View Full Version : Adventures In Oakenleaf [IC]

2021-10-25, 11:32 AM
OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?637840-Adventures-In-Oakenleaf-OOC&p=25245194#post25245194)

It's a good day. The morning of the Harvest Festival-a day to relax and celebrate the bounties of the year past, and the good fortunes to come in the year ahead.

Calun was allowed to sleep in by Pendal-she'll still be up bright and early, but he can take it easy for the day.
Rura awakens from her little bed in the Patterson's house, where she fell asleep. She and James spent the whole night talking and talking about this and that.
Ember has two invitations, one of which should be answered, at least-Nina has asked him to help with the shrines today, and Minnet wants to know if he can help man the bar for a bit, so she can take breaks.
Eithne comes into the village from her little home outside it, and spies Clarissa up bright and early, readying some fireworks for later.

The village is still quiet as the sun rises, Pendal's hammers are the loudest sound, as most have slept in on this day of celebration.
What will you do?

2021-10-25, 12:06 PM
Calin is up early, Pendal had said he could sleep in, but his body was used to early rising, and the work got done twice as fast of he helped.
He was up with Pendal, leather apron and gloves on, side by side at the anvils. He promised her it was just for the morning, he'd go take the day off before lunch time. He could meet up woth ember then hopefully. But for now, he wanted to try and expedite there work, maybe pull some relaxation tome out for his guardian as well.
Plus, Molly would be free today, and it was better to appear busy for as long as possible.

2021-10-25, 12:51 PM
Pendal gives a small smile when she sees Calin awake bright and early. She doesn't say anything, but wordlessly accepts his help on the projects that NEED to be done. Despite the dwarf's strong work ethic, even she takes the day off for the less essential stuff on the Festival day.

2021-10-25, 05:55 PM
Ember rises from the straw mattress in the middle of his small bedroom, which is surrounded by a collection of worn furniture. Like most Oakenleaf residents, he has slept in a bit, trying to ignore the crowing lessons of the neighbor's young rooster.

After washing and having a small breakfast, he dresses and then pauses for a moment in front of his armor pedestal. Should he wear his chainmail? Would it impress Minnet? Or would she rather see him relaxed? Ember curses softly. Along with his infatuation had come a new insecurity, which he could well do without.

Deciding against the armor, but for his sword, he leaves the small house, which Michael had helped him build several years ago. Alright, he ponders, breathing in the fresh air, smelling the autumn in it. First things first. Let Minnet know that you'll help, and then go talk to Nina. With that, he heads towards the inn.

Description (Click here for an image. (https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b2/07/69/b207697e9ea0d6300a6c182502fbb687.jpg)):

Ember is a Tiefling about 20 years old, with a large statue and broad shoulders. In his skin color are represented various shades of red. His head has something devilish, with its two horns turned backwards. He wears his brown hair in a few smaller braids and a stubble beard covers the lower part of his face. Wrapped around his left horn he wears a small pendant on a leather strap -- the only item that vaguely resembles an heirloom. His eyes are like glowing coals; mostly black but flickering red here and there. He wears clothes of gray and white, and a sword at his belt. The people of Oakenleaf also know him in his armor, which he does not wear today.

2021-10-25, 06:06 PM
Minnet is yawning when Ember finds her, grabbing some well water. "Morning Ember," she says.

2021-10-25, 06:07 PM
It took a far while for Rura-Tae to wriggle out from the nest of blankets she always ensconced herself within. First came a taloned, bird-like foot, stretching out from under a corner. Then the blankets were lifted as wings half-unfolded. Finally, the bird emerged, blue eyes bleary and curly black hair tangled.

First things first: she checked for her lyre, gave it a test strum, and began combing her hair into a mediocum of order. Clothing, a sling tied around her waist like a belt, and chirped good mornings to the others as they began their own little morning rituals.

She never did like eating right after waking up. Once she met the human standards of modesty, she opened the window and leapt out, spreading her pinions.

Once again, she was in the air, and never was there a feeling to compare and she flapped and raised herself higher into the air. She looked down at the village seeing if there was anything to spot from her bird's eye view.

2021-10-25, 06:11 PM
Out to the west of the village, there's a bit of smoke. A glance there shows no spreading fires, so probably just some traveler's campfire.

The village is still awakening-Minnet and Ember are near the well, but most people aren't out yet.

2021-10-25, 06:18 PM
Minnet is yawning when Ember finds her, grabbing some well water. "Morning Ember," she says.

"Oh, hi," he tries to act all casual. "Looking forward to the festivities? I mean, I know you'll be busy, but we can share the work." He gives her a big smile, realizes it might be too big, and tones it down a bit. "Here, let me get this for you. he offers to help her with the buckets. "I mean, not that you couldn't do it on your own, of course," he adds, well aware of her capabilities of doing her job.

2021-10-25, 10:38 PM
Ember can see her roll her eyes a little. "Thanks, but I got it. Gotta build those muscles, after all," she says. "Though while I'm filling this one, mind getting another bucket? We're probably gonna need a lot of water today-my dad's gonna try to make sure everyone stays hydrated enough to stop the worst of the hangovers."

2021-10-26, 04:29 AM

"Sure thing," he replies and proceeds accordingly. Just play it cool, you're coming on way too thick. The thoughts race through his head, while he gets the bucket. Wait for the evening, maybe an opportunity arises. Maybe... He slightly shrugs, well-knowing that she might not reciprocate his feelings. Careful, don't want to lose a friend, either.

Assuming that he will find two or three buckets, he brings them to the well, and -- if not interrupted -- helps her to bring the water to the inn, pursuing their usual friendly chit chat and talking about the day's procedure.

I was not sure if I should "fast forward" -- his plan would be to help Minnet a bit with some of those early preparations and then leave for the shrine to help Nina.

2021-10-26, 06:00 AM
Minnet and Ember fill the buckets, taking them to the Xeres' inn. Ember manages to avoid putting his foot in his mouth too badly, and Minnet thanks him for the help when they're done. "You're always there for me-for all of us, really," she says. "I know not everyone is going to be so kind... I just want you to know you're appreciated, okay?"

Ember manages a good thank you to Minnet in turn, before rushing off to Nina to hide his blush. He finds her with a rag, wiping down some of the small idols at the shrine. "Morning, Ember!" she says, chipper. "Any visitations from the Hierarchy? I know, I know-you haven't had them before, but I still have faith that you'll hear from them someday."

Ember has not had any visions, hearings, or anything like that from any deities.

2021-10-26, 06:44 AM
Ember slightly raises his shoulder, taking a somewhat apologetic stance. "Nope, nothing." He neither sounds sad nor disappointed, but she knows that he grew ever more curious about his own origins and where exactly his powers come from -- something a higher calling could give answers to. "But, who knows, maybe one day, eh?"

Rolling up his sleeves and giving her a warm smile, he asks "So, how can I help?"

2021-10-26, 10:34 AM
https://i.imgur.com/HtdoDdK.pngThe fall harvest was a wonderful time. Festivals, the colors, and cooler weather that chased away the summer heat. This particular morning Eithne regretted that last bit. A shiver was what roused her from her simple cot. With a drafty house like this, one needed at blanket or two to stave off the chill. The threadbare one she currently possessed would not be up to the task apparently. Luckily, the festival offered the chance to buy a new one with the little coin she'd scrounged up. Padding over to her fireplace, flames licking along her fingers, she started her day.

After a brief trek she emerged from the edge of the forest and entered the town proper, the ringing of paired hammers greeting her. She was wrapped in her usual robes, freshly laundered from last night. Ember was already up. She waved, but the tiefling seemed to have other things on his mind. If she looked up she might've spotted Rura-Tae. They'd catch up later.

For now though, Clarissa seemed to be prepping her display. Wondering what kind of show the gnome was going to put on tonight suitably piqued her curiosity. With no other prospects of promises, she wandered over.

"Hello Clarissa," Eithne's even tone trended towards cheery, "Do you need any help tonight?"


2021-10-26, 05:52 PM
Hmm... Well, it might be fun to get first drop on any travellers - see if they'd. Come for the festival, too, or would at least be interested in visiting. The more the merrier, and all that.

With a cheery chirp she winged west, looking from the travellers.

2021-10-26, 06:45 PM
Nina smiles at Ember, and starts leading him through a few rituals. He's done it before, but it's been a while.

Clarissa startles a little, not having seen Eithne's approach. "Hm? Who? Oh!" she says, and then frantically reaches for a rolling tube trying to escape. "Sorry! Sorry, didn't see you there! And, well, any chance you can check the weather? I'm setting up some for early today, but I don't know if it'll be worth it for a nightly display."

Rura can see that the fires are considerably distant-she risks missing the festival herself if she wants to get the drop on them!

You can go west if you like. But, DM note-doing so will bring considerable danger to yourself-that's where the bad news bears are coming from.

2021-10-26, 07:51 PM
After finishing his work for the day Calin decides to drop by the bar to look for Ember. He's genuinely excited to show his friend his breakthroughs with the Alchemy jug. He just got it making more than rough grain alcohol, and Wine is a rare occurrence in the village. Today seems like a good time to produce some.
He enters the bar and waves with a small smile.

"How's business?" he asks with a small smile at the barkeep.

2021-10-27, 03:41 AM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

"No, no! Don't apologize," Eithne laughed, "It's my fault for not using the road like a sane person. Of course I'll help."

While Clarissa gathered herself and her fireworks, Eithne rolled up her sleeve to reveal the ash totem tied to her wrist. Considering how flammable her magic could be she took a few steps back so she wouldn't accidentally set off one of the rockets. She whispered to the small, burnt stone and it ignited in her hand. From within those flames Eithne began to divine an answer...

Doing a little exploration into formatting.

Eithne is using druidcraft's (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Druidcraft#content) weather prediction option. What will the weather be like for the next 24 hours?

2021-10-27, 09:45 AM
The weather looks to be clear. A few big clouds early in the day, but no rain-good weather for fireworks!

Calin stops by the Xeres' inn, and sees Logan setting up rows of mugs, ready to be filled with ale. He nods at Calin, and Minerva, who is currently sitting at a table near the bar, asks "Would you like a drink, sweetie?"

The day winds on, and people start to awaken properly. They move out of their homes, talking and laughing. Clarissa sets off a few early fireworks, much to the delight of the children. Michael and a few of his older kids finish work on the stage that Mayor Meekly will be speaking from later. Logan and Minerva keep the ale flowing freely, though Minerva does make sure everyone's getting plenty of water to help stave off hangovers.

2021-10-27, 09:53 AM
"Iittle bit early in the day for me, I'm afraid. I'm actually looking for Ember, do you know where he might be?"

2021-10-27, 09:58 AM

Nina smiles at Ember, and starts leading him through a few rituals. He's done it before, but it's been a while.

Ember accepts her guidance gladly: The last think he wants to do is mess up the rituals in front of everyone, particularly those who care a lot about it, like Nina or Michael. Fortunately, once he gets into the flow, rituals are not so difficult for him. Not as easy as swordplay, but less difficult than most other crafts.

"So... What are you looking forward to most today, Nina? Apart the rituals, I mean." He knows well how important they are to her, and his words are not mocking.

2021-10-27, 03:47 PM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

"Some good news. Other than the clouds this morning, we should have a clear day."

Her part with the fireworks finished, Eithne tarried there. She watched as Clarrisa arranged it all. She didn't really have anything to say. She just exuded an appreciation for the gnome’s hard work. Here time here, with these people, it had mellowed her somewhat. Mellowed enough that she felt the same spark that the children did when the charges smote the sky.

After she finished lingering, her next destination resided further in town. It wasn't Nina or Alicia. The Carpenter girl would find her in her own time and Nina would have enough of her plate today. She'd find the Shrinekeeper after her rites were concluded. No, the inn was her next stop. She rapped on the frame called her, "Hello!" from outside. An old habit Bellona had augered into her. Always announce yourself at a door, least ye be intruded upon without a word in turn.

"Logan," she began as she crossed the threshold, scarf unwinding, "Can I leave some of my things here until tonight. They'll do me no good without a chill."

2021-10-28, 11:47 AM
Thinking for a moment before, Nina says "I think it'd either be the Mayor's speech, or the fireworks. I know most people find his speeches really boring, but... He's just so earnest with them. It's good to see. And the fireworks, well, Clarissa always has good stuff there!"

Logan nods. "I can keep it behind the bar for you," he says.

Minerva comes over to Eithne, and offers to take her overgarments. "It's good to see you. How's the forest been treating you?"

2021-10-28, 04:03 PM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

"Thank you," she gave Calun a quiet wave and sat next to him, passing her hat, scarf and cloak to Minerva. She was tempted to ask him where Rura and Ember were, but he seemed preoccupied. While she was there, since they were being offered, she partook of the ale at the bar. She had no tongue for the stuff, but she could tell it was good.

"It's good to see you too Minerva. The forest has been very quiet so far. Not like when I first arrived. Perhaps it's finally acclimated to my presence. Though it may not have to worry about my tending anymore if I can't acclimate to the cold this year. Hopefully I can find a blanket on offer today. Something with a little more color to it than my last one."

She took another drink from her glass and laughed a little, "Listen to me, I'm rambling. How about you Minerva? Anything going on in town?"

2021-10-28, 05:46 PM
"Well..." Minerva says, a sly grin on her face. "I hear Adam has been corresponding with a young man from the city. You remember, that blue-eyed guy who came with his mother, for... Gods, what was it even? 'Property evaluation,' I think it was-something something taxes. Didn't change much, but apparently they hit it off. He's writing a letter every day, though he doesn't send all of them. I don't know if he's trying for a romance, or just excited to have a city friend, but regardless... It's good to see him so engaged."

2021-10-29, 04:49 AM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

There was a smile that started to tug at Eithne's lips as Minerva talked. Adam had a rough time of it there for a while. There's nothing quite like being "different" in a small town. Ember could attest to that. He deserved to find someone.

"I do remember him, actually, but I can't recall the name either. I don't think I even saw his mother while they were here. But you're right, that is some good news. So what are your plans today? Do you need any help around here?"

2021-10-29, 05:17 AM
Thinking for a moment before, Nina says "I think it'd either be the Mayor's speech, or the fireworks. I know most people find his speeches really boring, but... He's just so earnest with them. It's good to see. And the fireworks, well, Clarissa always has good stuff there!"

Ember nods. Being on the brink between teenager and adult, his feelings on earnest speeches are somewhat split. "I do appreciate his honesty." He replies. "I'd also sometimes appreciate slightly fewer words, though." He adds, with a wink. "Yeah, the fireworks will be great, too! Not understanding one bit of how she's doing it, but it looks great."

... assuming that at some point, the preparations are done:

"So, ... anything else I can help you with? Otherwise ... I wanted to check on Calin before it all begins."

2021-10-29, 09:51 AM
"No, dearie, we'll be fine. Just enjoy the fruits of our labor! But make sure you drink plenty of water between the liquors-I'm sure you've something important to do tomorrow, and you can't be hung over for that," Minerva says. "Speaking of which, want a glass?"

Nina shakes her head. "I'll be fine. Thank you, Ember!" she says, and gives you a quick hug.

2021-10-29, 11:08 AM
Ember hugged her back warmly, after all, he considered her one of his best friends. On his way out, he waved. "See you later."

Outside, a slight autumn breeze dispersed the incense-charged smell of the priestess' hair that had stuck in his nose. He sighed, and slightly shook his head, noticing once again that growing up sometimes was not that simple. Or was it life in general?

Now, to find Calin. Knowing that Calin would probably look for him in the tavern, Ember approached the house that Logan had once built with his own hands. Or so everyone said. Opening the door, he saw not only Calin but also Eithne and Minerva.

"Hi folks, what's up? Excited?" He asked in a chipper tone, and went over to Calin to greet him in whatever way they usually did. Choose wisely, moonfly7, whatever you choose will stick with us for the rest of this game!

2021-10-29, 02:05 PM
"Ember! Been looking for you! How are you?" Calin asks with a smile to his friend.

2021-10-29, 02:36 PM
"Excited!" Ember admitted, smiling back "You?"

2021-10-30, 11:18 AM
"Excited too, but also a bit nervous. I think Clarrissa might try to make me dance again. And we both know how bad that was last time."
He says, twiddling his thumbs absently as he members the embarrassing incident.

2021-10-30, 04:03 PM
Ember snickered lowly.

"Well, look at it this way: if it really was that bad, she probably won't ask you again."

Then, he turned to Eithne. "What about you, Eithne, you enjoy dancing?"

2021-10-30, 07:58 PM
Ah, it was a little far after all. Whoever the distant strangers were, whether they missed the festival or not was up to them.

Rura-Tae circled down lower until she landed gently outside the tavern. She was feeling a little thirsty now she'd had a little bit of morning exercise; besides, her eagle eyes had seen the others slowly assembling there anyway.

"Hoi hoi!" she called cheerfully as she entered. "Is there a drink for a thirsty bird?"

2021-10-31, 10:38 AM
Minerva gets Rura her drink with a smile.

You spend some time in the Xeres' tavern, drinking and talking (and drinking water, at Minerva's insistence). Eventually, you find your way out, only slightly tipsy, and intermingle with the other folk of Oakenleaf.

The Carpenters have finished the stage, and move themselves to mingle happily. Clarissa pops a few fireworks, much to the delight of the children and those who enjoy spectacle, and a good time is had.

As the sun peaks in the sky, Mayor Meekly speaks with Nina before going on the stage. Nina weaves a small spell-one of the most potent she can manage-and the Mayor's voice booms out for a moment. "Attention, my friends!" he calls. "I would like to give a speech."

There's some humorous groans, but everyone makes their way in front of the stage. Meekly clears his throat, and gestures to Nina to stop the spell. She stops her incanting, and the Mayor speaks again, much quieter. "Today is a day to give thanks, and to bless our humble little village for the year to come. As we all know, Oakenleaf was founded-" he stops suddenly.

Behind him, a hulking humanoid materializes, apparently from thin air. The figure is easily 7' tall, and withdraws its blade from Meekly's chest, letting the mayor slide to the ground, grievously wounded.

[roll0] Mean Stranger
[roll1] Eithne
[roll2] Ember
[roll3] Rura
[roll4] Calun
Oakenleaf villagers will move at Init count 0.

2021-10-31, 01:30 PM
Calun acts immediatly, much to his own surprise. Almost on instinct he steps forward and lays down one of the few combat spells he knows, drawing the wand he had spent months perfecting and slotting a glass tube containing a glowing grey liquid into it's back, he fliks it expertly at the creature. A gray glow covers one of the vials of acid in his coat, and the vial goes hurtling at the creature at break neck speeds.

Calun is casting Catapult using his Magic initiate ability, the creature needs to make a dex save with a DC of 15(courtesy of my +1 focus)or take 3d8 bludgeoning damage from the spell and 2d6 acid damage from the vial.

2021-11-01, 01:11 PM
[roll0] vs. DC 15


In the future, two things:

1) Roll damage in your post.
2) If you know how many people are gonna have to save, roll a straight d20 in your post. I'll add mods as needed.

-28 HP

The acid vial slams into the figure, knocking them back slightly. The acid splashes onto them, and they howl in pain.

2021-11-01, 06:57 PM
With a loud trill of alarm, Rura-Tae took off vertically, her powerful wings carrying her airborne in a series of swift flaps. Out of reach of the stranger's blade, she cast a hasty glance around before she set her features in determination.

She breathed in deep and then cried out two notes - the first a concordant sound of healing, the second bitter-sharp and grating upon the mind.

Rura-Tae casts Healing word on the mayor to restore [roll0] hp as a BA
She also casts the cantrip vicious mockery on the stranger. It must beat a DC15 wis saving throw or take [roll1] psi damage and have disadvantage on its next attack.

Enemy save: [roll2]

2021-11-02, 11:39 AM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

"Yes, please."

Eithne accepted the glass and while she drank both Rura and Ember entered. She began to wonder what had Ember so animated, but, really, she was just as excited too.

"I can't wait for the dance," she said with a broad smile, "So long as Joe doesn't get handsy again..."

That excitement, the joy, came to a screeching halt as Meekly slid off the blade. She stood there, aghast with the rest of the town, even as her friends charged forward. As the shock wore off a new feeling rose to take its place; fury. She focuses at a point in the air behind the humanoid and her body chills as something leaves her. A flame ignites and she speaks its name in cold anger.

"Tine. Burn him."

The flame bursts forth and a phoenix washes the humanoid in flames, feathers like a smoldering coal. The fiery owl's hooting cry of rebirth is only interrupted as it flaps its wings and another flaming spark rockets towards the intruder.

Since she came to the town for the festival I don't think she'll have any of her combat gear except for her ashen totem.

First she'll move towards the fray. Eithne will use her action to spend a wildshape use to summon her wildfire spirit. (http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/druid:wildfire) When it manifests it'll do 2d6 fire damage to everything in a 10 foot radius, so I wanted to have it appear in a space where it can't hit anyone else other than the creature. After she'll spend a bonus action so Tine can make a flame seed attack after her turn.

Flame Burst Damage: [roll0]
DEX save DC 13: [roll1]

Flame Seed Attack: [roll2]
Fire Damage: [roll3]

2021-11-02, 11:54 AM
-50 HP

The mayor's bleeding stops, and his eyes flutter open. He's not dying anymore, but he's easy prey if the assassin decides to go for him.

Luckily, they go for Calun, having just eaten a fistful of acid to the face. They charge at him, and swipe out with their blade.

[roll1] Slashing damage

[roll3] Slashing damage

[roll5] Slashing damage

2021-11-03, 11:54 AM

Completely shocked by the sudden apparition of the assassin, Ember finds himself slower to react to the situation as his companions, and not quick enough to step between his friend and the fiend. Fortunately, Calin's protective measures hold -- for now anyway!

Drawing his sword, he tries to move into a flanking position, regardless of his lack of protection. White flames engulf his blade, as he strikes at his foe.

I don't know if we are playing with flanking rules, and whether it's actually feasible in our situation. So, the second roll is for a possible advantage. If I hit, I burn one 1st level spell slot.


[roll2] plus [roll3] (should for whatever reason the creature be undead or fiend, there is an additional [roll4] damage).

[roll5] plus [roll6] (should for whatever reason the creature be undead or fiend, there is an additional [roll7] damage).

2021-11-04, 10:33 AM
Ember's attack misses, and the other villagers, shocked by the sudden appearance, start to scatter. Michael half-tells, have shoves Daniel towards Meekly, instructing him to carry the Mayor to safety.

The assassin looks pretty damaged, but is still in fighting shape.

Calun up next.

2021-11-04, 08:52 PM
Calun frantically draws his sickle and slashes wildly at the assassin.




2021-11-06, 07:28 PM
Rura-Tae squawked out another cutting sound, hoping to interfere with the assassin's attacks.

As before, if they fail the save (DC15) the assassin has disadvantage on their next attack and takes
[roll0] psi damage.
Their save roll: [roll1]

2021-11-07, 11:52 AM

The assassin has had enough. They bolt, moving fast away from you all and back west.

90' away, heading west. Provoking AoOs from anyone in melee with them at the moment.

2021-11-07, 12:45 PM
Ember tries to take the opportunity to strike down the enemy with divine fury.

If I hit, I burn one 1st level spell slot to smite.


[roll1] plus [roll2] (should for whatever reason the creature be undead or fiend, there is an additional [roll3] damage).

[roll4] plus [roll5] (should for whatever reason the creature be undead or fiend, there is an additional [roll6] damage).

2021-11-07, 10:50 PM
Calun cuts wildly as the assassin flees.


2021-11-08, 10:38 PM
They make it away, sprinting off at full speed. You can tell but a few more, perhaps even just one, hit would've felled them, but alas, they live to fight another day.

You turn your attention to the Mayor, who has been crawling away from the fight as quickly as he can. You make sure he's alright, as the other villagers look on. Michael is stepping towards you and the mayor, as quickly as he can. "Is he still in danger?" he calls out.

2021-11-08, 11:22 PM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

"I think he'll be alright," Eithne called back to Michael as she watched the figure flee. It was a shame she couldn't be more help ending the threat, but she was unarmed and couldn't close the distance with any spell. Tine wouldn't have been able to catch up any better. Speaking of, the owl alighted on a nearby post, searing the wood, but not much else.

Given they had a moment, she examined Meekly's wound more closely. She had healing magic if he needed it though Rura had done a fantastic job with her own magic. Of anyone, the mayor most likely owed his life to her.

"What was this all about?" she asked the others, "Where did he even come from?"

Medicine (If needed)

Cure Wounds (Also if needed)

2021-11-09, 01:24 PM
Eithne's quick glance at the mayor reveals a man who's injured, possibly in shock, but pulling through. Meekly props himself up. "I... I'm okay," he says. "Or, I will be. I think. Can someone fetch me some water?" he asks.

Michael relays the message to the nearest able-bodied individual, who happens to be Logan, who rushes to get a drink. Michael then says "Stay laying down, sir. Don't want to agitate the injury."

It takes perhaps a half hour before Oakenleaf is calm again-though instead of the joyous calm of the festival, this is a nervous peace. Nina, who once she confirmed the mayor was okay, has been kneeling in prayer near him for most of this time. The mayor, now sitting in a chair that was brought over, asks Nina "Can you cast your spell again, Nina?"

Nina nods, and amplifies Meekly's voice. "I am alright," his voice calls out, still a little shaky. "I survived. But we have to find out where this assailant came from, and why. If anyone has any guesses, anything at all-let's try to find a way to keep us all safe."

Feel free to make a check-History, for instance, would be appropriate, though if you think another skill would help, roll it too-to see what you can think of.

If you want to declare a Passive roll, for 10+modifier, you can also do so. But it's one or the other.

2021-11-09, 05:28 PM
"It doesn't make much sense to me," chirped Rura-Tae. She'd not landed on the ground: perhaps it was a sign of insecurity she now perched in a nearby tree.
"Why attack the mayor? Not exactly the most threatening of us, no. Came alone, no allies - non we saw, anyway. Distraction for stealing? Didn't need one, busy with the festival. No sense!"
She squawked mournfully, then, forced a smile.
"Don't have any old enemies, Meeks?"

2021-11-09, 06:15 PM
The area used to be dangerous, but was supposed to be safe now. No real details, though.

"No," he replies. "Not that I can think of-I try my best to make people happy, not upset or anything like that. I can't imagine anyone would have a death wish on anyone here!"

2021-11-09, 07:23 PM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

She wasn't perched like Rura. Instead Eithne was pacing sharing the same feeling of pensiveness and many of the same observations.

I think what bothers me the most is how certain he seemed of success when he attacked. He did it alone in broad view of all of us. We were unexpected resistance, but his first priority wasn't running."

"I remember," she started as her eyes drifted away to conversations held years ago, long before she had ever decided to come back here, "Bellona, the tender who taught me... She used to talk about how dangerous this area used to be. It could've been decades or centuries ago. Honestly, I'm not even sure that information helps. I do know that it headed west as it ran. Our answers might lie in that direction."

2021-11-10, 01:11 PM
"Did anyone even see where that thing came from?" Calun asks, breathing ragged.

Gonna roll an Insight check to see if I can figure out where that thing popped up from.

2021-11-11, 04:00 PM
Posts from 47 onward are retconned out of existence.

The assassin flees. Rura chases after them, weaving a spell that knocks them clean out. Their blade remains tightly gripped as they fall to the ground.

You approach the body, a little nervous in case they awaken, but (with a quick command to someone nearby to get rope), thoroughly truss up the attacker.

While you're handling this, Michael and Charity are attending to the mayor. Michael looks over, and instructs Daniel to grab something from their home. As you finish tying up the assassin, Daniel reaches you, and hands you a pair of heavy iron mittens. "It's to stop casters from working their magic," he says. "Just in case."

2021-11-11, 08:21 PM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

Eithne prepared to resign herself to the fact that this assailant was going to get away. But a miracle happened. She wasn't even sure how Rura had reacted so fast... The flash of a spell and the thud of a body were two welcome sights.

"Good thinking," she takes the mitts and, with some struggling, tries to slip them over the assassin's hands, "Though it might be overkill... Chains could help as well. An extra layer of impenetrability."

2021-11-12, 11:11 PM
Daniel calls over to his father. "Dad, do we have chains?"

"Not anymore," Michael calls back. "I think the rope will be enough... Hopefully."

The assassin begins to come to, as the spell's effects wear thin.

What languages do y'all speak?

2021-11-13, 01:14 PM
With the assassin unconcious, Rura-Tae gingerly but swiftly frisked them down, retrieving any and all objects on the would-be killer and piling them up a short distance away to go through later. Finally, she tied a strip of cloth over the assassin's eyes. She wasn't a wizard, but a lot of spells, she knew, required being able to see where you were throwing about magic, and if nothing else it'd make it harder for the thing to escape if it was stumbling in the dark.

She peered down at its exposed face as she wrapped the cloth around it's eyes, looking at what kind of species it was.

"Did see smoke from the direction it came from, I did, on my morning flap," she said. "Just seemed like a campfire, though."

As the creature began to regain conciousness, Rura-Tae hopped back a good distance.
"It's waking," she chirped in alarm. "Hey! Hey you! Explain yourself! Featherless scoundrel!"

2021-11-13, 01:21 PM
There's a small pile of weapons-the blade they used to attack Meekly, as well as four daggers and two vials of unknown liquid.

The assassin stays quiet at first, struggling against the bonds, but to no avail. They start to curse, though in an unfamiliar language-still, the venom in their voice is clear.

2021-11-14, 08:37 PM
With your nerves finally settling down (not all the way-you don't know if or when reinforcements might be coming) you finally take a moment to just look at the would-be assassin. Their skin is a mottled greenish-grey, and their face is feminine, but their body more masculine. You can see small segments of chitin, looking closely-so fine as to be unnoticeable from a distance, but clear enough up close. You notice they're not wearing shoes of any kind-and their legs end in three-pronged claws, looking almost like mandibles.

2021-11-15, 12:07 PM
Calun pockets the vials for inspection, he's the resident alchemist after all, and should be able to discern their contents. Poison more than likely, he'd wager.

2021-11-16, 05:12 PM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

"Well that's a shame. I hope you're right Michael."

Alien. That was the only thought that came to her when she looked down at them. Whoever, or whatever, this person was they were so different from anything else she could claim familiarity with. The language barrier only made the feeling worse.

It left Eithne off balance. Luckily Rura did have something. A camp to the west and perhaps clues to a motive. A goal.

"I'm not certain they can explain themselves to us. That camp though... If we take off to investigate it, we might find those answers."

2021-11-17, 02:51 AM

Seeing the villain bound and the mayor surviving, Ember decided to get his armor in case of arriving reinforcements.

"I'll be right back!" He announced and jogged towards his house.

2021-11-17, 12:08 PM
There's a small crowd around you now, looking at the strange would-be killer and occasionally at you all. The mayor calls over, as best he can. "Leave them be-let them do what they must. For now, Michael."

"Yes sir," Michael responds.

Meekly says "You've still got your instincts. I'm putting you in charge of directing us to watch for more attackers."

Michael nods, and begins instructing the other villagers. No one is sent alone, in twos or threes, and he tells everyone to stay near this central area. The assassin has stopped fidgeting by now, seeing it's useless to try to escape, for the moment.

2021-11-17, 03:14 PM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

"I'll go with him just in case."

She wasn't exactly surprised when Ember charged off on his own to gather his things. He was capable but, considering the punishment the intruder took, tough might not be enough. As she caught up Eithne kept talking.

"I'm in much the same situation. My weapons, armor, all my traveling gear is still at my house. Close, but far enough that I could be singled out like a deer away from the herd. If we do head off to investigate the camp I'd like to stop there along the way. Speaking of, we should go before long."

2021-11-17, 05:57 PM

Noticing Eithne following him, Ember let her catch up. "Sure," he nodded agreeingly to her proposition. "Is there anything I can... Don't know, borrow you until then?" It was obvious that he tried to play it cool although he was caught off-guard as the others. Arriving at his little house, he started with donning his chain mail.

2021-11-17, 07:03 PM
"Didn't bring food with it," Rura-Tae noted. She looked down at the blindfolded bug-person. "So either it left its supplies further back or it was planning on eating ours."

Once Eithne and Ember had returned, Rura-Tae spoke of her plan. She prodded the captive lightly with a foot-talon.
"I'm going to look for its camp." The birdgirl looked at the others, and bristled her plumage before grinning. "If you want to follow along, you can, I suppose. Shame you weren't born with wonderful feathery wings to follow at my wingtip, eh?"

2021-11-18, 08:37 AM
Calun nods and rises from his kneeling position
"It is a shame, but I'll join you nonetheless if some others cursed to walking will acompany me. I rather think no one should risk running into more of these people on their own."

2021-11-18, 11:24 AM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

"Is there anything I can... Don't know, borrow you until then?"

"Unfortunately unless you have leather or hide armor and a crescent blade I can't use it. Just a few of the downfalls of being a tender."

She stays outside the house with the door open as she picks up on that hint of discomfort. That way he could have a little of his privacy. To be fair though, practicality was the mindset that currently occupied her and embarrassment had no place there. As they returned Rurs' announcement was as good a signal as any.

"I'm going to look for its camp."

"Then let's get going."

2021-11-18, 01:51 PM
Eithne can snag the rest of her gear before heading out to find the camp.

You gear yourselves up, keeping an eye out for any more badness coming your way. Once you're fully equipped, you start to head out, but Clarissa stops you. "Wait! Before you go..." she says, and fumbles with her pockets. "I... No, it's not here. Come to my home-I've got a few potions that should still be good, and maybe something else will come in handy."

She heads for her home, and rummages though her storage. She finds three potions, ready to go, and two that cracked and leaked out. "Ah... Dammit. Well, three is better than none."

Gain three potions of healing!

2021-11-19, 04:56 PM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid

Now, wrapped in leathers with a sword one her hip and a pack on her back, Eithne could definitely say she was ready. It seemed, however, that Clarissa had one more detour in store for them. But when she produced the potions it was a welcome detour.

"Thank you Clarissa," she passed the three potions to the others, "We'll make good use of them, I promise."

2021-11-21, 06:07 PM
"Just don't die! I care about you all," she says.

Any other prep? If not, you can narrate about two hours travel before I'd have to make any kind of rolls.

2021-11-26, 05:45 PM
With your preparations done, you set out, heading for the plume of smoke your winged party member spotted.

It takes about two and a half hours to reach the smoke, which has been slowly dissipating as you walk. The campsite has a simple firepit made-some embers now, surrounded by rocks-and a ragged, torn tent. There's two bodies in the tent, and another one not far into the woods, off the road.

The bodies, upon examination, are those of some traders who occasionally come to the village. Three humans, two women, one man-Marly, Marly Jr., and David. All dead now. Their wares, nowhere to be seen.

There are some obvious tracks leading away-horse tracks, with a wagon attached.

A simple guess and some confirmation leads you to believe they had their horses tethered to the wagons while they rested, and when the horses got spooked, they ran with the wagon still attached.

Much harder to find are the tracks of the... Thing, that tried to kill Meekly. It will take some time to uncover them fully.

2021-11-28, 07:24 PM
Rura-Tae landed in a nearby tree and shook her head sadly at the scene of carnage.
"How sad," she said. "Cut down by that thing! I guess it was attacking everyone it saw. That said, lay them in the tent and we can pick them up for burial rites and all that on our way back, hopefully."

2021-11-30, 07:01 PM
Eithne Black (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2538608) Lv. 2 Wildfire Druid"Don't worry. We're definitely coming home."

There was conviction in Eithne's voice. It was born less brazen self assurance and more from considering the alternative. They had to make it home. If there were more of these things in the woods then they had to know and help prepare for any other attacks. Seeing the traders slaughtered and left to rot did nothing but forge that sentiment into a certainty. They had to make it back home.

"I hate to just leave them here, but you're right. There's not much time for formality. Just remember that the forest can be a very hungry place. There might not be anything left to bury when we get back."

Eithne quickly turned the tent into a makeshift shroud for the bodies and went to gather some stones to weigh them down. As she did she noticed the horse tracks. It wasn't hard to figure out what had happened, but the lack of the thing's tracks nagged at her.

"Has anyone else seen anything? The horses and wagon went that way. We can use them to bring the bodies back. It's bothering me that there aren't more clues though."

Survival Roll [roll0]