View Full Version : What would you do with Illusions in the modern world?

2021-10-27, 11:52 PM
If you personally had access to the power of Silent Image and Ghost Sound at will in real life, how would you utilize it?

2021-10-27, 11:58 PM
i would run the best halloween house of horror in the land.

2021-10-28, 12:05 AM
I could be a one-man animation studio, or maybe a few more as writing staff. Still, that's a lot of effort that doesn't need to be done for either animation or live actors. Just need to set up a camera pointing at a hanging white sheet, with some soundproofing in the room, and one could make a lot of movies and/or episodes very quickly. Special effects, ahoy!

2021-10-28, 12:54 AM
I would give away my maps and minis.

2021-10-28, 03:13 AM
make it big in entertainment.

2021-10-28, 08:52 AM
Entertainment industry does seem like the best use for that sort of thing, from a civilian, honest-living standpoint.

As a casual thing, I'd also use it to aid in personal anecdote-sharing.

It'd be great for giving impromptu lectures or discussing floor plans or the like, too, given the mutability of it.

When I want to sing along with something, I might just use ghost sound so I hit the pitch-perfect notes and non-human sounds all together.

Harmless prank opportunities abound, too, with putting illusory items in plain view. Line empty PS5 shelves with illusory PS5s. ...okay, maybe not that one; people get crazy around that kind of thing, and that might not be so harmless.

On a personal security front, if you find yourself in an uncomfortable place where you're worried about being alone, giving yourself a large escort of tough guys could prevent problems.

2021-10-28, 09:58 AM
make it big in entertainment.

This. Concerts would be insane! Combine with Control Sound and you don't even need expensive setup.

2021-10-28, 10:01 AM
Personal artwork mostly, maybe do comms if there’s enough of a work flow for me to quit my day job. I don’t want the fame and public scrutiny that would come with overt use of the powers.

I may also produce the sound of the latest phone’s default ringtone in crowded public areas just to see how many people look.

2021-10-28, 10:30 AM
Remember that Silent Image is concentration. So you could make bodyguards, but you have to be thinking about them the whole time. I wouldn’t give away my maps and minis either, unless you were prepared to concentrate on the map the entire game.

Might be pretty good for staging photos without digital tricks, though.