View Full Version : Player Help Mechanics of a Crusader on Discord (play by post)

2021-10-27, 03:03 PM
Hi, I've just started playing a Crusader in a play-by-post text-based campaign on Discord, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to handle the management of maneuvers, specifically which ones are granted on each round. I've never played a Crusader (or anything in ToB) before, but my understanding is that most people use something like index cards to make a deck that they physically draw from when playing in person. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to translate that to an online text-based format like Discord.

What I've come up with so far is have a table like:
1) Maneuver 1
2) Maneuver 2
3) Maneuver 3
4) Maneuver 4
5) Maneuver 5

Then I'll use the dice-roller to roll 1d5, then 1d4, then 1d3, to come up with the initial 3 granted maneuvers (with Extra Granted Maneuver), and after each role mentally remove one of the maneuvers from the chart. [I thought I could roll 3d5, but the D&D 3.5 Assistant Bot doesn't show individual dice, so that didn't work.] And then subsequent rounds do 1d2, then the last one doesn't need a roll.

That seems like kind of a pain, especially since it involves mentally remembering which ones were already granted/expended, and there may be days of real time between the combat rounds in-game, but I can't figure out a better way. Any ideas?

2021-10-27, 04:17 PM
I'd say find another dice bot with the functionality you need and invite it to the server. For example, Chartopia (https://chartopia.d12dev.com/) has a Discord bot called Twelve that lets you roll on custom tables.

2021-10-27, 06:28 PM
That or play the Idiot Crusader so that after a certain level you always refresh all maneuvers each round.

2021-11-01, 09:37 AM
Great, thanks for the suggestions.

2021-11-01, 12:35 PM
are these NPC Crusaders, else why are you rolling for the readied maneuvers? Anyways I mostly play by post and the way I handle it is with the swordsage and warblade I play as is each IC day/ time I use Adaptive Style I come up with a list of readied maneuvers based on the situation. Then when we are in combat I have an OOC at the bottom with a list of my readied maneuvers and each time I use a readied maneuver I change it to maneuver. That works well for tracking my maneuvers in a play by post setting.

2021-11-01, 04:26 PM
Thanks liquidformat, that's helpful. It is a PC crusader, not an NPC. My question was specifically about granted maneuvers, not readied ones. Crusaders have that funky maneuver recharge mechanism where they ready 5 maneuvers, but at the start of combat only have 2 (or 3 with Extra Granted Maneuvers) randomly "granted" and available to use. Each round they get another maneuver granted, until they're all available (or used), and then it resets and you start over with just two (or 3) new ones. I like the idea of having an OOC post and using the font strike-through to track them -- that sounds like it would work well for Crusaders too, even if I need a separate mechanism for the randomization.