View Full Version : Aasimar Modelling Meets Legend of Dragoon

2021-10-23, 03:28 AM
Hello Everyone,

Recently I came upon the idea to use the Aasimar race in Volo's as a way to play a Dragoon ala the PS1 Game The Legend of Dragoon.

But, now that I am looking to build a character model, I am conflicted as how to do so. Initially I was happy to build a dragoon-alike using Warhammer parts, but now I am actually pretty happy to play a for-realises Aasimar, because it would give me something in-universe to care about for once; normally I don't really like the DnD fluff or races.

However, I don't think I can do an Aasimar justice, weird as that sounds. IF I were to build a Dragoon, i would go crazy with putty and build a whole thing to look like a video game model. It wouldn't be perfect, but it would be representative. With an Aasimar though, i'm kind of left with no inspiration. The parts I have are less than ideal, and I have no real idea as to where to push them towards. It might just look like... a bunch of stitched-together Warhammer parts.

I know this is a weird ask, but it ties into my earlier post on anhedonia and my need to feel happy again, beacuse i WAS excited to play this character, and now I can't stand the idea of it one bit.

What should I do?

(Not that anyone will recognize said parts, but I was going to use Dark Eldar Scourge parts and High Elf White Lion parts, which lend themlsves -slightly- more to a dragoon look because they're rather high-fantasy)

2021-10-23, 04:05 AM
(Not that anyone will recognize said parts, but I was going to use Dark Eldar Scourge parts and High Elf White Lion parts, which lend themlsves -slightly- more to a dragoon look because they're rather high-fantasy)

So you're talking about these folks:


And these ones:



What makes you think they wouldn't fit an Aasimar?

Celestial-related characters having that kind of aesthetic isn't uncommon.




https://52f4e29a8321344e30ae-0f55c9129972ac85d6b1f4e703468e6b.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.c om/products/pictures/1167850.jpg

2021-10-23, 06:43 PM
So you're talking about these folks:

What makes you think they wouldn't fit an Aasimar?

Celestial-related characters having that kind of aesthetic isn't uncommon.

Yes, exactly!

Broadly speaking, it's because the Scourges have a very Sci-Fi look to all their armor and gear, and the high elves' models are just kinda... meh. The detailing isn't great, and looks very "elf". The plate armor is very specific in the way it looks.

More broadly I'm in that struggle zone of:

"I have this GREAT image of him in my head!"


"well these parts don't NEARLY match that cool image, but I can't really elaborate on why..."

It's plagued me for years as I've tried to make a lego gundam.

Thank you for the encouraging words on my model choices, though; that makes me feel smart and adept.