View Full Version : What does your personal character pantheon look like?

2021-10-21, 09:15 AM
So, I have a bad habit in my D&D games of getting my characters accidentally turned into deities when I'm a player. To all of my DM's, past present and future, I'm sorry.

But, this did give me a kind of a question: If you were to take all of your favorite/famous characters from past campaigns and they were all deities in D&D, what would your D&D pantheon look like?

I'll go first:
Castar Alicie Arch
Alignment: NE
Domains: Death, Knowledge
Symbol: A flaming bastard sword

One of my first characters to become a deity was from 3.5, when I played a Paladin/Blackguard who was betrayed by his family, lead a civil war, and kinda wound up killing the god of death and becoming a god using a super special sword. This character the basis of my homebrew campaign world and holds a pretty special place in my heart.

Barak Velas
Alignment: CN/G
Domains: Life, Trickery
Symbol: Crossed Kukri

Another of my famous 3.5 characters, this guy was a dual wielding hexblade/duskblade who got his divinity less from his personal abilities and more from becoming a consort to a god of life and death. His backstory was that he was raised in a cult of Wee Jas, sacrificed his father in a ritual, and then set about on his quest to bring the cult down. That said, he was always very, very impulsive and a bit of a bard stereotype (if you catch my drift). By the end, however, he fought with his friends to bring down an ancient dragon god, rescued a goddess who was actually the daughter of Wee Jas (just go with it), and became immortal/a deity by proximity.

Alignment: TN
Domains: Life, Nature
Symbol: An outstretched bear paw

This guy has to be one of my favorites; he was a half-orc ranger/barbarian who fought using only his bare (bear?) paws and teeth. He was raised by bears and genuinely thought he was a bear. Through the course of the campaign, he had many, many epic moments, but the most famous had to be at level 20 when he had to fight an ancient red dragon single handedly. And won. He was then granted the favor of the gods and, even though he died, he was reincarnated as the Bear God. He now travels the material planes, welcoming everyone into his sloth.

Alignment: CG
Domains: Forge, Life
Symbol: Just a dude flexing his muscles

So, this is a bit of a cop out because he hasn't ascended yet, but my current character in a campaign that the DM recently joked was on track to become a deity, so here it is. I explain his backstory more in another thread, but he's a Goliath Fighter Rune Knight who is a renowned wrestler with a huge family component. His story:

Sure thing!

So, the setting is called New Orc City, a homebrew setting based on late 1800's NYC. Darren is a character who came to this new country because his people were basically going to be put into work houses, so he came from across the sea at the age of 12 to help pay for his family's freedom, and he's been here for the past 4 years. I kinda based the backstory on the IRL Irish Diaspora and work houses; won't go into too much detail regarding that, but I'm just providing that basis. When he got here, he was taught to fight by the toughest SOB in New Orc City, Garkag, who was a bouncer at a local establishment.

So, he basically was a dock worker and sailor for hire up until he joined up with the group, at which point they found out that he's a hard drinking sailor with a heart of gold, but is constantly trying to fight something bigger. He can be impulsive, but family always comes first, and he's willing to fight and die to protect his family, both by blood and by choice.

At one point in the campaign, I had to take some time off, so we said that he impulsively went off to get his blood family out of the work houses and smuggle them to New Orc City so they might have a better life here, but he wound up getting caught and infused with weird magical runes (turning his fists into +1 weapons).

I normally play him as kind of a comic relief, but there's always a hint of quiet tragedy in the character because he's literally 16, and he's supporting a family of 7 from a war torn country on his adventuring money. Because of that upbringing, he didn't exactly know what he wants, because he's never been given the chance to figure it out because of all of the expectations foisted upon him.

Now, he feels he has a purpose and has sworn that he wants to remove this corruption from his new home so that people won't have to live under the thumb of the current established political order. He had planned a mayoral run, but based on the corruption he's seeing around him, he now thinks that it might be better to just unify the people to bring an end to this corrupt political system. The major impetus of this was that he discovered one of the gangs was importing weapons into the city, but the current matriarch of the city told him not to tell the people because it brings that gang "to parity" with the other gangs in the city, and she doesn't want to upset the established order of the city. Now, a CG character is going to see that organized crime is running guns and arming up for a gang war sanctioned by the current city government, they believe that's going to hurt a lot of people. As the established order of the city isn't willing to protect the people from this, then he's going to.

Mechanically, I kind of translated this "Family first" dynamic by making his primary focus on controlling the battlefield; pushing his opponents, grappling and pinning his opponents, and basically preventing his allies from coming to harm by standing in front while the other players can go ham with their abilities on the enemies. That said, there have been a couple of occasions that have kinda stood out to people, like him wrestling a 6 headed shark, picking up and dropping a crane on someone, and (most recently) wrestling an adult black dragon and winning.


ETA: Oh, and the character's original concept was "Groundskeeper Willie." My character creation process isn't to set a backstory into stone, but to start with a concept and see what develops over time.

So what about you? What does your character pantheon look like?

2021-10-21, 09:49 AM
Neat idea, though sadly none of these characters ever attained actual godhead. I'll be sticking to characters who I've played for a more long-form campaign, and stick to 5e D&D, mostly for the sake of my own sanity.

Celcarin (Fighter/Wizard)
Alignment: CG
Symbol: A bleeding hand gripping a sword by the blade.
Domains: Peace, Arcana
A character of contrasts. Warrior, teacher, murderer, healer. Guilty of many great crimes, never freed from a need for atonement, eternally seeking wrongs to right.

Kallana Blackfoot (Barbarian)
Alignment: TN
Symbol: A crowned skull
Domains: War
Lover of battles. A mercenary, captain, queen by her own hand. Distrustful of sorcery, yet herself the vessel and chosen champion of strange cosmic forces. Were they gods in heaven, she and Celcarin would be consorts, I think.

Moonwhisper (Paladin)
Alignment: CN
Symbol: Two rings of the sun and moon, interlinked.
Domains: Nature, Light, Twilight
The Changeling Knight. Squire of the Summer King, Handmaiden of the Winter Queen. A warrior of shifting alliances. Keeper of seasons, cycles, boundaries, things which are born and perish eternally.

Ludin Foxtail (Rogue)
Alignment: LG
Symbol: A goat with a red collar.
Domains: Order, Trickery
A scholar of law, often swept up into adventures not of his making. Tried to make peace, but held a secret love of battle and daring wiles in his heart with which he often fought.

Arkemyr (Wizard)
Alignment: NE
Symbol: A man with three eyes, ears, and mouths.
Domains: Death, Arcana, Knowledge, Tempest
A ruthless seeker after knowledge. Twisted in body and in spirit, a bright flame of intellect fueled by hatred. Desires secrets for the sake of secrecy.

Jorundr of Dale (Fighter)
Alignment: LN
Symbol: A broken shield
Domains: War
Dutiful servant of many different masters, both good and evil. Sturdy in courage, ever preferring to hold the line and let the enemy break upon the shield-wall.

Nicola Anvindr (Rogue/Cleric)
Alignment: LN
Symbol: A slashed-through eye.
Domains: Grave, Knowledge
Hunter of heretics and witches. A zealot and a believer, yet a relentless seeker after truth. Eternally wounded, eternally watchful.

Gilgalion (Rogue/Bard)
Alingment: TN
Symbol: The harp wreathed with laurels.
Domains: Life, Trickery
Wandering teller of tales, lover of song, a thief though he would never call himself so, for stealing was ever only the by-product of adventure, and he always paid with a song.

2021-10-21, 05:28 PM
Okay, that's fun! So, let us ponder the question: What if...?

Alignment: LG
Domains: Forge, War
Symbol: A warforged face with a ghulra that is a Y bent into an O.

Though several other warforged were brought to Toril, it was through Harlan's efforts that the first Torilian creation forge came to be. Unknown to Harlan, he would one day be regarded as the saintly progenitor of the race and from this achieve divinity.

Escarboucle Ormphel
Alignment: NE
Domains: Arcana, Nature
Symbol: An eye within a blue flame.

The line between a spellscared and a plaguechanged is rarely explained, but in Escarboucle's case the transformation was slowed down through a pact. Ironically, her patron was just as antithetical to nature as the Spellplague itself, ever twisting flesh, mind and wood into an aberrant tangle. Escarboucle eventually transformed into a star spawn emissary bathed in blue fire, soon consuming the gods of the First Circle who had once abandoned her.

Naeren Mellerelel
Alignment: CG
Domains: Nature, War
Symbol: A bloodstained arrow.

A close friend of Escarboucle's late grandfather, Naeren made it his mission to free her soul from the alien forces that had taken hold of it, so that she may one day be reborn in the natural world. In one timeline, he was able to kill her. Many years later, when Naeren's own soul was called back to Arvandor, glory awaited him as an exarch of the great archer Solonor Thelandira. His triumph was tainted by sadness, however, for he learned that his prayers for Escarboucle's soul had been made in vain.

Alignment: LG
Domains: Life, Peace
Symbol: Snake on a feathered staff.

Divinity slithers slowly toward Teyacapan. She won't achieve it in this life, nor in the next, nor in this iteration of the multiverse. But through untold ages, she will be reborn from a bloodsworn to a flametouched, from a flametouched to a transcendent, and from a transcendent to a true couatl. She and countless others will be by Jazirian's side, when the great serpent's fiendish sibling rises from the depths of Baator, and when the city of Sigil crumbles as a third serpent uncoils and sheds its skin.

2021-10-21, 05:34 PM
Can we do a pantheon of NPC villains if we mainly DM? :smallbiggrin:

2021-10-22, 09:44 AM
Can we do a pantheon of NPC villains if we mainly DM? :smallbiggrin:

I am perfectly fine with this! I'm just excited to see what people's personal pantheons look like!

2021-10-23, 11:25 AM
Alright, well only one of these has made it to tier 3 but this is fun anyway.

Waltraud Bearsbane (Fighter/Rogue)
Alignment: CN
Symbol: A longsword piercing a severed bear's head.
Domains: Nature, Grave
A fiercely loyal hunter who's sought vengeance and found adventure and a new family after his spouse and children were slain by bears.

Olo Chuggins (Cleric/Warlock)
Alignment: CG
Symbol: A spear and a bandage
Domains: War, Peace, Life
Raised by a cult that claimed to be the true followers of Yonalla in some hellish realm. He had a vision from Yondalla who told him to get out.

Heinrich Archibald Rickston (Monk)
Alignment: NG
Symbol: An eye on a wavy horizon over top a setting sun
Domains: Knowledge, Death, Order
The 7th child of a Noble family. Left home to make a name for himself.

Humpgh (Monk/Druid)
Alignment: CN
Symbol: The head of a wolf wearing a crown of flowers
Domains: Nature, Trickery
Abducted by fey and left in nature to be mostly raised by beasts. After after most of his pack was killed he adopted a new pack of strange creatures (humans and elves).

Alexei Senato (Bard/Warlock)
Alignment: CN
Symbol: An open book dripping with blood
Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Twilight
Alexei and his twin brother were elves raised by a human at an elite school of magic. They were elves and their adoptive father was human so they had barley reached adulthood when he died of old age. Shortly after this they left to forge new memories and make a new life only to learn that they were the only children of The Original Vampire of this world.

Eryl Wildhunt (Fighter/Rogue/Barbarian)
Alignment: NG
Symbol: A sword over a giant leaf
Domains: Nature, Twilight
A werewolf framed for the murder of his unit at the hands of their Captain. He spent 9 years in prison before a shady organisation proved his innocence. He now seeks his family, who left town when he was imprisoned, hoping that they will accept him back and trust that he was framed. And vengeance on the man responsible for his fallen comrades.

2021-10-23, 12:47 PM
I have a weird situation where I have tons of PCs (Wife and I lack other players so have both DM'd but also as players had multiple characters running about, playing the ones relevant to a story in any given session.)

Amergin Kholis (1/2 Elf Hexblade Warlock/Oath of the Crown Paladin)
Alignment: LG
Domains: Peace, War, Order
While not the first Paladin of his world, the first to bring Paladins together into an official order, the founder of the Amethyst Guard perpetually stood as a contrast. In the royal courts and cities he was a diplomat constantly seeking alliance and peace between all peoples, when war came, he was often the most successful but also the most direct, creating an army more powerful than anything of its size in the world and leading it in often pre-emptive and aggressive maneuvers.

Kalesin Kholis (High Elf College of Lore Bard)
Alignment: CN
Domains: Tempus, Arcana, Trickery
The adopted daughter of Amergin was never comfortable in the courts and nobility she was brought to, but when a prophecy repeated every 1000 years began to unfold she was the first to step forward and aim her group's efforts at stopping a coming apocalypse. Rumored to be the daughter of one of the creature gods, Kalesin's research and devotion to magical solutions, particularly storm magic, was matched only by her most heretical decision: That humanity would only be free and safe once the gods were removed.

Those were the main two, but running through the others in shorter.

Elahn ibn Rassid (Fire Genasi Order of Scribes Wizard/Rogue)
Alignment: LN
Domains: Knowledge, Nature
Born the half blood son of a Noble Efreeti, Elahn spent years as a poet of the court and general layabout before the influence of the woman he would one day marry lead him to the Helm of a Spelljammer and pushed him into adventures that would span the outer planes.

Sariel (Phiarlan Elf Assassin Rogue/Paladin)
Alignment: CG
Domains: Trickery, Twilight
Assassin turned Paladin who served as the Spymaster for the Amethyst Guard.

Sahgee (Lotusden Halfling Gravitaturgy Wizard)
Alignment: NG
Domains: Nature, Arcana
An unlikely hero, this plant creature was chosen to be a hero for the powers of earth, instead of accepting that role in the traditional sense he devoted himself to the study of the forces that hold a planet together.

Mynx (Leonin Alchemist Artificer)
Alignment: TN
Domains: Arcana, Forge
A Leonin is not what you would expect for an artificing savant, but Mynx grasped magic and its relationship to physical objects at an age when most children learned to read. Creating wonders no one else expected, her progress was rarely stymied by her own roadblocks but by her inability to communicate her ideas well to others. "What do you mean you don't understand the recipe? You add a smidge of the purple to some water, then mix it in a Turkey's eggshell with some of the green stuff and... Those ARE exact measurements and ingredients!"

Vidran (Ghallandran Halfling Artillerist Artificer)
Alignment: LN
Domains: Arcana, Knowledge
A small creature more interested in study than adventure or combat, Vidran became something of an enigma, but it was only his mind that seemed to understand Mynx

2021-10-23, 01:33 PM
Welcoming everyone into his sloth.

What's this mean? Some kind of newfangled euphamism?

Nomar Winter (Berserker Barbarian)
domains: War, Order

Nomar never quite became a god, but he came damn close. A fire Genasi, he served the fire nation (setting was based on Avatar) as a general until he launched a failed coup and was executed with his co-conspirator, a Conquest paladin whose name I forgot. After fighting their way out of the Abyss together, raising an army of orc warriors from the north together, and conquering the fire nation in a surprise marine invasion together, the two generals had a falling out over the nature of their new government. While Nomar favored high taxes and strong protections for merchants to ensure stability, his fellow general preferred to plunder the people under their protection. Disgusted, Nomar left with his personal honor guard to conquer the water nation islands, succeeding to become their Divine Emperor.

False God
2021-10-23, 01:51 PM
Alignment: CX
Elf, later weretiger, Rogue/Druid
Kashima sort of accidentally became a god, after killing one, "accidentally". She was headstrong, disliked authority for the sake of authority, and generally sought to upend traditionalism. "Chaotic" was her only common theme, she would be kind and helpful when she felt like it, but often in a tough love" sort of way, she loved money, having started as a mercenary, but had some ethics about what she wouldn't engage in (notably slavery and abuse of children). She was always pushing limits, boundaries, and not just her own, all in an effort to push people out of their comfort zones to become the best the could be. She could be cruel and wrathful when the mood struck her. Various cultures regarded her under different names (after a time warp created by a secondary party exalted her from a lesser god to one of the primary deities in the realm, later taking advantage of said time warp to become her own creator), but she was not fond of titles. Her quest for power eventually got the better of her and she now lives alone in her decaying domain in the astral realm.

Noone else has really gotten notably far in their campaigns.

2021-10-23, 09:55 PM
One of these is not like the other.

Flint Balderdash
Champion Fighter
Alignment: LG
Domain: War
Symbol: King of Clubs, because that's what the idiot drew from the Deck of Many Things at 3rd level.

This fellow was my first ever player character. A stout Dwarven fighter with a healthy paranoia of squirrels, Flint Balderdash didn't last very long because we naïve new players ran across a Deck of Many Things at 3rd level. Given these circumstances, we'll say he ascended to godhood due to the somewhat unique nature of his death.

Fume Miirfey
Champion Fighter/Rogue
Alignment: TN
Domain: Ambition, Trickery
Symbol: A patchwork breastplate

Formerly left with nothing but the clothes on his back, the wanderer of the world known as Fume Miirfey eventually joined the Adventurer's Guild for a change of pace. He eventually rose to captain his own ship, becoming a jack of all trades and the toughest elf in the Guild in the process. He's powerful enough that he could ascend to godhood just by killing a god and taking their place.

Gloomstalker Ranger
Alignment: CG
Domain: Nature, Knowledge
Symbol: A sea cucumber

Folly - a marine biologist by trade, and a warrior by necessity - always knew that he couldn't really be the last centaur left, but having never ran across another in all his life, it was hard to shake the feeling of isolation. When he first heard of the new continent of Ormurgard, he quickly packed his things and left to explore the new continent. Two goals filled his mind as he left: a personal goal to find another centaur, and a professional goal to catalog every new creature he sees. Godhood wouldn't suit him, but were he to ascend anyways, he'd do it with the blessing of the gods of nature and knowledge.

Illusion Wizard
Alignment: LG
Domain: Twilight, Peace
Symbol: Twin leaves surrounded by a Teleportation Circle

Piklokken strikes an distinctive figure: a 7'4" boisterous Loxodon wearing a longcoat, goggles, and a Derby hat is unmistakable even in the metropolis of Havenport. He has a very strong code of pacifism; under no circumstances will he physically harm another being, not even in self defense. He could ascend through his commitment to his code of ethics, as an example to other adventurers.

The Spy, from Team Fortress 2
Alignment: CE
Domain: Trickery
Symbol: A knife, placed on a mirror. So when you look into the mirror it seems like the knife is stabbing you.

Who is this snappily dressed mystery? What could he be doing here? When did he first enter the room? Where did he come from? How can he disguise himself instantly? Why is there a knife between your shoulder blades? He could be a god through some Looney Toons cartoon nonsense, I'm sure.

Ivellios Dalanthan
Graviturgy Wizard
Alignment: LE
Domain: Arcana, Order
Symbol: A cream-colored owl in the night sky

A former professor of Astronomy at the prestigious Marnocobri University, Ivellios Dalanthan is a wizard of some meager power. He specializes both in astronomy and the manipulation of constants - that is to say, changing that which is impossible to change. Ivellios is rarely seen without his trademark frown and persnickety demeanor. He's not there yet, but he could ascend to godhood

Vinthallius Alonzo Forsythe Lyttonlale Mekk
Artillerist Artificer
Alignment: NG
Domain: Forge, Knowledge
Symbol: A spherical Eldritch Cannon in front of a bolt of flame

Vin Mekk is an artificer hailing from the Triple Alliance, from a family of some renown. Her focus of study is on the curious interactions of divine and arcane magic, so knows more about godhood then anyone else on this list. And she's likely brilliant enough to figure out how to do ascend through her own research and efforts.

2021-10-23, 11:40 PM
So, I have a bad habit in my D&D games of getting my characters accidentally turned into deities when I'm a player. To all of my DM's, past present and future, I'm sorry.

But, this did give me a kind of a question: If you were to take all of your favorite/famous characters from past campaigns and they were all deities in D&D, what would your D&D pantheon look like?

The closest I've come to actual bona fide godhood would be a Paladin becoming Zuggtmoy's consort. It wasn't intentional on my part but the party Druid had been rather excessively dumb and both pissed on her wedding dress AND lit her on fire. We were on the verge of being wiped when the Paladin reached deep inside himself and used his 20 Charisma along with a once-and-only-once miracle mulligan the DM offered AND a nat 20 on the Persuasion/Deception roll (I do not remember which) to make her believe that her current intended target for a wedding didn't love her and so her time would better be spent back in the Abyss.

The DM then very nicely informed me the fungus queen had her hands on my shoulders and asked me, "You understand me like nobody else... why is that?" aaaaand from there the DM and myself made a mishmash of lore about how Eilistraee and Zuggtmoy would basically come to peace due to this unintended romance with the Paladin basically being a surrogate for his deity. The DM said some deity traced their lineage to someone else's mother and other D&D cosmology nonsense.

Never came to anything in the campaign mind you. 'Zuggy' still got thrown back to hell with all the other Demon Lords. It's just at that point my Paladin understood that he'd have to go into hell after her, 'For the sake of honest love, even if it was love not returned'. So presumably that Chaotic Good Paladin would have similar qualities as Zuggtmoy and/or Eilistraee.

Now that aside- a few characters that totally had/have the potential to narratively achieve Godhood:
Ser'Ro'Shi - Lizardfolk Bard
He that lives so long as people know his name. God of Hearth and Song, of Good Fellows and Good Eats, Protector of the Weak and Humiliator of the Strong.
Born from a hellish Chult campaign- Ro'Shi was a Barbarian until half the (12 person party) quit including every single caster. The DM offered a one-time class change and Ro'Shi swapped his Charisma and Strength scores to become a Lore Bard. The DM eventually tried to counter me by using Cursed armor that ruined my spellcaster- I'd gotten rather annoyed with him and started playing quite a bit smarter to take the teeth from the dungeon. Ro'Shi took a level in Fighter and suddenly the armored Bard was just as comfortable slugging it out with people in melee as he was casting spells. That campaign ended with Ro'Shi Silencing a certain Lich and grappling him over a lava pit (and the deceased body of a newborn god) before stripping his staff from him and hurling it into the lava and then beating the Lich to re-death. Godhood was at the cusp of entering the Forgotten Realms that day and the power had to go somewhere... and Ro'Shi was the only one left standing to inherit it.

Isaac Westflow - Necromancer Wizard
He that brings the dead to fight for the living. God of Death and Life, of Endless Stands and Bountiful Harvests, Creator and Commander of the Grey Legions.
Isaac was a Necromancy Wizard/Life Cleric and boy did that campaign go crazy. It was the Mad Mage Dungeon and if ever someone should wander around randomly stumbling across godhood- that's as good a place as any. Isaac firmly insisted the undead could be, indeed should be, animated to serve and protect the living. If one man died and rose again to save the lives of two- was this not an equal or better exchange? The dead do not complain to serve- should the living not thank him on bended knee for salvation? And if they should thank him why not one step further? What is thanking if not worship? What is saving but salvation? Be it by the living or by the dead- Godhood would find its way to him.

Ardeth Nen - Mastermind Rogue
This one is a current character and so incomplete but darned if heading into Avernus with the sole intent of taking the fallen city for his own isn't ripe with potential for godhood.

I likewise haven't managed to get my Whisper Bard / GOOLock into a session yet but that's equally ripe for godhood.

2021-10-23, 11:57 PM
But, this did give me a kind of a question: If you were to take all of your favorite/famous characters from past campaigns and they were all deities in D&D, what would your D&D pantheon look like?

Hmm, 3 come to mind. However this would be a rather incomplete pantheon. Also they are 3 different types of deity (deity with an end of world plot, force of nature, local deity)

Alignment: NE -> NG -> Existential Threat
Domains: Idealism, Protection, Light, Destruction
Symbol: A sun (with a tiny detail of tiny purple tentacles spiraling out from the center).
Class: 5E Paladin of Ancients

Lux was a guild thief. Eventually they realized the world would not get better. So they exited the guild and devoted themselves to trying to improve the world for a small group. They started to use a light metaphor for the fledgling parts of utopia in everyone. They wanted to kindle and protect that light. As time when on the light metaphor grew. The bright utopia started to be a means to an end. An alarm clock to wake up Azathoth and end the dream.

As a deity they would have a doomday cult of people trying to make the world a better place. A vibrant enough utopia would trigger the end of all.

Dun -> Ghost
Alignment: TN -> Unaligned
Domains: Protection, Healing, Divination, Luck
Symbol: A depiction of a trap or ambush
Class: 5E Dungeon Tour Guide Rogue (Divine Trickster X or Knowledge Cleric 1 / Arcane Trickster X).

Dun was a dungeon tour guide. Their job was to protect others from traps in the least safe environments. They dedicated themselves to this craft. Eventually they died and lived on as a spirit.

As a deity they would probably operate as a natural force in the world like lady luck. They would have few dedicated followers but many dungeoneers and merchants would pay respects.

Alignment: Controversial
Domains of Necromancy: Life, Death, Undeath, Revival
Other Domains: Peace, Community, Order
Class: Undead Army Necromancer with access to Life magic to complete the coverage of the art of Necromancy.

Raven was a necromancer that carved out a section of wilderness and founded a city state (didn't get far enough to give it a name). The city state tolerated all people (even "monsters" and monsters). It attempted to create post scarcity via the standard necromancy route of soulless unaligned negative energy autonomations (skeletons) as free and plentiful labor. Citizens benefited from fortified health, longer lifespans, and access to life sustaining/death reversing health care.

As a deity they would watch over this city as a local deity. Continuing to watch over and maintain the foundation.

Witty Username
2021-10-24, 01:55 AM
Dave the Munchy
God of Poor Taste
Alignment Lawful Good
Preferred Domains: Life, Trickery, War, Grave, Nature
Symbol: a meteor in the shape of a fist falling into the mouth of a giant Snake.
Allies: Io, Pelor, Baccob
Enemies: Nerull
Avatar: A human monk, covered in dying insects trying to eat his flesh.

Drakresh, Knight of the Howling chain
God of Personal Growth
Alignment Lawful Good (started the campaign Chaotic Neutral before encountering a Helm of Opposition)
Preferred Domains: Death, War, Light, Order
Symbol: a red chain of candle wax held together by magical force wrapped around a suit of armor
Allies: The Lord Protector, The Lord of Storms, The Lord of Bones
Enemies: Nathanial the Writer
Avatar: The Ghost of a Half-Orc Paladin, wielding a sarcastically large Spiked chain imbued with fire and ice.

Alistair Flashblade
God of Heroic Protagonists
Alignment Lawful Good
Preferred Domains: Light, Trickery, Life, Knowledge
Symbol: A red and black winged demon wearing a jesters cap
Allies: Niv Mizzet the Firemind and Rakdos the Lord of Riots
Enemies: Anyone anti fun
Avatar: A human bard dressed in a red/black suit of half-plate, branishing a Fool's cane (actually a Rod of lordly might and a warlock pact weapon) that will transform into a flaming longsword in combat.

The foot notes
Dave the Mighty was one of my first D&D characters, he had the misfortune of being devoured by a snake in his first combat and needed to be resurrected by the party, earning me the nickname The Munchy for the rest of my time with that playgroup. eventually Pelor cursed him with horrible taste so any monster would be force to puke him back up or die to try to break his rep as a poor adventurer.

Drakresh, Named in game as the Mercenary from beyond, was a half-orc fighter I made for my next group. he was chaotic, in it for the money, and was a 3.5 AOO gimick build. He ended up with all sorts of a complex path: first being cursed with a deadly blood rage, second wearing a helm of opposition (changes the character's alignment to its opposite law becomes chaos, evil becomes good neutral is thrown to an extreme) and finally being reshaped into a paladin and cementing himself as truly good. The main villain for the game was Nathanial the Writer, an over deity that had created the world, and in his boredom decided to try to destroy the world so he could write a new one.

Alistair Flashblade, a Warlock and College of swords Bard is my most recent character. A lead actor in the cult of Rakdos, renowned among cultists and audiences for his theater work, specifically his ability to play all manor of heroes. A stanch Hedonist that loves sharing wealth and revelry with others and believes his destiny is to bring joy to the demon Rakdos by becoming the ultimate hero to oppose him.

2021-10-24, 02:48 AM
Not a tabletop game but from a NWN server which ran 3.0, for a few years straight I played a character named 'Dwarven Mercenary'

The whole gag was that he looked and acted exactly like any other nameless NPC, blindly following around a party with mediocre AI unless directed by the in-game voiceset system.

Eventually he became infamous enough to be sought out and hired, gradually rising to become successful enough to run his own merc company and retire from active mercenary work after tagging along for pretty much every major event to know about.

When a big DM-run event led to the destruction of the town the company operated out of he was there like everyone else, and as a tough as nails Dwarven defender fully decked out in legacy gear lasted right up until the end. He held out basically on his own while other players ran around doing the counterattack on the big deity bad.

The DM hadnt known about all the historic equipment (now technically illegal) he had collected over the years, and offered me a deal: Should I accept, my character (and his accumulated artifacts) would be deleted and in return he becomes a new lesser deity on the server as well as a few other benefits for any other characters I play.

So the beloved, nameless Dwarven Mercenary ascended to become Lawful Neutral lesser power of honorable contracts and profitable violence.

newbie padawan
2021-10-25, 09:33 AM
Auril, goddess of winter
Suggested Domains
Nature, Tempest
Six-pointed snowflake

2021-10-30, 09:22 AM
What's this mean? Some kind of newfangled euphamism?

Nomar Winter (Berserker Barbarian)
domains: War, Order

Nomar never quite became a god, but he came damn close. A fire Genasi, he served the fire nation (setting was based on Avatar) as a general until he launched a failed coup and was executed with his co-conspirator, a Conquest paladin whose name I forgot. After fighting their way out of the Abyss together, raising an army of orc warriors from the north together, and conquering the fire nation in a surprise marine invasion together, the two generals had a falling out over the nature of their new government. While Nomar favored high taxes and strong protections for merchants to ensure stability, his fellow general preferred to plunder the people under their protection. Disgusted, Nomar left with his personal honor guard to conquer the water nation islands, succeeding to become their Divine Emperor.

Fun fact of the day: A "Sloth" is the term for a group of bears. Like a "Murder of crows" or "A congregation of alligators."