View Full Version : PrC Adaptation- The Telekineticist

2021-10-28, 03:18 AM
A psionic adaptation of the Master of the Unseen Hand prc, from Complete Warrior

The Telekineticist
"How's the view from up there?"
--- Deringer, a telekineticist

Telekineticists delight in crushing their foes with invisible force, flinging massive objects into the sky, and disarming enemies with a single thought. Their mastery of the craft of telekinesis makes them potent and versatile combatants. This class is an adaptation of the Master of the Unseen Hand prc, from Complete Warrior.
Hit Die: d4.

Becoming a Telekineticist
Most telekineticists begin their careers as psions of any discipline, though some wilders take up this path to expand their repetoire. Any psionic being capable of manifesting the required powers will find this class to be a boon.

Entry Requirements
Skills: Concentration 10 ranks
Psionic Powers: Able to manifest telekinetic force, telekinetic thrust, and telekinetic maneuver, as powers or use them as psi-like, spell-like, or supernatural abilities.

The Telekineticist Hit Die: d4
BAB: Half
Favored Saves: Will
Manifesting: Full
1st- Telekinetic boost, versatile telekinesis
2nd- Telekinetic wielder, sustained concentration
3rd- Improved telekinetic thrust
4th- Fling skyward, telekinetic flight
5th- Full attack telekinetic, swift concentration

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level): The telekineticist class skill list (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis (wis), Concentration (con), Craft (int), Knowledge (psionics) (int), Intimidate (cha), Profession (wis), and Psicraft (int).

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the telekineticist prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A Telekineticist gains no proficiency with any armor, shield, nor weapon.

Manifesting / Powers Known
When a new telekineticist level is gained, the character gains more power points per day (and powers known) as if she had also gained a level in whatever manifesting class she had before she added the prestige class. She doesn't gain any other benefit, except for an increased effective level of manifesting. If she has levels in more than one manifesting class, she must choose one class to add these additional manifester levels to, and once the choice is made she can never change them later. A creature with no levels in an actual manifesting class may add these levels to their racial manifesting instead.

Telekinetic Boost
A Telekineticist adds each level in this class as a special bonus to her total manifester level whenever she manifests, or uses the special ability of- telekinetic force, telekinetic thrust, or telekinetic maneuver. This means she may augment these powers, if able, with more powerpoints than normal, and they are harder to dispel / counter, and later on her attack bonus with them is higher.

Versatile Telekinesis
Whenever a Telekineticist manifests or uses a special ability of telekinetic force or telekinetic maneuver; she may switch between the effects at the start of her turn, while the duration and lasts and she maintains concentration. She may use a telekinetic thrust effect, but doing so ends the power afterwards.

Telekinetic Wielder
Whenever a Telekineticist manifests or uses a special ability of telekinetic maneuver, she may choose to wield an unattended weapon, or a weapon that she holds or has on her person. Doing so allows her to move the weapon up to 40 feet, and she can make a melee attack with it. She uses her manifester level as her base attack bonus, and her key ability modifier as a manifester instead of her strength modifier for the attack and damage bonus. The weapon's movement never provokes an attack of opportunity, and it can flank enemies with the Telekineticist's allies. This effect lasts as long as the Telekineticist maintains concentration on this effect, if she switches the effect to a telekinetic force, maneuver, or thrust, this effect ends. She can resume wielding a weapon again if she continues to maintain concentration, with the same power, later on, as long as the power isn't ended by using a thrust.

Sustained Concentration
A Telekineticist learns how to maintain easier concentration on her telekinetic powers. She now need only spend a move action to concentrate on telekinetic force and telekinetic maneuver. She may even manifest another power while concentrating, though she needs to succeed on a concentration check to do so, as if she were distracted by a non-damaging effect/spell.

Improved Telekinetic Thrust
A Telekineticist learns how to improve her violent telekinetic thrusts. She uses her manifester level in place of her base attack bonus, key manifesting ability modifier in place of her dexterity or strength modifiers, and the thrust no longer ends the power - instead she must wait 1d4 rounds before being able to make another thrust.

Fling Skyward
Rather than hurling a creature or object with a thrust, a Telekineticist can hurl a creature straight up into the air. The target is allowed a Will saving throw (and power/spell resistance) to resist the effect. The Telekineticist can hurl a Large or smaller creature upward up to a maximum of 10 feet per manifester level, and a Huge or larger creature upward up to a maximum of 5 feet per manifester level. At the beginning of the target's next turn, it falls to the ground, sustaining 1d6 damage per 10 feet it fell. Unlike a normal thrust use, successfully using Fling Skyward causes the telekinetic power to end.

Telekinetic Flight
A Telekineticist learns to use the telekinetic force effect to lift herself and other willing creatures safely into the air. With a move action, while maintaining concentration, she can move 20 feet with perfect maneuverability, and can move other willing creatures similarly. The other creatures do not have to move in the same direction as she, but if they move further than 40 feet away from the Telekineticist, they immediately plummet to the ground. A Telekineticist can lift one Medium or smaller creature (and up to that creature's maximum load) per three manifester levels. A Large creature counts as two medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as four medium creatures, a Gargantuan creature counts as eight medium creatures, and a Colossal creature counts as sixteen medium creatures. The choice to move, and continue moving the creatures in this way, must be made at the start of the Telekineticist's turn. If she doesn't maintain concentration, they will fall. If she doesn't move the creatures again, she must at least use this option to maintain their position in the air, or they will fall.

Swift Concentration
A Telekineticist at the height of their power learns how to easily maintain concentration on their telekinetic powers. She may now spend a swift action on her turn to concentrate on any of her on-going telekinetic powers. She may also manifest and concentrate on an entirely different power whilst maintaining concentration on her telekinesis in this way, but she must still make a concentration check to concentrate as though distracted by a non-damaging effect/spell (if this check fails, BOTH powers immediately end).

Full Attack Telekinetic
A Telekineticist learns how to blend combat perfectly with her telekinetic might. She may now make a full attack when using telekinetic maneuver effect or her telekinetic wielder ability (and move the weapon up to 40 feet either before or after making one of the attacks). This full attack uses her manifester level as the base attack bonus to determine how many attacks she may make. If she has two-weapon fighting feats, she may also wield a second weapon at the same time and fight with both in the same manner, and both weapons occupy the same square of space.

Thoughts, critiques? I intended it to be strong on purpose.