View Full Version : IC 6 Player Waterdeep Dragon Heist

2021-10-21, 03:57 AM
https://i1.wp.com/www.spelltheory.online/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/dnd__yawning_portal_tavern_by_sidharthchaturvedi_d dfwgcp-fullview.jpg?resize=768%2C530&ssl=1

You are within a tavern lit by brightly burning candles. Around you are sturdy wooden tables littered with plates of food in varying stages of consumption and half-drained tankards. Serving an influx of guests brought to Waterdeep by the moist spring air beckoning sea captains with a gentle tail wind. The uproar of gamblers and unruly sailors nearly drown out drunken bard song.

The Yawning Portal Inn has always been a refuge for adventurers. Ever since being purchased by it's tavernkeeper Durnan with gold pilfered during his own exploits. The taverns namesake, a stone well centers the room offering passage to all manner of adventurers to the labyrinth below. Many braggarts have entered but few a including Durnan have returned overburdened with treasure and stories of their exploits.

All the noise is soon eclipsed by a shout.

"Like killing my mates do ya?"

A seven foot tall half-orc women is hit by a wild punch from a male human his head adorned with eye shaped tattoos. Four other human stand behind him. The half-orc cracks here knuckles, roars, and charges the man. But before you can see the first hit plates clatter as a crowd of onlookers amass around the confrontation.

What do you do?

Here we begin in the city of Waterdeep within the Yawning Portal. Thank you for participating and let's have a good time. The OOC thread is here https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?637780-6-Player-Waterdeep-Dragon-Heist&p=25240970#post25240970

2021-10-21, 10:05 AM
Tanis looks over at the fight. She's too short to really see over anyone, but she was able to see they're grown people-no one that needs protection. Probably. She'll keep an ear out on the fight, but won't interfere-not yet at least.

Misery Esquire
2021-10-21, 11:25 AM
Dyalv'ir looks up from his drink, idly curious what has the slav- the orc-spawn and humans engaging in violence. As this isn't his workplace and he's off duty anyway, he remains uninvolved for the moment. Besides, drinks and entertainment go well together.

Though, he is curious about the peculiar selection of tattoos the fight-starter has made, and asks the nearest, uninvolved, other patron,

"Any idea whom his supposed friends were?"

I suppose I'll start the rolling party with a non-proficient skill check, to see if Dyalv'ir can identify the tattoos as anything specific.

Religion : [roll0]
(Swap for History if that'd be more appropriate, as his non-bonus is the same)

2021-10-21, 12:24 PM

The young woman stands leaning to a wooden beam. She is wearing her usual red brown coat, the hood on the head, but leaving her face and red hair visible. Not that it mattered in an adventurer-ridden place like this one. She probably could stand here her face covered in a black mask and no one would bat an eye.

As the crowd jumps to see the fight, she calmly gets into motion. She takes up a jar of beer and a chicken leg from a now abandoned table. Overhearing Dyalv'ir, she answers:

"Maybe more of those guys with the weird tattoos?" She answers. She smirks, possibly due to the fact that she stated the more or less obvious. She takes a bite of the chicken, slightly tilting her head to one side while putting more thought into the topic.

[roll0] I have +1 on all knowledge skills, so choose.

2021-10-21, 01:23 PM
Knowledge checks all at -2


2021-10-21, 01:35 PM

Any knowledge skill.

Tanis shrugs. "Who knows?"

2021-10-21, 11:38 PM
The tattoos though distinct evade Dyalv'ir's his recollection. But no public church or sanctioned place of worship he has ever graced has sported any symbol akin to these tattoos.

William attempts to recall the men and their activities in the city. While having seen his fair share of cut throats skulking within the city these men if a threat have clearly exercised greater discretion than the ones in his past.

Tanis focuses on the lead man head sporting purple tattoos facing in every direction. She quickly recollects having seen similar symbols on a recent midnight investigation. She remembers a purple eye etched in chalk on the side of a dead end alley by the Sea Ward and it's absence in the following morning.

The brawl escalates as the tattooed falls to the ground. A wooden chair wielded by the half-orc hitting his shoulder defensively raised at the last moment before impact. A second man grunts loudly swinging a fist into her cheek while his unengaged allies shove their way through the crowd attempting to join the fray. The temperature of the room rises as more bodies crowd together.

2021-10-22, 12:00 AM
William still sees no reason to pick a side in this fight. He stays on guard, hoping to discourage anything from attacking him, and looking to all sides to confirm that the plan so far is working.

2021-10-22, 09:14 AM

Instinctively, Miri moves a few steps towards the tavern door. She would not want to be around when the guard arrives to break them up. Not that they necessarily would. But who knows how many friends this tattooed guy has. Then again...

"Eh, you! Hold up!" She shouts towards one of the non-engaged allies, pointing the gnawed off chicken bone at him. "What's with all the violence? And five to one? Sounds hardly fair..."

I'll roll persuasion. [roll]1d20+6[roll]. If it's another skill, let me know.

Edit Messed up the markup. Roll incoming.

2021-10-22, 09:15 AM
I'll roll persuasion. [roll0]. If it's another skill, let me know.

Misery Esquire
2021-10-22, 09:41 AM

Looks at Miri searchingly with bright eyes for a moment, and thinks to himself; ah, half-elf, half-comedian. Before executing a slight seated bow.

Of course, she's moved on to talking to, or at, the riff-raff. So he has no particular need to reply, though he does sit back slightly to take hold of his sword hilt under the bar. Drow aren't rare, but nor are they exactly a common or welcome sight in Waterdeep, and unwanted attention is never particularly good.

At least these humans aren't particularly threatening or important, as far as he knows.

2021-10-22, 09:45 AM
Seeing the man facing the full fury of several others, Tanis decides to intervene. Unlike Miri, she goes for a more... Scary approach.

"You'd best leave him alone," she says, standing to her rather unimpressive full height. "Or things will start going rather poorly for you," she adds, flexing her blood-stained claws.

Intimidate check:


Be good, please.

2021-10-22, 11:15 PM
Daxien gets up from his table further back in the tavern, the situation proving more interesting than the drink he’d been having. The half-orc had the advantage for now, but with more of the tattooed men joining the fight it could escalate. He rested his hand closer to the hilt of his sword and started to move closer to the exit.

2021-10-23, 02:14 AM
William while attempting to avoid notice is hidden from any attention while the crowd begins a chorus of shouts incensing the brawlers.

But a contrary voice breaks through the chants and voyeuristic conversation.
Miri's shout catches her target's attention but he is not impressed or charitable.

You taking sides girly? Accuses the man who even at a distance outsizes her and seeks an excuse to entangle with a far more vulnerable foe.
He begins to advance towards her one hand balled into a fist and the other open to grab should see attempt to flee.

The man encroaching upon Miri is suddenly halted midstride.
Bloody Cleavers! Cries the man seeing Tanis's claws glinting in the lamplight. Attempting to reverse course he backwards toppling two of his allies and beginning to divide the crowds attention.

While Dyalv'ir and Daxien would have attracted attention in a sullen and suspicious tavern the oafish display before them leaves no opportunity for attracting attention today.

The crowds excitement swells further at the prospect of another combatant. The glinting claws fascinating onlookers preparing for bloodshed.
Before any bets can be placed a commanding shout halts the crowd and combatants.

The voice comes from the tavern keeper Durnan. A powerful human man with strong arms and a moustache from his face and jaw.

The crowd disperses as the combatants slink of clearly understanding Durnan's stance on fights within his establishment.

The half-orc bolder than the men slows her gait only long enough to casually address Miri and subsequently Tanis before exiting the tavern out of sight.
Thanks "girly" I'll be seeing you.
If you need work I'll be around.

As Durnan begins wiping his tankards a rubbery hand emerges from the well in the center of the room and a throaty snarl follows.
[/color]Troll![color=brown]Shouts Durnan. As an emaciated troll climbs upward and four creatures fly off it's back seeing much more thin skinned prey to feat upon speeding forwards to you within striking distance.
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.bb390f66a6f2d8b21014363dde7acacf?rik=B1jUTblu6QU kYg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fvignette2.wikia.nocookie.net%2ffo rgottenrealms%2fimages%2f8%2f86%2fStirge-5e.png%2frevision%2flatest%3fcb%3d20161213033951&ehk=kmZd%2bkHily0JFg8p2oH4SMUUjOoMcIfuC16IKMrB%2b7 0%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
Patrons surge out of the tavern creating a surge of bodies bottlenecked by the modest tavern doors.

Troll [roll0] Stirges 1-4 [roll1] An ally [roll2] I forgot to roll a 4th die so I'll make it a 10.
Roll for initiative everyone. Feel free to strategize in OOC and maybe even holding your actions to set up combos. You have a fight on your hands but several actions outside of stabbing in and around the tavern.

2021-10-23, 03:49 AM
Rasmi Moonstar walks into the Yawning Portal just in time to hear the barkeep bellow, "Enough!" He smiles, thinking about how it sounds like every other night in the taverns of Waterdeep. He spots his new friend Miri and the drow he is hoping to make the acquaintance of both across the room and starts to wave. But before he can catch Miri's eye, something ugly crawls out of a hole in the floor.


2021-10-23, 04:07 AM

Now William is ready to pick a side in the fight, and it's with the tavern's patrons and staff, and thus against the monsters that just invaded. But they aren't like anything he's seen before, and he's still coming to grips with the situation while other people are quicker to act.

Misery Esquire
2021-10-23, 06:17 AM
As one bit of excitement comes to a close, another begins. Dyalv'ir scrapes back his chair as he slides his arm into the straps of his shield, taking a javelin in the same hand, and keeping the other on his hilt, before moving up between Miri and Tanis and the troll.

"Very well done with that," He congratulates them, "If I may, however, I would offer my assistance here."

Initiative: [roll0]

Its the old priority question; big one or small ones first?

2021-10-23, 10:15 AM

Just as she wants to react to the supposed insult with a witty comeback, the whole situation around her escalates, de-escalates, and escalates again. She gives the orcish lady a nod, and suppressing her instinct to just leave, she reaches for her rapier.


2021-10-23, 10:19 AM
"Bloody hell," Tanis mutters. She squares off, ready to fight against the underground menace.

2021-10-23, 11:22 PM
Daxien pulls out his sword as well as a small dagger in his off hand, ready for battle

2021-10-24, 12:50 AM
Before the group can act Durnan moves to control the situation. His retirement from adventuring hasn't slowed his body. Instinct takes over and he shoutsGet the lamp oil!. Gripping a hardwood table from the polished frlooe and firmly planting his feet he arrests the trolls movement. Staggering the troll with the makeshift barricade. Now leaning over him the table pressing into it's protruding ribs.

Somebody help me dismiss this beast! Bellows Durnan, the arrested troll fighting back.

2021-10-24, 10:59 AM
Tanis moves towards the fray, and strikes out at one of the stirges that's flown off the troll.



Two attacks, one action, one bonus action. Bludgeoning or slashing damage, don't think it matters.

2021-10-25, 11:43 PM
Tanis acts first without losing a step swiftly cleaving the stirge's throat and eviscerating a wing. The creatures remains land with a dull thud. Black blood with a green sheen oozes from the remains and coat Tanis's claws.

Another stirge swoops down at Dyal'vir headfirst seeking syphon blood from a more fattened creature but it's target is hardened and dodges the attack.

A second swooping stirge is luckier successfully attacking and finding purchase in the body of Rami swifly siphoning blood from his side.

2021-10-26, 07:15 AM
Daxien heads up behind the stirge attacking Rami, stabbing at the creature’s wing.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2021-10-26, 08:59 PM
Seeing Rami in distress Daxien strides towards him to relieve him of the bloodsucking attacker.
Drawing his rapier he deftly slices the creatures right wing from it's body. The creature desperately detaches itself and crawls on the ground before collapsing dispelling a mix of congealing red and black blood.

2021-10-28, 03:23 AM
Rami, seriously injured, ducks under a table. He then points at troll and sends a small ball of flame hurtling toward the brute.

Attack [roll0] for [roll1] fire damage

2021-10-28, 06:39 PM
Scurrying beneath a table Rami begins a hurried incantation summoning a mote of fire hissing through the air.
The burst further illuminates the room but Rami's entanglement with the stirge leaving him anemic causes the attack to stray from its target. Instead igniting the table beneath it barely missing Durnan who stood beside it.

Misery Esquire
2021-10-28, 06:58 PM
Dyalv'ir drops the javelin as he quickly draws his sword, and makes a drawing slash at the suddenly-nearer insect.

Made rolls in OOC, I suspect an 8 doesn't hit.

2021-10-28, 08:10 PM
William finally enters the fray. Having no particular connection to any individual in the fight, he goes where he might do the most good.

Striding next to Dornan, he roosters* his sword back over his right shoulder, makes two fast circles with his left hand, then aims a vicious two-handed cut at the troll.

*The word I originally used has at least three well-known meanings, one of which causes it to be asterisked out.

Casting Green Flame Blade, which starts its effect with a melee weapon attack.


Dang! Since Hexblade's Curse wasn't up, a natural 19 was not a crit.
Double dang! I forgot that the tactic was supposed to be hitting the stirge first and letting the fire jump to the troll.

Damage: [roll]1d10+5 Did that damage roll not go off because it was an edit? Rerolling in the OOC thread.

Also, 5 points of damage to the stirge, which should be well and truly fried.

Green flame lights up the stirge.

2021-10-29, 03:20 PM
Dyalv'ir swings intent on skewering the offending stirge with javelin. The attack glances the creature catching a digit on it's left forelimb being rended off. Seeing the risk imposed by the remaining humanoids it attempts to retreat to a window pumping its wings quickly.

William bounds forward towards the troll and Durnan deftly sidestepping assorted chairs and tables of varying sizes for varied clientele. Thrusting his longsword upward the blade connects firmly into the trolls abdomen lodging firmly into a shoulder chipping the bone. Upon stabbing the troll a latent power imbued within the blade activates. A forceful recoil dislodges the blade as bright green flame leaps behind Williams shoulder frying the most cautious stirge.

Infuriated by being halted by such dimutive foes the troll retaliates. Wildly swinging two clawed hands and extending its neck to bite at the nearest offender.

[roll0] claw [roll1] to William
[roll2] claw [roll3] to Durnan
[roll4] bite [roll5] to Durnan

The troll's fury is compensated drawing blood from both William and Durnan.

2021-10-30, 07:16 PM

Puzzled by the sudden fight at hand, Miri needed a moment to collect herself. Chanting a short melody, she sent some of her own energy to heal whoever on the front looked worse injured (presumably William), and tried to follow the command of the innkeeper to get lamp oil towards the troll.

Healing Word: [roll0]
@Plaids: Not sure how much I can accomplish with the whole "get lamp oil" tactic in the course of one turn, but I'll try anyway.

2021-10-31, 08:54 PM
Miri while not knowing the allegiances of her fellow combatants in the melee collects herself and directs her magic to William. The cuts and gash on his chest heal turning into a thin seam before disappearing.

Looking at the 5E rules a player characters are allowed to move, attack/cast a spell, do stuff allowed by a bonus action, a reaction action, or flourishes to their actions involving the environment.
Flourishes such as opening a door then running through into melee and attacking. Another I would allow would be pulling some curtains aside in a dark tavern during the day to blind a light sensitive attacker then charging into melee and swinging a weapon.
Overall if don't swing with a second weapon as a bonus action I'll allow an environment interaction within reason. So feel free to edit in an environmental flourish.

2021-11-01, 09:35 AM
Daxien pulls a flask of oil from his pack and throws it into the troll’s back.

To Hit:[roll0]
Sneak Attack:[roll2]

2021-11-01, 07:33 PM
Daxien aims the flask at the troll intending to douse the creature in the viscous and highly flammable fluid. A few stray droplets of escaped oil having greased the flask causing Daxien's palm to slide over the flask releasing the flask prematurely.

The flask flies and lands behind the troll leaving an oily puddle surrounding a pile of glass shards.

Feeling the rising dry heat from the growing fire on the upturned table Durnan repositions himself stepping to the troll's side.

Turning to a tavern server on the second floor Durnan orders to her.
Get me a a weapon Calida. Intending to down the creature before it could reconstitute itself.
The server drops a meat tenderizer brushed free from any flesh but still speckled with blood on its mallet.

Making do with what he has Durnan swings at the troll aiming at the arm William had had pierced.
[roll0]To hit [roll1] Damage
The first swing instead catches the trolls chest bruising the flesh and angering it. The second finds the trolls shoulder further cracking the bone leaving further exposing the remaining muscles and tendons connecting the arm to body.

2021-11-01, 08:34 PM
[roll0] To hit [roll1] to damage
[roll2] To hit [roll3] to damage
[roll4] To hit [roll5] to damage

I forgot how many time Durnan can attack.

2021-11-07, 02:46 AM
The raucous sounds of battle dominated the once mirthful Yawning Portal tavern.
Blood had been drawn and in this case redrawn as the stirges were felled in battle. The troll fought viciously but was felled by Durnan, William, and Tanis wading into melee while Miri, Rasmi, Daxien, and Dyal'vir pelted the creature with spells and oil haphazardly igniting the creature and killing it.

The fire crews arrived promptly stopping the fire after herding onlookers from the scene and dousing the area with sea water.

The group remains in the Yawning Portal as Durnan congratulates the group for standing their ground like his companions in years long past.
After being paid in forgiven tabs the group is about to disperse before a knocking can be heard at the tavern door long after hours.

In comes a short man wearing a necklace of assorted fangs contrasting with his fine silk shirt and leather boots. He scratches his beard looks frantically like an adolescent being caught in trouble before being pointed towards the group by Durnan.
He composes and then introduces himself.

Ah so you must be the esteemed group who has helped Durnan keep his head.

Durnan smirks and rolls his eyes acting as if he knew what scheme the man was concocting this time.
The bearded man adjusts his hat and takes a quick bow one would expect from a stage musician receiving requests from an encore.

Well I am Volo Geddarm, wizard, chronicler, and celebrity at your service. I trust you've noticed the recent violence with our fair streets. I haven't seen so much since my last visit to Baldur's Gate!

Volo stumbles over his words his project grandeur fading as continues.
Unfortunately I believe I have misplaced a friend amidst this odious violence. His name is Floon Blagmaar and he's got more beauty than brains. I fear he took a bad way home a few nights ago and was kidnapped. If you can find him post haste I can promise you ten dragons each and ten times that amount upon his return. May I prevail upon you in my time of need?

So here is Volo asking everyone for aid. Feel free to ask a clarifying questions or use a skill such as insight, investigation, or even acrobatics if you think it will help in your goals.
Dragons are the gold currency used in Waterdeep.

2021-11-07, 11:54 AM
Tanis looks Volo over. "Any more information, on where he might be?" she asks. "And any way to let him know we come in peace? Some way that he knows we're not just another group of kidnappers."

2021-11-07, 05:06 PM
When the threat has clearly passed, William goes over to the young woman who healed him.

"Thank you. That was MUCH appreciated."

Later, after Volo says his piece, William goes over to him.

"Please say some more to clarify. When and where does he seem to have disappeared? When and why did you determine this was a kidnapping?"

2021-11-07, 07:07 PM

To William: "No big! I appreciate you charging the troll." While her tone is a bit tongue-in-cheek, it's clear that she is really thankful for jumping into the breach.
To all: "Thank you all for standing up, I mean it. Name's Miri, by the way," she introduces herself. "Anybody else hurt?"


Regarding Volo: As the wizard asks for their help, Miri's thoughts race. Gold? Check. Enough gold to get through a month? Check! A chance to earn prestige to get more jobs? Check again! ... and a job that somehow falls into her line of work? Thank Tymora, this is a good day!

Hearing that the others are already asking good questions, she waits for the answers to those first.

2021-11-07, 07:59 PM
William smiles warmly for a moment, then shrugs and takes a more ironic tone. "Not my usual kind of fight, but a guy's got to expand his horizons now and then. ... I'm called William, by the way. At least, that's the name I've used for a while."

2021-11-08, 04:34 AM
Upon hearing Tanis's and William's inquiry Volo's exuberance from the lack of resistance or complaints falters. He responds, embarrassed at having to divulge further details on his activities.

Oh well, you see, we were in the Dock Ward, surveying subject at the Skewered Dragon. I retired early bidding Floon a good night. But don't worry about Floon the man is too trusting for his own good. Just tell him Volo sent you and he'll be follow back home.

To the adults in the party. The Skewered Dragon is a well known raunchy tavern in the Dock ward avoided by the well to do and patrolled along its borders by law enforcement on the lookout for any criminals who brazenly escape it's gravity.

Volo follows by stroking his beard and eyes the room and the party. Upon seeing an absence of prying eyes and concluding the party to be trustworthy he gives a brief answer.
I fear Floon may be in danger because of the Skewered Dragons owners being the Zhentarim. I just know I shouldn't have left him but I thought sending them some dragons to their coffer would let me get close.

The name is memorable and chills the room. You know the group means trouble.

You know the Zhentarim and what they are. They are a political machine. While their contractors are tagged for extortion, bribery, intimidation, and murder by the dozen many more elude the law and the leadership are out of reach. They are fueled by payments from shop owners skirting the guilds but paying a Zhentarim fee. The guard have resorted to containment measures and building a sense of security hopeful more witnesses will come.

You know the Zhentarim as the collectors and the price for working outside the guilds. While membership within the guilds of waterdeep is optional for any shopkeeper of a trade the lack of guild fees comes with its own dues. The offer of "protection" from the Zhentarim is strongly recommend to avoid any accidents that would impede your business.

You know the Zhentarim as the local street leadership. While the more independent well to do's chafe at their presence they are well liked by those you live with. When a dock worker frets about not being able to feed his family for the next tendays the Zhentarim are there with a fat turkey. When the orphanage can't afford to warm the children for the winter the Zhentarim are there with buckets of coal. And all they request in return is your voice and your vote.

Having disclosed all he knows and uncomfortable divulging more about the Zhentarim Volo provides everyone with a pouch of ten dragons and bids the party farewell wishing them success in their quest.
Durnan offers any not wanting to wade through the soupy fog a cot in the depleted basement soon to be filled by a fresh order of ale in the next two days.

You have a lead and an intuition on the whereabouts of Floon but several decisions on how to go about it. Soon the next day arrives.

The party has a lead but will need to decide when to investigate. During the day when suspects can hide in crowds but ambushes are harder to come by. Or during the night when more suspicious people are about but the fog of waterdeep obscures people skulking about.

Misery Esquire
2021-11-08, 10:17 AM
As morning comes the first to wake would find Dyalv'ir silently standing guard by the door as he had been when the interview with Volo had gone on. An outline and bright eyes in the dark, having only briefly wandered above when dawn broke to order breakfast for [1 - 6] to be delivered.

The offer of, relatively, simple dragons was appealing, even if it meant Zhentarium attention, but he would wait to see what the erstwhile companions thought in the light of day.

2021-11-08, 01:42 PM
The charitable side of the Zhentarim -- but with a connection to criminal activity -- is almost exactly the kind of thing William has been engaged in and even leading for years. I'm going to assume he has plenty of Zhentarim contacts, albeit low-/street-level and not in the same part of town.

"I can't vouch for the whole organization, but there are plenty of good people in the Zhentarim. I'd be happy to talk with whoever I can find among them and start from there."

William pauses, then continues. "That said, the story is confusing. This guy who calls himself a celebrity went out with somebody he basically calls an idiot, with the goal of doing some non-obvious surveillance? And then he loses track of the dumb guy?

"When we ask around, we should probably all tell the same story, but is that exactly the story we want to tell?"

2021-11-10, 04:58 AM
After morning salutations the group proceeds to the Dock Ward. The banked stone streets are traversed by a myriad of pedestrians and carriages weaving amongst one another. As you head south the crowd you bump shoulders with composes of commuters trotting to compensate for oversleeping all while scurrying around carts laden with foreign goods from the docks. While mounted Griffon Guards patrol the skies mounted on their namesake.


The brisk walk affords plenty of opportunities for a quick breakfast from many of the cities licensed vendors. Selections ranging from halfling tarts, a flour crust pie enveloping tart apples subdued generous helpings of butter and honey to dwarven sausages with membranes stressed taut goat meat and dripping grease.

Having the passed the plaza south of the Yawning Portal a pleasant salty breeze encloses the party parting hair and kicking leaves through the streets.

The group is now in the Dock Ward with several options. You can go directly to the tavern or see what the surroundings have in store. Feel free to split the party if need be. I'm not restrained by time like I would be in an in person session.

Approaching the Skewered Dragon the group is met with a forlorn site. The street lamps on the street are smashed while the salty sea breeze is now surpassed by the odious scent of garbage littering the street. The black tavern door of the Skewered Dragon is trimmed with gold but is askew forcing it open whilst several patrons slumber behind barrels of refuse still yet to be evicted by the absent Sanitation Guild. You hear overlapping conversation with the occasional clatter of glass upon wood and pacing bootsteps. The hard pounding of wood upon wood can be heard emanating from the tavern.

The other building that stands out amongst the is across the street. A dilapidated shop featuring a plush head with a large reflective cyclopean eye and several eyestalks framing it and ending in smaller sparkling eyes. The wooden sign hanging from the door reads "Old Xoblobs Hut Open All Day Every Day." The purple shop has it's door open while thin strands of smoke waft out while quiet laughter can be heard from the shop.

At the end of the street at the edge of the city block is a procession of men handcuffed and being led by city guards towards a covered wagon pulled by two mules. The men sport black overcoats accented with gold tips tarnished with blood. The prisoners clearly have been in a fight featuring cuts and bruises. Guiding them hurriedly is captain pushing them forwards while deterring a onlookers.
"Alright, alright nothing to see here. Be on your way. Just a routine arrest of some purse snatchers." The captain clearly does not want to be here.

2021-11-11, 03:30 AM
Tanis casts her gaze to the guard captain. His commands to increase the pace of their work can't hasten the already hurried guards under his command.
His shouts also conceal the sentiment for and attitude for todays assignment to those caught in the spectacle of the of the arrest of Zhentarim agents.

An attitude of "I don't care if we don't investigate" with a sentiment of I wish wasn't in this ward today.
He wants to leave before a possible incident but his detainees and the rough road are slowing him down.

2021-11-13, 04:25 PM
Durnan aside, the other fight participants had been rather stand-offish toward William. So he decides to strike out on his own. Although he sees no reason why anybody would be following him or otherwise concerned about his movements after that tavern fight, he's a little more concerned than usual about putting his associates at risk, and beds down for the night with a definitely childless friend.

The next morning he heads to his traditional haunts, and tracks down one of the consistently friendliest and most helpful Zhentarim. Oscar Roc-Egg is tall, bald, ovoid, and, as usual, smiling. William signals a desire for a private chat, which Oscar immediately picks up on; a few minutes later, Oscar joins William on a scruffy seating area in an out of sight alleyway.

After generic pleasantries and a quick recounting of the tavern fight, William explains what's on his mind.

"I need to talk with one of your colleagues, at the Skewered Dragon or in the docks area. A muckety-muck misplaced one of his friends down there and is offering a nice reward to get him back. Whatever else is going on, it's probably best if that guy is found unharmed. A little heat gets cooled off, a little money gets made, and a supposed dumbass gets back to his friends. At least, that's how I hear it, and I'd like to pass the idea along without giving offense.

"Do you have any idea who I should go see?"

2021-11-14, 02:05 AM
Oscar greets William offering a firm but brisk handshake which picked up from his many day to day interactions acting as a "Face" for the Zhentarim. "Faces" as known on the streets are the charismatic deal makers and diplomats sent to bury all manner of disputes by the tongue before they can get out of hand, lest the "Muscle" and "Cleaners" arrive.

"Welting Willy! So good to see you come by. good to hear you can find work on your own now with the city watch off your back."

Having finished with his pleasantries he proceeds to get address your inquiry. He doesn't offer a straight answer.
"Looking for some schmuck down by the docks? Sorry but the place is crawling with out of ward guards and with the dock Sanitation Guild chapter on strike it stinks to high heaven. But don't worry I can give you a delivery contract in the hamlets. So what do you say?"

Outside the city walls exist a series of plantations and family farms who sell staple goods in the winter when the harbor freezes over or whenever they are scarce. These jobs most often take a tenday to accomplish but are worth it for those outside a guild and don't have a high demand skill like adventuring.

OOC-Guidance Oscar is being evasive. Roll for either persuasion, sleight of hand, intimidation, insight or some other skill to get what you want. You can roll with advantage by creating a past experience with him to leverage in your favor. So something like mentioning you saved his daughter from a well when you first met for persuasion or threatening tell his boss how he has been skimming money from the Zhentarim for intimidation.

2021-11-14, 10:13 PM
Oscar greets William offering a firm but brisk handshake which picked up from his many day to day interactions acting as a "Face" for the Zhentarim. "Faces" as known on the streets are the charismatic deal makers and diplomats sent to bury all manner of disputes by the tongue before they can get out of hand, lest the "Muscle" and "Cleaners" arrive.

"Welting Willy! So good to see you come by. good to hear you can find work on your own now with the city watch off your back."

Having finished with his pleasantries he proceeds to get address your inquiry. He doesn't offer a straight answer.
"Looking for some schmuck down by the docks? Sorry but the place is crawling with out of ward guards and with the dock Sanitation Guild chapter on strike it stinks to high heaven. But don't worry I can give you a delivery contract in the hamlets. So what do you say?"

Outside the city walls exist a series of plantations and family farms who sell staple goods in the winter when the harbor freezes over or whenever they are scarce. These jobs most often take a tenday to accomplish but are worth it for those outside a guild and don't have a high demand skill like adventuring.

OOC-Guidance Oscar is being evasive. Roll for either persuasion, sleight of hand, intimidation, insight or some other skill to get what you want. You can roll with advantage by creating a past experience with him to leverage in your favor. So something like mentioning you saved his daughter from a well when you first met for persuasion or threatening tell his boss how he has been skimming money from the Zhentarim for intimidation.

William smiles and nods, but then turns earnest.

"Oscar, my friend -- the question isn't whether I get involved down at the docks, but how. We're a little different. You're the guy who does a great job representing an organization, feeding people and collecting gold at levels I can only hope to match some day. I'm the guy who heard raised voices, checked out what they meant, saw you in trouble, magically disguised himself as an old cripple -- and then saved you by cutting out the legs of a fellow even bigger than you are."

He looks around to see that they're still alone -- but lowers his voice even so.

"Look. I know not everybody in the Zhentarim is the good kind of criminal you and I are. I'd like to go in straight up and friendly. But if you mistrust your colleagues in the dock area, I'm also willing to accept your judgment and follow a more twisty path. Either way, your guess of how to start is probably better than mine. So what would you suggest?"

Rolling on Persuasion with advantage, which is to say twice.


2021-11-15, 02:00 AM
Oscar remembers your first encounter vividly. The man tailing him, the lengthening shadows, and the disguise which William bore well. He knows he owes William the truth and that he would intervene regardless of his own help.
Oscar relents in his attempts at obfuscation his brows falling and lets loose the details he knows trusting William enough to confide in him.

"I'd stay away from the Skewered Dragon. The leadership is getting anxious and cutting back on overhead. The lack of drink and bonuses is getting on everyone's nerves."

You know what he is talking about. Given the few times he has invited you to talk business or share information it was often by a Zhentarim owned or adjacent establishment serving refreshments and entertainment to contractors and full time agents at a discount to keep them content and loyal. Such amenities are routine benefits of working with the Zhentarim and only something momentous could cap the service.

Oscar goes further only stopping to fully pull the blinds down and activate a small talisman on his desk to light the room.

"It's outside my department but ever since that celebrity Polo or whoever came with his entourage came to gawk at the Skewered Dragon on my last holiday no less, the Dock Ward boss and his lieutenants have gone silent. Something unusual for him."

He points to a map on his desk right at building on by commercial docks. Several stacks of beads are on the building indicating Oscar has work relating to the location.
"I've routed several runners sending some supplies their way to refill strategic caches. But every one has been turned back by the city guard. The local boss isn't helping me either."

Oscar concludes the sharing of his knowledge and finishes with personal remarks.

"That's all I know. If you can get to the bottom of you will be helping me a great deal. If you are sure I'll give you a map and my recollections of the floor plans."

Your associate begins pulling a spare map and parchment ready to mark both with a nearby pencil.

Oscar has given everything he knows and has given a rough description of his troubles and a location. If you don't have anything else to say I'll set the scene at the docks soon.

2021-11-15, 04:57 PM
William thanks Oscar warmly for his help, and explicitly confirms what seems likely from the getgo -- the information Oscar gave him is generic enough that his use of it won't implicate Oscar in any way. "Be safe" kinds of pleasantries aside, his parting thought is: "I only hope that when this is all over guys like you can keep doing the work they always have. If I can influence matters toward that outcome in any way, I will -- which is one reason I'm choosing to be involved in this mess. Sometimes it's good to remind the authorities that street folks can help them too."

On the way to his next destination, he passes an armorer's shop and, on a near impulse, buys a shield that would look pretty decent with the rest of his gear.

AC up to 15. Attack down to 1d8+5. His only combat spell with a somatic component is Shield. None has a material component.

Eventually he gets to Bartholomew Bort, just as the latter is due for a break.

Bartholomew Bort, a Watch sergeant whose life William once saved. He trains with William regularly at swordplay. His colleagues tolerate this relationship.

William flourishes with his shield out. "Hey, teacher -- what do you think of my new profile?

Hopefully Bort will immediately given him some pointers and training for a few minutes, after which William can draw him off for private conversation about the real purpose of his visit, without any other Watch members observing closely.

2021-11-15, 05:51 PM
Daxien takes a quick glance around the area, deciding to head into a business across the street from the tavern itself, hoping that someone there would’ve seen something.
Heading into Old Xoblobs

2021-11-16, 03:33 AM

You walk into the shop ringing a dull bell alerting anyone inside to your presence. Judging by the smell the room is freshly painted in a saturated purple. About the room are columns of boxes haphazardly strewn containing a full catalogue of knickknacks and items all still undusted. Mouse traps are strewn about the room and a large yellow citronella candle burns on a counter most likely to evict the previous residents to the aging shop.

A wide eyed elderly gnome wearing a felt hat with nine glass beads resembling eyes sewn on greets you. His expression truly makes it seem like he abides by his advertisement "Open all day every day". He begins speaking to you theatrically likely in the hopes of impressing you.
"Hail and well met! Come browse the most curious curiosity shop in the world. We have items from across and below the sword coast."

The gnome observes you down and up and appends his greeting. He spots your utilitarian dress and lack of any obvious affiliation to any groups he knows of and sees an opportunity.
"But if it's rumors you seek I'm sure a purchase will wax my mind"

He grins giving you a smile and his attention intent on making you feel like the center of the universe while in the shop. Something he likely has to give every customer given his fledgling business.

It seems like this gnome knows something but isn't willing to give it freely. The obvious choices before you are using some charisma based negotiation or making a purchase. Feel free to roll something else if you think it could work like History on knickknack shops to trade secrets. Roll for what a skill for negotiation or another skill you think might work. If you go purchase something then roll perception to find something and roll to haggle if you want.


You catch Bartholomew between sessions training for the new city watch recruits. He sports his old uniform, an honor permitted by it being out of date with a patch of a golden trident emerging from the water. He breathes deeply having just sparred with new recruits much spryer than but also tax his patience. He begins speaking to you warmly but recognizes you aren't here to simply chat given your gear.

"A battle ready one if I ever saw one."
He gives you the basics on the use of a shield how it can be used to knock an enemy prone and pin a weapon against a wall to prevent weapon strikes against you.

But now in a more discrete place you begin your true conversation. You give a general description of your quarry and destination.
"I'm off the force now. Only serving in the reserves to bring recruits up to speed. The recent trouble has caused some of the experienced ones to head to Candlekeep or Baldur's Gate for the same jobs. You would have made a fine member of the force."

He gives you a sturdy but imploring look as he gives his advice. "But you should avoid this one. By the looks of it things are just heating up."
Bartholomew knows trouble is about doesn't want a friend in danger. He'll need to be convinced to change course if want him to get more information out of him.

2021-11-16, 04:15 AM
You mislabelled William's section in large letters. :D

William smiles, then shakes his head. "I'm not an organization guy, and I doubt I'll 'outgrow' that any time soon. So if I'm going to get anywhere in life, I probably have to tread a risky path."

He weighs his next words, then considers. "Besides, I'm already committed to pursuing this, in ways it could be ... unfortunate ... to walk away from."

I'm going to roll Deception, because the last bit isn't actually true.


In case you're allowing advantage again, I'll roll again.


Edit: Oops. I blew that. I'll reroll in the OOC thread.

2021-11-17, 03:24 AM
Bartholomew's pupils veer to the left corner of his eyes recollecting the risky paths you have already taken. The brief stutter is what finally gave it away, something he had become adept at detecting given his ample practice with his own two son's and two daughters. The stutter hiding no fabrications but a mighty convenient neglect for telling the whole truth. Though he doubted you were clumsily avoiding the disclosure of a romantic escapade.

Bartholomew grins widely before warmly chuckling and effectively diffusing any tension in your secluded corner.
He begins providing his own proposal.

"You can't fool me that easily. I've been practicing lie detection for years even before the forces interrogation training."

He stands before you looking you straight in the eyes and hand on shoulder as a father would when being frank with a child pursuing a career path he had an aversion for but gave his approval.
His eyes are unblinking and sincere and his grey streaked beard attest to his practice in giving others countenance.

"Trouble is brewing again and I don't want another friend hurt. Whoever is behind it has gold and swords in deep coffers. You won't be going alone, I'm coming with you. "

With that picks up his pack and tightens his holster which was once loosened after concluding his class.

You got a tag along who knows when a youth is neglecting to tell him something. You can try giving him the slip on route to your next destination if you really want to but otherwise you will responsible for his actions. Hopefully Bartholomew Bort's brain won't start melting after having talked to William.
Also I'll give you character details soon on him. Given the backstory he will likely be a fighter. His race is also not mentioned as I am aware so it will be listed on the details.

2021-11-17, 04:31 AM
That's great. Define Bort however you want. Of the original NPCs you asked for, he's the one I put the least thought into (as opposed to, say, "Mr. Cups", or as opposed to the Carefree Kids in general).

FYI, "Mr. Cups" is a fellow warlock, probably also a hexbade. He's aging/declining/nearing-the-end. He liked to go out among the poor, especially kids, and do nice things for them like Prestidigitating crummy food and especially beverage into delicious treats. That's how William got to know him, and where his nickname apparently comes from, although the Tarot interpretation would also fit.

He now seems too decrepit to help with anything other than advice or perhaps divination, but of course the elderly can have periods of recovery. In support of that point -- he's still surviving somehow.

As for the Carefree Kids -- William would be quite reluctant to let them get involved enough to add to the danger in which they anyway live. But if the situation gets drastic enough, anything's possible.

William smiles broadly. "Thanks, man. I'm playing a hunch here, but I think this is something worth doing. The Zhentarim have definitely gotten themselves all tangled in knots. I suspect the Guard or Watch have as well, although you surely still know a bit more about that than I do. This Volo guy is a third force. Maybe he'll be a bit more open with you than he was with a group of sketchy-looking strangers like me.

"At this point, I'm inclined to go back to The Yawning Portal and see who is or isn't getting back together there. Ideally, I hope to get a little more information out of Volo, although perhaps Dornan won't even help us find him until this is over."

William looks up, literally and figuratively, to his older and larger friend. "Do you have any better ideas than that?"

OK. I've done my thing, and am perfectly content to be directed to the next signpost in the story. :)

2021-11-18, 03:42 AM
Bartholomew stands in contemplation narrowing his eyes and hooking a light green thumb underneath his chin.
"Volo huh. I wouldn't bother searching now the man has evaded gnolls, giants, and even officers on domestic on domestic call to keep him from obstructing traffic during his book signings. He can hide anywhere"

He then muses further considering Durnan.
"Durnan can fight better than almost anyone. I've seen him in action when some punks decided to spike the city of the dead. But he won't budge an inch unless his darling little tavern is in danger. We'd be better off bleeding a stone."

Turning his gaze upwards Bartholomew grins as a youth might when handed their first professional payment and eager to spend instead of saving it.
"We don't need any of them. You've knocked heads since I first met you and I've been waiting for a chance to swing for the fences. If this trouble is where you say it is I'll have those new graduates eating out of my hands while you save them the trouble. Now where is it exactly?"

You both start walking down the street while reading the map Oscar had given you. The pristinely printed map guides you generally southwards as you both reorient yourselves using the landmarks of Waterdeep. Taking aturn at the Waterdeep Sentinel the cities newspaper. Finally you both proceed down the vacant gaze of the Dock Wards Walking Titan, a colossal statue of a bearded human in midstride as if patrolling the harbor of Waterdeep.

As the sun descends you both take extra precaution to avoid Skewered Dragon not wanting any Zhentarim informants catching sight of a former guard still proudly sporting his insignias. The temperate weather assists in the matter by providing a layer of moist fog as you walk beneath the shadows of building battered by heavy rains and snowfalls.

Bartholomew gazes over his shoulder every few minutes noting the mounting evidence for the absence of the sanitation guild and lantern posts but is soon calmed by the rhythmic bootsteps of city guard in the distance obscured by the fog.

Soon you arrive at where Oscar noted where his logistical quandary was sourced. The marked building is a warehouse within sight of the port. Large ropes, palates, dulled hooks to hoist netted cargo, and other threadbare utilitarian tools are pilled by the side of the warehouse. Broken glass windows glint by meager moonlight eight feet above the ground. All exits are locked or boarded shut save for one. A small handheld lantern rests on a crate by the entry revealing the silhouette of two figures standing guard by the door. Their voices are carried through the muggy air.

The first comes from a raspy female voice.
"Ugh.. I can't wait for the next shift to come by. The promotion was nice alongside the raise but the pay isn't keeping up with the extra twenty percent of work we have."

Bartholomew begins to frown in disapproval over the bellyaching.

The second comes from a higher pitched and slightly nasally male voice.
"Sure the hours are tougher but it beats pushing the morning papers. Stay sharp and won't have to go back to paper pushing so long as nobody gets past us. We just have to keep no one from entering. Probably for the next hour."

OOC: Feel free to have William and Bartholomew work together using a scheme.
You just got to the warehouse on the map received from Oscar. The docks are foggy and fairly quiet with the extra guard patrols. Between you and the warehouse are two guards who certainly don't intend to let you in. You will need a plan and a skill roll to get by. The environment can be used to make the plan go easier. If you need ideas think of a heist or private detective movie you like and pull from that.
Just for future notice. If details are scarce about a PCs contact then I'll be making some stuff up. So without those details given about Mr. Cups he would have just as likely have been a goliath paladin. Also keep in mind characters can change between substantial periods of time.

2021-11-18, 12:05 PM
William and Bart talk it over. They quickly agree:

Killing the guards would be very likely to succeed, but is not an acceptable strategy.
Disguising themselves as, for example, replacement guards would be problematic. Bart is hard to disguise; the guards might know their replacements; even if the guards were willing to be replaced by strangers, Will and Bart don't know enough details to be confident in pulling off the pretense.

So William proposes:

Bart climbs through one of the broken windows.
William at the same time creates a diversion at the entrance to keep Bart from being overheard.
William then circles around to the window to be pulled up by Bart (or to climb a rope that Bart will have securely anchored by then.

But this depends on whether Bart is optimistic he can handle that athletic challenge.

I don't know whether you intended for this to be a viable plan. I do note that, with all the junk around, lack of a grappling hook is probably not a big problem.

The intended diversion, by the way, is for William to show up demanding goods from the warehouse to be taken to another part of town. Presumably he'll be turned away like Oscar's workers have been. If he does this, he'll cast Disguise Self to avoid being IDed later.

2021-11-20, 03:51 AM
Copy from OOC thread

The plan laid out is certainly a viable one.
Bart is in shape and strong enough to jump and pull himself up so that won't need a roll. But the glass if left as is will have to be avoided with a simple Acrobatics check. Bart can easily carry a rope with him when climbing into the building too so no rolling needed for that.

Distracting the guards is easy enough. Just shouting in their faces will provide ample cover. To hide your identity roll performance. If you have a disguise kit or a decent costume roll with advantage.

As for circling around that is possible as well but a stealth check will be needed if the guards think they are in danger based on your performance so just roll it prematurely.

As for character creation I'm allowing both variant human and custom lineage. I assumed you went custom lineage and went for the feat instead of the dark vision. Either way if William doesn't have any Bart has a light source since even dark vision has it's limits.

2021-11-20, 06:54 AM
Miri entered the store together with Daxien. Upon the gnomes proposition, she smiled, understandingly.

"I understand that you must act in the most beneficial way towards your business." She nods. "Look, if we buy something only to loosen your tongue, you gain some money now, but we leave the store with a sour taste. If you offer us the information free of charge now, we will leave with a great impression of your customer service and a certain urge to endorse your store towards others." She winks. "Think about it, particularly factor in the number of taverns we hang around in with those who have more money than we do."


2021-11-20, 06:23 PM
Xoblob pauses his appraisal of Miri and Daxien upon hearing Miri's proposal.
Business had been slow given the recent upheaval and loss of foot traffic from the adjacent points of interest.

Though these two before him would be unlikely to know any of the more valuable patrons in Waterdeep the potential was always there.
The gnome before you concedes to the small business owners need to court rapport amongst possible buyers instead of the resignation to routine and convenience the larger stores enjoyed.

"Of course. Xoblob will help you in your endeavors. Just three nights ago one of my loyal eyes saw two men came out of the Skewered Dragon. Similar in height and build they were taken by four figures in black armor. Bagged and taken straight to the Armstead warehouse."

He lowers on the display case and lowers his voice confident he has captured your interest.

"I see you aren't from here no salt on your boots or drink on your breath. Watch your step now. If you need help I'll be about."

Old Xoblob offers both Daxien and Miri a business card.

Old Xoblob's Hut

[B]Open All Day Every Day

[B]Just two stones south of the dock titan[B]

2021-11-21, 11:23 PM
The plan is for William to draw attention by starting an argument, then stomp off when the argument is lost. I don't see where stealth is involved for William until after that happens. On the other hand, it could be argued that both Bart and William have stealth issues when or after they enter the building in through the window. Perhaps they have advantage since nobody's looking for them.

The plan involves a falsehood, so I'll roll Deception for William for that. If the disguise gives advantage, great.

Deception roll 1: [roll0]
Deception roll 2: [roll1]

Not clear what the stealth situation is, but I'll roll twice for William on Stealth too, just in case.

Stealth roll 1: [roll2]
Stealth roll 2: [roll3]

William and Bart agree on a plan, which boils down to:

Bart will make his way in through a back window.
William will make enough fuss at the entrance that with any luck Bart can enter safely, however noisy that is, without being heard.
(If the guards DO leave the argument to check out any sound of breaking glass, William will yell a prearranged codeword as part of the argument, and the plan will be aborted.)
William will eventually walk away from that argument.
When out of sight from the entrance, William will go to that window and be helped in by Bart.
Once in, they'll look around.
If caught, they'll bluster their way out. Who really wants to fight with a big guy in a Guard uniform?

William assumes the approximate appearance of Earnest "Ernie" Halleck, a Zhentarim lieutenant not much larger than William, whose territory is a quarter mile away from William's usual haunts. If asked to identify himself, he'll be Frank, Earnest's fictional younger brother. He grabs an empty sack that was lying around, then strides up to the warehouse entrance.

"Hello the warehouse! I need supplies, I need them ****ing now, and I'm not settling for the ****ing brush-off my colleagues have gotten. Duncan Boise has commitments to fulfill, and you don't want to be the ****ing person who threatens to make Duncan Boise's markers go bad.

"We're throwing a party for our boys, and we need enough to give them a nice buzz. 3 gallons of rum should suffice, and an equal amount of wine for their ladies."

2021-11-22, 01:44 AM
Upon seeing "Earnest Halleck" emerges from the fog the guards stand at attention with their arms and spines becoming taut by relieved their spears from supporting their weight. They relax upon seeing who it is.

The shorter man, a copper skinned gnome addresses you with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Halleck we've told you before, this place is under seizure by the city as a blighted property. If your here for your friends you can go to local ward prison as you well know."
The gnome completes his warning with a huff often accompanied by obligatory courtesies.

The taller woman with a necklace of feathers with several poking through her chain mail shirt begins speaking intent on turning you away as well.
"Halleck if you want drink the Skewered Dragon be around the corner. The whole ward saw Zhentarim brigands burst out of this warehouse screaming and with bloody swords in hands. Harbormaster Berryhill isn't in a forgiving mood. So if I were you I'd start hiding under the nearest refuse heap. But the Dragon works as well."

The tone and posture of the conversation is unusual for one between a Zhentarim lieutenant and fresh guards. Typically one would expect stuttering and hesitance from these guards but now you find annoyance and quite but firm confidence.

Looking at both you see signs of a scuffle the gnome has brush on his brow partially covered by his helmet while the woman's necklace of feathers are a light red despite attempts at cleaning them.

The gnome attempts to conclude the conversation with a brusque warning and a deflective runaround.
"If you so desire to plead your relevancy to the case you may do so at the magistrates office and so on. Be on your way now."

The city dockmaster responsible for maintenance and upkeep of one of the cities most valuable pieces of infrastructure. Berryhill is a wood elf who just announced their retirement to be at the end of the year. While sought by those with commerce relying on port he is seldom discussed in exciting stories due to their discretion and competency.

The legal counterpart to the guards responsible for arbitrating and facilitating legal cases and determining the criteria for the laws satisfactory enforcement. Key leadership positions are elected within each ward leading to reliable variance in each Wards Magistrate office.
The performance worked amazingly and the guards think you are Halleck giving you the same privilege's the guard would grant to him. These guards are annoyed but confident they could take a Zhentarim agent given recent events.I am assuming you are not deviating from the plan.

2021-11-22, 02:10 PM
Oops. Thought I posted this yesterday. Sorry!

I had been assuming the guards were Zhentarim, not law enforcement. That makes the plan even better, actually, in that the downside of getting caught inside is lessened. So yes, the plan continues, except that William is more likely to drop disguise if the guards notice what is going on inside and confront Bart and him.

(And if there was any thought of him and Bart splitting up, that goes by the wayside now too.)

Surprised to be confronting law enforcement types, William considers asking some probing questions, but demurs, out of concern that his lack of knowledge would cause him to quickly give the game away. The slight sound of breaking glass leads him to hope that Bart has cleared the access path to the warehouse as per plan. Feigning frustration, William screams a drewn-out "Arrgggh!!" and stomps off in a direction Halleck would naturally go. As soon as reasonable, he makes a turn to get out of the guards' possible sight, and loops back to the window he and Bart had selected for entry.

Climbing a rope is hardly his forte, but with Bart's help he should be able to make it in rather straightforwardly. Once they're together, they check in with each other in whispered conversation, make the minimum amount of light reasonable, and look around to see if they can discern what all the fuss is about, or plan their movements if nothing is obvious from where they crouch.

(And they move a few feet away from windows, doors, walls etc. as makes sense, as a matter of course.)

2021-11-23, 03:02 AM
[roll0]For Bartholomew[roll1]For William

Your performance as a surly and unpleasant Halleck leaves the guards satisfied with your absence with both glad the confrontation hadn't proceeded any further.

Bartholomew's ascent through the windows came naturally given his continued regimen of whipping guard cadets into shape.
During his ascent his once honed agility evades him, resulting in a shallow but distributed cut to his sizeable forearms. The glass pressing and prodding through his mail armor and quietly breaking as the small rings catch and hold the glass.
Though painful the experience can only elicit a muted grunt from Bartholomew having faced worse before.

As William ascends the rope he avoids the glass given his sure vertical footing against the warehouse before providing Bartholomew the sight of Halleck entering the building alongside him.

The warehouse is a sizeable single room with a large pillar extending to the ceiling surrounded by piles of toppled crates and broken palates. Through the dim light several dark stains can be seen amongst the broken containers,
While rummaging for fire starter both William and Bartholomew smell a rusty metallic odor wafting from around them.

As a mundane light source is lit a dry heat surrounds it's wielder details and colors emerge into view. Puddles of dried blood dot the room and splintered wooden walls from errant weapon strikes come into view. The central pillar is covered with bloody smears and gruesome finger-paints. These details describe a violent assault with absence of identifiable bodies or incriminating weapons hinting at an investigation from the guard.

The mundane floor plans provided by Oscar fail to portray the violent scene before your eyes.

| _ _ |
| Descent ->|_ _| |
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|----- -----| |
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Loading | |
Yard | |
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OOC: Both William and Bartholomew are inside the warehouse but Bartholomew suffers -1hp from grazing some glass.Also William is still disguised.Roll investigation or perception to gleam more from the scene

2021-11-24, 02:49 AM
Is this a map of the second floor, with the "descent" being a staircase or something?

William helps Bart bind his wound.

That isn't meant to be game mechanics HP gain event. It's just something they'd do.

They quickly and quietly agree on a plan, which includes:

They investigate now.
If confronted, they'll portray this as an unofficial Guard investigation, and probably mention Volo as having set it off.
Depending on what they find, they may deliberately exit through the front door when the next shift of guards is in place.
They'll try to conceal that William is the same guy who presented himself as Halleck.
Even so, William is keeping his disguise up at the moment, on the theory that he'll be able to drop it in time if need be.

Then, relying on his decades of experience, Bartholomew tries to piece together what's going on.

William is proficient in Perception and Investigation. Bartholomew isn't. Yet Bartholomew his higher scores in both of those (+3 and +1 respectively). So Bart takes the lead, with William Helping, which I hope gives advantage on the roll(s).

Not sure how you'll adjudicate this, I'll offer all plausibly relevant rolls.



Edit: Well, these went badly awry. Repeating them in the OOC thread.

If they can successfully stay hidden until the next shift of guards is in place, they should get the benefits of a short rest. William, disguise gone, would get his spell slot back, and Bart could get his HP back to full.

2021-11-25, 04:29 AM
After the quick application of a tourniquet and simple bandages William ensures that Bartholomew won't be contributing to the deposits of blood on the floor. Soon an informal investigation commences within the warehouse. Recalling his time assisting investigations and secure crime scenes Bartholomew begins his work with William providing the necessary illumination.

A cursory glance reveals that most of the evidence has been displaced. Bartholomew concluding that they must have been seized by official investigators. While the absence of bodies, weapons, or possible contraband obfuscates what truly happened at the bloody scene it does little to advance your investigation. Whatever is left are details that couldn't be seized as contraband or small debris too minor to pay attention to.

With Williams assistance Bartholomew is able to begin his business and gleam several additional details. First being the concentration of blood being the least in the corners of the room while the greatest exists around the pillar and front entrance.
Given the lack of glass outside in the alley or the lack of any blunt or chopping strikes at the doors Bartholomew can conclude that no one attempted to break out of the building by force. Conversely the presence of glass shards inside suggest a breaking and entering from the windows. The condition of the wooden walls and pillar suggest an arm struggle occurred with wild swings having left chips in the wall and a large vertical open seam within the pillar. Etched on it is a small symbol of a mask with a long beaked nose.

Finally within the center of the room partially obscured by crusty blood is a large black crow feather. Given Williams knowledge of shifting groups and allegiances on the streets this isn't signature or calling card any particular he knows of but the size makes it exotic given the size of the crows within Waterdeep.

Having paced about the entire room the part time scoundrel and former guard rest on top of several scavenged planks of unstained wood to mull over the subtle details gleamed from the makeshift investigation.
The contemplation allowing Bartholomew's vigor to return and a wind of magic to return to William.

While sitting and pondering a muffled and peaceful voice can be heard through the front door with the dim light traveling through the crack beneath the door dimming before once again returning.
It seems that the next group of guards has arrived to relieve the current duo of their shift.

Both William and Bartholomew have taken a short rest. The investigation has yielded new details but nothing really damning of anyone in particular was found.
A new shift of guards has arrived and neither shift knows that someone is snooping around the crime scene. The guards can be interacted with but either persuasion, intimidation, or a sweet bribe could be used. Other skills possible could be perception or even religion.

Scrutinizing the ominous marks upon the pillar yields a new discovery. A cool breeze tickles Bartholomew's beard during the warm humid night. The source being found to be a small crack within the column. After finagling with the dishonest wooden support a deep shaft is revealed leading into the earth with William's light illuminating motes of dust flittering about the shaft and a polished stone floor.

Characters who entered need to roll for insight.

2021-12-01, 08:36 PM
Bart and William look at each with raised eyebrows, mutually nod, loosen their weapons in their scabbards, and head down to the floor below. Neither of the two having yet fully realized that magic has made William the better fighter, Bart leads the way while William follows right behind with a torch.

Besides, Bart is the more observant of the two, and that configuration gives the best support to his eyes.

2021-12-02, 05:24 AM
Waiting for William at the bottom of the shaft the arrival of the light source and its bearer only affirms what both of their noses had inferred.

The basement makes the main floor look clean by comparison.
Bodies are piled together off to the sides of the room while blood coats the once immaculate tile floor. A gamey smell permeates the room emanating from the bodies not having fully succumbed to decomposition. In front of both Willam and Bort are overturned cabinets and desks are surrounded by blankets of loose documents. While behind them are suspended cages padded and concealing any contents they may have.

Amidst the silent room both hear a desperate voice calling to them from the shadows behind a pile of waist high cabinets.
"No... someone please help." Then another "It can't end like this...".

The voices are enough to give both investigators pause.
A cage behind the two begins to rock back and forth. Any cries from within are too muffled to hear but the joint connect the cage to a metal squeak from the motion.

Suddenly a talon wielding a dagger to flies into view and a large crow's head pops come into view coarsely cawing. Another crow creature joins the first in front of the vigilantes while a third emerges from behind.
Given his time on the streets William recognizes the crow call. A frequent precursor to a swarming murder of crows accosting a target.

The creatures' ability to mimic voices has given these creatures the advantage as a result they get an initiative bonus. Roll initiative.
For combat this time around I'm going to use individual initiative due to having fewer players but telegraph enemy actions to reduce the back and forth needed for combat.
[roll0] Creature 1 Plans to stab William
[roll1] Creature 2 Plans to shiv William
[roll2] Creature 3 Plans to gut Bartholomew

1 and 2 are in range of William while 3 is in 30 feet of Bartholomew. Both PCs are shoulder to shoulder
X: The ladder leading to the first floor
W: William
B: Batholomew
1,2,3: Enemies
C: Cages
I just realized the forum does not always post what the text display for a poster does.

2021-12-03, 05:03 AM
1. Thanks for the clearer map!

2. If I'm reading everything correctly, the crows will all attack first, one of Williams's attackers at disadvantage.

3. I'm assuming that both William and Bartholomew have agile necks, and can see each others' attackers.

4. How tough/fragile do the crows look? (I truly don't know my MM well enough to know what HP they're apt to have.)

5. Unless you rule otherwise, I'll assume that through whatever combination of darkvision, light coming down the ladder, and/or well-made torches, William can drop his torch and draw his sword without risk of being visually disadvantaged in combat.

6. If Bart or William yelled for the guards at the entrance to the building, would they be heard? If so, approximately how many rounds of combat would elapse before they could possibly join in?

7. Depending on how the crow attacks go, there are two main things William could try:

a. Hexblade's Curse + Dissonant Whispers. That could give him a good shot at a 6-point heal, if he's badly hurt.

b. Green Flame Blade, to try to hit two enemies at once, again paired with Hexblade's Curse, unless he sees a reason to Misty Step away instead.

8. Bartholomew will surely whack a crow with his warhammer. Probably, the only one within reach will be the one targeting him.

"Oh, ****."

William crouches and turns, offering his shield as possible active defense, especially against the crow to his left. He drops the torch and reaches for his sword.

2021-12-03, 08:27 PM
If I'm reading everything correctly, the crows will all attack first, one of Williams's attackers at disadvantage.
The crows are attacking first while the first attacker will be attacking with disadvantage.

I'm assuming that both William and Bartholomew have agile necks, and can see each others' attackers.
Both of them can see every attacker incoming.

How tough/fragile do the crows look? (I truly don't know my MM well enough to know what HP they're apt to have.)
The crows look tougher than your average commoner due to being armored and armed but are weaker than a seasoned guard given their thin frames and nonmetallic armor which is used for stealth intsead of warfare.

Unless you rule otherwise, I'll assume that through whatever combination of darkvision, light coming down the ladder, and/or well-made torches, William can drop his torch and draw his sword without risk of being visually disadvantaged in combat.
William can drop the torch for free to grab their weapon or shield. The torch will stay lit and light the room given the floor is dry stone.

If Bart or William yelled for the guards at the entrance to the building, would they be heard? If so, approximately how many rounds of combat would elapse before they could possibly join in?
The room is underground but the shaft is open and the night is quiet. Given a shout at full volume or the splintering of wood or the sound of blunt metal hitting metal they will hear something. But a dagger slipping through armor won't be heard. The guards could join the fray but would have to remove their small barricade, cross the room, and descend down the shaft to get to you. The party could run but would risk opportunity attacks.

2021-12-03, 08:39 PM
Crow 1 attacking William to hit [roll0] [roll1] to damage [roll2]
Crow 2 attacking William to hit [roll3] to damage [roll4]
Crow 3 attacking Bartholomew to hit [roll5] to damage [roll6]

The gang rushes forward towards William and Bartholomew not focused on being stealthy anymore. From their mouths emit the scraping sound of metal often accompanying the task of sharpening a blade.

The closest attacker rushes William intending to snuff out the younger and likely inexperienced one before ganging up on the older one. Drawing a dagger, he lunges but is met with a denying shield from the half orc diverting his attack.
The second is luckier making successful attack on William and drawing blood.

Having just reflected an attack from William, Bartholomew is greeted by a sharp sting from the third attack having managed to pierce his arm.

2021-12-03, 09:24 PM
5 points damage each to William and Bartholomew. Very non-trivial, at this point in their careers.

William will cast Hexblade's Curse, then Green Flame Blade, with the initial attack at the crow who hit him.

If it doesn't land -- and perhaps even if it does -- his adventuring career will probably end soon thereafter, due in part to his recklessness in forgoing a short rest.

Bartholomew will yell for help. Upon hearing that, William will drop his disguise (next round, I think, mechanically, but even so long before they arrive).

Wondering whether he'll survive the next minute, William enters battle. Having schooled himself not to show pain, William turns it into ferocity, and screams "May your feathers turn to dust!!". As a darkness attaches itself to the crow, green fire grows on William's sword. Relying as always on magic to guide his blade, William chops at the creature's neck.

Longsword to hit

Longsword 1-handed damage

Bart's warhammer to hit

Bart's warhammer damage

2021-12-04, 02:54 AM
The first crow shrieks and recoils as its feathers start to coldly smolder. As it steps backwards William's swing lands and leaves a large gash on its chest.

Bartholomew's strikes also find purchase with a hammer strike hitting the third crow in the arm and almost lifting it off its feet. It remains standing until a green flame erupts from William's sword and leaps onto it. The third assailant falls to the floor.

Bartholomew's shouts are heard as bootsteps can be heard from the shaft and increasing volume.

Creature 1 [roll1] [roll2] To hit [roll3] to damage
Creature 2[roll4] To hit [roll5] to damage
The creatures seeing their ally collapse lunge forwards hoping to replicate their initial success with additional fury. This time William and Bartholomew are ready. The singed one is sidestepped by William sending its taloned hand straight towards Bartholomew's waiting shield. A dull klunk can be heard the back of the taloned hand clumsily meeting the shield as the shock of impact sends the singed one's blade flying into the darkness.

Seeing Bartholomew's shield away from his center of mass the second creature swings at Bartholomew neck but it parried. Seeing the incoming attack Bartholomew chokes up on his hammer and blocks the blade with the flat of his war hammer. Seeing the second creature pull back Bartholomew gives a wide toothy grin as his confidence rises.

Seeing their assailants weather their initial assault both creatures re-evaluate their standing. Both nod in agreement and the singed one lets loose the sound of tumbling glass breaking upon the ground. Both bound forward before attempting to leapfrog off of Bartholomew and ascend up the shaft. Both are confident their light frames will allow them to ascend beyond their opponents grasp.

As the unbloodies crow plants a foot on Bartholomew's back it releases shrill cry of a young women in distress. "Please someone. Anyone please help, murderers!"

Since the target for green flame wasn't specified. So I placed it where someone would attempt to place it if they wanted to quickly reduce enemy combatants. I also assumed Bartholomew would want to protect William since intentions for Bartholomew protecting William were not states. So I had him protect even though in the end it wasn't needed in the end. So as an overkill reward Bartholomew is getting a little bonus. I'm still getting used to the lack of back and forth in forum games.

The third creature is down. creature beside Bartholomew and William weather the second round of attacks and the first creature is disarmed and lost its dagger. The two remaining attempt to make a getaway by running up the only way out. William may use a reaction to make an opportunity attack.

2021-12-04, 02:47 PM
Rolls in the OOC thread:

15 to hit, which I presume lands
6 damage

With the battle suddenly going favorably, William grins ferally and lashes out at the fleeing crow. His blow lands, with a satisfying "thunk".

If the crows are taking their turn(s) to flee, then actually it is William's turn again after his AOO. Correct?

If so, please clarify the 3D geometry as appropriate. :) Possibilities include that William can swing his sword at a crow from where he is, that he can fire a ranged spell from where he is, or that he can do those things only after clambering back up the ladder.

I guess there's also the option of Misty Stepping to cut off enemy retreat, but he might be a little reluctant to do that ...

... which reminds me, it matters WHICH crow dies, because the one he Cursed gives him 6 HP when it croaks. (No pun intended; crows don't really croak anyway.) Please help out with clarification on that.

Come to think of it, Misty Step requires him to see the destination, which probably wouldn't be useful on this turn.

The two free actions William wants to take on this turn are dropping his disguise (definitely, and before going up the ladder) and yelling a warning to the guards (maybe, depending in part on whether they're still far enough away to need to be told about evil mimic crows, or whether they can see everything with their own eyes).

And by the way -- I'm sorry that you're writing so much more RP than I am. But we're in "theater of the mind", you're the set designer, and you're also portraying most of the characters. So I wind up leaving almost every detail to you. Is there anything along those lines you'd really like me to do better?

2021-12-04, 09:19 PM
The unbloodied crow hops off William's back rapidly ascending the shaft and firmly grabbing the railing.

The second is less lucky as it turns its back to William and catches a blow from William's sword. The crow collapses to the ground, falling of Bartholomew's shoulder. As it hits the ground its feathers stop smoldering and the faint light tinging its feathers finds its way back to William restoring some vitality. [roll0] Crow 1.

Reaching the top of the shaft the final crow is at boot level with three guards. The two graduates jump backwards while the captain eyes it carefully as it cries out with the voice of Bartholomew.
"Help we're surrounded and need backup!" The same words Bartholomew cried out with earlier. [roll1] Crow 2 roll voice mimicking.

The graduates are bewildered but expect at least one more person to emerge from the basement and ready themselves for anything a

After seeing rolls:
The captain recognizes the voice. A perfect replica coming from a body most unlike the one from the mentor he knew. Angered by the attempt to trick him he personally seizes the crow into a vice grip intending to arrest it.
Just as grabs the black neck he hears William's warning and sees Bartholomew standing next to some boy he has never seen.

The debrief is brief but restrained. Not wanting to reprimand his former mentor Captain Hartford focuses his attention on William telling him how reckless it is to investigate crime scenes and how lucky he is to have been protected by Bartholomew.
The two graduates suppress smiles seeing someone else getting an earful this time around.

After gathering up one more living crow and one deceased the guards can't find anything else incriminating, assuming it must have been smuggled out earlier. After the guards opening a rocking cage a man stumbles out with his arms obscuring his face.
His auburn hair is unkempt and he begins speaking in a pleading tone saying "We're not safe", "They're in the sewers", "All my fault".

Peeking through his hands and seeing friendly faces he introduces himself as Renaer Neverember.

Nothing game breaking is wrong with your posts. The biggest issue I have is there is some ambiguity on what is being attacked and such.
The crow is pretty thin so William can see the top of the shaft so he could grab a ledge, but he cannot see the last three feet of ladder. If unimpeded William or Bort can ascent the ladder in one movement.

2021-12-04, 10:08 PM
William rolled 17 for Intimidation in the OOC thread.

William nods while the captain gets his feelings off his chest. Then he offers a thin smile and responds.

"We are here, Captain, because your organization is screwing up. There were enemies and a prisoner in the very building you were guarding, and YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO FIND THAT OUT. Maybe you just were lazy or sloppy. Maybe, although I hope and trust this isn't the explanation, you're corrupt. Maybe you actually did nothing wrong at all, having been explicitly ordered to be uncurious. But no matter how personally blameless you and your ... charges ... are in reality, when the chamberpot spills into the stew, you're the likely one to take the blame.

"Captain Bort and I are here exactly because the Watch, overall, IS NOT DOING ITS JOB, and concerned parties of stature have sent us to find out what's really going on. I suggest we make this ... situation ... into a temporary joint investigation. We pool knowledge on what we know. You tell your superiors circumstances dictated such cooperation. And then maybe we'll make progress toward calming the Waterdeep docks down to their usual level of rumbling."

2021-12-05, 04:51 AM
The basement is now fully lit with several lanterns with tarps covering bodies and prisoners being restrained upstairs awaiting a wagon team to transfer them to the local guard station.
William, Bartholomew and Hartford stand in the room with Renaer patiently sitting upon a repurposed cabinet.

Captain Hartford furrows his brow and William could swear he saw the man's sideburns bristle at the evaluation and proposal by William. His rigid face relaxes somewhat after seeing Bartholomew back William up. Simply giving his eye contact and a short snort, wordlessly telling saying "He knows what he's talking about". Also seeing William's poise and stained weapon he acquiesces.

"Alright if you keep this between us."
He begins to carefully divulge information both widely known and to a degree confidential.

Hartford tells how the city has been shaken as of late. Ever since the fleeing of Open Lord Neverember the city has had to send military aid to the neighboring city of Golden Fields leaving a depleted force.
He tells how conflict has increased at home as of late as well. A new force has come to the city with its accompaniment of symbols. Those symbols being purple eyes being found closer to Zhentarim locations every week. Conflict tends to follow the symbols. Due to a lack of case files or a penned rogue's gallery the new group has quickly proliferated through the city and is putting the Zhentarim on a two-front conflict and in decline.

He concludes with a final notification.
"If you could help the situation any help would be appreciated. Given what happened between you and those Kenku I trust you're not amongst this new force. Zhents may be skulkers, but they don't kill their own. But know that the Zhents already know of this information and we don't need a public panic. I don't know you but if Bort is in your corner, I trust you."

The highest institution in Waterdeep is the court of Lords. The court ensures guild and public office activities go smoothly, facilitating foreign diplomacy, enacting laws, and issuing high decrees. All member identities are secret except for the Open Lord elected by the public from the court who acts as the court speaker. The last Open Lord fled the city to parts unknown for undisclosed reasons.

2021-12-05, 06:30 AM
1. What bodies? What prisoners?

What I know about are 3 dead Kenku and one person, presumably human, who had been in a cage which was -- being guarded by Kenku?

2. Certainly William and Bartholomew want to talk to "all my fault" guy.

3. Does "all my fault" guy -- or anybody else in the building -- look anything like Floon?

4. I'll keep it to one round of dialogue right now pending answers to the above.

5. Looking back at the fight, I recall William taking 5 points of damage and getting healed for 6 by Hexblade's Curse, so I presume he's at full strength. Bort is presumably staying stoic through some non-trivial injury, which I assume has been quickly bandaged, preserving his class healing and racial endurance features for the nonce. Does that make sense?

William smiles. "Thank you. That's helpful.

"I gather there's been a lot of fighting here lately, with the Zhentarim on defense. Were the known attackers all Kenku? Were more forces involved than that?"

2021-12-05, 06:33 PM
The captain nods recollecting recent events at his precinct.
"This is the first time kenku have been spotted being involved in this conflict. The few people we have managed have been human, grey dwarf, and deep gnome. An unusual combination in Waterdeep."

The kenku have been arrested and are being held upstairs before being transferred to a local prison for further investigation. The basement has several bodies of Zhentarim agents currently covered by tarps to not distract the guards from their current duty.

Renaer matches the general appearance

William is healed and at full vitality but has exhausted some of his powers and spells. Bartholomew is bandaged up and will need some rest to return to full energy but has his second wind and racial ability ready.

As Captain Hartford turns his attention to further secure the basement for the investigation team Renaer greets you once more with more poise and considerably more confidence.
Greetings, I am Renaer NeverEmber. Thank you for being here and disrupting whatever those creatures had planned for me. I was captured alongside another man named Floon. I saw hum stumbling from the Skewered Dragon. I knew he would attract trouble, so I attempted to help but then we were both captured. He must have been transferred out the day before. One of my captors kept mentioning the sewers.

2021-12-05, 07:04 PM
What would low-INT William know of this NeverEmber's place in his prominent family? What would Bart know?

Anyhow, William is hoping that Renaer will offer to go with him to see Volo. If so, he can save other questions for later. If not, he'll ask more in this scene.

I'm also assuming that the two Captains know each other, so obviously that William can just rely on Bartholomew's knowledge of his counterpart Hartford.

William glances at Bartholomew on hearing the released prisoner's name. Then, his sword and shield stowed, William opens his hands in that famed crossworld gesture of da nada/no big deal.

"I am called William Bloodbarb, and my colleague here is Captain Bartholomew Bort. We are pleased to have helped.

"And you have already helped us in return, because we have been asked by Volo Geddarn to find and recover his associate Floon."

William pauses to see what the reactions are to Volo's name.

2021-12-06, 03:21 AM
William given his INT and general lifestyle doesn't know too much about Renaer. But he knows roughly the same a regular person in any country would know about the last head of states child. That being Renaer is the son of Open Lord Dagult Neverember and tended to his father's estate in his time in office. As of late he has avoided the spotlight as of late as much as possible.

Right now, Bartholomew trusts William with his life and will share a lot of information. Hartford was trained and worked under Bartholomew but officially has more authority given that Bartholomew is retired from the guard. But Bartholomew is well respected which can be seen by him wearing his old uniform in public which is an honor not given to those who retire after only a few years of service.

Renaer knows of Volo to an extend and has at least some fond memories of him but he seeing him again is low on his priorities at the moment. But he is receptive to both of his saviors so a decent reason without a roll could change his mind.

Renaer responds well to William's lax demeanor and appreciative sentiments. He responds in kind "A pleasure to meet you both as well". His response is warm and genuine but dark bags beneath his eyes suggesting he has experienced an acute deficit of both in his experiences.

Upon hearing the end of your congratulations and of your mission from Volo his expression brightens with a small smile. The corners of his eyes rise while his eyes dart to the upwards as he recalls a fond memory.

"Volo eh. I haven't seen him in a while, not since the time he sailed West to lengthen his book. It's good to hear Floon has more than me looking out for him."

But his expression grows dour as he seems to recollect what transpired as of late.
If you haven't noticed I'm the reason Floon is in this jam. Some gang mistook him for me and took us both intending the make the distinction later. Whoever they may be they are deadly serious. If we leave now, I'm sure as surely as I am a first born that I can lead you to where they took Floon. If we leave now we can make it by mid-day."

Renaers shoulders tighten, and his as though he were preparing for a quick sprint as he eyes both his saviors expectantly.

2021-12-06, 07:14 AM
"Midday" sounds like it's many hours away, so I'm a bit confused about that. That said, I'm not sure that clarity is needed.

Our heroes do need a Short Rest, which can probably best be flavored -- as it were -- as a meal.

I've forgotten the exact rules on using a hit die to heal. 1d10 + CON? (For Bart)

William, who rarely is sure exactly where he'll wind up sleeping, and who generally carries around everything he owns, has the starting-equipment rations on him.

(Yeah, that clashes with his cool black-leather-duster coat look. It took me this long to realize that, in part because I'm not very visual at all.)

I gather that neither Renaer nor Bart has the authority to order Hartford to do anything, so you have the freedom to determine whether any of his forces will come along. Cool.

Now that I've slept, I'm editing this post to talk about in-game rest. :D

With everybody apparently listening to his suggestions, William carries on.

"This last fight took a little more out us than it might first seem.Bartholomew fought impressively after taking a nasty wound, and the only reason I'm now unhurt is that I expended some of my stronger ... abilities. We both need about an hour to recharge, so despite the urgency of the matter, I suggest pausing for a not-rushed meal. Doing it right here with field rations is fine, unless somebody has a reason for going to an inn.

"We also have some things to talk about. I don't understand yet what the kidnappers seemed to want with Mister NeverEmber. I don't totally understand the sequence of events wherein he was kidnapped by -- humans? -- and then "defended" by these Kenku that tried to gut us. And perhaps we can improve somewhat on a plan wherein somebody who the kidnappers want bravely rushes into the place where the kidnappers are holding the person they took by mistake.

"In fact, come to think of, Renaer -- are you envisioning that there will definitely be a fight, or are you hopeful that we can talk Floon's captors into handing him over, with or without the payment of some kind of ransom?"

2021-12-07, 02:52 AM
Determining time is kind of confusing right now. Currently it is close to but not quite sunrise. Renaer wouldn't have a good grasp on what time of day it is, the intent was for him to show he was confident he could guide the party to where Floon. Whether that is true or not is another matter.

You recalled the short rest rules correctly and the number of hit dice used for resting are equal to character level. The basement is safe enough to short rest in as well.

Right now the captain has his own issues to worry about and isn't looking to add more to his plate. So, he will be unreceptive in regard to further requests.

The suggestion of a meal is with universal approval with Renaer showcasing polite enthusiasm as his hunger overcame his apprehension at though requesting more from his rescuers.
The meal is hardy and simply prepared. Bricks of hard tack are powderized by the flat head of Bartholomew's warhammer while strips of stringy jerky are ripped apart with a survivalist's knife. Small morsels are crunched slowly and swallowed.

Taking pity on the group Captain Hartford offers his canteen of water to William, Renaer, and Bartholomew.

Upon being questioned about the kidnappers' motives regarding him Renaer answers with his head held high.
"I was walking along with Floon down an alley until some Zhentarim jumped us and took us here. Before we could get questioned or shaken down a fight broke out. Some men where shouting and then most of them left. Soon after those crows came only leaving me and Floon alive. If you had not of showed up, I likely would have been taken to wherever Floon is.

Upon seeing an opportune pause in Renaer's story Hartford interject to supplement the recounting of events.
Coolly leaning back on the ladder leading upstairs he adds.

"I'll have to add your testimony to the investigation. Seems like the Zhent attack on the harbor was triggered by those kenku. The ones we've questioned insisted they heard the harbormaster ordering Red Belly mercenaries to attack them. But the arrowheads we seized, and the harbormaster's alibi tell otherwise. Their mimicry could have set this whole thing off. But that doesn't account for why the Zhents wanted you in the first place son."

Renaer breaks eye contact and now gazes into the floor. His eyes drooping downwards in melancholy.

With I don't know what they exactly wanted with me. Though there is plenty they could have. Maybe they hope to bring my father out from wherever he is. Both of them asked about the Stone of Golor, whatever that may be.."

Bartholomew recognizes the state Renaer is in. Seeking to comfort the boy in best way he knows how he firmly embraces him as if to tell him it would all be fine.
"No one can blame you for what your father did. You are not in the wrong here. Your courage has shown us all that."

After a respectful interlude Renaer continues by providing his thoughts on Floon's current captors.
"I've heard voices like theirs before. They only care for money. Let me join you and I'll cut them all down alongside you."

A fragile ember of defiance burns in each of Renaer's eyes ready to be nourished into a zealous blaze. But the embers flicker at the risk of being of extinguished by what transpires next.

Recently Dagult Neverember the previous Open Lordbecame infamous as a large amount of money was found to have been embezzled by him. With the other lords stripping him of his office he hastily fled the city.
Any investigations conducted have not yielded anything and all of Dagult's underlings have disclosed nothing, even when questioned with the aid of magic. The rest of the Neverembers have been questioned but have not been found to have no involvement in the scheme.

It looks like Floon and Renaer were first taken by the Zhentarim. After Renaer was interrogated the kenku agents attacked and fooled the Zhentarim agents into thinking the harbormaster sent mercenaries to attack them. Soon Zhentarim rampaged through the streets causing them to be arrested by the city guard.
Eventually once the crime scene was left by investigators the kenku returned and entered the basement and killed the remaining Zhentarim.
Floon was smuggled out shortly afterwards. Renaer would have been next if the party had not intervened

2021-12-07, 06:27 AM
I rolled Bartholomew's hit die in the OOC thread. It was 11, so he's obviously returning to full health too.

William nods his understanding occasionally, trying to look sager than he really is. Eventually he recaps:

What I think I'm hearing is:

All kidnapping and movement of Renaer and Floon was done by the Zhentarim, for reasons Renaer can only guess at.
They haven't gotten into trouble for that yet.
They have however gotten into trouble for one or more broader fights ...
... which it now appears weren't really their fault.

And of course they have suffered a bunch of casualties as well.

Is that about right?

He pauses to check for agreement. Assuming he gets it, he continues:

Whatever the Zhentarim are up to is -- well, it's not widely-known, but perhaps it's not super-closely held either. The "good guy" side of the Zhentarim operation barely have a clue as to what's going on. On the other hand, Volo was investigating them directly, and for some reason included Floon as part of the investigation.

So here's what I suggest.

Captain Hartford: It sounds like your colleagues have imprisoned a number of Zhentarim for crimes they are innocent of. It also sounds like there are other crimes, including this kidnapping and whatever prompted it, that they should be interrogated about before they are ever released. Can we circle back with you or perhaps with somebody else Captain Bort knows to see what you learn?

Meanwhile, I'd like to bring Mr. NeverEmber and Mr. Geddarn together for a chat. Perhaps they can each add context to what the other one knows.

Does that sound like a plan?

We need to figure out how to contact Volo.

2021-12-08, 04:02 AM
Captain Hartford nods alongside William while cupping his chin William agreeing with William as he starts assembling the order of events alongside him.

"By the looks of it the Zhents grabbed the fire starter for this mess. But for reasons unknown. We know even less about what the new blood want." Hartford eyes the parchments scattered on the floor then anxious at the lanterns around them, not wanting to risk valuable evidence and the reprimanding its loss would entail.

"Losses were seen on the first day but this more than doubles them." A gesture to some tarps makes it clear what he is talking about.
At the mention of "good guys" Hartford quietly scoffs not wanting to interrupt William and his discipline restrains for the most part.

Upon hearing for Williams request to for investigative aid and maybe even an audience with the Zhentarim, Hartford leans back on the ladder once more and recites a notice.
"All verified individuals supplementing an investigation must be authenticated by the regional magistrate and responsible captain." He has clearly recited this speech many times to many prospective adventurers.

"The guard don't want to give gangs opportunities access to evidence and opportunities to spring their own from guard custody. I'll send a letter with all the paperwork."

Upon hearing of Volo Renaer begins to contribute to the conversation. I'll do anything if I can help Floon. I can lead you to where he is. He is surely in the same place he always is when he's in a jam. But what do you have in mind for me and Mr. Geddarn?

Both Hartford and Renaer look towards William patiently with a hint of anticipation of what he would propose next.

Magistrates are essentially judges in Waterdeep. Only individuals in law enforcement or with certain proclivities know much about individual judges. They rarely make the news and most try to forget about them after being summoned by them to pay permit fees. Bartholomew certainly can lead the way to the right one, but he might not know the as well or have as good of a relationship with them as he does with Hartford.

2021-12-08, 05:41 AM
William gives his head a slight shake, and addresses Renaer in an honestly bemused voice..

I apologize, but I'm a bit confused. I thought I heard you say both that Floon was taken somewhere against his will and also that he went to the same place he always goes. That sounds a bit contradictory. Did I misunderstand one of those things, or is there a way they can both be true at once?

After a momentary pause, William quickly decides to continue with something that in no way could be construed as a criticism, just in case his previous comment was taken the wrong way.

As for involving Volo, my reasons for suggesting that are several-fold:

First, his actions suggest that he thinks he has insight into what the Zhentarim are up to. So perhaps he might have some insight into why the Zhentarim wanted to kidnap you.
Second -- well, we haven't asked Captain Hartford if he can spare the personnel to help free Floon. But if he can't, then you, me and Captain Bort might not be enough force to get it done, should force be required.
And to continue that thought, Volo seems to feel guilty about Floon's troubles and want to help recover him, similarly even if for different reasons than you do.

But of course, if he can't quickly be found, that option would not be workable.

2021-12-09, 03:20 AM
Deciding it would be prudent to consult Volo and inform him of recent insights the William, Bartholomew, and Renaer are escorted out of the warehouse before the detectives arrive to investigate the warehouse. Hartford grateful for William proceeding the investigation offers to hear from him once more if further clues emerge. With any potential meeting happening amongst the hushed crowds at the Tidal Art House should William need to hide from any criminals attempting any acts of retribution.

As the group navigates the streets of Waterdeep the morning sun evaporates lingering mist while commuters begin to populate the streets to continue their routine.
With Renaer's guidance the group returns to where the case started, at the Yawning Portal Tavern.

"Volo could usually be found while he was in Waterdeep. Always looking for adventurers to share their accounts of all the monsters they felled or buy the pieces they hauled back to Waterdeep. Mother said this was a disreputable place but Floon and I would always sneak out of the neighborhood when we could."

The tavern is subdued with rowdy patrons slumbering away as the ovens and taps sit idle. Durnan never could attract a breakfast crowd.

The group sees Volo badgering a group of heavily armed adventurers imploring them to help him through the goodness of their hearts or their desire for gold. But the group proceeds to step on a wooden platform and descent into the famous well for more lucrative ventures. The well expels the echoing creaks of the platform descending underground.

Before the dejection can come into full force Volo spots the group and begins a series of questions.
"You're back! Did you discover anything new? Please! Tell me you know where Floon is."
He anxiously hopes for good news.

Volo is anxious and is eager to hurry the rescue along. Roll to use a skill if you thing he will be reluctant to fulfill a request. Such as something that would not directly aid in the investigation.

2021-12-09, 05:24 AM
William smiles at Volo. One of my companions, whom you may recognize, was with Floon when he was taken. Is there a private area where we may talk?

William's agenda for the upcoming conversation includes but is not limited to:

Introducing Bort.
Having Renaer tell his tale.
Assessing the tactical situation and options regarding a Floon recovery as best they can.
(Toward the previous goal and also for other reasons) Getting as much as he can from both Volo and Renaer that might help explain Zhentarim actions.
Getting Volo and/or Renaer to expend enough influence or other resources to make the Floon rescue as safe as possible.
Getting Bort paid for his help without cutting into William's share. ;)

2021-12-10, 03:31 AM
Volo leads the group to a table by the expended hearth and begins the conversation. He is glad to meet Williams companions, glad to meet such a long-served member of the guard and to reunite with Renaer. Renaer whom was just a boy when Volo first sought funding for his journeys to make the penultimate grimoire of monsters.

Volo quickly agrees to pay Bort his advance and fair share.
The group muses on the scant details Renaer can provide during his imprisonment. But the common thread of the Stone Golor is brought up. With both Zhentarim interrogators and a kenku mimicked voice of a coarse boss demanding the object at once.

Roll religion, history, or arcana to recall just what is so special about this stone.

Fearing that time is of the essence both Renaer and Volo gladly agree to assist in their manner.

Having started out in the sanitation guild as a pest controller Volo presents leaflets containing his extensive knowledge of the creatures within the sewer whether they be mundane or exotic.
Renaer offers his aid. Choosing an immaculate rapier from the taverns cache of weapons for rent to beginning adventurers he looks to William, seeking his approval.

I'll be setting the next scene at the mouth of the sewers soon.

It is time to decide if Renaer should come. He is a fit young man but the least experienced in combat. But he does have roguish skills gained through navigating the streets of Waterdeep to see Volo with Floon in their youth.

Also given Volo's personal notes the party will advantage on animal handling, survival, and nature skills with creatures of the sewers.
Please mention who is carrying the light source(s), rope(s), food, and other tools like thieves' tools, medicine kits, or spell components costing money. Resources can be divided or stacked on a single person.

2021-12-12, 08:29 PM
William can't recall anything about the stone of golor. Try as he might no one involved in any of his recent gigs has brought up the artifact. As far as he knows the stone is one of the many words used in cants by the thieves across Waterdeep.

Wedged between the walls of the castle ward and ocean the party the party gazes at the cities behind. A wall of pipes mostly the width of a dwarf head jut from the cliff face surrounding a tunnel.
The tunnel is large enough to easily fit two shoulder to shoulder ox carts but the darkness and pungent smell would likely dissuade any sensible creature.

At the entrance a small purple eye symbol can be seen on the worn and chipped bricks.
A steady stream flow through the main tunnel with thins mats of algae lazily flowing outwards in clumps ready to contribute to the green fields in the ocean behind you.
Along the sides of the tunnel the elevated earth provides dry walkways.

Rolls a perception check and dex check for each person walking in. Light sources, food, ropes and tools are going to be important.

2021-12-19, 06:09 AM
Everybody has an Explorer's Pack. For simplicity, let's replace the small amount of supplies previously used, and assume the packs are all full.
Let's assume everybody has a grappling hook, a pair of daggers, and enough of a mess kit to consume rations with.
Let's add a hammer and a crowbar, plus those D&D staples, a mirror and a 10-ft pole.

And of course, let's add a set of Thieves Tools.

For starters:

Bartholomew, as a Half-Orc, definitely has darkvision.
William, by custom lineage, has darkvision as well, I remain convinced.
Renaer, as a more ordinary human, does not have darkvision.
Obviously, at least one lit torch is mandatory.

The default marching order is:

Bartholomew in front, shield in hand.
William in the middle, shield in hand, 10 ft. behind Bartholomew.
William to carry unique tools, such as the Thieves Tools, with one exception.
Renear in the back, carrying the lit torch, and shouldering the 10 ft. pole, 5 ft. behind

It is agreed that whenever Renaer feels the need:

He'll drop the pole.
He'll hand the torch to William, even if William has to drop his shield to take it.

I'll try some rolls right here, in marching order (B-W-R):


You didn't specify Renaer's skills, so please bump his roll by 2 if Perception is one of them.


2022-01-10, 05:53 PM
After 3 weeks, I'm giving up checking this game for progress.