View Full Version : Curse of the Crimson Thread: Seven Days to the Grave II [IC]

2021-10-25, 11:12 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/detgrbn-da682498-ec25-4255-a447-18837072b467.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_750,q_80,strp/7_days_to_the_grave_conclusion_by_lostsole31_detgr bn-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzUwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwOD ktNzY0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZXRncmJu LWRhNjgyNDk4LWVjMjUtNDI1NS1hNDQ3LTE4ODM3MDcyYjQ2Ny 5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.b0O55l8unjjnK ab_Lune8tnYAduHFkO4XiIyVxxIbl8


The THIRD major roster of adventurers suffered defeat under the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden in the Temple of Urgathoa, as did the second roster before them. With Allen Phan dead, the last remaining adventurer who has been investigating these issues since the beginning has died. But that roster struck a heavy blow against those forces, killing many Gray Maidens, Queen's Physicians, Urgathoan cultists, more than two dozen zombies, and even the twisted leader - Dr. Reiner Davaulus.

Now, with a FOURTH roster, can Adelaide, Vivino, Harsk and the rest finally break the power of the Urgathoan cult, seemingly led by former serial murderer Rolth Lam and his psychotic lover Jolistina Susperio and get evidence that the blood veil that has plagued Korvosa was actually a synthesized form of biowarfare?




Race [Ethnicity]
(gender ID)


Side 1

Side 2

Adelaide Breakwater

Dark Orange

Half-Elf [Varisian]
Magus 7
[Eldritch Archer]
Slayer 7

Dul'Dane "Dane" Thunderbreaker


Fighter 7
Inquisitor (Cayden Cailean) 7



Ranger 7
Spiritualist 7

[NPC Cohort]


Bard 5

[Tribute NPC]


Tiefling [???]


Fire Brick Red

Human [Garundi]
Paladin 7

Vivino Dorso


Human [Chelaxian]
Alchemist 7
[Internal Alchemist + Vivisectionist]
Barbarian 7
[Invulnerable Rager]

Sigur, Harsk's Deceased Brother
[NPC Phantom]


Phantom [Dwarf]
6 HD Phantom (Anger)

Biter, Harsk's Animal Companion


4 HD Animal

Sterling, Seelah's Unicorn


Half-Celestial Unicorn


Half-Celestial Unicorn


2021-10-25, 11:13 PM
Adelaide Breakwater

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/dehfb4w-50933c2e-d535-4ba1-af14-c500dfc9fac2.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWhmYjR3LTUw OTMzYzJlLWQ1MzUtNGJhMS1hZjE0LWM1MDBkZmM5ZmFjMi5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.0aFNOqXl1NSKZK2Y4bmHWXzUydYGnzEjEFNb4dMLoWQ

Description 5' 9" (6' w/ boots), 170 lbs.; Brown Hair, Red Eyes

Half-elven female of average height. Quite muscular compared to the typical Half-elf. She has well-tanned skin, deep red eyes that sparkle in the sunlight, and hair she keeps tied back in a ponytail.

Dressed in traveler's clothes with a coat from a soldier's uniform. It's worn and lacks any insignia that designate rank, awards, or assignment.


Outgoing and confident. Laughs loud and often, sometimes to hide other emotions. Strong sense of loyalty to friends and family, and she is willing to stick out her neck for those that can't defend themselves.

Home of Record

Korvosa, Varisia

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/detgtjg-e17fe7e7-09de-4781-a159-f17236c22c97.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGV0Z3RqZy1lMTdmZTdlNy0wOWRl LTQ3ODEtYTE1OS1mMTcyMzZjMjJjOTcucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.GuWbLtwg HXdK_vvNm_ZJb06NGGukPIPToIt6k_lqBuQ

2021-10-25, 11:13 PM
Dul'Dane "Dane" Thunderbreaker

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/deta12m-c5c04ee7-05df-4e8d-93dd-ae5347ae9f80.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1244,q_80,strp/dul_dane__dane__thunderbreaker_by_lostsole31_deta1 2m-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTI0NCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MD g5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMmU0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGV0YTEy bS1jNWMwNGVlNy0wNWRmLTRlOGQtOTNkZC1hZTUzNDdhZTlmOD AucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJu OnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.4uuwzbCUm5g Pmd_kdyNJHyJsfMVNJW8mLmA1yWhP3gg

Description 4' 8", 196 lbs.; Brown Hair, Brown Eyes

At 4' 8" with a strong, barrel-shaped build, Dul'Dane weighs close to 200 lbs. and has a long brown beard. He often has a smile on his face and is known well by his friends for his bellowing laugh. He has pale skin and wears full armor even when out drinking.


Jovial and caring, Dul'Dane enjoy's the company of other's, either hearing their stories and speaking fondly of others. He is quick to defend other's and isn't afraid of getting caught in the middle of a disagreement.

Home of Record

Janderhoff, Varisia

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/detgtx3-755ee240-6ec3-46b1-be20-08fc5b808ec3.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGV0Z3R4My03NTVlZTI0MC02ZWMz LTQ2YjEtYmUyMC0wOGZjNWI4MDhlYzMucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.Yzs8VafJ svqezjWQlBqR1DfPxfd941OAGl_9fVvEFAo

2021-10-25, 11:14 PM


Description/ Personality 4' 8", 215 lbs.; Sapphire-Blue Eyes; Red-Blonde Hair

Harsk, like many of his kind, is gruff and taciturn, but there ends most of his connection to dwarven society. Something of a loner, he prefers to spend his time outdoors, communing with nature, though he occasionally travels alongside others whose goals match his own. Uninterested in the beer and ale so strongly associated with dwarves in the minds of human society, Harsk instead drinks pot after pot of strong tea to keep his senses sharp. While he never lets his brother's axe out of his sight, he wields it only as a last resort, knowing his true skills lie in the hunt and striking from darkness.

Home of Record


https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/detgu5i-1a356734-3ade-441e-a415-bb30b2f2ca38.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGV0Z3U1aS0xYTM1NjczNC0zYWRl LTQ0MWUtYTQxNS1iYjMwYjJmMmNhMzgucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.wFt_MYz2 YDiPzFZhmpFIMDqclgClXmEuLoxPNQBQLps

2021-10-25, 11:14 PM


Description 3' 0", 36 lbs.; Blue Eyes, Blonde Hair

Short and well-dressed, Lem always seems to have a smile on his face and a perfect joke for any situation. He always jumps to support people who are being stepped on.


Although Lem was raised in the lap of luxury, his childhood was anything but comfortable. Born into slavery, Lem was sold a half-dozen times to different nobles before he reached the age of 2. Always quick to side with the underdog, Lem has learned that his most powerful trait is his optimisim and sense of humor—skills that more than make up for his small stature and impulsive nature.

Home of Record


https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/detguad-60e96f5d-9365-46c3-90aa-e90afb9d49e0.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGV0Z3VhZC02MGU5NmY1ZC05MzY1 LTQ2YzMtOTBhYS1lOTBhZmI5ZDQ5ZTAucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.1linTLkO blbBDQXbg-Y50QWxeEB2fAPl5hz1eOm-RlI

2021-10-25, 11:15 PM

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/derg9tc-d61ab8ae-6225-476b-af2b-81c6c5438549.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGVyZzl0Yy1kNjFhYjhhZS02MjI1 LTQ3NmItYWYyYi04MWM2YzU0Mzg1NDkucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.BLQ9zBO3 hk9g9iRns5etRr6pCJH9pNZkzcXbz7QCACk

Description 5' 11", 165 lbs.; All Black Eyes, Bald (but w/ Black feathery hair at neck)

Her inhuman heritage is all-too apparent. She is scaled, but her scales are practically see-through and her skin is translucent and veiny, with a jaundiced veneer. Two fleshy nubs at her head, no bigger in width or length than her own curled pinky, are vestigial horns. They are at the parallel to the vertical lines of the temples, and are hard to hide on her bald head. Around her neck is a light color of black, feathery hair.

Her prehensile tail tends to slide in a slight arc behind her as a counterbalance, but it is thicker in scales, is no broader than two men's thumbs at central diameter, and is very prehensile. The end of the tail includes a classic, diabolic "barbed" look.


First daughter in many generations to show infernal traits since an ancestor made a deal so long ago for power. Parents sent her to live with monks to learn restraint and control over her magic. Her power may be extraplanar, but her strength comes from Pharasma. Constantly battling her darker instincts, the devil on her shoulder is herself, with her demonically possessed tail.

Home of Record


https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/detgufg-953147d0-76d2-4d81-92a2-4ac852d9b03c.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGV0Z3VmZy05NTMxNDdkMC03NmQy LTRkODEtOTJhMi00YWM4NTJkOWIwM2MucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.cM6K6_bA dcpt8_uvPiJvwHTlQaKDE6FXCScbZg6Mauo

2021-10-25, 11:15 PM
Vivino Dorso

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/dei7nhz-be4a1279-2677-475d-be6d-f37aeed025a1.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWk3bmh6LWJl NGExMjc5LTI2NzctNDc1ZC1iZTZkLWYzN2FlZWQwMjVhMS5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.rVEJ_oTrAeXvnv-xU9fOC7DfR-SmFSYhmOsS1jb_VbE

Description 6' 2", 200 lbs.; Hazel Eyes, Brown Hair

Tall muscular human male wearing mithril breastplate with loose clothing that could be used to cover up along with leather gloves. Across his back is a backpack and a greatsword along with a few weapons on his belt. He is clean shaven with several battle scars and closely cropped brown hair.


"I judge people based on their actions, not their words. I will do whatever I can to bring my sister back into the family."

Overall Vivino is cordial and good-natured but if someone wrongs him or his friends/family he will do whatever it takes to make sure they never bother again. The extent that he will go often makes some leery of him but he has a hard time convincing them before they try something.

Home of Record


https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/detgumd-42dfe737-6669-482a-a6e0-db19f72a7adb.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGV0Z3VtZC00MmRmZTczNy02NjY5 LTQ4MmEtYTZlMC1kYjE5ZjcyYTdhZGIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.dIMlspUR QbQxt7U3EiDx71aWZR9XjI5Ao21XSoUtVbM

2021-10-25, 11:18 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/detgvif-0e521b14-d590-4236-a36b-996298b41593.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_625,q_80,strp/7_days__epidemic_by_lostsole31_detgvif-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjI1IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwOD ktNzY0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZXRndmlm LTBlNTIxYjE0LWQ1OTAtNDIzNi1hMzZiLTk5NjI5OGI0MTU5My 5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.1GAxvRqhAVt5E sTNtmYuDAJ5hwZ_YDEdiLBeM0VtrP8

Sunday, 27 Gozran 4708 AR
(Last Quarter Moon)

No doubt the heroes are sleeping in some, getting up for a late Sunday breakfast and daily preps.

Vivino, when you awaken, that terrible sickness of the soul you had is gone, and you wake up healed. However, one thing that does linger is that loss of self-confidence you felt when you breathed in that strange powder with the door trap. That hasn't really abated at all. Your sense of self is still weakened.

This morning, there is a dark-skinned woman (Garundi, for those that know) that Master Shyamal had sent to check up on you. "Your wounds have healed well," she says, "do you mind if I check you for any signs of blood veil or any other lingering problems?"

Adelaide, you have healed well, given that Harsk and Master Shyamal checked your wounds and gave you medical assistance before you went to bed.

This morning, there is a dark-skinned woman (Garundi, for those that know) that Master Shyamal had sent to check up on you. "Your wounds have healed well," she says, "do you mind if I check you for any signs of blood veil or any other lingering problems?"

2021-10-27, 12:38 PM
"Good morning Miss. Thank you for checking on me." Vivino begins. "Overall I am feeling better but I am afraid that something may still be lingering, perhaps a poison?"

2021-10-27, 02:41 PM
Adelaide addresses the woman greatfully.

"I already owe Master Shyamal so much, but I won't turn down another check. I've recovered from the blood veil once already and it's not something I'd like to relive."

2021-10-28, 04:07 AM
"Good morning Miss. Thank you for checking on me." Vivino begins. "Overall I am feeling better but I am afraid that something may still be lingering, perhaps a poison?"
She'll ask you various questions about it, and figure that it must have been some type of poison, but she would feel better getting Master Shyamal and Harsk to look you over after that.

She does so, and the two men look Vivino over, ask a series of questions (some of them psychological), and then confer with each other in another room. They return and it is Harsk who speaks. "Yeah, we think it's a poison, but not one either of us recognize. That is some very detailed, one-off special stuff, or a truly rare poison. It does seem to be affecting various [insert medical babble here that Vivino has no idea what it means], so I'll be the attending physician throughout the day, and we'll see where you are tomorrow. That said, it doesn't seem to impact any major systems at this time.

"Other than that, you're free to move around."

Adelaide addresses the woman gratefully, "I already owe Master Shyamal so much, but I won't turn down another check. I've recovered from the blood veil once already and it's not something I'd like to relive."
The woman, of very sturdy build and a little taller than average for a human female, lays her hands on Adelaide's head. One of her hands has a silver holy symbol of Iomedae pressed against Adelaide's forehead as well. After only three prayers and bursts of energy directly into Adelaide, Adelaide is fully healed.

2021-10-28, 10:32 AM
"Thank you all for your assistance. I will be under your care and do what I can to help speed things along." Vivino replies. Then during the remainder of the rest period he will be drinking as many liquids as he can get his hands on...water, beer, etc. in order to hopefully flush the poison out while being attended to.

2021-10-28, 11:10 AM
"I am greatful for your aid, might I have your name to thank you properly?"

Conditional Response in Spoiler

Adelaide's stomach lets out a loud grumble and she lets out a soft laugh.

"I hate to impose too much, but I am absolutely starving." She looks down and pats her stomach.
"Does Master Shyamal have anything for me to address this morning?" Adelaide asks.
Spoil Text
If she gives her name Adelaide will say "Thank you for your the blessings of The Inheritor, [Insert Name]."
If she does not "Thank you for the kindness."

2021-10-29, 09:27 AM
"Thank you all for your assistance. I will be under your care and do what I can to help speed things along." Vivino replies. Then during the remainder of the rest period he will be drinking as many liquids as he can get his hands on...water, beer, etc. in order to hopefully flush the poison out while being attended to.He will not be permitted to drink beer, denied ... by all types of people ... by the dwarf, Harsk. "It'll dry you out, and tends to hold negative energy in the body ... not flush it."

"I am greatful grateful for your aid, might I have your name to thank you properly?"

The Garundi woman simply says, in a foreign accent, "I am Seelah."

Adelaide's stomach lets out a loud grumble and she lets out a soft laugh. Adelaide will say "Thank you for your the blessings of The Inheritor, Seelah. I hate to impose too much, but I am absolutely starving." She looks down and pats her stomach. "Does Master Shyamal have anything for me to address this morning?"
Adelaide will be fed well, as needed. Seelah, for her part, leaves. She was just there for magical healing, and it is Harsk, aided by Master Shyamal, who is the actual "attending physician."

2021-10-31, 02:37 PM
Vivino grumbles but nods he agreement to Harsk's words.

2021-11-03, 08:51 PM
Moonday, 28 Gozran 4708 AR
(Last Quarter Moon)

Everyone convenes at Master Shyamal's home in Midlands. In attendance, not counting the servants....
Master Shyamal (host, but not true participant)
Adelaide Breakwater
Vivino Dorsi
Dul'Dane "Dane" Thunderbreaker
Lem, a halfling valet(?) to the dwarven Pathinder

2021-11-03, 10:48 PM
"Hello again all." Vivino begins. "I hope that you all had a good rest. Greetings to those I have not met previously, my name is Vivino Dorsi.

I hope that you have been made aware of what we may be facing; for I would hate for anyone to go into this place unaware of what may be down there. Lilim, I believe that you wanted us to meet here at this time. Is there more information that you or anyone else have learned to better prepare us all? How can I best be of service to you and our fine host Master Shyamal?"

2021-11-04, 12:19 AM
Dane does a short bow.
"Names Dane, pleasure to meet you. I hear you lot know where the cause of this plague is coming from?"

2021-11-04, 12:25 AM
"I have learned nothing new, for our quarry is hidden underground where we found it," says Lilim.

2021-11-04, 02:35 PM
"Than what are we waiting for, I see Several armed individuals present and I assume you've all had some training. If those of you who have been there have information we can make a plan and go In?"
Dane looks at the people gathered waiting to hear what they know.

2021-11-04, 04:25 PM
A servant had left in the meantime to answer the door, and comes back with the woman who had provided magical healing and looked in regarding disease earlier. But instead of an off-white robe with red trim for Iomedaean vestments, she has traded that in for full plate armor [see Discord].

"I hope I am not too late?" she asks.

"No, not at all, Seelah," answers Master Shyamal, who introduces her to everyone in case they had not met before.

"My order sent me because the loss of Lucius Spriteborn is of concern," Seelah says to the room. "I will go where he had intended. I do not need planning, but rather a door to enter and evil to put to the sword."

2021-11-04, 06:31 PM
Dane looks at Seelah and speaks in a cheerful voice.
"At least I won't be the only newcomer here, and a fellow holy warrior I see."

2021-11-04, 10:51 PM
"I am afraid that I do not know very much it seems." Vivino admits. "We managed to get down below through an elevator that requires a special key; which we thankfully have. I am not aware if there are any other entrances. I have been down there once before and unfortunately I do not feel like I learned much. There are several doors that expand from the initial room downstairs. We did not get to explore very much of it before being set upon. We mistakenly split up in an attempt to capture a foe that had turned invisible, but that attracted the attention of several cultists and dangerous fellows including a crossbow wielding invisible woman, a man in an apron that could stretch his arms and paralyze with a strike, and some sort of plague demon that I never got a good look at while I was paralyzed and thankfully carried out of there."

"I will answer any questions that I capable of."

2021-11-05, 12:55 PM
Adelaide admires the newcomers.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance Dane. Seelah, "

Adelaide listens to Vivino and adds her own piece after.

"Vivino is right, the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden is a treacherous place. There are traps, undead, and demons and that was barely after we got through the front door. Once we get to the basement it's essential that we work as a team to handle whatever we come up against. We stretched ourselves too thin last time and paid the price."

2021-11-05, 02:05 PM
Harsk looks to Seelah, Dane, and Lem. "You see, we were down there to investigate, and the architect of Korvosa's troubles ... Dr. Reiner Davaulus himself, the man charged by the queen to investigate the blood veil, was down there. He led us through a merry chase in various rooms, and in chasing after him we spread out and went all over and things just fell apart from there."

2021-11-05, 07:17 PM
Dane thinks for a while.
"Than the answer is simple, stick together and work as a team. Once we arrive I can cast a spell to see invisible people. If we work through together Lem and I can call powerful magic to bolster us, we smash through them like a hammer throw dry wood. Lem do you have a song spell to reveal invisible foes?"

2021-11-05, 09:33 PM
Lem swallows. "Uhh, nope. I have just the opposite."

2021-11-05, 11:25 PM
Seelah listens to the loss in the voices of the others and it tempers her zeal just slightly, ”I will bow to your wisdom and experience for the moment. But there is much that must be answered for.”

2021-11-09, 05:54 PM
"I know that I am fairly new to this enterprise, but now that I know what I do I feel compelled to put a stop to this disease but also to make sure that our compatriots earlier efforts were not in vain." Vivino says.

"Thank you to you all for helping in this. Unless someone has questions, perhaps we should head back down and proceed carefully as soon as possible."

2021-11-09, 08:10 PM
The "Third Crusade" heads out to the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden.

The front entrance is a wooden door whose lock was broken previously. The smell emanating from inside is the unpleasant smell of much death. Any of the "Second Crusade" can tell you that the patients were put to the knife when it seems that the cover was blown after the "First Crusade's" attentions.

Even with the gut-wrenching stench of death, as you enter the entryway, the stinging scent of alcohol and medicine floods this dingy reception room, an odor typical of hospices—and morgues. Across from the entrance sits a long wooden desk, beyond which a stained leather curtain covers an archway, doing a damn poor job of muffling the charnel scent issuing from the rooms beyond.

The party continues through into the vast sick ward. The warehouse’s vast interior has been converted into one gigantic convalescent ward. The stench of alcohol, sickness, waste and death chokes the breath, and tight rows of low, stained cots cram the stone-floored hall. Every bed is filled with a pitiful story—men and women of all walks that were either consumed by the blood veil or ahd their throat slashed when the Queen's Physicians decided to cut their losses.

Does the party do anything, or move to the lift?

2021-11-09, 10:31 PM
Dane readies himself by drawing his large hammer, he than looks around.
"Check your weapons and get ready with whatever spells you have, if it is as bad as you say it may be a battle as soon as we pass through the elevator. I can use a spell to share some training if any are willing?"
Dane looks to Vivino, Harsk, Lem, and Seelah, and while waiting for their response casts a spell on himself.

Dane casting See invisibility on himself, and will cast share training twice improved outflank if allowed.

2021-11-09, 10:55 PM
Vivino grimaces at the sight. Then he moves around the area. "Perhaps we moved through this area too quickly last time. There might be clues that we missed last time.

Plus...during our last foray I left behind my great sword; might find a replacement. But at worse I have mace and claws.

Dane, I could use any help you offer."

Will look around with senses to see if there is anything else missed before or weapons available. If nothing found will move tp the elevator to head down

2021-11-10, 01:38 AM
Seelah pauses as she passes through the sick ward, compassion and disgust warring for a place in her thoughts. Dropping to one knee, she intones a prayer to Iomedae, "Inheritor, pray hear your servant! Strengthen this fellowship that we might bring swift justice on those who have brought this evil to pass. For your honor and glory!"

Upon rising, she says, "We do far more for these poor souls by bringing their murderers to justice. Let us continue downward." She settles her shield a bit and marches towards the lift, not really looking to see if the rest are coming.

2021-11-10, 05:31 PM
Dane casts his spell twice, putting himself, Lem, Harsk, Seelah, and Vivino in a type of intuitive hunting pack as far as tactics go.

Vivino doesn't find any weapons left behind.

Adelaide, when you get to the elevator, there's a 5' diameter hole in the bottom of the lift cabin from where Lilim came through. This means that everyone will NOT be able to "squeeze" on the way down, but you have to have two groups. The first group should be defensively capable of holding a "beachhead" at the bottom while one from that group (probably you) then operates the lift up to get the rest and come back down. This means it might be a REALLY hairy proposition for those down below.

What do you do?

2021-11-10, 09:31 PM
Dane looks around at his companions with impatience.
"Well if were going let's go, i'll go first to secure the are. Prolly best if Vivino, and Harsk join me. And if you need a weapon I have a few hammers on me, they are on the small side though."
Dane gestures to the two light hammers on his side.

2021-11-10, 09:45 PM
"Thank you for the offer Dane, but unless I find something that I can wrap both my hands around then my backup mace will serve well enough." Vivino nods in thanks

"As for transport down below, I do have an extract that will let me climb even smooth surfaces for a time. I could either climb down first and meet the first group down at the same time or I can cling to the walls/ceiling of the elevator and we could fit into another person."

Monkeyfish gives me a climb speed of 10. If I could make it down the elevator shaft at that speed before my 7 minutes of the extract are up I could do the first option. If it is too far to climb in that time frame at that speed then I will change my mind and do the second option to fit more on the elevator by saying: "On second thought, it would be best if I hang onto the ceiling/wall of the elevator to fit more in rather than climb all the way down."

2021-11-10, 10:35 PM
Seelah tightens the straps on her shield and draws her long sword. The slight shimmer on her forehead seems to solidify into a unicorn’s spiral horn, ”I should go with the first group. Holding the line will be easier if I do.”

SwA: add 2 essentia to both Alicorn’s Horn and Unicorn Barding.

2021-11-11, 12:08 AM
Vivino knows its not that far down that his monkeyfish extract would run out.

So, Vivino would climb down first.

That leaves Adelaide to operate the lift, and Seelah and Dane to go down so noboy squeezes. Also, Harsk will go down with the second group (Lem, basically), because that allows him to protect Lem up top as well as get his badger Biter (who, as a Small creature himself, still takes up a 5' square). Sigur is nowhere to be seen. Lilim waits patiently.

Not only is there a friggin UNICORN HORN suddenly growing out of the top of Seelah's head, but also coming into view from nowhere are silken sashes bedecked with bells and silvery charms criss-crossing her torso and tying about her waist in an elaborate knot before trailing off into sparkling light!!!

Vivino begins his climb down. As he climbs down, he finds that monkey fish greatly increases his climbing ability, but it is not perfect. Vivino is better at using the cables of the lift in tandem with the wall than trying to flat-climb the wall itself. He (likely) moves silently below, trying to do what he can. One thing he does realize is that he can't see a damn thing but above, through the hole in the lift cabin. Down below, there is absolutely no light whatsoever. Does Vivino try to do a blind climb anyway?

2021-11-11, 12:32 AM
Vivino will try to climb down on pace with the elevator to be able and use the light from the elevator hole for limited vision at least.

Since Vivino can't see in the dark, will try to keep pace with the elevator to use its light emanatingfrom the hole in the floor. If that is not feasible will either join the first crew down or climb out and wait for second trip.

2021-11-11, 01:16 AM
He gets down to the very bottom but that is the absolute farthest the light reaches (and it is the farthest extension of dim light at that). He estimates it is 40 feet from floor below to bottom of lift elevator above. Does he climb back up? Call up and say anything, or what?

2021-11-11, 09:22 AM
Vivino will first listen for any noises. Then climb back up to report what he has found and any noises.

After the report, "Come on down, I will reveal my light coin and step into the room right as you reach bottom."

If he hears anything or if it sounds like he has been spotted, will tell them as such. If he thinks he has been spotted, Vivino will hang onto the side of the elevator as it goes down rather than be alone in the dark.

2021-11-11, 04:26 PM
Plenty of light where Adelaide, Seelah, and Dane are, but Vivino's light coin is now out as well.

Adelaide uses the special button in the secret hole of the lift, and sends the lift down the forty feet to the bottom.

Adelaide & Vivino, unlike last time, where plenty of torches lined all rooms and passages. There is no light now. But the party's ample lighting changes that, but throws strange shadows about that you aren't used to.

The first thing you are greeted by is a 14' long, gangly corpse of a creature that can't weigh more than 200 pounds ... the corpse of the leukodaemon.

Seelah, Vivino, and Dane, what do you do? Adelaide needs to take the lift back up to get the others.

2021-11-11, 04:35 PM
Seelah steps out carefully, crouching behind her shield. Two quick steps to the side, and she stops and calls upon her head chakra to bring aid to her side.

move 10’ forward out of the lift, then 10’ right. SA summon her unicorn.

2021-11-11, 04:43 PM
Vivino steps out into room next to the demon and looks about the room. "I am surprised that they were able to defeat such a creature. We must be extra cautious in case whatever did this is still about."

He thinks blinks in surprise as the unicorn appears in the room. "I did not expect to see such a beautiful creature in such a terrible place. Greetings fair creature of the woods."

He then begins to scan the room and investigate th​e demon...occasionally looking at the unicorn. Perhaps the more he looks at it the more real it will seem.

While looking about, Vivino will drink a vial.

Vivino will use his senses, knowledge, and lore to observe the demon and perhaps figure out what killed it and to see if there is any other clues about that may tell us what happened here. Perhaps see evidence of where our fellows were taken as well?

Drinks his see invisibility extract.

2021-11-11, 05:23 PM
Coming into appearance is a magnificent beast looks like a white horse, but with a goat’s beard and a single long ivory horn on its brow. It bears ivory pinions, a paragon of grace and beauty. It also bears a beautiful saddle and bit-and-bridle.

In a decidely female voice, the winged unicorn answers. "I am of no 'wood,' unless I want my wings clipped by brambles, briars, and branches, strange man of stranger and disturbing smells. I am Sterling, pearlescent pilot of Heaven's peaks. Now, just a minute, please."

Sterling looks about for several seconds in several directions. "I sense no stain of sin immediately about, Seelah, yet I am ill at ease down here, for I can tell by the stuffiness we are not in a building but underground."

2021-11-11, 05:47 PM
Dane steps out and examines the creature on the ground and tries to stay observant. His hammers shaft in hand while the head rests on the ground.
"I don't think I've seen one of these before, perhaps I have read about them."

2021-11-11, 05:49 PM
Seelah bows her head slightly while scanning the room, ”I am sorry to call you forth into such a place, my friend. But my companions must be protected as they come to join me. So I ask that you abide as you can and help me hold this beachhead against the evil that we move against.”

2021-11-11, 05:58 PM
Adelaide immediately leaves them below to get the next group ...

Dane looks at the creature. This human-shaped beast has a horse’s skull for a head. It has cracked hooves and bears the rotting wings of a carrion bird.You know this is a "daemon," ... not a demon, not a devil. It is a creature of pure evil, not draconian tyranny or mindless rage. You think this is one called a "leukodaemon," but nothing more than that.

2021-11-11, 06:20 PM
Dane grimaces knowing there was a daemon here, he takes his hammer in both hands and calls to his companions.
"We should set up a defensive perimeter, this was a daemon and it's possible there are more down here. We should be ready in case we are attacked, Seelah since you have help why don't you watch those double doors! Vivino, you take the south and I'll watch the north."
Dane steps towards the space next to the door and continues to be vigilant of any noises.

2021-11-11, 10:23 PM
"My apologies and we'll met Sterling," Vivino says. "I never thought that I would a being such as yourself. It is an honor.

My sister loves Unicorns and is ecstatic to meet you." finishes quietly ask he moves to his position.

Vivino will move SE to the southern door quietly and use his senses to listen for enemies.

2021-11-11, 10:35 PM
As you are down here, those who have not been here are getting a sense and a look at the place. The scuffed stone walls of this chamber have been plastered over and then decorated with lurid murals of skeletons cavorting among the dead of a Korvosa that has completely succumbed to blood veil. Simple wooden doors lead to the north, south, and west, each bearing a painting of a scythe-wielding skeleton. A sizable double door stands on the east wall, appearing in the mural as a massive set of double doors opening into the pyramid foundation of Castle Korvosa. Two more scythe-wielding skeletons decorate these large doors.

As Dane steps right up next to the northern door, the relief of a scythe-wielding attacks him, the scythe glancing off of his armor before returning to the door as a normal mural. At the same time, the door blasts forth an off-white cloud of dust that fills all of the area.

Dane, Vivino, and Seelah, roll Fort saves vs. poison! (Here in IC, not in OOC on Discord.)

2021-11-11, 10:56 PM
As the smoke fills the room Dane shouts while trying to cover his face.
"What trickery is this?"

Save 1 [roll0]
Save 2 [roll1]

2021-11-11, 11:23 PM
Seelah hears the scythe scrape across Dane’s armor and turns toward him just in time to take the burst of powder right in the face. ”Stay back from the **cough** doors!”

Fort Save [roll0]

2021-11-11, 11:54 PM
Vivino grimaces as he goes tp hold his breath. "Need to get out of this smoke"

Fort save [roll0]

2021-11-12, 07:48 AM
Luckily, Vivino had much farther to go to his set of doors than Dane, so hadn't quite made it to his set of doors when Dane's trap sprang. So, if the southern door is trapped, Vivino hadn't gotten close enough yet.

It isn't a gas, and Vivino holds his breath all too late for it was a dosing of powder that got everywhere. Still, Vivino's skill at overcoming poison and already having felt the effects of this poison keep him from suffering more. Seelah's divine protection keeps her well protected. But in asking about the trickery, Dane only takes in a bigger gulp of the strange powder that tastes reminiscent of the smell of ash from a cremated body. Dane coughs several times, each time he feels his sense of self worth impacted. So foolish that a dwarf should succumb to poison. It gnaws at him as such.

Round One (for timing) ...

R1T16: Vivino, you already took a mouthful of this before you could react to hold your breath. And holding your breath includes a mouthful of the dust. Now that the dust has mostly settled, you'd be better off spitting out what's in your mouth and breathing normally. What do you do?You have no indication that Dane suffers from the poison, so please don't metagame a helpful reaction in that regard.

2021-11-12, 01:51 PM
Vivino spits out the dust. "Ack, that stuff tastes terrible! How did the rest of you fair?

Perhaps I should see if I can remove that trap, if it can be called such, before the others come down below. Is any of you able to assist?"

Vivino starts actively looking for the trap. Using his senses will try to detect anything from where he is. If unable to detect from here, will try to approach the double doors from the SE corner (moving to the SE corner of the room without getting in front of the door). Then will start looking for the trap again.

If he has time, will then attempt to disable the trap. If Vivino is able to disarm the trap will say: "I believe that I was able to disarm the trap but best be cautious for further activation or other traps down here."

If Vivino is not able to see the trap, the trigger, or is unable to disarm the trap will tell the others: "Best to stay away from those doors, it seems proximity triggers the trap."

2021-11-12, 08:29 PM
Dane ties to wave a hand to clear some ash.
"Im fine,*Cough, cough* just wasn't expecting dust."
Dane coughs and gags a bit at the dust in his mouth and nose while thinking how he could have fallen for such a juvenile trap.

2021-11-13, 03:21 AM
R1T16: Vivino spits out the dust. "Ack, that stuff tastes terrible! How did the rest of you fare?

"Perhaps I should see if I can remove that trap, if it can be called such, before the others come down below. Is any of you able to assist?"

R1T15: Dane, you did NOT get a chance to speak yet! Roll a Fort save vs. poison.

2021-11-13, 03:27 AM
Dane continues to cover his face in the smoke.

2021-11-14, 12:33 AM
"Watch my back while I try to get rid of these traps before the others get exposed as well. Might want to stay away from those double doors...think there was another scythe trap on it." Vivino warns. "Wouldn't turn down any assistance either."

"Unless you all think I should think I wait for the others first?"

Unless anyone objects or offers a reason to delay will attempt to disarm both traps (or more if he finds more) as mentioned previously

2021-11-14, 09:30 PM
Vivino gets closer to the door, but he doesn't even get a chance to disable the trap as just getting closer was enough for the scythe-wielding skeleton mural to pop out and attacks him, the scythe skimming off the surface of his mithril breastplate and the skeleton "breathing" the dust throughout the place again.

Vivino and Seelah, roll a Fort save vs. poison ...

2021-11-14, 09:38 PM
Vivino curses.

Fort save: [roll0]

2021-11-15, 02:14 AM
Seelah wipes her eyes with the back of her gauntlet making sure the dust won't blind her at the wrong moment. She turns to watch Vivino just as he triggers the trap again, sending another blast into the air.

Fort: [roll0]

2021-11-15, 02:22 AM
Both manage to not be bothered by the poison, as well as Dane, who had held his breath until the dust settled.

Now what?

2021-11-15, 02:24 AM
"Maybe we should just stay back from the doors, for now. I'd like to still be alive when the rest of us get down here.", Seelah says, again wiping the dust from her face. "You know we are covered in dead people, right?"

2021-11-15, 09:23 AM
Vivino nods, "This trap and the one I think is on the door itself may require a caster of some kind to get rid of. When the others get here, they might either be able to get rid of it or we avoid the doors entirely."

Vivino will back away and keep watch until the others arrive.

Moves one square to the west and keeps watch on the south door.

2021-11-15, 01:08 PM
Adelaide, meanwhile, gets to the top, and collects the rest of the party, with the party squeezing to avoid the hole.

And now, the rest of the party is down below and spills out and around the stinking daemon corpse.

2021-11-15, 04:25 PM
"Welcome..." Vivino says. "There is a trap that seems to trigger whenever someone approaches the double doors, don't have to get very close, before poisonous dust fills the room. I don't remember it activating that often before.

As one gets closer there are scythe that come off the door to physically attack.

When I attempted to approach to disarm, the dust filled the room and the scythe attacked. So unless someone has the means to disable this at range, perhaps with magic, then we should avoid going near those double doors."

2021-11-15, 06:59 PM
"Don't look at me, ya' racists!" Lem says, half-heartedly, as nobody was looking at him. "Sure, we're not all thieves, y'know."

He looks to Dane and "mutters" (loud enough to hear, for comic effect), "I mean, I am pretty good at picking pockets and all.."

And here he whips around in mock anger, "But I don't know nothing about cracking traps and popping locks!"

Lilim speaks up. "If everyone will clear well of the double doors, I have something that won't stop more dust but will definitely break the trap for good and open any lock ... given a few tries."

2021-11-15, 07:14 PM
"That's a shame Lem, as that would have given us something in common." Vivino says as he gives him a sly smile.

"Lilim, is that technique something that may set off the traps? If so we can investigate the room to the north prior. Plus it might give you a vantage point possibly free from the dust if it goes off."

2021-11-15, 07:51 PM
She nods.

Adelaide, you have the keys from Dr. Davaulus that included the special button for the elevator.

2021-11-16, 12:02 AM
Adelaide takes out the set of keys and examines them.

"I have these keys from Dr. Davaulus, I honestly just haven't taken a good look at them until now, they may be able to disable the traps on the doors. Care to give a go Vivino?"

She holds her hand out with the keys offering them up.

2021-11-17, 11:08 PM
"Thank you Adelaide, that should prove useful." Vivino nods in thanks as he takes the offered keys. "Though perhaps we should move into the north room before I try to use the keys in case the trap is set off again?"

If people do not wish to explore the north room first before trying the keys, then Vivino will approach the doors quietly and carefully in an attempt to disarm both traps. And to see if there are even more traps; then attempt to disarm those.

2021-11-17, 11:41 PM
Vivino approaches the door carefully, and is paid for his care with the skele-scythe in the mural coming alive again and swing at him. Vivino was expecting it, though, and ducks out of the way as the mural sets back to normal. This time, there is no dust blowing out into the room.

Vivino, what do you do? Do you try to disarm the trap that may or may not have reset again? or, do you open the doors with the keys?

2021-11-18, 12:16 AM
Embolden by the lack of dust...Vivino approaches the door without waiting for responses. "Hold your breath just in case..."

Vivino will try to first analyze the traps (and see if there are any others), then will try and disable both the dust and scythe traps (and any others if found).

If he is successful with the dust but not (or thinks he can't disarm the scythe trap), then will use the keys to open the doors. And say "Be ready for anything..."

If unable to disarm either trap (without setting them off again), will use the keys to open the doors and say "Be ready for whatever lies ahead."

2021-11-18, 12:33 AM
Vivino very carefully fiddles with the door. He thinks he managed to disable the trap, but he can't be sure, and says to the rest, "Be ready for anything..."

He then finds a key that fits, and turns the tumbler, cautioning, "Be ready for whatever lies ahead."

He then opens the door. The many lights of the party filter through to light up a cone inside, as the torches here were left to gutter out as well and it would otherwise be dark.

Now what?

2021-11-18, 03:59 AM
Seelah watches the exchange between the others carefully. She has no idea what she could contribute at this stage, but she wants to be ready if called upon.

Once Vivino opens the door, the current job of keeping watch and protecting the party while they are occupied seems to be complete. She turns to Sterling and bows, "Thank you for your patience and your grace in standing with me to protect my companions. I will release you back to your heavenly duties until I have need of you again."

SA: Dismiss Unicorn

2021-11-18, 07:17 PM
Sterling looks prideful and stands up straight, but for a slight nock of the right knee and a lift of his right wing. He says, as to begin a speech, opening his mouth, "Th--" **POOF!**

And Sterling is gone.

Now what?

2021-11-19, 11:13 PM
Vivino first reminds the others, "Avoid those double doors if able.

Be on guard, we don't know what has changed since we were last here. "

Vivino moves slowly into the room.

Move stealthily into the north room behind the table (3squares north). Then will use senses to get a good luck around.

2021-11-20, 08:27 AM
Vivino, cabinets and low benches fill this room. However, this room has been completely cleared out of the various medical things, doctor's plague masks, coats, etc., that were in here the last time you were here.

2021-11-20, 01:38 PM
"This room is clear, come on in." Vivino says quietly to the party. Then moves quietly to a position watching into the next room.

Moves stealthily to the north east corner of the same room. Will look around the corner watching the east room while the rest came into the room.

2021-11-21, 01:43 AM
Vivino falls back to the rear with Lilim.

The party moves through Doctor Indoctrination and gets to the Cult Quarters to the east. Black-sheeted cots fill this room; their satin coverings and overstuffed pillows seem more akin to funerary trappings than the resting places of the living. Numerous skulls are set evenly within the room’s stone walls. Candles inside them are dark, no longer casting the jack-o'-lantern-like, morbid glow as before.

Both sets of doors to the south are closed.

2021-11-22, 06:51 PM
Dane does a quick scan of the room before he approaches the south west door, he waits till everyone is in place and ready before opening it.
"We should do a quick search of the room before pushing on."

2021-11-22, 09:07 PM
The party does a quick four-and-a-half minute look over the room, finding nothing of note.

Which of the two southern doors are you looking to go to next (both are closed at this time)?

2021-11-22, 10:09 PM
"I would recommend the door to the southeast," Vivino says. "As that should be away from the double doors that may or may not still be trapped. Though if I remember correctly, they are not triggered from this side of the doors. But best to be careful while we have the time to be so."

2021-11-22, 10:27 PM
The party moves to the room to the south of the current, via the western door, but being careful to steer clear of the double doors to the west (which doesn't have a scythe-wielding skeleton mural on this side).

Behind thick panes of glass, fragments and even whole bodies of the living dead line the walls and floor of this chamber. Their rotting faces sneer and broken fingers claw at each other as the shattered forms twitch in vain, their splintered appendages grasping hopelessly. Yet rather than some massive, nightmarish grave, this horror show seems instead to be a stomach-churning attempt at art.

In the southwestern corner of the room are three bodies ... that of two Queen's Physicians and an Urgathoan cultist. They have been stripped of all weapons, armor, and anything of use. There are the remains of a greatsword in the midst of the bodies, but it has been destroyed by acid ... so Vivino's sword is now officially gone.

So, not counting the door to the north (back to the barracks) or the double doors to the west (heading back to the entryway) .... there is a set of double doors to the east and two doors to the south.

2021-11-23, 06:04 PM
"I never made it past this room before." Vivino mentions. "From the south doors the man I'm the apron and a few others sprung. Those that went to the east encountered that demon creature and many cultists.

Should we clear put the south first? Though be careful of traps as at least myself never made it that way."

2021-11-23, 11:23 PM
Harsk speaks up. "As a sniper, I am usually in the back. But if you need me and my curse-driven senses to maybe suss out danger, I can do that ... if nobody else can. I might have a sixth sense about danger, or smell something off that might indicate a trap. I just don't have any particular training in such. I am more about tracking fey and giant creatures in the mountains, then determining mechanical trickery on a dungeon door in an unholy fane."

2021-11-25, 03:12 PM
Dane steps forward.
"I can check he door, after checking I will enter first."
He taps his armor.
"I'm confident in my defense."

2021-11-25, 06:31 PM
Dane checks the door, and it seems safe. Lem gets into the corner but next to his boss. Harsk stands as far north of Dane as possible yet still in the same room, flaming crossbow at the ready. Seelah gets in line behind Dane.

Dane opens the door, and moans are heard from within.

Begin Round One ...

R1T25: Adelaide moves forward quickly, bow in hand, stands atop the dead Queen's Physican, and opens the westernmost of the two doors. "Plague victim!" she shouts. "Don't know if alive and bad, or undead. I think the latter. Don't know."

R1T20: Lem darts inside while drawing his masterwork cold iron short sword. "Plague zombie! They're going to blow up and douse an area with plague ... and holding breath isn't going to help. Well, here goes!"

Dane sees him stab that front one in the arm for 4 mod.

R1T16-15: Green moves forward and swings at Lem, and when it does, Lem steps closer into its square. Red charges Adelaide, its fist just skimming off her armor.

R1T14: Vivino, your monkeyfish expired. You have Improved Outflank with Harsk, Dane, Lem, and Seelah. Your see invisibility is operating (and will for some time). What do you do?

2021-11-26, 02:38 AM
Vivino cracks his neck and darts into the room. He closes in on the one attacking Lem and swings his mace at its neck.

With his speed of 40 will move to use the outflank to flank the green zombie.

If acrobatics are needed to get into flanking position: [roll0]

Then swing his mace with both hands using flank:

To hit [roll1] and damage of [roll2] and sneak damage of [roll3]

2021-11-26, 02:57 AM
R1T14: Vivino cracks his neck and darts into the room. He closes in on the one attacking Lem and swings his mace at its neck. He doesn't quite get the neck, but does get the upper check to crumple in its torso some and destroying the plague zombie, which explodes in a burst of decay and bone and sprays of necrotic gore.

R1T13: Harsk was ready to let fly, but he was distracted while Vivino ran in, as his whole body's musculature seems incredibly tense and taut and he seems to be in pain. It lasts for a few seconds, but then Harsk is focused again. He shoots Blue in the chest for 3 mod + 5 fire, speed reloads (a frickin heavy crossbow) and says, "Biter, stay."

He then shoots again, hitting Blue in the arm for 3 mod +1 fire ... and reloads again.

R1T13: Dane, there's no way to tell, but if what Lem said was true, then Vivino and Lem were both exposed to plague. What do you do?

2021-11-26, 03:24 AM
Dane moves forward toward the zombie and lifts his earth breaker up and brings it down on the zombie with all his might.

"Get ready, it'll likely blow here!"

Moving south 2 squares to flank with Lem than Vital strike + Risky strike on the zombie. [roll0] [roll1]

2021-11-26, 03:54 AM
R1T13: Dane moves forward toward the zombie and lifts his earth breaker up and brings it down on the zombie with all his might, while calling out, "Get ready, it'll likely blow here!"

Sure enough, Blue does exactly that ... splooshing goosh all oover the booys.

R1T7: With an impressive ability to corner and turn, Lilim flies through the door the men went through and circles around to threaten the last plague zombie. From her hands form a black staff that grows out until a large, crescent-shaped blade forms at the top end, edged by water appears to be some type of flowing, silvery water. She cuts downwards and destroys the zombie in a single blow, which explodes all over herself and Adelaide.

Combat Ends ...

Now the party has a chance to take stock of their surroundings. Eight unpleasant-looking beds stand here. Their sharp iron frames are threaded with worn manacles and stained leather straps. Several are occupied by what were once obviously unwilling patients; all are bound and dead, their throats having been slit. Between them stand several small tables strewn with gore-soaked pans, flasks of mysterious fluids, and all manner of cruel-looking cutting instruments. A sizable brown-crimson stain covers much of the eastern wall, as if all the blood from a body once held there had exploded forth in a single violent eruption.

There is a set of double doors on the western wall quite a bit to the south.

2021-11-26, 05:10 AM
Seelah steps into the room shield first, but sees no more enemies to smite. Lowering her bulwark, she takes in the gore-soaked appearance of those already in the room, ”I have the ability to cure this plague on you all, but limited uses each day. Should I do so now? Or should we wait for symptoms to show to be certain you have contracted it?”

2021-11-26, 05:31 AM
Lem smiles. "Save your wares, Big Gal, I lead a charmed life."

2021-11-26, 07:10 AM
Dane seeing the gore and obvious signs of torture let's out an angry roar slamming his earth breaker into the wall, than looks around and looks a little embarrassed.
"Sorry, I know that these jobs aren't pleasant but when I listened to the others their stories were always heroic. I guess these details are left out, save your magic for once the deeds are done lest we waste your blessings in the next few minutes."
Dane unlodges his hammer and looks around the room.

2021-11-26, 12:16 PM
"Thank you Seelah, but I agree woth the others on waiting in case we get exposed again.

Does anyone have magical meals to clean us?" Vivino asks

"Then do we wish to continue south west or head back to the east through the previous room?"

As people answer, Vivino also begins looking around.

If no one can help clean then Vivino will do his best to clean himself.

Then would like to use senses and possibly lore to examine the room and then if have time will examine the south west doors for traps and lock.

2021-11-26, 08:37 PM
Big chunks of stuff still need to be removed, wiped off, but Lem casts prestidigitation as often as needed to minimize the effects of gore and goo on everyone.

As it just seems like there is to be a basic check of the room (rather than a deep exploration), the three dead people strapped to the bed are dead. It was a middle-aged man, and both a man and a woman in their prime. The double doors to the south are sturdy, and made of iron. It takes a hair over four minutes to do a cursory check of the room.

The door is checked safe, and nothing is heard on the other side. Adelaide's keys unlock the double doors, and then she steps back, put keys on belt, and gets out her bow.

Dane and Seelah open the double doors. Iron doors with slotted windows, much like one might find in a prison or asylum, line the walls of this chamber. Faint bloodstains fleck the straw-strewn flagstones.

Through whatever means of care, doors will be safety checked and all opened. Five of the cells all held prisoners. A medical check of their bodies show no signs of blood veils. Also, they all seem to be of Varisian ethnicity. They were killed by way of ingested poison, signs of their last and deadly meals on trays on the deck, and vomit and other bodily eruptions in horrid smelling pools around them. They appear to all have been killed within the last day.

2021-11-27, 03:15 AM
Vivino stares blankly for a moment and then in a soft voice, " we might have been able to save these people if we had been more careful last time...perhaps we should move back to those other double doors?"

2021-11-27, 12:45 PM
The party backs out to the "art" gallery, to the eastern set of double doors. Dane does a safety check, and nothing nothing, he and Seelah open the doors (her longsword stowed momentarily). The stinging scent of harsh chemicals chokes this high-ceilinged chamber. Three huge metal vats bubble here, each more than six feet tall. A sturdy series of catwalks ten feet off the ground stretches over and around the vats, allowing those above to attend whatever slurry produces the foul green-brown mist emanating from each gigantic vessel. Circling the upper portion of the room is an elaborate mosaic of white, black, and green stone that depicts a giant half-skeletal woman in black veils dancing among fields of the dead, undead, and dying.

There are a couple of dead bodies in the near distance, another body in the middle distance, and on the far end of the room are two bodies on the catwalk.

2021-11-27, 10:09 PM
Seelah draws her sword again as soon as doors are opened. She Gives the bodies a cursory once over, looking for signs of how they died. The mosaic draws her full attention as she seeks clues as to what it means.

2021-11-27, 11:28 PM
Adelaide and Harsk can tell the rest (including Vivino, as his battle never brought him here) that the dead bodies are cultists, killed by a variety of the weapons that the heroes had to bring them low. However, it seems that the bodies and their equipment were sprayed down with acid, destroying anything salvageable, ability for proper forensices, or identification so that the cultists could not be identified (including complete mutilation of jaw and mouth to dissuade speak with dead spells).

The body in the middle of the two vats in the center of the room is that of Doctor Reiner Davaulus. He was killed by the heroes. His body was stripped of anything useful by the enemy, but not destroyed and was left here to sit for the past two days. There are two other bodies of cultists that Harsk can identify Iluvar having single-handedly killed up on the catwalks.

Meanwhile, there are a series of doors in this room.

There are two doors to the south, 15' from each other. There are two doors to the far esat, 15' from each other. All four of these doors are on "floor level."

On the catwalk to the north (so, "upper level") is another door.

What does the party do?

2021-11-28, 12:26 AM
Dane does a cursory look to make sure no one is hiding anywhere and the moves towards the eastern door staying 5 ft away.
"Alright, we should look around but not for long than move on."
See invisibility still active.

2021-11-28, 12:27 AM
"We should search these rooms first, not just the big one," says Lilim.

2021-11-28, 11:58 AM
"Lilim, are you suggesting that we search this room as well as the north/south before going east?" Vivino asks as he begins doing a quick search of this room.

Will use his senses to search this room and lore to help figure it out

2021-11-28, 08:20 PM
"We might as well," she answers. "It's not like we are on a rescue-the-innocents timeframe anymore."

After searching the room (which does NOT include any messing with any of the doors), besides the bodies, the three massive vats include a slurry of fluid. It reeks, and it is nauseous, but Adelaide and Harsk can both tell you it isn't bad as before. See, the blood vats are no longer tended, and no longer heated, so the wretched fluid is congealed. Unfortunately, Vivino doesn't carry any spare specimen collection vials.You may not repurpose or assume that an alchemy crafting kit gives you anything outside of specifically what is designed for, i.e., the ability to use class features. If you want vials or other things to collect specimens, they need to be procured separately.
Nothing else of interest is found in this room.

2021-11-28, 09:31 PM
"If anyone has or knows of any spare glass vials that I could use then I can obtain a sample to study later." Vivino says. "If not then let us move on...perhaps south?"

If anyone has or knows of a spare vial will get a sample. otherwise will move on with the others.

2021-11-28, 10:04 PM
Nobody has any such thing, as nobody's interests lie quite that way.

Which of the two doors to the south do you check first? The one more west or more east?

2021-11-28, 10:07 PM
"Sorry Vivino. Closest I've got is my waterskin. And I expect to need that at some point.", Seelah says, wrinkling her nose at the idea of putting any of the sludge in her drinking skin.

2021-11-28, 10:07 PM
"Let us start with the southwest door." Vivino says.

2021-11-28, 10:16 PM
The party gets into position. Dane checks the door safe, and then opens the door. Little more than barrels of water, kindling, and long stirring poles are contained in this room. The party takes a minute to search here casually, and find nothing of value.

2021-11-29, 01:15 AM
Dane leaves the room once clear that it is supplies.
"Alright fair point we'll search the small ones. Stay nearby and we'll hit'em one by one "

Dane will systematically move to each side door and wait for his team before getting within 5 ft and checking them.

2021-11-29, 02:33 AM
The next door is checked and opened. The southeastern corner of this otherwise empty room seems to be unfinished, and a large mound of rubble fills the corner.

2021-12-01, 05:45 PM
Dane walls up the stairs leading to the door on the catwalk, once his team is in position he will check and open the door.

2021-12-01, 07:09 PM
Vivino will move up onto the catwalk to support Dane but not be close enough tp get in the way nor to be caught in possible traps.

2021-12-01, 09:35 PM
Meanwhile, Harsk takes the far western edge of that walkway ... as Adelaide is on the opposite side of the room ... both with ranged weapons ready as needed.

"Come in, dwarf!" calls a creaking voice from inside. "Your mouth-breathing is tiring to listen to, and the quicker you can be on your way, the better."

2021-12-01, 10:21 PM
"No need to keep the rude person waiting?" Vivino whispers.

2021-12-01, 10:32 PM
Despite Vivino being several feet from the door and whispering outside of a stout, closed door, "I believe you will find my desire for protocol more elaborate than your own. You find waiting outside a door with weapons drawn rude. I would personally have just knocked to see if anyone was home."

2021-12-04, 03:26 PM
"Friend dwarf, would you mind doing the honors?" Vivino asks.

2021-12-05, 04:34 PM
Dane enters with his earthbreaker ready and call's out.
"And who are you?"

2021-12-05, 04:59 PM
An elegant operating table dominates the center of this grim laboratory. Crossed with iron restraints and encircled by a gore-encrusted gutter, the macabre device sports various cranks and levers, and is large enough to accommodate an ogre. Along the walls stand several tables strewn with all manner of alchemical accouterments. Their contents appear extremely old: rusted iron tools, beakers of purpled glass, and deep pools of wax from countless melted candles.

The operating table holds a man - unconscious and held fast by the table's three heavy iron crossbeams. The table he lies on is a combination operating table and torture device, and its restraints are capable of crushing a victim in their metal grip.

"I," says a withered bald man with pointed ears, "am Ramoska Arkminos, and I hold no love for the cult of Urgathoa, the Red Mantis, the Gray Maidens, Queen Ileosa, Korvosa, Varisia, or anything else which you, or the people you strive against, hold dear. If you leave me be, I shall reciprocate the favor, as long as you and yours remove yourselves from my laboratory immediately."

2021-12-06, 05:59 PM
Dane will slowly position himself at the opposite end of the table from Ramoska.
"It is hard to believe you aren't a part of this considering where we found you and the fact you have this lad chained up, care to explain who and what you are? As well as why you are here?"

Dane activates his discern lies.

2021-12-07, 04:51 AM
Ramoska speaks slowly and simply, as if explaining to a child (you). "This blood veil is a brilliant, synthetic upgrade to something else called Vorel's phage. One of the things that was noticed is that there was an exceptionally small percentage of ethnic Varisians who seem to be completely immune to the blood veil. Such as this gentleman here, Ruan Mirukova. A simple street performer of no great lineage, and yet his body completely rejects the blood veil. The Urgathoans want to find out why - which is the purpose of this hospice, not just the manufacture of the blood veil that you see in the vats out there - so that they may then find a way to remove that roadblock. I study, because I am simply fascinated by the simple pathological nature of cause, effect, and genetics. It may well be key to a discovery to find ways to combat diseases of other types, not that I said as much to Davaulus and his simpletons."

He spoke so simply and dramatically with his accent that Dane's discern lies is exhausted before Ramoska finishes speaking, but Dane didn't discern any lies.

Everyone else, Dane went inside and started speaking to someone. Anyone else do anything?

Dane, what now?

2021-12-07, 07:07 AM
Seelah follows Dane through the door when she hears Dane speaking. Walking in at the end of the bald man’s monologue, she immediately falls into guard and directs her full focus towards him, seeking his aura and intent.

MA: Follow Dane into the room.
MA: Detect Evil directed at Ramoshka

2021-12-07, 07:48 AM
Seelah, you sense a strong emanation of evil from this person.
Who does what next?

2021-12-07, 09:19 PM
Somewhat taken aback by the powerful aura emitted by Ramoska, Seelah takes a hard look at the supposed doctor. As she looks for clues as to the source of said aura, she moves farther into the room, angling away from Dane so as to have a clear path in case this new nemesis attacks.

2021-12-07, 10:07 PM
Lem follows in and gets just past Dane to get a look at things. "He looks like some kinda' freaky vampire. Definitely an undead guy."

Vivino, care to join the party?

2021-12-07, 10:34 PM
Vivino will move into the room next to the table. "Greetings fellow explorer of the body. See you have been studying this veil, could you tell us how to reverse the progress of this pathogen?"

Use senses, lore, and possibly heal check to examine the man on the table.

If Ramoska tells anything will analyze what he says as well

2021-12-07, 10:46 PM
"I am Ramoska Arkminos," he says with a bone-chilling voice that stops Vivino in his tracks. "That is my patient, not yours. You have overstayed your welcome and are distracting my studies. You will not let me continue in peace, will you? Is it your ardent wish as claimants to the empty sanctuary behind you to impinge upon my studies with your bothersome selves?"

2021-12-08, 08:27 AM
"You are a foul abomination, nosferatu!", Seelah spits, "And I, Seelah, as a Champion of The Inheritor, will see your 'studies' ended this day!

Seelah stalks into the room, making sure there is naught between Romoska and herself.

MA: move into the SE corner of the room
SwA: Declare the vampire target of Smite Evil
SA: Cast Eagle's Splendor on herself

2021-12-08, 03:02 PM
"You are a foul abomination, nosferatu!", Seelah spits, "And I, Seelah, as a Champion of The Inheritor, will see your 'studies' ended this day!"

Begin Round One ...

But Seelah isn't nearly as quick, nor her motives hidden enough, to have been able to stalk in and smite before pretty much everybody else knows that "it" is going "down."

R1T23: Dane, Drinking Companion is in hand. Improved Outflank is still shared out to Harsk, Lem, Vivino, and Seelah for quite awhile more. You see Seelah is about to go into hostilities. What do you do?

2021-12-08, 04:47 PM
Dane take's in the situation and holds out a hand to stop Seelah.
"A vampire eh, stop Seelah! First and foremost we are here to save people, I have the ability for a time to see through lies and Ramoska here spoke the truth."

Dane looks Ramoska over as if studying him before asking.
"Tell me Ramoska, will you release this man to us? He is a victim in all this and need not be further involved, I don't know your situation or how you became like this but it seems you are atleast in command of your own mind."

Attempts to discern what he is on my own.

2021-12-08, 05:41 PM
R1T23: Dane take's in the situation and holds out a hand to stop Seelah. "A vampire eh? Stop, Seelah! First and foremost , we are here to save people. I have the ability for a time to see through lies and Ramoska here spoke the truth."

Dane looks Ramoska over as if studying him before asking. "Tell me, Ramoska, will you release this man to us? He is a victim in all this and need not be further involved, I don't know your situation or how you became like this but it seems you are at least in command of your own mind."

R1T19: "Not just like that, of course not, he is valuable to me," Ramoska answers, but crouching slightly for total defense. "But we could work a trade, as you are not likely to leave without him."

R1T17: Harsk and Biter sneak forward, Harsk with a shot readied.

R1T16: A little rat sticks his head out of Ramoska's long coat, before ducking back down.

R1T15: Adelaide's voice is heard casting a spell, and Vivino sees her do so before she disappears from view.

R1T11: "A way to go without bloodshed?" asks Lem of Ramoska, checking footwork in case it goes down. "What were you thinking about Mr. deHyde?"

R1T6: Vivino, what do you do?

2021-12-08, 08:27 PM
Vivino looks back and forth between those speaking unsure now if violence will ensue or not. Then steps next to the table to examine the man and the locks holding him in place.

Will move 5' north to the table then uses knowledge nature (heal) to examine the person and senses to examine the locks holding the man down for traps

2021-12-09, 01:15 AM
R1T6: Vivino steps right next to the table. He sees the man looking back at him barely, and given his languid movement Vivino determines the handsome young Varisian man is disabled and in critical condition. Of the table, Vivino does not see any easy or quick release, if he were looking to do a smash-and-grab.

R1T15: Lilim comes in and moves to step by Dane, but is guarded.

R1T3: Okay, Seelah .... what do you do? Do you smite evil, and damn the consequences? or, do you deal with one evil, to perhaps forestall the lesser possibility of an innocent being killed?

Dane on deck, Ramoska in the hole ...

2021-12-09, 02:30 AM
Seelah sighs in frustration, wanting badly to destroy this abomination. But she recalls the ninth Act of her patron, when Iomedae gave nine drops of her own blood to a vampire-wizard in exchange for the freedom of nine righteous knights. ”We will allow you to go free in exchange for this man’s life. But know that if I see you again, Ramoshka, I will destroy you.”, she says through clenched teeth.

2021-12-09, 03:05 AM
R1T3: Seelah sighs in frustration, wanting badly to destroy this abomination. But she recalls the ninth Act of her patron, when Iomedae gave nine drops of her own blood to a vampire-wizard in exchange for the freedom of nine righteous knights. ”We will allow you to go free in exchange for this man’s life. But know that if I see you again, Ramoshka, I will destroy you.”, she says through clenched teeth.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Dane, what do you do?

Ramoska on deck ...

2021-12-09, 08:46 AM
Dane stands there waiting for Ramoska's response.
hold until after Ramoska's turn.

2021-12-09, 04:29 PM
R2T23: Dane delays, waiting for Ramoska's reply.

R2T19: Ramoska, carefully eyeing the room, looks to Seelah (which in no way says he is distracted and not aware of anyone else). "You have given an extortive ultimatum, and dressed it up as a negotiation. Telling someone "do this or die" is not any type of bargain, but very much the short-sightedness of a paladin of Iomedae. If that is the case, and you do not wish to bargain, and you wish to threaten and do violence, even though you know that this man's life is likely to be taken by me in the interim ... thereby showing that violence against what you believe to be 'evil' is more important than the safety of an innocent. Now, shall we actually bargain, and have you listen to such, or just commit to violence because that is the only language you speak?"

R2T11: Lem looks to Seelah. "Listen, Lady. Yeah, it ain't perfect, but if he's giving us a means of saving that guy, let's see what the price is, and if it is too much for our pockets or our souls before committing everyone to this fight."

R2T6: Vivino, do you delay to allow continuance of this negotation, or do something else?

Lilim on deck, Seelah in the hole, Dane delaying ...

2021-12-09, 07:57 PM
Vivino will remain quiet to see how this moves forward but will view the restraints a bit more before stepping back a bit to cover the exit.

Vivino will eye the restraints a bit longer to see if he can find any weakness or way to quickly release/protect the man. Then will step back 5' south to seem unobtrusive but also to help cover the exit.

2021-12-09, 08:29 PM
Out of Initiative ...

Vivino, you would actually have to bend down under the height of the bed to really get a good look at the levers that operate this bed.

Ramoska begins, "I am reluctant to relinquish my latest test subject. I would be willing to sell you the youth and leave quietly for the bargain price of 2,000 gold pieces.

"However, I could shelves that cost entirely if you were to do a favor for me. If Lady Andaisin were forced to give up her plans due to death or some other unforeseen incident, there would be little to keep me here in Ramoska, for I am originally here at the behest of my own master in Ustalav. I am not willing to abandon my post here without bringing something back to Ustalav to have made the trip worthwhile.

"Among the more intriguiing magical items I've seen recently are the death's head coffers the cult used to infect silver coins ... the ones that had the blood veil on them. This is the mechanism by which the Urgathoan cult imperiled your city. Unfortunately, all but one of these coffers have been used. If you can deliver the final coffer to me, I will trade it for Ruan. Of course, this final coffer is held in the temple's inner sanctum, and Lady Andaisin is very unlikely to simply let you take it from her, but then again, I think you are going to have to face her, regardless.

"If you agree to this favor, you will not have an old, powerful nosferatu in Korvosa anymore; Ruan Mirukova can be reunited with his sister, the former whom one of your predecessors had agreed contracted to find, if I recall correctly; an innocent doesn't have to die, for I would most certainly strike him dead instantly were you to move against me; and, even if you are powerful enough to vanquish me, I assure you that the possibility of devastation to your numbers is higher than you think righteousness will carry you. This is the best means of preserving life, removing two dangers to your precious city, and keeping your numbers at full to face whatever else you need to protect your land."

2021-12-12, 11:21 AM
"Though I am not pleased with the idea we may wish to agree to this deal. "Vivino says.

"Ramoska, does this lady also have notes about the veil that we could use to create a counter agent? Or do you have notes to that effect?"

2021-12-13, 04:39 AM
"I don't know, and play no part with that," says Ramoska. "Surely, Doctor Davaulus might, though."

2021-12-13, 09:22 PM
"If we accept this deal, no further harm happens to this man. Are you prepared to protect this man without further experimentation until we return?" Vivino asks.

"Are the rest of you ok with this deal?"

2021-12-14, 01:14 AM
"On my word and honor, will you accept that or no," the nosferatu says, particularly eyeing Seelah, "as I am Ramoska Arkminos, I shall not only not harm this man further, but shall protect him - though not fortify or feed him - until you honor this bargain. But you shall not speak to, fortify, heal, or do anything else for him to maintain the balance of this tenuous truce. If you get me the remaining death's head coffer and seek no violence against me, the sister of Ruan Mirukova will owe you her thanks for saving her brother's life."

2021-12-14, 04:05 PM
"I understand what it means to save a sibling at any cost." Vivino says. "I agree to this truce, do the rest of you agree as well?"

2021-12-14, 04:26 PM
Lem, speaking for Dane, looks pointedly at Seelah and Lilim, then to Ramoska. "Better we save the lives we can now, rather than trying to make a balance book of what greater evil might be stopped 'for the greater good.' We agree."

Dane smiles approvingly at Lem, and Lilim - hard to read with her vulturine head - gives a single, curt nod.


2021-12-14, 05:35 PM
”I agree to these terms.”, Seelah says with a look of disgust on her face, “With the condition that you give him healing if he worsens. If he is not in exactly this condition when we return, there will be a reckoning.”

2021-12-15, 05:13 AM
"Agreed," says Ramoska, "as long as nobody does anything to hasten that worsening just for violence's sake."

Okay, folks, now what?

2021-12-15, 11:52 AM
"Shall we then get this over with?" Vivino asks. With one last cautious look at Ramoska and his prisoner, Vivino will leave the room and head to the door to the east to await the rest of the party and resume our marching order.

2021-12-15, 10:39 PM
The door to the east being on the lower level, that is.

As Vivino leaves, Harsk relaxes his aim, and Adelaide lets you know where she is (she is now invisible). They were totally ready to storm in or shoot down a fleeing enemy. The party goes back down below, passing the body of the deceased Dr. Davaulus.

Vivino goes through the northernmost of the two eastern doors, while Seelah, Harsk (and Biter) and Adelaide go through the southern of the two for a two-prong entrance. Meanwhile, Dane gives a quick recap to Adelaide and Harsk about the deal.

In this next room, he reek of once-burning wax wafts through this morbid chamber, with several tall, misshapen candles being the apparent now unlit source. Workspaces strewn with tall beakers of foul-colored liquids, parchments covered in insidious symbols, and cages of whimpering rodents fill large alcoves in both the northern and southern walls. A pair of huge stone doors hang ajar to the east, revealing a long hallway leading further into the dark. At the room’s center stand four large, cylindrical glass vats, two of which are filled with a bubbling emerald fluid that tints the chamber’s light a noxious green. Within each suspension floats a malformed abomination—something part human, part angel, and part horse—things of half-formed muscle with dead, fleshless equine skulls. The forms are motionless.

At the base of one of the broken vats is one of these things, definitely dead, but without the signs of recent battle seen from the similar "leukodaemon" (as Lilim calls it) in the entry hall you came through.

"Wait a minute," says Harsk after absorbing the details of the meeting with Arkminos. "So, the Urgathoans have given up this place, but there is a 'Lady Andaisin' with a matchbox maguffin to some place to the east?" The latter he emphasizes pointing to the stone double doors. "I feel like we're walking into a trap. Can we spare a minute? I'd like to scare up a little help."

2021-12-15, 10:48 PM
"Very wise Harsk," Vivino says. "I didn't expect things to be the same as we had left them down here. But things seem very odd indeed."

2021-12-17, 04:41 PM
Okay ..... now what?

2021-12-17, 08:28 PM
"Do you require more time Harsk or are you and everyone else of course, ready to proceed?" Vivino asks.

If Harsk and others are ready, Vivino will examine the door for traps and disarm if he finds any. If he detects one and is unable to disarm then says : "Beware there or something on this door that I want able to disarm yet."

Then will assume normal party order and if no traps were detected or were disarmed will say: "Doorway looks clear."

2021-12-18, 08:08 PM
Harsk is ready, and the doors are opened to reveal a long, 10'wide passageway heading into the darkness beyond the range of anyone's darkvision.

2021-12-18, 11:17 PM
"Let us proceed quietly if we can," Vivino suggests. "They might have waited so long for us that they have becone lax. "

If everyone is ready will try to stealth down the hallway checking for traps occasionally.

2021-12-19, 02:19 PM
Seelah nods quickly to Vivino, pulling her shield in close to her torso and looking over the top as she follows him into the halway.

2021-12-20, 11:53 AM
As the party closes to what appears to be a large, circular chamber, a single cultist of Urgathoa steps out, the light glow about her signaling that she is ready for battle.

"Hold!" she calls out. "What is it you seek here at Urgathoa's fane?"

Begin Round One ...

R1T20: Harsk is heard groaning in some type of pain before he wheels out from the back to the head and north of the party. His diplomatic response is shooting her in her unprotected left calf for 12 + 2 fire. He speed loads his crossbow.

R1T18: Adelaide has been invisible for several minutes, and her arrow reveals herself, as she is standing by Harsk out of line of the rest of the party. The arrow hits the woman in the neck for 27, dropping her.

"Showoff," Harsk mutters with a slight smile.

R1T17: Vivino, what do you do?

2021-12-20, 12:35 PM
Vivino pauses to see if there is any reaction to that brief negotiation. He holds one of his extracts waiting to see.

If any other enemies appear or something dangerous happens, Vivino will drink his bears endurance extract. Ready to drink?:)

2021-12-20, 01:00 PM
R1T17: Vivino readies an extract.

R1T16: Seelah, what do you do?

2021-12-22, 10:00 AM
A woman's voice calls out from the chamber beyond ...

“And so you have found your way to me, hopeful heroes. Know that you stand before the architect of your city’s death. You call this sending blood veil, yet I know it as the gentle kiss of the Pallid Princess. Your reward shall be great—choose of the seven scourges to become one with the goddess. Those who drink I shall only cripple, leaving you alive to enjoy her as she quickens inside your flesh. Those who abstain are fools, not fit to house the divine gift. You may prostrate yourselves at my feet, and I shall make your end all the more swift for it. Swifter, in any event, than this delightful end your lovely queen has enjoined me to create!”

Just then, two figures appear from around the sides. These wretched human figures have tight leathery skin, sunken eyes, and emaciated frames, yet move with eerie alacrity. They both wield short swords.

Round One ...

R1T28: Harsk, not even waiting to "talk it out" as the female voice had mentioned, grunts as if in pain rather than a dwarven grunt of resolution, ripples of muscles moving about under his skin. He looks to the party. "I'm going to call for help. Cover me! Biter, guard me!" He steps back 5' and then begins concentrating.

R1T26: A third of these dead-walkers comes zooming into the hallway from the south and stabs the now-visible Adelaide in her groin for 10.

R1T24: Lilim moves past the front line and drawing on reserves of energy throws out a blast that hits one of these dead-walkers (Blue) square in the abdomen with a soft crit for 18 acid. In addition, the burst explodes in acid, engulfing the other two dead-walkers. Though quick, they are unable to jump out of the way and Red gets hit for 8 acid (and a destroyed short sword), and Green gets hit for 16 acid.

R1T22: That woman's voice is heard again, chatting from the blue-glowing chamber beyond. A woman with a great scyhe, walking 10' off the ground, is barely seen for a brief second, walking over the tunnel's entrance (she is too high to be targeted at this time).

R1T19: The Red dead-walker whose shortsword was melted closes on Adelaide and misses wildly with its fist.

R1T18: Adelaide steps back - to close ranks on Harsk, but to give herself breathing room, giving a good look at Green. She then lets loose with a volley of arrows. Her first is a manyshot that plugs right into Green to destroy it! The next arrow is at Red's left hand for 6 mod, and a final arrow to its left shoulder for 11 mod.

R1T17: Lem takes out his flute and begins to play a jaunty tune that fills the hero's hearts with courage!

R1T15: A different woman's voice is heard from the chamber beyond.

R1T13: Blue dead-walker charges Lilim, but can't get past her armor.

R1T12: Seelah, what do you do? [Note, you don't see the woman to the east, but you know she is there "on the air" right above tunnel entrance (the tunnel is 10' high).

2021-12-22, 11:14 AM
Seelah, keeping herself behind her shield, advances down the hallway towards the welcome party.

MA: Move 30 feet east in a defensive stance.

2021-12-23, 02:52 AM
R1T12: Seelah, keeping herself behind her shield, advances down the hallway towards the welcome party. As she passes Blue, it stabs her with a lucky soft-crit in the right shoulder for 10. She then goes to sidestep Red who (wow) also gets a lucky soft crit with its fist against her head for 12. She passes the very lucky gauntlet to get to the room beyond.

R1T10: Dane, Drinking Companion is in hand. What do you do?

2021-12-26, 03:23 PM
R1T10: Dul'Dane Thunderbreaker smiles at Seelah having taken a worthy sacrifice, for he follows up by being ignored by Blue while he steps up to Red. "Drinking Companion here will take your heads, by the Lucky Drunk, and justice will be served!" He then mentions a few words to Lilim for tactics on outflanking Red. He finally ends his action by bringing his earthbreaker to bear on Red's left shoulder at an odd angle to crumple and destroy Red.

R1T9: Biter double moves and gets to a point to threaten the deadwalker and screen Harsk from danger.

R1T6: Vivino, what do you do?

Harsk on deck, Lilim in the hole ...

2021-12-26, 03:53 PM
Vivino quaffs his extract in frustration and excitement. Then with a flurry of movement tumbles into flanking position of blue brandishing his mace.

Drinks the bears endurance extract.

Then tumble to the other side of blue pulling out his mace.

Tumble roll: [roll0]

2021-12-26, 04:29 PM
R1T6: Vivino quaffs his extract in frustration and excitement. Then with a flurry of movement tumbles into flanking position of blue brandishing his mace.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T28: Harsk continues to concentrate.

R2T24: Lilim brings forth that strange scythe as before and destroys Blue in a single stroke. She then steps back to continue to create a protective ring around Harsk.

R2T22: A spell is heard being intoned, and Seelah can even look up to see the woman casting.

Seelah, roll a Fort save!

2021-12-28, 01:51 AM
Seelah looks up and sees the woman casting. Realizing the spell is targeting her, she steels herself against whatever happens...

Fort [roll0] (+2 more if Fear/Emotion)

2021-12-28, 04:07 AM
R2T22: Seelah's eyes and the eyes of the flying woman meet just long enough for Seelah to see nothing else. Nothing. Her visual world has been plunged into darkness!

R2T18: Adelaide goes running in and calls out, "Bogey to the north! Woman with scythe. Flying woman above me with scythe. Seelah looks like something has affected her!"

Adelaide casts a spell on herself, disappearing from view.

R2T17: Lem continues playing his flute, moving forward to fill in where Adelaide was a second ago to protect his boss. In a brief interim, he casts a spell on himself, and seems like an even more magnificent version of himself.

R2T15: Chanting is heard from the chamber beyond.

R2T12: Seelah, you are blinded. Do you tell the others of your current predicament? What do you do?

Dane on deck, Biter in the hole...

2021-12-28, 09:09 PM
R2T12: Seelah calls out, "I've been blinded by some type of spell from a flying woman about 10' from me, 10' in the air! I'm backing out!"

Seelah then begins to withdraw, using the wall to help her from getting too confused. She goes until she bumps into Lem.

R2T10: "It's okay, miss. You've done right by us even for this little bit," says Dane reassuringly to Seelah. He casts a spell and touches Seelah for 6 healing. Dane senses that this area is not friendly to his holy magic.

He steps forward. "Somebody help me screen Seelah from any mischief!"

R2T9: Biter remains in total defense to screen his master.

R2T6: Vivino, what do you do? You do see an elf with a scythe NE of your position.

Harsk on deck, Lilim in the hole ...

2021-12-29, 12:25 AM
"Hello there lass," Vivino says as he walks towards the Sythe wielder.

"No need for this anymore." He puts away his mace calmly.

Then with a howl of rage, his hands extend into claws and mouth grows into a muzzle of teeth. One claw slashes towards her belly.

Moves 10' to NE to close with the elf.

If she is up in the air will do a jump to slash at her. Acrobatics roll if needed (if she is near the ground then won't bother with acrobatics): [roll0]

Enters into rage.

Attack with claw, risky strike to hit [roll1]
And damage if it hits: [roll2]

2021-12-30, 08:09 PM
R2T6: "Hello there lass," Vivino says as he walks towards the Sythe wielder as he calmly drops his mace. "No need for this anymore."

Then with a howl of rage, his hands extend into claws and mouth grows into a muzzle of teeth. One claw slashes towards her belly, digging into her hide shirt, only to be stopped by what seems like thick skin.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T28: Harsk appears to grow an inch and he groans in pain from the shift, but contains to focus on what he's doing.

R3T24: Lilim moves up in front of Seelah, and then says, "Seelah, use my shoulders, and then Dane's, to get to the other side of the passage, and then move back from battle so you aren't a liability."

Meanwhile, Lilim takes up a defensive posture.

R3T22: The woman walking on the air moves back east several feet so that while still 10' off the ground, she can see most of the party (who in turn can see her). She casts a spell, using an unholy symbol that looks like an ugly bug and finishes it off by calling out, "Fall .... before the might of the Pallid Princess!"

A wave of mental power washes over everyone when she says "fall" ... and Dane, Lem, Lilim, Seelah, Vivino, and Biter (basically, everyone except Harsk ... and Adelaide, who is invisible) ... fall prone. Worse, they feel compelled to stay prone. :eek:

R3T18: An arrow sails up and hits the air-stepping woman in the lower side above the hip for 23, but now Adelaide's position is revealed.

R3T17: Lem, even though he fell, continues to playing his flute. "I ... I can't stand up!" he cries out during a whole-note rest, but his courage still fills the party.

R3T15: "I am Jaethal, cretin," says the elf to Vivino, "and I am no rank-and-file to be bothered by the likes of you."

She stands a strange way, as one born of darkness. She swings her scythe above her head before doing a hand-crossover maneuver that throws off Vivino's expectations before chopping downwards with power. Vivino turns to wriggle away, and gets hit in his lower back, buttocks, and hip, managing to keep the blow from getting hit in the groin, but he still takes 18 mod + 1 STR.

R3T12: Seelah says a quick prayer, touching herself for 8 healing. She sheathes her sword and takese out a wand. "I am blind, but not useless. I recognize the wisdom of not being on the front, but now I shall concentrate on healing."

R3T10: Dane is unable to throw off the compulsion to stay down. He crawls as far as he can to the east to be ready for when he can rise again.

R3T9: Though prone, Biter continues to be defensive.

R3T6: Vivino, you are raging and prone. What do you do?

Harsk on deck, Lilim in the hole ...

2021-12-30, 08:32 PM
As Vivino lays there some of his wounds heal and he quaffs another extract. He grows in size and then he struggles to stand.

As he grates his teeth in effort he growls out, "Congratulations on having a name, but you are still just a pawn following a a diety that has to hide deep underground. "

Free action to use spontaneous healing to heal 5.

Then drink his enlarge person extract. Then will try to stand if possible.

2021-12-31, 02:16 AM
R3T6: As Vivino lays there, some of his wounds heal and he quaffs another extract while at the same time he gets hit by Jaethal for 15 mod in the left elbow. As he grates his teeth in effort as his body is beginning to undergo a physical change, he growls out, "Congratulations on having a name .... but you are still just a pawn following a a deity that has to hide deep underground."

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T28: Harsk grows a set of very small claws, yet still more than the tiny needles of claws he had last battle. He continues to concentrate.

R4T24: Lilim delays ...

R4T22: The compulsion making everyone feel that they must remain prone lifts. Lady Andaisin steps down a few feet, snarling at Adelaide. "Dirty Pathfinder. I've been trained to break the body and minds of you meddlers."

She then unleashes her full fury against Adelaide. Putting her full power behind the swing, she hits Adelaide in the chest with her scythe for 30, but takes 2 herself; then the scythe catches Adelaide in the head for 28, taking 2 herself; then, in the chest again for 26, taking 4 herself ... and it is this last blow which fells Adelaide.

"And that," Lady Andaisin says, "is what I do to Pathfinders."

R4T21: Lilim and flies into the next room, getting on level with Lady Andaisin and 10' from her.

R4T17: Lem continues to play his flute, but casts invisibility on himself, and his music is heard moving slightly west now.

R4T15: Jaethal seems to do a sequence of strange martial maneuvers, though her feint fails this time. Still, her scythe strikes Vivino in his inguinal muscle at the groin for 14 mod + staggered.

R4T12: Seelah calls on Iomedae to heal her for 13 healing. She then casts eagle's splendor on herself and stands up.

R4T10: Dane stands up. "Adelaide's down!" he calls out while closing on Jaethal. "Status unknown."

R4T6: Vivino, that shot to the groin has weird energies that built up while causing you intense pain and you take 3 (internal, so not reduced by DR). You grow to your enlarged height, slowly pushing the corpse of the cultist away as you do. You are prone and staggered. What do you do?

Harsk on deck, Lady Andaisin in the hole ...

2021-12-31, 03:15 AM
More of Vivinos wounds heal as he gets to his feet.

"Hope that backup is coming soon Harsk. Seelah can you bring forth any assistance? Can someone get to Adelaide?" Vivino says.

He growls in frustration as he looks to unleash his rage upon anything.

Continuing to rage of course.

One more round of spontaneous healing.

Then move action to stand up.

2021-12-31, 04:24 AM
R4T6: More of Vivino's wounds heal as he gets to his feet, but not before he gets hit in the back by Jaethal's scythe for 11 mod.

"Hope that backup is coming soon Harsk. Seelah can you bring forth any assistance? Can someone get to Adelaide?" Vivino calls out, growing in frustration as he looks to unleash his rage upon anything.

"I'm blinded!" calls Seelah.

"On it!" says Dane.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T28: Harsk's skin seems to ripple all about, as again it seems to cause him pain, yet he endures and concentrates.

"I don't know ..." continues Seelah.

R5T22: Lady Andaisin backs up to the west and regains her original 10' altitude. She casts a spell, and a ghostly scythe appears near Harsk and attacks him, cutting him in the right shoulder for 10 force, and then missing the second attack.

"...Adelaide is."

R5T21: Lilim creates her own strange scythe .... the one made of inky blackness but for the quicksilver or gleaming water at the edge. She ignores Lady Andaisin for now and swoops back to flank Jaethal with Vivino. Despite the height advantage, it is a deceptive low cut that strikes Jaethal in her right knee. There is a flash from the quicksilver and Jaethal is instantly destroyed, as well as her cold iron scythe, though the rest of her equipment falls to the ground.

Lilim looks to Vivino, and gives a nod of emphasis, though her features are otherwise too strange and difficult to read.

R5T17: Lem continues his flute playing, his music now playing in the chamber.

R5T12: Seelah moves up, bumping into Vivino. "Vivino, if you need healing, let me know before you walk off."

R5T10: "Just you now, precious," says Dane tauntingly to Lady Andaisin as he moves over to Adelaide. He casts a quick healing spell on Adelaide. He then adds to his allies, "Dropped stabilize on Adelaide. Still don't know her status, but I wasn't wasting time with triage first."

R5T6: Vivino, you are no longer stabilized, and there is no longer additional pain or continuing injury from your groin. You are raging. What do you do?

Harsk on deck, Lady Andaisin in the hole ...

2021-12-31, 11:29 AM
"I am well enough Seelah, but if you could follow the sound of my footsteps I will lead you to Adelaide," Vivino says.

Vivino moves around the chamber to the north to end up between Adelaide and the Lady Andaisin.

Then makes a swipe with a massive claw.

Continues raging

With his 40' movement Vivino moves around the object in the center to end up just north of the Lady in the 10' square and next to Adelaide.

Then attacks the Lady with a claw, raging/enlarged

To hit: [roll0] and damage [roll1]

2022-01-01, 05:27 AM
R5T6: "I am well enough Seelah, but if you could follow the sound of my footsteps I will lead you to Adelaide," Vivino says. He moves around the chamber to the north to end up between Adelaide (he's actually partially standing over Adelaide) and the Lady Andaisin. He then makes a swipe with a massive claw, but finds that her breastplate is a powerful defense, despite Lem's jaunty music aiding Vivino.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T28: Harsk hide ripples again as he again gives groans of pain from whatever is happening to him, but he maintains concentration. "Somebody ... dispel that thing ... if you can," he grits through his teeth.

R6T22: The floating scythe swings twice, each time skipping off of Harsk's armor. Lady Andaisin steps back as if she were walking and not flying, and she concentrates on a spell and casts it. The spell is successful, for where Vivino was able to easily keep track of Lem (who was invisible), Vivino can no longer see the halfling. Well, at least that's a friendly.

R6T21: Lilim flies over by Adelaide and tends to her. "Adelaide is dead. I am sorry," she says matter-of-factly, "but we shall see that Urgathoa's daughter is expunged from this land."

R6T17: Lem continues playing, but his music obviously heads west into the tunnel again. "Get ready," he calls out between rest notes, "I'm going to put the flute away in a sec to change things up."

R6T12: Seelah traces her way around the wall and fountain. "Well enough, is not completely well," says Seelah, crestfallen at the death of a party member.

R6T10: Dane gives a good Caileanite curse under his breath. "I'm sorry, Adelaide. Rest now in the hall of heroes."

Dane now starts moving counter-clockwise around the fountain, casting a quick spell that is luckier than he expected when a bolt of acid crits Lady Andaisin in the head for 8 acid. This is the first visible wound she's taken.

R6T6: Vivino, what do you do? Though she backed up, she's still in reach.

Harsk on deck, Lady Andaisin in the hole ...

2022-01-01, 11:56 AM
"You will pay for that!" Vivino cries as he steps forward to unleash claws and teeth.

"Let's see what you taste like."

Steps 5' closer to keep pushing her closer to the others and help prevent easy combat casting.

Rage continues.

Claw to hit [roll0] and damage [roll1]

Claw 2 to hit [roll2] and damage [roll3]

Bite to hit [roll4] and damage [roll5]

2022-01-01, 02:54 PM
R6T6: "You will pay for that!" Vivino cries as he steps forward to unleash claws and teeth. "Let's see what you taste like."

Vivino's claw passes dangerously close to the priestess' face, so much so that just as he misses her, she bites him on his hand for 2 mod ... she is really surprisingly strong! Of course, that was foolish, because as she does that Vivino is able to land his second claw in her stomach for 13. That hurt her, though she pulls away from his follow-up bite.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T28: Tiny claws poke through Harsk's boots, and that doesn't seem to be a regular thing with him at all as those are new holes, and there is blood that comes with it, but still he concentrates.

R7T22: The ghostly scythe completely misses Harsk both times. Lady Andaisin sidesteps again, but still in reach of Vivino. She concentrates on a spell, Vivino very nearly making her trip, but she finally succeeds. This time, another spiritual scythe is formed, but goes after Vivino! It swings at him, just barely catching him in the side of the abdomen for 8 force, but the second swing clangs against his armor.

R7T21: Lilim flies up and around to get flanking for Vivino.

R7T17: Lem's flute stops playing. Then, he is heard telling jokes. It is the same buoying effect as before, though it seems like it is some effort to stop one thing to start another.

R7T12: Seelah has a unicorn horn that glows, and as it does so, Sterling appears again. "Sterling, I am blind and cannot fight. You must do so in my stead. Dane! Please point out the wicked woman for Sterling to smite," she says as she mounts Sterling.

R7T10: "HER!" calls out Dane, pointing to Lady Andaisin.

He then gets clear of the big statue of Urgathoa in the fountain over milky fluids that he can get a clear shot at the villainess. "Now, Lady Andaisin - for the nosferatu has named you..." (which garners a hiss of anger from the woman) "... you will not escape this place with cheap trickery."

He casts a spell, and fires a ray that hits her squarely in the gut. It doesn't appear to do any damage, but Dane seems quite happy with the shot anyway.

R7T6: Vivino, what do you do?

Harsk on deck, Lady Andaisin in the hole ...

2022-01-01, 03:05 PM
As the Lady becomes distracted from Lilim, a toothy smile nearly splits Vivinos face in two.

Claws and teeth look to make quick work of her organs.

Using flank, raging, and enlarge person.

Claw 1 to hit [roll0], damage [roll1], and sneak damage [roll2]

Claw 2 to hit [roll3], damage [roll4], and sneak damage [roll5]

Bite to hit [roll6], damage [roll7], and sneak damage [roll8]

2022-01-01, 11:52 PM
R7T6: As the Lady becomes distracted from Lilim, a toothy smile nearly splits Vivino;s face in two. Claws and teeth look to make quick work of her organs. The first claw slams against her breastplate, but the second slashes her right along the tendons of her right hand for 32, and his bite just manages to find purchase in her upper right arm for 27.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T28: Harsk's skin continues to ripple and shudder painfully as he concentrates.

R8T22: The ghostly scythe at the end of the hallway slashes Harsk for 8 force. The one attacking Vivino cuts along his belly for 10 force, and then his chest for 8 force. Lady Andaisin steps close to Vivino and carefully casts a spell, her hand seething with dark fire. She puts her palm directly on Vivino's head, and that dark energy crosses over into Vivino.

Vivino, roll a Fort save vs. a necromantic death effect! :eek:

2022-01-02, 12:17 AM
Fort save [roll0]

2022-01-02, 12:47 AM
R8T22: The fell energies of the priestess rock through Vivino's body for 55 damage!

R8T21: Lilim, seeing how good Vivino is at flanking, flies back into flank. She fights more for accuracy than power with that strange scythe of her own, cutting alongside the enemy's left flank for 32.

R8T17: Lem continues to tell jokes. Not that any can see, but Lem feeds a potion into Harsk to fully heal him.

R8T12: Seelah is just riding on Sterling, but trusting in the alicorn's judgment. Sterling is only at a 5' altitude because he doesn't want to smack Seelah's head on the celing. The alicorn proves incredibly swift as it flies all the way around, calling out to Iomedae to give him the power to strike dead the evil woman. A holy glow surrounds the mount and oddly, it still takes Lem's rather bawdy jokes about Lady Andaisin's presume sexual escapades for the holy creature's attack to hit true in her right lower leg for 20.

R8T10: Dane double moves around the fountain to stand by Vivino. "Now don't go anywhere, boy, that I might heal you!"

R8T6: Vivino, what do you do? You are flanking Lady Andaisin again.

Harsk on deck, Lady Andaisin in the hole ...

2022-01-02, 12:57 AM
"Aye, as much healing as you can muster would be appreciated." Vivino says.

"Now let's see how much more blood this 'Lady' has left in her."

Continue raging.

Claw 1 to hit [roll0], damage [roll1], and sneak damage [roll2]

Claw 2 to hit [roll3], damage [roll4], and sneak damage [roll5]

Bite to hit [roll6], damage [roll7], and sneak damage [roll8]

2022-01-02, 01:39 AM
R8T6: "Aye, as much healing as you can muster would be appreciated," Vivino says. "Now let's see how much more blood this 'Lady' has left in her."

The first claw slashes against her upper left arm for 32, the second pongs off her armor, but the bite on her other upper arm does 31 tears her arm off at the shoulder. She falls out of the air, her back breaking horribly on the stone of the fountain. Her legs hang at an odd angle out of the fountain and towards the floor, while her 180-degree turned back as her her head and shoulders hidden in the pool. Meanwhile, there was a splash of the disgusting fluids on Dane, though Vivino moved his leg so as not to get splashed by the strange fluids of the fountain.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T28: Harsk sees that but doesn't stop, though nothing weird or painful seems to happen to his body.

R9T22: The scythe attacking him hits against his armor and then misses. Even though Lady Andaisin is definitely dead, the same thing happens with the scythe attacking Vivino ...it keeps attacking him, but it's altitude drops some as if operating from an unseen string between Lady Andaisin and Vivino! It cuts into his right shoulder for 4 force, and then down to his right knee for 6 force.

R9T21: Lilim flies down to the ground. "I-I don't know how to stop it or even what it is!"

R9T17: Lem's comedy stops. "Everyone listen up! The spell is spiritual weapon. The caster imparts their will to the spell, and doesn't need to actively control it. This isn't the first time I've heard of this happening, just like an assassin who gets killed still has the poison working through the victim's blood after they die. Everyone use weapons to aid Harsk and Vivino. Vivino, stop raging and go small and ride this out! It should end in a minute. It's short duration."

R9T12: Seelah and Sterling reposition to help, and Sterling tries to help block this thing from landing a blow on Vivino.

R9T10: Dane is more focused on the critical act of healing, casting a spell on Vivino for 17. Still, he seems affected by something, looking at the area where the white waters splashed on him and strange marks are forming ... strange marks that show the early signs of having contracted blood veil!

R9T6: Vivino, what do you do?

2022-01-02, 12:30 PM
"Alright Lem, I'll do as you suggest." Vivino says as his claws return to normal hands and his size returns to normal.

"Though if someone can help Dane...where the water splashed him it doesn't look good. Should we pull the Lady out of the water to preserve what is on her?" Vivino will analyze Dane without touching to figure out what he can.

Stops raging and cancels the enlarge person.

Then will use senses and lore if possible to figure out what's happening to Dane. If he can figure out something useful will share it with the others.

2022-01-03, 04:58 AM
R9T6: "Alright Lem, I'll do as you suggest." Vivino says as his claws return to normal hands and his size returns to normal. "Though if someone can help Dane...where the water splashed him it doesn't look good. Should we pull the Lady out of the water to preserve what is on her?"

Vivino analyzes Dane without touching to figure out what he can. "Looks like rapid onset of the blood veil - no incubation period. Now, I don't know if that means the entire thing is going to be super fast and we're in danger of losing Dane within a minute or if it was just the incubation period that was bypassed."

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T28: Harsk seems to be at peace now, still concentrating.

R10T23-22: Lem's weapon is heard clanging as the first scythe strike just misses Harsk, but the second scores a line along his abdomen for 9 force. The scythe attacking Vivino lowers in altitude and catches him in the lower right arm for 7 force, but misses the second attempt. Meanwhile, Lady Andaisin's broken body crackles with unholy power and is lifted into the air.

R10T21: Lilim gasps out, "She is definitely dead. There is something else going on with her." She then uses her scythe to help protect Vivino.

R10T12: "Agreed," says the noble voice of Sterling as he alights. "My smite on her ended with the giant's final, mighty blow."

Sterling uses his horn to also try and minimize contact on the badly wounded Vivino.

R10T10: Dane looks at the rash of blood veil, not yet bad enough to cause him more than minor discomfort. "I think it just cut around incubation is all ... I hope," he gulps, "but it seems we're about to have a new problem, and we have got to heal Vivino. Vivino, pause for the scythe to attack you once more, gaining protection from your allies' help, and then move to your mace, pick it up, and defend yourself."

He then casts a spell and touches Vivino for 8 healing.

R10T6: Vivino, you are fatigued and badly wounded. Do you take Dane's advice?He's basically telling you to delay until AFTER the next scythe attack, that way you get the protection from Lilim and Sterling who aided your AC. Then to go to your mace, and the whole while - with or without mace - go into "total defense."

Harsk on deck, Lem in the hole ...

2022-01-03, 09:22 AM
"That is good advice Dane." Vivino agrees.

Delaying to do exactly as Dane suggested. When he eventually has his mace and is defending, will also be using Stalwart with the defense.

2022-01-03, 07:07 PM
R10T6: Vivino agrees. "That is good..."

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T28-23: Harsk finally relaxes as Sigur appears. Harsk looks to his dead brother. "Protect me against the scythe as best you can. We killed the big bad, we thought, but something is happening in that chamber. Traveling far faster than any dwarf has a right to, Harsk zooms into the chamber, having drawn his fiery crossbow. He has it trained on Lady Andaisin's dead body, ready to shoot.

"... advice, Dane."

R11T22: Harsk's scythe zooms faster than he moved, looping around in front of him. It hacks past his armor, but is stopped by Harsk's tough skin, and the second attack misses. Even with everyone trying to help Vivino, he gets struck twice - in the belly for 6 force, and in the left shin for 9 force.

Meanwhile, Lady Andaisin's sundered flesh explodes with boils and pustules, while torrents of Urgathoa’s foul humors flood forth and congeal into a sickening new body for the unliving saint. Lady Andaisin is instantly reborn as a daughter of Urgathoa, entirely bent on revenge! All of Lady Andaisin's equipment that was still on her falls to the ground and into the fountain.

What was once a woman now towers as a monstrosity of ectoplasmic flesh, horns, and a tremendous scythelike claw. She is floating 5' above the fountain. She begins to cast a spell, and Harsk lets loose his readied shot, hitting the monster in the head for 7 + 2 fire. Lem also casts a spell at it, but it seems to have no effect, and Lem is now visible again. Dark energy surrounds the off-hand (non-scythe) and Andaisin Transformed goes to touch Vivino but misses.

Vivino, do you come out of delay now?

2022-01-03, 08:29 PM
Looking up at the Lady with grim determination and reluctance, Vivino tumbles away to prepare.

Once away he drinks another extract and his location becomes difficult to determine.

"Attack with all that you have, and if you are not a fighter then any healing you can spare I would appreciate. "

Tumbles away to end up 10' directly south of Seelah on her mount; directly next to the smaller blue circle. Hopefully 15' away from the Lady is far enough to avoid AOO.

Tumble roll [roll0]

Then drinks displacement extract.

2022-01-03, 09:31 PM
R11T21.5: Looking up at the Lady with grim determination and reluctance, Vivino tumbles away to prepare. Her off-hand with the dark energy grazes Vivino's foot as he clumsily moves away, and the dark energy washes into him.

It took him more energy to move to where he wanted, and he doesn't quite have the time to draw forth the extract he had hoped. "Attack with all that you have, and if you are not a fighter then any healing you can spare I would appreciate. "

R11T21: Lilim throws herself into physical confrontation with the monster. Her own scythe strikes Andaisin Transformed in the lower chest for 38 PE, and the second strikes with a soft crit for 35 PE her left off-hand as it was extended to touch Vivino (which he resisted). Lilim then bites the creature in its right upper arm for 8, and slashes with each of her talons (missing).

R11T12: Sterling concentrates while moving a little south to screen Vivino, and touches him with its horn, providing 20 healing.

R11T10: Dane calls out. "Okay, this is a Daughter of Urgathoa, an undead saint of the Pallid Princess. Skin nearly as hard as my own armor. Her great claw has concentrated blood veil transmitted to any strike, and just like a real scythe, will leave devastating wounds."

He then holds up his weapon. "Drunken Fool, through Drinking Companion I ask that you grant me purity in this battle."

He attacks twice, throwing his power at her, but both times misses.

R11T9-7: Biter moves up to be next to Harsk. Sigur needs no prodding. Like his brother he is far faster than any normal dwarf. However, he does open up an attack from Andaisin Transformed, who clips him on his right hip for 17 mod. Luckily, Sterling's holy aura protects him from disease.

End Round 11, Begin Round 12 ...

R12T24: Harsk speed-loads his crossbow and he crosses to Vivino, his claws getting a little thicker than before, but still not quite as long as Lilim's size-appropriate talons. He concentrates, and then touches Vivino for 18 healing.

R12T23: Lem starts cracking jokes about how silly Lady Andaisin looked when Vivino made her body all twisted in death, and likewise makes fun of her current form.

R12T22: Hark's scythe pursues him and cuts his right hand for 6 force, though the second strike gets stopped by his tough skin. Likewise with Vivino's scythe that ducks over, around, and past any intervening allies. Vivino's left upper arm gets hit for 6 force, but he dodges the second strike. Andaisin Transformed drifts a little bit south, concentrating on a spell, and then casting it on herself, giving her a protect gray glow.

R12T21: Vivino, what do you do?

Lilim on deck, Seelah/Sterling in the hole ...

2022-01-03, 10:23 PM
"Well done all, keep it going. Hit hard and heal hard!" Vivino calls out.

He drinks the extract he had out and then tumbles into flanking position.

Drinks the displacement extract and then tumbles next to Lem. Which I think is flanking.

Moving sw one square, then west 3. Then tumbling north 2 squares.
Tumble roll 1d20+11

2022-01-05, 02:37 PM
R12T21.5: "Well done all, keep it going. Hit hard and heal hard!" Vivino calls out. He drinks the extract he had out and then goes to tumble away, doing an exceptionally bad job as the monster attacks him, but then is confused by the position what should have been a solid hit misses.

R12T21: Lilim presses the attack as before. Her scythe hits the off-hand for 37 PE, then in Andaisin's head for 39 PE, and it is this final strike that destroys the abomination!

But combat isn't over as those damnable spiritual weapons are still in play.

R12T12: "Success! Now to keep our heroes alive while holding out with these force weapons," says Sterling as he touches his horn to Harsk for 12 healing.

R12T10: Dane closes on Vivino and casts a spell, and succeeds in touching him despite the defense, giving Vivino 13 healing.

R12T9-7: Biter rushes in to try to keep his master from getting hit again. Sigur does the same.

End Round 12, Begin Round 13 ...

R13T24: Harsk drops his crossbow, takes out his battleaxe, and sets up to parry the attack.

R13T23: Lem stops his performance and moves up, ready to parry Viv's scythe with his rapier.

R13T22: Harsk's scythe is parried. Lem does well, but it isn't enough and Vivino is hit in his upper leg for 9 force.

R13T21.5: Vivino, what do you do?

2022-01-05, 04:12 PM
Vivino watches warily at his spiritual weapon and aims to block anything that comes his way.

"That was very impressive team. Keep an eye on her in case there are any further tricks she has up her sleeve"

Goes full defense using the stalwart feat if it helps as well.

2022-01-05, 11:07 PM
R13T21.5: Vivino watches warily at his spiritual weapon and aims to block anything that comes his way. "That was very impressive, team. Keep an eye on her in case there are any further tricks she has up her sleeve."

R13T21: Lilim flies to the other side of the room and sets down by Vivino.

R13T12-10: Dane casts a healing spell but misses Vivino because of displacement as Sterling, Sigur, and Biter protect Harsk.

End Round 13, Begin Round 14 ...

R14T24: Harsk's muscles ripple and it looks like he puts on several pounds of muscle before your very eyes even as he tries to ward away the attack.

R14T23: Lem gives aid to Vivino.

R14T22: Harsk & Co. easily deflect the attacks, as does Vivino (and Lem).

R14T21.5: Vivino, what do you do?

2022-01-05, 11:23 PM
Vivino will keep watching around for any other surprises but keep dodging the spectral blade.

Maintain total defense

2022-01-06, 01:27 AM
R14T21.5: Vivino will keep watching around for any other surprises but keep dodging the spectral blade.
R14T21-12: Lilim and Sterling aid their charges.
R14T10: Dane misses Vivino again.
R14T9-7: Biter and Sigur keep protecting Harsk.

End Round 14, Begin Round 15 ...

R15T24-23: Harsk defends himself. Lem aids Vivino. Lem tells Vivino, "Back up against the wall where that curve is."
R15T22: Harsk's scythe disappears from view. Vivino's scythe completely misses him.

R15T21.5: Vivino, what do you do?

2022-01-06, 09:26 AM
"Good idea Lem," Vivino says as he continues to dip and dodge.

Moves to where Lem directed.

Then continues total defense.

2022-01-07, 09:34 AM
R15T21.5: "Good idea Lem," Vivino says as he continues to dip and dodge.
R15T21: Lilim steps up to defend Vivino. Seelah/ Sterling stand back and delay. Dane steps up to aid Vivino. Biter and Sigur delay ...

Round 16 ...
R16T24: Harsk closes to give aid.
R16T23: Lem closes to give aid. Vivino is completely surrounded by allies as ...
R16T22: The scythe hops over and then in front of Vivino and is completely repelled.
R16T21.5: Vivino defends.
R16T10: Dane aids.

Round 17...
More skin-rippling from Harsk, but he continues to defend Vivino.
Vivino & co. defend.

Round 18 ...
It almost seems like light coloration shifts around Harsk's face and beard.
Vivino & co. defend.

Round 19 ...
Vivino & co. defend, after which Vivino's displacement ends. The spiritual scythe is still going strong.

2022-01-09, 06:47 AM
Round 20: Blocked!
Round 21: Vivino gets hit by a lucky shot in his left knee for 13 force.
Round 22: Blocked!
Round 23: Blocked!
Round 24: Blocked!
Round 25: Vivino gets hit in the upper right leg for 5 force.
Round 26: Blocked!
Round 27: The spiritual scythe finally disappears!

Combat Ends ...

2022-01-09, 10:56 AM
Vivino takes a minute to recover..."Thank you all for your help. Let us gather what we can and figure out our next move."

He will carefully gather the Lady's equipment and search the cultists.

"Can someone rinse these off and perhaps identify?"

Will carefully use two of the cultists weapons as big chopsticks to pull out any equipment that fell in the fountain without touching the water.

Also use senses and lore to finally start looking around this room properly.

2022-01-10, 12:36 AM
.... and Lem will back that up with prestidigitation.

The wisdom put forward by the dwarves - Dane and Harsk - is to get a general sense of what there is, but NOT to waste time identifying anything right now, but to do that once in a safe place, like Master Shyamal's.

The cultist of Urgathoa had:

Masterwork Scythe
Masterwork breastplate
Vial of magical fluid.
A key

The three unexceptional juju zombies had a normal short sword each.

Jaethal had the following...

Javelins (4)
Hide Shirt
Courtier's Outfit w/ 50 gp jewelry
Large Belt Pouch w/ 2 platinum, 74 gold, 2 silver, and (3) gems
Silver Unholy symbol of Urgathoa, which gets destroyed by Sterling's hooves
Spell Component Pouch (worthless to anyone else)
Masterwork Thieves' Tools
Backpack w/ 50' hemp rope, a bar of soap, and an executioner's outfit

Lady Andaisin had the following ...

Masterwork scythe, magical
Masterwork breastplate
Onyx unholy symbol of Urgathoa, which gets destroyed by Sterling's hooves
Spell Component Pouch (worthless to anyone else)
Magic Belt
Magic Cloak
Vial of magical fluid
Belt pouch w/ 27 gold, 3 silver, 3 copper

Harsk assists Dane on a cursory check of the area. While examining the statue of Urgathoa they find a concealed compartment at its base. Within lie a number of ceremonial instruments used by Lady Andaisin for various rituals:

(2) grim candelabras made from human hands encased in silver
several sticks of exotic incense
(2) magical wands
(2) magical scrolls
(3) blocks of magical incense
(1) magical set of Harrow cards

There are a bunch of small, discarded coffers in one of the corners. One is still magical and closed. It is this object that is likely what was asked for by Ramoska Arkminos.

2022-01-10, 12:47 AM
"Good job all. That makes sense to wait until later for identifying; let's take everything for now.

Looks like we have what we came for from this person. Is the next step to return it to him or is their further to explore here to accomplish our goal?" Vivino asks.

"Even if there is more to do here we might want to return to the vampire before that poor man suffers further. Thoughts or suggestions?"

2022-01-10, 12:56 AM
"Actually, I think we've explored everywhere," says Lilim.

"We need to return to that nosferatu and be done with this that we may save that man's life," says the blinded Seelah.

Dane, a voice of reason says, "We can't take everything with us in one haul, folks. We don't have the proper equipment for loading things up, and some things - like that scythe and those breastplates - resist that anyway as they are bulky items."

Vivino, forgot to mention, but way back around Round 19 or so, Vivinoi stopped being fatigued.

2022-01-10, 10:26 AM
"Well let's use that back pack we found and use those clothes and rope to make bundles. Then we should be able to carry at the magical equipment and hopefully the masterwork as well; plus that key."

"Seelah, would you and your magnificent friend help carry the rest?" Vivino asks.

"At worse, after the magical items are carried we can make trips to the elevator. Let's go save the man's life."

2022-01-13, 12:23 AM
"I am not a beast of burden, nor shall I become one," says Sterling with finality.

"I will remain here with Sterling to guard our treasures, as it was too congested for him to be of use should something happen on that walkway or in that tiny lab," says Seelah. "That way, if there is any betrayal, you are not weighed down with extra materials - save the death's head coffer, of course."

2022-01-13, 09:27 AM
"Nor was I asking you to help carry beyond one trip but we will resoect your wishes of course." Vivino says to Sterling.

"Thank you Seelah.

"Let's get this over with. Let us go complete this deal with the vampire." Vivino drinks an extract and more of his wounds close.

Drinks a cure mod extract.

2022-01-13, 08:27 PM
The party gets back to the catwalks and the laboratory. Harsk stands across the way to the south with Biter and Sigur, ready to provide long-range missile support if a fight breaks out.

What do you (plural) do?

2022-01-16, 11:14 PM
Vivino will knock on the door. "We have brought what you requested, are you ready to honor our deal?"

If he agrees then will open the door. Then will show that they have the object requested and then say, "Release him please and let us conclude our business."

If others have something they wish to do/say will hold off on saying the part in spoiler.

2022-01-22, 09:25 AM
"Enter!" comes the reply. As the party enters, he says, "Let me inspect the death's head coffer first, that I know you are not bringing me a worthless box. I do not expect trickery with the honorable in your party, yet centuries have made me a pragmatist."

You see that while you were out fighting, Ramoska Arkminos took that time to gather his belongings. It seems that he must have thought well of your odds in overcoming Lady Andaisin.

2022-01-22, 12:14 PM
Vivino nods at the gathered belongings, glad to see that the vampire is prepared to leave the city as promised.

While he is looking over the coffer, Vivino will look over the man to see how he is faring.

Vivino will his his skills to do a heal check on the prisoner to see his status.

2022-01-23, 02:32 PM
Ramoska casts a spell to look at the coffer, and he picks it up carefully and inspects it.

Meanwhile, Vivino sees the shallow respiration of the disabled man on the table.

Ramoska says, placing the coffer in a pouch, "That is satisfactory. The controls to the bed are under the table and written in Varisian. It is simple, but you can mess it up. I can tell from your disposition that you recognize the man is still breathing. Once I am safely out of sight, our business is concluded and you may then begin to free him. Not before."

Does anyone have a problem with that, or are you fine having saved this young man's life without further bloodshed?

2022-01-23, 02:55 PM
Vivino says, "Thank you honoring our deal. And no offense but I hope we never meet again."

If no one else stops him from leaving, then Vivino will start examing the table without touching and ask the party "Does anyone speak Varisian?"

2022-01-25, 02:52 PM
"A deal is a deal."
Dane will stand aside near the man and not intervene.

2022-01-26, 08:40 AM
Ramoska smiles slowly, a creaking noise - from his old jaw or his tight skin, you don't know which, accompanying that wan grin. "I have lived to long and seen that the universe laughs at what we wish, but I cannot at this time imagine that we would have need. If you are ever in Ustalav, you will find me among Count Tiriac's trusted."

And with that, he bursts into a swarm of bats that fly out and are gone.

As luck would have it, none of you speak Varisian. And you are sure the foreign Garundi woman (Seelah) is not a surprise polyglot for an Avistani regional language.

Lem, however, pipes up. "You know, I've been wondering when I might use this."

He takes out a scroll, reads it, and then looks at the specialized bed. The table he lies on is a combination operating table and torture device. "Okay, can I get a bigger person than me to move the lever to the left. The LEFT, NOT the right, as that will hurt the already disabled man."

2022-01-26, 11:28 AM
Vivino shudders as Ramoska leaves and then moves to assist Lem.

"I will do as you direct Lem. Let us get this man home safely." Vivino says.

"Does anyone have some ways to make this man more comfortable and or heal if it would help?"

Vivino will examine the table closer and follow Lems directions; unless Vivino thinks it will harm the man based on his trap knowledge. Then he would talk it over with Lem and the group.

2022-01-26, 02:31 PM
As they extricate the man from the operating torture device, Harsk walks in and says, "That ... was disturbing."

If asked, he refers to the bats flapping out to the floor and forming Ramoska before he smiled, nodded, and walked away.

Lem takes out a wand and touches it to the young man while saying a command word, and the man gains 13 healing. The young man wakes up. He is still very badly wounded, but at least now he is conscious and ambulatory.

2022-01-26, 04:33 PM
"That was something that I hope to never encounter again," Vivino says to Harsk.

"Well done Lem."

Vivino goes to help the man, "Good sir, how are you feeling? I am Vivino Dorso, do you remember who you are and how to came to be here?"

2022-01-27, 01:20 PM
"My name," he begins with a beautiful tenor speaking voice, "is Ruan Mirukova. I was abducted from Carowyn Manor by a harpy named Jolistina Susperio who was jealous of my performance when she attacked there. I was hired to perform there as musician for a party."

"I heard'a' you!" Lem lights up cheerfully, then looks to the party. "Yeah, most 'prestige bards' (myself included, of course) choose a noble's preferred instrument like my flute or the horn, or the lute, because let's face it, we seek noble patronage. But Ruan here is famous for taking a tiny Varisian mouth organ called the 'ocarina' and making what is considered to be a 'peasant' instrument and bringing it into wealthy houses."

He looks back to Ruan. "If I wore a hat, it would be off to you, sir. That, and let's face it, you look like hammered reefclaw now, but I'm told you are easy on the eyes, as well."

And with that, he taps the wand to Ruan for another 10 healing (he is still a long way from fully healed).

Lilim speaks up, and when her vulturine head speaks, it causes Ruan to jump slightly. "If it please you, Mr. Mirukova, those who came before me destroyed the undead remaining in Carowyn Manor. So, if you sought future patronage, I am sorry but they are victims to both the blood veil and necromancy. However, I have come to understand that the group before me - including the late Allen Phan - were to be on the lookout for you, and in fact went to Carowyn Manor, to find out what happened to you. We must reunite you with your sister, Deyanira."

"Hey, guys?" asks Harsk, oblivious to the conversation. "That creepy bastard couldn't take everything, and there's a lot of stuff remaining. Perhaps we should give this room a good looking over for anything that might be of interest?"

2022-01-27, 07:42 PM
"Very well, lets look around. Might find something useful."
Dane begins searching the room after seeing the man was healed.

2022-01-27, 10:26 PM
"That is interesting. If you are willing Ruan, it might be fun to hear your perform in the future if you don't mind. I had no idea about all of that Lem, it would be good for me to get some culture some time. Perhaps if you are both willing to perform as a celebration when this is all said and done I would be honored to attend.

That is a good point Harsk. If you don't mind Ruan, let us make you comfortable while we wrap up." Vivino adds to the conversation.

Vivino will help make Ruan comfortable and then bring looking around for anything that is still around include any possible secret compartments/doors. He will then bring everything to the others attention to see what they make of it before we all plan out the best strategy for getting Ruan and everything out of here. "Perhaps we should make a travoi to carry you Ruan and or anything bulky? I could pull it. We the right rope/bags I should be able to carry a fair amount of weight." Vivino adds.

2022-01-28, 01:29 PM
The party takes a solid 34 minutes in here for a deep search, led by the two dwarves. During the first couple minutes, Vivino's bear's endurance runs out, and now he feels his deep wounds even more; he is in bad shape.

Dane and Harsk find a secret door in the western wall.

The alchemical supplies here include six flasks of acid; tubes containing distillations of blood veil, filth fever, and red ache; and 500 gp worth of miscellaneous alchemical and medical equipment. Also kept here are several notebooks filled with Ramoska’s observations on blood veil, and these observations can help with the development of a cure for the disease.

There is nothing here with which to make a travois.

2022-01-28, 08:15 PM
Vivino drinks a few extracts as some would heal up.

"Though we probably don't want to use up all of our healing, perhaps we could spread what we can around.

Should we search the rooms together to look fir something to create a travois or other means of getting Ruan and all of the items we have found our if here?" Vivino asks.

Vivino drinks his cure mod and both cure minor extracts.

Then if everyone is OK with it will help look for and help carry/assemble travois or whatever else we come up to carry things.

2022-01-28, 09:36 PM
Ruan doesn't need a travois, he is mobile.

There is nothing which which to make a travois, unless people sacrificed their equipment for effective destruction, which isn't going to happen. You may need to make multiple trips.

Vivino uses his extracts and heal a total of 31.

Harsk shrugs, "We come back to get what we need." He looks to Dane while holding his crossbow to show he will cover, "You wanna open the secret door?"

2022-01-31, 07:35 PM
Dane step's forward and waits for the others to clear the space before opening the door.
"Alright, here we go."

2022-01-31, 10:59 PM
Vivino will say, "One moment, maybe I should look to see if it is safe to open first."

He will approach the door and examine it for any danger.

Vivino will search for traps and attempt to disable if he finds any.

If he finds any traps and is able to disable them will say, "I found some dangers but it looks to be safe now. Go ahead."

If he finds any traps and is unable to disable them will say, "I found some traps but I am having difficulty disabling them. Perhaps step outside until I can make sure it is safe." Then will keep trying to disable the traps once people are out of the possible blast radius.

If he doesn't find any traps will say, "It looks clear, lets see what we have in here." Then will step back out of the way.

2022-02-01, 12:08 PM
"It looks clear, lets see what we have in here." Then he will step back out of the way, much to the silent humor of both dwarves, who both already checked it clear and have far more developed senses than the human, but say nothing to not hurt his feelings.

Dane opens the door, and peers in. This room is dark, but darkvision and his own wayfinder solves that easily enough. Several open trunks spill piles of books across this dusty room. Stacks of tomes, some apparently quite old, stand in orderly stacks and haphazard heaps, surrounding nearly every foot of floor space except for that occupied by an elegant black-canopied bed.

2022-02-01, 01:08 PM
"I wonder if the vampire knew of this room...by the looks of it I am guessing he did not." Vivino says. "I can start looking for traps but does someone have the means of detecting magic?"

Vivino starts checking the room for traps and will disable if he finds any.

2022-02-01, 01:31 PM
Vivino moves through the room over the course of a minute, not detecting anything innately dangerous.

2022-02-02, 11:46 AM
"Unless someone has another idea, let us see what we have in this room. Shall we investigate?" Vivino suggests.

2022-02-02, 11:47 AM
Vivino will start searching the room with any applicable senses and lore to figure out what we have in this room including any other secret compartments/doors

2022-02-02, 01:08 PM
Everyone gets to searching ...

All of the trunks in this room are open except one. It's a difficult lock, but Vivino has it open in about 45 seconds.

Inside are several padded niches and trays, each holding more than two dozen elegant crystal vials filled with crimson liquid. Vivino and Lilim easily recognize the liquid as blood.

"Well," Lilim says to Vivino, "it seems you were wrong about him not knowing about this room."

A small gold locket lies among the vials at the bottom of the chest, but the tiny etching within has worn down into nothing more than an androgynous outline.

Harsk and Dane note that the bed in this room is but a frame. Beneath the tightly stretched black satin coverings is a simple coffin.

The collection of books in the various trunks and in the room include many with rotted bindings and weak glue, and they might deteriorate if handled with anything less than extreme delicacy. If carefully transported, they might fetch a good amount from a collector. The crystal vials, as well, could be worth something more than a normal vial.

2022-02-02, 08:57 PM
"I suppose that we should take back everything, some look to be useful towards this blood veil business and some to be valuable on their own. Shall we destroy this coffin?" Vivino asks

"Unless there is anything else, perhaps we should take all this back to Seelah so that we can regroup and figure out how we are going to carry everything back"

2022-02-03, 12:33 PM
"Ummm..." Lem thinks, "How about we take several trips, and not try to magically make it in one go?"

2022-02-03, 04:22 PM
"Very well, lets go see how Seelah is doing and carry what we can with each trip." Vivino replies as he starts helping everyone figure out what each person can carry.

2022-02-06, 04:55 PM
Seelah is contacted with the word that the nosferatu has honored the deal and left while leaving the Varisian man, a bard named Ruan Mirukova, alive.

Sterling isn't going to make it out the elevator shaft as he can't fly true vertically, so Seelah will dismiss him. Lilim will act to aid her in movement.

Vivino will disable the death's breath doors leading from the entryway. There were actually more scenes of death and horror to the south, but the Queen's Physicians and cultists had already cleared out, leaving only the dead.

The group takes some things back to Master Shyamal's home, and grabs what might be useful to help move items ... and two important bodies ... about.

Ruan Mirukova is reunited with Deyanira Mirukova. This was done when Deyanira was brought to the brewery when the group was knocking back drinks together. For all the death you witnessed, this tearful reunion reminds you of what it is to be a hero. Ruan Mirukova can now be considered both a friend and a contact.

Adelaide's body is retrieved. She has a will and her items are handed to the local senior Pathfinder for dispersal back to family. In time, she will be seen as one of the fallen heroes that took down the evil Dr. Davaulus' plot and that of his noble patron, the foreign (of unknown lineage) Lady Andaisin. Her belongings are not for the party to go picking through like vultures. (NOTE: Not only did she have a will filed with the Pathfinders, she had a "DNR." This is important because the party found a scroll of raise dead, so this is not to be used on her.)

Doctor Davaulus' body is also retrieved. Through Master Shyamal, Field Marshal Cressida Krofft is notified, and she comes to the home, introduces herself to the heroes and gives a significant debriefing (she is now a contact ... not a friend, but a contact). Many of the notes that Doctor Davaulus, and especially that of Ramoska Arkminos' insights in his separate scientific investigations, will go a very long way to helping synthesize a means of stopping blood veil throughout Korvosa. Still, the various heroics of the original group was offset by the significant death that was to be found in the Temple of Urgathoa, and there are still many, many dead in Korvosa.

All silver unholy symbols of Urgathoa are destroyed, not simply melted down for usable silver. The "blood vats" are detoxified by the Church of Abadar. Though not so powerful as to be one of them, one of the contacts with the original group makes contact with this one. His name is Ishani Dhatri, a troubled Abadaran cleric whose faith has been tested because of the "holy mission" of taking money for healing services.

The savvy of the party is brought together with Master Shyamal's assistance where able to appraise and identify all materials recovered.

All of the treasure is simply written into the #cursed-treasury channel of Discord rather than reprinted here.

From Arkminos' laboratory, his tubes containing distillations of blood veil, filth fever, and red ache are confiscated/ destroyed by the Field Marshal, or used as evidence. After that, though, the party got to keep the cleaned out alchemical and medical equipment. Ramoska's notes (see above) were taken for synthesis to combat blood veil and as evidence.

Now, with two researcher's notes ... those of Dr. Davaulus and Arkminos, Field Marshal Crofft turns to the top alchemical minds she can find.... Vivino, to be closely aided by Lilim.

Vivino, it is up to you (and assistance from Lilim) to save the city! Please roll a single Craft (alchemy) check. This is NOT "creating an alchemical item, so it just uses your normal Craft skill, with a +2 bonus for what is basically a full alchemist's lab you got from Arkminos, and another +2 bonus from Lilim's expert lab assistance!

2022-02-06, 06:36 PM
Vivino pours over the notes and collaborates with Lilim to come up with a plan. They then get to work and hope to end this blood veil once and for all.


If possible would like to look into if any of the party members who did die would be able to be if not like to be raised with the scroll.

2022-02-06, 10:02 PM
With the wealth of knowledge from one of the architects and one of the independent researchers, Vivino and Lilim are able to create a viable cure for the Blood Veil, learning a lot about its history and some of the odd effects of the same.

The cure for blood veil lies within the research of three ingenious but undoubtedly demented minds: Dr. Davaulus, Ramoska Arkminos, and the necromancer Rolth. Each had discovered that approximately one in 20 Varisians exhibits an immunity to blood veil, but none have yet deduced the nature of this immunity. This influence alone isn’t enough to save the city from blood veil, but it is a weakness in the sickness’ design that allows enterprising alchemists or canny spellcasters the opportunity to engineer a cure for blood veil. If Dr. Davaulus, Arkminos, and Rolth (whose notes you could not get since he had fled when you arrived) shared their discoveries with each other, they would have probably learned of the disease’s one defect; had they done so, a new strain of blood veil could have been developed that would have been much more difficult to cure.

Having found a cure within a week, rather than the entirety of a month, likely saved hundreds of potential or afflicted victims of the blood veil, thanks to the heroes efforts!

The cure, once developed, is a mercifully simple concoction to create for anyone with the Vivino and Lilim to make. The disease’s supernatural origins prove to be its undoing, for once a person suffering from blood veil takes the cure, not only does the disease fade, but for 1 week thereafter, contact with the recently cured person spreads the cure in a manner identical to how blood veil itself spreads. In addition to the alchemical side, combined with additional usages of lesser restoration and remove disease to continually fight the plague’s spread, each day that passes sees blood veil losing more and more footing until the disease is eventually defeated after a mere three weeks!

Four Major Groups Linked closely or tenuously (all counting Master Shyamal as a central contact) were responsible for doing the most work in combating some of the worst aspects of the Epidemic. The first group stopped a charlatan selling snake oil and chased her out of town and rid the undead from the body dump at Racker's Ally. Unfortunately, almost all were killed by Girrigz the wererat, who had a short-lived war against Korvosa in this time leading to several hundred deaths. The second group managed to check the wreck of the Direption quickly and destroyed the zombies of Carowyn Manor while ousting Jolisitina from that place. The third group made the greatest efforts in defeating the issues at the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden and some of the Temple of Urgathoa. And the fourth roster finally brought things home.

In all, many .... many ... heroes were killed or permanently traumatized. But these brave few managed to save what the bean counters estimate through .... however they figure such things ... more than 1900 citizens through their actions. Still, there are about 3000 depths attributed during the 2-1/2 months of blood veil, and likely as many as up to a hundred more from the poor that couldn't be tracked.

In gratitude for their efforts during the plague, Tayce Soldado organizes the thanks of some of Korvosa’s settled Varisians. The PCs are treated to a large feast at Tayce’s home with the Varisian community, many of whom bring the party modest gifts (such as delicately embroidered scarves, beautiful jewelry, exquisitely illustrated harrow decks, or fine clothing) with a total value of 250 gp per character.

Dozens of families recognize the PCs for saving the lives of family members or neighbors. The PCs each gain a favor from a skilled artisan, a local artist, or another member of an NPC class. This favor might be the gift of an item worth no more than 1000 gp (such as a set of three matching masterwork daggers, a bejeweled ring worth 1000 gp, or a simple magical item (no more than 600 gp value) embroidered with the PCs’ coat of arms or the symbol of her deity), a place to hide out for a night, help researching a topic (this grants a +5 circumstance bonus on the next five Knowledge checks the PC attempts, provided they recruit the aid of the NPC offering help), or any other useful services (ultimately adjudicated by the GM).
Finally, Field Marshal Cressida Kroft personally thanks the PCs for their extensive aid during the plague. She finally and officially deputizes them as members of the Korvosan Guard and opens Citadel Volshyenek’s armory to them. Each PC can select equipment worth up to 2,500 gp (including magic weapons and armor) from the stores.

The group are now considered Local Heroes!

2022-02-09, 08:57 PM
Here is the sad story of Zellara Esmeranda...
Among his Gaedran Lamm's plentiful victims was a Varisian woman named Zellara Esmeranda, a fortune teller who lost a valuable family heirloom, an exquisite harrow deck, to one of Gaedren’s pickpockets over a year ago. When he learned of the theft, Zellara’s son Eran took it upon himself to get the deck back. He was murdered by Gaedren’s thugs and his head and hands were returned to Zellara in a box as a threat. Zellara went to the Korvosan Guard, but although sympathetic, they had little additional time or resources to devote to the crime lord.

Frustrated, desperate, and harboring a growing need for revenge, Zellara took it upon herself to track down Gaedren. She sold most of her belongings, purchased a new harrow deck, and called upon the cards for aid. Her latent magical skill, combined with her persistence and obsession, gave her results—yet as she would soon learn, not all harrowings point to triumph. She discovered the location of Gaedren’s hideout, but was seen when she attempted to infiltrate the old fishery where he dwelled. Gaedren’s thugs grabbed her and brought her below to stand before the master. The crime lord was impressed that she’d gone through so much trouble to find him, but when she spat on him and cursed him, his anger got the better of him and he ordered her killed. He fed her body to his alligator, but he saved her head, keeping it in a box in his lair alongside her original stolen harrow deck. These cards, bloodstained and discarded, became the focus for Zellara’s anguish and despair. Her spirit infused and haunted them, and she intended to use her newfound supernatural power to bring down Gaedren Lamm.

Yet Zellara isn’t a true ghost. Her spirit manifested more like a complex haunt, splitting its presence between the heirloom cards sealed away in a box in Gaedren Lamm’s hideout and her run-down home in Korvosa’s Midland district. These were her links to the living world, and through them she could sense the anguish and despair of all those in Korvosa whom Gaedren’s evil has touched and hurt. She cast her mind outward, and before long narrowed her search to a small group of those in whom she sensed the greatest honor, the greatest strength, the greatest potential, and the greatest anger. She sensed entobian ninja-oracle named Paxre and his friends.

Through this shared anguish, Zellara manifested phantasms in that group's minds to create visual and tactile illusions. Using this power, she manifested a short message for them on the backs of harrow cards that matched those characters’ personalities and strengths.

It was because of her help with that foundling group that Paxre and his friends threw down the power of nascent crimelord Gaedran Lamm.

Paxre carried Zellara's deck with him as he joined a new group of heroes that banded together to investigate a strange and deadly phage that was quickly spreading through the poorer sections of Korvosa - the blood veil. Zellara likewise helped those heroes overcome many challenges by reading fate as needed as well.

Paxre died, and the Harrow deck passed on to Allen Phan (aka, Alpha). With Allen's death in the Temple of Urgathoa, the Harrow deck containing Zellara ended up in Lady Andaisin's possessions, where she lay dormant until now ...

... when she appears in front of Dane and Vivino while they suck back some suds at Dane's brewery a few days after things begin to blow over and their other friends have already left the city.

And as she tells her tale to a shocked dwarf and highly self-modified human she ends by saying, "There is more danger coming. The blood veil was just the beginning. I do not know the form the danger will take, but if you are the heroes you seem to be, you will need my insight. Gather more heroes to you quickly, for you know not when Fate will call upon you."


2022-02-09, 09:00 PM
Guys, thank you for playing!

This officially ends Curse of the Crimson Throne, Book 2: "Seven Days to the Grave."

Stay tuned for details on the next chapter, Book 3: "Escape from Old Korvosa."

Please make no further posts in this thread.