View Full Version : Dungeon of Strangeness

2021-10-26, 03:17 AM
You awake.

You're pretty sure you don't awake where you laid yourself to rest, because you are in a cell. This peculiar cell however is kinda strange. You have been lying on a kind of mattress, the floor is covered by freshly cut hay and on your side there is a small table with a chair and on that table you see a steaming slice of mutton together with a mug of (judging by the smell) mid-quality beer.

You have all your normal clothes on, but your other equipment is nowhere to be seen. (Should you normally have a boot-dagger however you still have one.)

Outside of the cell are five people in something like white robes. They have small wodden plates in they're hands and are looking at you. One of these guys are starting to talk.

"I think they have awoken."

Another one chimes in. Yes, that is accurate. Let's observe these subjects, probably "adventurers". By confining them in they're natural habitat they will not notice us and let them proceed. If everything is in order, we can proceed with test number zero, zero, one.

The four others seem to write something down on they're wodden plates.

They all are staying relatively close towards the cells and the cells itself have sturdy iron bars but don't seem unbreakable.

Both food and drink seem consumable by you, the cell itself feels like you can't just leave it.

Strangeness Begins! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GcIpp0rDv8mU52irw7RwXHZAPZhd-KD6tHW2M7OGJyA/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-10-26, 07:54 AM
Kalliste looks around and purses her lips. She can't help but think that this is one of those situations where eyebrows would relly come in handy. Lacking those, she has nothing to conveniently raise. She rolls to her feet and stretches as leisurely as she can, mostly for the show. She doesn't actually like the look of this. She than proceeds to walk straight up to the bars and stare straight into the eyes of the robed one on the other side, putting a calm but curious expression on her face. Hey there! she addresses the robed one with a coy little smile. I'm Kalliste. Kalliste Iverides, if you're one of those weird formal types. I'm also not sure you didn't already know that. Anyhow, you can call me Kliks if it, you know, clicks with you, or Lis or whatever. she pauses briefly, hoping the other will introduce themselves. You've got some nice holding cells here, by the way. Very nice. But, you know, there's this thing: I'm something of a free spirit and I can get really uncomfortable real fast if I can't, you know, roam free. (I'm more of a wine person too, but let's let that slide.) So. To put my mind at ease, is there any chance you're going to tell me what's this about? Pretty please?

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Bluff to look nonplussed and stuff: [roll1]

2021-10-26, 08:37 AM
Elexis sat up, rubbing his head. "Ugh... Okay what the heck's going on?"

2021-10-26, 10:04 AM
Ketcharra sits up on her mattress and immediately begins searching her body, looking for anything crawling on her mithril flesh. When she doesn't find anything on her right away, she lets out a gasp and pulls out a small fruit from a pocket. With a haste that might seem undue or even panicked, Ketcharra smushes the lychee against her thigh. Moments later, attracted by the sweet fragrance, several insects emerge from crevices in her metal body and investigate the juices. With a sigh of very real relief, she exclaims, "Wake up! Wake up! We're in a new place!"

Once she's confident that her little family is awake and alert, and in good health, Ketcharra stands up and investigates the room, finishing at the gate entrance. She waits there, twiddling her thumbs while watching the others as best she can.

2021-10-26, 11:41 AM
Labs awakens from the most serious power nap known to man. So powerful, it got him imprisoned.

Opening his eyes and moving them about in utter confusion, which only intensifies when he sits up, then actually stands up, as these robed people start jabbering. "H-hello?" emerges from his finely kept full beard, presumably from a mouth below it, not that it is visible. "I can see and hear you, you know? I'm a lumberjack, I think there has been a mistake?"

Labs, standing rather haplessly in the cell, not really sure what to do with his hands right now, side-eyes about constantly in ongoing befuddlement. "Could you please let me out and give me my things back? I really would like to get back to work. People are planning an orphanage and they need lumber for it." Awkward silence (at least from Labs' cell) follows, looking at these robed people.

...and a small unsure sip from the beer while maintaining (or, well, attempting) eye contact. No fairy rules for accepting food and drink here, right? ...Right?

2021-10-26, 11:52 AM
Elexis got up from his cot and went up to the window of his cell. "Hey, let me out you crazy bitches! You can't just kidnap people like this!"

Captain Jak
2021-10-26, 01:37 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosiwyn looks about, confused, before floating up off the bed. She isn’t, truth be told, entirely certain how she had been asleep to begin with.

Nor – why, some of her possessions are gone! Her precious possessions!

"Um, excuse me," she says, fading into visibility as she drifts over towards the bars, more than a little distracted by the fact that she can somehow...smell food? "I don’t know what--,"

She cuts off, abruptly, as she bangs into the bars rather than simply passing through them.

She recoils, startled.

"Um, what? What’s going on here?" she demands, the faintest hint of a shriek beginning to colour her tone.

2021-10-27, 07:16 AM
You reactions get a lot of scribbling going on. Some mumble something about "highly irregular behaviour."

You're guy nearly retreats he mumbles a "this one has VERY highly irregular behaviour." But as soon as you're talking a bit more to him he relaxes a lot. "Oh, I guess you can call me ZZ or Zeze, ähm... Miss Kliks? Of Course I can tell you what this is all about, we are a facility that wants to do Research on different phenomenoms. Mostly related to different threat levels and such things. Oh sorry I didn't realize you were a free-spirit, I guess I should let you out huh? He... Does just that… Opening your cell door with his key. It doesn't seem that the others have noticed that.

You're beginning panic is met with a calm response. "There is no reason for you to get out. You're basic needs are provided for." A hand gesture towards you're "food?" is followed by "Please proceed."

It seems that you're left cell neighbor got his person to open the door.

Curious, our research indicates that you should not notice me at all and consume the provided sustenance and perhaps notice us afterwards? The person before you Looks down a bit confused. I don't stand in a dark corner after all. And what will this property called "Orphanage" serve? Do you want to hold a captured baby dragon there to eventually ride it? He's scribbling pretty fast.

"Seems we have a pretty irregular bunch, eh?" He scribbles down something. It's alright we... Uhm, have brought you here toÂ… Provide a, what it's called? A dungeon for you and wanted to provide you with food that you canÂ… Prepare for the challenge? You're all about that stuff, right?

"Subject seems very concernd about the insects that couldn't be cleared off of it." Scribbling. "Finally someone unconcerned about the situation. Regarding the other subjects, probably the only normal one."

2021-10-27, 07:29 AM
"Yes but kidnapping people and making them do it is an incredibly crappy thing to do, assh*les," snapped the hexblade, kicking the door to his cell.

2021-10-27, 08:29 AM
Kalliste is pleasantly surprised to see the door open. Thank you, ZZ! she beams at her (hopefully former) jailer and she slips through the door with fluid grace. And there's no need for those pesky 'onorifics. Just Kliks will do. she looks around with interest shifting her weight from one leg to the other before swiftly maneuvering to ZZ's side so as to have him between her and the other white robes. Anyway, sounds like a neat job. You get to watch fun stuff. Does it, you know, pay well? To, what's the word for that… Assess the, you know, threat level fun people like my humble self? she looks up and clicks her tongue before locking eyes with ZZ again. Speaking of, let me tell you that I'm actually very-very harmless.

Bluff to hide her surprise, highish self-esteem and interest in ZZ's paychecks: [roll0]
Hide to hide behind ZZ: [roll1]
Diplomacy if needed: [roll2]

2021-10-27, 11:17 AM
Labs' brow furrows in growing confusion at the first remark about not noticing the very obvious robed people. He sniffs at the beer, just in case there is supposed to be some strange see-robed-people magic in it. Not that he knows what to even sniff for. Better put that away then, neatly where it was before. Just in time for his face to scrunch up even more when faced with more, uhm, observations.

"What, no, the orphanage is for the poor children who do not have- ...Sir? Are you unwell? You know what, please do not trouble yourself, I'll let myself out." One of Labs' slab-like hands grabs a tiny thin spoon from beside the still steaming food plate. Now, he gestures not to worry to the robed person as he reaches through the bars and pokes the spoon around in the lock. "You just take a breather, I'll get out of the way, and then you can have a nice sit-down and a good hearty meal, which your cook has very lovingly prepared and I am very sorry to not have tried, it looks and smells very lovely indeed, but you seem like you need it more than I do, if I may be so forward, sir. I'll be done in a jiffy, sorry for the wait." Labs keeps poking, the tip of his tongue poking out of his beard clearly helping with the fine manipulations of the lock levers, as do the fingers spread out because they are not involved in the spoon pinchy-pinch maneuver.

Labs uses his Master of Few Jack of All feat to use his Tumble modifier in place of his Open Lock modifier (which he can do twice per target skill per day). Please apply modifiers for poor tools as needed. If the attempt just generally fails because of the chosen approach, that is fine, too. Labs is using a spoon, after all.

Unlikely lock openery [roll0]

Captain Jak
2021-10-27, 09:50 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosiwyn’s mouth drops open in her translucent face at the ludicrous response.

"Basic needs?" she repeats incredulously. "I don’t have any basic needs, you silly thing. I’m dead," she says, a perplexed look crossing her petite features.

An idea strikes her.

"And since I’m dead, there’s really no reason to, um, keep studying me, right?" she suggests persuasively. "Might as well just let me go, since you’re not going to be able to tell anything interesting about me by watching, right?"

She’s not at all sure why she can smell the food, but the more pressing question was...were she to eat it, where would it end up going??

Diplomacy! [roll0]

Captain Jak
2021-10-27, 11:12 PM
(Forgot a roll. Bardic Knowledge: [roll0])

2021-10-28, 02:44 PM
Ketcharra looks long and hard the the figure outside her cell. Without looking at she says quietly, "He thinks we are normal. I don't know how we should feel about that."

A little more loudly, so she can be heard clearly, she asks, "Does that mean you'll let me out now? We would really appreciate not having to get violent yet."

2021-10-29, 07:49 AM
It seems that you're guy seems to be a pretty Handy hiding spot, because the one glance you get in your direction doesn't seem to provoke a reaction. You're also pretty sure that you have wrapped ZZ completely around your little finger. "Oh the pay is ok, we're mostly pay'd in housing and food. You're threat level is actually very interesting, every single one of you has one between 20 and 50 but all five of you together should have around 500. Isn't that weird? We actually have a 2000 in there, you know?" He seems to actively ignore your statement that you're harmless.

"Hmm…" You're jailer seems to be in thought. "You are kinda right you know? You should probably have gotten into another ward with the other undead creatures instead towards these adventurer bunch. Would probably be the best when I talk with the boss about that." She turns, but stops herself and opens your Jail Cell. "Yeah, sorry. As I said probably a mistake." After that she turns towards the one talking with Labs

You're jailer seems more amused than anything else when you try to open the lock with a spoon.A spoon? Seriously? These are sturdy cast iron locks, not some cheap tavern door. How could you even hope. *click* And the door swings open. You're jailer doesn't say anything at first but then points towards you thriumphantly? Reality bending properties! I knew it! Ha! Headmaster Oron will be totally jealous! He Scribbles something, not bothering closing the door again.

"Hey watch your tongue!" Your watcher comes close towards your cell, close enough to grab him should you want to give it a try. "One more stupid word out your mouth and I fry you! I have the authority!"

Intimidation attempt: [roll0]

"What was that? No we won't let you out, you're basic needs are provided and then we should make some tests. How fryable you are, how you react to stuff. You know, the usual?

More map! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GcIpp0rDv8mU52irw7RwXHZAPZhd-KD6tHW2M7OGJyA/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-10-29, 09:03 AM
Elexis considered calling the weirdos' bluff, but decided against it and sighed. "Okay, do we get to leave afterwards?"

2021-10-29, 09:13 AM
Yeah, a roof and stuff to eat is nice. Seriously? These people are paid in food and that makes them happy. Kalliste makes a conscious effort not to laugh out loud. That's something even I, you know, get. I never really had a head for numbers, y'see. Is getting a 20 a good thing? And how's five up-to-fifties translate to a 500? Kalliste places a finger across her lips to feign being in deep thought. While terribly confused indeed, she'd rather not think too hard about those numbers right now. ZZ's a nice fellow, but if there are potentially more steadfast allies in here, it's in her best interest is to know about them. Speaking of, who's these other four? Fun folks like me? I bet the one spouting all those wicked profanities isn't.

Bluff, for obvious reasons: [roll0]
Diplomacy, if needed: [roll1]

2021-10-29, 06:24 PM
There is this moment where Labs stands before the robed figure, holding his tiny spoon in his big slab-like hand, now without a cell door between them. Then more words pour towards poor Labs.

"You see, there are levers in the lock and-" he helplessly begins to explain, before stopping himself. Just... just let him have this.

"You know, I am very happy for you." The best friendly smile approximation (given the current situation) is shown, as Labs awkwardly puts the spoon back on the table with an extra pat and tries to squeeze past the robed figure ("Excuse me, sorry, aw heck, coming through, oops.")

Out in the bigger room, Labs sees the other people he heard so far (but it would have been terribly rude to just shout over their conversations). "Oh, hello there," Labs greets those inside and outside the cells with a raised hand. "...are you here by mistake as well?"

Captain Jak
2021-10-29, 09:10 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Floating out of her cell, Rosiwyn snorts indelicately.

"By mistake? Not hardly," the translucent Gnome says dryly, her voice containing a faintly hollow echo. "These jokers are probably the ones that have been stealing creatures all over – they’re being all creepy" she insists dramatically.

She can see that there are a number of others here too in those white robes, and a few others both in and out of cells, like herself.

Odd, very odd.

Singing softly to herself, her voice high, sweet, and vaguely compelling, she drifts about in examination of the immediate area, to see if she can determine both where she is, exactly, and to see if she can find any of her precious treasures that had somehow been separated from her!

2021-11-01, 04:46 PM
"Ah," Labs responds with a bout of awkward silence, given the conversation with a ghost (she seems friendly?) in the presence of apparent kidnappers and some people still stuck in cells. Hands open and close and open again.

"I'm Labacus Koughs, or Labs for short, nice to meet'cha." Judging by the motions of the beard and the folds around the eyes showing up, Labs appears to be giving a friendly smile to the other (former) captives. But, well, since there still are active captives, Labs walks over between the two robed figures arguing. Huge hands on his hips, just... observing the situation for a moment, before clearing his throat once.

"Excuse me, sorry to butt in," he starts, looking back and forth between the robed people and the captives. "Could you, uhh, let them out, too?" He swivels with a calloused finger towards the cells, before the hand returns to where it came from. "They don't seem to like it in there, aaand it would be nice if they didn't need to be in there anymore, you know?" Labs just... looks back and forth between the two robed people, looking for some sort of agreement, his moustache area widening. At one point, his bushy eyebrows even rise, in hopes of that helping in some fashion.

2021-11-03, 09:54 AM
The one that was Looking after Labs finished writing and looks up at him and then takes a long look around.

You have gone out?!

He draws a weird black iron rod. It's too short to be a baton and all in all seems like a pretty poor weapon at first glance.

You should all go back to your containment units, if you're not we are authorized to use lethal force to make you! I won't repeat myself!

The other white-robed people try to keep they're eyes on they're escaped prisoners and frantically pat at they're robes to draw they're weapons but don't seem to be able to find them at the moment.

The ones without escaped prisoners stop focusing at them and search even more frantically for they're weapons.

You should really go back to your cell. I don't want any trouble!

2021-11-03, 10:21 AM
As the robed figures reach for their weapons, Ketcharra settles on who is enemy and who is friend. Insects rise up from her and collect around the other captives, prepared to fight alongside them. Starting deadpan at her captor, she says, "I warned you about violence."

Crawling Aura: Power
Player characters shall deal an additional 4 points of damage per strike.

2021-11-03, 11:14 AM
Don't you worry, ZZ! I've got this. Kalliste whispers to the robed man with an encouraging smile, drawing really close to him. She then sticks her head out from behind his back to speak thusly, with unwavering confidence: Hey, folks! There's absolutely no need for, you know, senseless violence! You're kinda outnumbered and very much outmatched – you know how dangerous everyone, um, other than me 'round here is s'pposed to be. The good thing is I'm pretty sure none of us bear any, you know, deep-seated ill will towards you guys so if you'd just stop waving creepy stuff around I'm also pretty sure that there won't be, you know, blood and other gross bodily fluids!

Diplomacy against eeeeveryone: [roll0]
Bluff to look confident in our heroes' clear superiority: [roll1]

2021-11-03, 02:53 PM
"Well, yes?" Labs answers the rather obvious question with a quizzical look. And then weapons are drawn.

"Hey now, there's really no need for violence! All we want is to leave. And if you'll excuse the comment, but I also have yet to see on whose authority we were locked up in the first place, and I think that is important to know!" Labs raises his hands when weapons are pulled. This has escalated rather suddenly. What an unpleasant turn of events!

Captain Jak
2021-11-03, 10:24 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosiwyn giggles, the sound uncomfortably tinged with a hint of madness.

"Oh, I think the time for settling this peacefully has passed," she announces, drifting slightly higher in the passageway before the cells.

Abruptly, the stubby metal wand rips itself violently out of the white-robed figure’s hand, skittering away across the floor.

"Run," she whispers, eyes wide and teeth bared in a grin.

Telekinesis Disarm opposed roll: [roll0]
Rounds until TK is available again: [roll1]

2021-11-05, 07:19 AM
The black rod get's flung away from the leading mans hands. He is confronted with the situation that they are several people out of they're cells. They're hands crawling with battle-enhancing bugs and none of his other research staff seems to be able to quell the tide of break-outs.

There is a tense moment of silence but the researcher holds up his hands in defeat. You all see it. It's a breach scenario. Let's be happy that we may get out of it with all of our limbs still attached. He gives Labs a daggerlike look. I and my Team surrender. we'll go into your cells and you're gonna get recaptured eventually. You have no clue how the security is out there, when the… Alarm... Is sound... He seems to trail off.

He gestures and the still locked cell-doors get opened, keys get dropped down and everyone goes towards they're corresponding cells.

ZZ doesn't seem to be entirely happy with that situation, though he complies. Like he slowly realizes that you got the better of him or something. Or he still thinks about how you actually did him a favor somehow. He seems indecisive.

If you look in the other room you see chests with some… Descriptions attached to it.

"Female human."
"Hairy human."
"Male human."
"Small construct."

They are not trapped and hold your Equipment. There is a door leading out towards a complex interior design. Directly opposite you there seems to be a chamber, with some words in Common that you can read. "Flame Experiment 2"

The room you're getting out of has "Testing Container 1" written on it.

The wide hallway seems to open up towards a crossroads.

You're cells: Cells (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GcIpp0rDv8mU52irw7RwXHZAPZhd-KD6tHW2M7OGJyA/edit#gid=0)
The dungeon at large: Containment breach (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gkV8X43MifGVouiZvE3VmBTqygiNXder2eZ1jDlpFA0/edit?usp=sharing)

The idea is that I fill out the dungeon when you explore it.

2021-11-05, 08:14 AM
Kalliste gives her former captor an apologetic little smile. Listen here, ZZ. You are a very nice guy and I'm sorry things had to go, you know this way. she squeezes the robed man's upper arm encouragingly. But trust me, it's for the best. Have you seen these folks? They are crazy, y'see. I'll keep them, you know, moving away from you guys, but that's the most I can do. she gives him another little squeeze. Stay safe. she whispers before moving on after the others to

loot her chest. "Female human" draws a little chuckle out of her, but that's a harmless mistake. They might be rather incompetent, but they seem not to have misplaced any of her stuff and that's good news.
Once she's done utting her garb back on, she looks around, inspecting the assembled crew. Hey there. In case you missed it, I'm Kalliste. Call me that or Kliks or Lis or what, you know, works for you. she pauses cracking her neck. With that, you know, out of the way, what's next?

Diplomacy: [roll0]
and Bluff: [roll1], both on ZZ. I hope they'll stay friends.

2021-11-05, 12:47 PM
Labs appears a little cross when being accused of wanting to cause harm to the robed people, but if he does not have anything nice to say, he figures he should not say anything.

"Just... just take a break in there, have a meal, and..." Ah, he better stop talking, they'll figure it out.

The chests also confuse Labs a little, the contents of the "male human" chest clearly not being his. But the "hairy human" chest does have his stuff. His brow furrows a bit again. He has to admit, he is a little peeved. A little bit. But at least he has his axe and work clothes back. Especially his boots! Was getting mighty cold down there.

"Hello, I'm Labs, pleasure to meet you," he reintroduces himself, beard motions indicating a smile, waving hand indicating a wave. "So, ahh..." he begins, not sure how to put it. "would you mind if we not go there?" He points to the "Flame Experiment" room's sign.

Captain Jak
2021-11-07, 04:00 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosiwyn wasn’t entirely certain just how these people had managed to separate part of her from herself, but she is more than happy to reacquire her belongings, the lid to the chest flipping itself open to allow her access.

"What, aren’t you curious what we’ll find there?" she asks with a giggle as she swirls a billowing, translucent cloak over her shoulders, giving Labs a sidelong grin. "I’m Rosiwyn," she introduces herself. "I’m a little bit dead, but I hope you won’t hold that against me," the gnome adds with a giggle.

2021-11-08, 04:40 AM
"Well that's not exactly the weirdest thing we've seen today, is it? My name's Elexis, by the way," said the hexblade. He opened a tiny cage, and out popped a tiny snake that hissed at him.

"Yes yes, I missed you too Pytha," he chuckled at his familiar. "Wait, you've put on weight haven't you? How much have they been feeding you?"

Pytha hissed at him again. Snakes weren't really good at pouting, but she made a good effort.

2021-11-08, 05:29 AM
Kalliste simply shrugs when Labs brings up the Flame Experiment room. I'm mildly fireproof, so I don't really care either way, but I guess the same doesn't stand for your, you know… she bites the sentence in half when Pytha emerges from her tiny box to dart straight next to Elexis with wide eyes and a wider smile on her face. Who's a pretty snake? You are! she cooes. before llooking up at the hexblade. Is she yours? Isn't she pretty? Can I hold her for just a moment? she spouts in rapid succession, looking like she might start bouncing up and down at any moment.

2021-11-08, 05:42 AM
"...Well, yes - "


"Uh, sorry, no," said Elexis. "She bites."

2021-11-08, 01:20 PM
"Oh, ah, well, if you feel tired, I could carry you for a while," Labs offers to Rosiwyn, briefly taking off his small cap and scratching his head. Ghosts tend to be sleepy, right?

"Are you folks adventurers? Do you do adventury things, like dungeon delving and such? I sometimes help those parties out with getting around. You know, carrying them up walls or across chasms or very quickly away from irate dungeon people." They are all, apparently, in a dungeon of some persuasion, so naturally, Labs should offer dungeon aid.

2021-11-08, 01:29 PM
Fine, snake! Be that way! Kalliste crosses her arms with feigned indignation, before whispering a final She's so pretty! to Elexis and turning to face Labs with a shrug. Life's too short to sit on my fat behind all day, you know? It also doesn't, you know, pay all that well. she shrugs again. So yeah, I go around climbing stuff and hitting stuff and looking for those funny, you know, little traps people set up to keep their stuff from getting, you know, stolen… Wouldn't call myself a professional, though.

2021-11-08, 05:26 PM
"Oh yeah yeah, I do that too!" Labs answers, evidently having found a sort of colleague in a way. "Well, not to worry. Should we come across treasure, or... I believe parties liked to call it loot, you folks go and grab it, I got everything I need. Though sometimes parties give me things anyway and, you know, it is hard and terribly rude to decline gifts. That nice hafling and elf archer party that hung off me in little suspended seats of sorts while they had me climb out of reach of irate dungeon people really, really wanted me to have these boots afterwards. They had a grand ol' time when I went even faster than before." The creases around his eyes and the beard motions indicate a fond smile.

2021-11-09, 03:27 AM
Kalliste chuckles. That must have been quite the sight to behold. Labs with two adventurers hanging from him in little seats, pursued by irate dungeon people? Now that's something. Meaning, you know, no 'ffense, of course. she adds quickly.
As for the loot, worry not, big guy. Ifit's up to me, you'll walk away from 'ere laden with fun stuff.

2021-11-09, 06:11 AM
"Well I don't think they are totally crazy." He ponders a bit. "But I guess they are a bit out there. I'm going to be fine, don't worry."

He gives you a thumbs up when nobody is looking and smiles reassuringly.

You look around a bit.

It seems you are adjacent towards another room "Horse Experiment 1" and another one "EX Potion Room". The corridor towards the north has a sign on it, with an arrow, under the arrow are the mysterious words "break room".

There don't seem to be any guards or something around at the moment.

Containment break. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gkV8X43MifGVouiZvE3VmBTqygiNXder2eZ1jDlpFA0/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-11-09, 07:33 AM
Even as she talks, Kalliste begins ambling around, carefully examining the doors and the walls of the corridor. Hm. I don't s'ppose this one means we get, you know, free potions? she muses, almost tapping the door of the Potion Room before thinking better of that and lowering her hand.

Search the Fire Experiment door [roll0];
the Horse Experiment door [roll1];
the Potion Room door [roll2];
and the walls, the floor and that sort of thing: [roll3][roll4].
Speaking of the wall, what would you say the DC of climbing it would be? And how high up the ceiling is?

2021-11-09, 07:50 AM
Fire Experiment Room door: Seems a bit more warm than the others, probably not so much that there will be a fiery Explosion behind it, but it will probably be pretty warm behind that. Seems unlocked.
Horse Experiment door: You smell Fresh grass and hear a dampened whiny behind it. It sounds somehow strange, hard to pin down what exactly is wrong with it. Seems unlocked.
EX Potion Room Door: Nothing abnormal about it, besides that it's closed, in contrast to the other rooms.

The walls and the floor are perfectly normal stone walls and floor. Not that perfectly fit together, so should be climbable with a 15.
From bottom to ceiling are 15 feet (5 meters) really spacious.

2021-11-09, 01:21 PM
"Oh, you are too kind, it's really not necessary," Labs answers Kalliste.

As they look around, Labs scratches his head with a meaty finger. "Ho- horse experime- what." After "Testing Container" and "Flame Experiment", now this? Labs just... stares at the neat lettering of "Horse Experiment 1" for a while, before Kalliste's words pull him out of his moment of befuddlement.

"That'd be nice, right?" He looks to the "EX Potion Room", then back to the experiment rooms. "...Should we check the experiment rooms to see if these rooms are dangerous or just... whatever it is these people are doing here? If those experiment rooms are dangerous, the potions might be as well?" Labs is far out of his debt, he can only guess, far from being an adventurer, let alone a professional, card-carrying one. If that is a thing, that is.

2021-11-10, 03:54 AM
As they look around, Labs scratches his head with a meaty finger. [COLOR="#FF8C00"]"Ho- horse experime- what."

Kalliste shrugs again. Looks like. Kalliste takes a few steps back. Oddly 'nough, by the sound of it, there's, you know, an actual horse in there. Also, grass. Somehow.

"That'd be nice, right?" He looks to the "EX Potion Room", then back to the experiment rooms. "...Should we check the experiment rooms to see if these rooms are dangerous or just... whatever it is these people are doing here? If those experiment rooms are dangerous, the potions might be as well?"

Dunno, really. the spirit bites her lower lip and tilts her head a bit. But it's the only one that's, you know, locked, so… I'd say that's promising? she scratches the corner of her right eye idly. Not that I'm really good at, you know, opening locks. Jamming 'em, yes. Opening 'em, no. So why don't we just check out that horse thing? before anyone could protest, she strolls over to the horse door and swings it open.

2021-11-10, 05:29 AM
When Kalliste is opening the door she is greeted by a surreal sight.

She seems to have opened the door towards a kinda big meadow with fresh grass on the ground and several round bubbles streaming warm light down from the ceiling. And there is a horse prancing around the meadow, though it kinda seems like it has a squid for a head.

Horse (https://docs.google.com/document/d/13L_rbL3VliwQD8jCf5ZnscGvXbZ0rC3z4uvGXgS5M6M/edit?usp=sharing)

The horse whinies again when someone opens the door and prances towards the Newcomer. In Addition you all hear a voice inside your head, like telepathy coming (probably) from the horse.

"How delightful, more visitors! Isn't it a wonderful day for prancing around a bit, can I interest you in some of these succulent dandelions? They are fresh and sweet. Or do you want me to solve riddles again? It has become a nice pasttime to be quite honest.

2021-11-10, 12:06 PM
"H-hello...?" Labs answers more or less automatically, while side-eyeing, before adding "I'm not hungry right now, thank you." A beat. "So, uhh... do the people here often have you solve riddles? Did they kidnap you as well?"

Labs is just lost, y'all.

2021-11-10, 12:15 PM
"Things can not get much weirder than this," muttered the hexblade under his breath.

2021-11-10, 12:26 PM
Tentacles. Why did it have to be tentacles? For once, Kalliste doesn't fell like she wants to handle this conversation, so with a friendly little wave, she steps back from the door – so that the others can see the horsy better, of course. No other reason.
Once out of the tentacle's presumed reach, she shakes her hair out of her face, turning her head for half a moment and from one corner of her mouth she whispers a quick Please be right. to Elexis.

Bluff, because she's obviously not afraid or wary of tentacle horses. She just loves those! [roll0]

2021-11-11, 09:44 AM
Hello there, yes they come here, every few days or so. Are always surprised when I get something right. The strange horse prances around a bit more, not an arms length (or stretched tentacle length) away from you when it responds again it stops.

Kidnapped? The Squidhorse stands there for a moment, thinking about the word or something different. Horses have already pretty good poker faces, but adding a squid to it makes it even harder to read. That could be the case, I wager. I somehow only came into conscience while being here and not remembering anything before I was entrusted to this lively meadows.

The weird horse takes the time to (somehow) nibble on a dandelion for a short time.

You know as soon as I came to conscience I was always feeling something. A kind of familiarity if you will. I didn't told the people who were asking me riddles because I didn't thought they needed to know. But I think that something similiar to me is somewhere near. If it isn't too much trouble I would like to ask you if you could bring me this familiar something?

Captain Jak
2021-11-11, 10:55 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosiwyn had been drifting around the squid-headed horse, eyes wide in fascinated amazement even as the strangely idyllic scenery could be seen through her translucent form.

"You are so amazing," she giggles, moving forward for a closer look at the tentacles. "Something familiar? Ooooh, is it a horse’s head? We’ll keep an eye out for it," she exclaims enthusiastically, clapping her hands together in dead silence...quite literally.

2021-11-11, 11:09 AM
Hello there, yes they come here, every few days or so. Are always surprised when I get something right. The strange horse prances around a bit more, not an arms length (or stretched tentacle length) away from you when it responds again it stops.

Yeah, they get surprised, you know, a lot 'bout stuff, by the look of it. Kalliste nods along sympathetically, repressing the urge to turn tails and run.
The creatures comment about remembering nothing before its current prancing grounds has her thinking that it might actually be made rather than born which would meanÂ… Well, which would mean she misled ZZ more than she knew. The actual crazy folks here might very well be the robes.

You know as soon as I came to conscience I was always feeling something. A kind of familiarity if you will. I didn't told the people who were asking me riddles because I didn't thought they needed to know. But I think that something similiar to me is somewhere near. If it isn't too much trouble I would like to ask you if you could bring me this familiar something?

There's more of these? Kalliste's not exactly happy to learn this. Sure thing. If we, you know, stumble 'pon another horse? Squid? Horsesquid? Aberrant monstrosity from an ill-conceived nightmare? mighty beast such as yourself, you'll be the first horse? Squid? Horsesquid? Aberrant monstrosity from an ill-conceived nightmare?one to know. but hopefully it's wrong.
Turning around, Kalliste takes a couple of steps away from the damn thing as if she'd already be setting out to find whatever it's looking for (and mostly to get out of the estimated range of a possible tentacle attack), only to loook back once she has a few brave adventurers between herself and the horse. By the way. What kind of, you know, riddles do the robes bombard you with? Just out of curiosity.

Kalliste's sympathetic, helpful and no, she's not trying to run away, not at all. Bluff: [roll0]
And she'd like to be the horsesquids new best friend! Diplomacy: [roll1]

2021-11-11, 01:46 PM
Labs stands there, blinking, blinking again.

A decisive thumbs-up appears!

"You got it." And he apparently means it.

2021-11-12, 05:19 AM
The weird horse seems to focus it's squid eyes ar Rosiwyn. The mental words sound pleasantly confused.

Thank you. Though why should it be a horses head? Is something wrong with my head?

Towards Kalliste.

Oh you know the usual. Like "if they are are three astral lines crossing which would be the best focus to embed in the crossing to diminish astral wild surges?" Or "A dying emperor told his sons that he would give the one whose horse would arrive at they're favorite spot at second place his kingdom and all his riches what do they do?" Stuff like that, quite interesting really.

The horse is so thankful that it goes towards Labs and nibbles at his outstretched thumbs-up. It's a bit slimy and feels weird. But there seems to be all is still well.

Thanks a lot! I'll look forward to it!

You could make a Knowledge (arcana) check to answer the first "riddle" if you want to.

2021-11-12, 08:50 AM
Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]

2021-11-12, 09:01 AM
Elexis eyes the... horse with some suspicion, but says nothing.

Hmm... well hopefully it won't try to eat my pancreas or something.


Oh shush Pytha.

Pytha Aid Another check [roll1]

2021-11-12, 09:44 AM
"Oh wait, I get it now," Elexis said suddenly. "There's this thing called wild magic that makes spells do random crap. Cold iron rods put in the right configurations take the edge off, though. I don't have the faintest idea what that means though, besides the robed jackasses having seen wild magic."

2021-11-12, 09:52 AM
Show-off. Kalliste mumbles, crossing her arms.
That aside, she's left wondering just how much smarter this damn thing is than it looks. We'll be back before you know she tells the… Thing with the squid for a head waving a relieved goodbye to it. …but first, she walks over to the door of the potion room. Mr. Koughs, tear down this door!

2021-11-12, 09:59 AM
"Do I want to know who that is?" muttered Elexis under his breath.


"That was rhetorical and you know it Pytha."

2021-11-12, 11:52 AM
Labs feels uncomfortable with his tentanibbled slimy thumb.

He waves as his retreats out of the room, making sure to go at an angle to not get stuck in the doorframe. While he tries to clean his thumb with a nice hankerchief (though he feels it might take a while until it actually feels clean again), suddenly:

Mr. Koughs, tear down this door!
Labs looks over to Kalliste. He walks to the door.

He tries the door handle.

Once he realizes the door is locked, Labs knocks on the door, adding a "Hello?"

2021-11-15, 08:25 AM
The door towards the "EX potion room" doesn't react on the knock. There is also no reaction after the "hello".

It seems there is either no one in there or whoever is in there didn't hear the knocking and the greeting or doesn't want to react.

2021-11-15, 09:58 AM
Kalliste blinks twice when Labs attempts to get in the civilized way. She's also a slight bit relieved it didn't work. Another tentacle horse would be a bit much with so little time having passed since the last one. That was… Certainly a way to 'pproach the problem. she says at last, a bit hesitantly. But, and I'm just, you know, spitballing here, could you perhaps get a little more, you know, proactive?

2021-11-15, 03:12 PM
"Does... does that not seem a little extreme? It's not an emergency and-" Labs kind of peters out, feeling incredibly awkward, glancing at the party of adventurers, kind of hoping for a lockpicker to step forward, but, well...

Labs takes his lumberaxe, puts the blade between doorframe and door, where the bolt is, and gives the back of the axe a few open-handed pushes.

Do I roll strength? Damage? Adamantine cuts through everything not as hard as itself, so if it is damage, it's mostly just a matter of time.

Stronk check [roll0]

2021-11-16, 04:54 AM
The door, way too intimidated by a sharp adamantine axe opensÂ… Or more likely falls inwards, with they're hinges cut off.

You see a wide open room, with a neat Little table at the left side with 10 potions on it. They is a small wodden stand with the words "for countering the experimental potion effects if involuntarily swallowed."

And the rest of the room… Is a giant armoire, chucked full of potion bottles, it must be around 100 in different bottles. Some with a long glass neck. Some wodden ones. At least one hollowed out pumpkin. It seems kinda obsessive. There are "blocked" by a simple hemp robe that cuts the room in half. On the robe is a small wodden Plaque with the words "Experimental potions made in Magic Test Room 503, do not ingest!"

Under the 10 potions is also another stand with a single bottle on it labeled "trash."

This is the potion room. I had a funny idea with potions that we are going to go with. Magic potions always have a distinct taste. Every "cure wounds" potion for example always taste like vanilla with hot strawberries, it doesn't matter what ingredients you use but that is the taste you'll always get. The higher quality the potion the better the taste. Yes that means they are some high society cooks who use magic potions for the greatest dishes immaginable. On the table are 4 potions of "Cure serious wounds" healing for 3d8+5 HP (very nice taste). And one potion each for the +4 stat increasing spells.

Strenght (Tomato Juice with hot spices)
Dexterity (game)
Constitution (Wild honey)
Intelligence (Sushi)
Wisdom (freshly baked bread)
Charisma (Boiled insects for some reason)

The OTHER potions smell and taste (if you try a tiny sip) totally wild, giving you the run of a lot of imaginable und UNimaginable smells tastes. If you want to drink one of that roll a d100. None of that will kill you, but they may have debilitating (or great!) effects.

The "trash" potion is a potion of Inflict serious wounds dealing 3d8+5 HP negative energy damage (or heal an undead the same amount, which also has the effect that this one has the same TASTE for an undead as the other cure potions have for mortals.

2021-11-16, 05:00 AM
Elexis poked his head in, took a look, and said, "...So, I'm pretty sure I don't have to mention this but I don't think test-tasting all of these is going to be wise."

2021-11-16, 05:27 AM
You're such a bore, do you know that? Kalliste pats Elexis's shoulder as she brushes past him and into the room with a wide grin on her face, heading straight for the armoire to pick up and unstopper the closest potions, placing small drops on her index finger to smell and taste.

Mind you, she doesn't drink anything just yet, but I'm really curious about those wild tastes/smells, so she'll sample a few:

2021-11-16, 06:14 AM
The hexblade rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. Just don't be stupid and drink the whole thing if you can help it. It'd be a shame if we had to scrape you off the walls afterwards."

2021-11-16, 06:46 AM
Potion 1: You have a very strong taste of green, together with cat hair.
Potion 2: A Plethora of tastes assault your tongue, spicy, sweet, sour, rotten all together for a nauseating experience.
Potion 3: Weirdly it tastes like absolutely nothing. It doesn't even feel like you got liquid at you.
Potion 4: You blink. You are in a fiery place, you skin hurts all over, like 1000 needles stabbing at you, suddenly a Kyton unicorn is at your side. "You have to be quick or they are gonna get too…" You blink again and you are where you were before, no pain or anything.

Kalliste while taste-testing some potions is changing for very short moments rapidly and reverting back, her skin becomes like a birch, then coral. Her hair is changing into some long-winded spikes, then getting a weird but fascinating rainbow-pattern. She get's kinda see-through but not as much as Rosiwyn, when she has tasted the last thing, the changes stop.

2021-11-16, 08:22 AM
Kalliste exhales loudly and looks back above her shoulder to the others. You should really, you know, try these! It's huge fun! I mean, I didn't know something can taste green. She lifts the fourth bottle for the whole party to see before adding. This one's trippy, though. Makes y'see an' feel stuff. Wouldn't, you know, recommend it.

Let's see if she can tell anything about this good stuff!
1. Spellcraft: [roll0]
2. Spellcraft: [roll1]
3. Spellcraft: [roll2]
4. Spellcraft: [roll3]

2021-11-16, 04:11 PM
Labs stays exactly as he was, hunched forward, axe held at bolt height, having given it a rap on the back, as the door falls. The bolt held. But the hinges popped off. A rather incredulous look enters the room, before being directed at the axe raised for an even more confused inspection.

Inside the room, Labs is left scratching his head. Some of the potions seem to be, well, obviously helpful, so while Kalliste goes on her potion testing tour, Labs gathers the four healing potions. And the one undead healing potion. For ghosts to drink. Labs briefly fears the vial could slip through his hands, but it appears content to stay corporeal.

Since Kalliste seems... enthusiastic after trying, Labs walks over to the vials and tries one. Just a droplet, though, tiny on a giant cupped hand, while very gingerly holding the potion itself.

Taking the four healing potions and the ghost-healing potion.

Trying one of the vials [roll0]
Reroll if it is a vial already tried by Kalliste [roll1]

2021-11-17, 07:01 AM
Labs doesn't raise an alarm or anything when he collects the potions. It seems they are actually meant for taking.

Should have gotten some info.

When the Tiny potion droplet runs down your throat you immediately cough and you cough out a small wiggling wormlike thing that immediately poofs when you try to examine it more closely.

Labs coughs and for a short moment it looks like all his hair has transformed into a withering mass of snakes. Pytha is sure that she saw it too.

2021-11-17, 10:28 AM
Labs stares at the wormlike creature that just came out of him, before it poofs out of existence. He stoppers the vial. Without a word, he marches out of the room with the vial, down the corridor, to the Flame Experiment room. Opens the door. If there is open flame, he throws the potion into it.

2021-11-17, 11:09 AM
"...How about we stop trying every single potion in this room?" said Elexis after a very awkward pause.

2021-11-17, 11:20 AM
YOU ALRIGHT, BIG GUY? Kalliste shouts after Labs, before spinning on her heels to face Elexis, cradling four further bottles, one already unstoppered. Just a few more? she pauses. I mean, that was a bit weird, but, you know, I'm pretty sure my third one's absolutely safe and the first two… Might… Be. She purses her lips for a moment, and gesturing about with her bottles, she adds Okay, so, these really aren't your, you know, friendly normal standard potions. I don't have the vaguest of 'deas what they do. But that doesn't mean we can't have some, you know, very useful fun with them.

Captain Jak
2021-11-17, 01:43 PM
Not being of the sort to do things, like, drink potions (or anything) anymore, Rosiwyn merely watches with enthusiastic enjoyment at the results the others are getting.

She's happy enough to wait. Time isn't a finite resource for her, after all....

2021-11-19, 04:18 AM
When Labs opens the door to the Flame Experiment room, they're is an audible click, like some Kind of locking mechanism has suddenly been released. In the room are 4 darkskinned elves with white hair. 3 of them are sitting together in a circle and had talked to one another, they stand up while grinning at Labs.

"Natha wael uriu pahntus l'dobor."

These elfes seem to have a certain condition that let's both of they're hands burn. It doesn't seem to bother them that much, but they're keeping they're hands apart from they're clothes.

The 4th dark skinned elf is sitting in a corner, it seems like it's silently praying.

One of the dark skinned elf raises his hands, in a calming gesture that may be a bit lost, with they're permanently burning hands. He slowly goes towards Labs and talks to him in a calming and tone.

"Fridj ori'gato uns'aa flamgra dos phor nindel udos shlu'ta inbau doeb dos rivvil mal'ai."

2021-11-19, 04:32 AM
"And somehow this is one of the least weird things I've seen in the past hour or so," muttered the hexblade under his breath.

2021-11-20, 10:14 AM
"Uhh," Labs begins, side-eyeing. "do you speak Common?" He looks back down the hallway, calling over "Does anyone speak dark elvish?!"

2021-11-20, 10:59 AM
"No, only big-stinky-magic-lizard-ish," said Elexis. "Oh, and Common obviously."

2021-11-20, 12:18 PM
Forgetting she's busy trying to kill herself, Kalliste lights up. You mean Undercommon? I speak that. And Draconic too. And Giant. And Sylvan. And infer-nal but that's nothing you should, you know worry about. Let's focus on the task at hand! Not bothering to put down her load of potions, she strolls over to the flame door with visible glee, waving a bottle at the burning elves as if they were not, well, dark elves on fire.
<Hey there! Would you mind repeating what you just said to these fine 'uman specimens here? They don't quite, you know, speak your exquisite and majestic tongue.>

Diplomacy, because the more friends the merrier: [roll0]
Bluff to seem unfazed: [roll1]

2021-11-22, 05:58 AM
The dark-elves have understanding in they're faces when Kalliste strolls in and seem a bit surprised. One of them seems to try to gesture towards the others with one of his burning hands, but get's a kick in the shins for that.

The one who spoke before looks towards Kalliste, all smiles and friendliness.

Oh, we don't speak 'uman. Our tongues can't produce these clumsy words. You know we just wan't to get out. Our priestess is not well, you see. She doesn't take well to the imprisonment and getting blessed by Talos has made her question her belief you know.

The other elves seem to fan out to take a better look at these friendly newcomers.

Everybody likes Experiments! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yzsa-uOM7VPWgb0Lt3sv0CLyou-gc_im-J_tQTssSh0/edit?usp=sharing)

How about a nice sense motive check from everyone?

2021-11-22, 06:07 AM
Elexis: [roll0]
Pytha: [roll1]

2021-11-22, 08:18 AM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2021-11-22, 08:19 AM
"So, uhh, what is going on? Why is there shin-kickery?" Labs asks, increasingly unsure, still holding the vial.

Using Master of Few Jack of All for Sense Motive [roll0]

2021-11-22, 08:30 AM
An actual priestess of yours has graced this dismal pit o' despair? That's so, you know, incredibly cool! Kalliste squees, almost clapping her hands with glee before remembering they are full of potion bottles. Worry not! We'll get you out o' this!
These nice folks 'ere are prisoners like us and they have a very real priestess and everything with them! she turns to the others still grinning. They were blessed by somethin' called Talos. Guess that's why their 'ands are, you know, burning.
When Labs asks his question, the spirit looks up, pondering it for a moment. Maybe that one was being rude by their intricate and high, you know, standards of ppoliteness or somethin'? She shrugs. Anyhow, I already like them.

Captain Jak
2021-11-22, 11:14 AM
Rosiwyn excitedly flits into the room, eager to see the flaming hand Drow -- it sounds so cool!

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2021-11-23, 05:07 PM
"A...ha," Labs begins in response to Kalliste having a squee. "Well that is very lovely," to her, leaning in for a moment. "but look at the time, I think we need to go," leaning to Elexis. He looks to the drow, lifting his tiny cap towards them for a moment. "It was nice meeting you, have a good day."

The vial is quickly and harmlessly lobbed into the front drow's hands before Labs' giant arms grab everyone, ghost included, turns around, kicks the door shut, and runs away at frankly baffling speed, rounding the corner towards the "break room".

2021-11-24, 02:39 AM
Hey! What was that about? Kalliste complains, trying to cross her arms grumpily which is no easy business when one's hands are full of weird potions and one's dragged about by a big, hairy human running away at a frankly baffling speed.

2021-11-24, 04:39 AM
When Labs throws one potion one of the Drow reflexively catches it. There is bubbling and the potion bottle explodes in a violent wave off black tentacle snakes that coil around the dark elves, giving them no change to do anything when the door is closed and another audible click is heard. Probably closing the door shut again.

You get towards a T-section, keep going towards this break room, you pass another shield with a coachman experiment room.

The door of the break room is a big wodden door, adorned with carvings of alchemical bottles, brains, glasses and other stuff. The door is slightly open and some kind of sounds slip through the door. It seems to be music.

Expanded Containment breach (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gkV8X43MifGVouiZvE3VmBTqygiNXder2eZ1jDlpFA0/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-11-24, 06:34 AM
"Well that was sudden," remarked Elexis dryly. "I presume that they were actually dangerous instead of just looking funny?"

Captain Jak
2021-11-24, 01:35 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosiwyn giggles as they’re all hauled around by their gigantic companion.

"That was fun! How did you grab me?" she asks Labs, peering at him with a moment of suspicion.

"Oh yes, those Drow were totally about to attack us," the ghost confirms offhandedly. The music coming through the open door catches her attention, and fading from view as she de-manifests she flits invisibly though the cracks in the door to see what awaits on the other side.

2021-11-24, 03:17 PM
"Not smiling with eyes, and malicious shin kick," Labs abridges his impressions as he books it to the new T-section. No firey drow seem to be following, so things will hopefully be okay. Consequently, he carefully puts everyone back down. "Sorry 'bout that."

"Gloves for ghost lumber," he answers on the grabbing ghosts matter, as he rights his little cap.

Coachmen in a dungeon sounds rather unfortunate for their business, but there is also the "experiment" part. Maybe dungeon taxi colleagues can be found there? With luck they also have not been fused with their coaches and/or horses.

...Labs makes a mental note to perhaps check if they have anything related to the tentahorse.

2021-11-25, 02:12 AM
They seemed nice. Kalliste grumbles, finally getting to actually cross her arms grumpily, just as she walks up to the door and examines it with mild interest. Doors slightly ajar with music seeping through may be very good news or very bad news, and she intends to find out which one applies here.

For once, K. will do the sensible thing and Search the door and the area immediately surrounding it:[roll0]

2021-11-25, 03:17 PM
you slip in a pretty nice place. There are warm wodden walls with some pictures. They depict mountains, rivers and flower fields. You see three metal plates in one side of the room, there is something written in draconic on them.

There is also a small music box on a small pedestal, together with a assortment of extremely comfortable looking couches. There is also a small booklet besides the music box.

Also there is a assortment of chairs around table, besides that is a pretty large white box.

you find a small indention that is a hidden lock. You're pretty sure that you could close the door shut with a lock pick. It is already open.

There also appear to be no traps or anything.

Rosiwyn slips into the door and Kalliste takes a closer look at the door and it's surroundings.

2021-11-25, 03:29 PM
Good news, folks! Kalliste looks back over her left shoulder, apparently having completely forgotten about the burning elves already. No traps, no nothin'. she makes a mostly unsuccesful attempt at giving the others a double thumbs up, almost drops her potions and gives up on the idea. Looks like the break room doesn't want to, you know break us up. she adds, kicking the door wide open and barging in with reckless abandon.

2021-11-25, 04:44 PM
Somewhere above, Labs hears three sounds in rapid succession, leading to him check the corners of the ceiling for any sort of indication where that just came from. Must be another experiment thing.

Well. A harmless break room sounds alright? After the last few rooms, a little breather might be in order, so he walks on in, taking a look around.

2021-11-26, 05:47 AM
When you go into the break room it seems… Nice?

There are warm wodden walls with some pictures. They depict mountains, rivers and flower fields. You see three metal plates in one side of the room, there is something written in draconic on them.

One plate reads "Heat" one plate reads "Cold" and the last one reads "Flavor"

There is also a small music box on a small pedestal, together with an assortment of extremely comfortable looking couches. There is also a small booklet besides the music box.

Also there is a assortment of chairs around a table, besides that is a pretty large white box.

Time for a break (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TLcJZAhcILcfcHnGQzmZX99XM78inErkATsTFAO7Tus/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-11-26, 09:06 AM
With a beaming smile, Kalliste begins darting around the room at a breakneck pace, doing clumsy little pirouettes every now and then, taking a brief, closer look at the panels, the white box, the furniture and the music box before throwing herself down on the couch by the latter with a delighted sigh. I could, you know, get used to this. she says looking around more. Now, where was I? she mutters, arranging her potions around herself and beginning to sample them.

Let's get this out of the way:
[roll0] Spellcraft: [roll1]
[roll2] Spellcraft: [roll3]
[roll4] Spellcraft: [roll5]
[roll6] Spellcraft: [roll7]

2021-11-26, 09:11 AM
"Oh, that's nice," Labs comments. Since Kalliste is already inspecting everything, he takes a look at the little booklet.

2021-11-26, 09:37 AM
"Let's see... that one says 'Heat, that one says 'Cold', and I have no idea but the one over there says 'Flavor' and no I'm not going to let Pytha take a bite out of it," said Elexis.


"Oh shush."

2021-11-29, 05:58 AM
The first potion left you with a brief feeling of incredible hunger. It passes quickly though.
The second makes the room spin rapidly for a split second.
The third and fourth have the same effect of leaving your tongue with a greasy and oily feel.

The only you can discern is that the third and fourth one have the same taste that a False Life potion normally has, but they normally don't adhere on your tongue that way.

The White box can be easily opened and hasÂ… diverse foodstuffs inside. Like a whole cake, several loafs of bread, cheese, herbs for tea, slices of flesh and some conjured foodsludge (from a Create Food spell).

The furniture all seems exquisitely made, the couch made you sink in just perfect. The music box seems to somehow work indefinitely and actually produces a slight Lullaby effect to ease you into sleep, should you need a short but intense break.

When Elexis says "Heat", the corresponding plate heatens up, the other one cools down after he says "Cold". The last one doesn't seem to do anything when "Flavour" is said.

The little booklet has it's pages riped out but is otherwise interesting.

01.Cuthbert.781. (10 years ago)

We have made our first laboratory today! I will omit the wheather because it's complicated to get out. I'm happy that me and my partner has made that decision. We live in a dangerous world and we should know everything that can harm us. We are trying to find out more about Undead and Constructs at the moment but are open to negotiations with sentient beings that other call Monsters. Perhaps we could bribe a dragon or something. The sky is the limit.

(pages ripped out)

25.Wee Jas. 784 (6 years ago)

I'm on the fence with the newest developments. My partner thinks it's a good idea but how could he take these harpy's? I know there are dangerous but there are sentient, we can't just... Clobber them and cut them up! They're will be harsh reprimants and this will not continue.

(pages ripped out)

15.Pelor. 788 (2 years ago)

I have been a fool and a jester (my partner always hated it when I called him jesterÂ…) I can't continue with the current developments. Allying with the coachmen guild was the most horrible thing he could have done. I know we needed the money but the atrocities can't continue and I'm not strong enough to fight him. I enchant this book, perhaps someone will be able to stop him. He has so many Knowledge but I hope it will be eventually be his downfall. Good luck to every one of you.

(book ends)

after having read the book it appears at the same place it was picked up again.

2021-11-29, 07:58 AM
Good news guys! Kalliste speaks up, lowering the last of her bottles. Turns out, I totally snagged two bottles of weird, sticky False Life! It tastes, you know, like **** as usual, though. I so need something sweet now. she trails off, springing to her feet and producing a silvered sickle from somewhere to procure a slice of that cake for herself. She then sinks back into the couch and stuffs it into herself messily, turning to address Labs in the meantime. Enjoyin'yoread? she asks him, her mouth still full.

2021-11-29, 10:38 AM
"A journal by one of the two people who started this place ten years ago, looks like. Wrote they wanted to research monsters to know how to prepare against whatever dangers they represent," Labs responds, getting over the brief befuddlement as the journal blips out of his hands and back to where it was. "The author had a falling out with the partner over the years because the other kidnapped sentient beings. Wrote about 'atrocities', too, and the partner allying with the 'Coachmen Guild', who apparently are really bad news, to get more financing."

He closes and opens his still empty hands. "So, uh, I guess this confirms we are in a mad, evil, very bad scientist's extended laboratory?"

Captain Jak
2021-11-29, 11:13 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)

HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17

INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3



"I don’t think that was ever in doubt, " Rosiwyn replies dryly before swooping over to the wall plates.

"Hmmmm, flavour…sweet?" the ghost suggests hopefully. She can’t taste things any more, but boy, she did like sweets when she was still alive.

2021-11-30, 08:26 PM
Labs looks around at the various shenanigans in progress. "Do we... do we go to the Coachmen room next? Do we go around the Coachmen room?"

2021-12-01, 05:17 AM
Kalliste shrugs. I don't think I've ever seen an Evil evil coachman before. A malicious grin appears on her face. If they are behind this, I'd gladly, you know, experiment a tad bit on them before we'd leave. Unless, of course, you're very-very 'fraid of a bunch o' glorified cart drivers. she teases the lumberjack with another small shrug.

2021-12-01, 10:42 AM
At Rosiwyn's words the plate lights up and it kinda looks like it's holding a charge, ready to shoot magic at anything that is going to touch it.

2021-12-01, 10:52 AM
Labs shrugs. "I have no clue about these coachmen and what they want. I'm asking because a lot of adventurers I've met were very scared about anything ominous or dangerous." Adventurers are a curious thing.

Captain Jak
2021-12-01, 11:12 AM
As she had expected! Rosiwyn was actually impressed that someone had bound some elements of such a minor spell to a magic item.

Not that she could take advantage of it, but whatever!

Something about 'coachmen' tickles at her memory, however....


Captain Jak
2021-12-01, 11:13 AM
Let's try that again. [roll0]

2021-12-01, 11:37 AM
"I hope I'm right about these being Prestidigitation devices," remarked the hexblade. "But it looks more like some place to rest or eat and it'd be pretty stupid to put booby traps there unless someone really wanted to hog the... uh..."

Elexis took out what looked like some sort of sealed bag and tore it open. He popped one of the thin flakes into his mouth and chewed on it with an audible crunching.

"...okay these are pretty good, whatever they are."

2021-12-01, 03:24 PM
BUt that's, you know, the fun stuff! And I'm not gonna soil myself over fun stuff. Life y'see… the spirit begins explaining, gesturing violently with her left hand, still covered in cake when Elexis opens the bag. She falls silent for a moment and looks at the hexblade before bolting over with a grin on her face and peeking into the bag. What's that? Gimme some! she jabbers and not bothering to let the man answer she reaches into it (with her right, thankfully), grabs a handful of… Whatever's inside and tucks it in hastily.

2021-12-05, 08:29 AM
Labs looks at what is happening and thinking of having lumber to get to, so...

"...I'll go see what those coachmen are about." And he does just that.

2021-12-05, 08:52 AM
Kalliste steals another handful of crispy whatevers from Elexis's Bag of Wonders and turns on her heels. Wait up, big guy! she calls after Labs, just as she tries to simultaneously catch up with the lumberjack and disappear the crunchies she's snatched. You really don't know how to 'ave a little fun, now do you?

2021-12-05, 08:53 AM
"Well, it sounds like whoever's running this needs a boot to the face anyways," said the hexblade, "and it's not like I have anything better to do." He shrugged. "Count me in."

2021-12-05, 10:33 AM
"Oh, I'm sorry," Labs says, apparently having ruined Kalliste's fun. "It's just that... I really need to get back to work to make that orphanage happen for those poor children. And there are nasty kidnappers here, that's not good."

2021-12-05, 11:02 AM
Kalliste shrugs. Twice. That's, you know, cool? I guess? she has no strong opinion on orphanages, but apparently building those is a good thing. Until then, though, let's do as Elexis said an' kick in some faces! she adds with a mean little grin, clenching both her fists – only to realize that her left hand is still covered in cake. Um… Could either of you lend me, you know, an 'andkerchief? she asks sheepishly, looking at Labs and the hexblade in turn, figuring that the spooky ghnome is unlikely to carry what she's after.

Captain Jak
2021-12-05, 11:18 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

"Oooh, no, I’ve got this! " Rosiwyn exclaims excitedly. She sings a catchy little wordless melody, her voice seeming to echo somehow from directions that it shouldn’t. She points at the cake-besmeared hand, and the confectionery mess proceeds to roll off and patter to the floor, leaving the Mountebank’s hand scrupulously clean.

"And that’s what the actual spell can do, you silly plates," the ghost say smugly.

Casting Prestidigitation

2021-12-06, 07:10 AM
When the cake remnants splatter to the floor the group continues a bit and as planned Labs opens the door towards the "Coachmen Experiment."

You can see 4 cells, neatly arranged, the one directly before you seems to be empty. The next one has someone from the local healer guild, easily identifiable by his white Robes, he looks slightly panicked.

The next one… Has a strange Amalgamation of a person wearing like half of a coachmen-coat and half of a healers robe. He screams, try's to get off the coat but doesn't seem able to.

Out of the last cell steps a coachmen, grinning menacingly while he greets another coachmen, roughly the size and stature of an ogre. They look towards you when you enter unrolling whips from the strange confines of they're coats.

The big one growls. "What have we here?"

Coaching. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OtU2Z9DpHIHwfVz6p4SMJl0o-TagGaWrDIyqwZ9ZgpY/edit#gid=0)

2021-12-06, 07:55 AM
"If you guys want out, you can come with us," said the hexblade. "The guys in charge of this little circus look like they’ve been busy and the more people who can shove a boot up their collective arses the better."

2021-12-06, 08:07 AM
"Oooh, no, I’ve got this! " Rosiwyn exclaims excitedly. She sings a catchy little wordless melody, her voice seeming to echo somehow from directions that it shouldn’t. She points at the cake-besmeared hand, and the confectionery mess proceeds to roll off and patter to the floor, leaving the Mountebank’s hand scrupulously clean.

"And that’s what the actual spell can do, you silly plates," the ghost say smugly.

Her hands as clean as new, Kalliste gives Rosi a double thumbs-up. Thanks! You're, like, good!

"If you guys want out, you can come with us," said the hexblade. "The guys in charge of this little circus look like they’ve been busy and the more people who can shove a boot up their collective arses the better."

In the meantime, Kalliste shifts closer to the cell holding the frightened full-healer and leans against the bars with a broad, encouraging smile on her face. Hey there! I'd love to learn a bit more about your, you know, current predicamnet while the grown-ups talk. Is this some kind of a she gestures towards the half-coachman in the next cell breedin' programme or somethin'?

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2021-12-06, 02:31 PM
Labs' beard widens. Imaginative readers may picture a mouth pressed into a line somewhere in the great depths beneath. "So..." he begins, trying to think of how to best approach this... seemingly unfortunate scene. And failing.

"you kidnapping people?"

Well, he tried. Ripping the proverbial band-aid off, that is.

Captain Jak
2021-12-06, 09:46 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

A small gasp from Rosiwyn shows that the small ghost is quite taken with the appearance of the Coachmen, and she flits forward to the middle of the room, a wide smile on her face.

"Aren't you a big one," she says admiringly, before her gaze falls on the big brute's partner.

"You...you're too small," the ghnome says dismissively, flicking a hand. Powerful telekinetic force descends upon the Lesser Coachman, with the intent to remove him from the room...assertively.

Move to J5
Using Telekinesis to throw the small Coachman out of the room and into the wall at P3: Will Save DC 22 to resist.
Rounds until TK is available again: [roll0]

2021-12-08, 06:35 AM
The small coachmen get's flinged out of the room, not having enough air in his lungs to scream.

The big one doesn't seem to respond to any questions but sprints forward a bit and let's his whip fling towards Labs.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]It's subdual damage, even if you wearing enough armor, because the big Coachmen has the weird Whip Mastery ability like a Lasher.

AoO: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] Subdual Damage, see above.

I positioned Rosywin but I'm not sure if it's the correct place. You should be able to manipulate your positions (and everything else.) Coaching. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OtU2Z9DpHIHwfVz6p4SMJl0o-TagGaWrDIyqwZ9ZgpY/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-12-08, 07:08 AM
Well, this escalated quickly. Kalliste remarks with utter nonchalance. Hang on for a moment, distressed healer person! She pushes herself away from the bars and drawing her oversized sickle, shifts near the similarly oversized coachman and grabbing her weapon's hilt with both hands, slashes at the creature's side.

Tumble to avoid AoO: [roll0]
ATTACK: [roll1] for [roll2]

Captain Jak
2021-12-08, 08:54 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

"No, don’t break it! I want to play with it," Rosiwyn exclaims before diving at the huge creature’s face, arms outstretched as her translucent form merges with it.

Move into Coachman, using Malevolence: Will Save DC 22 to resist.
Effects as Magic Jar

2021-12-08, 10:24 AM
"I probably should be surprised... buuuut I'm not," muttered the hexblade. He unsheathed his blade as he spread a vial of poison onto it, swinging it at the large coachman.

Elexis charges the big guy. Master of Poisons to add a vial of giant wasp poison to the blade.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

Giant wasp poison Fort DC 18

2021-12-08, 06:51 PM
Labs gets hit by the whip, and while it at first looks like nothing happened, the reaction arrives in stages. First comes the deep scrunching of his brow, then his mouth opens wide, followed by a long, incredulous, and most definitely miffed "Oooow!"

Finally, the axe is drawn. "That was not very nice, sir!" The scrunched together thick eyebrows and bushy beard look positively disappointed with the current state of affairs, and it appears a lesson needs to be taught. So the big man gets hit with the axe.

Move Close the distance to the big coachman

Standard Wallop the coachman with the axe
[roll0], [roll1] damage

Additionally, Labs feels and voices indignation as a free action.

2021-12-10, 05:42 AM
The combined attacks of the group bring down the big coachmen, when he falls he falls with a reassuring *crack* on the floor.

The small coachmen is plastered on the wall, opposing to this one and doesn't seem to want to move… Perhaps he also can't move.

If you take a quick search around it doesn't seem that anyone has reacted to the little ruckus in here.

Above the unusual experiment room is a massive iron door, with a little thing at the right wall before that, it seems like there is a small arcane protrusion.

Either UMD or Knowledge: Arcana for more info.

The two people inside the cells are surprised that you made it, but the one who seems to transform into a coachmen continuosly try's to rip the clothing away from him while the other talks to you. "Please get me out of here! I could heal you if you want, but I'm not good in a battle, but I can be useful! Please let me out!"

2021-12-10, 06:45 AM
I'll be with you in… One… Moment. Kalliste tells the healer as she steps over the giant coachman, staring at the magical device as if drawn to it by some hypnotic force. She ultimately shakes her head and turns around, however, to crouch beside the fallen body, beginning to rifle through its pockets and whatnot, in search of the keys. What's this, you know, whole thing about anyway? she asks the healer and the half in a soothingly conversational tone.

UMD: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]
Diplomacy to calm everyone down and to make MORE friends: [roll2]

2021-12-10, 11:33 AM
Labs pokes the giant coachman with his boot to see if he still wants to fight. With the panicked people around, he looks to Kalliste first examining the lock, then rummaging through pockets.

"Do you know how to get those open?" he asks. And, well, he starts rummaging through the pockets of the smaller coachman, since the adventurers seem to smell keys or something on them.

2021-12-14, 10:13 AM
It doesn't seem that the giant coachmen wants (or can) fight anymore. The giant coachmen has a whip that adjust towards the size of it's wearer and when she rummages through his coat that one seems to adjust itself too. Though probably more interesting is a key and a pouch with 100 Gold coins. (If you want to open the cell of the healer it will work.)

The smaller coachmen has a meager 5 Gold coins in his pocket and also a whip and a coachman coat.

"I really don't know what is going on here. I just awakened when this giant guy bit into my shoulder. Next he bit my colleague in the other cell, he began to transform, but nothing happened to me. I don't have the right magic to help him."

2021-12-14, 10:42 AM
"Well if you want to tag along to beat the guys responsible in the face I'm not stopping you, but I'm not good at healing," replied the hexblade, shrugging.

2021-12-14, 11:34 AM
Ah, the ugly, oversized werecoachman. Kalliste gives the healer (and the half) a knowing nod. Man, those are just, you know, the worst. she gets up and casually walks over to the full-healer's cage, unlocking the door. But apparently, it pays well enough. Guy had a hundred gold on… It? she flings the cell door open and moves over to its still locked cousin. That, plus a neat magical whip which is probably cursed or whatever. she slips the key into the lock, but instead of turning it she looks first up, pursing her lips, and then at the freshly freed healer. Is he goin' to, you know, bite me if I let 'im out?

2021-12-14, 04:01 PM
Labs re-enters the room, not having looted anything off the smaller coachman, because it kind of doesn't feel right, is all.

"Nothing of note on the smaller one-" he informs the others, then hears about the bite being what is transforming the poor healer. His brow furrows deeply as his eard scrunches upwards, gears turning in his head while they are trying to process the general confusion. "They... they change into coachmen and grow coats?" A beat, talking to himself. "Does that mean people I bite become lumberjacks? Are professions contagious? Was I bitten by a lumberjack?"

Labs' head hurts.

Anyway. Healers. "Please do come out," Labs says to the full healer. "Can we... can we help the poor lad somehow?" The half-healer and what he is going through make the big guy very sad.

2021-12-15, 07:50 AM
"I-I'm really not that good in a fight. I tend to become unconscious…"

He touches Elexis and mumbles something suffusing him with healing energy.


"That was pretty taxing already…" He takes a minute to catch his breath. "I think it's only these specific coachmen who do something like that. I think we could help my colleague if we had more powerful healing available, if he doesn't have a complete coat he could still be healed I guess. I could also try to help him with conventionel means if one of you has like a bag with healing tools?"

The half-healer/half-coachmen has stopped trying to rip the coat from himself and has calmed down a bit.

You could try a heal check (or let your new friend try one) or somehow make a Remove Disease happen. The healer that you freed isn't really powerful enough for that.

2021-12-15, 12:38 PM
Eh, what the hells. We only live once, and all that. Kallsite turns the key, flings the cell door open, only to grab the half-healer by the stylishly uncoated wrist and drag him out of the cell. By the way. Could someone, you know, scrape the li'l one off the wall and bring it back here? There's somethin' I'd just love to test. she adds, her tone amused more than anything else while inspecting the sleeve of the coat the afflicted half-coachman is growing. But before that… she takes a half-step back – and then, she grabs her sickle with both hands, slips the tip under the fabric and pulls the blade upwards with blinding speed, intent on ripping the sleeve open.

Kalliste tries to SUNDER the coat! [roll0] for [roll1] (and if a worn object (?) can be flat-footed enough for our purposes, [roll2] deceptive attack.)

2021-12-15, 02:05 PM
Labs scratches his head at the predicament. "Well. I read a first aid booklet once, maybe I can do something about the bite. It's like... well, it's a bite." He just stops himself there and walks over to the half-healer, taking a look at the wound. You know, maybe you just... need to clean the wound, squeeze some bad gunk out, get that coat off, give 'em a lot to drink? It could work?

Master of Few Jack of All for a Heal check [roll0]

2021-12-16, 07:44 AM
Well cutting in the coat let's the healer cry out and bleed. But Labs get's to it and with some help he is able to slowly, meticulously get the coat off of the healer (under it are still his old robes. It has fused nearly with his skin and his other clothes, but it's possible to get it off.

Labs then get's toward the bite wound and pushes a bit here and washes out the wound and like a really small blood covered black veiny thing falls out of the wound and get's crushed by the other healer quickly.

"Wow that was pretty impressive! You should apply to the healers guild man. I take care of him, thanks a lot." The uninjured healer brings the other one towards the break room that he can rest a bit and can reassure himself that he won't turn into a coachmen.

2021-12-16, 01:58 PM
Kalliste stows away her weapon and scratches the back of her head uneasily. Talk about awkward. She shuffles away from the healed healer a bit before adding with a sweet, apologetic smile Anyhow, sorry about, you know, that. I meant no lasting harm. To you. As the healers turn to leave, she calls after them one last time. Have fun! I left you some cake!
With the former prisoners gone, she then returns her attention to the coachman splattered all over the wall. And with the, you know, more pressin' issues out of the way, I'd still really 'ppreciate some help with that thing. She pauses for a moment, in thought. Or its head. We really only need the head.

A parting Diplomacy check for the healers, in hope of sdtaying friends with them despite almost severing that arm: [roll0]

2021-12-16, 02:34 PM
"Oh, th-that's nice of you, but I don't have the stomach for healer work, and I don't do well with guilds," Labs responds to the healer, looking a bit green under the beard ever since the black thing came out the wound (and needing to remove the coat from the skin), hair on his arms standing on end. Being asked to scrape someone off the wall is the point where Labs stops for a moment, his beard assumes the smile shape, he raises his hands, and indicates he's out of this particular situation. And with that, he walks away down the corridor.

Captain Jak
2021-12-20, 12:42 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Distracted at first by the so cool surgery and slug-squashing, it takes Rosiwyn a moment to register the request for assistance.

"Oh yeah, right!" she exclaims, and exerts her mastery over the ectoplasmic elements once more to peel the Coachman down with invisible fingers.

"Squishy," she giggles.

2021-12-20, 05:57 AM
"Oh, it's okay really. We just try to hide in there a bit. If you need some help I'm sure we can at least try to heal your wounds and if you find a way out it would be really nice if you could help us." With that parting words the healers try to make themselves a bit comfortable in the break room and let the other healer heal himself.

The head of the coachmen on the wall pops clean off with Rosiwyn's ghostly powers. Sorry if I misinterpret your actions.

When the head (and the eyes) are angled correctly the big iron door hisses, some steam comes out of it and the big door slowly opens silently (if you ignore the initial hissing.) There are some stairs following up (exactly 22 if you're bored enough to count) and another 4 way section.

One get's you toward the outhouses (but it smells Pretty nice in that direction actually. A nice rose-scent wafts towards you. A casual glance towards that direction let's you see some big stones with people standing around them, near some outhouses. The outhouses dangle very dangerously over a pit which seems to be used to dispose of waste.

From the direction of the plant room wafts some heavy earthy smell.

And forward seems to be a shield with the words "wild magic test room" "miscallenous" and "manager"

Dungeon 1 (Basement) (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gkV8X43MifGVouiZvE3VmBTqygiNXder2eZ1jDlpFA0/edit?usp=sharing)

Dungeon 2 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P4meDnjgAVdyRt5hNeKjqEwqyV7sBWgITK62cyyM3Ds/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-12-20, 06:49 AM
How can… You squeamish… Kalliste grinds her teeth and raises her hands in frustration as Labs walks out on her, but she calms down quickly when Rosiwyn chimes in. I don't need you, big guy! I have Rosi and she's fantastic! she shouts after the departing lumberjack triumphantly. Thanks, Rosi. You truly are, you know, fantastic. she adds as she orients the floating head against the magical device. This thing 'ere, y'see, holds a divination effect that reacts to, you know, authorized eyes staring into it. I figured that the coachman creatures count as such; hence the need for a head. she explains as the door opens. Someone might as well go, you know, fetch Labs. I know I won't, but I'm well aware that leavin' him behind would be kind of, you know, mean. she continues as she dances up the stairs to look around.
Upon noticing the people standing around there, she's instantly drawn towards the outhouse room. What a lovely establishment you have 'ere with such lovely people! she addresses them, putting a warm smile on her face. Are you with the coachman folks?

Diplomacy, obviously: [roll0]

2021-12-21, 03:13 PM
So, as Labs walks, he encounters a big, big door. And another room with the title "Unusual Experiments". Now, after everything they have seen thus far, what does it take to qualify as "unusual" in this place?


Labs opens the door to check. Someone will open the door anyway.

2021-12-23, 05:06 AM
When Kalliste approaches the People she can hear some snippets of the previous conversation they had.

"Stop Talking About the poop Dragon!"

"I mean, seriously do you have any other Explanation?"

"Why need there be a dragon that eats our sh... droppings?"

"They make all kinds of sh... weird stuff in here, why not something that eats our excrements and has a very ****ty breath weapon?"

"You are disgusting man."

When Kalliste appears some wave towards her.

"Oh, hi." The coachmen makes them stop for a moment they look at one another and then towards Kalliste.

"Is this your first day here or what?"

A wild Kalliste appears. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P4meDnjgAVdyRt5hNeKjqEwqyV7sBWgITK62cyyM3Ds/edit#gid=0)

When Labs touches the door a voice calls out to him.

"It iz ztrongly advized to take on the Handling zear before entering thiz ezperimental zamberz" And at the side a small compartment opens up, with a weird contraption that Looks like a heavy overcoat with tubes attached to various parts of it and some kind of mask over the face. It's either magical or very weird.

That thing has most likely the same statistics as a chain shirt.

When the door is opened everyone still on the 1st dungeon part hears in they're head the following.

Please stop it! He is really in pain, why do you even do that?

Labs sees a man, wearing the "Handling zear" that has some buckets and throws whats in the buckets at a large humanoid, with bony contraptions coming out of his shoulders, some sad feathers are clinging to them. The humanoid has chiseled features and is currently at his knees, heaving heavily. He knees in a pool of the weird stuff that is thrown at him.

The man with the "zear" on him Looks at Labs and makes a gesture for him to come here. "Finally! I have to get this gunk in his cell and then take more of it and fill it up totally.

In another cell is a Woman with tentacles coming out of her neck. The other cell seems to be empty.

A wild Labs appears. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1as8QfNJm2CvbFiGjE1nCUYd0JFG9e-P8AghqMq-NlXs/edit#gid=0)

2021-12-23, 09:38 AM
Labs enters the room, takes in the... everything. Okay, so, asking nicely did not work recently enough. So he will have to ask nicely... firmly.

"Sir, I would like you to stop doing what you are doing." A beat. "And explain what you are doing to these people."

2021-12-23, 12:35 PM
Oops. That's not the lead she should have gone with. That must be remedied fast. Kalliste quickly switches to plan B. She places her right palm on the side of her neck and shifts her weight from one leg to the other. First ten minutes, actually. So yeah, I'm, you know, kind of new. she responds with a nervous little chuckle. I said somethin' really-really dumb, right?

Same spiel as with ZZ. Bluff, to sound awfully harmless:
Also, for added fun, let's see if she knows anything about actual poop dragons (I know, I know, but I couldn't resist): Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]

2021-12-23, 12:36 PM
Bluff: [roll0]

Captain Jak
2021-12-26, 07:09 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosiwyn preens a bit at the praise from her new best friend Kalliste, then drops the head disinterestedly once the door is open. As the Montebank approaches and begins conversing with what appears to be some more of the inmates running this asylum, she fades from the Material Plane and follows in her wake, invisibly and intangibly.

She definitely wants to see how this plays out!

2022-01-10, 08:20 AM
------ Labs and perhaps Elexis ------

The guy with the zear stops and looks at Labs... Perhaps menacing, it's hard to see with the weird thing he is wearing.

"Oh shucks she has you! Idiot! That's the reason why you should take on that thing! Take it on!"

Labs make a DC 14 Will save or you feel compelled to take on the handling gear.

He casts Suggestion on Labs.

----- Kalliste and Rosiwyn --------

The Goblin of the Group slowly raises his ax (they are known to be ax-crazy after all) but get's interrupted by the black-robed person.

"Calm down On, remember you're first weeks here? Everyone wanted to throw you in a cell, right?"

He grumbly sets down his ax.

"It's okay these coachmen are just really creepy guys. Not part of the staff, they just have some kind of business relationship with the Leaders. If it's your first day who is your supervisor?"

The five people (4 probably humans and one stray goblin) seem a bit more relaxed now but still are looking at Kalliste.

2022-01-10, 03:15 PM
Crud. Of course. They absolutely had to be employees here and smart enough to ask that ugly question despite all the poop dragon talk. Kalliste briefly wonders why the universe wants to make her life miserable, but she doesn't dwell on the thought for long. She must not seem hesitant to respond. That would be telling. You know ZZ, right? she asks with friendly nonchalance. Anyhow, I couldn't help but, you know, overhear you lot talkin' about some kind of poop dragon problem. Is that, you know, a thing here? she gestures towards the pit. That's… An unsettling thought, but the less she needs to talk about how she's being "supervised" right now the better. She knows everything about (critters commonly described as) poop dragons anyway, and if things go south, she may still ask Rosi to just fling everyone in the room into the smelly stuff below.

Bluff (to hide her consternation and to make changing the subject smooth): [roll0]
Sense Motive (to see if these five are trying to play the same game she is): [roll1]

2022-01-11, 09:30 PM
Labs' face scrunches up, deep furrows on the brow, beard pushing forward. "Sir, I do not appreciate your insults or your coercion. Now kindly cease both and explain."

2022-01-12, 07:39 AM
----------Labs and Elexis?----------

"What the…" The guy seems to be flabbergasted for a moment then gestures around, pointing at the tentacle-necked woman, who flinches at the accusational finger pointed at her. "That beast can controll you. The handling gear helps shacking her controll off and if she has you it has a one-time protection woven in, which is the reason why you should take it on!"

He makes a dismissive gesture at the humanoid with the bones coming out of his shoulders.

"And that's a celestial. The boss wanted to see what happens if we throw more liquified vile at it."

A map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1as8QfNJm2CvbFiGjE1nCUYd0JFG9e-P8AghqMq-NlXs/edit?usp=sharing)

----------Kalliste and Rosiwyn------

"ZZ? One of the young guys?" Says the blackrobed guy.

On nods. "Said that he had potential. Was recommended by the boss."

Though if she mentions the poop dragon there are growns and eye-rolling but also thoughtful nodding.

"I mean they're must be one, right?" Says the guy with the bow. "There is rumbling in the ground and sometimes I can hear it roar. I'm pretty sure it has a hoard of rare droppings inside the pit." That particularly theory produces more groans, shaking heads and some disgusted faces.

A map? You don't say? (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P4meDnjgAVdyRt5hNeKjqEwqyV7sBWgITK62cyyM3Ds/edit?usp=sharing)

2022-01-12, 10:26 AM
Whew. That was a close one. With that out of the way, Kalliste grins at On. Right? He's an absolute peach too. And, you know, a wonderful colleague. she chirps, pressing both her palms against her heart, her grin shifting into an almost angelically innocent, soft smile, only to get all serious when the bowman recounts all the signs and symptoms of the presence of the dreaded poop dragon, nodding along.
Y'see, silly 's it may sound, that's not at all, you know, impossible to be the case. Dragons are weird beasts. she explains. They'll **** just about anythin' that creeps and moves. (And a couple of things that don't too. I've seen an actual freakin' draconic shrieking fungus once. No kidding.) Now, everythin'd include stuff like otyughs – y'know those: the funny three-legged round things that eat, you know, faeces, and kind of keep an actual hoard of just that in their lairs, even without, you know, dragon-blood. she pauses shortly, raising a teacherly finger before going on. And that's not all! Specialized literature, including such, you know, authoritative sources as The Tome of Filth describes a few instances of extreme adaptation, wherein what is generally assumed to be a subspecies or close relative of the 'umble remorhaz migrates into an urban 'abitat and becomes a sewer-dwellin' predator, which (wait for it!) develops a decidedly dragonlike breath weapon – consisting of, well, you know, faeces it regurgitates. Sightings are kind of rare, 'pparently, but the Tome ref'rences the ninth fascicle of Asper's On Worms, so… she pauses again, raising her finger slightly higher. It's rock solid truth, so far as I'm concerned.

2022-01-13, 09:46 AM
By how Labs' eyebrows move closer together and his eyes are opened further, clearly, the experimenting guy picked the wrong thing to say.

"Sir! That is it! I warned you!" And the next moment, big ol' Labs moves forward distressingly quickly, and proceeds to attempt to put the unpleasant man into a chokehold, where he can reconsider his poor life choices.

Well, I said I wouldn't want to use grapple, but just going at the guy with an axe right away doesn't feel right.

Move to the man and try to grapple him.

Unarmed attack [roll0]
Grapple check [roll1]

On success, deal [roll2] + [roll3] nonlethal damage and Labs has the guy in a grapple.

2022-01-13, 11:19 AM
"Yeah okay I think that's enough for me to not feel bad about this." The hexblade slathered another poisonous concoction onto his blade. "Hey big guy, do me a favor and let go of him so I can stab him through the face without hurting you. I don't think the celestial would approve but I approve of these jackasses even less."

Captain Jak
2022-01-13, 01:47 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosiwyn certainly finds the dialogue between everyone pretty interesting -- if a bit disgusting – but there’s one good way of settling the debate once and for all.


With a ethereal giggle, she dives into the pit in search of Dragons.

2022-01-14, 08:20 AM
------------Labs and Elexis----------

Labs has his "sir" quick in a tight grapple, he didn't needed to charge, so he could avoid tripping the bucket's filled with the strange reddish liquid over. The guy in the gear is at first a bit hard to take a good hold on, but the weird tubes and stuff can easily grabbed too and he's quickly in a tight hold. "Au!" His adversary struggles a bit and seems to be at the verge of collabsing but he's still struggling and trying to get free.

Get him over here. Oh, I mean towards me. Says the women who has tentacles growing out of her neck.

I can stop him raising the alarm.

For a short moment the guy in Labs grip is silent then struggles really heavily.

Check to try to break free. [roll0] If he get's free he try's to run away (avoiding the buckets) but Elexis get's an AoO.

"Don't let her eat my brain!"

The celestial doesn't seem to react to any of that, perhaps too much drawn into it's own agony.


They basically all hang on your lips while you're talking with them, some making disgusted faces, some shwoing genuine interest (or genuine disdain.) If you end you're Little lecture the black-robed guy says: "Wow, you're really one of the researcher guys hu? The Tome of Filth, ha! But what about some nice corporate rumor?" There is (again) some groaning and murmuring but this time it has a different tone and some seem to want to go away but do still linger.


You fly down the Long dark tunnel. If Rosiwyn would have been a ghost a bit longer, she may have wondered why she wouldn't smell anything (as any older ghosts know, especially strong smells can affect ectoplasma, making you're able to smell and sometimes taste with you're whole body, which in that situation is as disgusting as it sounds.) After a descent of 100 feet Rosiwyn reaches an uneven ground it's a bit wider than the hole before and there at least seems to be no waste on the ground. There is a pretty long tunnel though that seems winding itself deeper into the ground. Rosiwyn can hear breathing (and there is also a slight, disgustingly smelling wind coming out of the tunnel.)

2022-01-14, 11:49 AM
"Why is this dungeon filled with psychopaths?! Everyone, shut up!" Labs yells, very much fed up with the situation, aiming to choke the researcher unconscious and then laying him on the floor, followed by trying to get the angel's cell open somehow, then the other cell.

Grapple check to deal more nonlethal damage [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2]

Captain Jak
2022-01-15, 01:02 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Well! Now she’s getting somewhere!

Not at all unhappy that she’s not currently subjected to the malodorous by-products of mortal life, Rosiwyn blithely sails off down the long corridor, in search of....

Well – whatever it is that’s down here! Maybe it really is a ‘poop dragon’, or perhaps something even stranger. Either way, she’s going to go find out.

2022-01-15, 04:35 PM
Kalliste gives the little group a broad, honest, proud grin. Well, I figure I wasn't picked for, you know, my looks. Not exclusively for my looks, anyhow. (Those might 'ave helped, though.) she smooths her hair out of her forehead in a gesture of properly overacted vanity, before giving Black Robe a mischievous little smile. More importantly, however, did I hear corporate rumour? Colour me 'nterested!

2022-01-17, 06:11 AM
-----------Labs and Elexis-------------

Labs has the cruel scientist in his grasps and he can't resist the massive lumberjack much longer and loses Consciousness. The cell of the celestial though seems to be quite high-maintenance and more complicated than they're cell door. There is a lock on it, but the guy wearing the weird gear doesn't have a key.

As instructed the weird gal with the tentacles shut's up for the moment the celestial seems to try to focus on Labs and Elexis but his eyes trail away from them shortly after. A feather from his boney wings falls down into the liquified vile and get's swallowed by it.

The cell-door of the tentacled woman seems to be a bit easier to crack open but it will probably still not be easy.


Rosiwyn follows the dark, winding tunnel intrinsically aware of the surrounding walls and able to avoid them to prevent harm to her ectoplasmic form. The tunnel goes on for a while and the "smell" that lays itself on her form does get noticeable. Though if she then pushes further a bit more she finds a great stone cavern, inside is a big worm-like thing that has curled itself around and seems to sleep. It has mighty scales, some of them, near the neck are standing out and work like a second lung of some kind. There is a small hoard beside the creature that does have some copper and silver coins, that seem to be there to accentuate some pillars that are formed out of… Droppings. Unto these 5 pillars seem to be more… Droppings shaped differently. One of them seems to depict the creature that Rosiwyn is seeing when it sleeps.

The creature looks like it would be of the size category huge.


"Oh yes, I have only the best." Mr. Blackrobe makes a theatralical gesture and begins to whisper in a way that still allows everyone to hear him.

"I heard from a good source that our boss is having the hots for our plantings lady! Though she has refused to go out to get a dinner with him as of now. But I think she just wants to find something nice to wear for a chance instead of her usual gardening clothes."

"We have gotten something new as of late. I heard they're is even a full-fledged demon included in the last shipment!"

"Included in the last shipment there is also a freakin lich! Can you imagine? I'm sure the wild magics guys are licking they're fingers to poke at him, disgusting I know."

"Our supper hall is short in staff. Even with them having all the things that makes everything easier for them they're payment is not exactly stellar you know?"

"And I saved the best for last of course they say that if you go into the last stall in the depths of the night." He points at the last stall. "You hear a voice that murmursÂ… Red or Blue? And if you say Red they'll find you with your ribcage ripped open and if you say blue you're found strangled the next morning."

"Probably an escaped experiment, you should just avoid that stall."

2022-01-17, 08:35 AM
"Well, at least that guy's not going anywhere soon," the hexblade muttered. To the lumberjack, he asked "Say, don't suppose you know how to get that guy -" he pointed at the celestial "- out of there? I can't fly and I don't want to try jumping over it either."

2022-01-17, 04:27 PM
Kalliste claps her hands together with excitement and shuffles closer to Blackrobe, rewarding every piece of intel he provides with smiles, nods, chuckles and quick comments (That's, you know, a sneaky one, your gard'ner. and A demon? Juicy! or Yeah, ZZ tells me some o' the departments are also, you know, kinda underfinanced.) Much of it can easily prove useful later (disgruntled labourers with little loyalty for their employer can be exploited, not to mention the freakin' boss's love interest (although Labs, wherever he is, would probably object to the notion of taking hostages – sometimes it's hard to work with the big, hairy hero guy types!)). Powerful outsiders (why couldn't it be a devil?) and undead abominations might complicate matters, on the other hand. The security 'round here seems pretty lax. Meanwhile, the cursed toilet stall…
…is something she must absolutely see for herself. By the time Blackrobe finishes his last sentence, she's already first peeking into the smelly little closet through a door held ajar, and soon enough she slips inside, sizing it up for herself most thoroughly. It is only then that she's hit by the realization: this doesn't really up. She sticks her head out through the door once again. Say, how do you know what happens when each of those two answers are given, when those who could tell which one gives, you know, which result kinda dies an untimely death?

Search the toilet! [roll0]

Captain Jak
2022-01-18, 01:54 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosiwyn halted near the slumbering wyrm, her jaw open in shock and amazement.

"Holy poop dragons," she said softly, awe colouring her voice. Moving closer, she manifests on the Material and circles silently about the beast’s huge head.

"Oh, this could be fun," she giggles, and dives straight at the creature’s skull.

Move into the Poop Dragon, using Malevolence: Will Save DC 22 to resist.
Effects as Magic Jar

2022-01-18, 09:20 PM
Still miffed, but now more at the one door refusing to budge, Labs searches the now passed out guy for any sort of key. And if that doesn't help, well, he will just have to look for a lock, and possibly, hopefully, pick it.

2022-01-19, 09:19 AM
-----Labs and Elexis-----

The downed man doesn't seem to have any keys on himself, but his gear is removable. Aside from his gear (which counts as masterwork chainmail and may be magical) he also has two scrolls on him and a normal dagger. Labs can find the lock of the celestial but it refuses to open for him at this moment.

Would you let me out? I'd really like to get away from here. Get's projected into both of your minds. The tentacled women Looks at you. I won't attack the Person you made unconscious, alright?

It's a map! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1as8QfNJm2CvbFiGjE1nCUYd0JFG9e-P8AghqMq-NlXs/edit?usp=sharing)


When searching the toilet it seems to be the oldest one. Pretty easy to bring down all in all, it may even be dangerous to sit in it for a while. There are however some things of note.

Can be seen as a discord private message

Mr Blackrobe has waited for Kalliste while searching the toilet. It seems the other guards have gone away. He laughs. "How should I know. It's a rumor after all." He makes a throw away gesture. "Where is your next assignment? I could lead you there no problem. It's another round of wild magic for me."

Another map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P4meDnjgAVdyRt5hNeKjqEwqyV7sBWgITK62cyyM3Ds/edit?usp=sharing)


The old mind of the Poop Dragon is yours. You feel the knowledge of the different tastes of remains fill your mind and your soul. Some of your scales shift ceaselessly and your open your eyes, seeing everything now with different eyes.

2022-01-19, 10:25 AM
"Well, this jackass doesn't have a key. What now? How'd he lock you in there?"

Captain Jak
2022-01-20, 12:50 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosiwyn laughs with delight, her voice booming and rolling back down the tunnel.

"Oh, isn’t this fun!" she enthuses, rising to her feet and giving her new body a luxurious stretch. This is certainly an experience beyond one she had had before, and likely something she could never have aspired to in life.

Sometimes being dead wasn’t so bad!

Deciding that she has to show this to the others, she begins eeling her way swiftly down the tunnel, prepared to climb her way out of the pit once she reached the wall.

Even better, this should settle that silly debate once and for all!

2022-01-21, 07:02 AM
Labs throws up his hands at the lock not giving, so he walks over the cell of the tentacle woman and smashes open the lock. "You didn't happen to see how that other cell opens, did you?"

2022-01-21, 03:06 PM
Damn it. Not again, with these questions! But then, at least he's not heading downstairs, which is to say, the room littered with the bodies of the owner's freaking allies. She can work with that. She stashes the rod away and emerges from the stall.
Aw. You're a real sweetheart, offerin' me, you know, guidance like that! Kalliste replies, fast enough to sound natural, shuffling closer to Blackrobe and playfully punching his shoulder. But don' you bother. I'm s'pposed to meet up with another, you know, rookie right 'ere, soooo she continues, flashing an angelically innocent little smile at the man yet again. have fun with the wild magic stuff. She looks up, idly, and crosses her legs, only to shift her gaze back on Mr. Blackrobe suddenly, as if something just occured to her. Speakin' of, you know, rumours, by the way. she leans a bit closer to the man. AK and NW. Do those 'nitials sound, you know, familiar t'you?

Bluff, of course: [roll0];
a Diplomacy, to stay on Blackrobe's good side: [roll1] and
Listen, hoping that K. can pick up Rosi roaring triumphantly in the depths below: [roll2]

2022-01-24, 04:09 AM
------Elexis and Labs-----

I was locked up after him and the only thing I got out of him. You somehow now that it's the one who is knocked down. Was that the angel is somehow really important for the leader of this place. I could try communicating to the celestial but I would need to see him for that. The cell is constructed in a way that she can't simply look around to lay eyes on him or can't get her head between the cell bars.


You get a chuckle out of Blackrobe and he playfully punches back. "No problem, don't let the Poop Dragon bite you." He is going to get out when the last question reaches his ears and says. "AK is the newbie leader who got sent down to take a look at the Demon and the Lich. NW is currently on leave. I would love to discuss stuff further but I have really stretched my break already. Smell you later."

You don't hear a roar, but after a while you hear the clickety-clack of several small legs scampering up the wall and if you take a look, you can see a giant Rhemoraz going upwards.

New Body. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t0QiYMCuOQO3-3JW1KmmXlLso5vi9cAZSeW75ewrCn0/edit?usp=sharing)


You scuttle out of the tunnel and scamper up the wall. Floating is definitely easier and you have to try a bit, till you get the hang of controlling all of these limbs, but once you get the hang of it you get up the wall and see Kalliste near the outhouses (who smell absolutely delicious to your new nose. The scent stones however are biting into you and as long as you are around them your new body is considered sickened.)

2022-01-24, 03:11 PM
Smell you later. That was a pretty good one, actually. She gives Blackrobe a wide parting grin and makes a show of failing to suppress a healthy dose of snickering, even as she utters a final Lookin' forward to that. Bye!, shaking her head amicably.
That could have gone way wrong, but it didn't. This encounter netted her some names, a new toy and a lot of intel, and she didn't have to try and brutally murder any of these nice fellows (she probably couldn't have taken on her own anyway). Good things all around! Now all she needs to do is find Rosi. And maybe the boys. And Pytha. Definitely Pytha. Once that's said'n'done, they might as well hit the plant room and squeeze…

What was that sound? What are those sounds?? Rosi? she calls out hesitantly, taking a no less hesitant step towards the edge of the pit and the alleged source of the skittering noise… Only to jump back, slip and land on her behind with a startled yelp as the mighty poop dragon emerges from below. Oh, ****. she mutters instinctively. That's not fair at all. She's too pretty to die!

2022-01-24, 03:56 PM
Labs pushes the axe through the cell lock, kind of like one would cut cheese with a knife, then opens the door, looks to the tentacle lady, and just... gestures towards the celestial's cell like "after you".

"So, uh, random question: You don't... you don't happen to have been experimented on along with a tentacled horse, do you?"

Captain Jak
2022-01-25, 01:46 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Climbing up the wall like that is a fun, new experience, as is the overwhelmingly unpleasant scents that hit her apparently sensitive nose, making her stomach roil.

"Hey there, Kalli! Look--" she coughs, the sound huge from her oversized throat. "Look what I found! Ooof, those smells are awful, I feel sick. It's amazing!" the dragon crows.

When you’re dead and don’t have bodily functions any longer, even the unpleasant ones can be a treat!

2022-01-26, 09:51 AM
------Labs and Elexis---------

The tentacled women leaves her cell door a bit cautiously and takes a look at the celestial Labs Question takes her a bit offguard however? A horse? I can't say I have no… After they gave me these. Tentacles are wiggling for emphasis. They threw me in here and after I really wanted to get out, one of the overseers opened my cell. Since then they have made these weird clothes that protect them from that. Did they gave a horse tentacles too? What good would that do? I can take a look at it if you want, but I think I should try to get towards this one first.

She stares at the celestial intensely who seems to be quite catatonic, you can still see it breathing but otherwise it seems unconscious. The celestial doesn't give me any problems at all. Like it's mind can't even do anything. There is more intense staring and probably some kind of mind reading going on. After a minute she sighs heavily and gives a raport. It seems he was summoned here and then immediately bound with powerful chains. He is bound to this realm somehow and the only one who can break open his door are "The Manager" or his second in command but it doesn't know who that is.

---------Kalliste and Rosiwyn--------

The voice of the mighty dragon (of poop) echoes through the outhouse-chamber. Minty freshness wafts out of the scent stones and delivers itself an epic battle with the natural occuring scents of the dragon.

2022-01-26, 10:12 AM
Needless to say, Kalliste is relieved to find out who the poop dragon currently is. Damn it, Rosi! You scared me ****less! she says with a wide smile and without the faintest hit of anger or frustration. Nice find, by the way. You're lookin' great in that! she adds as she gets back up on her feet. Me, 'n the meantime only got some, you know, intel out o' this. That, and a funny rod of subdual I've found in the toilet. Same thing that you snatched out of that robe's hand back in the cellblock, only, you know, rusty. She shifts a bit closer to the poop dragon, examining it with some interest. Anyhow, if you're , you know, all done here, wanna go pester the boss's beloved? Or should we, you know check on the guys first, lest they do somethin' reckless?

2022-01-26, 12:36 PM
Elexis sighed. "Figures. I uh... dunno how much you can help fight, but I have a feeling we'd have a better chance... so uh, stay here and maybe protect that guy, I guess?"

Captain Jak
2022-01-26, 11:59 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rosidragon laughs her booming amusement, although it sounds more like choking toward the end as the horrendous minty fumes make her eyes water.

"Someone here doing something reckless? Hard to imagine," she chortles. "I can’t imagine it would be a bad idea to go find the others...do you think I could bring my new toy with me?" she asks plaintively, peering about with watering eyes to see if the exits from the room look like they would accommodate the bulk of her pungent dragon form.

2022-01-27, 10:06 AM
---------Labs and Elexis---------

I will do my best to protect him, thank you again for freeing me. Should you need me I'll stay here for now.

If you don't have any objections she will remove the armor of the unconscious warder, that she can affect him with her powers should he awake again.

-------Rosiwyn and Kalliste------

Thankfully all the hallways are broad enough to even allow the massive dragon form a way. Climbing stairs may be an interesting experience with the mass of legs, but it should still be possible.

2022-01-27, 10:21 AM
"Sure, you do that," said the hexblade. "Well, let's go find the others again."

2022-01-27, 01:46 PM
"Then I will go speak to the manager. This treatment is unacceptable!" Labs says. He has accumulated quite the amount of complaints about this place, and the list keeps growing. "The telepathic tentacle-headed horse is down there, then right, down the corridor, in the horse experiment room. Says something of it is somewhere in this place. No idea what though... and it can probably wait until more urgent matters are dealt with." Meaning the poor celestial. Though that list will probably grow as well.

With that, Labs takes his leave, going upstairs to maybe find the others.

2022-01-27, 03:38 PM
Kalliste looks at the Rosidragon, the entrance and the Rosidragon again, before simply nodding with an almost malicious grin. Man, I can't wait t'see their faces! she pauses briefly and raises a single finger, prefacing one last quick comment, …which would be, you know, reason enough to make 'aste even if the big guy weren't known to be runnin' around faster than a tentacle 'orse!, and with that, she turns around and begins striding back towards the stairs.

2022-02-01, 05:43 AM
As the one group goes up the stairs, the other goes down the stairs and you find each other, roughly in the middle.

Group Meeting. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P4meDnjgAVdyRt5hNeKjqEwqyV7sBWgITK62cyyM3Ds/edit?usp=sharing)

Captain Jak
2022-02-01, 01:40 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)

HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17

INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3



Eyes gleaming in amusement as she wriggles to a halt on the stairs, Rosidragon lets her mouth drop open in a broad grin.

"Hey everyone, look what I found! Sorry about the smell," she apologises, although she’s taking it another’s word that there’s an issue. As far as she can tell, she smells just fine!

2022-02-01, 03:58 PM
Doing her absolute very best not to corpse and ruin the hopefully really awkward initial phase of this happy reunion (Rosi seems to have forgotten that the Rosidragon doesn't use her voice, after all), Kalliste holds her breath in giddy anticipation. C'mon! C'mon, guys! Freak out or something! she urges the lumberjack and the hexblade mentally. This should be fun!

2022-02-01, 09:00 PM
Labs moves up the stairs and runs into a wall of stench. Labs' face seems to just scrunch inward, while the beard poofs outward, as he could swear tiny Particularly Perilious Particles are also floating past him (hopefully past him). Stuck in the fiendish crowd control of the wall of eye-watering, nose-noping stench, it feels like he is surrounded by stinking molasses. Unable to see anything at the moment, Labs begins to make breaststroke swimming motions with his arms to move out of the fiendish cloud, following the direction of the stair steps to the nearest wall and then just begins climbing up said wall, then along the wall near the ceiling, the air a bit less vile there until he is past the stairs. There's also a dragon there or something. Probably not the manager. Managers seem averse to poop stank.

There are noises that sound like deeply muffled versions of possible "manager" and "list growing" rumbling forth from somewhere inside the beard, but the meaning may be lost to time as Labs skitters along the wall and around the corner.

Meanwhile, Rosidragon is assaulted by the smell of finely kept beard and flannelmail.

2022-02-05, 10:48 AM
Labs's little pantomime amuses Kalliste to no end – right until the point when the lumberjack reaches the wall, skittering up and away, that is. SERIOUSLY? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE GOIN' WITH AGAIN, BIG GUY?! COME BACK 'ERE AND SHOW SOME PROPER, you know, 'PPRECIATION! she yells at the staircase, just as she clambers up the wall herself to give chase. What's with this guy and runnin' off to do stuff solo any time we get to have some fun?

30' climb speed! K. is taking 10.

2022-02-07, 09:18 AM
The ceiling is surprisingly clean, though unsightly smells still reach it, even if they may be not that prominent.

You can smell something that is kinda like poop coming from the plant room.

When you continue a bit further the way towards the manager seem to be pretty clear. There is also a sign that says Exit, but the way seems pretty long and they are also voices coming from farther ahead.

Dungeon time (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P4meDnjgAVdyRt5hNeKjqEwqyV7sBWgITK62cyyM3Ds/edit?usp=sharing)

2022-02-07, 09:37 AM
"Oh boy, more nutjobs," grumbled Elexis. "Well, do we go kick the crap out of these guys too?"

2022-02-07, 02:07 PM
As the entrance to what should be the manager's office is reached, Kalliste opens her mouth to rant some more, but only to close it again almost immediately, staring in disbelief at the next sign. Damn. There was an exit right here? Man, I should've bothered to, you know, check that corridor the first time 'round. she says at last, punctuating her statement with a hefty double facepalm.
Hearing Elexis speak up, she lowers her hands and looks back at the man over her shoulder. Huh? No. I mean, if you really, you know, feel like doing that… she shrugs. Violence is always, you know, an option. But most of the low-level clearance staff is actually pretty chill. Had some fun talkin' with that lot while you guys were away. she explains with a toothy grin. Speaking of, though. I'd probably, you know, advise you against trying that method with the wild magic crew. Word is, they've just acquired a few critters I'd est'mate to be 'bove what, you know, I'd recognise as our paygrade. A lich, a demon… That sort of stuff.

2022-02-07, 05:40 PM
Taking shelter in the relative less-stinkiness of the near-ceiling, Labs' watering eyes manage to spot signs. He jumps over to the opposing wall, then skitters closer to signs to try and decipher them. Manager! He kind of gestures towards... that way! Before trying to regain his vision with a handkerchief.

Captain Jak
2022-02-08, 02:43 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Since climbing the walls seemed to be what everyone was doing, Rosidragon followed suit with her strong claws digging into the stone and sending small showers of debris cascading to the floor.

As much fun as it could be to see what her giant beast could do against a demon, it probably wasn’t the best idea to just go provoking everything. That didn’t mean, of course, that she wasn’t going to provoke anything

"’Exit’ is probably short for ‘Exciting’," she observes as she clambers inverted along the ceiling. "Hey, want me to go poke my nose into the Manager’s office, see what they do?" she asks mischeviously.

2022-02-10, 06:03 AM
As it seems that Labs wanted to have a stern talk with the manager of the place the course seems pretty clear.

The massive heavy wooden oaken door seems like they need a heavy push to open, swing up surprisingly easy after there is only a slight push. There is lush red carpet under your feet. You can see several big cupboards on both sides but directly before you, still on the red carpet is a massive heavy wooden oak desk. Behind that is someone that wears a clean white coat. He seems like a human but is pretty big, giving him more the size of an ogre. With a quick flourish he ends what he was writing and looks at you quizically. His face and visible hands look old, but his eyes gleam in a blue astral light.

Looks like Arcane Sight. DC is so low because it's such a obvious spell.

"Why are you disturbing…" It seems he realizes who you are.

"Ah, some of the newcomers… And the dragon."

He stands up. He seems like he is ready to unleash… Something upon you.

I want to speak to the Manager! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TJs3EhCDrn3qzJ8wRYNERZ8TubJABVBYWlozvRaFzTA/edit#gid=0)

2022-02-10, 08:23 PM
Labs blinks through squinting eyes still stinging from the sheer stink, but he does his best to try and point a meaty finger in the general direction of the manager. "Sir, I-I have sho- sho-" and there is a lot of coughing and heaveing and

[We are having technical difficulties. We will be right back!]

well at least Labs can kind of see more clearly now. "so many complaints, starting with kidnapping, and the tortured angel we found!"

2022-02-11, 02:11 AM
"So, trying to check what magic we have? Pretty bold move honestly, seeing how obvious you are about it."

2022-02-11, 04:48 PM
Kalliste sizes up the office for herself, and makes no secret of liking what she sees. It is nice. Well, Arcane Sight, it does have its, you know, upsides too. she addresses Elexis's concerns offhandedly in the meantime. Y'see, less flashy methods have this tend'ncy to give, you know, less flashy results. It's easy, it's fast, it's reliable. Flushes out sneaky mages and the like. The works. I'd say it's, you know, a solid choice. Besides… she returns her gaze to the manager, apparently nonplussed by his size and tone, but before she could finish her sentence, Labs returns to the realm of the properly functioning to finish his. The spirit's eyes widen. You people torture angels? she inquires from the Big Boss. Man, that sure sounds, you know, resource-intensive! How d'you even do that?

Business as usual! Bluff to actually look nonplussed: [roll0]
Diplomacy (because who wouldn't want to be friends with the immoral, abominable boss guy if he's rich like that?): [roll1]

Captain Jak
2022-02-13, 02:52 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Sticking her head in through the doorway, Rosidragon let her mouth loll open in a toothy, foul-breathed grin.

"That’s me, the dragon! Finally fed up with everything you’ve been doing here," she booms cheerfully. "You’re going to be nice and polite, answer all our questions, and show us the way out, right?" Her cheerful tone has taken on a tinge of something a little more...ominous.

Intimidate: 26

2022-02-14, 08:10 AM
The Manager now Standing, adresses Labs first.

"Complaints? Yes, you're cooperation will be helpful in building more and better scenarios to cage individuals like you. Tell me everything you have complaints about." He makes a quick and decisive motion as the massive doors close…

It seems he cast a quickened Open/Close...

The two massive doors behind you just have closed very silently.

Elexis get's a short snear. "I already got that permanencied… Way too useful."

Kalliste get's a bit of a longer look till he say's. "The bookkepping is my business, mere test subjects should not be concerned about that."

Though when the Rosidragon speaks he points a finger at it.

"You can't talk! What have you done to it?"

The Manager can talk! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TJs3EhCDrn3qzJ8wRYNERZ8TubJABVBYWlozvRaFzTA/edit?usp=sharing)

2022-02-14, 10:31 AM
"How about you worry about what we might do to your face, jackass?" snapped Elexis. "Do you have any idea what's going on in here?"

2022-02-14, 12:11 PM
"Wha- Sir, this unlawful imprisonment of lumberjacks will not sta-" Labs looks back, seeing the doors swing shut, then looks back, brow furrowed, pushing his chin forward, beard looking especially bristly. "Oh, so this is how this'll go down, is it? Being all ominous, like those creeps those adventurers find in some dank basements, those... dungeon masters," Labs' giant hands are raised up and waggled for emphasis of this ridiculous title people like this turtle man give themselves. "sending their employees at explorers in waves for terrible pay and such! Nonsensical traps making the trip to the designated peeing corners because there is no proper plumbing unbearable! Sir, you will hand us the keys to all these rooms and cells, because as my dear neighbor likes to invoke his family name," Labs grasps his axe, looking positively irate. "I've McFuggen had it with this establishment!"

2022-02-14, 02:08 PM
Still supremely unaware of her surroundings, Kalliste raises an eyebrow, not quite sure what that Open (or was it Close?) was supposed to achieve. It's not exactly a formidable display of arcane might, but then, that makes it pretty harmless, so she doesn't bother to check if it succeeded. Instead, she's quick to raise the other eyebrow as well when half her team begins rattling sharp objects made of metal and flinging more or less implicit threats. Guys, guys, guys! There's no need to be, you know, rash about this! Let me 'ssure you, Mr. Koughs, that this 'ere establishment is fitted with top-notch comfort stations. Even the booth that's s'pposed to kill you for talkin' back at night's all free of traps. I checked. she tells Labs before returning all her attention to the other big guy in the room. As for the "dragon", you're obviously mistaken, sir. As we both know, the remorhaz and all its closest cous'ns have fully developed, you know, mental faculties. Further, since this one is clearly, you know, talkin' as we… Well, talk, it is fairly evident that if not the species 'tself, then at the very least this, you know, specimen does have top-notch speech organs. she explains with infinite calm.

Bluff (to not blow Rosi's huge, stinkin' cover): [roll0]
Diplomacy (to calm down the Big Biss with the cheating turtle eyes): [roll1]

2022-02-17, 05:09 PM
"Sir! The keys!" Labs reiterates, moving closer. But he generally does not like swinging first, unless the danger is, like, extremely obvious.

Captain Jak
2022-02-18, 09:06 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 12 | AC: 19 | TOUCH: 19 | FLAT: 17
INITIATIVE: +2 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: n/a | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

"Excuse me, pardon me, coming through here," Rosidragon says politely as she squirms her way between her companions.

Sure, it might be petty, but she wants to see how the Manager reacts to the dragon's scent up close and personal!

Advance 60’ to beside the desk.

2022-02-18, 10:59 AM
"Incoming impact in three, two..." muttered the hexblade, casting a simple protection from evil spell on himself.

2022-02-18, 02:08 PM
Kalliste shakes her head with a theatrical little sigh. Damn. Just damn. Aren't the others supposed to be the nice guys here? Sir, she calls out to the Manager. do note that this is nothin', you know, personal! just as she scurries forward, drawing her sickle. Uncle Tricky? It's showtime! she adds in a smaller voice and her form begins to grow and change. Her mane melds back into her body as her soft skin thickens into a heavy crust of reddish plates. Her face elongates into a snout, its mouth filled with sharp, strong teeth, as do her fingers, now complete with hooklike claws and a slender tail sprouts from behind her hips. The reptilian horror surveys the room with its four faintly glowing eyes and grins at friends and foe alike. Whenever you're ready!

K. uses Infernal Guise to turn into a phaerlock (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/5/5d/Phaerlock3e.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200719194414)! Her AC is now 25 (T 12 FF 23)! She gains two claws and a bite, for 1d4+2 and 1d4+1 respectively, as well as a +4 to Balance, Jump and Swim!

2022-02-21, 07:57 AM
"I have enough of you! Take that!"

The Manager makes some casting motions and Ends it with a hurling Motion of his arm. A ball of fire explodes roughly in the middle of you… But instead of getting totally burned there is a short barrier that reduces the Damage massively, while there is a mental whispering in your mind.

Greetings kind visitors. It is I the horse! I shielded you from the worst! There are also others that have something to say towards you. Keep strong, we know that freedom and even greener meadows may be at our grasp.

The Manager throws a FIREBALL against you, but instead of 9d6 fire Damage, you only suffer 9 Damage. Reflex save against 19 for 4 damage. The damage is also subdual.

"W... What! What is the meaning of this?!"

It's just a map. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TJs3EhCDrn3qzJ8wRYNERZ8TubJABVBYWlozvRaFzTA/edit#gid=0)

2022-02-21, 09:27 AM
The Kallizard mutters a pleased Nice!, making sure to concentrate on the word mentally as well. And the Tentacle Horse was indeed nice; the flames barely singed her, despite her not yet quite feeling this body. With a toothy grin, she swerves right, she swerves left and hopping on the desk, she rushes the Manager, slashing at him.

Jump: [roll0] (+4 from the tail);
Tumble to avoid AoO: [roll1];

Attack: [roll2] (+1 from higher ground) for [roll3]

2022-02-21, 10:05 AM
"Not bad," remarked the hexblade as he hustled up to get behind Kalliste.

2022-02-21, 11:18 AM
HP: 45/54

"Thanks, Mr. Horse!" Labs answers the mental horse voice, looking rather blackened on the front because of the fireball. Speaking of fireball, well, a line has been crossed.

He leaps, crossing the distance to the table, picks it up, and throws it at the manager. As he does, he airs more of his list: "The way your employees are unable to give straightforward answers to simple questions is intolerable! Furthermore-"

Swift Jump [roll0] via Exaggerated Jump. Minimum is just shy of 30ft, so should be more than enough to get to the table.

Move Pick up table

Standard Throw table at manager
Attack [roll1] (includes -4 improvised penalty), ??? damage

2022-02-23, 06:59 AM
The Manager takes a step back and raises his arms.

"I have enough underlings to get rid of all of you!"

And a big bird (like Rosidragon big) appears in front of him, positioning it in hopes that neither the dragon nor the group can get to the manager.

And it seems the telepathic messages don't stop, you all can hear a voice again that seems vaguely familiar.

Hey I'm not sure what exactly is happening, but you're making sure to get better working conditions right? Go zap whatever!

All your weapons deal +1d6 electricity damage for 10 rounds.

Zap em! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TJs3EhCDrn3qzJ8wRYNERZ8TubJABVBYWlozvRaFzTA/edit#gid=0)

2022-02-23, 07:34 AM
Kalliste is surprised to see the table slid out from under her feet. And then she catches a glimpse of the culprit from the corners of her right eyes, and manages to duck just in time before the flying table would take her head off. I know we've had our, you know, diff'rences, Big Guy, but… WHAT THE ****, ARE YOU TRYIN' TO KILL ME? Before she could elaborate on that, however, the Manager most rudely shifts just out of her reach and a totally cute large bird puffs into existence just to her right AND a familiarly clueless voice enters her mind, putting a theoretically happy, but given her current form, mostly just creepy grin on her face. Hells yes! she answers with quite some enthusiasm. Many thanks and know that I'm so lovin' you right now! With that, she adjusts her position and looking straight into the big meanie's face she swings her blade gracelessly – before snapping it back, slashing at the Manager.

Kalliste 5' steps to D11, and attempts to feint the Manager: Bluff: [roll0] to flat-foot the guy.
And then, attack: [roll1] for [roll2] plus [roll3] electricity and if the feint succeeds, [roll4] deceptive attack.

Captain Jak
2022-02-23, 01:42 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 73 | AC: 20 | TOUCH: 9 | FLAT: 19
INITIATIVE: +1 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: +5 | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

The Rosidragon chortles as the big bird appears; something to play with! The others would probably appreciate it if she kept it occupied, and so she lunched forward—

Check that. She lunged forward, snapping with her fierce teeth. Thus wouldn’t even the first time she has been guilty of being a bit of a biter….

Attack the birdie! [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2022-02-23, 07:04 PM
Labs ain't got not time for Kalliste's foul complaints, because he has his own complaints to bring to bear! And she is easily distracted anyway.

The mental voice chimes in, and not only does Labs' axe now crackle with lightning, it also makes his beard crackle, giving it that extra puffy look! Charged as he is now, he does his best impression of a graceful gymnast twisting, jumping, saltoing, and even swinging on a chandelier that may or may not have been there before to move to the Manager's flank and bring down his mighty axe.

Move Labs tumbles through Rosidragon's squares at full speed without penalty (due to Exaggerated Tumble) to B8.
Tumble [roll0]

Standard Attack the Manager [roll1], [roll2] damage + [roll3] lightning damage

2022-02-24, 02:12 AM
"Suck on poison you stupid feather duster!" snapped Elexis, swinging his blade at the summoned creature.

Full attack. First successful attack on it forces it to make a DC 16 Fort save or take 2d12 damage for primary.


2022-02-24, 09:15 AM
The big bird isn't affected by Elexis swing but looks at him, with a certain disgust. It sqeaks loudly, lashing out with it's beek and runs away.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Hey! I'm going to eat you!

Both Kalliste and Labs attack connect succesfully bringing some panic towards the Manager. He would try to reach for the magical rescue button under his desk but that got destroyed… Along with his desk.

Instead he casts a spell and disappears… Only to reappear on top of one of the massive cupboards.

"You won't get me! You have one last chance to surrender!"

The bird has spring attack and The Manager's Concentration is too high too fail his defensive casting.

Hi. I wanted to say thank you for rescuing me. I hope this helps you a little.

You all gain 5 ThP's.

Dinner, anyone? (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TJs3EhCDrn3qzJ8wRYNERZ8TubJABVBYWlozvRaFzTA/edit#gid=0)

2022-02-24, 10:03 AM
"Thanks, it actually does," muttered the hexblade, pointing at the Manager and saying a fell word.

I use my Hexblade's Curse on the manager dude. DC 19 Will save.

2022-02-24, 10:10 AM
Kalliste groans and gives chase, trying to maneuver nimbly through the immediate vicinity of the still totally CUTE bird (although the bird's looked friendly and harmless enough thus far). She's already closing in on the cupboard when two sudden realizations hit her, prompting her to groan again. Rosi! she calls out to the mighty Rosidragon. You're a dragon! Well, dragon enough for their purposes anyway. BREATHE ON THE ROBE GUY! she bellows with triumphant glee, before turning her attention elsewhere.
Is that, you know, Infernal that I'm hearin'? she addresses Birdy most cordially, shooting a friendly smile in the creature's direction. Which plane?

K. double moves to N8, traversing Birdy's threatened area at M10.
Tumble: [roll0]
and Diplomacy, if applicable: [roll1]

Captain Jak
2022-02-24, 01:49 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 73 | AC: 20 | TOUCH: 9 | FLAT: 19
INITIATIVE: +1 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: +5 | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

"Absolutely!" Rosi replies. "Just as soon as I figure out how to turn it on!" It’s not exactly like Poop Dragons come with an instruction manual.

Barring that, she attempted another bite of birdie brisket!

Attack the birdie! [roll0] Damage:

2022-02-26, 04:59 PM
You are welcome, and thank you, Labs tries to think back as he wheels around, running to the cabinets, scampering up the side with no slowing down, before jumping over to the Manager, axe first. "Your cooperation with unsavory coachmen is also unacceptable!"

Move Labs moves/climbs up to J4 on the cabinet. Full speed tumble without penalty.
Climb [roll0]
Tumble [roll1]

Swift Use Exaggerated Jump to do a swift action jump to L4. It is considered to have a running start due to Exaggerated Jump.
Jump [roll2]

Standard Hit the manager with his axe
[roll3], [roll4] damage + [roll5] electricity damage

Free Complain.

2022-02-28, 07:27 AM

For a short moment you feel a heavy mental pressure that is actually just focused on the manager. He wrests with it and seems to throw it down, but while he was wrestling with that, Elexis curse actually slipped through his mental defenses.

Labs hits the manager heavily, letting him tumble on top of the shelf. Get away from me you… You… Menial worker!

Labs feels a heavy force hitting him square in the stomach!

Damage: [roll0]
An invisible force makes a bull rush attempt with [roll1]

The bird screeches loudly, then get's bitten. It retaliates with another screeching bite and retreat.

Uh, another kindred Soul. You know I would love to Converse more with you but my summoner asked me to eat everyone of you and this is my first assignemnt and I really don't want to screw it up. I'd eat you last though!*get's bitten* Agh! That didn't even hurt! Getting summoned is so cool!

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Trouble in middle Management. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TJs3EhCDrn3qzJ8wRYNERZ8TubJABVBYWlozvRaFzTA/edit#gid=0)

2022-02-28, 09:10 AM
The hexblade raised his poisoned blade and charged at the summoned creature.

Charge at the bird.


I'll roll the damage in the server if it hits.

Also it's poisoned; Fort DC 16 against taking 2d12 hit point damage for initial.

2022-02-28, 09:19 AM
"I am a lumberjack, and I will not stand for the wasting of all the fine trees that were used to build this stupid place!"

Labs promptly tries to hit him with his axe again, apparently not really caring much for whatever force went for his belly.

"And you 'Dungeon Masters' should learn to respect the people working hard to provide material to everyone else a little more!"

Labs hits the guy with his axe again, since he saves against the bull rush.

[roll0], [roll1] damage + [roll2] electricity damage

2022-02-28, 04:38 PM
What a chill birdy, and a consumate professional to boot!That's sweet indeed! My deal gives a bit more, you know, agency, but this no pain, no death deal's, like, a nice trade-off. Speaking of sweet, I'm not goin' to, you know complain about ending up at the end of the to-eat list either; as my Boss'd say…
Kalliste never gets to finish her sentence, though, as the other party promptly pops away, succumbing to grievous wounds. Kalliste stares and then glares at Elexis for a moment. What on earth's wrong with you, guys? I was, you know, talkin' to that bird! Such complete lack of civility! And not just on the hexblade's part. In the meantime, the Big Guy up there's hogging that juicy acceptable target, all for himself.
She briefly mulls her options; she could morph back into original flavour Kalliste and climb the cabinet, but she'd lose so many perks. She could try to take a potshot with her crossbow, but she's not a world class marksman. She'll have to get creative, then! The four-eyed lizard pulls her backpack forward and reaching inside, produces a small flask after some rummaging. Labs's tentacle poison did fun stuff after exploding; maybe the room-spinner can emulate that too (or, at least, make that tiresome Manager guy fall off the cabinet; she'd settle for that)! And so, she takes aim and throws.

K. retrieves the room-spinning experimental potion and lobs it at the top of the cabinet (targeting that, rather than the Manager): [roll0]

2022-03-07, 09:00 AM
Elexis ends the existence of the Achierai with one heavy swing and the big bird justs *poofs* out of existence.

Labs swings at the Manager but this time his axe hits a protective invisible forcefield. He just wants to make himself ready to cast another spell when Kalliste's potion hit's the cabinet… There doesn't happen anything in the first second but then the cabinet swings wildly around and ends up upside down.

The cabinet then goes on to say: "I'm not feeling that great guys…" opens it's door and regurgitates it's insides (which are a lot of documents.)

Labs react quick enough to not fall down but the Manager didn't seemed to be that lucky.

He falls down and with a sickening *crunch* he transforms into a sickening red, White, Purple?... And blue?… And Yellow? Something?!

The weird thing that was formerly known as The Manager begins to mumble in weird and somehow painful? words and lashes out towards Kalliste with a... Beak?

Everyone gains [roll0] Sonic Damage, Will save against 18 for half.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
When you get hit make a Will save against 18 or be sickened.

What the Kahuches?! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TJs3EhCDrn3qzJ8wRYNERZ8TubJABVBYWlozvRaFzTA/edit#gid=0)

2022-03-07, 09:15 AM
Seeing the manager turn into a... a... well, let's not think about that, Labs kind of looks somewhat uncomfortable, but quickly resumes dispensing corrective axe hits. After jumping over the shelf-regurgitated document spillage.

Jump and tumble to the upper flank of the manager
Tumble [roll0]
Jump [roll1] (counts as running jump)

Then hit the manager, as one does
[roll2], [roll3] damage + [roll4] elec damage

2022-03-07, 09:35 AM
"Fly like a hornet, sting like an even bigger one," muttered Elexis, slathering more poison onto his blade and charging the... honestly he wasn't sure what that was and didn't really want to know.

Master of Poisons, giant wasp poison(DC 18 or take 1d6 Dex damage). Charge.


2022-03-07, 10:16 AM
Kalliste chuckles as the cabinet comes to life and dumps the manager at her very feet, although she can't help but feel sorry for the poor thing. But hey, it worked! Kind of? Is that guy melting? And what's that sound?

Before long, Kalliste finds herself with a horrible headache, a grievous wound (that thing just bit through her supercool armour plating!) AND moderately queasy. Hey! she grumbles with a scowl (or the four-eyed reptilian equivalent thereof), before indignantly trying to retaliate. That thing called "sense of self-preservation" is for the weak, after all!

K. move action feints: [roll0] (-2 factored in!) and
Standard action attacks: [roll1] for [roll2] and [roll3] electricity and [roll4] deceptive attack if the feint is succesful (in which case she targets flat-footed AC).
The one good thing about deceptive attack is, by the way, that it's not precision damage, so it applies against anything, regardless whether its anatomy is discernable or not.

Captain Jak
2022-03-09, 01:48 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 73 | AC: 20 | TOUCH: 9 | FLAT: 19
INITIATIVE: +1 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: +5 | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

After gagging a few times but failing to engage the dragon's breath weapon, Rosidragon gives up and simply lumbers at...whatever it is the Manager has turned into, big mouth full of teeth slamming down to bite.

Attack the colourful monstrosity! [roll0] Damage:

2022-03-10, 03:32 AM
The big colorful monstrosity shakes itself shaking away colorful splotches of itself that midflight turn around and home in on you.

Labs attack: [roll0] Touch attack.
Rosywin attack: [roll1] Touch attack.
Kalliste attack: [roll2] Touch attack.
Elexis attack: [roll3] Touch attack.
If you get hit you get [roll4] Acid Damage.
And Need to roll a DC 18 Reflex save or fall down. This counts as a magic effect: Spell resistance: [roll5]

While shaking around it attacks Labs with a gurgling bite.

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
When you get hit make a Will save against 18 or be sickened.

Ourgh? (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TJs3EhCDrn3qzJ8wRYNERZ8TubJABVBYWlozvRaFzTA/edit#gid=0)

2022-03-10, 05:43 AM
Suddenly, Labs is attacked by irate splotches, splotching him right off his feet! And the Thing!Manager latchign onto him with a stinky bite!

"Ew ow, I question your personal hygiene, sir!" Labs calls out, trying to get back on his feet and swing at the... thing.

Took full damage from both attacks. I think Labs is at 44 HP now.

Move action stand up

Attack [roll0], [roll1] 15 slashing damage + [roll2] elec damage

edit: d12, not d20!

2022-03-10, 05:55 AM
Kalliste almost manages to dodge her splotch, alomost being the operative word. She hits the floor with a loud thud, looking positivelyÂ… Unfazed. She rolls back on her feet with a wide, predatory reptilian grin all over her snout. Someone's runnin' out of steam already? she quips as she swings again, none the worse for wear.

Fiendish Resistance saves the day! Kalliste takes no damage this time.
Also, an attack: [roll0] for [roll1] and [roll2] electricity.

Captain Jak
2022-03-11, 12:52 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 73 | AC: 20 | TOUCH: 9 | FLAT: 19
INITIATIVE: +1 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: +5 | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

Rearing back after successfully biting the-Thing-that-had-been-Manager, the Rosidragon spits awkwardly a couple of times.

"You taste awful!" she says accusingly. "It’s fantastic!" The bits of ejectae have no trouble landing on her currently massive form, sizzling and bubbling on the surface of the protective magic that had been laid upon her from a distance. She sways, but maintains her balance, and gleefully goes in for another spark-toothed chomp!

Attack the colourful monstrosity, redux! [roll0] Damage:
[roll1] Electrical damage: [roll2]

2022-03-11, 03:31 AM
"Well if poison doesn't work let's see about this," muttered the hexblade, activating the power of his armbands and swinging his blade at the monstrosity.

Swift action to get Charisma to damage for 1 round against cursed creature. And full attack.


2022-03-11, 04:07 AM
Sorry if were a bit late to the Party... Really sorry guys.
But we have charged all of our best healing. And know you will get it. Be healed!

You all heal [roll0] HP.

When you stand up the colorful thing bites into Kalliste who's standing up.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
If you get hit make a DC 18 will save or be sickened that's an EX ability, not subject to SR.

The barrage of attacks slice unto the colorful monstrosity that once was known as The Manager. Still it's able to somehow stand and some internal things seem to be Happening. It seems to regain a bit of it's composure and it's Colors seem a bit brighter than before… Then it unleahes itself against the mighty rosidragon, gurglebiting and colorscratching at the massive form.

Gurglebite [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
If you get hit make a DC 18 Fortitude save or be slowed.
colorscratch [roll5]
Damage [roll6]
If you get hit make a DC 18 will save or be sickened.

2022-03-11, 05:41 AM
No worries! I've just made some, you know, room for it! Kalliste projects cheerfully towards the source of the voice. And now, back to business! she adds aloud. That shiny thing is tough as all hells; there's still stuff to do about that!

Bluff: [roll0] to feint;
Attack: [roll1] for [roll2] slashing plus [roll3] electricity plus [roll4] deceptive if the feint succeeds.

2022-03-11, 05:54 AM
Labs can't do much more than underline his statements with arguments looking suspiciously like axe hits.

5ft step one square to the right to flank with Elexis

Attack [roll0], [roll1] damage + [roll2] elec

Captain Jak
2022-03-13, 11:39 AM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 52 | AC: 20 | TOUCH: 9 | FLAT: 19
INITIATIVE: +1 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: +5 | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

The Rosidragon weathers the attacks from the colourful thing, spilling dark blood on the floor but resisting the more insidious aspects of the points of contact.

"Oooh, it’s been a while since anything hurt!" she exclaims shrilly...for a dragon, anyhow. Feeling she’s still getting the better of these exchanges, she snaps her jaws in another massive bite.

Attack the colourful monstrosity, the attackening! [roll0] Damage:
[roll1] Electrical damage: [roll2]

2022-03-13, 06:51 PM
"Well, if it worked once..."

The hexblade activated the power of his armbands again, continuing to hack at the monstrosity with fell might.

Full attack Power Attack for -4.


2022-03-14, 07:13 AM
With the combined attacks of everyone the colorful monstrosity gurgels a last *gurg* and the colors seem to flow away from him, leaving a colorful luminescent stain on the red carpet. The body of The Manager seems to be gone, but there is his white robe (now normal-sized) and a pair of gloves that seem to have absorbed some of the colors and are now nicely colored in different shades of any color of the rainbow. Also a small crystal that smells explicitly like fresh mint tea.

Another pair of documents slides down and lands with a *thud* on the carpet.

2022-03-14, 07:37 AM
"Well that was... let's go with interesting, said the hexblade, shaking off bodily fluids off his weapon. "What now?"

2022-03-14, 12:32 PM
"Well, uh, well, that was, uh, a thing. Yes," Labs concludes, axe still dripping. "Is... is that crystal a key? How do keys look like in this place?" He tries picking it up, though he is not sure how to feel about the color... soup. Let's go with soup.

Searching the office for keys might also be in order. And what keys belong to where. And maybe a list of who is trapped here and why.

2022-03-14, 02:18 PM
What now? the lizard called Kalliste grins at Elexis. We loot the room! Obviously. which she then proceeds to attempt, taking the methodical approach. Hey, ZZ! You still, you know, in here? she tries to think at the researcher in the meantime. I have a, you know, quick question: is the "you killed it, you bought it" principle in effect 'ere? 'Cause if so, you're about to get a raise.

First, Kalliste's going to search the chest/trunk thing, the cabinets and the sad remains of the Manager's desk:
Search: [roll0]; [roll1]; [roll2]; [roll3]; [roll4]; [roll5]; [roll6]

Meanwhile, she'll think hard about what the heck they've just fought: Knowledge (arcana): [roll7]

Captain Jak
2022-03-15, 11:54 PM
Rosiwyn Billowcloak (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1919614)
HP: 12 | CURRENT: 52 | AC: 20 | TOUCH: 9 | FLAT: 19
INITIATIVE: +1 | SPOT: +9 | LISTEN: +13 | FORTITUDE: +5 | REFLEX: +4 | WILL: +3

"Well, that was weird," the Rosidragon giggles, and isn’t that an odd sound coming from such a massive beast. Not really all that curious about the items left behind by the melting carcass – not like she can really make much use of them, right? – she stays well away from the foul-smelling stone and turns her attention to the latest two documents that hit the ground. Telekinetically lifting them to eye level, she sees if they have anything interesting to say.

2022-03-16, 10:14 AM
They are no mental responses. hard to say how that exactly worked in the first place. Though you're experiences with tentacled horses are probably more numerous than the usual adventuring group you don't seem to get a response.

------------- Two Floating Documents -------------

"Remember to cipher this. The latest batch included some interesting individuals. Perhaps we can get our funds to good use, finally finding out why some people can go toe to toe with a beholder and some not. The batch included the following."

"An immaterial musician. Reminder to put it in special cell. Test the wards."

"A muscular, hairy Lumberjack. Rumored to be a substantial help towards adventurers. Plant some trees."

"A swordsman with a very intelligent snake. Perhaps some kind of spellsword? Get more antimagic dust."

"A rogue, a cutpurse, probably even a bum of a woman with a otherwordly aura. Remember to not give spoons!"

------------- Loot! -----------

The chest is closed. However after some try and error you eventually get it open and you see a piece of paper labeled with FUNDS. Under that are all adventurers best friend. Yes you're right it's "Easily tradable gemstm" with a lot of additional coins. Containing up to

5000 Gold, 500 silver, and 300 Copper coins.

A lot of the other cupboards are filled with documents. Some seems to be in a cipher, letters in common that at the first sign don't make ANY sense. Some are in plain common, some bureucratic endeavor to take the costs and the profits of that place in order which fills an entire cupboard and it's cost are down to the last copper piece.

The remnants of the desk have some spilled ink, some parchments, a weird red button that isn't labeled.

If the remnants of the Manager (mainly the robe) is even touched unvolantarily it's effect is somehow communicated towards you.

- Protects like a Chain Shirt (+4 armor Bonus to AC)
- If you are posessed or controlled inside the facility you release a 1x per day "Protection from neutral" as a full-round action from the robe to yourself to counter the effect
- Opens and closes all doors in the facility

2022-03-16, 12:08 PM
Brushing against the robe, Labs gets to realize it is, basically, the key. Gingerly lifting it out of the puddle of colors, Labs shakes it out once or twice, but it doesn't seem like the gunk will come off. Face scrunching up once again, he reluctantly puts it on, not feeling great about it. "Well, uh, I'll go and get the angel person out of the cage now. Anyone else want to see who else might be stuck here?" A beat and a sigh. "And the fire-handed drow need to go somewhere as well..."

If no one intervenes, Labs goes to free the angel at the very least.

2022-03-16, 02:21 PM
Junk, junk, junk, more junk, boring junk aaaand jackpot. Guys. Kalliste cooes, eyeing the contents of the chest. We're freakin' rich. Five. Thousand. Gold. And more. It's beautiful. It's theirs to take. And some, you know, accounting books, if anyone's enough of a bore to be into that, Labs. And a lot o' stuff in code. Anyway… she stands, her eyes (all four of them) on the chest, but then, then the lumberjack's chronic Feed Orphans Syndrome manifests again. Before she could groan, however, Labs makes a further comment, more to her liking. See? I told you they were nice! she closes the chest and turns around. Hey Rosi! Pick that up and let's get, you know, rollin'! Closed doors and burning elves, 'ere we come!

2022-03-17, 10:40 AM
When the door to the manager opens with Labs mental command you can see the floors like they were before. It seems no one has realized the change in management. When you get towards the angels cell however things are quite a bit different then they were before. The weird tentacled horse nuzzles the tentacled lady. The two healers that you rescued are near the cell of the angel and they, very, very, carefully scoop some of the weird gunk that had littered the cell out of it and either prey or cast spells over it, which very slowly seems to make it disappear. Despite the slow pace it seems they have been on it a while.

Someone with the weird handling gear oversees the process. This person is also the first who looks towards you, removing the weird mask contraption it seems it's one of the guys who observed you at first.

"Hi guys! The horse let me out of my cell, because it seems I'm okay? I don't really know what to do to be honest, but I'm willing to go with the flow for the moment if that's alright with you?"

It's ZZ!

When the door to the celestial opens the two healers (with one seeming a little pale around the nose, but otherwise alright) Help Labs getting the more than manheight plucked angel out of his cell. They carefully get him out of the gunk and before praying over him to get the rest of the stuff away from him congratulate you. "I guess that means we can get out pretty soon? We take care of him, I must admit I never encountered something like that but I think he will make it. We take care of him for now."

This get's continued HERE! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?645397-Little-sandbox-of-Strangeness)

2022-03-17, 12:15 PM
"Thanks for the help, everyone," Labs says to all the people they meet while going to free the angel.

To ZZ: "Well, I am not opposed to you being free. If you could tell us what other people and beings are stuck in here, that would be helpful. Also how to, well, get the more, well, dangerous people away from here. And preferably somewhere where they won't harm innocent people."

Once the angel is freed, he says to the healers: "If you could help us tend to any wounds someone in this place might have, that would be much appreciated. There are still rooms we haven't been in, and some people might need help. You are, of course, free to go as you like, the manager is no more."

2022-03-17, 02:41 PM
Kalliste gives the tentacle horse and the other tentacle thing (this place is weird) a friendly wave, but otherwise, she doesn't feel like she'd like to interrupt… Whatever those two are actually doing. Instead, she strolls in through the door energetically. Before she could poke her nose into the weird muck the formerly distressed healer people are working on, however, the weird mask thing comes off of a certain humanoid and her eyes (all four of them) widen. She quickly reverts back into her normal and less unsettling form, and she darts forward, brushing past Labs as the man delivers his monologue about logistics. ZZ! she squeals, giving the researcher a big tight hug. Did you get my message?she pulls back somewhat, to give ZZ a chance to breathe. And don' mind Labs. Except, you know, for the part with the many thanks. (You folks all did an absolutely wonderful job, we'll be forever in your debt. Fig'ratively speakin'.) And the bit where he, you know, told the other guys that, um, we may have reduced the Manager to an icky puddle.

2022-03-17, 08:14 PM
"Yeah, good job everyone," commented the hexblade.