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2021-10-14, 11:04 AM
The City of Brass. One of the most ancient and renowned metropolises in all the cosmos. Home to a million souls (and quite a few things that don't have souls). The seat of a proud and unbelievably complex efreeti culture. A renowned centre of learning, of metalcraft, of magical might. A magnificent spar of rock soaring from the gently undulating flames of the Lake of Fire.

Also a filthy, cramped and dangerous place to visit.

Out of Character Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?637396-Coming-Unstuck-OOC)

2021-10-14, 11:05 AM
Spiders, as it turns out, do not do well in the heat.

Also, as it turns out, armour customized for arachnoid humanoids are not often available off the rack, outside of the Underdark. So, flush with gold from her last job, she made arrangements to visit the City of Brass, and followed directions to the Street of Steel.

It was actually remarkably easy for Calida to find Isle of Mithril, a shop specializing in the million forms that the light metal can take. An embarrassing hour of measurement, and a tweak of enchantments and a day of impatient waiting later, and she emerged back onto the Street of Steel wearing the most beautifully fitted mail shirt she could imagine. Not that it LOOKED like mithril mail at the moment.

Walking towards Calida were half a dozen efreet in matching breastplates, moving with a casual watchfulness that screamed ‘cop’ to her. Instinctively, Calida shifted and prepared to duck down an alley, but somehow, two of the beefy efreet were already there. One unhooked a gleaming spiked chain from his belt in a way that suggested that he wouldn’t overmuch regret swinging it in the enclosed space of the alley. The much smaller efreet beside him winced apologetically and took a black velvet cloth…something from a bag at his belt. A light skiff of ash began to fall. The big one spoke.

“I am Mo-Attim Diassim, Third Lieutenant of the Hand of the Sultan. Calida Merimange, you have been found guilty of an infraction of section 89 dash 14 of the Iron Code, improperly identifying yourself upon entry to the City of Brass. The normal penalty for such an infraction is a month of slavery and hard labour, but Sultan Marrake is exceptionally munificent. You are offered an opportunity to instead complete a simple task in order to set aside this sentence. Either way, you are coming with us."

As Calida begins to plan three avenues of escape from this situation, she turns to observe the other four efreet blocking off the alley behind her. And then a soft, dark bag pops over her head, and…nothing.

Even with their ring, Eshra found the incessantly parched air and hostile inhabitants of the City of Brass wearying. It was remarkable that the same city could be full of wonders and deeply tiresome. Especially since they had learned of the recent passing of Mistress Xan Fourblade.

And so Eshra had returned to their tiny room at the Yellow Sulphur Arms, intending to either find work or passage out the next day.

There is no true night in the City of Brass, and no windows in Eshra’s room anyway, so it wasn’t clear to Eshra how much sleep had come before the knock. Loud and insistent. “Eshra, you will open in the name of the Sultan.”

Eshra considered their options, but ultimately decided that taking on an entire city of efreet, or trying to sneak out of aforementioned city, were unlikely to do much either for their health or spiritual equilibrium. They rose to answer the door.

Half a dozen efreeti guards in brass breastplates were clustered in the narrow hallway. The largest, a big bruiser with absurdly coiffed long black hair and a seemingly painted-on sneer, pushed his way inside.

“Eshra. I am Mo-Attim Diassim, Third Lieutenant of the Hand of the Sultan. You have been found guilty of an infraction against section 489 dash 3 of the Iron Code, sedition against the authority of a duly appointed representative of the Sultan.

"Such a serious offense is normally punished by a period of 5 years of enslavement, but the Sultan is forgiving beyond the understanding of lesser beings. He offers you one opportunity to have your sentence set aside, in exchange for a modest service.”

Instinctively, mindblades form in Eshra’s hands. The sneer on Diassim’s face deepened, and he lay a hand on a gleaming spiked chain at his belt. A much smaller efreet, dressed in a shapeless grey tunic and knee-length pants, cleared his throat from the doorway.

“Um. I beg your pardon. Eshra? I believe Io had many wise words to say about the importance of distinguishing between action that is purposeful and essential, and action which expends energy without purpose. Yes?”

The burly warriors behind the scruffily dressed efreeti quietly drew swords and maces. Eshra completes a complex piece of mental arithmetic, and makes their mindblades dissipate with a thought. The efreet in grey tosses Diassim a black velvet bag, and the Lieutenant smiles as he pops it roughly over Eshra’s head. Then…nothing.

If this was Hell, then the Dread Executor was mightily disappointed by the disorganized and seemingly random nature of the punishments. The devils, easily twice the height of an ordinary person, turned him away from several parts of hell; people seemed to walk about committing crimes and acts of petty disrespect, and NO ONE KNEW WHO HE WAS. It was intolerable.

The Dread Executor was just starting to savour the experience of being hungry. Normally, there had been servants at hand to attend to every whim, and now he was forced to purchase a small bread stuffed with what was likely but not definitely meat from a sketchy looking orc on the street. Worse, he only got four bites in when a heavy red hand appeared on his shoulder. Who would dare?

It was one of the devils, dressed in a fancy brass breastplate. He was flanked by five other similarly attired devils, all armed and looking angry. The Dread Executor began to speak. “You will remove your hand or I will do it for-"

Then the devil, incredibly, interrupted!

“Grimmald Swordshade, you have been convicted of an infraction against section 280 dash 1 of the Iron Code, entry into the City of Brass through an unsanctioned portal, and against section 280 dash 14, failure to register as a visitor within one hour of arrival. You have been sentenced to seventeen months of slavery. However, the Sultan is merciful beyond all bounds, and offers to erase this sentence in exchange for your completion of a simple service.”

The Dread Executor lays a hand on his katana’s grip and draws himself up, fixing the impertinent devil with a literally imperious stare. A small and innocuous devil, barely taller than a human, stepped out from behind the squad of warriors and sighed. “I’m not sure that we have time for this.” The devil was holding a black bag of some sort in his hand, and with remarkable speed slipped the bag up and over the Dread Executor’s head. Then…nothing.

If Sigil had been a kind of playground of new sensations, this was more like a testing ground, a blasted heath of unrelenting heat and ubiquitous misery. So many twisted bodies, so many injured souls.

At first, Gentle had thought that this was an eternal day of torment for him, wandering the streets, healing and lending aid when he could, but he eventually grew tired enough to seek out a flophouse of some kind. Apparently, gold was gold, even in this inexplicable place, and Gentle dropped gratefully off to sleep on a filthy bundle of rags.

In what he would arbitrarily called morning, miraculously unmolested, Gentle sat up and reached out to Liira, and was relieved to find that, just as in Sigil, his goddess could reach him here ass well.

When Gentle opened his eyes, he was surrounded by half a dozen of these huge devilish figures, the efreet, who seemed to be in charge of this place. The largest of them reached down and lifted Gentle up by his mail, up and up until he was dangling well off the ground. Speaking through twisted and contemptuous lips, the big efreeti spoke.

“Goran Weaver, you have been convicted of a contravention of section 1,739 dash 14 of the Iron Code, providing healing services without a license, and of 1,740 dash 3, providing healing services outside of a licensed establishment. You have been sentenced to seven months of slavery. However, through the infinite mercy of Sultan Marrake, you are being offered an opportunity to earn forgiveness for these offenses, all in exchange for one simple service."

The familiar heat-spark of a blast began to tickle in the palm of Gentle’s left hand, when a soft strangely-accented voice drifted up behind him. The tone is soft and wheedling.

“Lieutenant Diassim!”

The big efreet’s sneer changes inflection but does not disappear.

“Stay out of this, Zyleni!”

“Suit yourself, but I don’t think that Master Weaver is arguing. Not yet, anyway.”

Darkness abruptly engulfed Gentle’s view, and a soft velvet brushed his cheeks. His crown of flame was nearly knocked off his head. And then…nothing.

It had been a good visit with Melchior, profitable. The recent interplanar disturbances had been the subject of much murmured conversation across the City of Brass, and while Melchior had no hard details about what might be happening, he had no end of entertaining theories. He also had a Ring of the Darkhidden, aesthetically pleasing to Ganzak’s refined sensibilities, and at a reasonable price.

As the two continued chatting in Melchior’s front room, the shop door opened and five thuggish efreet in matching breastplates – so either a fiery boy band or a military unit of some kind – barged in and quickly approached. Their apparent leader, an especially arrogant looking oaf with an absurd pompadour and a sparkly spiked chain, strode quickly over to Ganzak. A sixth efreeti, smaller and with a kind of shapeless grey jacket and short pants, slouched in after.

The big one glowered down at Ganzak, while Melchior quietly slipped behind the shop counter.

“Talarious Stoneham. You have been convicted of an infraction of section of 56 dash 2, conspiring with a convicted enemy of the Sultanate. To wit, one Rule of Three, criminal mastermind and known seditionist. You have been sentenced to eleven years of slavery. However, the Sultan in his boundless mercy is willing to commute your sentence in exchange for one simple service."

Ganzak, seeing how this was progressing, quietly slipped a hand inside his backpack. The hand closed around the metal tuning fork that would lead him toward home again. However, the motion seemed to draw the elaborately coiffed enforcer, who reached out with remarkable speed and hauled Ganzak to the floor, straddling him and efficiently pinning his arms.

The small efreet slipped quietly forward, pulling a black velvet bag out of a sack at his belt.

“Please don’t hurt him, Lieutenant! We need them intact for –“

“Stop your bitching, Zyleni! If the humans are good at one thing, it’s healing after you’ve put them in their place.”

The small efreet makes a small grimace, stepped forward and popped the black bag over Ganzak’s head.


The roast goose was spectacular, lightly seasoned and not overcooked. Th mashed yams were not inspired, but complimented nicely. Caoin settled back in a pleasantly cushioned chair which, if a trifle large for him, was easily the most comfortable thing he had been on since arriving in the City of Brass.

Well. Second most comfortable.

Yelenah al-Guri sashahed to the door of her pleasantly appointed apartment, in the fine neighborhood of the Foundry, overlooking the almost as fine neighbourhood of the Cinders. Clearly, Yelenah had excellent taste. He was here, wasn’t he?

The efreeti woman opened the door, and immediately stepped back.

“Mo-Atar! It’s been far too long! Oh. You’ve brought friends. Is this an official visit of some kind?"

A barrel-chested efreeti man with a military bearing and hair that might catch fire if it got ten degrees hotter burst into the room, followed by four more efreeti with a distinctly not-in-charge vibe, and a shabbily dressed efreeti man who clashed with the whole stormtrooper aesthetic.

Glancing around the apartment, the knot of genies beelined for Caolin, who barely had time to stand before the brute squad hemmed him in on three sides. Captain Hair Product bent down to get in Caolin’s face.

“Caolin, you have been convicted of four violations of section 111 dash 8 of the Iron Code, false representation, and two instances of section 307 dash 2, trespass. There were also three complaints lodged about your performance at the Velvet Crucible –"

“Objection! I have the voice of an angel. Tell him, Yelenah!”

“Absolutely! The note that you hit when I stuck my finger-“

“Enough, both of you! Regardless, that’s not technically in contravention of the Iron Code. But, for the other offences, the sentence is fourteen months of slavery. But the Sultan apparently has a soft spot for lost causes. He is willing to commute the sentence in exchange for one small service.”

Yelenah, still hovering by the door, as if hoping that the entire scene would pass back through it, clears her throat.

“Oh, wow. You should take that offer. I’ve seen humans after they’ve come back from a year at the smelters. They’re usually not all there.”

The scruffy efreet drew a velvet bag out of a sack at his belt and handed it to the pompous spokesman. He seems about to pop it over Caolin’s head when the human forestalls him with a raised hand. He reaches down to grab another bite of the goose, chews and nods. The burly efreet lifts the bag to Caolin's head.


2021-10-14, 11:05 AM
The bags are yanked from six heads, and six figures sit on chairs. The chairs are near a black stone wall. The wall is nearly forty feet tall, in a cylindrical room. A dozen efreeti guards stand, tense and alert, around a trio of exits. In the centre of the room is a large table, ringed by bright white lights floating in midair.

Around the table, four figures stand. Two are familiar: the pompous soldier who had overseen the recent arrest - if that was in fact what had just happened - and the scruffy efreet who had helped him. The third figure is a female efreet with pale red skin, clad all in delicate green armour. The fourth a figure some six feet tall, almost lost in a baggy grey robe and white face mask devoid of emotion.

The woman turns towards the six unhooded figures, and it's easy to see that the left side of her face is horribly disfigured, her left eye replaced with a dark orb. She smiles and beckons them closer.

"Ah, good. Our volunteers are restored. Come closer, quickly. There isn't much time."

2021-10-14, 11:06 AM
Caolin rises cautiously to his feet, glancing around the room.

Volunteers? He says mildly. You couldn't find a more dignified way of getting help? Like some public graffetti? Or maybe a note nailed to a temple door?

He gives a measured glance over at the other chairs. A figure clad in white robes. A human with the lightly scaled skin of draconic ancestry. Another human with Adarian features. A humanoid with jet black hair wearing black armour and black clothing with a black on black motif tastefully done in black. And a final human dressed in baggy explorer's clothes. All healthy, mostly fairly attractive, and all far from home. And he looked to be the only entertainer, although the Adarian could be a dancer of some kind. He couldn't make out what they were supposed to have in common, but what he could see was a theme that was not promising for his continued health.

We're all foreigners, he thought. Deniable, or disposable, or both.

He sighs and ambles over to the table of lights, adjusting his simple lace cuffs as he goes.

Even sitting at the corner table in the Rusty Songbird with a hooded cloak and a sackful of gold would see you struggling to escape from the crush.

2021-10-14, 11:06 AM
Gentle was waking up after getting… Captured? Abducted? Well he could see again which was kinda good at last. And he saw at least one kinda familiar person... For some reason he didn't liked him that much. Weird. A very scary looking guy, seemed like face even a mother would punt in. The rest were totally unknown to him.

He stood up. It seemed the hell in the City of Brass wasn't to end that quickly. He could even get to know what that was all about.

I guess we are assembled, in a way. Why have you taken this… Colorful entourage instead of enslaving all of us because we have inconvenienced you slightly?

The healer strode towards the woman with the weird face, it seemed futile to trying to help her with her affliction, lest he get pressed into another weird situation.

And it really seemed better to follow instructions at the moment.

2021-10-14, 11:13 AM
If you, dear reader, read the Grimmald spoiler tag, congratulations, you got treated to the propaganda exterior version of Dread Executor Grimmald Swordshade, also known as the Night Demon! What follows is the internal view of one Grimmald.

So, hell looks an awful lot like a busy marketplace. The devils mostly just seemed to stand watch, as people shuffled about, as people are wont to do, and guards are wont to do. He also has heard many, many paragraphs being cited before people were dragged away. Grimmald has been unsuccessful in finding a law book. Part of it was that back home, the old emperor kept changing things, though the new one seemed to regard the last draft as heaven's gospel, so maybe that is different now?

So getting to stroll about is very much indulged. No people prostrating themselves before him on the street, or priests trying to intone chants at his passing, or crowds parting. And above all, no one seemed to know him. This is great!

Since Grimmald also isn't getting put through palace servants bringing food and him needing to eat it so the cooks and servants don't get punished (the strongman physique has been developing the start of some paunch, especially since the new emperor seemed very worried about Grimmald ever growing hungry), he even got to take a look at street food. Street food! After years! Some of it might turn his stomach inside-out, but, you know, just gotta figure out what's safe and what's for the tourists! It's not like he ever actually gets hungry, what with that ring he found once.

A few bites into his assessment, after a bit of an awkward stand-off of Grimmald looming over the orc while trying to figure out how to adress people here and what to try (the orc was starting to look a tad nervous), a hand grabs his arm. A big hand. He will really need to get used to the devils here just being people going about their city business, not monsters (same with the orc, really; at home, humans are usually what is considered "people" by society, everything else usually being pretty ill-tempered). In his booming oktavist and shadowlands-infused voice, Grimmald manages to get through "You will remove your hand or I will do it for-" before getting cut off with a dubious arrest. Sadly, the remaining part of the sentence ("-you, as my armor has very sharp edges and you could hurt yourself on accident.") will forever be lost to time.

As he looks to the devil, making sure his posture is upright on reflex, partially because of being disappointed people do know who he is here (it was going so well!), awkward silence follows as Grimmald considers how to best talk this out, surely an appeal could be made and his situation explained. Handing over your sword is a good sign of cooperation, right? So one hand goes to the katana sheath. Wait. Is it in this society? This might also be seen as a gift gesture, so he either never sees his katana again because he just handed it over, or the guards think he is trying to bribe them, adding more charges. Perhaps he should just ask?

Then the other devil pops in and things go dark. Fiddlesticks.


Now, dear reader, on to the situation at hand.

Dread Executor Grimmald Swordshade, a hulking figure in void-black armor with just as dark hair (at least what can be seen on his beard; it is hard to see where his mask ends and his beard begins) sits in his chair, bushy ash pale brow furrowed deeply, giving off a monstrous presence to everyone around him. The sudden bright lights really sting his eyes as he squints against them. Deep, slow inhale and exhale before rising, measured steps towards the table, steps very much heard, yet there is too little noise given off by a figure clad in plate. Making a habit out of louder steps in non-hostile environments has done much to prevent screaming fits of people rounding corners.

Coming to a stand still before the table, there is a looming pause, most of Grimmald's face shrouded in dark, despite the bright lights, and the darkness feels deep indeed (and a number of guards might still feel being looked at), his two swords at his side, one larger, one small, both still enormous for a human. Once more, he considers how to adress this evidently high-ranking gathering in hell.

"I do not remember... volunteering." The almost impossibly deep voice fills the room, felt in the stomach as much as it is heard. Really, he doesn't. They really could have just come to him and asked for volunteers. Or better yet: "Explain." Really, if they led off with that, they would have much more motivated people for... whatever is going on here, surely! Hopefully he can actually make an appeal for the infractions at some point, but the vague starting statement does not fill him with hope. Later then. Hopefully.

Intimidation check [roll0]

Not because Grimmald is actively doing it or trying for it, but because lol get used to being around Grimmald.

2021-10-14, 03:01 PM

The hood came off. Gaznak took in the surroundings with a quick glance around. He noticed his shield leaning against the chair and his leg. They made a point of bringing my shield along. They need me for something. He grabbed his shield as he stood up. Casually he slung it over his left shoulder while discreetly and instinctively brushing his forearm against his spell pouch, careful not to touch it with his hand which may cause concern among all these unknowns.

He strode confidently over to the table. He was sure he'd be spending more time with the other "volunteers" so that could wait. The guards were tense. Hmm, worried about our reaction or whatever reason for this meeting? It was those at the table he was most interested in. Well, the two he hadn't encountered yet at least. The other two who had "summoned" him were of low significance to him at this point.

The black clad volunteer started to make a fuss. Gaznak chuckled to himself without the slightest indication. Trying to intimidate when you obviously don't have the upper hand makes one look weak. Still, that skill could be useful at the right time in the right way. Gaznak preferred steering people to see things his way when possible. Far more was accomplished that way.

Gaznak looked to the two at the table he had interest for their reaction. He turned his attention briefly to the would-be troublemaker as he began to speak and then turned back towards those in charge.

"Our hosts were not part of the Lieutenant's methods. We are in their realm, or at least I was when visited." He continued in a formal and respectful manner. "The Great Sultan had but to ask. How may I be of aid to Him?"

Sense Motive [roll0]
Auras are just to himself at this point. Motivate INT (to better understand what is about to be told) and Saves are on.

2021-10-15, 12:19 PM
Clearing her throat, a very plain-looking human woman in what looks like a bulky explorer's outfit seems to take the situation with aplomb. "I am quite sure that there has been some sort of mistake or possibly a clerical error, but nevertheless, I am certainly always at the service of the fine governmental body of this most gracious city. Perhaps I could offer a washing service? The...um...lovely sack could definitely benefit from a bit of soap and a firm brush, and I would be more than willing to provide such services, of course. Especially if I'll be...ah...enjoying its use again. T'would be no trouble at all, rest assured." Offering a courtesy, despite the lack of a dress, the woman folds her arms over her abdomen and keeps her head inclined in a gesture of respect, not meeting anyone's eyes as she keeps her inner thoughts private.

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold 5, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Bluff = 39
Diplomacy = 39
Sense Motive = 13

Inner Thoughts: ****, **** ****, what the ****?!

2021-10-15, 12:19 PM
Suppressing the battle-instincts honed by years of combat, Eshra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929) allows themselves to be taken. Painting the city with blood would do nothing but cause problems while lacking a means of egress from this sweltering hellscape of a plane. Allowing the roiling mind blade the size of a great sword to disperse, as well as their force shield, a simple mental command activates the boots of levitation just enough to curl legs underneath themself as if in meditation as Eshra's cloaked and cowled form is pulled through the air by one of the guardsman.

Through both mask and hooded cloak, Eshra watches the figures in the room from their levitating cross-legged position carefully. Violence is always a simple thought away, and listening cost nothing but time. Their body hidden by the voluminous black cloak and their features hidden behind a mask and shrouded in the shadow of the hood, it is difficult to determine the figure's race, let alone gender. Stretching their leg to the ground briefly, a nudge with a booted foot sends the figure floating slowly towards the woman before the same leg stretches a second time to halt their momentum closer to the female who spoke and resumes their cross-legged position a few feet above the floor. The hood of the cloak oriented on the woman, the figure simply hovers in the air, silent and unmoving.

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 or +20/+15/+5 while defending (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Currently Active: Boots of Levitation


2021-10-19, 01:10 AM
As the six figures make their way over toward the table, the efreeti woman smiles and does her best to respond to each in turn.
”Ah, yes. Well, the next time I want to gather a group of opportunistic drunks, I’ll keep that strategy in mind.”

To Calida ”If there was an error, it was mine. But now the die is cast.”

Taking in the others, she nods and launches into a response.

”I regret the need for the distinctly unsubtle tactics of your recruitment. This is not a situation in which ‘no’ was an option.

“I am Jasmine Al-Hyan, Master of Secrets of the City of Brass. Normally, I would make some kind of boast about hearing and seeing anything going on here, but I’m afraid I have been humbled today.

“As you may have heard, there have been curious disruptions across the planes. We thought that these might be some kind of random effect, some kind of cosmic storm. But twelve hours ago, a much more serious threat emerged.”

She turns to the table. At the centre is a small three-dimensional representation of the island on which the City of Brass perches, and the massive dark crag of the Charcoal Palace rising in the centre. Around it on the table are a few scattered brass tablets. Half-way between the edge of the table and the island is a blue marker, with an arc of smaller markers half-surrounding it.

”In the middle of the lake of fire, an opaque blue hemisphere appeared. It began to solidify the lava adjacent to it. Thanks to our planar defenses, its arrival was detected immediately, and a dozen ships of his Radiant Glory’s navy quickly intercepted. A dozen marines, protected against cold, entered the sphere – and were promptly frozen on the spot.

The coalked figure beside her coughs faintly and tilts his(?) head. Jasmine nods and continues.

”Divinations lead us to believe that the sphere an incursion directly from the para-elemental plane of ice, and that the incompatible elemental natures overwhelmed our soldiers. Diplomatic overtures have been made to Overlord Tarxas of the plane of ice, but have not as yet received a response. Worse, in the last few hours, the freezing of the eternal fire in the vicinity of this ball has begun accelerating. At this rate of increase, it could reach the City within a few days.

“But of course this will not be allowed to progress that far.”

The pompadoured lieutenant beside her slams a gauntleted fist against his breastplate.

”Of course not! We will-“

”No one is doubting your courage, Mo-Atar. But time is of the essence.

We are preparing several contingencies to halt the progress of the freezing, but we also need eyes inside the sphere to try to figure out what is going on. The navy has, ah, fired into the sphere, confirming that it seems to be permeable, but it remains proof against our best magic. And our best magic is very good.

“It was determined that a group of outsiders, not affiliated with the plane or even resident here, stood the best chance of penetrating the sphere successfully. If possible, to make peaceful contact and determine the reason for this invasion. But one way or another, to stop it.”

There is a quick pass of Jasmine’s left hand near her belt, and her left hand a black cube, about an inch on each side, with red gemstones picking out the numbers from one to six. She stares at it fondly for a moment.

”You will receive the best protection we can give you against the cold we believe you will find in the sphere. If any of you also require it, we will provide you with protection against the rigors of the Lake. You will get to the bottom of this problem and eliminate it. If you do, you will each be granted a wish and you will be pardoned of all crimes currently on record. Oh, and Mister Garzak will get his tuning forks back. We don’t have time to enumerate the results of failure, but you’re clever folk. Well, mostly.

“You will be teleported to the deck of the Burning Bitch where you’ll meet with Admiral Khadim Ul-Hulidaram, outside the sphere. I have convinced the admiral to give us an hour or so before he launches an all-out assault on the sphere.”

The robed and masked figure gasps several times in a manner that initially suggests a seizure, but reveals itself to be laughter of some kind. Jasmine smiles and tosses the die to Gentle.

”We don’t think that would go well. Anyway, when you have completed the mission, join hands and press the six three times to be brought back here. Okay. We have time for a few questions. Go.

The masked figure speaks a few words of power, and a magic aura settles onto he group.

Biscuit, fair warning: I love the cinematic use of the boots of levitation, but in a field application, levitation will not give you frictionless lateral movement. If you have a place from which to push off, you can make a jump check to move laterally.
Geek and Ridai: you don’t get a sense that your social skill attempts are failed, just that there are other priorities that are trumping her shifting attitudes toward you. Geek, you’re not reading anything beyond the obvious tension in the situation.
Everyone has the benefit of Cold Resistance 30 for the time being.

2021-10-19, 03:55 AM
Gentle couldn't inspect the others because the father of all fear moved and then even spoke! He was kinda creepy when he just sat there but seeing him moving and talking was a totally different experience. The healer met demons who moved less creepy and spoke in less disturbing ways. He couldn't even pinpoint what made him freeze in place exactly it was just the whole package together that made this person so damn unsettling. There was definitely some kind of discussion in order there was no way in the nine hells that this person was like that all the time.

Gentle returned to the discussion with the efreeti.

The effect of elemental ice is not supressed here? Just by being not part of your plane it seems we have some kind of advantage.

Gentle didn't like to get pressed into this service for the corrupt government, on the other hand the rewards seemed pretty nice and they were somehow searching for capable individuals for helping with problems they couldn't solve themselves and Gentle liked helping others if that didn't harm someone else and by just helping he could possibly lessen the impact or even the application of an "all-out assault".

I'm willing to help you, Jasmine Al-Hyan, though I personally would need protection against the rigors of the lake.

Gentle catches the die and inspects it shortly before stashing it away in his bag.

Overlord Tarxas you say? Well it's worth a try I guess.

I'm pretty sure it's gonna fail but I'll try a Warlocks Call to cast a Sending towards this Overlord Tarxas, of the plane of ice (if thats possible for the requirement of being familiar with the target.)
I'll ignore the failure chance, because if it's failing because of the 5% I'll just use it again.
If Overlord Tarxas doesn't want to talk to me he must succeed on a Will save against 20 and then I get [roll0] Damage.
If he want's to talk to me he hears the following and can respond in 25 words.
Greetings Overlord Tarxas, Sorry for rudeness, a giant ice thing appeared at the elemental plane of fire and disturbs everything heavily. Any ideas why?

If it's failing Gentle has no more questions and doesn't mention that he try'd reaching him with a Sending because they probably already had try'd it too, but Tarxas has probably shut them out somehow because he has enough of the fire guys always laughing at him, because of the sweet ice gig he has going on.

2021-10-19, 10:38 AM
Grimmald listens motionlessly, only folding his arms with a reverberating "Hmmm", a sound likened to the growl of a fell beast in his homeland. Then silence for a while, until finally, his arms unfold again, one hand resting on the scabbard of his giant sword again. Another, if brief, moment of silence.

"Give the flame ward. I will go."

The void-black figure's head moves as the magic aura manifests, but he seems to merely loom where he stands.

Well, this sounds dire. Even hell has its troubles. Since there are not just devils here, and he has no way out of hell otherwise, letting hell freeze over sounds like a poor decision. So cooperation sounds like the way to go? Perhaps this might help with reaching an understanding with the devils to be on better terms in the future?

Also, should he ask for the ward? He remembers fighting in volcanoes and other such hot and unpleasant places, and he was mostly fine, so long as he didn't drop directly in the lava. But, it's an ocean of fire out there. Even the air looks on fire. That has to be worse than a splash of lava every now and then, right? Yeah, better ask for it.

The sudden magic aura surprises him, but it does not seem bad? One has to remind oneself that this is hell, and thus there is plenty of magic, and in this case, magic is actually cast upon him without the intent of harming him. Probably.

2021-10-19, 11:07 AM
Floating silently, after a long pause, Eshra's cowled head nods before they speak in a slow, methodical voice devoid of emotion. "Very well. Protection for both environments beyond the standard planar effects would be welcome, if available. I have not tested my ring of Elemental Adaptation on the plane of ice, and am unsure of its effectiveness on such a plane. I have yet to have a reason to test it, until now."

Pausing again for a moment, Eshra continues, "Now that I think on it, do potions freeze if brought to a low enough temperature? I've lived most of my life in tropical climates and have yet to experience such low temperatures as I suspect we will find there, so I know little about cold temperature effects. Knowing the answer to this question ahead of time seems prudent." Cowled head turning towards the rest of those gathered, Eshra leaves question open for anyone with the relevant knowledge to answer.

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 or +20/+15/+5 while defending (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Currently Active: Boots of Levitation


2021-10-19, 05:40 PM
Jasmine smiles grimly.

"As our marines stuck part-way into that hemisphere can attest, everything freezes if you go low enough. And yes, you'd think that ice wouldn't be able to form on a lake of lava, right?"

2021-10-19, 09:30 PM
Gaznak's eyes focused on the display, taking it all in. His mind races among many thoughts, in a ordered manner, not panicky. An enhanced planar breach? Could someone be controlling it as a weapon? Was it those from the plane of ice, or a third party trying to hit the great city or to even start a war between the two? Do the others to join me have sufficient protections? Are my protections enough if their marines froze regardless of magic?

The warmage returns the masked figure's stifled chuckle with a knowing and agreeing slight nod of his own.

"Extra fire protection for all of us would be most useful in case I need to blast ice creatures within our numbers. It would be best for me to have my tuning forks since it is a spell that can be quite useful for eliminating enemies, but it is your call to limit my options to help save the great city. I do not doubt your ability to track me down if I flee, Master of Secrets."

"One quick clarification before we go please. We may need to unknowingly break some infractions while saving the city. I respectfully request the pardon terms to include all infractions, known or unknown, up to the time we return. We need to maximize our chances and concerning ourselves instead with laws we aren't expert works against that, would you agree?"

Diplomacy [roll0] Hoping it's seen as no cost to them, helps obtain the goal they want desperately.
Spellcraft [roll1] for the cold protection spell the masked figure cast on the group
Spellcraft [roll2] for the fire protection spell the masked figure casts

2021-10-19, 10:15 PM
Jasmine smiles at Gaznak with what might just be genuine affection.

"While it might indeed be fun to chase you down across the planes, I can't spare the time or risk you bolting right now. But yes, your amnesty will extend to actions you feel are necessary. I wouldn't use that to pummel the Admiral senseless, mind you. I'd understand the impulse, but the crew would slaughter you."

2021-10-19, 10:47 PM
Blinking owlishly at Jasmine's pronouncement, Calida murmurs to herself, "Oh dear. That is... sub-optimal." Biting her lower lip slightly, she taps her chin thoughtfully as she looks at the projection, before letting out a small sigh "I didn't think to pack winter clothes when coming to the plane of fire. Bother. I wonder if we get a clothing allowance...or even paid at all for this suicide missionbusiness? And is lack of jailtime for crimes I obviously did not actually commit really even a proper payment for something like this...." Seeming to suddenly release she has been talking out loud, she closes her mouth mid-thought and her face flushes with color as she clears her throat.

Pulling her attention away from the projections, she asks hesitantly, "Um... is there a way to send word back to you once we are inside, or are we under the impression that coming back directly to report will not be an obstacle? Heavens forbid we become trapped and have to find other means of egress, but if the worst were to happen... how will you know what we discover?"

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Bluff = 39 (Keeping up the Alias - a clueless scatterbrained nobody, along for the ride)
Diplomacy = 39 (Subtley making a case for a reward/advance.)

2021-10-20, 02:27 PM
Caolin stands looking at the table, brow furrowed.

If I'm to be taken against my will and bundled to another plane, then I shall definitely prefer that, this time, I get protected against the elements before leaving. So, both protections for me, if you please?

He leans over the map. So you can't find anything out, but you have tried to contact Overlord Tarxas . Was that a guess, or do you have a reason to think he's involved? He turns his head to look at Jasmine. For that matter, you're sure this is from the plane of ice? We're not going to end up, I don't know, in Stygia or something?

2021-10-20, 02:53 PM
At the additional burst of questions, Jasmine and the masked figure make eye contact, and she nods.

"Calida, when I say that you get a wish upon successful completion of this assignment, my meaning is less metaphorical and more literal. If that, plus your freedom, aren't sufficient, well, I'd point out that if this city freezes, you'll freeze with it.

"We will be trying to monitor your progress when you enter the area of cold, but can't be sure that the divinations will be possible. As to whether it's from the plane of cold as opposed to Stygia, well, it's certainly possible, but either way, the protection from cold seems well advised. If they turn out to be from somewhere else, I'll look forward to learning that."

She gestures for the six to gather in front of her. Her voice is deadpan.

"If the six of you could make physical contact now, it will make it less likely that we lose someone in transit."

A spellcraft check DC 14 reveals that the masked figure cast a Mass Resist Energy - Cold on the group, and that they followed up with a chained version of Planar Tolerance.

2021-10-20, 03:17 PM
Grimmald responds by simply putting his heavy, metal-sheathed hands on the shoulders of whoever two of his new companions are closest to him. Remaining in that position, Grimmald continues to loom. Ominously.

So, funny thing. Grimmald recognized the witchery! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25240055&postcount=50) The only problem is that while he has managed to learn to pierce through some nefarious illusions and make it a hassle for witches and sorcerers to weave their spells and chant their incantations... he has little context in regard to actual magic effects. Still, cold resistance sounds rather promising! Aaand he trusts whatever sort of tolerance they have been granted will help. Somehow. If they encounter something... planar. Perhaps it will make them not slip on very well-maintained ship decks or sheets of ice.

Spoiler alert: Grimmald has no idea what the planes of existence are (or what a multiverse is), and knows not much more about magic. So it's like "ah, hm, yes, planar tolerance, I totally know what that is, yes. And some form of cold resistances, hmm, yes". He comes from a very simple, isolated, low-power place.

Both should change throughout the game.

2021-10-20, 06:43 PM
Caolin adjusts his pack, makes sure his sword is securely belted by his side, and that a battered horn with a chased silver rim is positioned where a sheathed knife should be. He then moves up and takes the hands of the two people nearest him.

2021-10-20, 08:53 PM
Ganzak slides his shield off his shoulder and readies it and his scimitar, all of which appear well above average craftsmanship. "Just a moment so I can prepare a spell for later." He turns his back to all so that any who recognize what he is casting will not be concerned of being its target. Strangely, nothing seems to happen.

Ganzak turns back and makes contact with the others, nodding that he is ready.

Setting Sudden Empowered Disintegrate as his Retributive Spell (CM47), level 6 slot. Anytime I am hit by a melee attack during the next 24 hours I can cast the spell on the attacker as an immediate action, one time.

2021-10-21, 01:53 AM
Gentle nods towards Gaznak. Good thinking. Being protected against other breakings of the complicated Efreeti law was definitely something they would not need to worry about.

When they all joined hands so to speak Gentle took a moment to look at everyone of his new acquaintances. Really taking time to take them all in, even if the embodiment of all nightmares is still looming like a Tarrasque, it at least seems they're not all strangers.

Look at that, Caolin! Hopefully you won't sick a demon on me this time, eh? Gentle's voice is more jovial than anything else. Just happy to see a familiar in all this chaos.

2021-10-21, 03:48 PM
Gentle nods towards Gaznak. Good thinking. Being protected against other breakings of the complicated Efreeti law was definitely something they would not need to worry about.

When they all joined hands so to speak Gentle took a moment to look at everyone of his new acquaintances. Really taking time to take them all in, even if the embodiment of all nightmares is still looming like a Tarrasque, it at least seems they're not all strangers.

Look at that, Caolin! Hopefully you won't sick a demon on me this time, eh? Gentle's voice is more jovial than anything else. Just happy to see a familiar in all this chaos.

Caolin face goes slack for a moment. Um.. You're someone I a sent a demon after? Can you narrow it down a bi- oh! Gentle! What the devil are you doing here? Decided to leave the old hut behind in search of more exotic clientele?

2021-10-21, 08:22 PM
Slowly holding out their gauntleted hands at Jasmine's prompting, Eshra otherwise floats silent and unmoving.

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 or +20/+15/+5 while defending (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Currently Active: Boots of Levitation


2021-10-22, 01:12 PM
Gentle stops himself to raising a hand to not break the contact with another person. If we get out of this alive we should have a discussion about you sicking demons on people.

He addresses the others, waiting till the teleportation is done. Should you be hurt I'll be able to heal you, please tell me if you somehow have a problem with positive energy.

His eyes flicker towards the embodiment of all nightmares, but doesn't say anything.

2021-10-22, 04:33 PM
Caolin looks surprised. Hey, hey! It was one demon. One.

He raises one finger for emphasis, somewhat awkwardly and at waist level, because he's still holding someone's else's hand. He pauses as if going through a mental calculation.

...That you know about. Only one successfully. On you, anyway. It's not like it's a habit or something. It's just that, well, I thought, here I am, with too many demon assassins, and no peace and quiet. And there's you with far too much peace and quiet, but no demon assassins at all! So the generous thing, the heroic thing, is to share... Right?

2021-10-22, 11:39 PM
"Oh! Yes, then that seems more than fair." Nodding quickly, Calida takes a few steps forward and tentatively reaches out to take the range quiet floating person's proffered hand, offering up her other for someone else. Leaning towards the figure, she murmurs nervously. "Hi. I'm Calida. Is it fun to float? I've never floated before. Can you reach high shelves that way? I can never reach the top shelves." Giving the person's hand an awkward shake, she smiles faintly.

Tittering slightly, she muses aloud, "I remember several children's games I played as a child that started like this." Face losing the sudden smile, she continues in a more somber tone, "Though I doubt this will be as light-hearted of an experience."

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Bluff = 39 (Keeping up the Alias - a clueless scatterbrained nobody, along for the ride)

2021-10-23, 12:46 AM
The masked figure croaks words of power, and the air blurs. And then suddenly, transitioning from the dark and sombre chamber, everything is bright and hot.

Unbelievably hot. Even with the protection granted by the magics - possibly overlapping these legendary individuals' own protections, the heat is palpable. Pulsating. As much an undeniable and inescapable fact, here, as gravity might be back on the material plane.

The six found themselves standing toward the rear deck of a massive metal and stone ship, hundreds of feet long. Lines of black oars were already shipped and lined the side of the decks. A hundred or more efreeti warriors milled about, obviously preparing for some kind of battle. Three massive ballistae, each with iron bolts seemingly scaled to take out a titan, were drawn back and ready to fire.

The six looked across the deck, and realized that the ship was in a literal lake of fire. Flames licked the sides, obscuring the lava that was said to rest underneath. Around the ship there are two dozen other ships - less grand than the one that the six were standing on, perhaps, but massive and bristling with heavily armed efreet.

Above, the sky is a dull red, the same sky that arched over the City of Brass, but somehow more pulsingly close and REAL out here, in the middle of the sea of flame.

While all of this was quite a lot to take in, eyes were inevitably drawn to the target of all these ballistae, the place where the efreeti's eyes turned over and over again. About a mile away was a glowing blue hemisphere, several hundred yards across. No details are visible from within.

All around the hemisphere was a violent swirl of ash and wind. Spreading out from the hemisphere, the sea of flames has been transformed into cracked and folded rock, out to a distance of half a mile or more, and visibly creeping forward.

In the centre of the broad deck of the ship you stand on is a an exceptionally tall efreeti man who is entirely covered in gold armour, armour that is in turn adorned with hundreds of medals, flourishes and ribbons. He turns to regard the six new arrivals and lets out a baritone roar that even Grimmald would be proud of.

"What are these dirt-vermin doing on board? Toss them overboard at once!"

One of the armoured sailors salutes.

"Admiral, I believe that this is the special squad that was being sent by the Palace."

The golden-armoured figure takes in the group and guffaws.

"That lot? The Palace is trusting those hobos before the cream of the finest navy ever assembled on this or any other plane? Preposterous!"

The gold-clad efreet pushes through the throng of soldiers toward the group.

"You! Ugly bags of mostly water! I can't imagine what Al-Hyan thinks she'll accomplish by sending a bunch of criminals in, but six battalions of the Sultan's Navy will be breaching that sphere in less than an hour to eliminate this absurd and insignificant invasion attempt. I strongly suggest that you not be in there when that happens. Now get off my ship!"

Those with spellcraft easily identify the masked efreet's spell as a teleportation effect of some kind, but it seems to be a custom spell or effect.

2021-10-23, 09:43 AM
Caolin is not looking at the admiral. He's taken a few steps towards the nearest of the giant ballista.

Now this he breathes, is a serious peice of hardware. Six winches just to pull it back, a full team to reload, and bolts that, could, well, you could take a titan with one of these things. What am I saying, you probably have.

He turns, looking not at the admiral, not directly, but in his direction. His voice is that of a professional singer. It's clear and it carries.

But they're made of metal, elemental earth. Why not use soliders? He rolls his eyes. Of course, you don't start with soliders, do you. You send it the big bolts, whatever scraps you have lying around. You do that first, to soften the area up. Then you go for the coorindated assault, with the best soldiers you have, the ones that really matter.

He looks back over the railing at the icy dome in the distance.

That's a damned cold hole, Admiral, full gods know what kinds of ice beasts. You don't insist on crawling into a hole like that first. You send the dogs in front, see what they can flush out before you dig the rest out of their den.

And if we do flush something big out, and you nail it with one of those beautiful war machines his voice trails off in admiration for a moment. ... in front of the entire city, well then that's your naval budget sorted for the next few years, at least. Your sailors will get the latest equipment, and you could even commission a picture of the battle, hang it in the halls at the naval academy, Admiral's fleet takes on the great beasts of ice. Portrait of you, of course, next to a great ship cresting a firey wave, facing off against a great beast of water, with the Charcoal Palace and the whole City of Brass in background. Maybe a discreet plaque bearing the names of your officers. Remind each generation of graduates what they're fighting for.

He sighs.

Or you could just sail on in there, hope that the water in that sphere is liquid enough that you don't just run aground, and then raise up such a huge cloud of steam that noone will be able to see a damned thing. Then you can stumble around stabbing things, hoping you get stab the right one to make the whole problem go away. The folk in the Charcoal Palace are a decent bunch, I'm sure they'll believe you when you describe how heoric you imagine everyone was being, and that all the casualties were the result of enemy action and not just freezing to death while getting lost in all that cooling vapour.

He turns back to the deck, this time talking directly to the golden clad figure, in a much lower voice.

The Charcoal Palace didn't give us any more chance than its giving you, Admiral. Neither of us are happy about it. But there's really there's nothing wrong with using natives to scout an attack, before you send the real soldiers in.

Trying to get some sympathy from the Admiral by making the choice to send us in make him look good in front of his men. Diplomacy [roll0]

2021-10-23, 10:44 AM
The extra-witchery happens, and suddenly, Grimmald is standing in a different place. He looks around with sudden, jerky movements, entire body turning when he does, with a stare somewhere in the No Man's Land between confusion and exasperation. Evidently, still in hell. A big devil bellows at them despite not being very far from them. Then this, uh... Caroline? Was it? Damned names always slipping out of his mind the moment someone tells him. Caroline launches into a speech, and because it is rude to interrupt, more perplexed looking about is had, armor rustling as he does. When it looks like no more words are coming and it is not just a dramatic pause, he says, in a loud and booming voice

May the Realm's sun smile upon you, Admiral! I am Dread Executor Grimmald Swordshade. Am I speaking loudly enough? I knew someone who always talked very loud because of a flour explosion a few years back. Terrible accident. Do you have a hell boat for us?

The word "boat" is emphasized, with his plated hand doing a squiggly forward movement for emphasis. He avoided the Admiral's name because that may be a faux pas in the making.

Diplomacy [roll0] to make Grimmald's good-natured, but ill-advised attempt at communication and wanting to be nice kind of charming in an idiot way rather than insulting.

2021-10-25, 12:05 AM
Gaznak took in the environment they were teleported to. The army and fleet were magnificent. Precisely what this warmage would love to have under his control. Maybe after this task is a success...

That.. Caolin? was long winded but hopefully it satisfied the Admiral well enough to help their case. Dread Executor Grimmald? There is no sun on this plane. Gaznak's teeth clenched with cringe. Knowing How to say things did not mean knowing What to say When. How many of this group from the Master of Secrets were addle-cove and/or a clueless berk? Now wasn't the time to find out, yet.

Gaznak cut in. His voice was cold and efficient in a military manner granting the admiral respect without sucking up to him. Dealing with commanders and subordinates was a normal part of the war academy.

"The Admiral's voice is befitting of his station and skill." He turned his attention to their current host. "Admiral, we water-bags request transport to the solidified lava by the breach to get out of your sight and to flush out the enemy for you."

Aura: Motivate CHA for entire group. +9 to CHA skills. while within 60' of Gaznak
Diplomacy [roll0] Building on Caolin's strategy

2021-10-25, 12:36 AM
Blinking slowly at the teleportation, Calida looks around. Opening her mouth, it snaps shut again at the admiral's booming declarations. Backing away from the imposing figure and his talk of throwing them overboard, she bumps against the railing. Turning around, she looks out over the lake of fire. "Oh. Oh my." Turning back to the conversation, her mouth opens again, but snaps shut as someone else begins talking very loud as well.

Head swiveling back and forth between each person adding to the conversation, eventually she points at Gaznak after his addition. "Yes! What he said. That would be quite lovely, please and thank you." Nodding in satisfaction, her face pinches in what looks like consternation once more as she eyes the lake of fire again appraisingly.

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Bluff = 39 (Keeping up the Alias - a clueless scatterbrained nobody, along for the ride)

2021-10-25, 02:28 AM
The admiral had been about to turn away from the water bags to issue more very loud orders when their repeated requests for transport reached him. He turned back, incredulous.

"No boats for you. But we might be able to attach you to the ballistae and fly you over."

There is a deep, coughing rumble that might have been laughter, and he turns away to discuss firing sequences with a subordinate.

2021-10-25, 05:13 AM
Well Caolin was very convincing. It almost seemed like a good idea to die for the glorious commander to get a little bit of recognotion for him, to be useful but... Well it almost seemed like a good idea.

But the missing opportunity for a ride was a bit disturbing. Oh well.

Gentle lifts slighty from the ground and opens his arms.

I guess we have to cross the sea by our own means. If you can't fly put your heavy equipment in this nearly bottomless bag and I try to carry you over. I don't like to be separated but we have to get across somehow.

The Bag of Holding can carry 250 lb. of Equipment, could be enough for most heavy stuff and Gentle can have a max load of 100 lb, perhaps I can fly someone over that way? Or I Need to put someone into the Bag of Holding... Living creatures can exist for 10 minutes inside, I guess I can reach the ice-sphere in that time?

2021-10-25, 07:14 AM
"Ah, I see. I will walk then, thank you." Poor Admiral, being hard-of-hearing must be quite unfortunate in his position.

Grimmald full-body turns to Gentle. "No worries, I will walk." With visible confusion about how this person can just, you know, fly.

Turn to the others: "Does anyone else also want to walk?" Short pause. "If your feet do not mind the heat."

2021-10-25, 02:19 PM
Gentle looked at Grimald. Totally flabbergasted.

You want to walk.

And then at the bubbling sea of lava.

Over that?

He needed a moment to collect himself.

Ok I try to stay near you should you need healing.

The uncanny willingness of manifested fear wanting to walk over lava did not diminish the absolute horror this person was emitting, quite the contrary.

2021-10-25, 04:57 PM
Ganzak kept his voice calm and respectful for just a few moments longer. "Admiral, I apologize for the berks sent with me but I, like you, was not given an option. So that you know the Palace is monitoring our progress and expected us to be safely transported over there once we arrived here."

Gaznak turned to the group. Much was happening earlier so it would have been easy to miss that his skin is quite flush with blood and his eyes smolder with liquid fire. That was when he was calm. Right now his blood burned like the lava lapping against the side of the ship. The feeling was not hidden in his voice. "Some of you think this is a joke. The Palace considers us cannon fodder. The Admiral is actively looking for an excuse to kill us. The Master of Secrets went out of her way to hand pick and kidnap each of us so I am not falling for feigning incompetence. If yer actually Clueless about planar travel then stop trying to fake it. I'm sure you have other strengths. IF yer helpful I'll do my best to keep you alive. And stop trying to have cute conversations with the Admiral. Best to not talk to him at all. Grant him the respect he has earned among his people. You'll live longer here." It was a verbal fireball he hoped would get things moving in the right direction.

"Right. Since we've lost our transportation, who can and can't find their way across? I can fly across to the solid lava. I can also teleport all of us but doing so has some risk and limits how much I can do that later. Quickly please, before the Admiral unleashes his army on us."

2021-10-25, 07:24 PM
Having turned to reply to Calida, Eshra is cut off as they are teleported. Upon arrival, the cloaked soulknife ascends slowly, levitating off the several feet to get a good look at the lake of fire and the dome of ice that would be their target. That accomplished, Eshra descends once more as the admiral makes the comment about the ballistae. Head cocking in thought, it turns to the ballistae in question before swiveling towards Ganzak to speak in their emotionless monotone. "Understood." Gesturing to the balistae, there is a pause before they continue, "This is not a form of transportation I have used before. Are there... saddles? I am unfamiliar with ships, as my homeland is all desert. Though if we are to go on our own power, I can levitate, but not fly. Perhaps I can be pulled with a rope by someone who can fly."

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 or +20/+15/+5 while defending (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Currently Active: Boots of Levitation


2021-10-25, 11:21 PM
Walking briskly over to Eshra, Calida leans close and murmurs to Eshra while pointing at the siege weapon.
"I believe the scary admiral is making a threatening joke about strapping us to his weapon and firing us towards the dome. It is most decidedly not a normal means of transportation, and was likely meant to intimidate us. He is being facetious. And mean."
Turning to hear Ganzak speak, Calida murmurs quietly to the others, "I think we might have been 'hand-selected' because we're disposable. Though I rather do like his theory better."

Speaking up to answer Ganzak, she looks sheepish. "I could make it about a hundred and eighty feet on my own power, but I would drop like a sack of potatoes after that. I certainly won't make that distance on my own." Gesturing at the ice about half a mile away, she looks askance at one of the siege weapons. "I am...uh... open to suggestions. Suggestions that do not incorporate siege weaponry, if at all possible." Giving the admiral a wary glance, she turns back to Ganzak for advice.

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Bluff = 39 (Keeping up the Alias - a clueless scatterbrained nobody, along for the ride)

2021-10-26, 10:29 AM
Ganzak kept his voice calm and respectful for just a few moments longer. "Admiral, I apologize for the berks sent with me but I, like you, was not given an option. So that you know the Palace is monitoring our progress and expected us to be safely transported over there once we arrived here."

Gaznak turned to the group. Much was happening earlier so it would have been easy to miss that his skin is quite flush with blood and his eyes smolder with liquid fire. That was when he was calm. Right now his blood burned like the lava lapping against the side of the ship. The feeling was not hidden in his voice. "Some of you think this is a joke. The Palace considers us cannon fodder. The Admiral is actively looking for an excuse to kill us. The Master of Secrets went out of her way to hand pick and kidnap each of us so I am not falling for feigning incompetence. If yer actually Clueless about planar travel then stop trying to fake it. I'm sure you have other strengths. IF yer helpful I'll do my best to keep you alive. And stop trying to have cute conversations with the Admiral. Best to not talk to him at all. Grant him the respect he has earned among his people. You'll live longer here." It was a verbal fireball he hoped would get things moving in the right direction.

"Right. Since we've lost our transportation, who can and can't find their way across? I can fly across to the solid lava. I can also teleport all of us but doing so has some risk and limits how much I can do that later. Quickly please, before the Admiral unleashes his army on us."

Caolin shrugs. Then speaks softly but precisely.

The thing is, it is kinda a joke. We've been kidnapped and dropped here, where the Admiral wants us to plead for the chance to do a job we never wanted to be involved with in the first place. He's not annoyed at us, he's insulted that the Palace thinks we can do a better job. His beef is with the Palace, not us. But he's not allowed to be annoyed with the Palace, so he's shouting at us instead. The more we identify with the job, the more annoyed he'll be. So yeah, he might risk getting us killed just to get back at the Palace, but I imagine he'd draw the line at openly defying them in front of all his men.

As for getting there myself? No can do. Can't even get close, and I don't really trust teleportation into an area we can't see, which may be another plane. And if we did make a break for it, it would be a perfect excuse to shoot us down, with no blame to the admiral. He's the one in a spot, not us. I reckon we need to let him solve it.

2021-10-26, 03:40 PM
Gaznak glanced back at the Admiral to size things up then turned back to the group. The kick start had at least some effect. People were becoming more reasonable and direct. A long way to go still, but progress. Gaznak lowered his voice, both to have a calm voice and to limit the discussion just to the group. He looked toward Caolin first.

"Cannon fodder was too strong a word... Expendable. The Palace believes we stand a chance but don't care if any or all of us perish in the attempt. I intend to succeed and survive this. The best way for me to do that is to keep as many of us alive as possible in the process. But we need to work together."

"I'm sure he is annoyed at us and the Palace. I agree with your thoughts about their politics. Hopefully the reminder about the Palace expectations will force his hand, although I'd still be wary of his 'solution'. Otherwise I'll have to teleport us. It would be to a spot on the frozen lava that we can see. Still, the spell has a chance for error so it may put us into the sphere or the lava. We can use my flight and the levitation to keep us aloft enough to escape the lava. Time is ticking for us as we stand here."

Sense Motive on the Admiral [roll0]

2021-10-27, 07:37 AM
Well it doesn't help us much if only some of us can cross the lake.

Gentle thinks for a moment and then adresses Eshra first.

If you can levitate I guess I can bring you with me when I'm flying.

Then adressing the group.

Well if. A short glance towards Grimald. Can cross the lava lake unharmed I guess there is still enough place in my traveling bag? It's extradimensional and I know people can survive in there for a time.

Then adresses Gaznak. If that works out perhaps you can grab on to someone and fly them over? Like Caolin?

I don't want to be used as cannonfodder I also have no qualms about sharing the glory with the admirable Admiral over there, regarding the draconian rule I think we actually got a good opportunity here. They gave us a chance instead of making us practice targets for they're weapons.

2021-10-27, 08:59 AM
Ganzak wasn't thrilled in having to deal with this minutia. If these beings had power and experience, how did they get this far without flight or movement?"I can bring one person with me, but they and their equipment must weigh under 200 lbs, otherwise we'll sink into the lava."

"Two can fly, one can levitate, and three are land bound. Even with multiple trips and leaving people on the frozen lava while transporting more it is still a weight issue. A transport would still be best. Caolin.. right? If the Admiral does not relent perhaps you can try again."

I did almost buy an Enveloping Pit but was just a little short on jink so I spent it on other things. :smallsigh:

2021-10-27, 07:14 PM
Bowing a cowled head in acknowledgement, Eshra adds to the conversation. "Without a clear means of feasible conveyance, I agree that we may need to improvise if the captain is unwilling to approach the ring of ice in order to accommodate us. Perhaps multiple trips would be best."

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 or +20/+15/+5 while defending (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Currently Active: Boots of Levitation


2021-10-28, 06:57 PM
Most of the things discussed went mostly over Grimmald's head. Foreign politics, witchery (there being so many witches in one place still confuses Grimmald to no end), there apparently being a difference between flight and levitation (???). No one seems to really respond to his offer, except Gentle who offers healing (healing! What wondrous thing!), to which Grimmald reacts with a raised hand as to indicate no need. So Gentle the healer (healer!) can fly, this Ganzak person (who reminds him of court people at home) can fly, so without further ado, Grimmald rises slightly as he gets on his toes and clicks his heels together with a resounding metal on metal sound. Mystic witch energy briefly shines around his feet and that of Eshra, Caolin, and Calida.

"You can walk on the sea of fire now. For..." he looks out to the distant ice sphere. "...long enough. If you do not burn easy. Those that walk, take my hands and we will make bigger steps."

Grimmald activates his sandals of the light step's water walk and shares it with the three mentioned people. Each should have a duration of 15 minutes.

2021-10-29, 09:22 PM
Fairly leaping towards the offered hand of Grimmald, Calida pauses before her face screws up in consternation. "Oh... um... that would be lovely, truly... but I can't walk on lava, unless I want to transform into charcoal and then desentigrate. Unless some sort of fire repellent effect happened that I missed? Because I thought it was some spell or another to protect against cold. I rather expected to be teleported onto the ice," at this, Calida makes a face as she wiggles her fingers in some mocking imitation of somatic spell movements. "and not this, uh" lacing at the admiral she hesitates before finishing, "lovely... um... lava boat."

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Bluff = 39 (Keeping up the Alias - a clueless scatterbrained nobody, along for the ride)

2021-10-29, 09:26 PM
"I hope to be wrong but I am not so sure the protections are enough to handle the lava. I'd suggest someone trying it first, though proper transport would be best, or my teleport." Gaznak leaves it up the them but his ears are keen to any updates with the efreets.

2021-10-30, 06:46 AM
Caolin sighs. He'd been in the planes of fire for some weeks now, enough to work out the difference between things that were merely hot, and those that would burn him to a cinder, bones and all. The sea was definitely the latter. But what of this mysterious protection they had been granted? He glanced over at his companions, who between them knew exactly how the sea of fire worked, and exactly how the protection they had been granted worked, and were faced with the single most-common souce of fire in the region they'd all spent time in.

And here they were, discussing whether the fire would burn.

Grasping onto a nearby rope, and climbing over the gunwale, Caolin lowers himself towards the whorling sea. Up close he can see the blue tinged peaks of fire, the seething bed of smaller flames roiling underneath, and below that the actual lava, slow, sluggish and hardened in places, looking like could almost walk across, provided you took care to keep moving. For a moment is lost in wonder at the savage beauty of it all. Here is a sea that takes, and does not give back, turning anything it touches, people, objects, hopes, dreams, into the finely sifted ash that drifts to the sea bed.

Or maybe not. He pulls from his quiver on of his arrows, a cloth-yard length of ash bound to a hardened bodkin head of good Anstruth steel. The feathers at the end were trimmed short, making them slightly less steady at range, but less likely to foul in combat. For a moment he reflected on the goose that had provided the fletching, a good meal with Senita and Mericor and Tharkor, a bright evening in an otherwise will-sapping trudge through the mud and flies of Murk Swamp.

Mericor would have gotten a kick of out this.

He gazes at the arrow, then takes a firm grip on the head and then plunges the end if it, memories and all, into the flames.

2021-10-30, 08:09 AM
While Caolin climbs down, Gaznak pulls out what seems to be a bedroll from his back. He unrolls it and lays on the ship deck next to the railing then stands on it as he looks down at the courageous one. Fortunately I should be able to drag him back up if needed.

2021-10-30, 10:58 AM
When asked to test the protections first, Grimmald responds with an "Alright.", walks to the railing, ties a rope to it, and lowers himself to near the surface before just jumping off. Given he has walked on lava before, he expects to land on it and not be burned. Regardless of whether he is unharmed, gets burned, or somehow falls in, Grimmald does a big step,disappears and a moment later reappears on deck to report his findings.

Grimmald uses his dimension door ability granted by Horizon Walker to teleport back up on the ship.

2021-11-02, 09:34 AM
Before Grimmald can test the theory in his own way, Caolin pulls himself back up the chain that he had used to get close to the surface of the Sea of Fire.

Or maybe not. He pulls from his quiver on of his arrows, a cloth-yard length of ash bound to a hardened bodkin head of good Anstruth steel. The feathers at the end were trimmed short, making them slightly less steady at range, but less likely to foul in combat. For a moment he reflected on the goose that had provided the fletching, a good meal with Senita and Mericor and Tharkor, a bright evening in an otherwise will-sapping trudge through the mud and flies of Murk Swamp.

A moment in which the arrow had, without hesitation, caught fire and half-burned, half-melted its way into the lake, where it disappeared without a trace. This close to the rolling sea of flames, Caolin is faced with the very real possibility that he had climbed out of a frying pan in order to be close, not only to the fire, but to the very essence of Fire.

2021-11-02, 09:02 PM
"Alright, enough games. Our hour glass is wasting away and I don't trust the Admiral to not order his men to throw us overboard in the general direction of the sphere anytime now." The 5' by 5' carpet Ganzak is stepping on raises him up a foot or two above the deck. "Connect up like the teleport from before. If we end up in a bad spot keep connected so I can move us again. Let's get going quickly."

Once everyone is connected with at least one person touching the warmage's shield while his eyes are set on the frozen lava, Ganzak focuses arcane power into his belt, teleporting the group to the frozen lava halfway between the edge of the sphere and the liquid lava.

The teleport should fall under "Studied carefully" with a 94% chance of being on target. I'll roll for it in OOC after everyone connects so that the roll doesn't affect IC. The target spot will be a few feet off the ground so that the fliers and levitators at least will be safe.

2021-11-03, 12:01 AM
Quickly scurrying over to take an offered hand, Calida murmurs quietly "Don't mind if I do." Glancing at the Admiral's imposing form with somewhat widened eyes, she continues with a nervous quaver in her voice, "I agree, it's probably best not to dawdle."

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Bluff = 39 (Keeping up the Alias - a clueless scatterbrained nobody, along for the ride)

2021-11-03, 09:20 AM
Oh well, let's hope this works out.

Gentle is touching the shield, making himself ready to grab someone, should they appear in an undesirable situation.

2021-11-03, 10:20 AM
The six reluctant colleagues join hands and vanish from the ship.

They reappear as Gaznak intended, several hundred yards from the edge of the blue hemisphere. The air here is still hot. Except that sometimes it's cold. But somehow never passes through 'cool' or 'warm'.

There are violent wind gusts, mostly coming from the hemisphere, that make it difficult to fly in a controlled manner. The sphere continues to swirl and faintly glow inscrutably.

2021-11-03, 10:59 AM
Caolin pulls himself back on deck. He sweeps his eyes across the deck, and then joins hands with the others.

2021-11-03, 12:32 PM
Cowled head swiveling to take in the new view from the ice, Eshra comments in a dry monotone, "Very scenic." Legs uncrossing and lowering to the ice, they start slowly making their way towards the dome as a blade made of roiling energy flickers in being in their hand, held in a defensive position. A moment later, a translucent shield of force snaps into being hovering in front of their other hand. "Let us begin."

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 41, Touch 32, Flat-footed 36, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +20/+15/+5 (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Free Action: Manifest Mind Blade
Standard Action: Activate Ring of Force Shield

Currently Active: Mind Blade (+6 Enhancement bonus Currently Switched to AC ala 'Defending'), Ring of Force Shield


2021-11-03, 02:28 PM
Grimmald is certain he will never get used to such witchery. As he reappears, he is still surprised, quickly looking around as if most of his body is unwilling to turn in any way except as a whole, and his stomach is threatening to become rather irate. He has seen plenty of winters, but this feels excessive.

"To the center, yes?" he asks. It sounds like the only real direction they have to him, but at least some of the others are great witches and might know deep secrets and see beyond veils unknown to Grimmald. Asking seems like the way to go.

2021-11-03, 08:45 PM
Arriving precisely where he wanted, Ganzak stepped off his carpet and put it away since the winds made it nearly useless.

"Finally, we can get started. We need to go in and see what's causing this, then stop it if we can whether by force or diplomacy. Do that, we get to live and have earned a Wish. Best for us to decide to work together best we can. To do that we need to know what each other can do."

"I am Ganzak. When needed I am quite capable of blasting things with a full variety of energies. I'm also good in motivating others to do their best..." Everyone feels more secure against spells and more agile. "... and steering people in the way they see things, such as when I convinced the Master of Secrets expand our amnesty. Managing battle field tactics are my calling." He looks to the one wearing the long white robe. "Gentle, right? Gentle has the item to bring us back and I can teleport us as well as grant us protections against any new planes we end up traveling too. Keeping him and I safe is a good thing."

"Now, what can we count on from the rest of you?" While listening, Ganzak is also studying their destination.

Auras set to cover the whole party
Minor: Motivate DEX: +9 (circumstance bonus) to DEX checks, DEX skills, and INIT
Major: +2 to all saves (circumstance bonus)

2021-11-04, 07:02 AM
Caolin takes a break from scanning the lavascape, and turns back to the party. His voice is quiet, but carries well, even over the gusting winds.

Well, I guess I'm next?

He takes a big lungful of suddenly frosty air, one that could be mistaken for a sigh.

Hello, fellow convicts, I'm Caolin, Paladin of Milil, Lord of Songs. He pauses for a moment. That is, he's the Lord of Songs, not me. I'd love to say I'm a Harmonious Knight, but I didn't complete my training with the Order and the fines for claiming otherwise are really shockingly large.

I'm not the best warrior by a long shot, but I can put up a decent fight. Either with my blade Cappella, or...

He turns to indicate the long knobbly wooden mallet hanging on his back,

...with Bessie here. I also know a few spells, just enough to bless my own weapons, that kind of thing. Long range, I'm pretty pathetic. I've got a bow, but honestly, can't do much more at a great distance than tickle my enemy. Enough to make sure they close with us maybe.

He turns back to face them.

But mainly I have my music. I can use that to manipulate elemental forces, scare people, stop spellcasting, a bit of healing, that kind of thing. But I'm best at making us better at fighting.

He shrugs.

With my help, we can all fight. As can any servants, attendants, followers, small pets or abominations summoned from other dimensions.

His eyes dance around the group, as if hoping to spot a hoard of allies and hangers-on that had previously escaped notice.

Except it runs on enthusiasm, so not the dead, not automatons. Doesn't work well on bugs either, not sure why. Maybe they don't feel enthusiasm...

For a moment he stares into space, biting his lip in concentration.

Anyway... The big problem with the music is that it's easy to run out, so I need to be careful how much I use. And it only lasts for a few seconds or so after I stop singing. I'd suggest not using it at all for minor threats.

It's also good to know how to best use it, since I've never seen you guys fight. If anyone would find it useful to use mittlemattic... He frowns. Metalmallick? That thing where you use magical talent to alter spells while they're being formed, then let me know? Also, if there are any tricks of fighting that any of you always wanted to use but never had the time to learn, I might be able to do something about that.

Oh, one last thing. I stole some magic from an ice dragon. So ice generally doesn't bother me. But as a side effect, I may grow scales. We should probably move as we talk. I suggest one hand points towards the glittering dome of icy cold, that we trudge wearily in that direction?

The Harmonious Knights are a lawful paladinic order, dedicated to Milil, deity of Music, who gain bard-like abilities. They excel in parades, marching bands, inspiring other troops, and are sometimes referred to as the best ceremonial troops in the land, by those who don't like them. This, to be fair, is largely because they train for war, and there hasn't been a major war in quite some time.

He doesn't look much like a knight, and certainly not someone dedicated to a holy life in a monestary barracks. But it's an odd thing for him to pretend to be.

There is a branch chapter of the Harmonious Knights located near the City of Brass.

2021-11-04, 11:31 AM
Coming to a stop as they wait for the group to be ready, Eshra gazes out at the dome. Raising their voice for the first time in the others' presence to be heard over the wind and the small distance between them, Eshra's response is succinct and delivered in their usual strange monotone. "I have been described as 'a versatile and mobile fighter with no need of physical arms and armor, specializing in ranged combat', but I am also capable in close-quarters combat whenever it is required."

Opening their palm, face-up, five arrows made of whirling energy snap into being and launch themselves from his upturned palm through the air as if fired from a compound bow. They eventually trail off and disappear into the lake of fire beyond the ice. I am known as Eshra. If you require support in combat, please be clear in your request and I will endeavor to assist."

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 41, Touch 32, Flat-footed 36, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +20/+15/+5 (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Full-Round Rapid-Shot into the lake of fire as a demonstration of ability.

Currently Active: Mind Blade (+6 Enhancement bonus Currently Switched to AC ala 'Defending'), Ring of Force Shield


2021-11-04, 11:48 AM
"I'm called Dread Executor Grimmald Swordshade in the Realm." No particular pride in that name accompanies the spoken words. He looks around two more times to make sure, before adding "I believe we are not in the Realm, so I'd prefer Grimmald."

After the fantastical talents of Ganzak and Caolin, he succinctly explains: "I am decent with my sword, I think, and I hit things with it. Sometimes ghosts and things hiding behind illusion witchery. People seem to be scared when I draw my sword. Witches do not like doing their witchery next to me, so they tend to step away before doing that. I don't mind heat and cold too much, and can do big steps." He demonstrates by taking a big step, which suddenly makes him appear on the other side of the group. Short pause. "I am also a good swimmer and relatively quiet when I want to be."

2021-11-04, 09:14 PM
Clearing her throat, Calida seems to consider her words before gesturing at Eshra and making a 'kinda' motion by waffling one hand before replying, "Much like our cloaked friend, I don't carry any weaponry about my person - I simply create it when the need arises. Though mine don't look quite so impressive." Flexing her fingers, a very long coil of vibrating energy wavers into being. "I can also throw bolts of sound some distance as well," again gesturing at Eshra she smiles wryly. ", but not quite that far." Turning and gesturing at Grimmald next, she continues, "I'm also more than a fair bit quiet when needed, and if I don't want to be seen, I likely won't be. Were I to sneak up on someone I dare say I would do quite a bit more damage than one would expect." Pausing to consider, she rushes to finish, "Not that I go around...um...doing that willy-nilly, of course. That would be dreadful! But, not being seen or heard when walking home and passing through rough neighborhoods, it's only prudent." Sniffing as if offended by the very idea that she would be doing nefarious things, she stands a bit straighter with her chin lifted slightly. "A girl must careful, after all. It is a dangerous world." Coil of energy vanishing, she folds her arms across her chest and purses her lips. Murmuring much more quietly, she quickly finishes, "And I can take a look at any locks or traps if needed. I just happen to be a locksmith and I also happen to like to tinker. Completely above board and all perfectly valid skills for a law-abiding citizen, obviously."

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Bluff= 39 (All perfectly reasonable skills for a random peasant, I swear!)

2021-11-05, 05:58 AM
A sudden gust of wind nearly blows the healer away from the rock of ice, but quick reflexed and cancelling his flight in the right moment let him stay grounded. He introduces himself too.

Well not only do I have the means of our transportation at my person. Gentle nods towards Ganzak. I'm also quite the capable healer. If it's poison, you can't move or even death itself they all shy away from my touch. Though don't die repeatedly. I can only bring people back a limited number of times. Also I only partially mastered the art of healing people at range, most of my rejuvenating abilities need to be done up close. Normal wounds doesn't even come to mind as it's only normal to be able to heal these kinds of injuries.

I do have an assortment of other neat little tricks I won't bother listing all, it's probably not necessary. Though I can fly at will and should we get separated I should be able to contact all of you, know that we talked a bit and walked around.

It seems the efreet have gathered quite the bunch of capable individuals. As fate often draws people together, hopefully it will all end well. There was someone however who had Gentle worried and it was not the one who could probably eat sand for breakfast and spit out glass in the evening. Gentle takes a moment to talk to Calida.

You seem quite capable to survive the situation though I advise you to stand back should the situation get dire. I'm sure you want to return to your locksmithy when this is all over and though I can heal people I would like to use it more on people who are used to get in a fight, not a law-abiding citizen as yourself.

Gentle's words seem to be totally genuine and without any hint of sarcasm.

2021-11-05, 12:14 PM
Ganzak smiles. "A wide variety of skills, excellent. Yes, let's get moving." The warmage starts moving purposely toward the sphere but if others get ahead of him eventually it isn't an issue.

As they walk he continues to speak but in a voice that carries well, a result of years of battlefield training and command. "They cast two spells on us. One is to resist the heat of this plane, which is suppressed while in the city by the Sultan himself. I didn't think it would protect against the lava directly, as we saw."

"The other spell is to resist cold. Hopefully it is enough to protect us there as we are protected from fire here. If not I can cast a similar spell for the ice plain that they cast for the fire plane but we need to be on the new plane first. My armor grants that for any plane I travel to. That may be a useful armor enhancement to use for the Wish for any of you wearing armor."

"Caolin, I believe you mean metamagics. If so that would be of great use to me, allowing me to Empower more of my spells."

Ganzak continues with the brisk walk. Time is ticking.

2021-11-05, 01:28 PM
Caolin snaps his fingers.

That's the word. Metamagic. Mericor the Incendiary used to use it all the time. Said it made his spells bigger.

They trudge on for a bit.

Of course we may not get into a fight at all. We may arrive to find tea and cake, and maybe frozen berry treats, and assurances that it was all a terrible misunderstanding. Or worse, it may be a natural thing and no one at home.

A sudden gust of hot wind makes him wince.

But assuming there is some kind of fight. You say varied skills, Ganzak, but we may still have a problem. We've got one person...

He gives a nod towards Grimmald.

...who goes toe to toe with the enemy for preference. And five people who, all else being equal, prefer to hang back. If it is a weak enemy, I'm happy to go forward, and help out with Bessie here. But for a stronger foe, I'm not well enough armoured, and I'm going to need to hang back to sing.

A quick hop over a steaming fissure, and he continues.

That leaves Grimmald holding the line all by himself. I can try and keep him going, if that's what I need to do, but I expect someone is going to need to join him.

He carefully steps around a crack in the lava that is oozing with what looks suspiciously like liquid fire. But the lava is getting more solid now, and motes of ice are beginning to dance in the air.

Speaking of which...

As they draw close to their destination, Caolin mutters his way through two incantations. One on him, one on the wooden implement on his back.

Caolin is casting Greater Mage Armour (Spell Compendium)

Caolin is casting Greater Mighty Whallop (Races of the Dragon)

2021-11-05, 07:40 PM
Ganzak nodded. "Valid point Caolin. Granted I prefer to have a battle already determined before melee is reached through reconnaissance, tactics, and devastating magic. Failing that Eshra can help hold the line and I have various magics to hinder or redirect enemies. We do well enough here maybe they'll give us some goblins to throw out front next time." Ganzak chuckled.

"If the breach is being done by someone I don't think we'll find an army just on the other side about to cross. It's been 12 hours. Waiting there just gives the City of Brass more time to prepare. They are more likely to be waiting on the City to freeze saving them the effort of a fight. They may have some scouts keeping watch for intruders. If we all had invisibility that would be prime. Can't just send one of us across, they may not have the means to return or send a message. I can cross first but need the rest of you to come through right behind me so I can cast the Attune spell if needed."

2021-11-06, 11:48 AM
When it is mentioned that Grimmald will hold the line by himself, his oktavist voice adds "I will try my very best to hold this line. If our foes can be afraid, I shall look at them very sternly."

2021-11-06, 08:21 PM
Shifting their grip on their blade of roiling energy from a defensive position to an attack-ready one, Eshra falls into step next to Grimmald and gives the man a nod before their head turns to address the others. "It need not be held alone."

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Currently Active: Mind Blade (Large Longsword configuration, not currently using the Defending ability), Ring of Force Shield


2021-11-07, 03:19 AM
Beaming at Gentle, Calida nods, gesticulating with her hands. "Exactly! And don't worry - I will try very hard not to need..um...re-aliving."

Watching Grimmald and Eshra taking up the vanguard position, She follows at a reasonable distance, staying behind them. Musing rhetorically, she glances at her empty hands. "I suppose we should prepare for the worst, shouldn't we." One after the other, coiled lengths of sonic energy waver into being in each of her hands. After a moment, the vibrating energy of each seems to speed up in the same order they appeared, becoming more chaotic and volatile-looking. Shaking one out, you can see that it's about thirty feet long as she swings it casually out into empty space, cracking it like a whip. Though instead of a simple leather snapping sound, a small concussive burst of sound booms and echoes across the ice. Nodding to herself, she coils it back into her hand with a flick of the wrist. "Shall we be about it then?" Giving the dome a pensive glance, Calida heaves a sigh of resignation.

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Creating a Sonic Lash (1d6 Sonic) in each hand, and then empowering it with Greater Dissonant Weapon to give them extra sonic damage (+4d4)

Position: 10' behind Eshra and/or Grimmald
Readied Action: Plan to turn invisible (Ring of Invisibility) right before entering the ice dome and using the Hide skill (becomes a +52 modifier while invisible and moving or +72 while stationary - let me know if/when I need to roll, or feel free to roll for me for expedience).

2021-11-08, 11:01 PM
The walk across the frozen lava was laborious, with uneven ground and sharp gusts of wind tearing at the six conscripts' clothes and hair. After a few minutes, though, they found themselves at the edge of the hemisphere. The hemisphere is uniformly separate from, but smoothly adjacent to, the former lava.

Close up, the blue structure is uniformly translucent, a pale blue, glowing faintly from within. There is no sense of reflection of anything from outside, nor any discernable shapes within.

If anyone uses detect magic on the sphere, it registers overwhelming auras of abjuration, conjuration and transmutation.

2021-11-09, 12:27 AM
Glancing around at the others, Calida grins sheepishly before waving a hand full of coiled sonic energy at herself and clearing her throat. "Don't mind me. I'll be doing my best not to be a target as we go in." Giving Grimmald and Eshra a nod of the head she flashes a smile. "I'll be just behind you, even if you don't see me. If you need someone to scout ahead when nothing is actively trying to eat us, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll let you know if I take a position elsewhere so we don't bump into one another."

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Active Effects: Sonic Lash (1d6 Sonic) manifested in each hand, empowering it with Greater Dissonant Weapon to give them all extra sonic damage (+4d4). Her "clothes" might look funny with all that sonic energy going on.
Position: 10' behind Eshra and/or Grimmald
Readied Action: Plan to turn invisible (Ring of Invisibility) right before entering the ice dome and using the Hide skill (becomes a +52 modifier while invisible and moving or +72 while stationary - let me know if/when I need to roll, or feel free to roll for me for expedience).

2021-11-09, 05:40 AM
Caolin leans against a cooling upcropping, bends down, and starts to pick bits of loose gravel from the treads of his boots.

Well, we're here. He glances around the blasted landscape of half bubbling half frozen lava. Not much out here. Shall we head in?

Armour bonus +6 (Greater Mage Armour) 12hrs
Greater Magic Whallop on 'Bessie' 12 hrs

2021-11-09, 06:31 AM
This is a pretty interesting phenomenom, isn't it? While Gentle took a stroll behind the others he scanned the room with his innate powers. Really powerful auras on the whole sphere. Strong conjuration… Could mean it was teleported here somehow? He ended his effect and trys to focus more on his current surroundings.

Scanning the room with Detect magic. With a +0 in Spellcraft I guess I can't make out more than the three most prominent auras.

2021-11-09, 02:02 PM
Ganzak continued with the group, happy that others moved up front. "Yes, let's be smart about it. Give me a minute."
As they neared the sphere he cast Detect Magic, getting most or all of the group within the unseen cone so that he could size them up too.

"I see extreme auras of abjuration, conjuration and transmutation. Extreme as in Epic or Deity magic. That is telling. I don't have the impression the efreet got close enough to figure that out. This isn't a natural breech. Keep on your toes, time to break on through."

Switch Minor Aura to Motivate INT to the group. +9 to INT checks/skills including Spellcraft.
Cast Detect Magic. Spellcraft is at +28 with Aura so auto pass unless it's a 14th+ level spell.
Moving slower now between difficult terrain and concentrating on the spell. Aim is to keep the spell running while walking through the sphere.

Changing the aura back to Motivate DEX (+9 dex check/skills and INIT)

Follow into the sphere as long as those in front aren't freezing in place like we were told the Marines were.

2021-11-09, 02:44 PM
The talk of witchery goes straight over Grimmald's head once again, as the shade of his helmet as he turns around hiding the blank stare. However, it appears people wish to move into this blue ball. Grimmald draws his massive sword, grips it in both hands in a ready stance, and steps into this ball of "epic" witchery.

2021-11-09, 11:04 PM
Nodding at Ganzak's analyses, Eshra gazes at the dome. "That is good news. What can be done, can usually also be undone." Rolling their shoulders and stretching their arms for a brief moment as if to loosen them up before raising their energy sword and force shield, Eshra strides forward and follows Grimmald into the icy unknown.

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Currently Active: Mind Blade (Large Longsword configuration, not currently using the Defending ability, Charged with Psychic Strike), Ring of Force Shield
Reflexive Immediate Action: If they are targeted by a visible attack, Eshra will use an immediate action to activate their Shadow Cloak to teleport 10' out of the way - Either behind the attacker to flank them with Grimmald, if possible, or to the opposite side of Grimmald (leap-frog style) to continue 'holding the line' if not (this function can be used three times a day).


2021-11-11, 01:06 AM
Starting at the vanguard's charge into the sphere, Calida stares in bewilderment for a moment before muttering to herself. "Oh dear, we're going now! Bother..." Shuffling after the front line, clutching her coiled lengths of sonic energy, she seems to vanish just before touching the sphere.

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Active Effects: Sonic Lash (1d6 Sonic) manifested in each hand, empowering it with Greater Dissonant Weapon to give them all extra sonic damage (+4d4). Her "clothes" might look funny with all that sonic energy going on.
Position: 10' behind Eshra and/or Grimmald

Turning Invisible (Ring of Invisibility) right before entering the ice dome, and using the Hide skill (+20 while Invisible) [roll0] and bringing out her hidden arms in case she needs to start lashing things.

2021-11-11, 04:34 AM
Caolin shrugs.

Our world and everything in it isn't natural either. It is a created event. I think what we're looking for is either something very powerful, or someone manipulating something very powerful.

He pushes himself upright again.

The question I'm wondering is if we'll see an army on the other side, or a mechanism of some kind, ready to exploit this change, or if it's a side effect of some other plan.

He moves towards the dome, and crosses over at the same time as the others.

All party members that can hear Caolin and are within 60'
+10 to CHA checks and CHA-based skill checks, including turn undead

Armour bonus +6 (Greater Mage Armour) 12hrs
Greater Magic Whallop on 'Bessie' 12 hrs

2021-11-16, 01:57 PM
After pausing for preparations, the six plunge forward into the hemisphere. There’s a brief feeling of disorientation, as if the laws of reality were doing a wild, frantic dance around the conscripts bodies, and coming to rest in a completely new configuration. The sensation had strong parallels to hangover and hallucination, with just a touch of ginseng.

The border between is rubbery, and seems to take hold of their bodies as soon as they touched, drawing them inexorably inside.

On the other side, the furious wind and tumult of the frozen lava-plain abruptly stopped. It's quiet, with almost no wind at all. A soft bluish light seem to emanate from everywhere above. The ground underfoot is rough ice, not all that easy to walk on, but not so treacherous as smooth river ice. There's a light skiff of dry snow on the ice, but no tracks or trails are in evidence. There is a faint slope down ahead.

Behind the group, the barrier that they have just stepped through is a dull red, glowing and translucent, but otherwise much like it had on the outside.

Suffice to say that the area is cold. Puffs of vapour accompany each breath. Those wearing metal or holding metal weapons can almost feel the extreme heat leeching out, cooling rapidly. It seems likely that, without the protection of the assorted magics, harm would immediately set in.

The air is a swirl of snowflakes. Some were tiny, akin to those that might be seen on the heroes’ home worlds, while others were the size of dinner plates, and incredibly delicately articulated crystals. Unlike the snow the six had previously seen – if they had seen snow – this stuff seemed content to simply drift as if weightless.

Immediately next to the group, a massive iron ballista bolt is stuck in the ice, the tip several feet in. The bolt is crusted with frost.

All six of you have clearly made it through. Although Calida is entirely invisible, there's a conspicuous absence of snow in one area. The six crackle with energy, preparedness and danger.

Several of the larger snowflakes drift up and out of sight in the direction that the six are facing.

Vision is restricted to 10’, but it's light enough that darkvision/lowlight vision is not required. Shapes that are 15’ away can be vaguely seen, but have the equivalent of concealment.

The ground is considered difficult terrain without some special adaptation to deal with ice - the spell Snowshoes or something similar.

If you wish to establish a set positioning for the group, I'll need something like a marching order. Otherwise, give me about a round's worth of actions.

2021-11-16, 02:19 PM
Grimmald steps through this... this ice witch barrier, presented with an all-new alien feeling, leaving him trying to shake it out of his bones on the other side. Snow quickly starts settling in his beard and occasionally pelts his armor when a gigantic snowflake collides with it. He has seen winters. But never this... featureless.

Turning back around to make sure everyone is still there, his black form already begins to gain white contours once the infernal heat of Hell is gone, and instead replaced by the cold of... Hell. A cold Hell. A cold layer of Hell?

The devils wish to prevent Hell from freezing over! Now it all makes sense! If they'd allow this, surely all other sorts of impossibilities would occur as well, as frequently remarked upon even in the land of the living!

Brimming with newly gained sagely insight, Grimmald leads the way through the snow in zen-like fashion, to carve a path for the others towards the... less snowy area. Or rather, the indecisive area pondering whether frozen Hell should truly be frozen over.

Standard and move actions are dedicated to moving towards the less snowy area, but not moving faster than the party wants to.

Grimmald also jumps to conclusions as a free action.

2021-11-17, 04:21 PM
Ganzak keeps his Detect Magic spell going through the portal and uses it to scan around beyond the limits of the snow-bound sight. "Elemental planes tend to have their elemental creatures so this place probably has some. Snow elementals? Those larger flakes may have been smaller specimens moving off to announce us. Assume we only have 30 minutes left. Let's keep moving. Don't attack first. Better to talk and learn what's going on." He follows the group, keeping the spell active.

2021-11-18, 04:32 AM
Gentle felt a bit weird when going through the portal. Like after a long night of drinking and carousing and then deciding to drink a bit more. The limited sight made him pretty nervous but it seemed they weren't jumped upon yet.

Gentle nodded to Ganzak and followed the two, making sure that they were before him.

He wanted to help Calida overcome the sickening effect of the portal travel, but it seemed she had made herself as hard to find as possible. Well that was probably for the best for now.

Following the ones that strode forth.

2021-11-18, 02:03 PM
After stepping across the threshold, Eshra's cowled head swivels as they take in the whiteout conditions and snow-riddled landscape. Their dry monotone seems dull and muted as the natural echoes are absorbed by the heavy snow all around. "Brisk." Raising their force shield, Eshra advanced in lock step with Grimmald, seeming content to follow his lead.

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Actions This Round: Move to follow beside Grimmald.

Currently Active: Mind Blade (Large Longsword configuration, not currently using the Defending ability), Ring of Force Shield
Reflexive Immediate Action: If Eshra targeted by a visible attack, they will use an immediate action to activate their Shadow Cloak to teleport 10' out of the way - Either behind the attacker to flank them with Grimmald if possible, or to the opposite side of Grimmald (leap-frog style) to continue 'holding the line' if not (this function can be used three times a day).


2021-11-18, 08:12 PM
Caolin pauses momentarily, distracted by the dinner-plate sized crystals wafting past. Squaring his shoulders, he hurries up to join the rest of the group, just behind the front line, his boots firm on the icy ground.

2021-11-19, 01:48 AM
The vaguely person-shaped space where the snow doesn't enter follows along behind Grimmald and Eshra. Quiet muttering emanates from the space before the irritated muttering increases to an audible level that can be heard by others, "Go into the mysterious frozen ball in the middle of the lava, she says. You'll probably be fine, she says. Your unique talents will be useful, she says. Thank you so much, scary fire lady. I'm already having a lovely time." Oddly, and perhaps surprisingly, no footprints are left behind in the snow as Calida 'invisibly' follows the vanguard, trailing behind them by about ten feet.

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Pass Without Trace effect = "The subject or subjects can move through any type of terrain—mud, snow, dust, or the like—and leave neither footprints nor scent.
Tracking the subjects is impossible by nonmagical means."

Move Action: Following Grimmald and Eshra, trailing 10' behind them.

2021-11-21, 12:50 AM
The six move carefully down the slope. From up ahead, there is a shrill interplay of whistles and creaks - a language of some sort.

Within a few seconds, a swirl of a dozen or so of the large snowflakes are back, swirling in from ahead and above. Also emerging from the swirling snowstorms are a pair of figures that look much like pixies, if the pixies were made of crystal-clear ice.

The snowflakes seem to vibrate, giving off a complex cascade of creaking sounds. One of the fairy-like creatures drifts closer to Eshra, its wings and limbs rubbing together to create a complex series of squeaks. It drifts back expectantly.

2021-11-22, 03:37 AM
Hey, look at that we get jumped upon but by someone who wants to communicate. Gentle try's to lock eyes with one of the Pixies and smiles encouraging at them. I'm very happy about that. Hoping that his intentions somehow get through, even if he's not able to speak the language of these icefolk.

He try's to locate his companions through the snow. Can some of you understand them? Or perhaps has some magic to do that? I fear ice-fairy is not a language I have ever encountered before.

Trying to be nonthreathening diplomacy check: [roll0] Caolin's CHA-bonus included.

2021-11-22, 06:38 AM
Caolin blinks at Gentle's attempts to communicating.

That's good, that's good, keep them coming. He makes his own gestures, trying to make his own body language as non-threatening as possible.

Hello little ones. He says, first in Common, and then again in a tongue that sounds like gentle rain on a mountain*. My, you have a wonderful place here. Would you like some music?

He stretches out his left hand and a harp appears in it.

He's still walking forward, apparently oblivious to the snow and ice underfoot. However, he faces and addresses himself towards those nearest Gentle's airspace, trying to indicate that this would be a suitable place to perch or hover.

Then he starts to play, simple notes at first, that float glittering in the gusting air much as the large snowflakes do, without any reason to hit the ground. Soon he settles into a glissando-rich duet written for pedal harps, the notes pattering out like gentle hail on tiles.

*Speaking in Common and Auran

Skill checks include +2 synergy bonus for diplomacy, +2 Perform for a masterwork harp, +3 skill focus for each, +5 Vest of Legends for each, and +10 for Caolin's marshal aura.
Diplomacy check [roll0]
Perform (strings) check [roll1]

2021-11-22, 08:16 AM
Mostly bereft of options beyond waiting and seeing, Grimmald looks to the pixies. They are made of ice. Ice is frozen water, right? So maybe, maybe, they speak the language of the water creatures with a heavy accent?

Deep rumbling drawn out sounds emerge from Grimmald, and they may or may not be whale noises asking if they can understand him.

Grimmald tries to speak Aquan at them.

2021-11-22, 08:47 AM
"Yes, let's all be sensible about this." Ganzak calmly takes out a wand, zaps himself, then puts it away as he begins to listen to their new company.

Wand of Comprehend Languages. 10 minutes.

Sense Motive. Rolling it twice in case before and after the wand (when I can understand them) matters.

2021-11-22, 02:26 PM
There is a kind of puzzled straining from the ice fairy-like creatures as Caolin speaks in the whistling, sussurant language of the air, and Grimmald speaks briefly in the language of the water. It is as if someone is speaking sounds that SEEM like words to them, even if they aren't words that mean anything.

Caolin's music has a much more immediate effect. The fairies move away nervously, but the large plate-sized snowflakes make a series of shimmering, creaking and tinkling noises and mob the musician and his harp, almost causing him to be lost to view.

As soon as Caolin starts to play, the plates begin to speak excitedly.



"So cool!

"Hot, baby!

"I think he's cute!


"But he's so pulpy.

"And warm-blooded. Careful!

"You worry too much!

"There's a place to sit on top of vibrating thing!



"The vibrations are great!

"Not dangerous?

"The right kind of dangerous.

"Oh! If you land on his back, you can feel him vibrating too.

"Oh, yeah!

"The legs too.

"Are those legs?

"What else could they be?

"I though he was holding stilts.

"Oh! Like Brack!

"But it's all attached.

"His face is all tingly-warm.

"Try the shoulders! You get the BEST vibes!"

There are dozens of plate-sized ice crystals glomming onto you and the harp. They are, individually, very light and delicate. In the aggregate, the effect is mechanically equivalent to Entangle.

2021-11-22, 09:31 PM
"Well Caolin you have made friends. They can't understand us as well but they are fascinated with the... vibrations. It's attracting them to you. They did mention one name. Brack. Anyone have the Tongues spell?"

Ganzak puts away his sword and turns his gaze to the fairies. Turning his shield and empty hand outward to show no threat he tries greetings in Elvish and Draconic.

2021-11-22, 09:57 PM
Uncharacteristically, Calida stays silent. The person-shaped space where snow doesn't enter gets smaller and lower to the ground.

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
Sonic Lash +18/+13 (1d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits
Hide Check to go unnoticed and/or overlooked: +72 (minus whatever penalty the surrounding snowfall is causing - let me know if I should roll)
Sense Motive (Taking 10) on the newcomers: 13
Move Action: Following Grimmald and Eshra, trailing 10' behind them.

2021-11-23, 06:48 AM
None of the snow-creatures even seem to realize that the language of dragons or elves constitutes speech.

One of the fairies issues a sharp series of squeaks at Grimmald, while the other darts down to strike the ice surface with great force, once. A kind of pulse goes out through the ground - harmlessly dissipating after a moment, it seems. It drifts back up to float next to the other fairy.

The ice fairy creature says: "You have dragged us to this hated fire-world and enslaved the florgen! Free us immediately!"

2021-11-23, 09:03 AM
Ganzak tilts his head momentarily thinking things through. "The fairy believes we dragged them to the fire world, enslaving their... florgen? and demand their release. Seems there is some misinformation going on from higher ups from at least one side. That or a third party trying to start a war. Interesting."

"They don't understand our languages so far. Maybe that boom was to add to Caolin's music but let's be on our toes in case that was an alert being sent out.

Florgen? Know(Planes) [roll0]
Switch minor aura to Motivate DEX (+9 to DEX checks, DEX skills, and Init for party.
Sense Motive on the fairies [roll1]

I'm good with DM rolling init. Saves a lot of time. Just take note on my sheet under Feats for which aura I have active. Right now it's +9 Init for the whole party.

2021-11-23, 12:12 PM
Standing next to Grimmald, Eshra bows at the beings, they release their blade of energy and it dissipates into nothingness before it hits the ground as their hand sweeps back for the simple but efficient bow. Their shield of force stays firmly in place, hovering above the back of their left hand, although it is lowered from their previous battle-ready posture. "Perhaps if we show respect and appear non-threatening, we can avoid hostilities. Perhaps they are astute enough to read body language."

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Actions This Round: None

Currently Active: Ring of Force Shield
Reflexive Immediate Action: If Eshra targeted by a visible attack, they will use an immediate action to activate their Shadow Cloak to teleport 10' out of the way - Either behind the attacker to flank them with Grimmald if possible, or to the opposite side of Grimmald (leap-frog style) to continue 'holding the line' if not (this function can be used three times a day).


2021-11-23, 12:19 PM
Suddenly, Grimmald hears the unmistakable sound of angry complaints. Clerks and guards hear that a lot. But this doesn't seem to be an issue of a neighbor's tree hanging too far over a fence or guards not having immediately arrested someone someone else disagreed with. Grimmald looks to the ice fairies, then Ganzak.

"Did water creatures enslave them? Or someone in armor?"

2021-11-23, 12:53 PM
You have no idea what a Brack is, but a florg is a minor elemental from the demiplane of ice.

The ice fairies seem genuinely agitated about something.

2021-11-24, 04:27 AM
Before initiative.

Well they do seem to like you Caolin. Keep doing what you're doing.

Gentle shakes his head in regarding to Ganzak's Question. I fear my spellcasting is too limited for that. If I had a scroll I could probably activate it, but I don't have one at hand.

When they're seems to be more agitation going on, Gentle raises his empty hands to show that he doesn't have any weapons.

2021-11-24, 03:59 PM
Okawb! I'll keewb pwaying Caolin manages from beneath a blanket of icy admirers.

The pile of giant flakes starts shuffling foward again, albiet at a slower pace, the slighlt muffled music emerging from it indicating that Caolin is, presumably, still under there somewhere.

Has anywon manabed to twalk to theb yet? I'm nob thure my body langwabe is doing me mub good.

2021-11-24, 04:21 PM
"Yes, scrolls are useful for me too. I'm used to having translators with me. If anyone can send a message to the Master of Secrets perhaps she can arrange delivery of a wand or scroll of Tongues to the edge of the portal and one of us can go back across to get it. Otherwise I foresee a lot of violence over a misunderstanding."

"The fairies are quite agitated. Florgen... ah yes- minor ice elementals. Maybe the one behind this mess is using them to create this portal? Caolin, perhaps some of your lyrics can help get the message through?"

Ganzak turns to the fairies. He speaks but more importantly tries pantomiming his message as well. "I can understand you" Points to himself, his ear, then them. "We didn't do that." Points to the portal then himself while shaking his head no. "Can you take us to your leader?" Points to them, to himself, then beyond them.

Not sure if any rolls would be appropriate. Let me know.

2021-12-02, 01:40 AM
As Caolin's music - only slightly muffled by the layer of snowflakes surrounding him - reverberates through the air, a few more snowflakes appear from all directions in the mist, drifting towards him.

The fairies seem to ignore the words being spoken, but Ganzak's gestures at least draw their attention. They glance at each other and nod. There is a short burst of tinkling sounds between them.

"Do you think Brock might understand them?"

"Can we trust to take them?"

"We've got to do something. The shields won't hold forever."

There is a faint crunching sound in the mist from behind the fairies, growing steadily louder. Grimmald and Eshrak see a pair of large humanoid figures, bulky and seemingly made of translucent ice come up behind the fairies. They make no hostile motions.

Remember that if you're farther than 10' away from something in the fog, you can't see it.

2021-12-02, 03:54 PM
Ganzak turns his head to address his comrades. "Progress. They're concerned their shield not lasting so this portal is definitely not their doing. They aren't sure if they can trust us but hope 'Brock' will be able to talk with us. Let's keep things peaceful."

He turns back to the fairies as more ice creatures arrive and speaks with more pantomime. "Hello" Waves an open hand. "Can we all go see Brock?" An open hand circling around to point to everyone gathered around then pointing beyond the fairies as before, assuming the new creatures do not include Brock.

The map shows me as closest to the new creatures so I should be able to see them. What are the new creatures? Know(Planes) [roll0]
Bluff [roll1]
Sense Motive [roll2]

2021-12-03, 03:17 PM
Bowing again at the new arrivals, Eshra's soft monotone calls out to them "Greetings to you as well, large beings." Cowled head turning in Ganzak's direction, it tilting slightly to one side there is a noticeable pause. "Who is Brock?"

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Actions This Round: None

Currently Active: Ring of Force Shield
Reflexive Immediate Action: If Eshra targeted by a visible attack, they will use an immediate action to activate their Shadow Cloak to teleport 10' out of the way - Either behind the attacker to flank them with Grimmald if possible, or to the opposite side of Grimmald (leap-frog style) to continue 'holding the line' if not (this function can be used three times a day).


2021-12-03, 04:43 PM
The pile of sparkling snowflakes that is Caolin nods. Gwod ideal! Lewb's see if they can twake ubs to Block.

He continues to play, and trudge slowly in the direction he was heading. He seems, if not heedless of his audience, at least inured to the idea that they will impede him. Almost as if this is not the first performance where fans have clung to him.

2021-12-04, 11:50 AM
Ganzak appears to understand the snow creatures, and the snow creatures seem to be talking, and...

Well, Grimmald is doing his best to not foul things up, waiting as his armor becomes the foundation of every higher peaks of snow.

2021-12-27, 07:11 PM
There is further tinkling as the ice-creatures converse with each other.

Through the swirling snow, you can see the two ice fairy creatures turn to the two newcomers. The fairies are waving their arms excitedly. The two hulking newcomers move very slowly. At the end of the conversation, they both raise their arms.

You can't see the newcomers well enough to identify them, but by language and audio cues, you'd guess an elemental creature of some kind.

The dialogue between one of the ice fairies and one of the newcomer creatures - the ice creature's 'voice' is more restricted in its range, whereas the other goes through many more changes in volume and pitch - goes as follows:

"Take them warm or cold, then?"

"Cold would be easier. Their brains will make more sense. Do you think those booming sounds are meant to be speech."

"Anything's possible. All right, then. Cold it is."

Meanwhile, more of the plate-sized snowflakes drift into view and glom onto Caolin

The tinkling ceases. The snow that is impeding view swirls higher and stronger, and the fairies and larger creatures are lost to everyone's view. The snow now seems to cling to armour and flesh, making it harder to move.

The effect is now equivalent to Solid Fog. Anything farther than 5' away is invisible (although their location is potentially identifiable using scent, a very good listen check or other senses), movement is restricted to 5' per round unless you have a freedom of movement effect, and weapon attacks and damage are -2.

Roll initiative, either here or OOC. If you beat a 16, post about a round of actions.

2021-12-28, 11:11 AM
Unnaturally still, Eshra focuses their mind, imbuing the mind blade still held unseen in the depths of their consciousness with extra psionic energy, preparing for a psychic strike. Outwardly, the only movement is the dark cloak they are wrapped in flapping and flaring in the wind.

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +26/+21/+16 (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

Actions This Round: Move Action - Imbue Mind Blade with Psychic Strike (+5d8)
Standard Action - (HELD - Expend Psionic Focus to perform a Greater Psionic Manyshot if self or ally is attacked. Attack/Damage Rolls if this occurs: Attack One [roll0] with Base + Greater Psionic Shot Damage: [roll1] + Psychic Strike Damage: [roll2] & Attack Two: [roll3] with Base + Greater Psionic Shot Damage: [roll4] - both shots are considered one attack and both arrows have to be at the same first-attack-first-serve target)

Currently Active: Ring of Force Shield
Reflexive Immediate Action: If Eshra targeted by a visible attack, they will use an immediate action to activate their Shadow Cloak to teleport 10' out of the way - Either behind the attacker to flank them with Grimmald if possible, or to the opposite side of Grimmald (leap-frog style) to continue 'holding the line' if not (this function can be used three times a day).


2021-12-28, 03:17 PM
Ganzak speaks up to the party through the disappearing visibility. "They've decided to take us to Brock in hopes Brock can understand us. Their thought is to bring us in Cold, so this isn't meant to be an attack to kill us. I'd rather follow them on our own so follow my voice to stay together and perhaps get out of this icy cloud. Perhaps we may just have to accept their means of transport. Come on, I'm headed this way." He heads just off to the right of the ice creatures, looking to get out of the cloud without running into them nor appearing like we are trying to run away. He keeps talking so the others can track him.

2021-12-28, 08:20 PM
The suspiciously vertical pile of snow with black sections scattered throughout clatters into motion, roughly in the direction of Ganzak's voice, revealing a Grimmald underneath on the way. The situation does not exactly fill him with confidence, especially with, you know, suddenly seeing next to nothing anymore, but apparently this effort needs to be made.

2021-12-29, 12:09 PM


Caolin keeps on moving, drawing close to Grimmald and the others as the visibility grows less.

2022-01-02, 10:20 PM
Caolin, coated with his legion of adoring flakes, stumbles over to a shape in the snow that quickly resolves itself to be Grimmald. Eshra and Grimmald do their best to keep clear of the snow, to little avail. Ganzak can be heard as he moves in his own slender sheath of air, but finds that the sheath itself is slowed down by the snow all around it.

There is a tinkling-clinking sound.

"Hey, florgen! Grab hold of these ones. We're taking them back to Brack."

There are a pair of blasts of white that come out of the swirl of snow, encompassing everyone but Caolin. The blasts are painful and numbing.

A ray of white light zips towards Eshra, but the warrior is ready for it. In an instant, Eshra vanishes, rematerializing next to one of the hulking ice creatures.

A second ray zips out from the west toward Grimmald.

The snowflakes clinging to Caolin start to cling in a more intense manner, and begin radiating cold.

More of the large snowflakes dart of the swirling blizzard toward each of Grimmald, Eshra, Gentle and Ganzak. These snowflakes are spinning fast.

There is a low, ominous roar from the west.

Everybody Else

All but Caolin: two blasts of nonlethal cold damage (your resistance applies) dealing [roll0] and [roll1] damage each. Reflex saves DC 21 halves the damage. If you have SR, [roll2] to beat it.

Eshra is now adjacent to one of the large ice creatures.

For the ray aimed at Grimmald:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] nonlethal cold damage.

There are currently 24 of the snowflakes on Caolin. Because of their size and the DM being a jerk, we're ignoring the normal limits of how many creatures can be involved in a grapple, and these creatures also have the ability to cohabit a square with another creature without impeding either creature's ability to act.

The 24 snowflakes go from being ordinarily ice-cold (which Caolin's cold resistance was handling quite handily), causing [roll5] cold damage to Caolin (his resistance 30 is effective against this as an aggregate). The snowflakes are holding onto Caolin, but not strongly. An attack action will auto-succeed on removing a flake.

For Gentle, Ganzak, Eshra and Grimmald: 6 flakes are moving toward each of you. They need to enter your square to do so, and will draw attacks of opportunity if you are armed with something capable of striking adjacent squares. A successful attack of opportunity vs AC 20 shatters the flake, but Gentle and Calida are still flat-footed (and therefore not making AoO's, I'm assuming). If you make a successful AoO against a flake, remove attacks from your list, starting at the top of 'your' flakes.

Attack [roll6] Slashing Damage [roll7]Attack [roll8] Slashing Damage [roll9]Attack [roll10] Slashing Damage [roll11]Attack [roll12] Slashing Damage [roll13]Attack [roll14] Slashing Damage [roll15]Attack [roll16] Slashing Damage [roll17]

Attack [roll18] Slashing Damage [roll19]Attack [roll20] Slashing Damage [roll21]Attack [roll22] Slashing Damage [roll23]Attack [roll24] Slashing Damage [roll25]Attack [roll26] Slashing Damage [roll27]Attack [roll28] Slashing Damage [roll29]

Attack [roll30] Slashing Damage [roll31]Attack [roll32] Slashing Damage [roll33]Attack [roll34] Slashing Damage [roll35]Attack [roll36] Slashing Damage [roll37]Attack [roll38] Slashing Damage [roll39]Attack [roll40] Slashing Damage [roll41]

Attack [roll42] Slashing Damage [roll43]Attack [roll44] Slashing Damage [roll45]Attack [roll46] Slashing Damage [roll47]Attack [roll48] Slashing Damage [roll49]Attack [roll50] Slashing Damage [roll51]Attack [roll52] Slashing Damage [roll53]

Over to you!

2022-01-03, 04:39 PM
Expertly dodging the sinister flakes with minimal movement, conserving motion and therefore energy, Eshra's mithral hand shoots up, forming a long blade of roiling energy already set in a guard position, ignoring the assault of flakes as inconsequential. Turning over their other hand, thick arrows of roiling energy quickly form and launch from their palm to fire into the large ice creature they just.

Eshra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2523929)
N/G Kalashtar Soulknife 11 / Illumine Soul 5 // Barbarian 2 / Fighter 2 / Battle-Dancer 1 / Ninja 1 / Soulbow 10, Level 16, Init 7, HP 167/167, Speed 40 ft.
AC 41, Touch 26, Flat-footed 30, Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8/+3, Power Points 16/16
+6 Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Longsword Shape) +20/+15/+10 (2d6+16, 19-20x2)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 (2d6+14, x3)
+6 Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed (Manyshot) +23/+23/+23/+23 (2d6+14, x3)
Inertial Armor, Ring of Force Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +3 Natural, +9 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 26, Cha 16
Condition None

(Note: AC before Defending Mind Blade was manifested was 36, which was enough to avoid all flakes before Eshra's AC became 41 with the addition of their +6 Defending weapon)

Free Action: Manifest Mind Blade (Defending)
Swift Action: Expent Psionic Focus to use Greater Psionic Shot on first attack.

Currently Active: Defending Undead Bane Mind Blade of Collision (Large Longsword form), Ring of Force Shield, Undead Bane Mind Arrow of Speed imbued with Psychic Strike (+5d8)

Actions This Round
[/B]Full Round Action: Rapid Shot:
Attack One on Adjacent Large Ice Creature: [roll0] with Piercing Damage: [roll1] + Psychic Strike Damage: [roll2] + Greater Psionic Shot Damage: [roll3]
Attack Two on Same Target: [roll4] with Piercing Damage: [roll5]
Attack Three on Same Target: [roll6] with Piercing Damage: [roll7]
Attack Four on Same Target: [roll8] with Piercing Damage: [roll9]
Attack Five on Same Target: [roll10] with Piercing Damage: [roll11]

(I believe that firing at adjacent targets with a 'ranged weapon' does provoke AoOs from the any enemy within threat, even if I'm also wielding a melee weapon at the same time, but I will happily use another Immediate Action to teleport behind the big guy if he tries it - I have 2 uses left of that ability left to use)


2022-01-04, 10:37 AM
The crouching humanoid-shaped space where no snow seems to enter begins to hum with some sort of vibration.

Calida Merimange (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2526919)
Female C/N Changeling Rogue 5 / Fighter 1 / Lasher 1 / Fang of Lloth 9 // Ranger 6 / Sonokineticist 10, Level 16, Init 5, HP 93/93, Speed 30' Land, 30' Swim, 20' Climb
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21, Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus +13/+8, Power Points 3/3
Spider Claws & Bite +13/+13/+13/+13/+8 (1d4, x2)
(Greater Discordant Weapon) Sonic Lash +18/+18/+18/+18/+18/+18/+13 (4d6, x2)
Bolt of Sound +17 (10d6, x2)
+4 Planar Tolerance Glamered Improved Shadow Mithril Breastplate of Improved Silent Moves & Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26
Condition Invisible, Darkhidden, Pass Without Trace, Scentless, Endure Elements, Resist Cold ̶5̶ 30, Resist Sonic 20, Waterbreathing
'Always Taking 10' Skills Bluff (39), Diplomacy (39), Intimidate (39), Gather Information (22), Swim (17), & Sense Motive (13)
Immunities Planar Alignment Traits, Positive-Dominant & Negative-Dominant Planar Traits

Reflex Saves: [roll0], [roll1]
Move Action: Activate 'Greater Discordant Weapon' (renamed from Pyrokineticist's Greater Weapon Afire ability)
Standard Action: Ready Attack for any enemy that gets within visual distance: [/B]'Sonic Bolt' (Renamed from Pyrokineticist's Fire Bolt) - [roll2] To-Hit for [roll3] Sonic Damage and [roll4] Sneak Attack Damage.

2022-01-04, 07:04 PM
Caolin screams as the icy cold rips through him.

Then he changes his tune.

He brings his cold-numbed fingers down on the harp in a ringing power chord. The song sounds vaguely familiar. City dwellers may recognise it as the opening chords to one of the more famous songs in Der Elementare Chaoskrieg, an epic tale of love, power and betrayal set at the dawn of the world, when elemental forces vied for control over the new creation. Opera fans might even recognise the precise song - Inferno des Himmels or Inferno of the Heavens, which features the shock arrival of the lords of elemental fire.

What will be less expected, perhaps, is the sheer power of the music literally setting Caolin and all his passangers on fire.

Standard action, start three effects as a single song with harp accompliment, which counts as a supernatural ability (so does not provoke attacks of opportunity)
Inspire Greatness targeting Eshra, Callidae and Gimmald
Inspire Awe on all enemies within 60'
Burning Meolody giving all allies fire resistance
Dove's Harp gives all allies fast healing 3

Swift action - burning melody, refrain targeting a 30' cone, catching Caolin himself, all 24 snowflakes on him unless they have fled, and one of the larger creatures.

If no grapplers remain, 5' step northwest while drawing sword as a move action.

All enemies within 60' must make a will save DC 30 or suffer the effect from this table:
Subtract their hit dice from 16 and check the result
+10 or more Foe is paralyzed with fear
+1 to +9 Foe is panicked
0 to —5 Foe is frightened
.—6 or less Foe is shaken

24 snowflakes and one of the larger creatures and Caolin each take [roll0] fire damage, reflex save DC 29 for half

Caolin reflex save [roll1]

Persistent effects on allies:

[roll2] temporary hp
+2 to hit
+1 on fort saves
Hit dice counts as two higher
fast healing 3 (gain 3 hp at the start of her turn)
Fire resistance 15 (does not stack with existing fire resistance, which is probably higher.)

[roll3] temporary hp
+2 to hit
+1 on fort saves
Hit dice counts as two higher
fast healing 3 (gain 3 hp at the start of her turn)
Fire resistance 15 (does not stack with existing fire resistance, which is probably higher.)

[roll4] temporary hp
+2 to hit
+1 on fort saves
Hit dice counts as two higher
fast healing 3 (gain 3 hp at the start of his turn)
Fire resistance 15 (does not stack with existing fire resistance, which is probably higher.)

fast healing 3 (gain 3 hp at the start of his turn)
Fire resistance 15 (does not stack with existing fire resistance, which is probably higher.)

2022-01-05, 06:58 AM
Ganzak feels the general blasts but is unharmed thanks to his protections. "Damn this to Hells. Everyone stop fighting. They are trying to freeze us to bring to their leader."

Ganzak definitely feels the slashing from the florgen. He steps out of the virtual cloud of florgen around him then sends a severe gust of wind back in the direction he came from.

He shouts. "Brack! We are here to talk. Tell them to stop before we have to kill them all!"

From OOC: Made the save for both blasts. That plus Resist 20 Cold means no nonlethal taken. 30 damage from the slashing. At 104/137hp

5' move north (Already done on Roll20). Gust of Wind to SSE to cover both the party to the south and the direction of Caolin (based on the opera being played)

60' line. 50mph
Tiny or smaller creature on the ground is knocked down and rolled 1d4×10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet.
If flying, a Tiny or smaller creature is blown back 2d6×10 feet and takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering and buffeting.
Small creatures are knocked prone by the force of the wind, or if flying are blown back 1d6×10 feet.
Medium creatures are unable to move forward against the force of the wind, or if flying are blown back 1d6×5 feet.
A gust of wind can't move a creature beyond the limit of its range.
In addition to the effects noted, a gust of wind can do anything that a sudden blast of wind would be expected to do.
It can create a stinging spray of sand or dust, fan a large fire, overturn delicate awnings or hangings, heel over a small boat, and blow gases or vapors to the edge of its range.

Choose the pertinent lines:
[roll0] *10 feet and [roll1] nonlethal
[roll2] *5 feet
[roll3] *10 feet
Hoping this will get rid of some of the fog too.

Possibly knocking out snowflakes with nonlethal LOL

EDIT: Fort DC 22 negates. snowflake mvmt grant AoO?

2022-01-05, 08:53 AM
So fighting breaks out. Grimmald can't exactly see anything, but the snow sure is shifting something fierce! Ganzak shouts something, and Grimmald feels like the cold is getting to his head. "Are you aware that people die when they freeze?"

Giant snowflakes drift closer and he is not exactly enthused about how sharp they are, so he makes them go away best he can. With his sword. "Shoo! I prefer your smaller brethren!"

Reflex saves [roll0] [roll1]

Free Draw sword

Standard Try to shoo attacking snowflakes away via 30ft radius demoralize [roll2]

Move Still don't do anything useful. So another demoralize as above [roll3]

AoOs Grimmald can make one AoO, so here it is [roll4]

Edit: by my count, Grimmald takes 9 nonlethal cold damage (all other cold damage is soaked by the cold resist 30 they were given) and takes 30 slashing damage (lethal?) from the snowflakes, unless they somehow are deterred by the man shouting at snow.

Also shout-outs to Gummald. :smallbiggrin:

2022-01-10, 07:09 AM
Gentle is pretty much hoping that the difficult negotiations will turn out alright, when it get's even harder to see it at first seems like they will soon be brought to they're leaders, Ganzak seems to have to right idea but then something goes wrong. Sharp snowflakes are attacking him, which doesn't seem too worrying for the moment but if that continues it will turn sour soon.

And Caolin cry's out with his music soon after turning into a different crescendo of tunes. It's hard to make out what exactly happens, but it already seems like his specialty is needed.

Please use another method of cooling us!

Gentle makes some fancy hand motions, and sharp, hissing words confuddling and not seeming like spellcasting motions but soon after a burst of healing energy spreads out of him to infuse his allies and especially protecting Caolin, soon followed by another burst of protective energy laying itself on all allies and shielding them from further harm.

Liira, keep uz alive, keep uz having joy, keep uz protected.

Don't provoke AoO's because of Effortless healing.
Standard Action: Mass Cure Serious wounds, should heal everyone (yes everyone) for [roll0], Caoling also get's a +1 morale Bonus to hit and Damage and 13 temporary hit Points for 1 Minute.
Also everyone of us get's a +6 sacred bonus to AC for 1 minute (Protection Devotion)