View Full Version : I made few homebrew feats for spellthief. I would like to have your opnion on them.

2021-10-20, 07:56 AM
Hello adventureres and DM's.

I made few homebrew feats for the spellthief class, and I want to know if you think they are balanced. I think it is a good alternative becuase while spellthief is a decent and fun class, I still think it can benefit from some twerks. Keep in mind that spellthief can benefit from many exellent feats since it is a rogue-like class and also a caster, so taking any of the following feats can be a sacrifice to some degree.

Improved Steal Spell-Like Ability
Requisite: Steal Spell-like ability class feature.
Benefit: Spellthief can steal Spell-Like Ability as the same level of "Steal Spell"
Original: Level up to a maximum of one-third the spellthief's class level

Steal Supernatural Abilities
With intensive training, the spellthief is able to steal primordial magic from thier enemies.
Requisite: Steal Spell-like ability class feature.
Benefit: With this talent, a Spellthief is able to steal Supernatural abilities in the same way it can steal Spell-like ability (read the class feature).
The spellthief can steal a Supernatural ability with DC equal or lower to Spellthief class level + 10 + charisma modifier.

Improved Absorb Spell
Requisite: Absorb class feature.
Benefit: Spellthief is able to absorb area-effect spells. It dosen't cancel the effect of the spell on other targets.
Original: Only spells that have the spellthief as a target, not effect or area spells.

Greater Absorb Spell
Requisite: Improved Absorb feat.
Benefit: Spellthief is able to absorb area-effect spells and deny the effect of the spell on other target's.

(credits to Tzardok on the last feat)

Any opnion is welcome, and also, if you have any feat as suggestion I would love to hear it!
Sorry for any gramatical mistake

2021-10-20, 10:24 AM
Steal Supernatural Ability requires a little more information to be workable, as many Supernatural Abilities don't have spell levels or are permanent. What, for example, does it mean to steal a basilisk's petrifying gaze, a vampire's fast healing or a dragon's breath weapon?

Improved Absorb Spell is nice. I would suggest another feat called Greater Absorb Spell which would allow the spellthief to completely absorb area spells, so that they don't affect others.

I would also suggest that you ask a mod to transfer this thread into the homebrew forum; I think it fits better there.

2021-10-20, 10:46 AM
Steal Supernatural Ability requires a little more information to be workable, as many Supernatural Abilities don't have spell levels or are permanent. What, for example, does it mean to steal a basilisk's petrifying gaze, a vampire's fast healing or a dragon's breath weapon?

Improved Absorb Spell is nice. I would suggest another feat called Greater Absorb Spell which would allow the spellthief to completely absorb area spells, so that they don't affect others.

I would also suggest that you ask a mod to transfer this thread into the homebrew forum; I think it fits better there.

Thanks for that reply.

You are totally right. I didn't put enought tought on the steal super natural ability. I mean, what you said was pretty obvious haha. I will think about something. Maybe something like "able to steal SNA with DC equal or lower to spellthief class + 10 + cha modifier".

Oooh, this great absorb spell give a supportive side to the class, wich is pretty interestering. I will add it to the list

And I will speak with a mod.

Thank you for the suggestions!