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View Full Version : In need of a weird birthing ritual involving virgin bulls

2021-10-13, 10:43 PM
I am in need of a weird dragon hatching ritual involving lots of virgin bulls. Kobolds, mostly non-magical, need to be able to perform it.
If it matters (and it shouldn't), this is for a 5e DnD game, and the PCs might get to witness it, but probably won't try to stop it. I am perfectly fine with it being rather silly, too.
The dragon hatchling won't be a traditional DnD dragon, as it won't have wings, but will have a ridiculous number of legs (like a reptile centipede).

Does anyone have any suggestions, either for parts of the ritual or the whole thing?

King of Nowhere
2021-10-14, 03:28 AM
Are the bulls going to be killed or harmed in the ritual? Is it a good or evil ritual?

2021-10-14, 05:11 AM
Well the first thing that comes to mind is a "centipede" built out of the bulls that spirals around the hatchery.
It can be very PG, with bulls symbolically tied together with ribbons/vines/flowers just generating magical energy, or venture into more disturbing/horror territory with the bulls sexually mounting each other or being sawn into or magically merging into an actual "bull centipede" (which swallows the egg then bursts to be consumed by the hatched dragon).

2021-10-14, 05:13 AM
By virgin bulls I assume you mean bull calves.

Here's something, also assuming that the hatchling is pretty big:

Have the bulls walk in a circle, possinly in a trench, around the egg. Get them to run faster and faster while drums beat in time.
As the egg hatches, have the hatchling thing burst forth with all its legs and dive straight into the the trench, swallowing up or eating the stampeding bulls by catching up to them.
Then let the drums slow down, the hatchling matching its speed to them. When the drums stop, the long dragon thing does so too, and falls asleep.

Congratulations, kobolds. You have bonded a weird wyrm to the rhythms of your drums, to the trampling of hooves.

2021-10-14, 05:41 AM
By virgin bulls I assume you mean bull calves.

Now I want to see an all-bull remake of The 40-Year Old Virgin... :smalltongue:

More on topic, a gruesome but still somewhat PG ritual might be to have the bulls eating each other, growing larger and larger until there's only one really big bull left that either bursts or turns into a dragon or something.

2021-10-14, 09:00 AM
Now I want to see an all-bull remake of The 40-Year Old Virgin... :smalltongue:

More on topic, a gruesome but still somewhat PG ritual might be to have the bulls eating each other, growing larger and larger until there's only one really big bull left that either bursts or turns into a dragon or something. I like this idea, kind of an inverse Russian doll deal. Stealing this. :smallsmile:

2021-10-14, 11:45 AM
Simple version? Have the bulls slaughtered and the egg completely immersed in blood.

2021-10-14, 01:40 PM
Kobolds and bull slaughtering? I hear Rube Goldberg machine!