View Full Version : Euro 2008 and birthday.

2007-11-17, 05:13 PM
I'm 19 years old today, and polish football representation had just promoted to Euro 2008!

I know that this all isn't probably worth whole thread, but I'm a little drunk and kinda happy. This is enchanting day, you know.

I think that all guys from Poland are happy now. If someone is happy beacuse he's national team just made it to the Euro 2008 too, he can post something here.

Cheer up, everyone! :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-17, 05:24 PM
And so we say in tune:

Happy Birthday!

2007-11-17, 05:28 PM
*quietly sits in the background cheering on Croatia*

Happy birthday!

2007-11-17, 05:30 PM
Happy Birthday!

And Football? Meh. Not worth a thread. Although the birthday is. :smalltongue:

2007-11-17, 05:32 PM
And Football? Meh. Not worth a thread. Although the birthday is. :smalltongue:

You know, we have never played in European Football Championship, so I just thought that it's worth mention.

2007-11-17, 05:52 PM
Germany already qualified. And of course we're going to mop the floor with everything you throw at us.

I'm so going to have a beer right now.

Zar Peter
2007-11-17, 06:03 PM
Happy Birthday!

And my country never qualified, too, but next year we will play! At home! See you in Vienna :smallbiggrin: .

2007-11-17, 06:24 PM
And lose. And then lose some more. Seriously, we shouldn't be allowed to qualify, even though we host it.

Happy birthday.

2007-11-17, 06:27 PM
who did England loose to, i forgot

2007-11-17, 06:31 PM
*quietly sits in the background cheering on Croatia*

Happy birthday!

Congratulations Croatia!

And my country never qualified, too, but next year we will play!

We are hosting Euro 2012 with Ukraine. I hope it won't be catastrophe :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-17, 07:28 PM
who did England loose to, i forgot


Footbal really ain't my thing but congratulations anyway.

2007-11-19, 06:27 AM
Congratulations Poland! I looked over your selection and you've got some goalie luxury there. Many countries would be envious of the keepers you put on the bench hehe.

The Netherlands just qualified as well. But still everyone is sad because we didn't massively overqualify (what everyone is somehow expecting we shoud do). "O no, we beat Slovenia with only 2-0! We must suck!" So then at the end of a game the 'fans' whistle the players off the field. Nice going, 'supporters'. I'm just happy we qualified and heading for the EC. EC's and WC's are probably the best times of the year. Orange craziness and everything going on here :smallwink:

Too bad Russia lost from Israel though. Would've loved to see Russia and England qualify. With Croatia losing this last game, England would've needed a 3-0 win over Croatia for Russia and England to qualify, provided Russia would've beaten Andorra. Slim chance, but it COULD have been. But with Russia losing to Israel Croatia immediately qualified. Now I don't if I favor Russia or England... it's tough!

Anyway, happy birthday, and happy Euro '08. It will most definitely rock.

2007-11-19, 06:59 AM
Congratulations Poland! I looked over your selection and you've got some goalie luxury there. Many countries would be envious of the keepers you put on the bench hehe.

The Netherlands just qualified as well. But still everyone is sad because we didn't massively overqualify (what everyone is somehow expecting we shoud do). "O no, we beat Slovenia with only 2-0! We must suck!" So then at the end of a game the 'fans' whistle the players off the field. Nice going, 'supporters'. I'm just happy we qualified and heading for the EC. EC's and WC's are probably the best times of the year. Orange craziness and everything going on here :smallwink:

Too bad Russia lost from Israel though. Would've loved to see Russia and England qualify. With Croatia losing this last game, England would've needed a 3-0 win over Croatia for Russia and England to qualify, provided Russia would've beaten Andorra. Slim chance, but it COULD have been. But with Russia losing to Israel Croatia immediately qualified. Now I don't if I favor Russia or England... it's tough!

Anyway, happy birthday, and happy Euro '08. It will most definitely rock.

"Ohne Holland fahrn wir zur ..." Oh, you qualified? What a pity ... :smalltongue:

2007-11-19, 07:48 AM
"Schade Deutschland, alles ist vorbei! Alles ist..."

I think it would be a good year to relive 1988, what say you? :smallamused:

2007-11-21, 05:13 PM
Well done Croatia!

2007-11-22, 12:32 AM
Happy AFONAL!!
I'm still waiting the day when Mexico will be accepted in the EURO...

<-- did not study geography

2007-11-24, 07:48 PM
thank god england lost to croatia. i'm english, and of course wish "my team" well, but far too many times have we scraped through by pure luck. maybe this will give us the kick up the arse needed to actually field a decent team!

2007-11-25, 12:08 PM
thank god england lost to croatia. i'm english, and of course wish "my team" well, but far too many times have we scraped through by pure luck. maybe this will give us the kick up the arse needed to actually field a decent team!

Speaking from a supporter of a country that missed out on the last EC: no. Sadly, no.

Neither do I have a clue what needs to change to get em to play brilliant football. Football is weird like that. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The Netherlands haven't played an enjoyable game in over a year now...