View Full Version : My First Wilderness Session

2021-10-28, 05:57 AM
I am playing with a small group of 3 players. This is great, since it makes it really easy for me to design the gameplay specifically around their needs and wants. I get to reinvent every part of the game to make sure it gives them the most out of each session, and it's amazing.

Next, or the "next-next" session will be the first wilderness scene I've run since 4e was in full sprint. So it's been a while. I am creating a list of questions for my players to answer, just to see what their favorite aspect of wilderness travel is. But on top of that, I'm also creating a sort of "core idea" on what wilderness will always showcase, independent of my players' preferences.

For reference, I'm assuming they will stay in a major location for 3-5 sessions, before travelling for 1-2 sessions.

I have a bunch of interesting stuff to put in the players path, so lack of content definitely won't be an issue.


The Wilderness
Regardless of the players’ preferences, the core of wilderness travel is always the same. The party is trying to get to a new location, and the DM will place plot hooks, interesting locations, story events and scenes that will make the world feel bigger and more alive.
In addition to the "scripted events", each wilderness scene also includes:

An opportunity To hunt down an ancient artifact, if the party is willing to face the dangers to retrieve it.
The opportunity to take a particularly dangerous path. Doing so presents the players with a peril, combat encounter or skill Challenge which counts towards gaining a level and usually grant a Reward Roll.
They will be presented with two options of paths, which determine what key locations the DM will introduce.

This way the players get to choose whether they would like an extended wilderness scene, or move quickly on to the destination location to continue the story. It also includes on "left or right" choice where both paths lead to a scene, which will make them feel like they are actively travelling, and not just suffer a series of "fast travels" between locations.

If the players will consistently always pick the same options, I will gate it behind a skill check to make their prefered path feel More like an achievement..


The questionnaire will look something like this

What gets you excited about travelling long distances in a fantasy game?
What are your wants in terms of wilderness travel. When you see your character hiking over long distances, what does that look like in your mind's eye?
Do you like incredible descriptions of a fantasy landscape, or do you see travel as more of a mundane trek?
Do you want it to be dangerous, and use spells, skills and wits to get past and around various dangers?
Would you like it to just be a quick cutscene, and skip straight to key locations in the story?
What do you see as the main bits of the wilderness? Is it magical locations, ancient ruins, isolated civilizations, scary monsters or perhaps other travellers?
Do you like map-keeping, of actually being able to track our location and figure out the best way to the destination?
Do you like tracking resources?
Would you like there to be a clear distinction between safe and hazardous paths?
Would you like to be able to choose the climate or theme to set the next adventure in, and kinda build the world as we explore it?