up. Oh, an' once we get to the surface, don't open the bag. The fellas dry up real fast in sunlight."

There were some sounds of shuffling coming from behind them, but it soon stopped. No more corpses either, besides the one they'd already encountered. The dwarf hesitated, stopped and plucked piece of mushroom growing from the eye, stuffing it into a pouch. "Not for making drinks, but for curiosity!"

They were back at the shop, and even faster than the before. The two had caught an ever so gentle stink from the tunnel, and that handily translated into more space from the crowds. When they to got the shop, the dwarf didn't open it, keeping the sign hanging outside on the side that said "Closed". This time Jimmy got to go behind the counter into the backroom, which was actually much more spacious than the store. It was something between a brewery and a lab, with some labeled casks and bottles as well as delicate glassware, the room lit with everbright lanterns. "Alright, I'll handle the little bugger from here", the dwarf said, reaching out to take the sack. "Go to the front, I like to work by meself. Though feel free to pick something from the discount bin. I used some alternate ingredients for those potions, but they'll work! Just maybe prepare for some slight side effects..."

There's indeed a bin with "all must go!" scrawled with a chalk on to a plank, filled with bottles containing strange looking liquids. Next to the bin is also a curious ceramic jug, with arcane symbols. Oddest thing was that there were several corks on it, like you could pour out the liquid from several places.

Jimmy can pick any Common or Uncommon potion

2021-11-04, 04:33 PM
"Much obliged friend, I'll leave yah to your work."
Jimmy inspects each potion with a keen eye. He has to admit, he likes this crazy dwarf.

2021-11-05, 06:00 PM
The dwarf emerged in around 20 minutes, shaking a small glass vial. He'd tied up his messy hair into a messy bun, the squid creature fully visible, its eye yellow eye fixed on Jimmy. "Here lad. Bit of a rush job, but should give a bit of a kick to your drink! Open 'er up and let's make a mix!" The brewer offered to pour the contents into Jimmy's bottle. "Anythin' catch your eye?"

You can find one from here https://donjon.bin.sh/5e/magic_items/, for example.

If Jimmy takes a drink, he should make a DC 14 Int save.

2021-11-06, 03:34 PM
"I can smell the shroomy goodness from here! And yeah, I found me one. I think it's a growth potion."

2021-11-07, 03:45 PM
"Ah, excellent choice! I brew it a lot, handy when I have to reach on top of a shelf!" The dwarf plugged the potion and uncorked it. He sniffed the contents, put the cork back and handed the bottle to Jimmy. "Alright, seems fine. Now, only use it indoors if the ceiling's high, or yer head will be hurting. What else... If it lasts more than four hours, you probably lost track of time, don't use if pregnant... Feelings of megalomania are normal, but don't trample people. Never ever use it if... Eh, don't remember the last part." The dwarf patted Jimmy's arm. "You have a good head Golden Man, I'm sure you'll figure it out!"

"Now, anything else? Afraid can't hand out any more potions, but I'm happy to sell if anything else's caught your attention!" He rubbed his hands together.

2021-11-14, 08:25 AM
"I think I'll be good, my bearded friend!."
Jimmy says with a grin.

2021-11-15, 02:15 PM
"Ha, that's good to hear!" the dwarf barked, slapping Jimmy on the back. "Come back in a week or so, should have more of your mushroom brew ready then. But off you go! I've got business to do! A bloody bear cost me a bunch of gold already!" With that, Jimmy found himself pushed to the street. The dwarf unlocked the door and flipped the sign to indicate the store was open. Couple of people had already been waiting outside, some asking about remedies for some ailment. The brewer gave Jimmy one last wave before vanishing inside his shop.