View Full Version : Dragon Riders [Dragons]

2021-10-19, 03:27 PM
As some of you talk atop the mountainside, others leave, and others still confused by the recent events, you all see the smoke of a city far off in the distance, and your loins ache, the primal urge to go forth and wreak havoc, to have these mortals bow down to you greatness wells within you.

2021-10-22, 04:20 AM
Shadowvar sees the smoke in the distance, and feels the urge to burn things down, destroying all in his way. Of course, his breath weapon is not fire, but negative energy, which is not physically destructive against non-living material. So the urge is somewhat restrained. Besides, he is not evil as such, being more pragmatic in his outlook. He wonders if he might be able to identify the two leg who had appeared to him. He still feels an overwhelming need to contact that being.

Which direction is the smoky city from where we are? Is it to the south, which could be where our riders are located?

2021-11-02, 06:32 PM
Yes, smoke is to the south, and you feel another tug, that you think is your rider, but below you, far below you.

2021-11-03, 04:33 AM
As the other dragons do not appear to be interested in finding the mortals, and since he can feel the powerful tug of attraction towards the one he had seen, Shadowvar leaps upwards into the air. He then starts to descend down the side of the mountain, flying in easy circles as he descends. He follows the pulling sensation downwards, trying to use it to find the two legs he had seen in his cave. He decides he will go and investigate the humanoid town later. He has no desire, nor ability, to burn it down. But he is curious as to what may have been happening during his sleep, and he figures they may be the easiest nearby source of information.

2021-11-22, 11:53 AM
As you move towards the smoke nearby, you immediately see some humans below, on a ledge not too far below you, several humanoids seem to be assembled there.

Feel free to go back to the main thread paradox26, and if you go to meet them, assume several other dragons do to.